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Kent C.  Elena  W.L.  Keith N. 《Gondwana Research》2009,15(3-4):228-242
The goal of this study is to evaluate the global age distribution of granitoid magmatism and juvenile continental crust production with U/Pb isotopic ages from igneous and detrital zircons, and with Nd isotopic data. Granitoid age peaks, which are largely defined by TIMS data, are narrow and precise in contrast to detrital peaks that are often broad and hump-shaped due to the larger uncertainties of SHRIMP and LAM-ICPMS data. Granitic age peaks do not always have detrital counterparts and vice versa. Possible contributing factors to this mismatch are removal of crustal sources by erosion, inadequate sampling of granitoids because of cover by younger rocks, or small age peaks hidden by large age peaks in detrital spectra.Seven igneous peaks are found on five or more cratons or continents (3300, 2700, 2680, 2500, 2100, 1900 and 1100 Ma) and seven detrital peaks occur on three or more continents (2785, 2700, 2600, 2500, 1900, 1650 and 1200 Ma). Nd isotope distributions suggest important additions of juvenile continental crust at 2700, 2500, 2120, 1900, 1700, 1650, 800, 570 and 450 Ma. Tight clusters of craton ages occur for Superior–Karelia, Sao Francisco–Nain, and Kaapvaal–Siberia in the early Archean and for Wyoming–Kaapvaal–Slave, Superior–Nain, and West Africa–Amazonia in the late Archean. The global 2700-Ma peak is not a simple spike, but involves several peaks between 2760 and 2650 Ma. Events older than 3700 Ma are limited to the Yilgarn, Slave, Nain and North China cratons, and events between 2600 and 2500 Ma are widespread only in East Asia, Central and East Africa, and India.Single, short-lived mantle plume events at 2700 and 1900 Ga (or any other time) cannot easily account for prolonged episodes of granitoid magmatism during the Precambrian. The causes of geographically widespread and geographically restricted events are probably not the same.  相似文献   

李猛  王超  王钊飞 《地质科学》2013,48(4):1115-1139
汝阳群分布在华北克拉通西南缘,位于河南-陕西-山西交界地区,主要为一套未变质的碎屑岩及碳酸盐岩地层,不整合于熊耳群火山岩系之上,其上被洛峪群整合覆盖。长期以来,其地质时代一直存有较大的争议。本文通过对汝阳群下部白草坪组4个石英砂岩样品中的碎屑锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,获得的207Pb/206Pb年龄分布范围为3 000~1 800 Ma,主要集中在2 600~2 400 Ma之间(约占67%),年龄主峰值为2 550~2 500 Ma,说明其沉积物质主要来源于新太古代末以及古元古代的地质体。其中,最年轻锆石的207Pb/206Pb谐和年龄值分别为1 817±22 Ma、1 838±23 Ma、1 924±17 Ma和1 829±28 Ma,说明汝阳群沉积时代不老于1 800 Ma,与其上覆洛峪群中近期获得1 611±8 Ma的年龄相吻合,因此其形成时代应为中元古代早期。  相似文献   

江南造山带西南部是扬子克拉通新元古代地层发育较完整的地区之一。其中,桂北地区的南华系地层自下而上依次为:长安组、富禄组、大塘坡组和黎家坡组,沉积厚度从几十米到几千米不等,总体趋势是西厚东薄。本文对长安组、富禄组、黎家坡组的5个样品进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测试。其中长安组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄存在一个峰值,峰值区间为724~972Ma之间,最年轻的年龄加权平均值为746±5Ma(n=19),指示南华系长安组沉积年龄可能介于746~780Ma之间;富禄组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄有三个峰值,主峰为705~936Ma,两个次峰分别为1823~2163Ma和2241~2673Ma之间;黎家坡组下部121109-3样品的碎屑锆石主峰值为1966~2118Ma,两个次峰为724~921Ma和2221~2688Ma;中部121109-4样品碎屑锆石主峰值为1813~2192Ma,两个次峰为748~944Ma和2296~2726Ma;上部121109-5样品碎屑锆石主峰值为1984~2193Ma,两个次峰为653~1007Ma和2215~2675Ma。桂北地区南华系长安组、富禄组、黎家坡组5个样品的年龄峰值区间相近,但主峰和次峰有明显的区别,反映了三个组沉积地层主要物源可能来自不同的地区,并经历了不同的沉积环境。碎屑锆石年龄分布特征反映了在653~1007Ma之间扬子克拉通东南缘、江南造山带西南部的桂北地区有强烈的岩浆活动,可能与Rodinia超大陆的聚合和裂解事件有关,而1792~2261Ma的岩浆活动则与Columbia超大陆的聚合和裂解事件相对应,2298~2500Ma碎屑锆石年龄可能暗示在扬子克拉通南缘存在古元古代基底,少量大于2500Ma的锆石年龄表明在扬子克拉通南缘还存在太古宙基底物质。5个样品均缺少1100~1300Ma格林威尔造山时期的记录,说明江南造山带并非处在Rodinia超级大陆的中心。总之,扬子克拉通南缘及江南造山带西南部至少经历了三期强烈的构造-岩浆热事件,这三期事件在桂北地区的南华系沉积地层中均有非常清楚的记录。  相似文献   


