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Major element compositions of submarine basalts, quenched glasses, and contained phenocrysts are reported for samples from 25 dredge stations along the Mohns-Knipovich Ridge between the Jan Mayen fracture zone and 77°30N. Most of the basalts collected on the Jan Mayen platform have a subaerial appearance, are nepheline normative, rich in incompatible elements, and have REE-patterns strongly enriched in light-REE. The other basalts (with one exception) are tholeiitic pillow basalts, many of which have fresh quenched glass rims. From the Jan Mayen platform northeastwards the phenocryst assemblage changes from olivine±plagioclase±clinopyroxene±magnetite to olivine +plagioclase±chrome-spinel. This change is accompanied by a progressive decrease in the content of incompatible elements, light-REE enrichments and elevation of the ridge that are similar to those observed south of the Azores and Iceland hotspots. Pillow basalts and glasses collected along the esternmost part of the Mohns Ridge (450 to 675 km east of Jan Mayen) have low K2O, TiO2, and P2O5 contents, light-REE depleted patterns relative to chondrites, and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) ratios between 0.64 and 0.60. Pillow basalts and glasses from the Knipovich Ridge have similar (Mg/Mg+Fe2+) ratios, but along the entire ridge have slightly higher concentrations of incompatible elements and chondritic to slightly light-REE enriched patterns. The incompatible element enrichment increases slightly northward. Plagioclase phenocrysts show normal and reverse zoning on all parts of the ridge whereas olivines are unzoned or show only weak normal zoning. Olivine-liquid equilibrium temperatures are calculated to be in the range of 1,060–1,206° C with a mean around 1,180° C.Rocks and glasses collected on the Jan Mayen Platform are compositionally similar to Jan Mayen volcanic products, suggesting that off-ridge alkali volcanism on the Jan Mayen Platform is more widespread than so far suspected. There is also evidence to suggest that the alkali basalts from the Jan Mayen Platform are derived from deeper levels and by smaller degrees of partial melting of a mantle significantly more enriched in light-REE and other incompatible elements than are the tholeiitic basalts from the Eastern Mohns and Knipovich Ridge. The possibility of the presence of another hitherto unsuspected enriched mantle region north of 77° 30 N is also briefly considered.It remains uncertain whether geochemical gradients revealed in this study reflect: (1) the dynamics of mixing during mantle advection and magma emplacement into the crust along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) spreading axis, (e.g. such as in the mantle plume — large-ion-lithophile element depleted asthenosphere mixing model previously proposed); or (2) a horizontal gradation of the mantle beneath the MAR axis similar to that observed in the overlying crust; or (3) a vertical gradation of the mantle in incompatible elements with their contents increasing with depth and derivations of melts from progressively greater depth towards the Jan Mayen Platform.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in benthic foraminiferal faunas over the last 130,000 yr in four piston cores from the Norwegian Sea are correlated with the standard worldwide oxygen-isotope stratigraphy. One species, Cibicides wuellerstorfi, dominates in the Holocene section of each core, but alternates downcore with Oridorsalis tener, a species dominant today only in the deepest part of the basin. O. tener is the most abundant species throughout the entire basin during periods of particularly cold climate when the Norwegian Sea presumably was ice covered year round and surface productivity lowered. Portions of isotope Stages 6, 3, and 2 are barren of benthic foraminifera; this is probably due to lowered benthic productivity, perhaps combined with dilution by ice-rafted sediment; there is no evidence that the Norwegian Sea became azoic. The Holocene and Substage 5e (the last interglacial) are similar faunally. This similarity, combined with other evidence, supports the presumption that the Norwegian Sea was a source of dense overflows into the North Atlantic during Substage 5e as it is today. Oxygen-isotope analyses of benthic foraminifera indicate that Norwegian Sea bottom waters warmer than they are today from Substage 5d to Stage 2, with the possible exception of Substage 5a. These data show that the glacial Norwegian Sea was not a sink for dense surface water, as it is now, and thus it was not a source of deep-water overflows. The benthic foraminiferal populations of the deep Norwegian Sea seem at least as responsive to near-surface conditions, such as sea-ice cover, as they are to fluctuations in the hydrography of the deep water. Benthic foraminiferal evidence from the Norwegian Sea is insufficient in itself to establish whether or not the basin was a source of overflows into the North Atlantic at any time between the Substage 5e/5d boundary at 115,000 yr B.P. and the Holocene.  相似文献   

