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Grey shale Member of the Dalmiapuram Formation, Ariyalur Group, Cauvery Basin, India was studied for its stratigraphic position, age, and paleobathymetry with a re-look into the lithological relationship and foraminifer assemblages in the deepened limestone mine excavations at M/s Dalmia Cements, Dalmiapuram. Twenty grey shale samples from Kovandankurchchi (pit-4) and Kallakkudi mines yielded diversified calcareous, benthic, and rare index planktic foraminifera. The foraminiferal assemblages suggest a latest Albian age and middle neritic depositional conditions. The abundance of kaolinite and smectite clay minerals relate to warm/humid climate which corroborate with rising relative sea level during grey shale deposition. The grey shale occurs in patches within the marl bedded limestone member which exhibits cyclic deposition of limestone and marl. The limestone mine sections demonstrate that the grey shale forms part of basal marl bedded limestone, directly overlying the coral algal limestone. The present study demonstrates that the grey shale outcrops in Dalmiapuram Formation should be placed stratigraphically as part of marl bedded limestone. The member status for grey shale which is current usage stands discounted.  相似文献   

Dolomites occur extensively in the lower Cretaceous along syn-sedimentary fault zones of the Baiyinchagan Sag, westernmost Erlian Basin, within a predominantly fluvial–lacustrine sedimentary sequence. Four types of dolomite are identified, associated with hydrothermal minerals such as natrolite, analcime and Fe-bearing magnesite. The finely-crystalline dolomites consist of anhedral to subhedral crystals (2 to 10 μm), evenly commixed with terrigenous sediments that occur either as matrix-supporting grains (Fd1) or as massive argillaceous dolostone (Fd2). Medium-crystalline (Md) dolomites are composed of subhedral to euhedral crystals aggregates (50 to 250 μm) and occur in syn-sedimentary deformation laminae/bands. Coarse-crystalline (Cd) dolomites consist of non-planar crystals (mean size >1 mm), and occur as fracture infills cross-cutting the other dolomite types. The Fd1, Md and Cd dolomites have similar values of δ18O (−20·5 to −11·0‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite) and δ13C (+1·4 to +4·5‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite), but Fd2 dolomites are isotopically distinct (δ18O −8·5 to −2·3‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite; δ13C +1·4 to +8·6‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite). Samples define three groups which differ in light rare-earth elements versus high rare-earth elements enrichment/depletion and significance of Tb, Yb and Dy anomalies. Medium-crystalline dolomites have signatures that indicate formation from brines at very high temperature, with salinities of 11·8 to 23·2 eq. wt. % NaCl and Th values of 167 to 283°C. The calculated temperatures of Fd1 and Cd dolomites extend to slightly lower values (141 to 282°C), while Fd2 dolomites are distinctly cooler (81 to 124°C). These results suggest that the dolomites formed from hydrothermal fluid during and/or penecontemporaneous with sediment deposition. Faults and fractures bounding the basin were important conduits through which high-temperature Mg-rich fluids discharged, driven by an abnormally high heat flux associated with local volcanism. It is thought that differing amounts of cooling and degassing of these hydrothermal fluids, and of mixing with lake waters, facilitated the precipitation of dolomite and associated minerals, and resulted in the petrographic and geochemical differences between the dolomites.  相似文献   

The present paper records eight Rhodophycean taxa from the Kallakudi limestone of the Uttatur Group (Lower Cretaceous) exposed in the quarries at Kallakudi and Olaipadi near Govindarajapatnam of the Cauvery Basin, south India. Of these, four species (Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 1, Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 2, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) belong to corallinaceae family, one species (Polystrata alba) is assigned to Peyssonneliaceae family, two species (Solenopora urgoniana and Parachaetetes asvapatii) are placed under Solenoporaceae; and one species (Sporolithon sp.) is referable to Sporolithaceae family. Among these, three taxa (Solenopora urgoniana, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) are recorded for the first time from India. The study also includes observations on ultrastructural morphological features of Parachaetetes asvapatii. The observations reveal absence of cell fusions, which confirms its affinities with Solenoporaceae. Palaeoecological data indicate that the assemblage from the sequence at the Kallakudi quarry is characteristic of lagoonal to reefal environment, whereas the Olaipadi quarry sequence near Govindarajapatnam points to 20 m to 30 m deep environment characterized by high- to moderate energy conditions.  相似文献   

