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随着智能移动终端和社交媒体的普及,带有地理标签的社交媒体数据大量涌现,其“文本—位置—时间”的多维特征使得精细时空尺度上的旅游者情绪感知成为可能。该文基于2017-2019年旅游者发布的新浪微博数据,采用BERT模型对微博数据进行文本分析,探讨旅游者情绪的时空分布规律及不同主题下旅游者的情绪特征,并分析导致旅游者产生负面情绪的相关因素。研究发现,微博中旅游者情绪呈现昼夜、周和季节性节律变化,不同性别旅游者在情绪反应强度及情绪节律上存在差异,对“天气”和“餐饮”主题易产生强烈情绪。该文提出的旅游者情绪挖掘方法可从多维度、多层次挖掘旅游者情绪特征,为旅游目的地舆情监测和预警系统提供借鉴。 相似文献
以北京市城八区和外城五个有代表性的地区为调查研究对象,以2005年的大规模调查问卷为基础数据,运用数理统计和GIS分析手段对北京城市居民自身居住环境安全性的评价做出分析.结果显示,北京市居民对自身居住环境安全性总体较为满意,但不同类型人群对居住环境安全性的评价差别明显,其中高知青年和富裕人群的满意度最高,而贫困老年人群满意度最差.从空间差异来看,内城和城北是安全性评价较好的地区,外城和城南地区评价较差,城市东西方向上的评价值无明显空间差别. 相似文献
Ann M. Fletchall 《Geographical review》2016,106(4):539-566
Montana's craft brewing industry has grown astronomically in the last few decades and has spawned many breweries with local names and themes. Using Montana's craft breweries as a case study, this paper demonstrates that craft breweries play a significant role in contemporary place‐making. First, brewery and beer names are analyzed to extract several place‐based themes, and it is argued that these perpetuate a particular New West identity for the state. Then, through the lens of tourism and the quest for “authenticity,” surveys of brewery visitors are used to identify the various attractions that drinking craft beer and visiting breweries offer their patrons. Besides the taste of the beer, the local nature of breweries and their community focus prove to be an important draw for brewery visitors and provide the chance to experience the community in a more authentic way, and thus, offer an opportunity to make a meaningful connection with place. This research proves that craft breweries have become an important venue for place‐making, not only in Montana, but in other cities and states with a significant craft‐brewing industry 相似文献
城市化进程加快导致街道安全性问题突出,已有研究利用城市视觉要素刻画街道安全感空间分布,忽略了街道真实安全性与安全感间的差异。该文利用街景影像和手机信令数据,结合K-means聚类算法与笛卡尔积运算模型减少“安全感知差异”,以长沙市主城区为研究案例,得到白天、夜晚及总体城市街道安全性分布:1)长沙市主城区安全感指数随圈层数增加呈波动递减趋势,主要原因是建筑视觉要素占比下降较快以及天空视觉要素占比逐步上升;2)长沙市主城区呈双圈层结构,白天高安全性、夜晚低安全性以及总体安全性最低的区域主要分布在主城区中心,具有明显的聚集现象。该研究通过对城市街道安全性和低安全性街道的分析提出街道优化建议,为城市规划提供参考。 相似文献
Brenda Parker 《The Professional geographer》2017,69(2):321-328
In this article, I place Ahmed's notion of the feminist killjoy into conversation with feminist geography literature to explore possibilities and praxis in research endeavoring to illuminate uneven power relations and the moral orders that frame them. According to Ahmed, a feminist killjoy is one who exposes sexism, heterosexism, and racism, only to be criticized for disrupting happiness and social consent. Drawing on fieldwork on urban politics and development, I explore the implications—both promise and peril—of adopting feminist killjoy research subjectivities, emphasizing the important role of affect. I suggest that when feminist researchers direct killjoy research not just at mainstream institutions but also at progressive endeavors, they risk being construed as double killjoys who disrupt supposed joy and solidarity within progressive politics. 相似文献
基于社交媒体签到数据的城市居民暴雨洪涝响应时空分析 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
