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A shallow hydrothermal brine seep located off the Greek island of Milos in the Aegean Sea was studied. The brine fluid outcropped as a pool of water in a seabed depression and was detected in the surrounding pore-waters of sediments colonised by the sulphur bacterium Achromatium volutans. The seep fluid was highly saline and sulphidic, depleted in Mg2+ and SO42−, but enriched over seawater in Na+, Ca2+, K+, Cl, SiO2, reduced species and dissolved gases. The high concentrations of Na+, Ca2+ and K+ were consistent with the Milos tectonic setting. Na-K and Na-K-Ca geothermometers predicted a reservoir temperature of 300–325 °C for the most concentrated seep samples. The deep geothermal reservoir within the metamorphic basement of Milos island has already been located and studied and may represent the source of the seep fluid. Faunal diversity was lowest in seep-influenced sediments, but a sulphide-intolerant species was found in areas of the bacterial mat where salinity and temperature were much lower. Pressure-induced variations in the vertical depth of the brine interface may be occurring in the sediment.  相似文献   

Several hundred hydrothermal vent complexes were formed in the Vøring Basin as a consequence of magmatic sill emplacement in the late Palaeocene. The 6607/12-1 exploration well was drilled through a 220-m-thick sequence of Eocene–Miocene diatomites with carbonate nodules above the apex of one of these vent complexes. Analysed calcites and dolomites from this interval have isotopic signatures typical for methane seep carbonates, with low 13C signatures of –28 to –54 PDB. The data suggest that the vent complex acted as a fluid migration pathway for about 50×106 years after its formation, leading to near-surface microbial activity and seep carbonate formation.  相似文献   

In Zakynthos Island (Greece), authigenic cementation of marine sediment has formed pipe-like, disc and doughnut-shaped concretions. The concretions are mostly composed of authigenic ferroan dolomite accompanied by pyrite. Samples with >80% dolomite, have stable isotope compositions in two groups. The more indurated concretions have δ18O around +4‰ and δ13C values between −8 and −29‰ indicating dolomite forming from anaerobic oxidation of thermogenic methane (hydrocarbon seep), in the sulphate-methane transition zone. The outer surfaces of some concretions, and the less-cemented concretions, typically have slightly heavier isotopic compositions and may indicate that concretion growth progressed from the outer margin in the ambient microbially-modified marine pore fluids, inward toward the central conduit where the isotopic compositions were more heavily influenced by the seep fluid. Sr isotope data suggest the concretions are fossil features, possibly of Pliocene age and represent an exhumed hydrocarbon seep plumbing system. Exposure on the modern seabed in the shallow subtidal zone has caused confusion, as concretion morphology resembles archaeological stonework of the Hellenic period.  相似文献   

