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华南沿海明代自然灾害的时间序列分析I:R/S分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
通过对我国明代华南沿海276a间自然灾害发生次数进行的R/S分析,揭示出自然灾害发生次数一时间序列具有明显的趋势性,表征其趋势性强度的指标赫期特指数H=0.9094(或0.868,如果不考虑最后一点s=245时的情况),远远大于0.5而接近于1,说明这种趋势性具有很强的持续性(persistence),这种持续性可能是由自然因素即当时的气修和构造背景决定的,而社会和经济因素也起一定的作用。 相似文献
以2种原油和3种溢油分散剂的混合物为对象,借助SPSS统计分析软件,采用主成分分析法研究基于诊断比值的原油分类,旨在判别分散剂对原油的影响。KOM值近似等于0.6、Bartlett球形度检验对应概率P值为0,表明原始数据适合做主成分分析;前两个主成分F1和F2的特征值均大于1,累积贡献率为81.433%,多变量可降至2维。根据F1和F2表达式得到主成分分类图可知:两种原油中加入不同分散剂后还可在图中大致区分,富肯-2号分散剂对两种原油几乎没有影响,GM-2分散剂对渤海原油分类程度有一定影响,但对华北原油却有较大影响;海鸥4号分散剂对两种原油分类程度都有影响。结果表明:主成分分析法可用于添加分散剂的溢油分类辨别,研究发现一些分散剂对原油影响较小,而某些分散剂对原油有复杂的影响。因此,溢油指纹鉴定需考虑分散剂的影响。 相似文献
海滩碎波带波能振荡的多尺度分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对不同波况条件下实测的一岬间海滩碎波带两个上的波面数据,通过小波变换方法计算了小波谱,并作了显性检验。结果表明:(1)碎波带波能存在典型的多尺度振荡特性;(2)在正常波况下,波能主要分布于风浪频域,入射波自外测站向内测站传播过程中,能量具有向低频方向转移的趋势;(3)在高能波况下,能量均向长重力波频带增加,在长力波显尺度,二测站之间存在良好的位相一致关系。 相似文献
本文根据MM4模式输出资料,利用平衡模式的ω-方程对1983年4月25-26日的模式气旋作了诊断分析,结果显示,气旋爆发性剧烈发展,与大尺度加热,积云对流加热,温度平流,涡度平流等物理因子密切相关,其中以温度平流和非绝热热尤为重要。 相似文献
我国的海带养殖是海水养殖业的支柱产业之一 ,是世界上海藻养殖业中规模最大的产业,其养殖产量连续多年居世界首位,目前年产量已达600000t多干品[2]。我国生产的海带除了大部分作为食品食用外 ,还有部分作为工业原料,提取褐藻胶、褐藻淀粉、甘露醇、碘、氯化钾等产品。我国褐藻胶年产量已达15000t,在生产过程中产生大量的漂浮渣,都把其当作废物排放掉,这样不仅污染了环境 ,而且造成了资源的大量浪费。为了进一步地综合利用海带资源,变废为宝 ,作者对青岛某一褐藻胶厂排放的漂浮渣进行了较深入的化学成分分析。现报道利用气… 相似文献
物理模拟较大海域的环境动力场是物理模型试验的一个发展方向,也是近海环境治理的有效研究手段。对具有较大尺度海域的模拟需要考虑地转缺失的影响。从潮流基本控制方程出发,通过对方程的无因次化,给出评价柯氏力作用大小的方法,并就中国典型的海湾进行尺度分析,量化物理模拟时因地转缺失引起的偏差程度,讨论在这些海域是否可以付诸物理模型试验。同时,还导出了潮流泥沙试验和潮流污染物扩散试验的相似比尺关系。 相似文献
华南沿海明代自然灾害的时间序列分析Ⅰ:R/S分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对我国明代华南沿海 2 76a间自然灾害发生次数进行的R/S分析 ,揭示出自然灾害发生次数这一时间序列具有明显的趋势性 ,表征其趋势性强度的指标赫斯特指数H =0 90 94(或 0 868,如果不考虑最后一点s=2 4 5时的情况 ) ,远远大于 0 5而接近于 1 ,说明这种趋势性具很强的持续性 (persistence)。这种持续性可能主要是由自然因素即当时的气候和构造背景决定的 ;而社会和经济因素也起一定的作用 相似文献
在实验室对胶州湾现场水样进行了处理、分析,获得了黄色物质溶液中六种生化成分在胶州湾的水平分布和测定数据,其中测得胶州湾黄色物质溶液中总脂质含量的平均值为21.03mg/dm3,游离氨基酸为1.75mg/dm3,总糖为1.41mg/dm3,氨基多糖为14.23μg/dm3,而胡萝卜素和酚分别为1.13和0.004μg/dm3.黄色物质在胶州湾海水中约为24.20mg/dm3.计算给出了胶州湾黄色物质中总脂质占86.90%,总糖占5.82%,游离氨基酸占7.22%,氨基多糖占0.06%,而胡萝卜素和酚所占比例甚小,与总脂质、氨基酸和总糖相比,约相差几个数量级.分析认为,胶州湾黄色物质以陆源输入为主,其生化成分分布受河流淡水入海流路和湾内环流等影响而被进一步扩散、输送. 相似文献
在同一东北冷涡背景下,2016年6月12—13日山西境内连续2 d出现强对流天气,12日为分散性对流而13日为大范围强对流。基于多源资料通过对比探讨次天气尺度系统及其演变对风暴环境进而对风暴结构的影响,得出以下结论:(1)两日风暴强度和风暴结构差异显著。6月12日对流孤立分散且回波强度小于55 dBZ,而13日准线性风暴发展成尺度较大的弓形回波引发大范围强对流天气,回波强度达60 dBZ。(2)此次过程的关键影响系统为冷涡背景下的次天气尺度低涡。12日次天气尺度低压扰动开始出现,距离远而未影响山西;13日低压扰动东移发展为次天气尺度切断低涡,低涡相关的地面冷锋及850 hPa切变线触发山西上游对流。(3)12日低层水汽含量低,0~3 km垂直风切变弱,13日低涡前偏南水汽输送使低层显著增湿,叠加中层干冷空气形成不稳定层结,受低涡影响0~3 km风垂直切变增强至5.0×10-3 s-1,冷锋触发的对流风暴在上述环境下强烈发展并产生阵风锋,阵风锋组织风暴形成飑线,冷池与0~3 km风切变相互作用使飑线维持。(4)13日有利于飑线发展的环境要素与东北冷涡西侧的次天气尺度切断低涡系统密切相关,次天气尺度低涡是飑线形成发展的关键系统。 相似文献
