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造山型金矿具有重要经济价值, 其成矿理论研究对全球金矿勘查和开采具有重要意义。为了更好的理解挤压和伸展背景下深成-中成-浅成造山型金矿成矿过程中控矿断裂形成过程、构造控制流体流动、流体就位机制以及矿化样式之间的关系, 本文系统综述了岩石破裂原理、挤压和伸展体制断裂网络结构, 全面梳理全球不同构造体制和成矿深度造山型金矿的构造控矿样式、矿脉几何学和蚀变矿化网络结构, 取得以下认识: (1)在挤压背景下, 深成金矿通常受韧-脆性逆冲剪切带控制, 发育窄蚀变带、大脉状和层压状矿石以及黑云母-角闪石-磁黄铁矿等蚀变矿化组合; 中成金矿受脆-韧性逆冲剪切带、褶皱转折端的滑脱空间和里德尔剪切派生裂隙控制, 发育窄-中等宽度蚀变带、层压状和网脉状矿石以及绿泥石-方解石-绢云母-黄铁矿化蚀变矿化组合; 浅成金矿受脆性剪切带和次级毛细裂隙控制, 发育宽蚀变带、角砾状和浸染状矿石以及绢云母-碳酸盐-硫化物(黄铁矿、毒砂)等蚀变矿化组合。研究表明上述不同成矿深度金矿构造-蚀变-矿化差异由构造、流体压力、水岩反应强度和岩石抗张强度等共同控制, 流体就位和矿质沉淀机制由深部的强构造流体互馈、弱水岩反应强度向浅部的弱构造流体互馈、强水岩反应强度转换。(2)在伸展背景下, 深成金矿通常受韧-脆性张剪断裂带控制, 发育窄蚀变带、大脉状矿石以及黑云母-角闪石-斜长石-磁黄铁矿等蚀变矿化组合; 中成金矿受脆-韧性张剪断裂带控制, 发育窄-中等宽度蚀变带、断层充填脉和网脉状矿石以及绢云母化-硅化-绿泥石化蚀变矿化组合; 浅成金矿受脆性断层角砾破碎带控制, 发育宽蚀变带、角砾状和浸染状矿石以及绢云母-碳酸盐-硫化物(黄铁矿、毒砂)等蚀变矿化组合。伸展体制控矿构造多为先存断裂改造和再活化, 当先存断裂优选定向时断裂发生再活化, 成矿流体以充填断裂成矿为主, 当先存断裂差异定向时流体压力驱动水力破裂形成新的断裂并改造先存构造。造山型金矿构造控矿研究已由传统的二维空间定性精细刻画逐渐向三维空间定量可视化拓展。


We have examined the fluid inclusion data and fluid chemistry of Australian orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits to determine if similar mineralization processes apply to both styles of deposits.The fluid inclusion data from the Yilgarn craton,the western subprovince of the Lachlan orogen,the Tanami,Tennant Creek and Pine Creek regions,and the Telfer gold mine show that mineralization involved fluids with broadly similar major chemical components(i.e.H_2O NaCl CO_2±CH_4±N_2).These deposits formed over a wide range of temperature-pressure conditions(<200 to>500℃,<100~400MPa).Low salinity, CO_2-bearing inclusions and low salinity aqueous inclusions occur in both systems but the main difference between these two types of deposits is that most intrusion-related gold deposits also contain at least one population of high-salinity aqueous brine.Oxygen and hydrogen isotope data for both styles of deposit usually cannot distinguish between a magmatic or metamorphic source for the ore-bearing fluids.However,sulfur and lead isotope data for the intrusion-related gold deposits generally indicate either a magmatic source or mixing between magmatic and sedimentary sources of fluid.The metamorphic geothermal gradients associated with intrusion-related gold deposits are characterized by low pressure,high temperature metamorphism and high crustal geothermal gradients of>30/km.Where amphibole breakdown occurs in a granite source region,the spatially related deposits are more commonly associated with Cu-Au deposits rather than Au-only deposits that are associated with lower temperature granites.The dominant processes thought to cause gold precipitation in both types of deposits are fluid-rock interaction(e.g.desulfidation)or phase separation.Consideration of the physical and chemical properties of the H_2O-NaCl-CO_2 system on the nature of gold precipitation mechanisms at different crustal levels infers different roles of chemical(fluid-rock interaction)versus rheological(phase separation and/or fluid mixing)host-rock controls on gold deposition.This also implies that at the site of deposition,similar precipitation mechanisms operate at similar crustal levels for both orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits.  相似文献   