Gas seepage, pockmarks and mud volcanoes in the near shore of SW Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to understand gas hydrate related seafloor features in the near shore area off SW Taiwan, a deep-towed sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler survey was conducted in 2007. Three profiles of high-resolution sub-bottom profiler reveal the existence of five gas seeps (G96, GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4) and one pockmark (PM) in the study area. Gas seeps and pockmark PM are shown in lines A and C, while no gas venting feature is observed along line B. This is the first time that a gas-hydrate related pockmark structure has been imaged off SW Taiwan. The relatively high backscatter intensity in our sidescan sonar images indicates the existence of authigenic carbonates or chemosynthetic communities on the seafloor. More than 2,000 seafloor photos obtained by a deep-towed camera (TowCam) system confirm the relatively high backscatter intensity of sidescan sonar images related to bacteria mats and authigenic carbonates formation at gas seep G96 and pockmark PM areas. Water column gas flares are observed in sidescan sonar images along lines A and C. Likewise, EK500 echo sounder images display the gas plumes above gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS1; the gas plumes heights reach about 150, 100 and 20 m from seafloor, respectively. Based on multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiles, an anticline structure trending NNE-SSW is found beneath gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS2. It implies that the gas venting features are related to the anticline structure. A thermal fluid may migrate from the anticline structure to the ridge crest, then rises up to the seafloor along faults or fissures. The seafloor characteristics indicate that the gas seep G96 area may be in a transitional stage from the first to second stage of a gas seep self-sealing process, while the pockmark PM area is from the second to final stage. In the pockmark PM area, gas venting is observed at eastern flank but not at the bottom while authigenic carbonates are present underneath the pockmark. It implies that the fluid migration pathways could have been clogged by carbonates at the bottom and the current pathway has shifted to the eastern flank of the pockmark during the gas seep self-sealing process.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic sedimentary sequence of the Prague synform (Ordovician–Devonian) in the centre of the Bohemian massif underwent Variscan deformation and thermal overprint events. Variscan veins widespread throughout the sedimentary strata have precipitated from syntectonic aqueous and hydrocarbon-rich fluids. Homogenization temperatures of aqueous inclusions increased from 70 up to 226 °C in the Cambrian rocks underlying the Prague synform. Seawater, modified due to intensive water–rock interaction, was the main fluid component. Fluid flow was limited and restricted to the lithostratigraphic compartments forming a rock-buffered system. Stable isotopic modelling (C, O) and final interpretations of the confined hydrostratigraphic fluid migration was supported by the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in veins and wall rocks. Siliciclastic Cambrian and Ordovician rocks and the associated intersecting veins yielded similar isotopic signatures, and consequently the fluid migration is restricted to layer- and formation-scales. Gradually downwards increasing fluid temperature and compositional changes reflect burial at oil-window conditions. An open fluid system could be expected in proximity of major faults of the Prague syncline and at the top of the sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