Carbonate preservation profiles in the Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea seem to be out-of phase during the last deglaciation. A possibly time transgressive deglacial preservation spike in the N-Atlantic overlaps with a major calcite dissolution pulse in the Norwegian Sea. Contemporaneously major changes in surface and bottom water circulation of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea occurred. Isotopic and sedimentological evidence suggests that bottom water formation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea was almost shut down during the last maximum glaciation and probably also during the first part of the last deglaciation. During that time corrosive bottom waters might have filled the Norwegian Sea deep sea basins causing carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. Subsequently, the reinitiation of deep water formation could have been coupled with increased resuspension of organic matter and/or reworking of older organic matter rising the p CO2 of bottom waters and contributing to carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. Additionally, large volumes of atmospheric CO2 stored before the Younger Dryas might have been pumped into the deep sea possibly by downwelling of surface waters and been neutralized against carbonate at the sea floor.
Zusammenfassung Erhaltungsprofile des Karbonatlösungszustandes, bestimmt an der planktonischen Foraminif ere N. pachyderma aus Sedimenten, die während der letzten Abschmelzphase der letzten Eiszeit abgelagert wurden, zeigen im Atlantik und in der Norwegisch-Grönländischen See eine deutliche Phasenverschiebung der Erhaltungszustände. Ein möglicherweise zeittransgressiver Erhaltungspeak im Atlantik tritt in zeitlicher überlappung mit einer Phase erhöhter Karbonatlösung in der Norwegischen See auf. Aufgrund verschiedener sedimentologischer Parameter (Korngrö\enspektren, C-org Gehalte, Sedimentstrukturen) und deutlicher Veränderungen der stabilen Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopenverhältnisse benthonischer Foraminiferen erscheint es wahrscheinlich, da\ die Tiefenwasserproduktion in der Norwegisch-Grönländischen See während des Höchststandes der letzten Vereisung und möglicherweise auch während des ersten Abschnittes des Abschmelzvorgangs gestoppt war. Während dieses Zeitraumes war die vertikale Durchmischung der Wassermassen stark herabgesetzt und altes korrosives Bodenwasser füllte die Tiefseebecken der Norwegischen See und verursachte eine intensive Karbonatlösung am Meeresboden. Nachdem die Bodenwasserzirkulation und Tiefenwasserbildung später erneut einsetzte, wurde zunächst eine verstärkte Ventilation durch absinkendes, sauerstoffreiches Oberflächenwasser am Meeresboden verursacht. Die Oxidation von resuspendiertem und die Aufarbeitung von bereits abgelagertem organischem Material bedingte einen letzten starken Anstieg des CO2 Partialdrucks im Bodenwasser und verstärkte die Karbonatlösung am Meeresboden. Eine mögliche zusätzliche Quelle liefert vor der Jüngeren Dryas in der Atmosphäre angereichertes CO2, das möglicherweise durch »downwelling« von Oberflächenwasser zusätzlich in die Tiefsee gepumpt wurde.

