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上海VLBI,SLR和GPS站站坐标的精密测定和精度估计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对作为全球地球参考系基准站的上海VLBI,SLR和GPS站的站坐标进行了仔细的分析研究,并重新精密测定了SLR,GPS站的站坐标,给出了较可靠的精度估计,澄清了IERS的综合解所给出的上海SLR站站坐标存在的问题。 相似文献
基于NNR-NUVEL-1A地球板块运动模型和ITRF2000地球参考架的三维VLBI站速度矢量,采用实测的VLBI基线长度变化率作为约束,重新估计了部分国际VLBI站的局部或区域性地壳的垂直形变,并与国际地球参考架ITRFs解和VLBI全球解GLB2003,VTRF2003和VTRF2005的结果进行了比较。结果表明,欧亚板块的URUMQI站和太平洋板块的KWAJAL26站,南极OHIGGINS站的垂直形变率、ITRFs解和VLBI全球解存在6-15mm/a的差异,北美YUMA站可能有15-31mm/a 的垂直形变率,而美国西部太平洋板块的San Francisco(PRESIDIO)站的垂直形变率还有待进一步的研究。此外,SC-VLBA,CRIMEA和EFLSBERG站的垂直形变率、ITRFs解和VLBI全球解的差约为1-6mm/a。用不同方法得到的VLBI站的水平形变率解有较好的一致性。 相似文献
甚长基线干涉仪测量佘山财区的地壳垂直运动 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
钱志瀚 《中国科学院上海天文台年刊》1996,(17):52-56
本简述了VLBI测量地壳垂直运动的原理,并给出了利用上海天台VLBI站自1988年以年的VLBI国际联测资料及VLBI站与邻近基岩水准点的水准联测资料所得到上海佘山地区地壳垂直运动的初步结果为-1mm/yr。最后还提出进一步提高VLBI垂直运动的测量精度及全面了解整个上海地区地壳垂直运动的现状的意见。 相似文献
上海VLBI系统于1988年建成,该系统具有观测设计、观测、相关处理(MK2系统)以及后处理的完备功能,从而在国际VLBI天体物理学研究方面有可能成为为数不多的研究中心之一。本文简要地介绍这个系统,以VLBI天体物理学观测实例来阐述整个系统的工作情况,给出由该系统获得的天体物理结果。 相似文献
本文叙述了VLBI系统对时频的要求和上海天文φ6米天线VLBI实验系统(徐家汇)的时频基准,并介绍了上海天文台φ25米天线VLBI(佘山)时间基准的建立以及开展时间工作的初步设想。 相似文献
杨志根 《中国科学院上海天文台年刊》1992,(13):40-48
本估计了极潮对VLBI测定基线的影响,计算结果表明,地球自转变化和极移引起的极潮对测站径向位移最大影响分别约为0.4mm和16.1mm;对测站水平位移最大值分别近似为0.1mm和4.5mm。采用1989年的EOP参数分别对上海与西德Wettzell、澳大利亚Canberra、日本Kashima和美国Kauai四个站的基线变化计算表明,极潮引起四条基线变化的幅值分别为12.9mm、18.5mm、2.1mm和14.9mm,引起国内上海、昆明和乌鲁木齐三站基线的变化分别可达3-6mm。进一步对极潮的次级效应计算表明,海洋极潮引起上述国内三站的负荷垂直位移最大值分别为0.87mm、054mm和0.48mm。因此,采用毫米级精度的VLBI技术用于天体测量学和大地测量学研究,在归算模型中应考虑极潮的影响。 相似文献
本介绍了上海VLBI站自行研制的实验环境监控系统。同时指出,环境温度、相对湿度及电网电压等参是影响实验设备正常运行的主要因素。 相似文献
1986年6月,上海天台首次与日本和美国三个VLBI台站联合组成了洲际VLBI干涉网并取得了干涉实验的成功,第一次精确测定了上海台6米天线与北美大陆的GlicreekK站之间的基线长度,并由5条基线综合分析的结果精确算出上海台与夏威夷的Kauai站之间的距离,同时进一步提高了上海台6米天线在全球VLBI坐标系中位置的精度。本介绍了实验的基本情况,着重进行了实验数据结果的分析。 相似文献
基于ITRF2000地球参考架的三维VLBI站速度矢量和NNR-NUVEL-1A地球板块运动模型,采用观测的VLBI基线长变化率作为约束,估计和讨论了全球6个并置VLBI站的局部或区域性地壳的相对形变,并与国际地球参考架ITRFs解和VLBI全球解glb2003以及VTRF2003的结果进行了比较.结果表明日本Kashima与Kashim34VLBI站之间,美国GREENBANK的NRAO20与NRAO85-3站之间可能存在每年约近4毫米的相对垂直形变;WESTFORD与HAYSTACK二站间每年近2毫米的垂直形变率差基本可得到肯定,KOKEE和KAUAI二站的垂直形变率约有每年1至3毫米的差.利用如下方法能较可靠地检测出并置VLBI站间的局部或区域性的地壳垂直形变,改进ITRF解的可能不足. 相似文献
Zhi-gen Yang Wen-yao Zhu C. K. Shum Feng-chun Shu 《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2002,26(4):303-502
The vertical deformation rates (VDRs) and horizontal deformation rates (HDRs) of Shanghai VLBI station in China and Kashima and Kashima34 VLBI stations in Japan were re-analysed using the baseline length change rates from Shanghai to 13 global VLBI stations, and from Kashima to 27 stations and from Kashima34 to 12 stations, based on the NASA VLBI global solution glb1123 (Ma, 1999). The velocity vectors of the global VLBI stations were referred to the ITRF97 reference frame, and the Eulerian vectors of different models of plate motion were used for comparative solutions. The VDR of Shanghai station is estimated to be −1.91±0.56 mm/yr, and those of Kashima and Kashima34 stations, −3.72±0.74mm/yr and −8.81±0.84mm/yr, respectively. The difference between the last two was verified by further analysis. Similar estimates were also made for the Kokee, Kauai and MK_VLBA VLBI stations in mid-Pacific. 相似文献
Huib Jan van Langevelde Philip J. Diamond Wouter Vlemmings Alain Baudry Harm J. Habing Richard T. Schilizzi 《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(8-10)
The OH 1667 maser in the circumstellar shell around the Mira variable U Her has been observed with the VLBA at 6 epochs, spread over 4 years. By using straightforward phase referencing techniques the stellar proper motion can be measured. Preliminary analysis indicates that the parallactic motion is also detected. An important question is whether the maser spots can be assumed to be fixed with respect to the star. The observations show both evidence supporting and contradicting the idea that one maser spot is the amplified stellar image. 相似文献
