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This paper extends some previous work on the acceleration of minor ions in the solar wind to include the effects of wave acceleration and heating arising from minor ions interacting via the gyroresonance with ion cyclotron waves. Resonant wave acceleration is made up of two contributions, the first, and generally the more important, is a local acceleration which is proportional to the wave power and the number of resonant particles and is also sensitive to the details of the distribution function; while the other contribution is basically fluid dynamic in character, arises from the inhomogeneity of the medium and is proportional to the radial gradient of the resonant wave power. Under suitable cir-cumstances both contributions exhibit the feature that heavier ions receive greater acceleration than lighter ones. Also the kinematics of the resonance shows that the resonance wave acceleration switches off above a maximum differential speed, between ions and protons, which increases with increasing ratio of mass to charge. We also examine briefly possible beam instabilities driven by the streaming of minor ions relative to protons.  相似文献   

A. Bürgi  J. Geiss 《Solar physics》1986,103(2):347-383
A theoretical model of the acceleration region of the solar wind with major species (p, , e) and minor ions (e.g., 3He, C, O, Mg, Si) is presented. Observed n e -profiles and the equations of continuity and momentum are used to calculate profiles of T, n, and u for all species, as well as charge states of minor ions. The disagreement of the results of a pure p-e model with observations is discussed in some detail, and it is shown that a model consistent with observations both in the corona and at 1 AU requires a finite abundance of He+ +. This model predicts a strong enhancement of He/H in the lower corona. The results for the frozen-in charge states in the p--e model are in agreement with measurements in the low speed solar wind, especially for the well determined pair O6+/O7+. Finally, a model for a coronal hole is investigated and it is found that wave pressure is necessary to model successfully the observed solar wind speeds and abundances.Although various simplifying assumptions had to be introduced, care was taken to ensure that the model remains physically consistent, i.e., that the same physics is used for the major species as well as the minor ions.  相似文献   

Endeve  Eirik  Leer  Egil 《Solar physics》2001,200(1-2):235-250
In coronal holes the electron (proton) density is low, and heating of the proton gas produces a rapidly increasing proton temperature in the inner corona. In models with a reasonable electron density in the upper transition region the proton gas becomes collisionless some 0.2 to 0.3 solar radii into the corona. In the collisionless region the proton heat flux is outwards, along the temperature gradient. The thermal coupling to electrons is weak in coronal holes, so the heat flux into the transition region is too small to supply the energy needed to heat the solar wind plasma to coronal temperatures. Our model studies indicate that in models with proton heating the inward heat conduction may be so inefficient that some of the energy flux must be deposited in the transition region to produce the proton fluxes that are observed in the solar wind. If we allow for coronal electron heating, the energy that is needed in the transition region to heat the solar wind to coronal temperatures, may be supplied by heat conduction from the corona.  相似文献   

The influence of the solar wind on large-scale temperature and density distributions in the lower corona is studied. This influence is most profoundly felt through its effect upon the geometry of coronal magnetic fields since the presence of expansion divides the corona into magnetically open and closed regions. Each of these regions is governed by entirely different energy transport processes. This results in significant temperature differences since only the open field regions suffer outward conductive heat losses. Because the temperature influences the density in an exponential manner, large density inhomogeneities are to be expected.An approximate method for calculating the temperature and density distribution in a known magnetic field geometry is outlined and numerical estimates are carried out for representative coronal conditions. These estimates show that temperature differences of a factor of about two and density differences of ten can be expected in the lower corona even for uniform base conditions. As a result, we do not regard the so-called coronal holes necessairly as locations of reduced mechanical heating. Alternatively, we suggest that they are regions of open magnetic field lines being continuously drained of energy contert by the solar wind expansion and outward thermal conduction.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