Ages of giant gold systems (>500 t gold) cluster within well-defined periods of lithospheric growth at continental margins, and it is the orogen-scale processes during these mainly Late Archaean, Palaeoproterozoic and Phanerozoic times that ultimately determine gold endowment of a province in an orogen. A critical factor for giant orogenic gold provinces appears to be thickness of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath a province at the time of gold mineralisation, as giant gold deposits are much more likely to develop in orogens with subducted oceanic or thin continental lithosphere. A proxy for the latter is a short pre-mineralisation crustal history such that thick SCLM was not developed before gold deposition. In constrast, orogens with protracted pre-mineralisation crustal histories are more likely to be characterised by a thick SCLM that is difficult to delaminate, and hence, such provinces will normally be poorly endowed. The nature of the lithosphere also influences the intrinsic gold concentrations of potential source rocks, with back-arc basalts, transitional basalts and basanites enriched in gold relative to other rock sequences. Thus, segments of orogens with thin lithosphere may enjoy the conjunction of giant-scale fluid flux through gold-enriched sequences. Although the nature of the lithosphere plays the crucial role in dictating which orogenic gold provinces will contain one or more giant deposits, the precise siting of those giants depends on the critical conjunction of a number of province-scale factors. Such features control plumbing systems, traps and seals in tectonically and lithospherically suitable terranes within orogens.  相似文献   

曹根深  张宇  陈华勇 《岩石学报》2023,39(8):2330-2346



Concept-based orogenic gold exploration requires a scale-integrated approach using a robust mineral system model.Most genetic hypotheses for orogenic gold deposits that involve near-surface or magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are now negated in terms of a global mineral system model.Plausible models involve metamorphic fluids,but the fluid source has been equivocal.Crustal metamorphic-fluid models are most widely-accepted but there are serious problems for Archean deposits,and numerous Chinese provinces,including Jiaodong,where the only feasible fluid source is sub-crustal.If all orogenic gold deposits define a coherent mineral system,there are only two realistic sources of fluid and gold,based on their syn-mineralization geodynamic settings.These are from devolatilization of a subducted oceanic slab with its overlying gold-bearing sulfide-rich sedimentary package,or release from mantle lithosphere that was metasomatized and fertilized during a subduction event,particularly adjacent to craton margins.In this model,CO_2 is generated during decarbonation and S and ore-related elements released from transformation of pyrite to pyrrhotite at about 500 ℃.This orogenic gold mineral system can be applied to conceptual exploration by first identifying the required settings at geodynamic to deposit scales.Within these settings,it is then possible to define the critical gold mineralization processes in the system:fertility,architecture,and preservation.The geological parameters that define these processes,and the geological,geophysical and geochemical proxies and responses for these critical parameters can then be identified.At the geodynamic to province scales,critical processes include a tectonic thermal engine and deep,effective,fluid plumbing system driven by seismic swarms up lithosphere-scale faults in an oblique-slip regime during uplift late in the orogenic cycle of a convergent margin.At the district to deposit scale,the important processes are fluid focussing into regions of complex structural geometry adjacent to crustal-scale plumbing systems,with gold deposition in trap sites involving complex conjugations of competent and/or reactive rock sequences and structural or lithological fluid caps.Critical indirect responses to defined parameters change from those generated by geophysics to those generated by geochemistry with reduction in scale of the mineral system-driven conceptual exploration.  相似文献   

