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 The Alban Hills, a Quaternary volcanic center lying west of the central Apennines, 15–25 km southeast of Rome, last erupted 19 ka and has produced approximately 290 km3 of eruptive deposits since the inception of volcanism at 580 ka. Earthquakes of moderate intensity have been generated there at least since the Roman age. Modern observations show that intermittent periods of swarm activity originate primarily beneath the youngest features, the phreatomagmatic craters on the west side of the volcano. Results from seismic tomography allow identification of a low-velocity region, perhaps still hot or partially molten, more than 6 km beneath the youngest craters and a high-velocity region, probably a solidified magma body, beneath the older central volcanic construct. Thirty centimeters of uplift measured by releveling supports the contention that high levels of seismicity during the 1980s and 1990s resulted from accumulation of magma beneath these craters. The volume of magma accumulation and the amount of maximum uplift was probably at least 40×106 m3 and 40 cm, respectively. Comparison of newer levelings with those completed in 1891 and 1927 suggests earlier episodes of uplift. The magma chamber beneath the western Alban Hills is probably responsible for much of the past 200 ka of eruptive activity, is still receiving intermittent batches of magma, and is, therefore, continuing to generate modest levels of volcanic unrest. Bending of overburden is the most likely cause of the persistent earthquakes, which generally have hypocenters above the 6-km-deep top of the magma reservoir. In this view, the most recent uplift and seismicity are probably characteristic and not precursors of more intense activity. Received: 15 April 1997 / Accepted: 9 August 1997  相似文献   

Structural, geomorphological, geophysical and volcanological data have been processed for the implementation of a dedicated GIS through which the structural evolution of the Pleistocene trachytic Cimini volcano (central Italy) has been reconstructed. The evolution of the Cimini complex includes three main close-in time phases: (1) intrusion of a shallow laccolith, rising along NW and NE trending faults and stagnating at the contact between the Mesozoic-Cenozoic and the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary units constituting the bedrock of the volcano; (2) emplacement of lava domes along radial and tangential fractures formed by the swelling induced by the laccolith growth; (3) ignimbrite eruptions and final effusion of olivine-latitic lavas. Domes are both of Pelean and low lava dome type and their morphology was controlled by the location on the inclined surface of the swelled area. Some domes show to have uplifted upper Pliocene thermally metamorphosed clay sediments, suggesting a cryptodome-like growth. Comparison of the top of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic units with the top of the upper Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary complex, suggests that the laccolith emplaced in a graben of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary complex filled by the Pliocene–Pleistocene sediments uplifted by the shallow intrusion. Stress patterns acting on the Cimini area have been deduced analysing the drainage network and the morphotectonic lineaments. Rose diagrams show a large dispersion of the lineaments reflecting the local presence of radial and tangential fractures. The most frequent extensional NW and NE trending lineaments have regional significance and controlled the magma uprise leading to the laccolith emplacement.  相似文献   

A comprehensive volcanological study of the Albano multiple maar (Alban Hills, Italy) using (i) 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the most complete stratigraphic section and other proximal and distal outcrops and (ii) petrographic observations, phase analyses of major and trace elements, and Sr and O isotopic analyses of the pyroclastic deposits shows that volcanic activity at Albano was strongly discontinuous, with a first eruptive cycle at 69±1 ka producing at least two eruptions, and a second cycle with two peaks at 39±1 and 36±1 ka producing at least four eruptions. Contrary to previous studies, we did not find evidence of magmatic or hydromagmatic eruptions younger than 36±1 ka. The activity of Albano was fed by a new batch of primary magma compositionally different from that of the older activity of the Alban Hills; moreover, the REE and 87Sr/86Sr data indicate that the Albano magma originated from an enriched metasomatized mantle. According to the modeled liquid line of descent, this magma differentiated under the influence of magma/limestone wall rock interaction. Our detailed eruptive and petrologic reconstruction of the Albano Maar evolution substantiates the dormant state of the Alban Hills Volcanic District. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of micas contained in effusive, pyroclastic and hypabyssal rocks of the Alban Hills Volcanic District (AHVD) (Central Italy) was made in order to characterise minerals of pyroclastic units for tephrostratigraphy and to obtain as much information as possible on the activity of volatiles in this magmatic system. The phlogopite shows a large range of F contents (between 0.50 and 7.50 wt%) that make it possible to discriminate different AHVD lithologies; in particular, micas of lava groundmass are characterised by extremely high F (up to 7.50 wt%) and Ba (up to 9.70 wt%) contents, seldom or never found in other magmatic ultrapotassic rocks. Moreover, the micas of pyroclastics, ultramafic cumulates and holocrystalline inclusions made up of leucite, clinopyroxene and phlogopite (hereafter italites) show Mg/(Mg+Fe) values between 0.65 and 0.90 that are not correlated with F contents. The variations in F contents observed in the AHVD micas do not appear to be due to a “temperature” effect or pressure changes, but they may be due to variations in the H2O and CO2 activities in the magma chamber. They make it possible to differentiate three crystallisation environments in the AHVD magmatic system. The first one had elevated CO2 activity and formed the italites near the carbonate contact; these rocks represent, at least those enriched in clinopyroxene without skarn-minerals, the hypabyssal crystallisation of the AHVD magmas at the periphery of magma chamber. The second one, characterised by a higher water activity, is represented by the micas of the ultramafic cumulates and pyroclastic scorias, and is located in the inner part of magma chamber. The third environment, the groundmass of the lavas, it is not related with the previous ones and is characterised by the absence of water and by a high F activity. In general, our results suggest that the compositional variations observed in the micas (Al, Si, Ti, Ba) reflect different H2O activities (inversely correlated with F activity) in the magma chamber.  相似文献   