Résumé Au moyen den l'examen des foraminifères planctoniquesN. pachyderma, des profils de l'état de conservation des carbonates ont été établis dans les sédiments déposés dans l'Atlantique et dans la Mer de Norvège au cours de la phase de fusion de la dernière glaciation. Ces profils ne sont pas en corrélation: dans l'Atlantique apparaÎt un maximum de stabilité des carbonates, probablement transgressif dans le temps, qui correspond à une phase de forte dissolution dans la Mer de Norvège. Certains paramètres sédimentologiques (granularité, teneur en C organique, structures sédimentaires) ainsi que des variations de la composition isotopique de l'O et du C des foraminifères benthoniques permettent de penser que la production d'eau profonde s'est arrÊtée dans la Mer de Norvège au cours du maximum de la dernière glaciation et sans doute aussi pendant le début de la fusion qui a suivi. Pendant cette période, le mélange vertical des masses d'eau était fortement ralenti et une ancienne eau de fond à caractère corrosif occupait le bassin de la Mer de Norvège où elle induisait une forte dissolution des carbonates. Plus tard, lorsque se rétablirent la circulation de l'eau de fond et la formation d'eau profonde, on assita à une aération de la partie profonde de la mer, par l'effet de la descente d'eau superficielle riche en oxygène. L'oxydation de la matière organique provoqua un accroissement de la pression partielle de CO2 dans l'eau de fond, ce qui y accentua la dissolution des carbonates. Une autre source possible pourrait Être le CO2 accumulé dans l'atmosphère avant le Dryas supérieur et entraÎné vers la profondeur par la descente des eaux de surface.

- , N. pachyderma , . . — , , — , - , , , , . , . , , . O2 . O2 .

Paleomagnetic analyses of a series of sediment cores from the Norwegian—Greenland Sea document the existence of seven short-lived geomagnetic events during the last about 500.000 years. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, correlated to oxygen isotope chronostratigraphy, provides a time framework to infer age and duration of these periods of extreme divergence of the earth's magnetic paleofield from the regular normal polarity configuration of the Brunhes Chron. The geomagnetic events typically extend over 5 to 10 kyr. Two events are observed within the oxygen isotope stage 2–4 interval. A short event is recorded at the stage 4/5 boundary and another just below the stage 5/6 boundary. Additional three geomagnetic events are identified in oxygen isotope stage 6, at the stage 9/10 boundary and near the top of oxygen isotope stage 13, respectively.
Zusammenfassung Paläomagnetische Analysen einer Serie von Sedimentkernen aus der Norwegisch-Grönländischen See dokumentieren die Existenz von sieben kurzen geomagnetischen Ereignissen innerhalb der letzten etwa 500.000 Jahre. Alter und Dauer dieser extrem von der regulären Konfiguration normaler Polarität des erdmagnetischen Feldes der Brunhes Epoche abweichenden Episoden werden im Zeitrahmen von Biostratigraphien kalkiger Nannofossilien bestimmt, die mit einer Sauerstoffisotopen-Chronostratigraphie korreliert sind. Die geomagnetischen Ereignisse erstrecken sich typischerweise über Zeiträume von 5 bis 10 tausend Jahren. Zwei Ereignisse werden im Intervall der Sauerstoffisotopen Stadien 2–4 beobachtet. Ein kurzes Ereignis fällt in etwa mit der Stadien 4/5 Grenze zusammen, ein weiteres findet sich knapp unterhalb der Stadien 5/6 Grenze. Drei weitere geomagnetische Ereignisse sind im Sauerstoffisotopen Stadium 6, an der Stadien 9/10 Grenze und nahe dem Ende des Stadiums 13 identifiziert worden.

Résumé Des analyses paléomagnétiques pratiquées dans une série de carottes de sédiments de la mer de Norvège-Groenland montrent l'existence de sept événements géomagnétiques de courte durée, au cours des derniers 500.000 ans. Ces événements sont marqués par une extrême divergence du champ paléomagnétique terrestre par rapport à la configuration régulière de la polarité normale de Brunhes. La biostratigraphie des nannofossiles calcaires, correlée à la chronostratigraphie des isotopes de l'oxygène, fournit un cannevas temporel qui permet d'en préciser l'âge et la durée. Ils s'étendent typiquement sur 5 000 à 10 000 ans. Deux événements sont observés dans l'intervalle 2–4 des stades des isotopes de l'oxygène. Un événement court est enregistré à la limite des stades 4/5 et un autre juste sous la limite 5/6. Les trois autres événements se situent respectivement dans le stade 6, à la limite des stades 9/10 et près du sommet du stade 13.

, 500.000 7 . , Brunhes, , . 5 10 . 2–4 . 4/5, — 5/6. 6, 9/10 13.