A quantitative spatial analysis of mineral deposit distributions in relation to their proximity to a variety of structural elements is used to define parameters that can influence metal endowment, deposit location and the resource potential of a region. Using orogenic gold deposits as an example, geostatistical techniques are applied in a geographic-information-systems-based regional-scale analysis in the high-data-density Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. Metal endowment (gold production and gold ‘rank’ per square kilometer) is measured in incremental buffer regions created in relation to vector lines, such as faults. The greatest metal tonnages are related to intersections of major faults with regional anticlines and to fault jogs, particularly those of dilatant geometry. Using fault length in parameter search, there is a strong association between crustal-scale shear zones/faults and deposits. Nonetheless, it is the small-scale faults that are marginal or peripheral to the larger-scale features that are more prospective. Gravity gradients (depicted as multiscale edges or gravity ‘worms’) show a clear association to faults that host gold deposits. Long wavelength/long strikelength edges, interpreted as dominantly fault-related, have greater metal endowment and provide a first-order area selection filter for exploration, particularly in areas of poor exposure. Statistical analysis of fault, fold and gravity gradient patterns mainly affirms empirical exploration criteria for orogenic gold deposits, such as associations with crustal-scale faults, anticlinal hinge zones, dilational jogs, elevated fault roughness, strong rheological contrasts and medium metamorphic grade rocks. The presence and concurrence of these parameters determine the metallogenic endowment of a given fault system and segments within the system. By quantifying such parameters, the search area for exploration can be significantly reduced by an order of magnitude, while increasing the chance of discovery.  相似文献   

董学发 《江苏地质》2014,38(3):347-351
造山型金矿是一种重要的金矿类型,在我国主要造山带都有分布,但在华南地区的江南造山带却少有人研究.通过与典型造山型金矿进行对比,认为浙江璜山金矿在成矿构造环境、赋矿地体变质特征、成矿时间与构造变形、峰期变质时间的关系、成矿元素富集特点以及成矿流体特征上,均与造山型金矿类似,所以确认璜山金矿为典型造山型金矿.璜山造山型金矿的确认对江南造山带区域找矿、璜山金矿深部找矿均具有十分重要的启发和借鉴意义,而且对江南造山带构造演化提供了约束.  相似文献   

云南哀牢山老王寨大型造山型金矿成矿流体地球化学   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
云南哀牢山金矿带是我国最重要的喜马拉雅期金矿带,而老王寨是其中最大的金矿。流体包裹体研究显示:老王寨金矿含金石英脉中流体包裹体类型主要为NaCl-H2O型和CO2-H2O型,其均一温度为102~302℃, 峰值为160~180℃;流体盐度范围变化较大,介于2.5%~12.9% NaCleqv之间,峰值为6.0%~7.5% NaCleqv,显示老王寨成矿流体具有中低盐度和中低温度的特征。 氢氧同位素测定显示成矿流体δDH2O=-115‰~-90‰,δ18OH2O=5.2‰~6.8‰,显示其组成主要为岩浆水,可能与有机沉积物发生过同位素交换。流体包裹体碳同位素组成(δ13C为-6.5‰~-3.9‰)基本落在幔源碳变化范围之内,说明其中CO2可能来自地壳深部,甚至上地幔。综合成矿地质特征和成矿流体的证据,提出老王寨金矿为喜马拉雅期造山型金矿。  相似文献   

