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Long-period natural-source electromagnetic data have been recorded using portable three-component magnetometers at 39 sites in 1998 and 2002 across the southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia that forms part of the Gawler Craton. Site spacing was of order 5 km, but reduced to 1 km or less near known geological boundaries, with a total survey length of approximately 50 km. A profile trending east – west was inverted for a 2D electrical resistivity model to a depth of 20 km across the southern Eyre Peninsula. The main features from the models are: (i) on the eastern side of the Gawler Craton, the Donington Suite granitoids to the east of the Kalinjala Shear Zone are resistive (>1000 Ωm); (ii) the boundary between the Donington Suite granitoids and the Archaean Sleaford Complex, which has much lower resistivity of 10 – 100 Ωm, is almost vertical in the top 10 km and dips slightly westwards; and (iii) two very low resistivity (<1 Ωm) arcuate zones in the top 3 km of Hutchison Group sediments correlate with banded iron-formations, and are probably related to biogenic-origin graphite deposits concentrated in fold hinges. Such features suggest an extensional regime during the time period 2.00 – 1.85 Ga. We suggest that the resistivity boundary between the Donington Suite and the Archaean Sleaford Complex represents a growth fault, typical for rift systems that evolve into a half-graben structure. In the graben basin, low-resistivity shallow-marine Hutchison Group sediments were deposited. Folding of the sediments during the Kimban Orogeny between 1.74 and 1.70 Ga has led to migration of graphite to the fold hinges resulting in linear zones of very low resistivity that correlate with banded iron-formation magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

U-Pb monazite and zircon geochronology and calculated metamorphic phase diagrams from drill holes in the northern Gawler Craton, southern Australia, reveal the presence of ca. 1.45 Ga magmatism and metamorphism. Magmatism and granulite facies metamorphism of this age has not previously been recognised in the Gawler Craton. The magmatic rocks have steep LREE-enriched patterns and high Ga/Al values, suggesting they are A-type granites. Calculated metamorphic forward models suggest that this event was associated with high apparent thermal gradients and reached pressures of 3.2 -5.4 kbar and temperatures of 775-815℃. The high apparent thermal gradients may reflect pluton-enhanced metamorphism, consistent with the presence of A-type granites. The recognition of ca. 1.45 Ga tectonism in the northern Gawler Craton is added to a compilation of ca. 1.50 -1.40 Ga magmatism, shear zone reactivation, rift basin development and isotope resetting throughout the South and North Australian Cratons that shows that this event was widespread in eastern Proterozoic Australia. This event is stylistically similar to ca. 1.45 Ga A-type magmatism and high thermal gradient metamorphism in Laurentia in this interval and provides further support for a connection between Australia and Laurentia during the Mesoproterozoic. The tectonic setting of the 1.50-1.40 Ga event is unclear but may record rifting within the Nuna(or Columbia) supercontinent, or a period of intracontinental extension within a long-lived convergent setting.  相似文献   

澳大利亚南澳州高勒克拉通广泛发育的Hiltaba岩套与该地区的铁氧化物铜金矿床关系密切,查明该岩套的成岩时代、成岩温度及构造背景,对铁氧化物铜金矿床的研究至关重要.对约克半岛Moonta-Wallaroo矿集区北部的眼球状花岗岩进行锆石U-Pb测年,测得年龄为1589±43 Ma,与前人确定的Hiltaba岩套岩浆事件...  相似文献   

