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饭店是旅游业的重要组成,不同区位的饭店存在着巨大差异。文章以黄山风景区的旅游饭店为实证,针对饭店的功能项目、产品价格、员工状况等方面进行分析,并通过与所在地区的城市饭店进行比较,探讨山岳型景区旅游饭店与城市饭店的差异表现及形成机制,旨在为山岳型风景区饭店的发展和建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   

草原旅游文化内涵的挖掘与提升--以内蒙古自治区为例   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
刘敏  陈田  钟林生 《干旱区地理》2006,29(1):156-162
通过对草原旅游文献探讨与个案研究发现产品开发低级,景点雷同性强,文化内涵不足是目前草原旅游开发中主要存在和亟待解决的问题。本文以我国最主要的草原目的地——内蒙古自治区为例,提出草原旅游开发文化内涵提升的纵向结构层次和地域文化凸显的空间差异化开发策略,以更全面挖掘和提升内蒙古草原旅游的文化内涵。  相似文献   

程文汉 《热带地理》2013,33(5):617-620
广东省英德市横石塘地区的地热田属于碳酸盐岩型地热资源。文章根据钻孔测温资料,结合区域地质资料,分析了该地热田的地温场特征、埋藏条件、补径排条件等。该地热田主要热储层为泥盆―石炭系碳酸盐岩,热水径流特征和地温场特征受吴川―四会深断裂带的一系列构造控制。测温曲线显示:地温场形态呈不规则长椭圆形,长轴方向近北西向,可以推断地温场变化与岩石的断裂、裂隙和溶蚀程度有关。本区无附加型热源,深循环为该区热水的主要形成原因。  相似文献   

喀拉峻-库尔德宁区域是新疆天山自然遗产地的重要组成部分,其生态健康状况将影响该自然遗产地的突出普遍价值。目前从景观生态学角度,通过景观格局动态演化过程反映自然遗产地生态健康研究较少。本研究以喀拉峻-库尔德宁区域为例,基于多源遥感影像,提取景观信息进行定性与定量分析,并结合景观格局指数,从景观动态特征、类型水平和景观水平分析景观格局演化特征,评价景观健康状况,形成自然遗产地景观数据的获取方法,探索景观格局与生态过程的关系,为相关研究提供借鉴。结果显示:裸地增加,冰雪、针阔混交林等景观减少;类型水平上,针阔混交林受人为干扰严重,中和低覆盖度草地呈破碎化;景观水平上,景观聚集度、连通性、分形状况稳定,景观多样性提升后维持稳定;总体景观生态健康,突出普遍价值(OUV)维持稳定,但对针阔混交林需要进行重点保护。结果可为研究区综合管理和生态健康分析提供有效数据。  相似文献   

The multiple interfaces of the European Landscape Convention were the topic of a roundtable panel discussion held at the meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape in September 2006. The roundtable was convened by Kenneth R. Olwig, who together with four other speakers presented the main topics for discussion. Their presentations are given here as a series of short articles. Initially a brief historical background and the main provisions of the European Landscape Convention (Florence Convention) of 2000, in force 2004, are presented. The interfaces with law, landscape ecology, heritage, and globalisation are then successively discussed. Finally, the European Landscape Convention itself is examined as a discursive interface, with contradictory as well as synergetic aspects.  相似文献   

The Rwenzori Mountains are a high alpine mountain chain, about 40 × 80 km in size, just north of the equator in the western branch of the East African Rift System in Africa. The central part of the mountain chain is located in Uganda, and the highest peak, the Margherita Peak with 5119 m, lies on the border to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Topography is very pronounced, with steeply incised valleys and clear glacial landforms in the upper part of the mountain chain. The Rwenzori Mountains are an unusually high mountain chain located in the extensional setting of the East African Rift System, and the large elevation poses a challenging problem for geodynamists to explain.We have used the landscape evolution model ULTIMA THULE, which combines hillslope diffusion, fluvial erosion, and glacial abrasion and is driven by a climate driver, simulating the variations in temperature, precipitation, and relief over several glacial cycles. With a simulation time of 800 ka, we test the hypothesis of climate-tectonic interactions on the uplift of the Rwenzori Mountains.Our results show that a moderate cooling of around 6° causes widespread glaciation of the high mountain regions as observed during the peak glacial phases, and that morphological processes degrading the landscape allow for a tectonic uplift rate of around 0.5 mm a− 1.  相似文献   