The exposed Cretaceous shelf succession of the Cauvery Basin, southeastern India, has provided a world-class record of mid and Late Cretaceous invertebrates, documented in a substantial literature. However, the lithostratigraphy of the succession has been little studied and previously subject to a range of nomenclature. It is revised here, on the basis of intensive regional mapping, to stabilize the definition and nomenclature of lithostratigraphic units. The Uttattur Group is restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district and divided into the Arogypapurum Formation (new; Albian), Dalmiapuram Formation (late Albian), and Karai Formation (late Albian–early Turonian) for which the Odiyam and Kunnam Members are recognized. The Trichinopoly Group follows unconformably and is also restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district. It is divided into the Kulakkalnattam Formation (Turonian) and Anaipadi Formation (late Turonian–Coniacian). The Ariyalur Group is more widely distributed. In the Ariyalur district, the Sillikkudi Formation (Santonian–Campanian) and its Kilpaluvari Member, the Kallakurichchi Formation (early Maastrichtian), the Kallamedu Formation (mid and Late Maastrichtian) and the Niniyur Formation (Danian) are recognized. The sequence in the Vriddhachalam area consists of the Parur and Patti formations (Campanian), Mattur Formation (late Campanian–earliest Maastrichtian) and Aladi Formation (Maastrichtian). For the Pondicherry district, the Valudavur and Mettuveli formations (Maastrichtian) and Kasur and Manaveli formations (Paleocene) comprise the succession. The interpreted depositional environments for the succession in the Ariyalur district indicate four eustatic cycles in the mid and Late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary: late Albian–early Turonian, late Turonian–Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian, and Paleocene. Overall the Cauvery Basin sequence is arenaceous and relatively labile in terms of framework grain composition, and contrasts with the pelitic assemblage developed on the west Australian margin from which eastern India separated in the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian). The difference is ascribed to palaeoclimate as controlled by palaeolatitude. For the Late Cretaceous, the Cauvery Basin drifted north on the Indian plate from 40 to 30°S. This zone is inferred to constitute Southern Hemisphere horse latitudes for Late Cretaceous time, characterized by an arid climate, physical weathering and the production of labile sands. By contrast, the west Australian margin of matching tectonic history remained in a high palaeolatitude (>40°S) throughout the Late Cretaceous, experiencing a pluvial climate, the dominance of chemical weathering and the production of clays.  相似文献   

The southernmost occurrence of the early Maastrichtian larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) in Tethys is known from the Kallankuruchchi Formation in the Cauvery Basin, SE India, represented by Lepidorbitoides-Siderolites assemblages. The systematics, age and paleobiogeography of Lepidorbitoides here have as yet remained unresolved due to lack of information particularly on the nepionic arrangement, whereas their links with the Western Tethyan and Caribbean biogeographic domains were speculated. Lepidorbitoides, studied from the same level in seven samples in two separate areas, invariably possess quadriserial nepionts and adauxiliary chamberlets, whose mean number ranges from 3.79 to 4.67. The ratio between the sample means of the internal diameter of deuteroconch and protoconch varies between 1.72 and 1.86. The equatorial layer in the early stage consists of arcuate chambers with basal stolons, and ogival-to spatulate chamberlets with annular and oblique stolons in the later stages. These features are consistent with the phylogenetically advanced members of the Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides lineage, such as L. minor (Schlumberger) and L. socialis (Leymerie), and all samples were assigned to the transitional development stages of these species based on the morphometry. The taxonomic status of some Lepidorbitoides species, originally described from the Kallankuruchchi Formation and widely adopted in previous works, such as L. blanfordi (Rao) and L. inornata (Rao), are not justified. We extend the geographic range of Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides to southern India.  相似文献   