哀牢山造山带金矿成矿时序及其动力学背景探讨   总被引:9,自引:41,他引:9  
杨立强  邓军  赵凯  刘江涛 《岩石学报》2011,27(9):2519-2532
哀牢山金矿带是我国最重要的喜马拉雅期造山型金矿带,形成于三江特提斯复合造山过程中。论文基于对哀牢山造山带金矿成矿作用的同位素定年结果,探讨了成矿年代学与构造-热事件的关系,厘定了其相关的地球动力学背景。已获得的最老成矿年龄集中于海西期,但过剩氩的存在导致视年龄值偏离真实成矿年龄,而最小视年龄(345.2±16Ma)与区域蛇绿岩的形成同时;含镍金黄铁矿硅质岩的含金量可能与热水沉积有关,其地球动力学环境对应于海底扩张和初始洋盆的形成。印支期是区域主碰撞造山高峰期,也是大规模岩浆活动与Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd硫化物矿床、VMS型Cu-Pb-Zn矿床及斑岩型Cu-Au矿床成矿集中期,其中老王寨金矿含金黄铁矿的Re-Os等时线年龄为229±38Ma。燕山期成矿年龄数据分散于180Ma、135Ma、110Ma和90Ma左右等多个时段,其中最晚时段年龄谱的最小视年龄值(91±1Ma)可能代表了一次较为重要的构造动力体制转换,该期(约90~70Ma)的区域成岩成矿(斑岩及斑岩型Cu-Mo-W-Au矿床)规模较大,表明增生造山→碰撞造山构造体制转换在研究区存在重要的成岩成矿响应。喜马拉雅期可能经历了早(63.09~61.55Ma)、主(36.10~33.76Ma)和晚(30.80~26.40Ma)三期金矿成矿-热事件,分别受控于印度-亚洲大陆碰撞早期的强烈汇聚挤压、早-晚期转换构造动力学体制,并可能受青藏高原物质东向逃逸和软流圈脉动隆起的联合制约,金矿大规模成矿作用与构造动力体制转换过程中的壳幔物质强烈交换与构造变形密切相关。  相似文献   

东北非是一个快速兴起的世界级金矿省,发育大量造山型金矿床。选择东北非努比亚地盾代表性造山型矿床进行总结梳理,认为区内金矿成矿可能受控于努比亚地盾地块拼帖后挤压/压扭向张扭剪切转换的过程,绿片岩相-角闪岩相变质基性火山岩是主要赋矿围岩,剪切带(断层)为主要控矿构造。通过对比,发现努比亚地盾矿集区与胶东矿集区类似,在大规模金成矿前均经历了洋壳俯冲过程,除赋矿围岩和成矿时代区别明显外,在控矿构造、矿化类型、矿物组合、成矿流体等方面较相似。结合控矿因素与找矿标志对比,针对努比亚地盾造山型金矿的找矿勘查提出具体建议:通过遥感和地质图修编圈定找矿远景区;利用地球化学测量和地质图草测等圈定找矿靶区;利用蚀变填图、反循环钻探,结合电磁测量,追踪隐伏矿体;通过矿床理论研究和矿田构造分析,支撑矿床(点)深部找矿。  相似文献   

The gold deposits in the Youjiang basin,totaling 25 Moz gold,have traditionally been thought to be of Carlintype,particularly those with extensional structural geometries in the northern basin dominated by platform sedimentary sequences.However,the structural geometries,mineralization styles and alteration types for the Jinya,Gaolong and Nakuang gold deposits in the south-central part of the basin are remarkably similar to those of unequivocal orogenic gold deposits.Structural studies show that gold mineralization in the three gold deposits was controlled by tight "locked-up"anticlines with NW—SE-to E-W-trending and/or concomitant thrusts and/or shear zones,which resulted from NE-SW-to N-S-trending compression or transpression following the Early Triassic closure of the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean.Alteration zones in these deposits are dominated by silicification(quartz),sericitization,sulfidation and carbonation.Zoned pyrites in these deposits comprise Au-poor cores and invisible Au-bearing rims with minor external free gold.Euhedral to subhedral auriferous arsenopyrites also contribute to the gold budget.These features indicate that the three gold deposits are sediment-hosted orogenic gold deposits that contrast markedly with the Carlin-type gold deposits in the northern part of the Youjiang basin in terms of structural geometry and timing,mineralization style and nature of associated alteration.Although additional reliable ages using robust methodologies are still required,the older isotopic ages of the gold deposits in the south-central Youjiang basin are also consistent with earlier formation during transpression that predated extension during orogenic collapse,the period of formation of the Carlin-type gold deposits in the northern Youjiang basin.  相似文献   

