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Based on the latest displacement of Huoshan piedmont fault, Mianshan west-side fault and Taigu fault obtained from the beginning of 1990‘s up to the present, the characteristics of distribution and displacement of surface rupture zone of the 1303 Hongtong M = 8 earthquake, Shanxi Province are synthesized and discussed in the paper. If Taigu fault, Mianshan west-side fault and Huoshan piedmont fault were contemporarily active during the 1303 Hongtong M = 8 earthquake, the surface rupture zone would be 160 km long and could be divided into 3 segments, that is, the 50-km-long Huoshan piedmont fault segment, 35-km-long Mianshan west-side fault segment and 70-km-long Taigu fault segment, respectively. Among them, there exist 4 km and 8 km step regions. The surface rupture zone exhibits right-lateral features. The displacements of northern and central segments are respectively 6~7 m and the southern segment has the maximum displacement of 10 m. The single basin-boundary fault of Shanxi fault-depression system usually corresponds to M ≈ 7 earthquake, while this great earthquake (M = 8) broke through the obstacle between two basins. It shows that the surface rupture scale of great earthquake is changeable.  相似文献   

1303年山西洪洞8级地震地表破裂带di   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
综合20世纪90年代初在霍山山前断裂和近年在绵山西侧断裂和太谷断裂获取的最新调查资料,讨论了1303年山西洪洞8级地震地表破裂带的展布和位移特征. 如果太谷断裂、绵山西侧断裂与霍山山前断裂在1303年洪洞地震中同时活动,则该次地震的地表破裂带长163 km,分为3段,即霍山山前断裂段、绵山西侧断裂段和太谷断裂段. 各段长度分别为50,35和70 km,3段之间存在4和8 km的阶区. 该地震地表破裂带具右旋走滑特征,北段和中段右旋走滑位移量6~7 m,南段最大为10 m. 在山西断陷带盆地边界的单条断裂一般只对应7级地震,而该次8级特大地震则突破两个盆地之间的障碍体,显示了强震地表破裂尺度的可变特征.   相似文献   

Introduction The Taigu fault is located on the eastern boundary of the Jinzhong basin in the Shanxi fault depression system, which is one of the 12 major active basin boundary faults, and is also less studied among them. The reason for this is, firstly, the Jinzhong basin has no historical earth-quakes with M 7, while the two basins linked together in the northern and southern sides, the Linfen and Xinding basins all have had historical earthquakes with M 7; secondly, because the Jiaochen…  相似文献   

Introduction The 1303 Hongtong earthquake is an important earthquake in the eastern China. There is a lot of information in historical documents about the earthquake and many traces destroyed by the earthquake in the southern Shanxi Province. Many scholars have studied the earthquake from dif-ferent aspects, but mainly limited the definitions of the isoseismal and three factors of the earth-quake. Owing to being limited by the analysis technique, many useful damage information of the earthqu…  相似文献   

1303年在山西洪洞附近发生的8级巨大地震, 是中国根据现存较为详细的文献记载史料所确定的最早的一次8级地震。 这次地震距今已有700多年的历史, 而地震所在区域至今仍有持续不断的小地震活动。 本文根据地震破裂区1981年至2013年的中小地震精定位地震目录, 采用震源断层面拟合方法, 反演得到了1303年山西洪洞地震的震源断层面参数: 走向19.3°、 倾角88.5°、 滑动角-170.0°。 断层面长75.5 km, 宽26.2 km, 深度为地下11.12 ~37.35 km。 将地震破裂区的地震精确定位资料以近东西向的洪洞断裂为界划分为地震北段和地震南段, 分段进行地震震源断层拟合, 反演得到洪洞地震北段震源断层面参数: 走向13.7°、 倾角76.6°、 滑动角-157.6°。 断层面长32.7 km, 宽21.7 km, 深度为地下11.97~32.86 km; 南段震源断层面参数: 走向20.3°、 倾角87.1°、 滑动角-154.6°。 断层面长45.9 km, 宽16.6 km, 深度为地下9.32 km~25.50 km。 无论是分段还是不分段, 反演得到的洪洞地震震源断层均是右倾的近直立断层, 属于右旋走向滑动性质。 分段计算得到的地震北段震源断层深度比南段更深, 将反演得到的震源断层与临汾盆地深部构造最新研究成果进行了分析对比, 北段震源断层深度及倾角大小与深地震剖面推测得到的深大断裂几乎相同。 震源断层在地表的投影与洪洞地震的高烈度区能够较好地对应。  相似文献   