Detailed structural mapping on NE Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, has led to a revised stratigraphy and model of sedimentation for Early Proterozoic metasediments of the Gawler Craton. Four stages of deformation have been recognised; three stages are associated with the Kimban Orogeny (c. 1820–1580 Ma) and a fourth stage is known as the Wartakan Event (c. 1500–1450 Ma). The recognition of major D2 folds has shown the previously used stratigraphy to be incorrect and has necessitated its revision. At the base of the sequence, unconformably overlying a 2300 Ma or older basement, is the Warrow Quartzite. A transgressive cycle of schist, dolomite (Katunga Dolomite) and iron formation (Lower Middleback Jaspilite) overlies the quartzite, and this is overlain in turn by a regressive semipelitic unit containing local amphibolites (Cook Gap Schist), and another transgressive iron‐formation bearing cycle (Upper Middleback Jaspilite). At the top of the sequence is the Yadnarie Schist. All units overlying the older basement to the top of the Yadnarie Schist are defined collectively as the Hutchison Group. The Middle‐back ‘Group’ consisting of units from the top of the Warrow Quartzite to the base of the Yadnarie Schist is redefined as the Middleback Subgroup. Sediments of the Hutchison Group were probably derived from 2300+ Ma rocks on western Eyre Peninsula and deposited on a shallow platform now oriented approximately N‐S.  相似文献   

The mineralisation potential of Palaeoproterozoic strata from the central Gawler Craton, South Australia, is poorly known. This study defines the timing of Zn-rich skarn formation within Palaeoproterozoic calcsilicate and highlights this as a new mineralisation style for the Gawler Craton. Sulphides within the garnet–diopside skarn in the No. 17 Bore Prospect are predominantly in the form of sphalerite, associated with galena, minor chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pyrite. Sulphide is present in disseminated form and as a coarse-grained sulphide within a sericite-rich cavity-fill. Mineralisation is inferred to have formed at 1710 ± 16 Ma through a Sm–Nd isochron from garnet and diopside aliquots. A weakly mineralised and altered granite immediately below the calcsilicate skarn crystallised at 1729 ± 13 Ma (LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon), within error of the skarn mineralisation. The skarn is interpreted to have formed through the initiation of fluid circulation as a result of high-level granite emplacement within the Palaeoproterozoic strata. Exploration for skarn Zn–Pb deposits such as the No. 17 Bore Prospect is assisted by their geophysical properties.  相似文献   

Integrated geoscientific datasets have contributed to an understanding of the Tertiary palaeovalleys once draining the Gawler Craton. Systematic investigations of both the shape and depth of the channels are based on interpretations from field exposures, a compendium of geological and drilling data, computer modelling of ancient landscapes, topographic and evaluated digital elevation models, remote sensing imagery, magnetics, seismic, gravity, airborne and transient electromagnetics, and radiometrics. Physical property contrasts that exist between the channel sediments and the underlying bedrock, for example, can be differentiated by geophysical methods to locate the incised‐valley thalweg. Evidence from sedimentology is combined with evidence from other geological and geophysical characteristics to arrive at a general reconstruction of palaeovalley architecture and history. The palaeovalleys were originally incised into the weathered pre‐Tertiary landscape of mostly weathered basement, and Tertiary fluvial, lacustrine, estuarine and even marine sediments accumulated during the Eocene and Miocene. Marine influence extended at least 100 km up the palaeovalleys during at least three major transgressions in the Eocene and Miocene intervals. Major sedimentary phases occurred in the Paleocene to Early Eocene, Middle to Late Eocene, Oligocene to Early Miocene, and Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene times.  相似文献   

The Curramulka Gabbronorite on Yorke Peninsula, southeastern Gawler Craton has an emplacement age of 1589 ± 5 Ma. This is similar to previously determined ages for Arthurton Granite (1582 ± 7 Ma), Tickera Granite (ca 1600 – 1575 Ma), regional alteration, the Moonta – Wallaroo mineralisation (ca 1585 Ma) and localised deformation (Tiparra Deformation). Mesoproterozoic bimodal plutonism is interpreted to have resulted from mafic underplating, emplacement of mafic magmas during lithospheric attenuation and enhanced high heat flow assisting in melting of the lower crust to form the broadly A-type Arthurton and Tickera Granites. Plutonism either directly or indirectly created advective fluid-flow to form Cu – Au mineralisation in the Moonta – Wallaroo area. The nature and characteristics of Mesoproterozoic mafic bodies on the Gawler Craton are poorly known. The Curramulka Gabbronorite has a continental tholeiitic composition and igneous layering that is partly of cumulus origin but also contains magmatic segregations formed by fractionation. Some of these segregations have provided zircons for dating. This igneous layering is overprinted by two foliations of tectonic origin: the first is interpreted to be coeval with magma emplacement and the second with conjugate shearing accompanied by retrogression.  相似文献   