The Urals is a complex fold belt, which underwent long geological evolution. The formation of most gold deposits in the Urals is related to the collision stage. In this paper, we review some relatively small listvenite-related gold deposits, which are confined to the large Main Uralian fault zone and some smaller faults within the Magnitogorsk zone. The Mechnikovskoe, Altyn-Tash, and Ganeevskoe deposits are studied in detail in this contribution. They comprise the ore clusters along with other numerous small gold deposits, and constituted the sources for the gold placers exploited in historical time. The gold is hosted by metasomatites (listvenites, beresites) and quartz veins with economic gold grades (up to 20 g/t Au). Listvenites are developed after serpentinites and composed of quartz, fuchsite, and carbonates (magnesite, dolomite) ± albite. Volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks are altered to beresites, consisting of sericite, carbonates (dolomite, ankerite), quartz and albite. Pyrite and chalcopyrite are major ore minerals associated with gold; pyrrhotite, Ni sulfides, galena, sphalerite, arsenopyrite and Au-Ag tellurides are subordinate and rare. Gold in these deposits is mostly high-fineness (>900‰). The lower fineness (∼800‰) is typical of gold in assemblage with polymetallic sulfides and tellurides. The ores have been formed from the NaCl–CO2–H2O ± CH4 fluids of low (∼2 wt% NaCl-equiv.) to moderate (8–16 wt% NaCl-equiv.) salinity at temperatures of 210–330 °C. The oxygen isotopic composition of quartz (δ18O) varies from 14.7 to 15.4‰ (Mechnikovskoe deposit), 13.2 to 13.6‰ (Altyn-Tash deposit) and 12.0 to 12.7‰ (Ganeevskoe deposit). The oxygen isotopic composition of albite from altered rocks of the Ganeevskoe deposit is 10.1‰. The calculated δ18OH2O values of the fluid in equilibrium with quartz are in a range of 5.7–6.3, 4.2–4.6 and 6.3–6.7‰ respectively, and most likely indicate a magmatic fluid source.  相似文献   

滇西哀牢山老王寨金矿床控矿构造样式   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
张闯  杨立强  赵凯  刘江涛  李坡 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):4109-4124
哀牢山金矿带是我国最重要的新生代造山型金矿带,老王寨金矿床是该矿带中已发现规模最大的金矿床。该矿床中金矿化的产出受NW向九甲-安定断裂和NWW向老王寨-营盘山背斜联合控制,金矿体定位于老王寨-营盘山背斜两翼NW-NWW向层间接触带或脉岩与地层交界面等构造薄弱部位的左行剪切逆断裂带中。成矿前,区域NNE-SSW向挤压构造应力场导致轴向NWW的老王寨-营盘山背斜形成,背斜形成晚期在其两翼形成NW-NWW向的次级断裂。成矿作用过程中,在NEE-SWW向挤压构造背景下,NWW向老王寨-营盘山背斜的转折端和两翼呈背驮式叠瓦状排列的NW-NWW向左行剪切逆断裂为有利容矿空间。之后,构造体制转变为近SN向挤压,形成少量NE向左行剪切断裂,对已有NW向矿体略有破坏。走滑断裂是哀牢山造山带最具特色的构造型式,也是区域最重要的控矿构造样式,在老王寨金矿床主要体现为控制金矿化产出的NW-NWW向左行剪切逆断裂大规模发育于NWW向老王寨-营盘山背斜构造的两翼,对应于区域构造动力体制转换晚期,印度与欧亚大陆斜碰撞导致的区域大规模走滑断层最发育时期。  相似文献   