本文利用LA-MC-ICP技术,对乌拉斯台河沉积物碎屑锆石进行了U-Pb定年和Hf同位素组成分析研究。U-Pb测年结果显示,样品中碎屑锆石年龄主要分布在470~390 Ma、380~320 Ma和310~260 Ma。通过与南天山南部河流碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄对比分析,并结合其他相关证据,探讨了古生代中天山南缘的地质演化过程。本文样品中年龄为470~390 Ma的碎屑锆石及南天山南部河流中460~390 Ma的碎屑锆石,揭示了南天山洋在中奥陶—晚泥盆世期间发生的双向俯冲作用。380~320 Ma锆石记录了晚泥盆世—晚石炭世南天山洋北向俯冲到中天山—伊犁地块之下。310~260 Ma的碎屑锆石记录了石炭世晚期南天山洋的闭合和之后发生的同碰撞和碰撞后的岩浆作用。结合Lu-Hf同位素分析结果表明,巴伦台地区古生代期间有大量新生物质逐渐加入到岩浆生成过程中,这可能与南天山洋北向俯冲和该洋盆闭合等过程有关。


库鲁克塔格位于南天山和塔里木盆地接合部,保留相对较完整的地层记录。新元古代贝义西组主要为一套火山-沉积组合序列,育肯沟组为浊流成因的砂岩和粉砂岩组合。对取自两个地层的沉积岩样品,分别进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年,并分别获得了93组和71组U-Pb有效年龄。其中贝义西组锆石U-Pb年龄主峰值为821Ma、次峰值为861Ma的碎屑锆石(761~847Ma)具有显著优势,育肯沟组年龄值为768Ma(次峰值为800Ma和741Ma)的碎屑锆石比较集中,说明库鲁克塔格地区在741Ma、768Ma、800Ma、821Ma和861Ma有大规模的岩浆活动。10个太古代碎屑锆石年龄以及综合已有的研究成果,确认库鲁克塔格存在中-新太古代基底。贝义西组砂岩主要源自761~847Ma、851~972Ma和1808~2498Ma岩石。育肯沟组主要来自734~845Ma、858~963Ma和1708~2486Ma的岩石。  相似文献   

南秦岭东河群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及其板块构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南秦岭微陆块是秦岭造山带的重要构造单元,其早白垩世沉积物是研究物源区及南秦岭微陆块构造演化的理想对象.南秦岭微陆块南缘观音坝盆地早白垩世砂砾岩中的碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄给出了5个年龄峰,范围分别是2600~2300Ma、2050~1800Ma、1200~750Ma、650~400Ma和350~200Ma,对应于Kenor、Columbia、Rodinia、Gondwana和Pangaea等5次超大陆事件.碎屑锆石源区复杂,但主要源自华北克拉通和北秦岭增生带,表明晚古生代南秦岭微陆块是秦岭-华北联合大陆板块的一部分,而非独立的微陆块.最年轻的锆石年龄峰给出了勉略洋向秦岭-华北大陆俯冲的时限,即350~ 200Ma;扬子与秦岭-华北联合大陆板块的碰撞造山作用始于三叠纪-侏罗纪之交,强烈的挤压造山作用发生在侏罗纪,而非三叠纪或更早.  相似文献   