The emplacement of the ca 1590–1575 Ma Hiltaba Suite granites records a large magmatic event throughout the Gawler Craton, South Australia. The Hiltaba Suite granites intrude the highly deformed Archaean‐Palaeoproterozoic rocks throughout the craton nuclei. Geophysical interpretation of the poorly exposed central western Gawler Craton suggests that the region can be divided into several distinct domains that are bounded by major shear zones, exhibiting a sequence of overprinting relationships. The north‐trending Yarlbrinda Shear Zone merges into the east‐trending Yerda Shear Zone that, in turn, merges into the northeast‐trending Coorabie Shear Zone. Several poorly exposed Hiltaba Suite granite plutons occur within a wide zone of crustal shearing that is bounded to the north by the Yerda Shear Zone and to the south by the Oolabinnia Shear Zone. This wide zone of crustal shearing is interpreted as a major zone of synmagmatic dextral strike‐slip movement that facilitated the ascent of Hiltaba Suite granite intrusions to the upper crust. The aeromagnetic and gravity data reveal that the intrusions are ~15–25 km in diameter. Forward modelling of the geophysical data shows that the intrusions have a tabular geometry and are less than 6 km deep.  相似文献   

An apatite fission track (AFT) study of crystalline basement in the central Gawler Craton reveals apparent ages in the range of ca 430–58 Ma. The majority of samples underwent protracted monotonic cooling related to regional Paleozoic exhumation, consistent with long-term crustal stability as expected for cratonic interiors. However, multiple samples show evidence of Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene reheating, indicating a more dynamic low-temperature history. Inverse time–temperature modelling of AFT data indicates varying degrees of thermal overprinting between ~60 and 110°C, with substantially overprinted and negligibly overprinted samples in close proximity (<1 km). Time–temperature histories for samples that experienced thermal overprinting reveal localised Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene (ca 100–50 Ma) heating that is significantly younger than the Paleozoic–early Mesozoic exhumation recorded regionally. The highly localised nature and non-systematic patterns of overprinting combined with the lack of major Mesozoic or Cenozoic fault structures are not consistent with a regional thermal event associated with substantial reburial and later exhumation. Rather, localised reheating was most likely caused by heated groundwater from the once-overlying Mesozoic Eromanga Basin aquifer system, whose modern discharge margin (~400 km north of the study area) is marked by thermal mound springs that produce fluids with temperatures up to 100°C. Only basement rocks in close proximity to fluid pathways in the overlying aquifer would have recorded reheating, resulting in the observed sporadic distribution of partially overprinted samples. Thermal history modelling indicates rejuvenated apatite grains cooled to near-surface temperatures in the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene. This was likely in response to local removal of the overlying Eromanga Basin aquifer unit due to a relatively minor degree of exhumation (≤1 km) recorded regionally, which consequently disrupted the anomalous heating mechanism. These results show that the flow of heated groundwater is a feasible reheating mechanism for low-temperature thermochronometers, resulting in cooling patterns that may become decoupled from exhumation in cratonic interiors.  相似文献   

Structural mapping integrated with interpretation and forward modelling of aeromagnetic data form complimentary and powerful tools for regional structural analysis because both techniques focus on architecture and overprinting relationships. This approach is used to constrain the geometry and evolution of the sparsely exposed Mount Woods Inlier in the northern Gawler Craton. The Mount Woods Inlier records a history of poly-phase deformation, high-temperature metamorphism, and syn- and post-orogenic magmatism between ca. 1736 and 1584 Ma. The earliest deformation involved isoclinal folding, and the development of bedding parallel and axial planar gneissic foliation (S1). This was accompanied by high-temperature, upper amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism at ca. 1736 Ma. During subsequent north–south shortening (D2), open to isoclinal south–southeast-oriented F2 folds developed as the Palaeoproterozoic successions of the inlier were thrust over the Archaean nuclei of the Gawler Craton. The syn-D2 Engenina Adamellite was emplaced at ca. 1692 Ma. The post-D2 history involved shear zone development and localised folding, exhumation of metamorphic rocks, and deposition of clastic sediments prior to the emplacement of the ca. 1584 Ma Granite Balta Suite. The Mount Woods Inlier is interpreted as the northern continuation of the Kimban Orogen.  相似文献   