南极海冰和陆架冰的时空变化动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用美国冰中心和雪冰中心提供的海冰资料和我国南极考察现场的海冰观测资料, 对南极海冰的长期变化进行了研究.结果表明: 20世纪70年代后期是多冰期; 80年代是少冰期; 90年代南极海冰属于上升趋势, 后期偏多; 区域性变化差别大, 东南极海冰偏多, 西南极海冰即南极半岛两侧特别是威德尔海(Weddell Sea)区和别林斯高晋海(Bellingshausen Sea)的冰明显偏少.东南极和西南极海冰的变化趋势总是反相的.90年代后期普里兹湾的海冰明显偏多, 南极大陆陆架冰外缘线总体没有明显的收缩, 有崩解也有再生的自然变化现象.西南极威德尔海的龙尼冰架(Ronne Ice Shelf)和罗斯海冰架(Ross Ice Shelf)东部崩解和收缩趋势明显, 东南极的冰架也有崩解和收缩, 但没有西南极明显.陆架冰崩解向海洋输送的冰山对全球海平面升高有一定的影响.目前, 南极冰盖断裂崩解形成的冰山, 向海洋输入的水量可使全球海平面上升约14 mm.南极海冰没有随着全球气候温暖化而明显减少, 而是按照东南极和西南极反相的变化规律进行周期性的变化、调整和制约.  相似文献   

A method is presented for correlating benthonic foraminiferal communities in Late Quaternary marine sediments on continental shelves and in coastal areas with the planktonic foraminiferal stratigraphy of the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea deep-sea sediments.  相似文献   

The orogeny of the Scandinavian and Greenland Caledonides is shortly reviewed, and a structural sketch map of the Scandinavian Caledonide part of the Geotraverse is presented. Post-Caledonian rifting episodes prior to the formation of the North Atlantic Ocean are briefly discussed, as well as the opening of the northern North Atlantic Ocean and its spreading rates.Computations of density models carried out on the basis of the Simplex-Algorithm which allows a least-squares solution under certain constraints show clearly a Moho-depression beneath the Caledonides and a comparatively thick oceanic crust in the Norwegian Sea. The transition zone oceanic continental crust has a complex structure, but a continuation of the Lofoten Islands and a part of the Vøring Plateau escarpment can be detected.The residuals of former measurements of tidal gravity in Fennoscandia are explained by oceanic loading tides, and a chart for the M2-loading effect is given. The influence of crustal structure on the residuals is shortly discussed. A finite element model is used to calculate the loading effect for a laterally inhomogeneous structure.
Zusammenfassung Die Orogenese der skandinavischen und grönländischen Kaledoniden wird kurz beschrieben und die Struktur des skandinavisch-kaledonischen Teils skizziert. Die postkaledonische Dehnungstektonik vor der Bildung des Nordatlantiks sowie die Öffnung des nördlichen Nordatlantiks und die entsprechende Öffnungsrate werden kurz diskutiert.Berechnungen von Dichtemodellen mit Hilfe des Simplex-Algorithmus erlauben die Optimierung unter Berücksichtigung von Randbedingungen. Die Modelle zeigen eine ausgeprägte Depression der Moho unter den Kaledoniden und eine relativ dicke ozeanische Kruste. Die Übergangszone von kontinentaler zu ozeanischer Kruste hat eine äußerst komplizierte Struktur, jedoch lassen sich sowohl die Fortsetzung der Lofoten als auch der Rand des Vøring-PIateaus erkennen.Die Residuen von Schweregezeiten in Fennoskandien lassen sich durch ozeanische Auflasteffekte erklären, und eine Karte des M2-Meeresgezeiteneinflusses wird vorgestellt. Der Einfluß der Krustenstruktur auf die Residuen wird kurz diskutiert. Zur Modellierung lateraler Inhomogenitäten wurde ein finites Elementmodell entwickelt.