The calculation of a maximum depositional age(MDA)from a detrital zircon sample can provide insight into a variety of geological problems.However,the impact of sample size and calculation method on the accuracy of a resulting MDA has not been evaluated.We use large populations of synthetic zircon dates(N≈25,000)to analyze the impact of varying sample size(n),measurement uncertainty,and the abundance of neardepositional-age zircons on the accuracy and uncertainty of 9 commonly used MDA calculation methods.Furthermore,a new method,the youngest statistical population is tested.For each method,500 samples of n synthetic dates were drawn from the parent population and MDAs were calculated.The mean and standard deviation of each method ove r the 500 trials at each n-value(50-1000,in increments of 50)were compa red to the known depositional age of the synthetic population and used to compare the methods quantitatively in two simulation scenarios.The first simulation scenario varied the proportion of near-depositional-age grains in the synthetic population.The second scenario varied the uncertainty of the dates used to calculate the MDAs.Increasing sample size initially decreased the mean residual error and standard deviation calculated by each method.At higher n-values(>~300 grains),calculated MDAs changed more slowly and the mean resid ual error increased or decreased depending on the method used.Increasing the p roportion of near-depositional-age grains and lowering measurement uncertainty decreased the number of measurements required for the calculated MDAs to stabilize and decreased the standard deviation in calculated MDAs of the 500 samples.Results of the two simulation scenarios show that the most successful way to increase the accuracy of a calculated M DA is by acquiring a large number of low-uncertainty measurements(300300)approach is used if the calculation of accurate MDAs are key to research goals.Other acquisition method s,such as high-to moderate-precision measurement methods(e.g.,1%-5%,2σ)acquiring low-to moderate-n datasets(50300).Additionally,they are most susceptible to producing erroneous MDAs due to contamination in the field or laboratory,or through disturbances of the youngest zircon’s U-Pb systematics(e.g.,lead loss).More conservative methods that still produce accurate MDAs and are less susceptible to contamination or lead loss include:youngest grain cluster at 1σunce rtainty(YGC 1σ),youngest grain clusterat 2σuncertainty(YGC 2σ),and youngest statistical population(YSP).The ages calculated by these methods may be more useful and appealing when fitting calculated MDAs in to pre-existing chronostratigraphic frameworks,as they are less likely to be younger than the true depositional age.From the results of our numerical models we illustrate what geologic processes(i.e.,tectonic or sedimentary)can be resolved using MDAs derived from strata of different ages.  相似文献   

内蒙东部的克旗-林西-阿鲁科尔沁-扎鲁特-索伦-蘑菇气地区位于华北板块与西伯利亚板块所夹持的中亚造山带东段,西拉木伦缝合带与贺根山-黑河缝合带之间,是古亚洲洋晚古生代残余海盆最后消失的地区,保存了上述两缝合带构造演化过程的相关信息。本文针对中、晚二叠-早三叠世砂岩开展碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究。测试的上二叠统林西组与下三叠统陶海营子组、老龙头组砂岩均具有成分成熟度低,近源快速沉积的特点,碎屑骨架成分显示多为火山岩区物源供给。锆石CL图和Th/U值也指示了绝大多数锆石为岩浆成因锆石。结合前人研究成果,区域内已获得的2533粒碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄主要分为3组:约230~570Ma(峰值年龄为270~315Ma、430Ma和500Ma)、700~1100Ma(峰值970Ma)及1500Ma(峰值1800Ma和2500Ma)。较古老的峰值年龄1800Ma和2500Ma,暗示了华北克拉通基底的物源信息。其余两组年龄则与西拉木伦缝合带北侧的额尔古纳-兴安-锡林浩特地块内部岩浆事件的时间相吻合。对比分析内蒙东部不同区域(克旗-林西地区、阿鲁科尔沁-扎鲁特地区和索伦-蘑菇气地区)、不同时代(中、晚二叠世-早三叠世)沉积物碎屑组分变化趋势,推测古亚洲洋最终沿西拉木伦缝合带自西向东呈"剪刀"式闭合,时间持续至早三叠世。此外,索伦-蘑菇气地区中、晚二叠-早三叠世相对稳定的物源供给,证实了额尔古纳-兴安地块与松辽-锡林浩特地块至少在中二叠世沉积以前就已经沿贺根山-黑河缝合带完成拼贴,应为前人提出的早石炭世末。  相似文献   