暴雨洪涝等小型地域性气候灾害给城市韧性带来挑战。以南京暴雨洪涝为例,通过挖掘新浪微博签到数据,构建公众感知指数和公众情绪指数,分析居民对暴雨洪涝响应的时空格局。在时间维度上,居民对暴雨洪涝的响应主要集中在暴雨洪涝期,并随灾害的严重程度而变化;在暴雨洪涝期内,居民在社交媒体上对暴雨洪涝的响应集中在早、晚高峰。在空间维度上,居民对暴雨洪涝的响应集中在主城区和3个新市区;重要交通基础枢纽地区和低海拔、经历快速城市化的新市区的居民对暴雨洪涝担忧程度更高。时空分析表明,暴雨洪涝对居民的交通出行影响最明显。基于时空间分析,最后从硬件和软件设施上为提升暴雨洪涝的城市韧性提供相关政策建议。 相似文献
城市空间分异研究对城市规划、旅游地资源配置、公共交通优化等具有重要意义。该文基于2016年北京市核心六区微博签到数据,根据游客和当地居民签到行为差异,依据时间特征、空间特征和签到比率特征,通过机器学习方法对游客与当地居民进行分类,利用局部莫兰指数和基于签到POI类型的层次聚类法实现细粒度的签到聚集区类型识别,并探究两类人群签到聚集区空间分布与签到类型的差异。结果表明:该文分类模型各项评价指标均在0.9以上,较前人分类结果有较大提升;基于该分类模型所得游客和居民社交媒体签到特征差异显著,游客签到主要集中在故宫周边,以风景名胜、体育休闲和餐饮服务类型为主,居民签到较分散且科教文化服务、商务住宅类型突出,同时发现“菖蒲河公园”等居民签到多而游客签到少的显著差异地区。利用社交媒体数据进行人群异质性角度下的空间分异研究,有助于准确捕捉不同人群在城市中的活动类型、特征并探究城市内部活动规律。 相似文献
九寨沟自然观光地旅游者地方感特征分析 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
地方感是人文主义地理学“人-地”关系研究中的重要内容。旅游是人们感知和认识环境的重要途径和方式, 旅游者地方感是旅游者与旅游地环境相互作用的结果。通过构建旅游者地方感模型, 以九寨沟为案例研究发现, ① 九寨沟旅游者的地方感在自然风景维度、社会人文维度、旅游功能维度和情感依恋维度等四个维度上存在一定差异; ② 九寨沟的自然风景与环境得到了旅游者较高的感知评价和普遍认同, 是旅游者对九寨沟产生情感依恋的主要因素; ③ 旅游者对九寨沟的社会人文环境的感知评价相对较低, 并影响到对九寨沟旅游环境与功能的感知评价; ④ 旅游者赋予九寨沟更多的是自然观光的意义和审美价值, 九寨沟蕴涵 的民俗文化体验的意义和历史价值并未能被旅游者所充分感知和认识, “藏族村寨”的地方特质没有得到旅游者的足够认同; ⑤ 不同类型旅游者之间的感知评价差异集中在九寨沟的藏 族风情、地方文化、旅游服务、游览秩序和旅游氛围等方面。旅游者地方感研究为自然资源和旅游地规划与管理提供了依据, 具有一定的现实指导和借鉴意义。 相似文献
This article investigates the sources of vegetables consumed by farmers, their perception of pesticide-related food safety risks and the behaviors they engage in to protect themselves, and explores the implications for the social co-governance (shehui gongzhi) of food safety emphasized by China’s recent Food Safety Law. The research site is a county in Yunnan Province where vegetable growing is the major source of income and livelihood for local farmers. We surveyed 417 farmers and collected 776 vegetable samples from 377 surveyed farmer households and tested them for organophosphate and carbamate pesticide residues using PR-12N Rapid Detection Instrument for Pesticide Residues. The results showed that farmers know about the risks to food safety caused by pesticides used in vegetable growing and they purposely avoid these risks by mainly consuming vegetables planted in home gardens or private plots that use little or no pesticides. Vegetable samples from these private plots had the lowest positive rate of pesticide residues (6.10%), compared with vegetable samples from commercial farmland (13.73%) and markets (12.66%), and the difference was statistically significant (X2=9.69,0.005
Fishing communities in Europe are facing significant challenges due to policy measures aimed at reducing fishing effort in order to cope with the “crisis” in key stocks. While it is imperative to ensure sustainability of the resource, such policies may overlook the contribution of fisheries to the social and cultural well-being of coastal communities. This article explores the contribution that sense of place can make to understanding the relationship between fishing and cultural ecosystem services, drawing on case studies from Cornwall, southwest England. Through semistructured interviews with fishing community stakeholders we outline how fishing contributes to sense of place in terms of individual and community identities, as well as a particular place character associated with the physical presence of fishing. We suggest that a co-constructionist account of the relationship between sea and land can provide a starting point for understanding the cultural landscape that emerges as a result of fishing. 相似文献