Résumé L'orogenèse des calédonides Scandinaves et groenlandaises sera décrit brièvement et la structure de la partie Scandinave ébauchee.La distension tectonique post-calédonienne avant la formation de l'Atlantique nord ainsi que l'ouverture du nordatlantique septentrional avec le taux d'expansion correspondant sont ensuite brièvement discutés.Des calculs de modèle de densité à l'aide de l'algorithme simplex permettent la détermination optimale sur le principe des moindres carrés, compte tenu des conditions aux limites.Les modèles montrent une dépression prononcée de la Moho sous les calédonides et une croûte océanique relativement épaisse. La zone de transition entre la croûte continentale et la croûtre océanique a une structure extrêmement compliquée; cependant on peut reconnaître la continuation des Lofoten ainsi que la marge du plateau de Vøring.Les résidus des marées terrestres fenno-scandiennes peuvent s'expliquer par des effets de charge océanique, et une carte de l'influence du terme M2 des marées est présentée. L'influence de la structure de la croûte sur les residues est discutée. Pour modeler les homogénéités latérales on a développé un modèle d'éléments finis.

- . - , , . Simplex-Algorithmus . . , , , . - ; . . , .

Various models of surface and deep-water circulation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea (NGS) have been proposed for the last two glacial to interglacial transitions. Although much progress has been made in understanding the sedimentary response to climatic and oceanographic changes, conflicting interpretations have been developed. To clarify some of these discrepancies and to test or modify the existing circulation concepts, a multiparameter approach is applied, combining sedimentological, micropaleontological, organic-geochemical and isotopic methods. On the basis of indicative properties a combined litho- and organofacies concept is developed and calibrated with modern depositional settings beneath different surface water masses. Sedimentary regimes are then derived for glacial and deglacial settings.Atlantic water intrusions in the NGS reveal complex and highly dynamic patterns for the last two glacial and interglacial periods, with repetitive inflows during Isotope Stage 6 and a high variability in Isotope Stage 5. Specific facies patterns show maximum extensions of Atlantic Water intrusions during the climatic highstands 5.5.1, 5.3 and 5.1 and narrowest intrusions in the cool phases 5.4 and most pronounced in 5.2. In contrast, different glacio-marine depositional regimes depict variable sea ice coverage and supply of ice-rafted debris. Most conspicuous are short-term depositional events marked by diamictons, which are related to the high instabilities of continental ice sheets. Some of the diamictons seem to occur contemporaneously with Heinrich layers H1 and H2. The probable temporal and obvious phenomenological concidence of Heinrich layers and NGS diamictons suggests a common trigger mechanism which caused an almost simultaneous disintegration of huge continental ice masses along the shelves of North America and the eastern margin of the NGS.A previous estuarine circulation model claims regional upwelling along the eastern margin of the NGS for specific periods of the last deglaciation. The organic character of sediments covering the same time intervals show a clear predominance of reworked fossil organic matter and thus does not support the estuarine model.  相似文献   

格陵兰海海冰外缘线变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
格陵兰海作为北冰洋的边缘海之一,容纳了北极输出的海冰,其海冰外缘线的变化既受北极海冰输出量的影响,也受局地海冰融化和冻结过程的影响。利用2003年1月到2011年6月AMSR-E卫星亮温数据反演的海冰密集度产品,对格陵兰海海冰外缘线的变化特征进行了分析。结果表明,格陵兰海海冰外缘线不仅存在一年的变化周期,还存在比较显著的半年变化周期,与海冰在春秋两季向岸收缩有关。格陵兰海冬季的海冰外缘线极大值呈逐年下降的趋势,体现了北极增暖导致的冬季海冰范围减小;而夏季海冰外缘线离岸距离的极小值呈上升趋势,表明夏季来自北冰洋的海冰输出量增大。2003—2004年是格陵兰海夏季海冰融化最严重的2年。2007年北冰洋夏季海冰覆盖范围达到历史最小;而格陵兰海夏季的最小海冰范围最大,表明2007年北冰洋海冰的输出量大于其他年份。此外,夏季格陵兰岛冰雪融化形成的地表径流对海冰外缘线有一定的影响。对海冰外缘线影响最大的不是格陵兰海的局地风场,而是弗拉姆海峡(Fram Strait)区域的经向风,它直接驱动了北冰洋海冰向格陵兰海的输运,进而对格陵兰海海冰外缘线的分布产生滞后的影响。  相似文献   