北祁连走廊南山边麻沟-大岔大坂一带保存了记录新元古代-晚古生代地质演化的众多构造-岩石单元。在边麻沟柴达诺岛弧花岗岩体之上, 不整合覆盖了一套由硅泥质岩、粉砂岩、杂砂岩、砾岩共同组成的浊流沉积组合, 其沉积时代缺乏可靠证据, 沉积物源区和构造属性也缺乏研究。粉砂岩中碎屑锆石具有典型岩浆锆石结构特征, 主要集中于529~484 Ma和466~442 Ma两个年龄群, 最年轻碎屑锆石为425 Ma。结合锆石Hf同位素特征和区域已有同位素年代学资料, 认为这些粉砂岩中的碎屑锆石主要来自柴达诺花岗岩体(516~505 Ma), 其次来自北祁连奥陶-志留纪岛弧中酸性岩浆岩, 少数来自寒武纪蛇绿岩及中元古代基底岩石。综合研究分析认为, 边麻沟浊积岩可能形成于志留纪弧前残余海盆环境。  相似文献   

刘祥  詹琼窑  朱弟成  王青  谢锦程  张亮亮 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3513-3526



胡波  翟明国  郭敬辉  彭澎  刘富  刘爽 《岩石学报》2009,25(1):193-211
化德群出露地区位于华北克拉通北缘中部,紧邻中亚造山带南缘,呈近东西向展布。在它的西边是早-中元古代的白云鄂博裂谷和渣尔泰—狼山裂谷,东南面是由长城系、蓟县系和青白口系组成的早-新元古代的燕辽裂陷槽,南边分布着1.9~1.8Ga麻粒岩相变质的丰镇群(孔兹岩系),北边出露有代表中亚造山带的古生代岩石。化德群由一套浅变质和未变质的沉积岩组成,无火山岩夹层。地层序列包含多个沉积旋回,每个旋回自下而上为含砾砂岩、砂岩、碳酸盐岩和泥质岩。岩石组合反映了从河流—滨海—浅海相的沉积环境。化德群的地层序列可以和白云鄂博群及渣尔泰群相对比。本文对化德群四个变质砂岩样品中的碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,年龄主要集中在1800±50Ma和1850±50Ma,另外还有~2500Ma和~2000Ma的次要峰值。化德群底部变质含砾云母长石石英砂岩中碎屑锆石的最小谐和年龄是1758±7Ma,限定了化德群沉积时代的下限。碎屑锆石的CL图像显示,1800±50Ma和1850±50Ma的锆石主要是变质成因,少量岩浆成因,说明化德群的源区主要是古元古代的变质岩,少量岩浆岩。~2500Ma和~2000Ma的碎屑锆石代表了更为古老的源区。碎屑锆石的U-Pb年龄限制了化德群的沉积时代为古元古代晚期—中元古代,年龄峰值对应华北克拉通的重要构造热事件,而无与中亚造山带地质事件相关的年龄信息。沉积组合特征表明化德群属于稳定的浅水—半深水沉积盆地。化德盆地、渣尔泰—狼山盆地和白云鄂博盆地共同构成华北克拉通北缘的被动陆缘裂谷系,该裂谷系的形成可能与燕辽及熊耳裂陷槽的打开是同时期的。因此,华北克拉通的北界应该置于化德群出露区域以北。基于锆石特征的详细分析及对比,我们认为化德群以南的孔兹岩系可能是化德群的主要源区。  相似文献   