Antonio A. R. Ioris 《Geographical review》2017,107(3):452-475
This article investigates the spatial logic and different moments of place‐making during the expansion of Mato Grosso's agribusiness frontier, in the southern section of the Brazilian Amazon. The analysis is informed by three conceptual concerns: the tensions between representation and experience, between humanist and class‐based explanations, and between the intensity of place‐making and place‐framing. Empirical results from a qualitative case study (carried out between 2013–2015, when agribusiness was the undisputed locomotive of the Brazilian economy) demonstrate that socio‐spatial changes in the last four decades evolved due to the complementary pressures and controversies of displacement (particularly in the 1970s–1980s) and replacement (in the 1990s–2000s), which eventually resulted in the widespread sense of misplacement due to accumulated inequalities and entrenched forms of socioeconomic exclusion. The principal conclusion found that the places dominated by agribusiness in Mato Grosso evolved around a totalizing spatial strategy that undermined alternative forms of production and livelihoods that do not fit in the export‐oriented agricultural model. 相似文献
陕西省生态安全及空间差异定量分析 总被引:72,自引:1,他引:72
利用生态足迹的理论与方法,提出了生态压力指数的概念,建立了生态压力指数测算模型和生态安全等级划分体系,以及不同地区生态足迹、生态承载力、生态盈余及生态安全度变化预测模型。据此对1986~2002年陕西省三大自然区 (陕北黄土高原、关中渭河盆地、陕南秦巴山区) 的生态足迹、生态承载力、生态盈余/亏损进行了测算和分析。研究结果:① 各地区生态承载力均呈减少趋势,减少幅度差异明显,陕北黄土高原最快,陕南秦巴山区最慢,关中渭河盆地居中;② 各地区生态足迹均呈现增加趋势,增加幅度大小不一,由小到大依次为陕北黄土高原、关中渭河盆地、陕南秦巴山区;③ 1986~2002年生态压力指数:陕北黄土高原从0.44增加到0.91,增加幅度0.47;关中渭河盆地从0.75增长为1.20,增长幅度为0.45;陕南秦巴山区从0.19增长为0.22,增长幅度为0.03。年平均压力指数关中渭河盆地最大,是陕南秦巴山区的5.37倍,是陕北黄土高原的1.30倍;④ 各区生态安全状况:陕南秦巴山区处安全状态;关中渭河盆地已严重超载,处于不安全状态;陕北黄土高原处于临界状态,压力指数增长最快。 相似文献
This article considers the mobile interview method's utility to geography through five strengths: the ability to (1) produce spatially grounded and place-specific data, (2) access subtler and more complex meanings of place, (3) create opportunities for flexible and collaborative conversation with participants in situ, (4) build rapport and adjust participant–researcher power dynamics, and (5) efficiently produce rich geographic data. Practical, technical, ethical, and epistemological considerations are discussed. We expand methodological exploration of disempowered individuals' experiences of home, neighborhood, and urban space. The mobile interview offers a valuable, underutilized method for geographers to better understand the coconstitutive relationship between self and place. 相似文献
Talking whilst walking: a geographical archaeology of knowledge 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jon Anderson 《Area》2004,36(3):254-261