利用实测资料和模拟数据,分析了在天测与测地VLBI数据处理软件CALC/SOLVE中,剩余钟行为连续分段线性拟合的局限性和周期函数拟合的可行性.对CALC/SOLVE系统增配了周期函数拟合模块,并选取了1990年至2001年的1567次天测与测地VLBI实验,进行了剩余钟行为两种拟合模型情况下的实测资料综合解算.结果表明,在获得同等水平的时延拟合残差加权均方根(wrms)的情况下,对剩余钟行为采用周期函数拟合,使得解算参数的个数相比于连续分段线性拟合有显著减少,提高了解算的自由度.虽然在两种模型情况下的台站和射电源坐标以及地球定向参数等的解算精度无显著差异,但周期函数拟合存在可以识别的优势,85%以上的台站坐标和74%以上的源坐标以及51%以上的EOP精度均有所提高,均值分别为0.02mm、0.3μas和1.5μas. 相似文献
We present maps and astrometric results from first epoch, simultaneous MERLIN and Global VLBI observations of the very weak core of a double-lobed radio source, using as reference the bright, compact, flat-spectrum quasar 1636+473 A, 20 arcsec away. The observations were made in May 1995 at 5 GHz. The phase-referenced VLBI map of the weak core, of resolution 1.5 mas, contains a high percentage of the core flux density seen in the MERLIN map. Further hybrid mapping iterations reveal a faint, one-sided core extension on the same side as the MERLIN jet. We explore the effect of both temporal and other coherence losses on the phase-reference map. We relate our results to the structural asymmetry in weak AGN cores within the context of unification models. 相似文献
Based on the Lambert equation and knowledge of space geometry a method of orbit determination is given using the sparse observational data provided by the space monitoring electronic fence device. Our simulated experiment of a large number of targets shows that the initial orbit determined by this method can be improved and can converge to a final accuracy better than 100 m, so proving that the method can be applied to the orbit determination of an overwhelming majority of space targets with the observed data of the electronic fence. Finally, the effect of the latitude of the observing station on the application of the method is discussed. 相似文献
The satellite-borne GPS receivers dedicated to precise orbit determination are now being carried by more and more low earth orbit (LEO) satellites and the satellite-borne GPS has become one of the main means for the precise orbit determination of low earth orbit satellites. The accuracy of satellite-borne GPS precise orbit determination depends on the accuracies of the GPS ephemeris and the clock error. Based on the orbit determination function of SHORDEIII zero-difference dynamics and using the observational data obtained by the GRACE satellites for the week from 2005 August 1 to 7 as an example, three versions of GPS ephemerides (igs, igr and igu) are used to carry out orbit determination under the same conditions and to estimate the effect of the GPS ephemeris accuracy on the accuracy of orbit determination of low earth orbit satellites. Our calculated results show that the two ephemerides, igs and igr, are equivalent to each other in orbit determination accuracy (about 9.5 cm), while igu is slightly less accurate, at about 10.5 cm. The effect produced by the data of the high frequency GPS satellite clock error on the accuracy of orbit determination is 1–6 cm. 相似文献
Yu. A. Chernetenko 《Astronomy Letters》2008,34(4):266-270
Highly accurate observations of 116 asteroids are used to determine the orientation of the Hipparcos frame with respect to the reference frames of the DE403/LE403 and DE405/LE405 majorplanet ephemerides. These observations include the photographic observations of 15 asteroids obtained as part of the programs for observing selected asteroids and reduced to the Hipparcos frame using dependences, the space observations of 48 asteroids obtained by the Hipparcos satellite, and the presentday observations of 116 asteroid performed in the frame of the ACT catlog. The total number of observations used is more than 50 000 in the interval 1949–2007. Processing this series has yielded the following estimates of the orientation parameters: ω x = 0.12 ± 0.08 mas yr?1, ω y = 0.66 ± 0.09 mas yr?1, and ω z = ?0.56 ± 0.16 mas yr?1. This rotation may be attributable to a peculiarity of the transition from the reference frame of the DE200/LE200 ephemerides to that of DE403/LE403 ephemerides (since October 1, 1988, to J2000) that consists in the the assumption that the former reference frame has no rotation relative to the ICRF. 相似文献