The Mesozoic evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean (MOO) has significantly affected the configuration of the modern Asian continent. Although a scissor-like closure of the MOO has long been proposed, when and how the MOO closed are still hotly debated, especially the timing of initial closure of the MOO in its western segment, hindering our understanding of both the evolution of the MOO and tectonics of the northern Asian continent. In order to uncover the timing of initial closure of the MOO, we performed a multidisciplinary study in sedimentology, detrital zircon U-Pb dating and paleomagnetic on the Late Triassic clastic strata from the Tarvagatay Block and the Amuria Block (AMB) on the both sides of the Mongol-Okhotsk Suture. The upper Triassic strata on both sides of the suture were dominated by plant fossil-bearing alluvial-fluvial facies sediments, which unconformably overlain pre-Triassic geological units, indicating a terrestrial setting after the closure of the MOO. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating results revealed consistent age distribution patterns for samples from both sides of the suture with a predominant peak at ∼253–251 Ma and a secondary peak at ∼359–357 Ma, representing two main arc magmatic events during the bidirectional subduction of the MOO in the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous and Late Permian-Early Triassic. Coeval Late Triassic paleomagnetic poles were obtained from the northern AMB and Tarvagatay Block, revealing a comparable paleolatitude of the AMB (∼31–33°) and Tarvagatay Block (∼32–34°) in the Late Triassic, arguing for that the western segment of the MOO should have closed at the Late Triassic. The compilation of sedimentology, detrital zircon U-Pb dating, magmatic and paleomagnetic evidence provides integrated constraints on the Late Triassic initial closure of the MOO in its western segment.  相似文献   

钟焱  相振群  初航 《岩石学报》2019,35(8):2377-2406
华北克拉通是划分我国中元古代地层序列的标准地区,查明华北地区各中元古代盆地的发育与演化机制、寻找长城系下部1. 80~1. 65Ga的沉积盖层、完善1. 4~1. 0Ga待建系标准剖面,是我国中元古代综合地层学研究亟待解答的三个主要问题。现有资料显示,华北北部的燕辽盆地缺失长城系底部地层,南部熊耳盆地各地层小区的蓟县纪-待建纪盆地演化过程差异较大。与之相比,北缘盆地的中元古界相对完整且较连续出露,是系统开展中元古代年代地层学和盆地动力学研究的理想对象。鉴于狼山地区的"中、新元古界"已被重新厘定为新元古界狼山群,中元古代的华北北缘盆地应以渣尔泰群、白云鄂博群、腮林忽洞群和化德群为代表。由于缺乏火山岩夹层年龄的有效约束,与这些地层单元的时代划分、区域对比和盆地类型有关的认识分歧,普遍发端于对碎屑锆石年代学数据的不同理解。因此,本文对渣尔泰群和白云鄂博群的部分层位进行了碎屑锆石年代学研究,并全面收集了北缘盆地碎屑锆石年代学研究的相关数据,参考新近提出的两种统计学分析方法,对渣尔泰群、白云鄂博群(含腮林忽洞群)和化德群的碎屑锆石年龄数据进行了真实沉积时代和盆地构造属性的统计分析。通过设置单点精度高、但样本库计算总量降低的对照组进行方法可信性的对照分析,结果显示样本库总量对统计结果的影响更大,因此利用相关方法解析前寒武纪哑地层的沉积时代和盆地属性,应当遵从"合理降低单点精度限制以谋求更大样本库"的原则。结合前人建立的中元古代沉积-岩浆事件序列,本文分析结果显示中元古代的北缘盆地是在长城纪造山后伸展盆地之上、叠加了蓟县-待建纪裂谷事件而成的多旋回复合盆地。通过北缘和燕辽地区沉积、岩浆事件的综合对比,提出华北克拉通北部的中元古代盆山耦合过程,可分为:由造山后向陆内伸展转换的构造反转期阶段(1. 82~1. 60Ga)、被动裂谷早期的陆内伸展阶段(1. 6~1. 4Ga)、裂谷作用阶段(1. 4~1. 3Ga)和成因机制不明的长期沉积间断阶段(1. 3~1. 0Ga)。  相似文献   

巴嘎德尔基岩体位于中祁连山西段的野马南山地区,主要由钾长花岗岩和二长花岗岩组成。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年表明,巴嘎德尔基岩体侵位年龄为462.9±1.4Ma。该岩体地球化学方面表现出强过铝、高K、K/Na,低Mg、Fe、Ca的主量元素特征,并富集K、Rb、Ba、Th,亏损Zr、Hf、Y、Yb等微量元素,轻稀土富集,弱的Eu负异常。在微量元素判别图解上,所有岩石投影点均落入同碰撞区域。结合区域地质背景,认为巴嘎德尔基岩体是加里东造山作用晚期陆陆碰撞的产物。  相似文献   