This paper explores how understandings of the knowledge and lives of individuals can be gained through making geographical context more explicit within qualitative research methods. The paper will focus on 'conversations in place'. More particularly, it will suggest that conversations held whilst walking through a place have the potential to generate a collage of collaborative knowledge. Drawing on the work of Casey, the paper builds upon the notion of the 'constitutive co-ingredience' of place and human identity, and, through using documentary and empirical examples, will argue that 'talking whilst walking' can harness place as an active trigger to prompt knowledge recollection and production. 相似文献
基于地形动力学的海滩裂流安全性评价 ——以三亚大东海为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章基于海滩地形动力学模型建立了海滩安全性评价方法,认为低潮沙坝/裂流海滩类和沙坝类海滩出现裂流概率最大,沙坝消散类和有裂流的低潮台地类海滩裂流风险中等,没有裂流的低潮台地海滩、没有沙坝的消散海滩、超消散型、完全反射型海滩裂流风险很小。以三亚大东海为例,利用该评价方法分析了海滩溺水事故频发的原因,结果显示:1)该海滩状态以沙坝型和低潮沙坝/裂流海滩型为主,属于高风险海滩,此结论与当地救生实践吻合;2)该海滩溺水事故发生的根本原因为裂流危险性高,故容易发生溺水事故。 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):196-202
Abstract The ultimate goal of all geographic education is to have our students think geographically for life. To this end, the five geographic skills sets allow teachers to use the inquiry approach to more accurately observe whether or not geographic thinking is actually taking place. As essential components of these geographic skills, fieldwork, journaling, and stories based on the field experience have proven to be effective tools of inquiry. This article demonstrates how a journal, kept by the author while on an advanced alliance summer institute to Russia in 1996, was used to write an original short story based on the author's fieldwork there. The author's experiences model the five geographic skills sets in developing lesson plans for the original short story, The Dragon and the Anchor. These activities allow the students to sharpen their geographic skills and develop a sense of place by studying the changes that have occurred in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991. 相似文献
Risa Whitson 《The Professional geographer》2017,69(2):299-306
In this article, I argue that researchers need to carefully distinguish the concepts of subjectivity and positionality in feminist reflexive practice, as an explicit focus on researcher subjectivity has the potential to provide additional insights into the research process that go beyond a focus on relational positionality. Drawing on examples from my own research, I argue that examining one's subjectivity as a researcher opens up a consideration of emotional reactions to research; lets us reconsider the importance of feelings of (dis)affiliation and (dis)comfort in the research process; and helps us to recognize that the dreams and desires of researchers about themselves and their research participants can play an important role in the research process. Moreover, researcher subjectivity attunes us to ways in which our subjectivities shift through the research process and are intimately connected to and mediated by the process of research and our interactions with our research participants. 相似文献
宗教地理是文化地理重要的研究内容之一,但在中国相关实证研究仍不多见。结合半结构问卷调查和访谈,对广州石室圣心大教堂的非洲裔移民宗教场所地方感特征及其形成机理进行探讨。研究发现:非洲裔移民宗教场所地方依恋和地方认同发展快于地方依赖;非裔移民较强的圣地地方依恋同时存在较强的空间可替代性,但又由于区位等因素存在宗教功能之外的非可替代性;圣地地方依赖则因被宗教教义视为功利性而被掩盖。回归分析表明,社交和场所互动时间是指示地方感的最显著指标。随着非粤宗教文化的融合发展,宏观政治环境以及语言文化隔离等外生因素正对宗教地方感的提高产生重要影响。 相似文献