Macro- and meiofaunal communities were examined at four geomorphologically distinct sites with different gas- and oil-bearing fluid characteristics in the northern, central and southern basins of Lake Baikal. All sites had elevated concentrations of bicarbonate, nitrate, sulphate and chloride ions in pore fluids, with highest values at the Frolikha vent. Elevated levels of iron ions were found in pore waters of the St. Petersburg methane seep and the Gorevoy Utes oil seep. The chemical composition of pore waters at the Malenky mud volcano was similar to that reported in earlier work. Consistent with published data, the Frolikha vent (northern basin) and the St. Petersburg methane seep (central basin) were characterised by methane of mixed genesis (thermogenic + biogenic), whereas the methane source was mainly thermogenic at the Gorevoy Utes oil seep (central basin) and biogenic at the Malenky mud volcano (southern basin). In contrast to marine seep ecosystems, the macrofauna was dominated only by amphipods, giant planarians and oligochaetes, whereas bivalves were absent; the meiofauna was similar to its marine counterpart, being dominated by nematodes, cyclops, harpacticoids and ostracods. A statistically significant positive relationship was revealed between faunal abundance and the availability of bacterial mats on seep sediments. Moreover, ANOVA tests showed significant increases in both meiozoobenthic and macrozoobenthic densities at “hot spot” vent/seep sites relative to discharge-free reference sites. The isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen at various trophic levels of these benthic vent/seep communities was found to differ markedly from that reported by earlier studies for the pelagic and other benthic food webs in Lake Baikal. As in marine seeps, the macrofauna had variable isotopic signatures. Light δ13C and δ15N values suggest the utilization of chemosynthetically fixed and/or methane-derived organic matter. By contrast, the heavy δ13C signatures of some mobile amphipods likely reflect consumption of photosynthetically derived carbon. These findings would at least partly explain why Lake Baikal is a notable outlier in global temperature–biodiversity patterns, exhibiting the highest biodiversity of any lake worldwide but at an extremely cold average temperature.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates are common at cold seep sites as a result of microbial oxidation of hydrocarbons. Seep carbonate samples were collected from the surface of the Bush Hill (Green Canyon Block 185, Gulf of Mexico), a mound containing gas hydrate. The carbonates consisted of oily, porous limestone slabs and blocks containing bioclasts and matrix. Analysis by X-ray diffraction shows that aragonite is the dominant mineral (89–99 wt% with an average of 94 wt%) in the matrix of seep carbonate. This cement occurs in microcrystalline, microspar, and sparite forms. The moderate 13C depletion of the seep carbonate (the most depleted one has δ13C value of −29.4‰, and 26 of 38 subsamples have δ13C values >−20.0‰) indicates that the non-methane hydrocarbons was incorporated during seep carbonate precipitation. Relative enrichment of 18O may be related to localized destabilization of gas hydrate or derived from 18O-enriched pore water originated from smectite–illite transition in the deep sediments. The total content of rare earth elements (REE) of the 5% HNO3-treated solution of the carbonates is from 0.40 ppm to 30.9 ppm. The shale-normalized REE patterns show varied Ce anomalies from significantly negative, slightly negative, and no to positive Ce anomalies. Variable content of trace elements, total REE, and Ce anomalies in different samples and even in the different carbonate mineral forms (microcrystalline, microspar and sparite) of the same sample suggest that the formation condition of the Bush Hill seep carbonate is variable and complex, which is possibly controlled by the rate of fluid flux.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary study of seep-related structures on Southern Vøring Plateau has been performed during several UNESCO/IOC TTR cruises on R/V Professor Logachev. High-resolution sidescan sonar and subbottom profiler data suggest that most of the studied fluid discharge structures have a positive relief at their central part surrounded by depression. Our data shows that the present day fluid activity is concentrated on the top of these “seep mounds”. Number of high hydrocarbon (HC) gas saturated sediment cores and 5 cores with gas hydrate presence have been recovered from these structures. δ13C of methane (between −68 and −94.6‰ VPDB) and dry composition of the gas points to its biogenic origin. The sulfate depletion generally occurs within the upper 30–200 cm bsf and usually coincides with an increase of methane concentration. Pore water δ18O ranges from 0.29 to 1.14‰ showing an overall gradual increase from bottom water values (δ18O ∼ 0.35‰). Although no obvious evidence of fluid seepage was observed during the TV surveys, coring data revealed a broad distribution of living Pogonophora and bacterial colonies on sea bottom inside seep structures. These evidences point to ongoing fluid activity (continuous seepage of methane) through these structures. From other side, considerable number and variety of chemosynthetic macro fauna with complete absence of living species suggest that present day level of fluid activity is significantly lower than it was in past. Dead and subfossil fauna recovered from various seep sites consist of solemyid (Acharax sp.), thyasirid and vesicomyid (cf. Calyptogena sp.) bivalves belonging to chemosymbiotic families. Significant variations in δ13C (−31.6‰ to −59.2‰) and δ18O (0.42‰ and 6.4‰) of methane-derived carbonates collected from these structures most probably related to changes in gas composition and bottom water temperature between periods of their precipitation. This led us to ideas that: (1) seep activity on the Southern Vøring Plateau was started with large input of the deep thermogenic gas and gradually decries in time with increasing of biogenic constituent; (2) authigenic carbonate precipitation started at the near normal deep sea environments with bottom water temperature around +5 °C and continues with gradual cooling up to negative temperatures recording at present time.  相似文献   