The ∼20 m thick coarse-grained clastic succession in the basal part of Palaeoproterozoic Par Formation, Gwalior Group has been investigated using process-based sedimentology and deductive palaeohydraulics. Bounded between granitic basement at its base and shallow marine succession at the top, the studied stratigraphic interval represents products of an alluvial fan and its strike-wise co-existent braided river system that possibly acted as a tributary for the fan. Detailed facies, facies association analysis allowed identification of two anatomical parts for the fan system viz. proximal and mid fan. While thin proximal fan is represented by products of rock avalanche and hyperconcentrated flows with widely varying rheology, the mid fan is represented by products of sheet floods and flows within streamlets. The interpretation found support from palaeoslope estimation carried out on the fluvial part of the mid fan that plot dominantly within the alluvial fan field demarcated by Blair and McPherson (1994). Dry climatic condition suggested from dominance of stream flow over mass flow deposition within the Par alluvial fan. Strike-wise, the fan is discontinuous and juxtaposed with a braid plain system. In contrast to the fluvial part of fan system, the palaeoslope data from the braid plain system dominantly plot within the ‘natural depositional gap’ defined by Blair and McPherson. A raised palaeoslope for the river systems, as suggested from Proterozoic braid plain deposits around the Globe, is found valid for the Par braid plain system as well. From preponderance of granular and sandy sediments within the alluvial fan and braid plain systems and a pervasive north-westward palaeocurrent pattern within the fluvial systems the present study infers a gently sloping bevelled source area in the south-southeast of the basin with occurrence of steep cliffs only locally.  相似文献   

滇西兰坪盆地五茂林剖面下白垩统景星组沉积相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实测了云南西部兰坪盆地东部下白垩统下部景星组的五茂林剖面,建立了曲流河、三角洲和湖泊3种沉积序列,其中三角洲序列在云南下白垩统中属首次建立。分析了粗碎屑岩的组成,将该剖面上出露的砾岩分成4类。早白垩世时兰坪盆地属丹那沙林-高黎贡弧的弧后盆地,景星组自下而上为曲流河沉积、三角洲沉积和湖泊沉积,且随湖侵发生,湖泊向西扩大。  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Uhangri Formation, SW Korea: lacustrine margin facies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Uhangri Formation forms part of the Cretaceous sedimentary sequence deposited in a series of inland basins in the south-western Korean Peninsula. It comprises an approximately 400-m-thick epiclastic sequence of conglomerate, (gravelly) sandstone, cherty mudstone and black shale. The entire sequence can be represented by 16 distinctive sedimentary facies organized into four facies associations. Facies association I is characterized by thick homogeneous brownish siltstone, wedge-shaped disorganized conglomerate and thinly interlayered gravelly sandstone units. The siltstone units were formed by large floods submerging the alluvial fan fringe (floodplain), whereas the conglomerate and gravelly sandstone units were deposited by sheetfloods and debris flows. Facies association II consists of stratified conglomerate — gravelly sandstone, laminated sandstone and sandstone/siltstone couplets which form fining-upward cycles. Some facies units are low-angle trough cross-bedded and show broad channel geometries. This association represents subaqueous delta lobes fed by high- and low-concentration turbidity currents in the distal delta realm. Facies association III is characterized, by wedged conglomerate and gravelly sandstone facies with interfingered massive sandstone bounded by scoured bases. It represents a delta front where distributary channels and mouth bars are dominant. Facies association IV consists of laterally continuous sequence of laminated black shale, crudely stratified sandstone and convoluted sandstone/cherty mudstone. This facies association is suggestive of depositional processes controlled by chemical equilibrium resulting from an interaction between density inflows and lake water. The cherty mudstone resulted from inorganic precipitation from siliceous solution provided by acidic volcanism. The Uhangri sequence generally shows a fining-upward trend with a transition from alluvial fan fringe, coarse-grained subaqueous delta, to shallow lake. The retrogradation was probably due to continuous subsidence related to continental rifting in the oblique-slip mobile zone.  相似文献   

陆英  孙自明 《古地理学报》2008,10(3):261-270
苏北盆地是在晚白垩世发育起来的箕状断陷盆地。上白垩统泰州组(K2t)为东部凹陷发育初期形成的一套碎屑岩沉积地层,自下而上总体构成由粗到细的沉积旋回。通过对区内52口探井的录井、测井和岩心资料综合分析,认为泰州组主要发育辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲及湖泊相3种沉积相类型,在此基础上又进一步识别出7种亚相和12种微相。泰州组分为两段,泰州组一段沉积早、中期为辫状河三角洲沉积,晚期转变为(曲流河)三角洲沉积;泰州组二段早期为深湖—半深湖沉积,中晚期为浅湖亚相。伴随湖平面的反复升降,表现出明显的多旋回性。研究区泰州组一段表现为典型的退积型三角洲沉积。通过进一步研究泰州组一段各沉积时期沉积相的平面分布及演变特征,指出在梁垛—安丰—李堡一带沉积砂体发育,是油气储集层发育的有利地区。  相似文献   

