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Even nowadays one frequently sees distributional data plotted on world maps on the Mercator projection, the only advantage of which is that loxodromes (rhumb lines) appear as straight lines, but which is grotesquely misleading for comparison of area and distance. Equal-area projections are, however, more and more used, the uncertainty mainly being which of the numerous kinds should be the most suitable one.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):153-163

In this study, the author examines the use of four protocol lessons designed to aid 7th grade students in developing a clear mental map of the world. Two classes, involving 44 students, participated in the study. One class was taught using the instructional sequence common to the district's 7th grade world geography classes. The second class was instructed using the protocol lessons. A quantitative and qualitative assessment took place. The results indicated that students using the protocol lessons developed more detailed and accurate mental maps of the world than those instructed in the common sequence. The study advocates having students construct and work with maps, rather than simply filling in information on them.  相似文献   

梅琳  薛德升 《地理科学进展》2012,31(10):1264-1273
在全球化的冲击下, 超越或嵌入国家地理疆界范围的行动者改变着世界政治地理格局。国际组织、国际非政府组织、跨国政府组织和跨国非政府组织等跨国机构在全球地缘政治中的角色越来越重要。地理学视角的研究认为, 不同类型的跨国机构在全球尺度上创造了复杂而多样化的全球政治地理结构, 也形成具有政治特色的世界城市体系。不仅如此, 跨国机构通过地方尺度的行动, 深入城市的全球化发展过程, 成为与世界城市紧密关联的影响因子, 对城市制度和内部空间等方面的变化发挥着不可忽视的作用。对当代西方地理学中跨国机构研究进行梳理和评述, 在此基础上指出目前存在的不足, 不仅是从地理学视角对跨国机构研究进展的把握, 也希望对中国当代政治地理和城市地理中跨国机构的研究有一定的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(9):541-544

In the past decade, scientists have become increasingly concerned with man's pollution of the atmosphere and his inadvertent ability to effect change in climate at macro scales. The nature of such change is not yet known, but in this article, the premise that continued atmospheric pollution will promote higher air temperatures and ultimately coastal flooding through melting of all solid water forms, is accepted as inevitable. The author speculates on the probability of such an event and cartographically analyzes the possible extent of change in continental shapes and sizes, as well as the impact of world inundation on population densities and distributions. Projecting to 2050 A.D. as the earliest possible date for the maximization of this occurrence, it is expected that the expanding oceans will have reduced continental surfaces by approximately 17%, and roughly 19% of the population of the mid-21st century will have been relocated.  相似文献   

This study presents pragmatic evidence to make learning a geographical process. It investigates how place-based education (PBE) can deepen the sense of place and vice versa. The study first reviews the meaning of PBE and continues with an ontological discussion of place. As place is theorized, learning practices in the course Sustainable Urban Development and Hong Kong are outlined. The submissions of students are analyzed, and selected reflections are presented to interface with the ontological construct of place. We examine how PBE can enrich student awareness of place and in what way student appreciations of place can add values to the geographical reasoning on sustainability- and urbanism-related topics. Results show that site selection is important and place in PBE is both real and imagined. Heritage conservation and place revitalization are potential reflective topics to design a PBE-based teaching praxis.  相似文献   

汪涛 《地理教学》2022,(2):22-24,9
“强有力的知识”思想,为人们理解课程知识提供了新视角,推动了课程知识理论的发展,也为我国以培养学生核心素养为中心的课程改革提供了参考与借鉴。旨在探索地理教育目的、价值和实现途径的国际“地理可行能力”项目,将“强有力的地理学科知识”作为其核心组成部分。本文通过分析“强有力的地理学科知识”的概念理论渊源、力量源泉和内涵构成,提出其类型与人才培养目标对应体系,从学术共同体和开放参与式平台两方面探索我国“强有力的地理学科知识”的构建路径。  相似文献   