Methane seeps occur at depths extending to over 7000 m along the world's continental margins, but there is little information about the infaunal communities inhabiting sediments of seeps deeper than 3000 m. Biological sampling was carried out off Unimak Island (3200–3300 m) and Kodiak Island (4500 m) on the Aleutian margin, Pacific Ocean and along the Florida Escarpment (3300 m) in the Gulf of Mexico to investigate the community structure and nutrition of macrofauna at these sites. We addressed whether there are characteristic infaunal communities common to the deep‐water seeps or to the specific habitats (clam beds, pogonophoran fields, and microbial mats) studied here, and ask how these differ from background communities or from shallow‐seep settings sampled previously. We also investigated, using stable isotopic signatures, the utilization of chemosynthetically fixed and methane‐derived organic matter by macrofauna from different regions and habitats. Within seep sites, macrofaunal densities were the greatest in the Florida microbial mats (20,961 ± 11,618 ind·m−2), the lowest in the Florida pogonophoran fields (926 ± 132 ind·m−2), and intermediate in the Unimak and Kodiak seep habitats. Seep macrofaunal densities differed from those in nearby non‐seep sediments only in Florida mat habitats, where a single, abundant species of hesionid polychaete comprised 70% of the macrofauna. Annelids were the dominant taxon (>60%) at all sites and habitats except in Florida background sediments (33%) and Unimak pogonophoran fields (27%). Macrofaunal diversity (H′) was lower at the Florida than the Alaska seeps, with a trend toward reduced richness in clam bed relative to pogonophoran field or non‐seep sediments. Community composition differences between seep and non‐seep sediments were evident in each region except for the Unimak margin, but pogonophoran and clam bed macrofaunal communities did not differ from one another in Alaska. Seep δ13C and δ15N signatures were lighter for seep than non‐seep macrofauna in all regions, indicating use of chemosynthetically derived carbon. The lightest δ13C values (average of species’ means) were observed at the Florida escarpment (−42.8‰). We estimated that on average animal tissues had up to 55% methane‐derived carbon in Florida mats, 31–44% in Florida clam beds and Kodiak clam beds and pogonophoran fields, and 9–23% in Unimak seep habitats. However, some taxa such as hesionid and capitellid polychaetes exhibited tremendous intraspecific δ13C variation (>30‰) between patch types. Overall we found few characteristic communities or features common to the three deep‐water seeps (>3000 m), but common properties across habitats (mat, clam bed, pogonophorans), independent of location or water depth. In general, macrofaunal densities were lower (except at Florida microbial mats), community structure was similar, and reliance on chemosynthesis was greater than observed in shallower seeps off California and Oregon.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates from outcrops of the northern Apennines consist of small and irregular lenses and exhibit numerous features indicative of cold-seep settings. Detailed petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies from two Miocene deposits are presented. The first carbonate outcrop, named Fosso Riconi, is located in the foredeep basin of the Apenninic chain, whereas the second deposit represents a satellite basin called Sarsetta. The stable isotope data from specific carbonate minerals show a wide range of values well known from other palaeoseeps of the Apennine Mountains. The majority of seep carbonates are formed by low-Mg calcite and ankerite. Those minerals have δ13C values between ?7 and ?23‰ V-PDB, suggesting variable amounts of carbonate derived from oxidized methane, seawater (dissolved inorganic carbon) and sedimentary organic matter. Dolomite samples have the lowest δ13C values (?30.8 to ?39.0‰ V-PDB), indicating methane as the main carbon source. The findings suggest an evolutionary formation of the seeps and development of authigenic carbonates influenced by the activity of chemosynthetic organisms, of which large lucinid clams are preserved. Bioirrigation by the clams controlled the sediment–water exchange, and is here considered as an explanation for the anomalous Mg content of the calcite. We hypothesize that the seep carbonates were formed during periods of active methane-rich seepage, whereas during periods of slow seepage carbonate formation was reduced. Despite different geological settings, the two examined deposits of Sarsetta and Fosso Riconi show similar features, suggesting that a common pattern of fluid circulation played a major role in carbonate formation at both seep sites.  相似文献   

The circulation of methane-rich fluids at cold seeps often leads to the precipitation of seep carbonates close to the seafloor along continental margins, which can be used as records of past fluid seepage. Rare earth element (REE) concentrations in seep carbonates have been used to trace fluid sources and provide information on associated biogeochemical processes at cold seeps. The REE concentrations of a series of carbonates collected from cold seeps in the southwestern Dongsha area of the northern South China Sea are analyzed in this study. The total REE contents (ΣREE) of the seep carbonates analyzed show a wide variation from 17 ppm to 523 ppm with an average ΣREE value of 54 ppm, which are higher than the typical marine carbonate values of ∼28 ppm commonly reported and also higher than those of the carbonates from other cold seep areas. A positive correlation between Fe–Mn content and ΣREE was observed. These results suggest that the seep carbonates of this study were primarily controlled by the methane-derived fluid from which they precipitated. The Fe-rich dolomite and siderite, which are the main components of the carbonates, are responsible for the enrichment of the REE. A slight positive Ce anomaly observed in the shale-normalized REE patterns of the studied seep carbonates suggests that they formed in anoxic conditions, and the correlations between Ce/Ce* and LaN/SmN, Ce/Ce* and DyN/SmN, Ce/Ce* and ΣREE further reveal that the REE characteristics of most seep carbonate samples preserve the original redox conditions in which they precipitated and late diagenesis has had little effect on the REE. However, the REE characteristics of sub-samples DS2-2B, DS1-6A and DS1-7A are very different from those of the other sub-samples, indicating a greater impact of late diagenesis and post-oxidation favored REE enrichment.  相似文献   