The Mahadevi hills, located in the axial zone of Cauvery Suture Zone, comprise a sequence of granulite facies rocks represented by garnet-bearing pyroxene granulites and quartzo-feldspathic gneisess interfolded with banded iron formations. Structural mapping with hand held GPS reveals that the Mahadevi hills constitute a mega sheath fold structure exposing well developed easterly plunging extension lineations. Depressional and culmination surfaces are well demarcated in association with elliptical map patterns. The development of the mega sheath fold structure is genetically related to the regional thrust-nappe tectonics, supporting the model of subduction-accretion-collisional history for the evolution of the Cauvery Suture Zone.  相似文献   

The Albian-Danian limestones of Cauvery Basin show a wide range of d13C and d18O values (–13.2 to +1.1% and –9.0 to –2.5%, respectively). The cement samples show negative carbon and oxygen isotope values (–18.9 to –3.9% and –9.0 to –4.3%, respectively). The petrographic study reveals the presence of algae, molluscs, bryozoans, foraminifers and ostracods as major framework constituents. The limestones have microspar and equant sparry calcite cements. The pore spaces and vugs are filled with sparry calcite cement. The bivariate plot of d13C and d18O suggests that most of the samples fall in the freshwater limestone and meteoric field, while few samples fall in the marine limestone and soil calcite fields. The presence of sparry calcite cement, together with negative carbon and oxygen isotope values, indicates that these limestones have undergone meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   

辽宁北票四合屯盆地下白垩统义县组沉积相   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统地论述了北票四合屯盆地下白垩统义县组沉积时期的演化,将盆地演化划分为继承性初始坳陷、火山洼地、湖盆沉降与扩展三个阶段,其后由于火山作用而使盆地封闭。与盆地演化相对应,建立了盆内义县组的沉积相序,自下而上依次为冲积扇与河流相、火山沉积相、河流相、湖相(滨湖亚相,浅湖亚相,半深湖亚相,浅湖亚相,滨湖亚相,浅湖亚相)、火山溢流相,并指出火山喷发间歇期湖盆的湖水进退规律、水体性质以及沉积环境特征。  相似文献   

Existence of a possible detachment zone at Elampillai region, NW margin of Kanjamalai Hills, located in the northern part of Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ), Southern India, is reported here for the first time. Detailed structural mapping provides anatomy of the zone, which are rarely preserved in Precambrian high grade terranes. The detachment surface separates two distinct rock units of contrasting lithological and structural characters: the upper and lower units. The detachment zone is characterized by a variety of fold styles with the predominance of tight isoclinal folds with varied plunge directions, limb rotations and the hinge line variations often leading to lift-off fold like geometries and deformed sheath folds. Presence of parasitic folding and associated penetrative strains seem to be controlled by differences in mechanical stratigraphy, relative thicknesses of the competent and incompetent units, and the structural relief of the underlying basement. Our present study in conjunction with other available geological, geochemical and geochronological data from the region indicates that the structures of the detachment zone are genetically related to thrust tectonics forming a part of subduction–accretion–collision tectonic history of the Neoproterozoic Gondwana suture.  相似文献   

A first report of discovery of spherules, glassy balls, highly magnetic fine dust and microbracciated matrix in the Fatehgarh Formation of Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India is being presented in this paper. The Fatehgarh Formation is a mixed siliciclastic, carbonate and phosphorite formation of Cretaceous age in the Barmer Basin that comprises sediments of Middle Jurassic to Lower Eocene age. The phosphorite zone in the Fatehgarh Formation is 8 metre-thick zone that comprises phosphatic sandstone, bone bed, bedded phosphorite and phosphatic and non phosphatic gastropod beds. The spherules occur in a thin phosphatic-clay mud and silt band of bone bed, which also yielded a very rich and diverse microvertebrate assemblage with a dominant Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) form of Igdabatis along with forms comprising of Semionodontid, Lapisosteum and Enchodontid. The end Cretaceous is marked for a mass extinction of numerous species including dinosaurs. An extraterrestrial impact is interpreted as the reason for this mass extinction. Whether these spherules are related to the volcanic source or K/T Boundary impact ejecta found at Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico region needs detailed chemical and age characterization for which study is in progress.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2006,9(4):579-584
A first report of discovery of spherules, glassy balls, highly magnetic fine dust and microbracciated matrix in the Fatehgarh Formation of Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India is being presented in this paper. The Fatehgarh Formation is a mixed siliciclastic, carbonate and phosphorite formation of Cretaceous age in the Barmer Basin that comprises sediments of Middle Jurassic to Lower Eocene age. The phosphorite zone in the Fatehgarh Formation is ∼8 metre-thick zone that comprises phosphatic sandstone, bone bed, bedded phosphorite and phosphatic and non phosphatic gastropod beds. The spherules occur in a thin phosphatic-clay mud and silt band of bone bed, which also yielded a very rich and diverse microvertebrate assemblage with a dominant Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) form of Igdabatis along with forms comprising of Semionodontid, Lapisosteum and Enchodontid. The end Cretaceous is marked for a mass extinction of numerous species including dinosaurs. An extraterrestrial impact is interpreted as the reason for this mass extinction. Whether these spherules are related to the volcanic source or K/T Boundary impact ejecta found at Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico region needs detailed chemical and age characterization for which study is in progress.  相似文献   