The Taigu fault zone is one of the major 12 active boundary faults of the Shanxi fault-depression system, located on the eastern boundary of the Jinzhong basin. As the latest investigation indicated, the fault zone had dislocated gully terrace of the first order, forming fault-scarp in front of the loess mesa. It has been discovered in many places in ground surface and trenches that Holocene deposits were dislocated. The latest activity was the 1303 Hongdong earthquake M=8, the fault appeared as right-lateral strike-slip with normal faulting. During that earthquake, the Taigu fault together with the Mianshan western-side fault on the Lingshi upheaval and the Huoshan pediment fault on the eastern boundary of the Linfen basin was being active, forming a surface rupture belt of 160 km in length. Moreover, the Taigu fault were active in the mid-stage of Holocene and near 7 700 aB.P. From these we learnt that, in Shanxi fault-depression system, the run-through activity of two boundary faults of depression-basins might generate great earthquake with M=8. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (201017). Contribution No. 2003A004, Institute of Crust Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

Introduction A great earthquake occurred on Sept. 25 of 1303 (Seventh of Dade, Yuan Dynasty) around Zhaocheng and Hongtong in Shanxi Province. The great earthquake is a very famous one, which is affirmed as the first earthquake with magnitude 8 in Chinese history. The catastrophes took place; meanwhile, huge archives of the disaster were recorded. According to these disaster recordings, the first isoseismal map in China was delineated, which provide us with abundant information of intensi…  相似文献   

WANG  Jian 《地震学报(英文版)》2004,17(4):381-388
In this paper, we calculated the seismic pattern of instrumental recorded small and moderate earthquakes near the epicenter of the 1303 Hongtong M=8 earthquake, Shanxi Province. According to the spatial distribution of small and moderate earthquakes, 6 seismic dense zones are delineated. Temporal distribution of ML≥2 earthquakes since 1970 in each seismic dense zone has been analyzed. Based on temporal distribution characteristics and historical earthquake activity, three types of seismicities are proposed. The relationship between seismic types and crustal medium is analyzed. The mechanism of three types is discussed. Finity of strong earthquake recurrence is proposed. Seismic hazard in mid-long term and diversity of earthquake disaster in Shanxi seismic belt are discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction The study on deep crustal faults has been one of the most vigorous subjects in seismology. In the past, 3-D deep seismic sounding and 3-D seismic tomography were usually used for this pur-pose. But it is difficult to obtain the fine structures of the faults in deep crust by these methods. Recently, seismologists in the world pay more attention to the fault zone trapped waves. Since the fault-zone trapped waves arise from coherent multiple reflections at two boundaries of the fau…  相似文献   

The geography information system of the 1303 Hongton M=8 earthquake has been established. Using the spatial analysis function of GIS, the spatial distribution characteristics of damage and isoseismal of the earthquake are studies. By comparing with the standard earthquake intensity attenuation relationship, the abnormal damage distribution of the earthquake is found, so the relationship of the abnormal distribution with tectonics, site condition and basin are analyzed. In this paper, the influence on the ground motion generated by earthquake source and the underground structures near source also are studied. The influence on seismic zonation, anti-earthquake design, earthquake prediction and earthquake emergency responding produced by the abnormal density distribution are discussed. Foundation item: National important fundamental research “The Basic Research of Important Project in Damage Environment” and The important project “The Seismic Hazard Assessment Research and Anti-earthquake Structure Research” from China Earthquake Administration during the 10th Five-year Plan. Contribution No. 04FE1008, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

郇堡地滑是1303年山西洪洞8级大地震的重要遗迹之一,郇堡地滑使民宅、水利设施遭受了严重破坏,使地貌形态发生了巨大的改变,形成了地滑洼地、鼓丘、堰塞湖、地滑泉、地滑阶地等众多滑坡遗迹。郇堡地滑体经过700a的漫长岁月,受自然因素和人为因素的影响,古老的地滑体地貌已不完整,通过对地滑体所处的构造环境和该地区各种条件与地滑有关的地质、地貌条件现象分析,确定出郇堡地滑的规模及滑动方式,并对其成因机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