宋卫东  宁建国 《冰川冻土》2003,25(3):351-354
将海冰作为浮在海水上的半无限大的平板,将海水的浮力作为弹性地基,把海冰与桩柱的作用力看作为集中力,海冰的破坏看作为集中力作用下的平板失稳问题,给出了冰排在集中力作用下的压曲微分方程,数值计算结果给出了海冰在桩柱作用下的临界载荷的表达式,为海洋结构的设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

为定量分析北冰洋海冰密集度年际差异,提出并采用累积海冰密集度(ASIC)概念。利用SSMR/SSMI的分辨率为25 km的海冰密集度数据,分别研究了1979—2011年北极海冰在融冰期(4~9月)和结冰期(10月至翌年3月)的变化过程以及2个冰期内ASIC的区域差异。研究发现,在1979—1989年、1989—1999年和1999—2009年期间,融冰期海冰发生明显变化的范围都远远大于结冰期海冰发生明显变化的范围。1998—2010年,融冰期内发生加速融化的海区并没有都出现结冰期冰量减小的现象。在此期间融冰期ASIC减小,结冰期ASIC也减小的海域仅集中在楚克奇海、新地岛北部海域以及格陵兰岛东西海岸。融冰期ASIC减小,而结冰期ASIC无明显变化的海域包括波弗特海、东西伯利亚海、拉普捷夫海和喀拉海。这些区域与局地陆地径流侵入的海域重合。研究发现,在这些区域,融冰期ASIC减少是陆地径流增大加速海冰融化引起的。在结冰期,陆地径流加速海水结冰的作用消除融冰期海水吸收大量太阳辐射能后发生推迟结冰的现象,使得ASIC无明显变化。融冰期ASIC减小,而结冰期ASIC增大的区域只有白令海。研究结果证明累积海冰密集度能够去除海冰高频变化而只表现低频变化,能够描述海冰的年际变化特征。同时由于海冰变化与海洋中其他物理参数存在显著关系,变T的ASIC可以更加方便地描述次表层叶绿素最大值层深度的变化。  相似文献   

海冰蠕变特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李志军  隋吉学 《冰川冻土》1990,12(3):243-249

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(9-10):1197-1203
Reconstructions of the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Celtic Sea and southern Ireland have been hampered by a paucity of well-dated stratigraphic records. As a result, the timing of the last advance of the largest outlet of the BIIS, the Irish Sea Ice Stream, to its maximum limit in the Celtic Sea has been variously proposed as being pre-last glaciation, Early Devensian and LGM. The Irish Sea Till was deposited by the Irish Sea Ice Stream during its last advance into the Celtic Sea. We present 26, stratigraphically well constrained, new AMS radiocarbon dates on glacially transported marine shells from the Irish Sea Till in southern Ireland, which constrain the maximum age of this advance. The youngest of these dates indicate that the BIIS advanced to its overall maximum limit in the Celtic Sea after 26,000–20,000 14C yr BP, thus during the last glaciation. The most extensive phase of BIIS growth therefore appears to have occurred during the LGM, at least along the Celtic Sea and Irish margins. These data further demonstrate that the uppermost inland glacial tills, from the area of supposed “older drift” in southern Ireland, a region previously regarded as having been unglaciated during the LGM also date from the last glaciation. Thus most of southern Ireland was ice covered at the LGM. Advance of the BIIS to its maximum southern limit in the Celtic Sea may have been a short-lived glaciodynamic response facilitated by subglacial bed conditions, rather than a steady-state response to climate forcing alone.  相似文献   

在全球变暖的背景下,北极海冰在发生快速变化,海冰覆盖范围明显减小,厚度显著变薄,积雪/海冰—反照率正反馈机制在此背景下变得愈发重要。气候系统和单一海冰模式采用了从简单到复杂的海冰反照率参数化方案。首先对模式中的海冰反照率参数化进行了回顾,并结合对现有卫星反照率产品问题的分析,概述了前人对参数化的评估研究工作。在此基础上进一步讨论了气候模式中海冰反照率参数化方案存在的问题,一方面目前的反照率参数化对海冰融池和冰间水道等物理过程的考虑还不够完善,另一方面反照率参数化方案的发展受到观测数据可用性的制约。最后对参数化的发展方向进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Sutcliffe, Antony J. 1985: On the Track of Ice Age Mammals  相似文献   