In the north-western Gawler Craton of South Australia, the Karari Shear Zone defines a boundary between late-Archean to earliest Paleoproterozoic rocks, which have remained largely undisturbed since the earliest Paleoproterozoic, and younger Paleoproterozoic rocks that have been reworked through multiple late Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic metamorphic and deformation events. The history of movement across the Karari Shear Zone has been investigated via new U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, in combination with pre-existing geochronological and metamorphic constraints, as well as the structural geometry revealed by a recently acquired reflection seismic transect. The available data suggest a complex history of shear-zone movement in at least four stages, with contrasting sense of motion at different times. The first period of movement across the Karari Shear Zone is inferred to have been a period of extension at ca 1750–1720 Ma. This was likely closely followed by reactivation during the Kimban Orogeny between ca 1720 and 1680 Ma, although the sense of movement during this period is unclear. Further reactivation, in a thrust sense, occurred between ca 1580 and 1560 Ma, resulting in significant exhumation of marginal domains of the Gawler Craton to the north of the Karari Shear Zone. A final episode of largely strike-slip shear-zone movement occurred at ca 1450 Ma.  相似文献   

Anomalously high Au concentrations (2.5 to 50 ppb) in regolith carbonate accumulations, such as calcrete and calcareous sands in aeolian sand dunes overlying Au mineralisation of the Gawler Craton, South Australia, show a marked covariance of Au with K, Mg and most notably Ca. This relationship appears to be linked to the authigenic formation of smectites and carbonates within the aeolian dunes in the region. However, little is known about the processes involved in the formation of carbonates under semi-arid and arid conditions. In this study the geochemical properties of aeolian dunes along several depth profiles of 2 to 4 m are investigated in order to assess the relationship between Au mobility and calcrete formation. In the profiles a strongly systematic relationship between Au and the increasing Ca–Mg contents at depth highlights the close association between the enrichment of Au in the calcrete and the underlying hydrothermal mineralisation. Intense calcrete formation and concurrent Au enrichment also occurs in the vicinity of roots penetrating the dune. Thin section petrography and cathodoluminescence show that most of the calcrete in the regolith profiles is micritic; some sparic crystallites have also been identified. To demonstrate the presence of microbial processes that may mediate the formation of calcrete, samples from a depth profile in the dune were taken under sterile conditions. After amendment with urea and incubation of up to 24 h, up to 18 mg/l of NH4+ were detected in near surface samples. At depth of 2.3 m 1 mg/l NH4+ were detected compared to a control that contained below 0.05 mg/l NH4+. These results suggest that the genesis of calcrete and pedogenic carbonate in the area may be partly biologically mediated via processes such as the metabolic breakdown of urea by resident microbiota which generates a pH and pCO2 environment conducive to the precipitation of carbonate. In the process of urea breakdown organic Au complexes such as Au-amino acid complexes may become destabilised in solution and Au may be co-precipitated, resulting in the fine, non-particulate distribution of Au throughout the micritic calcrete carbonate. In conclusion, this study suggests a coupled mechanism of biologically mediated and inorganic mechanisms that lead to the formation of Au-in-calcrete anomalies.  相似文献   