This article reports the response of embedded circular plate anchors to varying frequencies of cyclic loading. The effects of time period of loading cycles and pre-loading on movement of anchors and post-cyclic monotonic pullout behavior are studied using a model circular (80 mm diameter) plate anchor, buried at embedment ratio of six in a soft saturated clay. The frequencies of loading cycles have showed considerable effect on movement of anchors. For given duration of loading, higher frequency cycles cause more movement of anchor than lower frequency cycles. Pre-loading reduces the movement of anchors in subsequent loading stages. When anchors are recycled at a load ratio level less than the pre-cycling load, the movement of anchor in recycling phase are very much reduced, but if the recycling is done at a higher load ratio level, the effect is not that much pronounced and the anchors behave as if they were not subjected to any cycling load in the past. Anchor subjected to cyclic loading and then monotonic pullout shows an increase in initial stiffness, whereas the peak pullout load was found to decrease marginally over that of an anchor not subjected to any cyclic loading. For the present test conditions, the relative post-cyclic stiffness of anchors is found to vary from 1.169 to 1.327. 相似文献
This article reports the response of embedded circular plate anchors to varying frequencies of cyclic loading. The effects of time period of loading cycles and pre-loading on movement of anchors and post-cyclic monotonic pullout behavior are studied using a model circular (80 mm diameter) plate anchor, buried at embedment ratio of six in a soft saturated clay. The frequencies of loading cycles have showed considerable effect on movement of anchors. For given duration of loading, higher frequency cycles cause more movement of anchor than lower frequency cycles. Pre-loading reduces the movement of anchors in subsequent loading stages. When anchors are recycled at a load ratio level less than the pre-cycling load, the movement of anchor in recycling phase are very much reduced, but if the recycling is done at a higher load ratio level, the effect is not that much pronounced and the anchors behave as if they were not subjected to any cycling load in the past. Anchor subjected to cyclic loading and then monotonic pullout shows an increase in initial stiffness, whereas the peak pullout load was found to decrease marginally over that of an anchor not subjected to any cyclic loading. For the present test conditions, the relative post-cyclic stiffness of anchors is found to vary from 1.169 to 1.327. 相似文献