We present 24 40Ar/39Ar ages for the youngest volcanic products from the Alban Hills volcanic district (Rome). Combined with petrological data on these products, we have attempted to define the chronology of the most recent phase of activity and to investigate the magma evolution of this volcanic district. The early, mainly explosive activity of the Alban Hills spanned the interval from 561±1 to 351±3 ka. After approximately 50-kyr of dormancy, a mainly effusive phase of activity took place, accompanied by the strombolian activity of a small central edifice (Monte delle Faete). This second phase of activity spanned the interval 308±2 to 250±1 ka. After another dormancy period of approximately 50-kyr, a new, hydromagmatic phase of activity started at 200 ka at several centers located to the southwest of the Monte delle Faete edifice. After an initial recurrence period of approximately 50-kyr, which also characterized this new phase of activity, the longest dormancy period (approximately 80-kyr) in the history of the volcanic district preceded the start of the activity of the Albano and Giuturna centers at 70±1 ka. Results of our study suggest a quasi-continuous magmatic activity feeding hydromagmatic centers with a new acme of volcanism since around 70 ka. Based on data presented in this paper, we argue that the Alban Hills should not be considered an extinct volcanic district and a detailed re-assessment of the volcanic hazard for the area of Rome is in order. Published online: 4 April 2003 Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   

The early activity of the Sabatini Volcanic District (SVD; central Italy) was characterised by highly explosive eruptions that produced widespread subplinian and plinian fall deposits. In this study, four major eruptive units—informally named as units A, B, C and D—were recognised in the 514–449 ka age interval. In particular, unit D was emplaced during the early phase of the 449 ka Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere pyroclastic flow-forming eruption, the most important event in the whole SVD activity history. Estimates of relevant eruptive parameters indicate tephra fall volumes up to 4 km3 for individual units, peak eruption column heights in the range of 14–29 km and corresponding mass eruption rates of 7.8×106–1.3×108 kg/s. Isopach and isopleth maps of fallout deposits—as well as the distribution of the proximal lag-breccia of the Tufo Rosso a Scorie Nere—consistently indicate a common vent area, which does not correspond to any volcanic centre identified up to now in the SVD. This was located along NE–SW-trending tectonic lineaments that also controlled the location of the other major volcanic centres of the SVD. The characterisation by means of field aspects, grain size, componentry and density and chemical composition of juvenile clasts, renders the studied fall deposits as valuable stratigraphic markers for the SVD and well beyond it. In fact, their wide areal dispersals toward the E and SE may allow correlations on a regional scale for the Quaternary successions of intermountain basins of the Central Apennine and the Adriatic Sea basin successions. Finally, the correct identification of distal tephra from plinian and co-ignimbrite plumes and their attribution to specific explosive eruptions of the SVD and the other volcanic districts of the Roman Province—rather than to local intra-Apennine centres—provides crucial implications for geodynamic reconstructions.  相似文献   