林旭  刘海金  刘静  陈济鑫  李玲玲 《地质学报》2022,96(7):2506-2518
黄河是中国北方最大河流,其发育和形成对中国北部三大地势阶梯的建立具有重要指示意义。但到目前为止,有关黄河的形成时代存在较大争议。基于此,本文对鲁中山区的河流进行碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分析(n=240),与流入渤海湾盆地的辽河、滦河、永定河、滹沱河、漳河和黄河的锆石U-Pb年龄进行对比,从而确定黄河因具有显著的新元古代峰值年龄(1000~700 Ma)成为渤海湾盆地的特征河流。本文将黄河下游的碎屑锆石U-Pb峰值年龄与渤海湾盆地中新统钻孔的锆石U-Pb峰值年龄进行对比,结合多维判别图(MDS),结果表明黄河在中新世未进入渤海湾盆地。  相似文献   

河西走廊晚泥盆世地层中冥古宙碎屑锆石的发现   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
袁伟  杨振宇  杨进辉 《岩石学报》2012,28(4):1029-1036
河西走廊地区晚泥盆统中宁组地层中,利用LA-ICP-MS法测年获得了3.9Ga和4.0Ga两颗碎屑锆石,其Th/U依次为1.01和0.58,均为岩浆锆石。两颗锆石稀土元素呈轻稀土(LREE)亏损、重稀土(HREE)富集,均具有Ce正异常,其中4.0Ga锆石具有Eu负异常,3.9Ga锆石无Eu负异常。利用锆石中49Ti的含量计算原岩岩浆温度分别为792±36℃(3.9Ga)和967±45℃(4.0Ga)。3.9Ga锆石获得原位Hf同位素结果,176Hf/177Hfi=0.280169,εHf(t)=-3.6,tDM=4139Ma, tDMC=4319Ma。这两颗>3.9Ga碎屑锆石为西北地区首次发现,其微量元素特征说明在冥古宙时地球上可能存在地壳;结合前人古生物和古地磁研究结果,说明河西走廊在晚泥盆世时同澳大利亚西北部可能具有亲缘性。  相似文献   

The eastern segment of Central Asian Orogenic Belt underwent not only a long evolution history related to the Paleo-Asian Ocean during Paleozoic but also the tectonic overprinting by the westward subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean crust during Mesozoic. When the subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean crust started has been long debated issue for understanding the tectonic evolution of the eastern Asian continental margin. The eastern margin of the Jimusi Block (Wandashan Terrane) preserved complete records for the accretionary process of the westward subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean crust. Comprising the Yuejinshan Complex and Raohe Accretionary Complex (RAC), the Wandashan Terrane is located in the eastern margin of Jiamusi Block, NE China, and is considered to be an accretionary wedge of the westward subducting oceanic crust. To reconstruct the marginal accretion processes of the Jiamusi Block, the structural deformation of the Wandashan Terrane was investigated in the field and the geochronology of the Dalingqiao and Yongfuqiao formations were studied, which were formed syn-and-post RAC accretion respectively. The Yuejinshan and Raohe complexes were discontinuously accreted to the eastern margin of the Jiamusi Block. Contrary to the previous consideration of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, this study suggests that the Yuejianshan Complex in southwest Wandashan Terrane probably accreted from Late Carboniferous to Middle Permian, which was driven by unknown oceanic crust subduction existing to the east (present position) of the Jiamusi Block at that time. The siltstones of the Dalingqiao Fm. yield the youngest zircon U-Pb age of 142 ± 2 Ma, indicating the emplacement of the RAC not earlier than the Late Jurassic. Thus, the RAC might start to accrete from the Jurassic and emplace during 142–131 Ma, resulted from the Paleo-Pacific subduction which started from the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