The Phanerozoic cooling history of the Western Australian Shield has been investigated using apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology. AFT ages from the northern part of the Archaean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, primarily range between 200 and 280 Ma, with mean confined horizontal track lengths varying between 11.5 and 14.3 μm. Time–temperature modelling of the AFT data together with geological information suggest the onset of a regional cooling episode in the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian, which continued into Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous time. Present-day heat flow measurements on the Western Australian Shield fall in the range of 40–50 mW m−2. If the present day geothermal gradient of  18 ± 2 °C km−1 is representative of average Phanerozoic gradients, then this implies a minimum of  50 °C of Late Palaeozoic to Mesozoic cooling. Assuming that cooling resulted from denudation, the data suggest the removal of at least 3 km of rock section from the northern Yilgarn Craton over this interval. The Perth Basin, located west of the Yilgarn Craton, contains up to 15 km of mostly Permian to Lower Cretaceous clastic sediment. However, published U–Pb data of detrital zircons from Permian and Lower Triassic basin strata show relatively few or no grains of Archaean age. This suggests that the recorded cooling can probably be attributed to the removal of a sedimentary cover rather than by denudation of material from the underlying craton itself. The onset of cooling is linked to tectonism related to either the waning stages of the Alice Springs Orogeny or to the early stages of Gondwana breakup.  相似文献   

LA-ICPMS U–Pb data from metamorphic monazite in upper amphibolite and granulite-grade metasedimentary rocks indicate that the Nawa Domain of the northern Gawler Craton in southern Australia underwent multiple high-grade metamorphic events in the Late Paleoproterozoic and Early Mesoproterozoic. Five of the six samples investigated here record metamorphic monazite growth during the period 1730–1690 Ma, coincident with the Kimban Orogeny, which shaped the crustal architecture of the southeastern Gawler Craton. Combined with existing detrital zircon U–Pb data, the metamorphic monazite ages constrain deposition of the northern Gawler metasedimentary protoliths to the interval ca 1750–1720 Ma. The new age data highlight the craton-wide nature of the 1730–1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny in the Gawler Craton. In the Mabel Creek Ridge region of the Nawa Domain, rocks metamorphosed during the Kimban Orogeny were reworked during the Kararan Orogeny (1570–1555 Ma). The obtained Kararan Orogeny monazite ages are within uncertainty of ca 1590–1575 Ma zircon U–Pb metamorphic ages from the Mt Woods Domain in the central-eastern Gawler Craton, which indicate that high-grade metamorphism and associated deformation were coeval with the craton-scale Hiltaba magmatic event. The timing of this deformation, and the implied compressional vector, is similar to the latter stages of the Olarian Orogeny in the adjacent Curnamona Province and appears to be part of a westward migration in the timing of deformation and metamorphism in the southern Australian Proterozoic over the interval 1600–1545 Ma. This pattern of westward-shifting tectonism is defined by the Olarian Orogeny (1600–1585 Ma, Curnamona Province), Mt Woods deformation (1590–1575 Ma), Mabel Creek Ridge deformation (1570–1555 Ma, Kararan Orogeny) and Fowler Domain deformation (1555–1545 Ma, Kararan Orogeny). This westward migration of deformation suggests the existence of a large evolving tectonic system that encompassed the emplacement of the voluminous Hiltaba Suite and associated volcanic and mineral systems.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2007-2028

The boundary and relation of the Tarim Craton to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) and its role in the formation history of the CAOB remain controversial. This article presents ages and Hf-in-zircon isotopic and geochemical results for gabbroic, dioritic, and granitic plutons from the northern margin of Tarim Craton (NMTC), and discusses their petrogenesis and tectonic regimes as well as the boundary between the CAOB and the Tarim Craton. These plutons yield zircon ages of 424–385 Ma. In the Quruqtagh zone south of the Xinger Fault, the gabbroic pluton shows enrichment in LREEs and LILEs, depletion in HFSEs and positive εHf(t) values (+4.0 to +11.4), suggesting that parental magmas of gabbros were likely derived by partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge previously metasomatized by slab-derived aqueous fluids. In the Hulashan Zone north of the Xinger Fault, the studied rocks include one dioritic pluton and three granitic plutons. The geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of the dioritic pluton are similar to those of the studied gabbroic with positive εHf(t) values (+3.0 to +9.4). The three granitic plutons display relative depletion in HFSEs and enrichment in LILEs. Their variable εHf(t) values range from ?2.1 to +8.9, with TDM2 ages of 858–1503 Ma, suggesting complex crustal sources with different proportions of juvenile and ancient materials. This article confirms and evidences an Andean-style active continental margin of the Tarim Craton due to southward subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean. Furthermore, our Hf isotopic data, together with regional data from the literature, show that the Hulashan zone to the north to the Xinger Fault has younger continental materials in deep than these of NMTC south of the fault, and is similar to microcontinental fragments in the CAOB. This suggests that the Xinger fault may be the boundary between the Tarim Craton and Tianshan orogen.  相似文献   