A new pyroclastic stratigraphy is presented for the island of Ischia, Italy, for the period ∼75–50 ka BP. The data indicate that this period bore witness to the largest eruptions recorded on the island and that it was considerably more volcanically active than previously thought. Numerous vents were probably active during this period. The deposits of at least 10 explosive phonolite to basaltic-trachyandesite eruptions are described and interpreted. They record a diverse range of explosive volcanic activity including voluminous fountain-fed ignimbrite eruptions, fallout from sustained eruption columns, block-and-ash flows, and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Previously unknown eruptions have been recognised for the first time on the island. Several of the eruptions produced pyroclastic density currents that covered the whole island as well as the neighbouring island of Procida and parts of the mainland. The morphology of Ischia was significantly different to that seen today, with edifices to the south and west and a submerged depression in the centre. The largest volcanic event, the Monte Epomeo Green Tuff (MEGT) resulted in caldera collapse across all or part of the island. It is shown to comprise at least two thick intracaldera ignimbrite flow-units, separated by volcaniclastic sediments that were deposited during a pause in the eruption. Extracaldera deposits of the MEGT include a pumice fall deposit emplaced during the opening phases of the eruption, a widespread lithic lag breccia outcropping across much of Ischia and Procida, and a distal ignimbrite in south-west Campi Flegrei. During this period the style and magnitude of volcanism was dictated by the dynamics of a large differentiated magma chamber, which was partially destroyed during the MEGT eruption. This contrasts with the small-volume Holocene and historical effusive and explosive activity on Ischia, the timing and distribution of which has been controlled by the resurgence of the Monte Epomeo block. The new data contribute to a clearer understanding of the long-term volcanic and magmatic evolution of Ischia.  相似文献   

We describe the stratigraphy, chronology, and grain size characteristics of the white trachytic tuff (WTT) of Roccamonfina Volcano (Italy). The pyroclastic rock was emplaced between 317 and 230 Ma BP during seven major eruptive events (units A to G) and three minor events (units BC, CD, and DE). These units are separated by paleosol layers and compositionally well-differentiated pyroclastic successions. Stratigraphic control is favored by the occurrence at the base of major units of marker layers. Four WTT units (1 to 4) occur within the central caldera. These are not positively correlated with specific extracaldera units.The source of most of the WTT units was the central caldera. Units B and C were controlled by the western wall of the caldera, whereas units D and E were able to overcome this barrier, spreading symmetrically along the flanks of MC. The maximum pumice size (MP) of units increases with distance from the caldera, whereas the maximum lithic size (ML) decreases. MP and ML of the marker layer of unit D (MKDa–MKDp) do not show any systematic variations with respect to the central caldera. In contrast, the thickness of surge MKDa decreases with distance from the source, and MKDp accumulates to the north of MC probably controlled, respectively, by mobility-transport power and by wind blowing northwards.The grain size characteristics of the WTT deposits are used for classifying the units. There is no systematic variation of the grain size as a function of stratigraphic height either among units or within single units. Large variation of components in subunit E1, with repetitive alternation of pyroclastic flow to surge through fallout vs. surge deposits, suggests that the process of eruption took place in a complex or piecemeal fashion.Pumice concentration zones (PCZ) occur at all WTT levels on the volcano, but they are much thicker and pumice clasts are much larger within the central caldera. These were probably originated by the disruption of lava (flow or dome) to pumice fragments and fine ash due to sudden depressurization and interaction with lake waters of the molten lava. Local basal PCZ are, in some cases, similar to the lapilli-rich “layer 1P” that has been described elsewhere, and may have been deposited from currents transitional between pyroclastic surge and flow. Other basal PCZ formed in response to small undulations in the substrate, or can be originated by fallout. Lenticular PCZ within ignimbrite interiors and tops are interpreted to record marginal pumice levees and pumice rafts, some of which were buried by subsequant pyroclastic flows.Lithic concentration zones (LCZ) also occur at various stratigraphic height within the extracaldera ignimbrites, whereas intracaldera LCZ are absent, probably due to the fact that ignimbrite currents are strongly energetic and erosive near vent. LCZ at the top of basal inversely graded layers are formed by mechanical sieving or dispersive pressure in response to variable velocity gradients and particle concentration gradients (a segregation process). Coarse LCZ and coarse lithic breccias (LB), that reside in the interior or tops of pyroclastic flows and that occur in medial to distal areas, are interpreted to be the result of slugs of lithic-rich debris introduced by vent collapse or rockslides into the moving pyroclastic flows along their flow paths. These LCZ become mixed to varying degrees due to differential densities and velocities relative to the pyroclastic flows (desegregation processes).  相似文献   