The glacial buzzsaw hypothesis suggests that efficient erosion limits topographic elevations in extensively glaciated orogens. Studies to date have largely focussed on regions where large glaciers (tens of kilometres long) have been active. In light of recent studies emphasising the importance of lateral glacial erosion in lowering peaks and ridgelines, we examine the effectiveness of small glaciers in limiting topography under both relatively slow and rapid rock uplift conditions. Four ranges in the northern Basin and Range, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, USA, were chosen for this analysis. Estimates of maximum Pleistocene slip rates along normal faults bounding the Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains (~ 0.14 mm y− 1), Lemhi Range (~ 0.3 mm y− 1) and Lost River Range (~ 0.3 mm y− 1) are an order of magnitude lower than those on the Teton Fault (~ 2 mm y− 1). We compare the distribution of glacial erosion (estimated from cirque floor elevations and last glacial maximum (LGM) equilibrium line altitude (ELA) reconstructions) and fault slip rate with three metrics of topography in each range: the along-strike maximum elevation swath profile, hypsometry, and slope-elevation profiles. In the slowly uplifting Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, and Lemhi and Lost River Ranges, trends in maximum elevation parallel ELAs, independent of variations in fault slip rate. Maximum elevations are offset ~ 500 m from LGM ELAs in the Lost River Range, Lemhi Range, and northern Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, and by ~ 350 m in the southern Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, where glacial extents were less. The offset between maximum topography and mean Quaternary ELAs, inferred from cirque floor elevations, is ~ 350 m in the Lost River and Lemhi Ranges, and 200–250 m in the Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains. Additionally, slope-elevation profiles are flattened and hypsometry profiles show a peak in surface areas close to the ELA in the Lemhi Range and Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, suggesting that small glaciers efficiently limit topography. The situation in the Lost River Range is less clear as a glacial signature is not apparent in either slope-elevation profiles or the hypsometry. In the rapidly uplifting Teton Range, the distribution of ELAs appears superficially to correspond to maximum topography, hypsometry, and slope-elevations profiles, with regression lines on maximum elevations offset by ~ 700 and ~ 350 m from the LGM and mean Quaternary ELA respectively. However, Grand Teton and Mt. Moran represent high-elevation “Teflon Peaks” that appear impervious to glacial erosion, formed in the hard crystalline bedrock at the core of the range. Glacier size and drainage density, rock uplift rate, and bedrock lithology are all important considerations when assessing the ability of glaciers to limit mountain range topography. In the northern Basin and Range, it is only under exceptional circumstances in the Teton Range that small glaciers appear to be incapable of imposing a fully efficient glacial buzzsaw, emphasising that high peaks represent an important caveat to the glacial buzzsaw hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of so-called wine trails as planners and managers of viticultural landscapes, using the case of the Finger Lakes region in New York, USA. Using key informant interviews, it assesses the current capacity and the future potential of these non-governmental, fee-based ‘clubs’ to mediate between global markets and the local agricultural landscape in the absence of policy frameworks designed for this purpose. Though it finds little evidence of such mediation today, the paper argues that the structure and institutional position of wine trails, organizations whose members’ livelihoods depend substantially on long-term landscape coherence, position them to play a more assertive role in doing so in the future, particularly in places marked by lax planning regimes and scarce resources.  相似文献   

广东省非物质文化遗产结构及地理空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁少雄  陈波 《热带地理》2012,32(1):94-97
共搜集了广东省有资料记载的463项非物质文化遗产.研究显示,其级别结构特点是以省级为主,其次为市级,国家级目前所占比例不高;其类型结构特点是以民俗和传统舞蹈类为主,民间文学、传统医药和曲艺类项目偏少;其空间分布具有以广州、佛山、中山、江门、东莞和深圳等珠三角区域为中心,粤东、粤北和粤西区域零散分布的空间特点,并与该省各大水系的分布有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

运用景观生态学原理.借助地理信息系统,以LANDSAT TM标准假彩色合成影像数据作为主要信息源,经过图像增强处理和解译.结合各类地理统计数据,将研究区划分为7个景观类型,采用分离度、景观分维数、多样性、均匀性、破碎性、优势度等项景观指标分析了研究区的景观空间格局特征。研究结果表明:(1)该区域主要景观类型为草地景观、荒地景观,主要斑块类型为草地、戈壁、林地和耕地;(2)研究区景观破碎度较低,多样性较小,景观较完整;(3)在该区农林牧复合生态系统中,牧业占据主导地位,但由于人类活动影响的增强,平原区草地生态系统退化表现明显。  相似文献   

景观规划的特点与一般原则   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
本文从景观生态学的角度对景观规划的目标、任务和基本原则进行了论述,分别介绍了城市景观规划、农村景观规划、园林风景区的景观规划、旅游名胜区的景观规划以及自然保护区的景观规划等五个方面的应用内涵。其共同目标是人与自然关系的协调,时空结合意义上的可持续发展,即建立生态可持续的景观。通过经济规划、环境规划与景观设计的结合,使得区域开发、资源利用与生态保护相衔接与配合,生产建设、生活建设与生态建设相适应,从而达到经济效益、社会效应与生态效益的最终一致。  相似文献   

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