M. P. Nakada 《Solar physics》1970,14(2):457-479
Effects of diffusion on the composition of the solar corona and solar wind have been examined. Multi-component diffusion equations have been solved simultaneously in attempts to account for the flux of He and heavier elements in the solar wind. Large enhancements of these elements at the base of the assumed isothermal corona appear to be required to give observed fluxes. Coronal conditions and solar wind fluxes that might account for the diffusive presence of Fe at high altitudes have been studied.  相似文献   

G. S. Lakhina  B. Buti 《Solar physics》1996,165(2):329-336
Hot electrons injected during solar flares at the top of coronal loops interact with the cooler chromospheric plasma and excite lower hybrid (LH) instabilty. The saturation electric fields due to LH instability can be of the order of a few hundred V cm–1. Such high electric fields can stochastically accelerate protons and other minor ions. The heavier ions are preferentially accelerated by this stochastic process.  相似文献   

In experiments that were regularly carried out in 1999–2002 with Pushchino radio telescopes (Russian Academy of Sciences), the study of the radial dependence of the scattering of radio emission from compact natural sources was extended to regions of circumsolar plasma farther from the Sun. Based on a large body of data, we show that, apart from the standard transonic acceleration region located at distances of 10–40 R from the Sun, there is a region of repeated acceleration at distances of 34–60 R attributable to the equality between the solar wind velocity and the Alfvénic velocity. The repetition in the trans-Alfvénic region of the characteristic features of the radial stream structure observed in the transonic region (the existence of a precursor, a narrow region of reduced scattering that precedes a wide region of enhanced scattering) suggests that the main characteristic features of the resonant acceleration of solar wind streams are preserved up to distances of the order of 60 R.  相似文献   

Ions heavier than 4He are treated as “minors” in the solar wind. This is justified for many applications since minor ions have no significant influence on the dynamics of the interplanetary plasma. However, minor ions carry information on many aspects of the formation, on the acceleration and on the transfer of solar plasma from the corona into the interplanetary space. This review concentrates on various aspects of minor ions as diagnostic tracers. The elemental abundance patterns of the solar wind are shaped in the chromosphere and in the lower transition region by processes, which are not fully understood at this moment. Despite this lack of detailed understanding, observed abundance patterns have been classified and are now commonly used to characterize the sources, and to trace back solar-wind flows to their origins in the solar atmosphere. Furthermore, the solar wind is the most important source of information for solar isotopic abundances and for solar abundances of volatile elements. In order to fully exploit this information, a comprehensive understanding of elemental and isotopic fractionation processes is required. We provide observational clues to distinguish different processes at work.  相似文献   

J. Sýkora 《Solar physics》1992,140(2):379-392
The long-term distribution of the Green Corona Low Brightness Regions (GCLBR) on the solar surface is investigated. The frequency curves of the GCLBR follow the solar cycle, but are displaced considerably relative to the curve of the sunspot number cycle. The observed displacement increases with the size of the GCLBR and reaches up to 4–5 years for the largest regions. It is, however, interesting that the displacement in the equatorial zone is opposite to that in the higher-latitude zones.An older idea on the physical affinity between GCLBR and coronal holes led us to study the frequency of GCLBR and the properties of High-Speed Plasma Streams (HSPS) in the solar wind. Maximum velocity and duration of the coronal-hole-related HSPS seem to be well correlated with the number and size of GCLBR located in the N 60-N 20 and S 20-S 60 latitudinal zones. This is particularly evident at the end of the solar cycle.Geophysical Kp and aa indices are used to demonstrate a possible genetic dependence of geoactivity on the size, position on the Sun's surface and frequency of the GCLBR. In this sense, the most pronounced period is 1973–1976.