Pre-eruptive conditions and degassing processes of the AD 79 plinian eruption of Mt. Vesuvius are constrained by systematic F and Cl measurements in melt inclusions and matrix glass of pumice clasts from a complete sequence of the pumice-fallout deposits. The entire ‘white pumice’ (WP) magma and the upper part of the ‘grey pumice’ (GP) magma were saturated relative to sub-critical fluids (a Cl-rich H2O vapour phase and a brine), with a Cl melt content buffered at ~ 5300 ppm, and a mean H2O content of ~ 5%. The majority of the GP magma was not fluid-saturated. From these results it can be estimated that the WP magma chamber had a low vertical extent (< 500 m) and was located at a depth of ~ 7.5 km while the GP magma reservoir was located just beneath the WP one, but its vertical extent cannot be constrained. This is approximately two times deeper than previous estimates. H2O degassing during the WP eruption followed a typical closed-system evolution, whereas GP clasts followed a more complex degassing path. Contrary to H2O, Cl was not efficiently degassed during the plinian phase of the eruption.

This study shows that F and Cl behave as incompatible elements in fluid-undersaturated phonolitic melts. H2O saturation is necessary for a significant partitioning of Cl into the fluid phase. However, Cl cannot be extracted in significant quantity from phonolitic melts during rapid H2O degassing, e.g. during plinian eruptions, due to kinetics effects. Halogen contents are better preserved in volcanic glass (melt inclusions or matrix glass) than H2O, therefore the combined analysis of both volatile species is required for reliable determination of pre-eruptive conditions and syn-eruptive degassing processes in magmas stored at shallow depths.  相似文献   

The volcanic island of Milos, Greece, comprises an Upper Pliocene –Pleistocene, thick (up to 700 m), compositionally and texturally diverse succession of calc-alkaline, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks that record a transition from a relatively shallow but dominantly below-wave-base submarine setting to a subaerial one. The volcanic activity began at 2.66±0.07 Ma and has been more or less continuous since then. Subaerial emergence probably occurred at 1.44±0.08 Ma, in response to a combination of volcanic constructional processes and fault-controlled volcano-tectonic uplift. The architecture of the dominantly felsic-intermediate volcanic succession reflects contrasts in eruption style, proximity to source, depositional environment and emplacement processes. The juxtaposition of submarine and subaerial facies indicates that for part of the volcanic history, below-wave base to above-wave base, and shoaling to subaerial depositional environments coexisted in most areas. The volcanic facies architecture comprises interfingering proximal (near vent), medial and distal facies associations related to five main volcano types: (1) submarine felsic cryptodome-pumice cone volcanoes; (2) submarine dacitic and andesitic lava domes; (3) submarine-to-subaerial scoria cones; (4) submarine-to-subaerial dacitic and andesitic lava domes and (5) subaerial lava-pumice cone volcanoes. The volcanic facies are interbedded with a sedimentary facies association comprising sandstone and/or fossiliferous mudstone mainly derived from erosion of pre-existing volcanic deposits. The main facies associations are interpreted to have conformable, disconformable, and interfingering contacts, and there are no mappable angular unconformities or disconformities within the volcanic succession.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The first comprehensive chemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data set of Plio–Pleistocene tholeiitic and alkaline volcanic rocks cropping out in Sardinia (Italy) is presented here. These rocks are alkali basalts, hawaiites, basanites, tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites, and were divided into two groups with distinct isotopic compositions. The vast majority of lavas have relatively high 87Sr/86Sr (0.7043–0.7051), low 143Nd/144Nd (0.5124–0.5126), and are characterised by the least radiogenic Pb isotopic composition so far recorded in Italian (and European) Neogene-to-Recent mafic volcanic rocks (206Pb/204Pb=17.55–18.01) (unradiogenic Pb volcanic rocks, UPV); these rocks crop out in central and northern Sardinia. Lavas of more limited areal extent have chemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic ratios indicative of a markedly different source (87Sr/86Sr=0.7031–0.7040; 143Nd/144Nd=0.5127–0.5129; 206Pb/204Pb=18.8–19.4) (radiogenic Pb volcanic rocks, RPV), and crop out only in the southern part of the island. The isotopic ratios of these latter rocks match the values found in the roughly coeval anorogenic (i.e. not related to recent subduction events in space and time) mafic volcanic rocks of Italy (i.e. Mt. Etna, Hyblean Mts., Pantelleria, Linosa), and Cenozoic European volcanic rocks. The mafic rocks of the two Sardinian rock groups also show distinct trace element contents and ratios (e.g. Ba/Nb>14, Ce/Pb=8–25 and Nb/U=29–38 for the UPV; Ba/Nb<9, Ce/Pb=24–28 and Nb/U=46–54 for the RPV). The sources of the UPV could have been stabilised in the Precambrian after low amounts of lower crustal input (about 3%), or later, during the Hercynian Orogeny, after input of Precambrian lower crust in the source region, whereas the sources of the RPV could be related to processes that occurred in the late Palaeozoic–early Mesozoic, possibly via recycling of proto-Tethys oceanic lithosphere by subduction.  相似文献   