Subsurface and seafloor fluid flow anomalies are gaining large interest after the finding of five new hydrocarbon discoveries and observation of large gas flares in the SW Barents Sea. In the present study, we have analysed structural and stratigraphic controls on fluid flow towards the seafloor using gravity cores selected based on subsurface gas anomalies observed on seismic data from the Veslemøy High, SW Barents Sea. The subsurface fluid flow at the Veslemøy High is observed to be controlled by 1) the morphology and orientation of regional faults, structural highs and sedimentary basins, 2) the presence of Paleocene silica ooze deposits that changes microstructure with temperature thereby controlling fluid flow and 3) the location of regional and local open faults formed by glacial loading and unloading. Analysis of extractable organic matter in subsurface Holocene sediments corroborates the active migration pathways inferred from seismic data. Micropalaeontological studies on benthic foraminifera reveal methane seep associated assemblages that confirm the interpretation of subsurface gas anomalies in seismic data. We ultimately link these new results to the geological evolution history of the region to give a comprehensive model for the fluid flow system within the study area.  相似文献   

Although there is a growing body of evidence indicating benthic foraminifera inhabit hydrocarbon and cold seep environments, biochemical and ultrastructural data on seep foraminiferal communities are not available. Therefore, sediments collected from cold seeps in Monterey Bay, CA (900–1000 m), were examined for the presence of live benthic foraminifera. Results from three independent methods (ATP assay, ultrastructural analysis, rose Bengal staining) indicate that certain species inhabit the Clam Flat and Clam Field seeps. Abundances in our seep samples were lower than in comparable non-seep sites, although not atypical for these bathyal depths. Of 38 species represented at these two seep sites by cytoplasm-containing specimens, only Spiroplectammina biformis was restricted to the seep environment. However, because S. biformis is also known from non-seep sites in other areas, it should not be considered as endemic to seeps. Ultrastructural studies show abundant peroxisomes in seep specimens, which may allow inhabitation of such environments. One specimen of Uvigerina peregrina had prokaryotes nestled in test pores, suggesting that bacteria may play a role in the survival of foraminifera in this seep environment.  相似文献   

The vesicomyid Calyptogena kilmeri is one of the most abundant bivalves inhabiting chemosynthetic environments shallower than c. 1500 m along central California. We estimated the population size structure, biomass, rates of individual growth, somatic production, and mortality for C. kilmeri, based on sampling of seep habitats and tag–recapture studies at chemosynthetic communities in Monterey Bay, California. The composite growth rate of C. kilmeri over all sites was relatively high (K = 0.25), reaching c. 80% of asymptotic length (104.7 mm) in 6.6 years. The density of C. kilmeri was estimated as 938.5 ind. m−2 and biomass density varied from 704 to 2059 g ash free dry mass (AFDM) m−2. Somatic production was also high (294–297 g·AFDM·m−2 year−1), and production/biomass ratios for C. kilmeri varied from 0.14 to 0.42 among sites, related to variation in size–frequency distributions among sites. Instantaneous mortality rates estimated from size distributions ranged from 0.17 to 0.24 year−1. Growth and somatic production by C. kilmeri are in the range reported for chemosynthetic bivalves from hydrothermal vent and seep habitats, as well as photosynthetic‐based assemblages of inshore or intertidal bivalves, and greatly exceed rates reported for heterotrophic deep‐sea benthos.  相似文献   

Large quantities of methane (C1), ethane (C2), and propane (C3) emanate from shallow marine seeps near Coal Oil Point (COP), California. Concentrations of these gases were analyzed in the surface water down-current of the seep field over a 15-month period. The variable proportions of C1, C2, and C3 analyzed in gas bubbles emitted from 16 distinct seeps in the COP field encompass much of the variability found in the surface waters down-current. However, waters with disproportionate levels of C1 suggest the presence of additional C1 sources. Based on three spatial surveys, covering areas up to 280 km2, C2 and C3 air-sea fluxes were estimated to be in the order of 3.7 and 1.4 μmol day?1 m?2, respectively. Only 0.6% of C2 and 0.5% of C3 in the dissolved plume originating from the COP seep field are transferred to the atmosphere in the study area, with the fate of the remainder uncertain.  相似文献   