Acropolis is an Fe-oxide–copper–gold prospect ~20?km from Olympic Dam, South Australia, and marked by near-coincident gravity and magnetic anomalies. Prospective Fe-oxide–apatite?±?sulfide veins occur in Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic volcanic and granitoid host units beneath unmineralised sedimentary formations. We have produced a geological map and history of the prospect using data from 16 diamond drill holes, including LA-ICPMS and high-precision CA-TIMS ages. The oldest unit is megacrystic granite of the Donington Suite (ca 1850?Ma). A non-conformity spanning ca 250 My separates the Donington Suite and felsic lavas and ignimbrites of the Gawler Range Volcanics (GRV; 1594.03?±?0.68?Ma). The GRV were intruded by granite of the Hiltaba Suite (1594.88?±?0.50?Ma) and felsic dykes (1593.88?±?0.56?Ma; same age as the Roxby Downs Granite at Olympic Dam). The felsic dykes are weakly altered and lack Fe-oxide–apatite–sulfide veins, suggesting that they post-date the main hydrothermal event. If correct, this relationship implies that the main hydrothermal event at Acropolis was ca 1594?Ma and pre-dated the main hydrothermal event at Olympic Dam. The GRV at Acropolis are the same age as the GRV at Olympic Dam and ca 3–7 My older than the GRV exposed in the Gawler Ranges. The gravity and magnetic anomalies coincide with sections through the GRV, Hiltaba Suite and Donington Suite that contain abundant, wide, Fe-oxide veins. The GRV, Hiltaba Suite and Donington Suite are unconformably overlain by the Mesoproterozoic Pandurra Formation or Neoproterozoic Stuart Shelf sedimentary formations. The Pandurra Formation shows marked lateral variations in thickness related to paleotopography on the underlying units and post-Pandurra Formation pre-Neoproterozoic faults. The Stuart Shelf sedimentary formations have uniform thicknesses.
  2. Fe-oxide–apatite?±?sulfide veins are hosted by the Gawler Range Volcanics (1594.03?±?0.68?Ma), the Hiltaba Suite granite (1594.88?±?0.50?Ma) and Donington Suite granite (ca 1850?Ma).

  3. The age of felsic dykes (1593.88?±?0.56?Ma) interpreted to be post-mineralisation implies that the main hydrothermal event at Acropolis was ca 1594?Ma.

  4. The Gawler Range Volcanics at Acropolis are the same age as the Gawler Range Volcanics at Olympic Dam and ca 3 to 7 My older than the Gawler Range Volcanics exposed in the Gawler Ranges.