The combined use of field geology, radioisotopic dating and magnetic stratigraphy applied to the old shield volcanoes of Tenerife provides a reliable time framework for the early, shield-stage evolution of the island. The greater part of this new set of ages, obtained from sequences of lava flows is in agreement with the astronomical polarity time scale. This approach illustrates that previous K-Ar data collected without a comprehensive stratigraphy should be viewed with caution, and in some cases discarded altogether. The shield volcanoes of Tenerife encompass a relatively small number of magnetozones, an observation consistent with the relatively short periods of growth shown by the new ages (1-2 my). The island was constructed by the aggregation of three successive shields: the Roque del Conde (Central shield), between about 11.9 and 8.9 Ma, and the Teno (6.2-5.6 Ma) and Anaga (4.9-3.9 Ma) volcanoes. This new oldest subaerial age of Tenerife fits with the others obtained in the Canaries in a clear west to east monotonous age progression, one of the main restrictions for hotspot-related island chains.  相似文献   

Hautere (Solander Island) and five nearby, mainly submerged volcanic centres represent the only known subduction-related volcanism on the Australian–Pacific plate boundary south of New Zealand. Two new Ar–Ar biotite ages from Hautere indicate magmatism they were active between 150 and 400ka (middle to late Quaternary). This contrasts with the previously proposed Pliocene to early Quaternary age range based on less well constrained K–Ar dating. The new radiometric ages are consistent with revised pollen ages. New trace element analyses confirm the subduction-related and adakitic nature of the igneous rocks.  相似文献   

A swath bathymetric survey was conducted on Marsili Volcano, the biggest seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea. It stands 3000 m above the surrounding oceanic crust of the 3500 m-deep Marsili back-arc basin and is axially located within the basin. The seamount has an elongated shape and presents distinctive morphology, with narrow (<1000 m) ridges, made up of several elongated cones, on the summit zone and extensive cone fields on its lower flanks. A dredging campaign carried out at water depths varying between 3400 and 600 m indicates that most of Marsili Seamount is composed of medium-K calc-alkaline basalts. Evolved high-K andesites were only recovered from the small cones on the summit axis zone. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the least differentiated basalts reveal that at least two varieties of magmas have been erupted on the Marsili Volcano. Group 1 basalts have plagioclase and olivine as dominant phases and show lower Al, Ca, K, Ba, Rb and Sr, and higher Fe, Na, Ti and Zr with respect to a second type of basaltic magma. Group 2 basalts reveal the presence of clinopyroxene as an additional phenocryst phase. In addition, the two basaltic magmas have different original pre-eruptive H2O content (group 1, H2O-poor and group 2, H2O-rich). Moreover, comparison of the compositional trends and mineralogical compositions obtained from MELTS [Ghiorso, M.S., Sack, R.O., Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 119 (1995) 197–212] fractional crystallization calculations reveal that the evolved andesites can only exclusively be derived from a low-pressure (0.3 kbar) fractionation of magmas compositionally similar to the least evolved group 2 basalts. Finally, we suggest that the high vesicularity of the basalts sampled at relatively great depths (>2400 m) on the edifice is governed by H2O and, probably, CO2 exsolution and is not a feature indicative of shallow water depth eruption.  相似文献   