尹国蔚 《热带地理》2014,34(5):712-718
根据联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心网提供的资料和其他以关于印度史地为主的文献,按类型归纳印度世界遗产的地域与分布特征。截止2013年,印度入选的世界遗产包括24项文化遗产和6项自然遗产,无属于混合类型的双重遗产。世界自然遗产具有自然地理的整体性和差异性特征,而文化遗产的宗教特征比较普遍。自然遗产主要分布于印度次大陆的边缘地区;而文化遗产主要以历史上比较强大的国家政权和外来势力的统治中心、海陆交通枢纽和环境适宜为分布取向;其中,各类宗教性遗产呈南北向地域分异。这些特征是在印度地缘环境的相对独立性、地形和炎热多雨的气候,以及悠久但发展极不平衡且以分裂为主的历史、外来势力、经济发展和本土文化基底的共同影响下形成的。  相似文献   

从联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心网提供的按国家顺序排列的《世界遗产名录》中将属于非洲国家的世界遗产逐项析出,进一步通览每项遗产的介绍资料,根据最基本和最显著的特点将非洲世界遗产的地域特征归纳为:文化遗产远多于自然遗产而在全球自然遗产比例较高、自然遗产和双重遗产在热带地区分布比较集中、古城镇数量多、就地取材且原始性强、反映历史悠久的古老遗迹多、外来文化特征明显以及宗教和神秘色彩浓厚等方面。这些特征是在自然环境、历史发展和地缘位置的共同作用下形成的。  相似文献   

高等地理教育对地理学基础教育人才和科研创新人才培养起着重要作用,本文通过对我国地理学本专科专业设置与招生状况、二级学科研究生培养机构的统计,分析我国地理学高等教育与人才培养的现状。研究发现:我国地理学高等教育学校或机构的数量有了明显增加,学科发展明显增强,各级各类人才的培养规模取得较大发展,但同时也存在地区发展不平衡、培养机构的背景比较单一、生源质量和地理院系冠名多样化等问题。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):216-219

The Geographical Association (GA) is an international association of over 10,000 geography educators headquartered in Sheffield, England. The National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) and the GA have similar goals. The GA's annual conferences provide an excellent opportunity to begin geography education partnerships between the NCGE and the GA. Operating exhibits and teaching workshops on geographic information systems at the last three Geographical Association conferences at universities in England afforded the opportunity to network with teachers and pave the way for future collaboration.  相似文献   

跨国公司R&D全球化,尤其是R&D投资向发展中国家的扩散,对传统跨国公司理论提出了挑战。本文研究跨国公司在发展中国家R&D投资的发展历程、空间演变和空间特征。研究验证了企业的资源观在解释跨国公司R&D全球化中的适用性,并提出中国应抓住跨国公司调整R&D投资空间布局的有利时机,尽快制定政策吸引和利用跨国公司R&D投资。  相似文献   

This article uses discourse analysis techniques associated with Foucauldian archaeology to examine the two international charters developed by the International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education (IGU-CGE), the original one in 1992 and the revised version endorsed in 2016 at the Beijing conference. The examination considers the consultation and development processes before outlining similarities and differences in the messages communicated and how discourses have changed through time. The article concludes with recommendations for the geography education community for the future.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology for a more detailed investigation of urban landscape change in rapidly growing cities of the less developed world beyond typical macrolevel approaches. This research is an attempt to bridge the gap between traditional landscape analysis and geographic information science (GIS). The article presents the preliminary results from a pilot project in Zamalek, Egypt, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of the two techniques. Rarely used to study the less developed world, these techniques are utilized to assess change within a portion of Cairo's urban landscape. Large-scale historic maps and high-resolution satellite imagery, combined with field attribute collection, are the major data sources in this applied landscape analysis. A motivating factor in the desire to examine landscape change at such a large scale is the need to create monitoring systems for historic preservation in cities of the less developed world.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology for a more detailed investigation of urban landscape change in rapidly growing cities of the less developed world beyond typical macrolevel approaches. This research is an attempt to bridge the gap between traditional landscape analysis and geographic information science (GIS). The article presents the preliminary results from a pilot project in Zamalek, Egypt, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of the two techniques. Rarely used to study the less developed world, these techniques are utilized to assess change within a portion of Cairo's urban landscape. Large‐scale historic maps and high‐resolution satellite imagery, combined with field attribute collection, are the major data sources in this applied landscape analysis. A motivating factor in the desire to examine landscape change at such a large scale is the need to create monitoring systems for historic preservation in cities of the less developed world.  相似文献   

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