Melrose  D. B. 《Solar physics》1974,37(2):353-365
Solar Physics - Effective acceleration of particles by hydromagnetic turbulence requires that the particles be scattered at a rate ν comparable with the frequency ω of the turbulence. The...  相似文献   

We find that gamma-ray line (GRL) emissions start later than the hard X-ray (HXR) emissions during impulsive and extended solar flares. Starting delay is more in the case of extended solar flares suggesting a slow acceleration of electrons and ions, in comparison to impulsive solar flares which indicate different acceleration mechanism for impulsive and extended solar flares. We further infer that during solar flares, electrons and ions are accelerated simultaneously and the delay between HXR and GRL emissions results mainly due to differences in acceleration times of electrons and ions to attain energies required for producing HXR emissions for electrons and GRL emissions for ions. Therefore, we are of view that a single step acceleration mechanism may work in solar flares.  相似文献   

The simple form of Ohm's law (SI units)J = (E+ v × B)is valid for high density magnetofluids (where the mean free path for collisions is less than the Larmor radius) but is not strictly valid for the tenuous solar corona. We examine the nonlinear evolution of a magnetic disturbance using a more general form of Ohm's law which includes the Hall term. The Hall term dominates MHD development in the corona when the product of the magnetic scale length and the square root of the density is small enough; in particular when (1) the electron density is less than about 1013 m-3 and (2) the scale length is less than a few hundred meters. For these parameters, a magnetic disturbance may carry electrons at a drift speed in excess of the Alfvén speed. We believe this nonlinear phenomenon may be important for the impulsive acceleration of charged particles in the solar corona.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Y. C. Whang 《Solar physics》1983,88(1-2):343-358
A one-fluid model is employed to study the global expansion of the solar wind from a two-hole corona, under the assumptions that the holes are confined to polar caps within 30° of heliographic colatitude, the flow is steady and axisymmetric, and the geometry of streamlines is prescribed. The boundary conditions are adjusted in such a way that the calculated solar wind properties at 1 AU are in a reasonable agreement with observational results. A series of numerical solutions are obtained, the series produces a maximum terminal speed of 829 km s?1 at the pole. The calculated solar wind speeds are strongly latitude dependent and are positively correlated with local divergence factor of a stream tube. The solutions imply that most plasma properties are highly inhomogeneous at the polar caps. The flow velocity, the temperature, the proton number flux and the conduction heat flux all increase towards the hole center.  相似文献   

Plasma experiment on board of the ESRO satellite HEOS-1 observed heavy ions with energy per unit charge 2.5 and 4 times higher than protons. Observations refer to the driving piston of the interplanetary shock occurred on 31 March 1970.  相似文献   

Hydromagnetic waves are of interest for heating the corona or coronal loops and for accelerating the solar wind. This paper enumerates some of the limitations that must be considered before hydromagnetic waves are taken seriously. In the lowest part of the corona, waves interact so that a significant fraction of the coronal wave flux should have periods as 10 s. If the problem of interest determines either a flux of wave energy or a dissipation rate, the distance that each wave mode can travel can be specified, and for at least one mode it must be consistent with the size and location of the region where the waves are to act. Heating of coronal loops observed by X-rays can be explained if the strength of the magnetic field along the loop lies within a rather narrow range and if the wave period is sufficiently short. In general, Alfvén waves travel furthest and reach high into the corona and into the solar wind. The radial variation of the magnetic field is the most important parameter determining where the waves are dissipated. Heating of coronal helmets by Alfvén waves is probable.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of the flow of minor ion species in the solar wind under the combined influences of gravity, Coulomb friction (with protons), rotational forces (arising from the Sun's rotation and the interplanetary spiral magnetic field) and wave forces (induced in the minor ion flow by Alfvén waves propagating in the solar wind). It is assumed that the solar wind can be considered as a proton-electron plasma which is, to a first approximation, unaffected by the presence of minor ions. In the dense hot region near the Sun Coulomb friction accelerates minor ions outwards against the gravitational force, part of which is cancelled by the charge-separation electric field. Once the initial acceleration has been achieved, wave and rotational forces assist Coulomb friction in further increasing the minor ion speed so that it becomes comparable with, or perhaps even exceeds, the solar wind speed. A characteristic feature of the non-resonant wave force is that it tends to bring the minor ion flow into an equilibrium where the radial speed matches the Alfvén speed relative to the solar wind speed, whereas Coulomb friction and rotational forces tend to bring the flow into an equilibrium where the radial speed of the minor ions equals the solar wind speed. Therefore, provided that there is sufficient wave energy and Coulomb friction is weak, the minor ion speed can be trapped between these two speeds. This inteststing result is in qualitative agreement with observational findings to the effect that the differential flow speed between helium ions and protons is controlled by the ratio of the solar wind expansion time to the ion-proton collision time. If the thermal speeds of the protons and minor ions are small compared to the Alfvén speed, two stable equilibrium speeds can exist because the rapid decrease in the Coulomb cross-section with increasing differential flow speed allows the non-resonant wave force to balance Coulomb friction at more than one ion speed. However, it must be emphasized that resonant wave acceleration and/or strong ion partial pressure gradients are required to achieve radial speeds of minor ions in excess of the proton speed, since, as is shown in Section 4, the non-resonant wave acceleration on protons and minor ions are identical when their radial speeds are the same, with the result that, in the solar wind, non-resonant wave acceleration tends (asymptotically) to equalize minor ion and proton speeds.  相似文献   