The Campania Region (southern Italy) is characterized by the frequent occurrence of volcaniclastic debris flows that damage property and loss of life (more than 170 deaths between 1996 and 1999). Historical investigation allowed the identification of more than 500 events during the last four centuries; in particular, more than half of these occurred in the last 100 years, causing hundreds of deaths. The aim of this paper is to quantify debris-flow hazard potential in the Campania Region. To this end, we compared several elements such as the thickness distribution of pyroclastic fall deposits from the last 18 ka of the Vesuvius and Phlegrean Fields volcanoes, the slopes of relieves, and the historical record of volcaniclastic debris flows from A.D. 1500 to the present. Results show that flow occurrence is not only a function of the cumulative thickness of past pyroclastic fall deposits but also depends on the age of emplacement. Deposits younger than 10 ka (Holocene eruptions) apparently increase the risk of debris flows, while those older than 10 ka (Late Pleistocene eruptions) seem to play a less prominent role, which is probably due to different climatic conditions, and therefore different rates of erosion of pyroclastic falls between the Holocene and the Late Pleistocene. Based on the above considerations, we compiled a large-scale debris-flow hazard map of the study area in which five main hazard zones are identified: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high.  相似文献   

Heimaey is the southernmost and also the youngest of nine volcanic centres in the southward-propagating Eastern Volcanic Zone, Iceland. The island of Heimaey belongs to the Vestmannaeyjar volcanic system (850 km2) and is situated 10 km off the south coast of Iceland. Although Heimaey probably started to form during the Upper Pleistocene all the exposed subaerial volcanics (10 monogenetic vents covering an area of 13.4 km2) are of Holocene age. Heimaey is composed of roughly equal amounts of tuff/tuff-breccias and lavas as most eruptions involve both a phreatomagmatic and an effusive phase. The compositions of the extrusives are predominantly alkali basalts belonging to the sodic series. Repeated eruptions on Heimaey, and the occurrence of slightly more evolved rocks (i.e. hawaiite approaching mugearite), might indicate that the island is in an early stage of forming a central volcano in the Vestmannaeyjar system. This is further substantiated by the development of a magma chamber at 10–20 km depth during the most recent eruption in 1973 and by the fact that the average volume of material produced in a single eruption on Heimaey is 0.32 km3 (dense rock equivalent), which is twice the value reported for the Vestmannaeyjar system as a whole. We find no support for the previously postulated episodic behaviour of the volcanism in the Vestmannaeyjar system. However, the oldest units exposed above sea level, i.e. the Norðurklettar ridge, probably formed over a 500-year interval during the deglaciation of southern Iceland. The absence of equilibrium phenocryst assemblages in the Heimaey lavas suggests that magma rose quickly from depth, without long-time ponding in shallow-seated crustal magma chambers. Eruptions on Heimaey have occurred along two main lineaments (N45°E and N65°E), which indicate that it is seismic events associated with the southward propagation of the Eastern Volcanic Zone that open pathways for the magma to reach the surface. Continuing southward propagation of the Eastern Volcanic Zone suggests that the frequency of volcanic eruptions in the Vestmannaeyjar system might increase with time, and that Heimaey may develop into a central volcano like the mature volcanic centres situated on the Icelandic mainland.  相似文献   

Volcanic ash causes multiple hazards. One hazard of increasing importance is the threat posed to civil aviation, which occurs over proximal to long-range distances. Ash fallout disrupts airport operations, while the presence of airborne ash at low altitudes near airports affects visibility and the safety of landing and take-off operations. Low concentrations of ash at airplane cruise levels are sufficient to force re-routing of in-flight aircrafts. Volcanic fallout deposits spanning large distances have been recognized from the Somma-Vesuvius volcano for several Holocene explosive eruptions. Here we develop hazard and isochron maps for distal ash fallout from the Somma-Vesuvius, as well as hazard maps for critical ash concentrations at relevant flight levels. Maps are computed by coupling a meteorological model with a fully numeric tephra dispersal model that can account for ash aggregation processes, which are relevant to the dispersion dynamics of fine ash. The simulations were carried out using supercomputing facilities, spanning on entire meteorological year that is statistically representative of the local meteorology during the last few decades. Seasonal influences are also analyzed. The eruptive scenario is based on a Subplinian I-type eruption, which is within the range of the maximum expected event for this volcano. Results allow us to quantify the impact that an event of this magnitude and intensity would have on the main airports and aerial corridors of the Central Mediterranean Area.  相似文献   