The Coal Oil Point seep field located offshore Santa Barbara, CA, consists of dozens of named seeps, including a peripheral ~200 m2 area known as Brian Seep, located in 10 m water depth. A single comprehensive survey of gas flux at Brian Seep yielded a methane release rate of ~450 moles of CH4 per day, originating from 68 persistent gas vents and 23 intermittent vents, with gas flux among persistent vents displaying a log normal frequency distribution. A subsequent series of 33 repeat surveys conducted over a period of 6 months tracked eight persistent vents, and revealed substantial temporal variability in gas venting, with flux from each individual vent varying by more than a factor of 4. During wintertime surveys sediment was largely absent from the site, and carbonate concretions were exposed at the seafloor. The presence of the carbonates was unexpected, as the thermogenic seep gas contains 6.7% CO2, which should act to dissolve carbonates. The average δ13C of the carbonates was ?29.2?±?2.8‰ VPDB, compared to a range of ?1.0 to +7.8‰ for CO2 in the seep gas, indicating that CO2 from the seep gas is quantitatively not as important as 13C-depleted bicarbonate derived from methane oxidation. Methane, with a δ13C of approximately ?43‰, is oxidized and the resulting inorganic carbon precipitates as high-magnesium calcite and other carbonate minerals. This finding is supported by 13C-depleted biomarkers typically associated with anaerobic methanotrophic archaea and their bacterial syntrophic partners in the carbonates (lipid biomarker δ13C ranged from ?84 to ?25‰). The inconsistency in δ13C between the carbonates and the seeping CO2 was resolved by discovering pockets of gas trapped near the base of the sediment column with δ13C-CO2 values ranging from ?26.9 to ?11.6‰. A mechanism of carbonate formation is proposed in which carbonates form near the sediment–bedrock interface during times of sufficient sediment coverage, in which anaerobic oxidation of methane is favored. Precipitation occurs at a sufficient distance from active venting for the molecular and isotopic composition of seep gas to be masked by the generation of carbonate alkalinity from anaerobic methane oxidation.
Processes modulating carbonate formation at Brian Seep (California) during times of high and low sediment burden  相似文献   

台湾岛西南海域福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用水深数据和ROV近海底影像资料,对福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的海底地形地貌和冷泉系统的海底表征进行了描述和分析,并讨论了二者之间的响应关系。结果表明,相对于船载多波束数据而言,近海底多波束测深系统所获得的数据能更高精度地反映冷泉区海底地形地貌特征,是研究冷泉系统不可或缺的基础资料。基于ROV近海底观测影像资料,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉系统整体表现为局部被化能自养生物群落覆盖并有流体喷口零星分布的巨大自生碳酸盐岩岩丘,海底表征主要包括形态各异的自生碳酸盐岩结壳或岩体、化能自养生物群落、流体喷口、还原性沉积物等几种形式。研究表明,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的地形地貌特征与冷泉系统海底表征具有良好的响应关系,并且该区的地形地貌特征主要受控于出露于海底的自生碳酸盐岩的形态特征及规模。首次揭示了福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征与其海底表征之间的响应关系,以期为后续的冷泉研究提供必要的背景资料支持。  相似文献   