Chashei  I.V.  Bird  M.K.  Efimov  A.I.  Andreev  V.E.  Samoznaev  L.N. 《Solar physics》1999,189(2):399-412
A spectral analysis of coronal Faraday rotation (FR) data obtained with the linearly polarized signals of the two Heliosspacecraft reveals that about one-third of the temporal FR spectra contain a distinct spectral line superposed onto the background power-law spectrum. The most prevalent frequency of this quasi-harmonic component (QHC) is about 4 mHz, corresponding to a 4–5 min periodic oscillation of the coronal magnetic field. Physical reasons for the existence of QHC Alfvén fluctuations in the inner solar wind are discussed. FR fluctuations (FRF) are considered to arise from both a turbulent background as well as an isolated Alfvén wave train of finite extent and duration. An estimate can be made for the conditions under which the isolated wave train is observed above the ever present background. It is shown that the wave train must have a sufficiently long duration and transverse wavelength. It is suggested that the QHC at periods near 4–5 min in the FRF spectra are most probably produced by outward-propagating Alfvén waves excited initially in the anisotropic structures of the chromospheric network.  相似文献   

H. J. Fahr 《Solar physics》1973,30(1):193-206
The effect of a new energy source due to energies transferred from supra-thermal secondary ions on the temperature profile of the solar wind has been considered. For this purpose a solution of a tri-fluid model of the solar wind including solar electrons, protons, and -particles, and starting with the boundary conditions of Hartle and Barnes at 0.5 AU is given. On the base of the assumption that suprathermal He+-ions which have four times the temperature of suprathermal protons are predominantly coupled to solar -particles by Alfvén waves, it is shown that the temperature T of solar -particles should be appreciably higher than those T p of solar protons beyond the orbit of the Earth. For 1 AU a temperature excess T over T p according to that which has been found in some solar wind ion spectrograms can only be explained for a small part of the orbit of the earth which is inside the cone of enhanced helium densities. Around 1 AU the temperatures T and T p are found to decrease much slighter with solar distance than given in the two-fluid model of Hartle and Barnes. Beyond 1.7 and 2.2 AU the temperatures T and T p even start increasing with solar distance and come up to about 105 at about 10 AU. These predictions should lend some support to future temperature measurements with deep-space probes reaching Solar distances of some AU.Forschungsberichte des Astronomischen Institutes, Bonn, 72-10.  相似文献   

The faint emission of hydrogen, helium and metals in the corona which appeared near an active prominence is studied. The calculations showed that the temperature of the emission region is in the limits from 10 000 K to 30 000 K and the electron density is between 109-1010 cm-3, respectively.  相似文献   

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