最新调查结果表明,太谷断裂断错山前冲沟Ⅰ级阶地以及在黄土台地前缘形成断坎,在地表及探槽中多处见到断裂断错全新世地层,断裂的最新活动是1303年洪洞8级地震,活动方式为右旋走滑兼正倾滑活动. 在该次地震中,太谷断裂与灵石隆起上的绵山西侧断裂、临汾盆地东边界的霍山山前断裂一起活动,形成长约160 km的地表破裂带. 除此之外,该断裂曾在全新世中期及距今7 700年以后有过活动. 由此得到,在山西断陷系,两个断陷盆地边界断裂的贯通活动发生8级特大大震.  相似文献   

1303年山西洪洞8级大地震研究综述   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
叙述了1967年至2002年间国内有关研究1303年山西洪洞8级大地震的进展情况。综合叙述了有关这次地震的地震参数、地震破坏、地震断层、地震形变遗迹、地震发生的新构造与深部构造等。  相似文献   

1303年山西洪洞8级大地震的时间有序性特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1303年山西洪洞地震是我国历史记录中被确认的第一个8级大地震。引入有序系列和有序组合的含义,对1303年山西洪洞地震和1556年陕西华县地震分别形成的2个有序系列进行了研究,认为2个8级地震的发震时间有一个时间差(τ)。2个τ值之差用△τ来表示。若2个τ值相差不大,则4个地震(有时可以是3个地震)组成一个有序组合。2个有序系列可有7个有序组合。7个有序组合的τ值在100a~450a范围变化,但它们的△τ值仅在10d~2400d范围内变化,表示了2个有序序列之间的密切联系。震例表明,1303年洪洞大地震与其他8级地震之间的间隔的形成机制可能与沙罗周期有关。  相似文献   

1303年洪洞8级地震GIS系统与震害分布特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用GIS技术,建立了1303年洪洞地震的地理信息系统. 应用GIS平台空间分析功能研究了1303年洪洞地震的震害空间分布特征和地震等震线的特点. 通过与标准地震烈度衰减关系的对比,分析了地震烈度异常分布的空间特征及其与构造、场地条件、盆地之间的关系. 研究了震源与近源地下结构对地表地面运动的影响,探讨了这种烈度分布特征对区域地震区划、抗震设防、震害预测以及地震应急响应等方面的影响.   相似文献   

1411年当雄南8级地震是西藏有文字记载以来的第一次大地震。本文就这次地震史料的发掘及其可靠性怍了论述,并对发震时间、地点进行了考订,在此基础上对其强度的判定进行了讨论。这次大地震的存在对认识西藏当雄—羊八井—多庆错构造带不同部位大地震特征,以及大陆构造动力学的研究具有重要的学术意义,对工程地震研究、西藏资源开发和国土整治等也具有现实意义。  相似文献   

公元前7年内蒙古包头地区8级地震的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
聂宗笙 《地震学报》2013,35(4):584-603
公元前7年11月11日(汉成帝绥和二年九月丙辰)地震, 由于历史文献记载的不确定性, 长期存在分歧, 也没有学者开展过调查研究, 中国地震目录均未收入. 考古发现包头市麻池周边汉代部分木椁墓中木椁四周填塞的碎砖瓦陶片及文字瓦当, 是房屋毁坏以后的建筑垃圾和日用陶器残片的混合物, 这些房屋是在公元前52年(甘露二年)到公元前33年(竞宁元年)以后在麻池古城(汉五原郡)建成的. 上述房屋的毁坏发生在西汉晚期的墓葬稍前. 房屋毁坏的原因, 可排除自然因素、 战争及人为破坏, 更可能是由于突发性的地震灾害所致. 公元前7年地震正好发生在这一时期, 并使北边郡国30余处坏城郭, 凡压杀400余人. 根据木椁四周填塞碎砖瓦陶片的汉墓分析, 麻池古城房屋、 殿堂遭受严重破坏, 死亡人数达200人以上, 地震及其它天灾人祸, 使麻池古城逐渐衰退, 最后荒废. 结合大青山山前断裂所形成的距今2 000年前的地震形变带遗迹综合分析, 公元前7年11月11日地震宏观震中在麻池一带, 震中烈度为Ⅹ度, 震级达8级, 命名为内蒙古包头8级地震.  相似文献   