基于走航观测的夏季南极海冰分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐述林  李宁 《冰川冻土》2008,30(2):211-217
依托中国第19次南极科学考察,基于ASPeCt(南极海冰过程与气候)海冰走航观测方法标准,以"雪龙号"破冰船为平台进行夏季南大洋海冰走航观测.在2003年1月4-17日近6 500km的航程断面上,分别获取了海冰的厚度、密集度、雪厚度、浮冰尺寸等海冰分布特征参数.结果表明,海冰分布特征参数均呈现了较大的空间变化.由于夏季海冰融化并受制于特定动力过程作用,海冰在威德尔海附近聚集,密集度达到峰值,沿断面在0%~80%之间变化;在断面的大部分观测到开阔水域.沿断面海冰厚度介于10~210cm,雪厚度介于2~80 cm之间,在埃默里冰架附近冰雪厚度达到了全断面的最高值.沿断面浮冰尺寸,最小到<10 cm到最大超过2 000 m不等.  相似文献   

A synoptic study is carried out to reconstruct the development of the plankton community in the late Quaternary in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. It comprises quantitative analyses of coccolithophores, dinoflagellate cysts, diatoms and radiolarians. An actualistic approach is applied to evaluate the different fossil records of these plankton groups. The preliminary results of the current investigation are reported here.The composition and distribution of living communities of coccolithophores are presented as an example. A close relationship between the distribution of regional groups and surface water masses is observed. Seasonal vertical fluxes of coccolithophores and radiolarians through the water column show similar patterns within different years. However, diatoms are highly variable, both in absolute fluxes and species composition. The differentiation of sporadic and periodic processes is evident only after several years of observation. During settling and sedimentation biotic and abiotic processes such as grazing, dissolution and lateral transport alter the assemblages.Investigation of death assemblages in surface sediments reveals that in spite of these alteration processes the abundance and species distribution are related to surface water masses. Higher abundances and diversities are usually found in sediments underlying the warm Norwegian Current. Concentrations decrease to the north-west towards the cold polar water masses.The sediment assemblages of all groups are strongly altered relicts of former living communities. They are characterized by distinct changes in species composition and absolute abundances related to palaeo-oceanographic development. Their variation through the sedimentary record is used to distinguish four ecostratigraphic units during the late Weichselian and Holocene.  相似文献   

海冰侧限剪切强度实验方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
剪切强度是研究海冰破坏准则的重要参数。由于海冰的特殊性,海冰的剪切实验难于实现。采用常规材料的剪切实验方法将导致一些方法误差。本设计了一种新的实验装置获得了海冰在三个加载方向的剪切强度,同时测试了海冰的内摩擦系数。在本实验基础上利用Coulomb-Mohr理论研究了海冰的破坏准则。  相似文献   

南极海冰变化异常与全球海平面变化(英)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the long-term variation trend of the Antarctic sea ice in 1973~1994 and the inter-decade variation rule of the global sea level are analyzed. It is foundthat, the Antarctic sea ice area in 1980's was significantly less than in 1970's but with regional difference:decreasing in Regions Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ, and increasing in Region Ⅳ, the average global sea levelheightvalue in 1980's was also significantly higher than in 1970's but also with very large regional difference.Connecting variation of both to analyze their physical mechanism, it is pointed that, the accumulated seaice anomaly value in 1980's less than in 1970's means a global climate warming, the sea watertemperature and air temperature rising, sea water volume expanding, and more icebergs transportingfrom the ice cover on the Antarctic continent to ocean in the warmer years. As a result, the global sealevel raised significantly with the global average sea level value in 1980's was 22 mm higher than in 1970's. The Sea Level Raising (SLR) distributed uneven. It is especially true in the Pacific Ocean andAtlantic. This kind of uneven SLR distribution closely relates to, or is introduced by the uneven sea ice change of the Antarctic Regions.  相似文献   

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