Two newly developed coring devices, the Multi-Autoclave-Corer and the Dynamic Autoclave Piston Corer were deployed in shallow gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico during research cruise SO174 (Oct–Nov 2003). For the first time, they enable the retrieval of near-surface sediment cores under ambient pressure. This enables the determination of in situ methane concentrations and amounts of gas hydrate in sediment depths where bottom water temperature and pressure changes most strongly influence gas/hydrate relationships. At seep sites of GC185 (Bush Hill) and the newly discovered sites at GC415, we determined the volume of low-weight hydrocarbons (C1 through C5) from nine pressurized cores via controlled degassing. The resulting in situ methane concentrations vary by two orders of magnitudes between 0.031 and 0.985 mol kg− 1 pore water below the zone of sulfate depletion. This includes dissolved, free, and hydrate-bound CH4. Combined with results from conventional cores, this establishes a variability of methane concentrations in close proximity to seep sites of five orders of magnitude. In total four out of nine pressure cores had CH4 concentrations above equilibrium with gas hydrates. Two of them contain gas hydrate volumes of 15% (GC185) and 18% (GC415) of pore space. The measurements prove that the highest methane concentrations are not necessarily related to the highest advection rates. Brine advection inhibits gas hydrate stability a few centimeters below the sediment surface at the depth of anaerobic oxidation of methane and thus inhibits the storage of enhanced methane volumes. Here, computerized tomography (CT) of the pressure cores detected small amounts of free gas. This finding has major implications for methane distribution, possible consumption, and escape into the bottom water in fluid flow systems related to halokinesis.  相似文献   

High-resolution sonar surveys, and a detailed subsurface model constructed from 3D seismic and well data allowed investigation of the relationship between the subsurface geology and gas-phase (methane) seepage for the Coal Oil Point (COP) seep field, one of the world’s largest and best-studied marine oil and gas seep fields, located over a producing hydrocarbon reservoir near Santa Barbara, California. In general, the relationship between terrestrial gas seepage, migration pathways, and hydrocarbon reservoirs has been difficult to assess, in part because the detection and mapping of gas seepage is problematic. For marine seepage, sonar surveys are an effective tool for mapping seep gas bubbles, and thus spatial distributions. Seepage in the COP seep field occurs in an east–west-trending zone about 3–4 km offshore, and in another zone about 1–2 km from shore. The farthest offshore seeps are mostly located near the crest of a major fold, and also along the trend of major faults. Significantly, because faults observed to cut the fold do not account for all the observed seepage, seepage must occur through fracture and joint systems that are difficult to detect, including intersecting faults and fault damage zones. Inshore seeps are concentrated within the hanging wall of a major reverse fault. The subsurface model lacks the resolution to identify specific structural sources in that area. Although to first order the spatial distribution of seeps generally is related to the major structures, other factors must also control their distribution. The region is known to be critically stressed, which would enhance hydraulic conductivity of favorably oriented faults, joints, and bedding planes. We propose that this process explains much of the remaining spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Cold seep communities discovered at three previously unknown sites between 600 and 1000 m in Monterey Bay, California, are dominated by chemoautotrophic bacteria (Beggiatoa sp.) and vesicomyid clams (5 sp.). Other seep-associated fauna included galatheid crabs (Munidopsis sp.), vestimentiferan worms (Lamellibrachia barhami?), solemyid clams (Solemya sp.), columbellid snails (Mitrella permodesta, Amphissa sp.), and pyropeltid limpets (Pyropelta sp.). More than 50 species of regional (i.e. non-seep) benthic fauna were also observed at seeps. Ratios of stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) in clam tissues near 36‰ indicate sulfur-oxidizing chemosynthetic production, rather than non-seep food sources, as their principal trophic pathway. The “Mt Crushmore” cold seep site is located in a vertically faulted and fractured region of the Pliocene Purisima Formation along the walls of Monterey Canyon ( 635 m), where seepage appears to derive from sulfide-rich fluids within the Purisima Formation. The “Clam Field” cold seep site, also in Monterey Canyon ( 900 m) is located near outcrops in the hydrocarbon-bearing Monterey Formation. Chemosynthetic communities were also found at an accretionary-like prism on the continental slope near 1000 m depth (Clam Flat site). Fluid flow at the “Clam Flat” site is thought to represent dewatering of accretionary sediments by tectonic compression, or hydrocarbon formation at depth, or both. Sulfide levels in pore waters were low at Mt Crushmore (ca 0.2 mM), and high at the two deeper sites (ca 7.011.0 mM). Methane was not detected at the Mt Crushmore site, but ranged from 0.06 to 2.0 mM at the other sites.  相似文献   

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