高春云    郭安林  李兴辉  李侃  刘伟刚 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1689-1698
通过北秦岭黑河地区柳叶河盆地碎屑锆石年龄研究,探讨盆地沉积物年龄结构,并进一步推断其物源及与秦岭造山带的盆山耦合过程。采自柳叶河盆地石炭系—二叠系含砾砂岩样品中的82颗碎屑锆石年龄可分为6组:260~542Ma、800~1100Ma、1320~1560Ma、1640~2250Ma、2300~2660Ma和2720~2870Ma。其中260~542Ma年龄段所占测点比例最大,占锆石总数的31%,其次为1640~2250Ma、2300~2660Ma和800~1100Ma年龄段。最老年龄值为2834±40Ma,最年轻者为264±5Ma。 从碎屑锆石年龄结构对比及石炭纪地层交错层理推断,柳叶河盆地石炭系—二叠系物源区主要为当时的北秦岭山地。此外,碎屑锆石年龄结构对比表明,鄂尔多斯盆地南部与柳叶河原始盆地有相同的年龄谱特征,意味着它们具有同一物源区。北秦岭山地是在加里东造山作用后期影响下迅速隆升而形成的。其后,随着南侧勉略洋的打开,华北地台相对沉降及沿商丹带的走滑断陷使柳叶河盆地出现,仍旧处于隆升状态的北秦岭山地开始作为该盆地及其北侧鄂尔多斯盆地南部的主要物源区。  相似文献   

Rates of generation and growth of the continental crust   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Models for when and how the continental crust was formed are constrained by estimates in the rates o crustal growth. The record of events preserved in the continental crust is heterogeneous in time with distinctive peaks and troughs of ages for igneous crystallisation, metamorphism, continental margin and mineralisation. For the most part these are global signatures, and the peaks of ages tend to b associated with periods of increased reworking of pre-existing crust, reflected in the Hf isotope ratios o zircons and their elevated oxygen isotope ratios. Increased crustal reworking is attributed to periods o crustal thickening associated with compressional tectonics and the development of supercontinents Magma types similar to those from recent within-plate and subduction related settings appear to hav been generated in different areas at broadly similar times before ~3.0 Ga. It can be difficult to put th results of such detailed case studies into a more global context, but one approach is to consider when plate tectonics became the dominant mechanism involved in the generation of juvenile continental crust The development of crustal growth models for the continental crust are discussed, and a number o models based on different data sets indicate that 65%-70% of the present volume of the continental crus was generated by 3 Ga. Such estimates may represent minimum values, but since ~3 Ga there has been reduction in the rates of growth of the continental crust. This reduction is linked to an increase in th rates at which continental crust is recycled back into the mantle, and not to a reduction in the rates a which continental crust was generated. Plate tectonics results in both the generation of new crust and it destruction along destructive plate margins. Thus, the reduction in the rate of continental crustal growth at ~3 Ga is taken to reflect the period in which plate tectonics became the dominant mechanism b which new continental crust was generated.  相似文献   

通过北秦岭黑河地区柳叶河盆地碎屑锆石年龄研究,探讨盆地沉积物年龄结构,并进一步推断其物源及与秦岭造山带的盆山耦合过程。采自柳叶河盆地石炭系—二叠系含砾砂岩样品中的82颗碎屑锆石年龄可分为6组:260~542Ma、800~1100Ma、1320~1560Ma、1640~2250Ma、2300~2660Ma和2720~2870Ma。其中260~542Ma年龄段所占测点比例最大,占锆石总数的31%,其次为1640~2250Ma、2300~2660Ma和800~1100Ma年龄段。最老年龄值为2834±40Ma,最年轻者为264±5Ma。从碎屑锆石年龄结构对比及石炭纪地层交错层理推断,柳叶河盆地石炭系—二叠系物源区主要为当时的北秦岭山地。此外,碎屑锆石年龄结构对比表明,鄂尔多斯盆地南部与柳叶河原始盆地有相同的年龄谱特征,意味着它们具有同一物源区。北秦岭山地是在加里东造山作用后期影响下迅速隆升而形成的。其后,随着南侧勉略洋的打开,华北地台相对沉降及沿商丹带的走滑断陷使柳叶河盆地出现,仍旧处于隆升状态的北秦岭山地开始作为该盆地及其北侧鄂尔多斯盆地南部的主要物源区。  相似文献   

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