中国赤潮发生频率的变化趋势及其多发年份的R/S预测 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据1989-2006年中国海洋灾害公报中公布的中国赤潮发生频率的数据资料,建立近18a来中国赤潮发生频率的时间序列,采用平均差值法、最小二乘法和自回归滑动平均法这3种趋势分析方法,统计检验了其长期变化趋势。并基于分形理论利用重标极差分析(R/S分析)的原理和方法,计算了Hurst指数,建立了R(i)/S(i)与i的关系模型,对中国赤潮多发年份进行了预测分析。结果表明,近18a来中国赤潮发生频率变化的趋势值分别为bAV=0.14356,bLS=0.12875和bAR(1)=0.12861,均为正值,赤潮发生频率呈显著的增加趋势;赤潮多发年份的变化呈现分布式布朗运动的特征,R(i)/S(i)与i之间存在HR(i)/S(i)=(a×i)的函数关系,具有可预测性。根据预测2007年和2008年仍然是赤潮的多发年份,这与实际统计结果一致。基于目前赤潮发生机制尚不完全清楚的现状,利用赤潮发生频率的时间序列自身进行赤潮多发年的预测可能是一条有效的途径。 相似文献
Yan Shuwang Yang Jinliang Yan Chi Professor Tianjin University Tianjin
Assoc. Professor Tianjin University Tianjin
Lecturer Tianjin University Tianjin 《中国海洋工程》1992,(4)
The results of undrained cyclic triaxial tests on three types of clays are collected and a relationship among the accumulated strain, the initial stress state, cyclic stress in the soil, as well as the number of cycles is established based on the experimental data. With this relationship, a procedure is proposed for subsidence and stability analysis on soft clay under the action of cyclic loads. 相似文献
Pseudo-Static Elasto-Plastic Cyclic Creep Model and Cyclic Stability of Offshore Soft Foundation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The accumulative shear deformation of soft clays under cyclic loads is considered as pseudo-staticcreep.A pseudo-static elasto-plastic cyclic creep model is developed based on the visco-elasto-plastic theory.Theparameters in the model are determined by cyclic triaxial soil tests.A method for analyzing the stability of offshoresoft foundation under wave loads is given by combining the model with pseudo-static creep analysis.An exampleis analyzed by the method.The results show that the horizontal and vertical stability of foundations under waveloads can be analyzed by it and the analytical results are qualitatively consistent with the observed failure modes ofshallow foundations. 相似文献
Qiu Changlin Yan Shuwang
Graduate student Dept. of Hydraulic Engrg. Tianjin University .
Professor Dept. of Hydraulic Engrg. Tianjin University 《中国海洋工程》1996,(4)
- This paper presents a procedure to calculate the safety factor against sliding of a marine gravity structure subjected to a combination of static and cyclic loads. This procedure claculates the stress at the sliding surface by the finite element method (FEM) and takes the dynamic properties of clay into account. With this procedure, the stability of a Bohai oil-drilling ship is analyzed. The calculated safety factor is much smaller than 1, indicating that this oil-drilling ship would fail just as what had happened to it. 相似文献
利用R/S分析试作登陆浙江台风重灾年的预测 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
登陆台风是浙江省最严重的自然灾害之一.一次台风可以使灾区的社会经济发展倒退儿年,甚至十几年.近年来,随着本省社会经济的快速发展,台风所造成的灾害损失正不断加重.1994年8月21日9417号台风在浙江瑞安登陆,其风力、风暴潮位和暴雨量均超过历史最高记录,有54个县(市)受灾,所造成的直接经济损失高达144亿元. 相似文献