During explosive eruptions the deposition of fine-grained volcanic ash fallout reduces soil permeability, favouring runoff of meteoric water and thus increasing the occurrence of catastrophic floods. A fully dynamic, two-dimensional model was used to simulate flooding scenarios in the Vesuvian area following an explosive volcanic eruption. The highest risk occurs in the catchment area of the Acerra-Nola Plain N and NE of Vesuvius. This plain has a population of 70,000 living in low-lying areas. This catchment area is vulnerable to ash fall because it lies downwind of the dominant synoptic circulation and it lacks a natural outflow toward the sea. Our numerical simulations predict dangerous scenarios, even in quiescent periods, during extreme rain events (return periods of 200 years have been considered), and a significant increase in the extent of the flooded areas due to renewed volcanic activity. Based on these simulations a hazard zonation has been proposed. Editorial responsibility: A Woods  相似文献   

Feng  Guo  Weiming  Fan  Yuejun  Wang  Chaowen  Li 《Island Arc》2005,14(2):69-90
Abstract Early Cretaceous high‐K calc‐alkaline volcanism occurring in the Laiyang Basin north of the Sulu high‐pressure to ultrahigh‐pressure (HP‐UHP) Metamorphic Belt, eastern China, comprises a wide spectrum of rock types, ranging from trachybasalts to trachydacites. The basaltic–andesitic rocks erupted at 107–105 Ma, spanning an SiO2 range of 50.1–59.6% and an MgO range of 2.6–7.2%, and are characterized by large ion lithophile element (LILE; e.g. Ba and K) and light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, high field strength element (HFSE) depletion and highly radiogenic Sr but non‐radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70750–0.70931; ?Nd(t) = ?17.9 ? ?15.6). The geochemical similarities between these rocks and the earlier Sulu Belt lamprophyres suggest that both types of mafic rocks were derived from similar mantle sources with LILE and LREE enrichment. Thus, the Wulian–Qingdao–Yantai Fault that separates the two terranes at the surface should not be considered as a lithospheric boundary between the North China and Yangtze blocks. The felsic lavas erupted at 93–91 Ma, spanning an SiO2 range of 61.6–67.0% and an MgO range of 1.1–2.6%, and show a trace element geochemistry similar to the basaltic rocks, but with higher radiogenic Sr and even lower Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70957–0.71109; ?Nd(t) = ?19.1 ? ?17.5), similar to I‐type granitoids in the Sulu Belt. A crustal origin was proposed to explain their compositions (which are comparable to those of experimental slab melts), the >10 Ma eruption interval and the compositional gaps in some elements (e.g. P, Ti and Sr) between them and the older basaltic–andesitic rocks. These melts were derived from predominant metaigneous protoliths containing mafic accumulative counterparts of the basaltic–andesitic and/or lamprophyric magmas. The extensive extrusion of Early Cretaceous high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks in the Laiyang Basin favored an extensional regime in response to the progressive attenuation of the thickened lithosphere and orogenic collapse, as reflected in the development of the basin from a foreland basin (before the end of the Jurassic period) to a fault basin (since the Early Cretaceous period).  相似文献   

The island of Pantelleria is an active volcano located in the Sicily Channel (southern Italy), occurring in the middle of a continental rift system.Since the 1980's the island has been periodically surveyed by means of geodetic and geophysical methods to monitor the regional and local volcanic dynamics. Also, high-precision gravity measurements were started in 1990.The present paper is an analysis of the time-space gravity changes. Gravity measurements were carried out on a network presently formed by twenty stations. The gravity network was fully surveyed in June 1990 and June 1995 and partially surveyed in September 1993. Two absolute gravity stations were established in 1993 to provide a reference system and to check for long-term variations.The areal distribution of the gravity changes during the 1990–1995 time interval, obtained in the thirteen stations of the 1990 network, is strongly similar to the Bouguer anomaly field and to the large-scale features of the basement of the island. Otherwise, gravity changes are directly correlated with the Bouguer anomaly and inversely correlated with the altimetric variations. Comparison with the geological setting suggests that the present activity may be ascribed to the influence of the geodynamics of the Sicily Channel.  相似文献   

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