A U–Pb zircon age of 1762 ± 11 Ma is reported for granite gneiss located on Flinders Island, South Australia. This age is identical, within analytical uncertainty, to a previously reported age for schists of the Price Metasediments located 100 km to the southeast on the southwestern coast of the Eyre Peninsula. The outcrop represents the only known country rock to the Early Mesoproterozoic Calca Granite (Hiltaba Suite) of Flinders Island, the largest island of the Investigator Group of islands, in the southwestern Gawler Craton. The stratigraphic name Investigator Granite Gneiss is proposed for this rock unit. The discovery of the Investigator Granite Gneiss now considerably increases the extent of known Late Palaeoproterozoic rocks on the eastern side of the peninsula. The outcrop was previously included with the considerably younger St Peter Suite granite‐monzogranite, and grouped together with other islands in the Investigator Group. This new dating suggests that the geology on the other islands may require revision. For the first time, detailed major and trace‐element geochemistry is supplied for the granite gneiss on Flinders Island.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analysis was applied to Triassic and Cretaceous sediments from the South-Iberian Continental Margin to unravel its thermal history. Apatite fission-track age populations from Triassic samples indicate partial annealing and point to a maximum temperature of around 100–110 °C during their post-depositional evolution. In certain apatites from Cretaceous samples, two different fission-track age populations of 93–99 and around 180 Ma can be distinguished. Track lengths associated with these two populations enabled thermal modelling based on experimental annealing and mathematical algorithms. These thermal models indicate that the post-depositional thermal evolution attained temperatures ≤ 70 °C, which is consistent with available vitrinite-reflectance data. Thermal modelling for the Cretaceous samples makes it possible to decipher a succession of cooling and heating periods, consisting of (a) a late Carboniferous–Permian cooling followed by (b) a progressive heating episode that ended approximately 120 Ma at a maximum T of around 110 °C. The first cooling episode resulted from a combination of factors such as: the relaxation of the thermal anomaly related to the termination of the Hercynian cycle; the progressive exhumation of the Hercynian basement and the thermal subsidence related to the rifting of the Bay of Biscay, reactivated during the Late Permian. Jurassic thermal evolution deduced from the inherited thermal signal in the Cretaceous sediments is characterized by progressive heating that ended around 120 Ma. This heating episode is related to thermal subsidence during Jurassic rifting, in agreement with the presence of abundant mantle-derived tholeiitic magmas interbedded in the Jurassic rocks. The end of the Jurassic rifting is well marked by a cooling episode apparently starting during Neocomiam times and ending at surface conditions by Albian times.  相似文献   

The use of in situ geochronological techniques allows for direct age constraints to be placed on fabric development and the metamorphic evolution of polydeformed and reworked terranes. The Shoal Point region of the southern Gawler Craton consists of a series of reworked granulite facies metapelitic and metaigneous units which belong to the Late Archean Sleaford Complex. Structural evidence indicates three phases of fabric development with D1 retained within boudins, D2 consisting of a series of upright open to isoclinal folds producing an axial planar fabric and D3 composed of a highly planar vertical high‐strain fabric which overprints the D2 fabric. Th–U–total Pb EPMA monazite and garnet Sm–Nd geochronology constrain the D1 event to the c. 2450 Ma Sleaford Orogeny, whereas the D2 and D3 events are constrained to the 1730–1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny. P–T pseudosections constrain the metamorphic conditions for the Sleafordian Orogeny to between 4.5 and 6 kbar and between 750 and 780 °C. Subsequent Kimban‐aged reworking reached peak metamorphic conditions of 8–9 kbar at 820–850 °C during the D2 event, followed by high‐temperature decompression to metamorphic conditions <6 kbar and 790–850 °C associated with the development of the D3 high‐strain fabric. The P–T–t evolution of the Shoal Point rocks reflects the transpressional exhumation of lower crustal rocks during the Kimban Orogeny and the development of a regional ‘flower structure’.  相似文献   

The involvement of the North China Craton (NCC) in the assembly or breakup of Rodinia has long been debated. Studies of palaeomagnetism, mafic sills (dikes), igneous events, and sedimentary records have led to contrasting opinions on this topic. No igneous events related to the late Mesoproterozoic assembly of Rodinia have been reported in the NCC. However, the authors found numerous late Mesoproterozoic zircons in the Tonian system on the northern margin of the NCC. The Tonian Zhulazhagamaodao formation is composed of meta-sandstone, siltstone, slate, carbonate, and dolomine of the littoral to neritic facies and occurs mainly in the western part of the Bayan Obo–Zhaertai–Langshan rift. U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Tonian system reveals age peaks at 1079 ± 23 Ma, 1092 ± 22 Ma, 1175 ± 50 Ma, 1175 ± 18 Ma, 1260 ± 45 Ma, 1266 ± 16 Ma, and 1270 ± 26 Ma, which correspond to the timing of Rodinia assembly. Considering that coeval igneous rocks and orogenic belts developed mostly in the Laurentia–Baltica cratons, we propose that these cratons supplied clastic material to the northern margin of the NCC and that they had a close spatial relationship between each other during the Tonian.  相似文献   

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