云南耿马7.2级地震破裂与震源应力场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 98 8年 1 1月 6日在云南省澜沧县和耿马县境内先后发生了 7.6级和 7.2级强烈地震。其中 7.2级地震在震中区小黑江两岸灰岩裸露区出现了具有构造意义的地裂缝带。采用断层滑动矢量法反演出形成上述地裂缝带的应力张量为 :σ1走向 2 2 3°,倾角 2 8°;σ2 走向 42°,倾角6 2°;σ3 走向 1 3 3°,倾角 0°;应力比 R=0 .5 7,总体显示出走滑兼压性特征 ,基本代表了震源机制解所反映的震源应力场特征。断面滑动矢量解析可做为一种判定地裂缝是否是构造成因的方法  相似文献   


2022年1月8日01时45分, 在青海省海北州门源县(N37.77°, E101.26°)发生了MS6.9地震, 震源深度约10km.震后现场考察确认, 本次地震震中位于祁连—海原断裂带中段的冷龙岭断裂与托勒山断裂之间的构造转换部位, 上述断裂均为全新世活动的左旋走滑断裂.地震形成了两条地表破裂带, 总长度约31km.其中, 北侧主破裂带主要沿冷龙岭断裂西段分布, 东起硫磺沟脑, 向西穿过道沟, 至下大圈沟止, 长度约22km, 野外测量并经无人机高分辨率影像校核后, 最大水平位错量约2.6±0.3m, 并向两端逐渐衰减, 宏观震中位于硫磺沟大拐弯至道沟以东一带.南西侧的次级破裂带分布在托勒山断裂东段上, 东自大圈窝, 断续向西过羊肠子沟, 至大西沟止, 长度约9km, 最大水平位错量约1.0±0.1m, 二者之间呈左阶斜列, 最小阶距约1.0km.本次地震地表破裂习性以左旋走滑为主略具逆冲分量, 各次级破裂呈左旋左阶拉张或左旋右阶挤压的雁列式组合, 形成了典型的走滑断错地貌, 如左旋断错纹沟、河床、牧区铁丝网围栏、道路路基、车辙、便道和动物脚印等, 同时还形成了典型的挤压脊或鼓包、张性裂隙和断层陡坎等, 其走滑破裂样式典型而丰富.综合本次地震地表破裂展布和余震活动所反映的深部构造特征表明, 其发震构造应以冷龙岭断裂西段为主, 托勒山断裂东段参与, 在其构造转换部位形成不连续的Y字型分叉的地震地表破裂图像.这次地震是继1986年门源MS6.4和2016年门源MS6.4地震沿冷龙岭北侧次级断裂活动之后, 发生在冷龙岭主干活动断裂带上的一次强烈地震, 未来应重点关注祁连—海原断裂带尤其是西段的大震活动.


利用断层围陷波研究昆仑山口西8.1级地震破裂面   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用横跨地表破裂带的小点距的地震测线, 对2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震进行了断层围陷波的观测实验. 经过数字滤波和频谱分析等技术, 由地震记录图中分离出了断层围陷波. 资料处理结果表明: ① 无论是人工地震震源还是天然地震震源, 只要位于断层带内或紧靠断层带, 均能激发断层围陷波; ② 断层围陷波的能量主要集中于断层带内, 其振幅随测点与断层带距离的增加而急剧衰减; ③ 断层围陷波的优势频率与断层的宽度及断层带内介质的速度有关, 断层带越宽, 或断层带内部介质速度越低, 则观测到的断层围陷波的优势频率越低; ④ 断层围陷波存在着频散现象; ⑤ 根据昆仑山口西地震测线断层围陷波的观测结果, 可推断该处破裂面宽度为300 m左右, 远远大于地表破裂带的宽度.  相似文献   

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