藏南邦布大型造山型金矿成矿流体地球化学和成矿机制   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
邦布金矿位于青藏高原雅鲁藏布江结合带东段的南侧,矿体受大型脆-韧性剪切带的次级断裂控制,是目前西藏境内已发现的为数不多的大型原生金矿之一。系统的显微测温和激光拉曼测定显示邦布金矿矿石中存在三类流体包裹体:(Ⅰ)纯液相水溶液包裹体;(Ⅱ)含CO2盐水溶液包裹体,此类包裹体又分为两相(Ⅱa)和三相(Ⅱb)两个小类;(Ⅲ)纯气相碳氢化合物包裹体。邦布金矿床中流体包裹体显微测温结果如下:含CO2盐水溶液包裹体的盐度范围为2.20%NaCleqv~9.45%NaCleqv,峰值在6.0%NaCleqv~7.0%NaCleqv,平均值为6.25%NaCleqv;均一温度的范围在166.7~335.8℃,峰值在210~250℃,平均值为235.4℃。相对应的密度范围在0.63~0.96g.cm-3,峰值为0.85~0.95g.cm-3,平均值为0.87g.cm-3。以含CO2盐水溶液包裹体为代表的邦布金矿床成矿流体具有富含CO2、低盐度、低密度、中低温度的特征,与造山型金矿成矿流体相似。同位素测定显示成矿流体的氢氧同位素组成分别为δDH2O=-44.4‰~-105.3‰,δ18OH2O=4.7‰~9.0‰,说明成矿流体主要为变质水,但有地幔流体的加入。综合成矿地质特征和成矿流体的证据,提出邦布金矿为喜马拉雅期陆陆碰撞造山型金矿。  相似文献   

王佳新  聂凤军  张雪旎 《地质通报》2015,34(6):1239-1254
基于矿床"棋盘式"分类方法,对金矿床类型进行了划分。"棋盘式"矿床分类是指,将金矿床分为岩浆型金矿床、与构造有关的金矿床、沉积型金矿床及变质型金矿床四大类,每大类又可分为若干小类。通过该方法在金矿床分类中的应用及相关典型金矿床的介绍,弥补和补充原有分类方案的不足,完善对金矿床的认识,为找矿和勘探提供帮助。  相似文献   

王佳新    聂凤军  张雪旎   《地质通报》2015,34(06):1239-1254
基于矿床“棋盘式”分类方法,对金矿床类型进行了划分。“棋盘式”矿床分类是指,将金矿床分为岩浆型金矿床、与构造有关的金矿床、沉积型金矿床及变质型金矿床四大类,每大类又可分为若干小类。通过该方法在金矿床分类中的应用及相关典型金矿床的介绍,弥补和补充原有分类方案的不足,完善对金矿床的认识,为找矿和勘探提供帮助。  相似文献   

Two types of structurally controlled hydrothermal mineralization have occurred during folding of fissile schist in southern New Zealand: fold-related mineralization and normal fault-related mineralization. Both types have the same mineralogy and textures, and are dominated by quartz–ankerite veins and silicified breccias with ankeritic alteration. Most mineralized zones are thin (centimetre scale), although host schist is commonly impregnated with ankerite up to 20 m away. Thick (up to 5 m wide) mineralized zones are generally gold-bearing and contain pyrite and arsenopyrite with stibnite pods locally. Some of these auriferous zones have been extensively mined historically despite rugged topography and difficult access. Mineralization occurred during regional tectonic compression in the initial stages of development of the Southern Alps mountain belt at the Pacific–Australian plate boundary in the Miocene. Most of the gold-bearing deposits occur in east to south-east, striking normal faults that cut across mesoscopic folds in a belt that coincides with the southern termination of a regional-scale north trending antiform. Mineralized zones have similar structural control and relative timing to a nearby swarm of Miocene lamprophyre dykes and carbonatites. Limited stable isotopic data (C and O) and trace element geochemistry suggest that there was probably no genetic link between the igneous activity and gold mineralization. However, these two types of fluid flow have been controlled by the same tectonically created crustal plumbing system. This Miocene hydrothermal activity and gold deposition demonstrates that orogenic (mesothermal) mineralization can occur during the inception of an orogenic belt, not just in the latter stages as is commonly believed. These Miocene structures have been preserved in the orogen because the locus of uplift has moved northwards, so the early-formed gold deposits have not yet been structurally overprinted or eroded.  相似文献   