西胡里吐盆地是一个早白垩世断陷盆地,盆地盖层由下白垩统大磨拐河组构成。受同沉积断裂作用的影响,盆地的古地理格局总体为南陡北缓,南部主要发育冲积扇相、扇三角洲相,盆地北部以河流相、三角洲相为主,仅上部层位发育冲积扇相,而盆地中部的广大区域则以巨厚的湖泊相沉积占优势。大磨拐河组可进一步划分为三个岩性段。第一段形成于盆地断陷发育的初始阶段,以冲积扇、河流、三角洲发育为特征;第二段形成于湖泊迅速扩张至最大时期,沉积了一套巨厚的湖相泥岩,构成盆地盖层的主体,在晚期有河流、三角洲等粗碎屑沉积;第三段以冲积扇的极大发育为特征,代表盆地进入萎缩阶段。三个段总体表现为一段、三段岩性粗、煤层少且薄,二段岩性细、泥岩厚、煤层发育多。从第一段到第三段,基本构成了盆地一次完整的沉积充填历史。主要含矿层位大磨拐河组的沉积特点不仅控制着盆地内铀矿化的空间展布,而且也控制着本区的铀矿化类型。“粗~细~粗”的地层结构特点决定了本区的铀成矿作用主要发生于湖泊最大扩张的上部地层,即第二段上部及第三段的粗碎屑沉积物中,主要矿化层位为该套地层内的冲积扇、辫状河与三角洲相沉积,含矿岩石主要为渗透性好、富含有机质的砂砾岩、砂岩;同时由于上部含矿层位具有“砂多泥少”的特点,决定了本区铀矿化类型主要为具垂直分带的潜水氧化带型,仅局部存在潜水转层间氧化带型。  相似文献   

改则盆地地处青藏高原羌塘地层区,研究程度较低。通过对西藏改则盆地新近系康托组沉积特征和沉积岩相的详细研究,共划分出3类沉积相:扇三角洲相、湖泊三角洲相和湖泊相,整体表现为自下向上沉积物粒度由粗到细、水深逐渐增大的退积序列。综合区域地质特征及古流向分析认为,改则盆地渐新世—中新世的沉积演化可大致分为2个阶段:盆地初始裂陷阶段和盆地稳定沉积阶段。康托组剖面沉积相的研究有助于了解改则盆地渐新世—中新世的沉积演化。  相似文献   

In the Rajmahal Basin Lower Cretaceous rocks are classified under the Rajmahal Formation. It includes a series of volcanic basalt flows and associated sedimentary intertrappean beds. Up to 15 basalt flows have been recorded in this basin. The intertrappean beds comprise sandstone, shale, siltstone, and clay deposits which are rich in spores and pollen. The palynoflora recovered from intertrappean beds shows definite pattern of evolution and diversification. On the basis of its overall composition, distribution pattern of age marker taxa and the First Appearance Datum of key taxa, four palynological assemblages have been identified. The chronology of these assemblages in ascending order is (1) Ruffordiaspora australiensis, (2) Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis, (3) Foraminisporis asymmetricus, and (4) Coptospora verrucosa. These assemblages ascertain the age of the volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Rajmahal Formation in the Rajmahal Basin as Berriasian to Aptian. The palynochronology of the intertrappean beds enables their correlation in the Rajmahal Basin. In different areas of the basin, the palynological dating of the lowermost intertrappean bed within the Rajmahal Formation which overlies the Dubrajpur Formation, has provided a Berriasian to Aptian age. The palynological assemblage indicating the Berriasian age is inferred as the time of the initiation of volcanic activity which continued up to the Aptian in the Rajmahal Basin.  相似文献   

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