南天山萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床稀土微量元素特征及其成因意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
萨瓦亚尔顿金矿位于新疆乌恰县的南天山构造带中,是我国20世纪90年代发现的第一例“穆龙套型”金矿.矿床形成于印支期,矿化与石英脉密切相关,显示了与穆龙套金矿的相似性.成矿流体演化经历了早期高温无矿化石英阶段,中期中低温矿化石英阶段,晚期低温碳酸盐脉阶段.早期无矿石英的稀土及微量元素含量均低于矿化石英.矿化石英包体中流体的稀土元素配分模式显示较一致的轻稀土富集和Eu正异常,指示流体中较高的钙离子或相对还原环境;流体中Pb含量较高,而蚀变强烈的围岩则显示出明显的Ca和Pb流失,这表明成矿流体可能部分来源于与围岩发生交代作用的蚀变流体,矿质沉淀可能与流体混合作用相关.早期石英包体中流体的稀土和微量元素含量较低则指示早期阶段可能未发生流体混合.萨瓦亚尔顿Ⅳ号矿脉为最大矿带,其含矿石英包体中流体微量元素一般高于其它矿脉石英,可能显示较强的流体混合及成矿作用.Ⅱ号矿脉在流体稀土及微量元素含量上显示与Ⅳ脉更为相似.萨瓦亚尔顿金矿稀土微量元素研究表明围岩组分可能为成矿流体主要来源之一,而流体混合则为成矿重要机制,这与前期流体包裹体及同位素研究结论一致,也符合造山型金矿的一般特征.  相似文献   

造山型金矿床指造山过程中形成的后生脉状金矿床,受构造、建造双重控制,是全球最重要的金矿勘查类型。按容矿岩石建造的不同,造山型金矿可分为绿岩带型(包括绿片岩型、BIF型和花岗- 片麻岩型3个亚类型)、浊积岩型、碳酸盐岩型和浅成侵入岩型,构成了造山型金矿床完整的成矿谱系。不同类型之间具有紧密的时空和成因联系,可互为找矿标志。绿岩组合和浊积岩系具有高的金丰度,既是容矿岩系,也是重要的矿源层,多类型造山作用驱动大规模区域性流体活动,造就了造山型金矿省/巨型成矿带,岩浆流体叠加和“热机效应”是形成超大型金矿床的重要因素。构建了多源区域性流体+岩浆流体叠加的地壳连续成矿模型和造山型金矿区域成矿模式,强调了多旋回造山作用对造山型金矿的成矿意义。“富金矿源层+剪切变形带+浅成侵入岩”组合是大型金矿系统的勘查选区标志,靶区优选的目标是获取找矿潜力大的优质矿权;矿权区勘查的优先目标是发现可规模化露天开采的矿床(体),通过化探异常评价和浅钻追索次生富集带,可快速发现主矿体;矿区深部找矿(深度>300 m)潜力巨大,主攻目标是资源量大、品位高的热液通道相的厚板状或筒状矿体。  相似文献   

浅成低温热液型金矿是重要的金矿类型,近年来对该类矿床的地球化学特征、成矿岩浆背景、成矿机理及成矿模式等方面的研究取得了重大进展。研究表明,该类矿床形成时代主要是中、新生代,其次为晚古生代;高硫化型矿床主要形成于挤压应力场环境和流体混合导致成矿物质沉淀,而低硫化型矿床主要产于张性或中性环境下由于流体的沸腾使得成矿物质沉淀;蒸气冷却收缩模式合理地解释了浅成低温热液矿床和斑岩矿床在时间和空间上的共生关系,对指导找矿具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

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