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The Minas Basin, the eastern end of the Bay of Fundy, is well known for its high tide ranges and strong tidal currents, which can be exploited to extract electricity power. The properties of the tidally-induced sediment transport in the Minas Basin, where significant changes in tidal processes may occur due to a recently proposed tidal power project, have been studied with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, an empirical bed load sediment transport model and surface sediment concentrations derived from the remotely-sensed images. The hydrodynamic model was evaluated against independent observational data, which include tidal elevation, tidal current (in the full water column and bottom layer), residual current profile and tidal asymmetry indicators. The evaluation shows that the model is in good agreement with the observations.The sediment transport includes two components, bed load and suspended particulate load. The bed load is calculated using the modelled bottom shear stress and the observed grain size data. The estimated features of bed load transport roughly agree with the observed patterns of the erosion and deposition in the Minas Basin and Cobequid Bay. The transport of the suspended load is estimated using the modelled velocity fields and the surface sediment concentration derived from remote-sensing images. The comparisons between the modelled results and the limited observations illustrate that the observed directions of suspended sediment transport are basically reproduced by the model. The modelled net suspended sediment input into the Minas Basin through Minas Passage is 2.4×106 m3 yr?1, which is comparable to the observed value of 1.6×106 m3 yr?1.The variations of the bed load and the suspended load in space and time are also presented. The total net transport, defined as the mean value of the sum of bed and suspended load transports during the tidal cycle, shows strong spatial variability. The magnitude of the transport flux ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 kg m?1 s?1 in Minas Channel and Minas Passage, 0.1 kg m?1 s?1 in Cobequid Bay, to 0.01 kg m?1 s?1 in the central Minas Basin and Southern Bight. In Minas Channel, the sediment transport follows the structure of the tidal residual circulation, which features a large anticlockwise gyre. The sediment in Minas Passage moves eastward and deposits into the central Minas Basin. However, the sediment from the eastern part of the Basin moves westward and deposits in the central Minas Basin as well. In the Cobequid Bay, sediment moves eastward and deposits in the upper bay.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2125-2140
Sediment delivered to coastal systems by rivers (15×109 tons) plays a key role in the global carbon and nutrient cycles, as deltas and continental shelves are considered to be the main repositories of organic matter in marine sediments. The Mississippi River, delivering more than 60% of the total dissolved and suspended materials from the conterminous US, dominates coastal and margin processes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Draining approximately 41% of the conterminous US, the Mississippi and Atchafalaya river system deliver approximately 2×108 tons of suspended matter to the northern Gulf shelf each year. Unlike previous work, this study provides a comprehensive evaluation of sediment accumulation covering majority of the shelf (<150 m water depth) west of the Mississippi Delta from 92 cores collected throughout the last 15 years. This provides a unique and invaluable data set of the spatial and modern temporal variations of the sediment accumulation in this dynamic coastal environment.Three types of 210Pb profiles were observed from short cores (15–45 cm) collected on the shelf. Proximal to Southwest Pass in 30–100 m water depths, non-steady-state profiles were observed indicating rapid accumulation. Sediment accumulation rates in this area are typically >2.5 cm yr−1 (>1.8 g cm−2 yr−1). Kasten cores (∼200 cm in length) collected near Southwest Pass also indicate rapid deposition (>4 cm yr−1; >3 g cm−2 yr−1) on a longer timescale than that captured in the box cores. Near shore (<20 m), profiles are dominated by sediments reworked by waves and currents with no accumulation (the exception is an area just south of Barataria Bay where accumulation occurs). The remainder of the shelf (distal of Southwest Pass) is dominated by steady-state accumulation beneath a ∼10-cm thick mixed layer. Sediment accumulation rates for the distal shelf are typically <0.7 cm yr−1 (<0.5 g cm−2 yr−1). A preliminary sediment budget based on the distribution of 210Pb accumulation rates indicates that 40–50% of the sediment delivered by the river is transported out of the study region. Sediment is moved to distal regions of the shelf/slope through two different mechanisms. Along-isobath sediment movement occurs by normal resuspension processes west of the delta, whereas delivery of sediments south and southwest of the delta may be also be influenced by mass movement events on varying timescales.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2157-2177
An active upper-canyon system, Eel Canyon, was studied to determine its role as a conduit and/or sink for terrigenous material over decadal timescales and to assess the sedimentary record preserved by transport processes. These data are used to (1) link seasonal fluctuations in sediment transport and deposition to preserved stratigraphic signatures, and (2) assess sediment storage and removal in the upper Eel Canyon (100–850 m water depth) over decadal timescales. Previous research has shown that upper thalwegs commonly experience gravity-driven flows during winter (November–March), due to increased sediment supply from Eel River flooding and intense storms that produce energetic wave/current conditions. Thick winter deposits composed of recently discharged fluvial sediment are formed in upper thalwegs, with distinct short- and long-lived radioisotopic and textural signatures (detectable 7Be and 234Thxs, lowered 210Pb activity, elevated clay content, and physical structures). Box and kasten cores were collected in the upper canyon (thalwegs and walls) to measure these signatures in recent and preserved winter deposits, and to calculate 100-yr accumulation rates. Non-bioturbated deposits (that have signatures indicative of rapid accretion by gravity-driven flows during the winter) are common in the upper canyon thalwegs. Short-lived radioisotopes (7Be and 234Th) show that sediment delivery to the upper thalweg varies temporally, sometimes beginning at the onset of river flooding, and at other times beginning during fall/early winter dry-storm events. In contrast, bioturbated deposits (which do not have signatures indicative of rapid deposition) are found on canyon walls.Non-bioturbated winter deposits are easily identified in the decadal record of thalwegs by decreases in 210Pb activity and increases in clay content. Stacking of multiple years of winter deposits (∼10 cm preserved per winter) results in non-steady-state 210Pb profiles and high decadal accumulation rates. However, down-core changes in 210Pb profiles show that slope failures are actively redistributing these winter deposits. Partial or total removal of multiple winter deposits appears to happen periodically (every ∼13 yr), which will inhibit preservation of the longer decadal record. 100-yr accumulation rates were calculated in the thalwegs from the resulting 210Pb profiles (i.e., the result of winter accretion and decadal removal by failures). Accumulation rates are much higher in thalwegs (1–6 cm/yr) than walls (0.1–0.8 cm/yr), which is likely the result of differing sediment delivery processes (via gravity-driven flows and nepheloid layers, respectively). At least 2.6±1.4% of the Eel River sediment budget is accumulating in the upper canyon over 100-yr timescales. However, this value greatly underestimates the total amount entering the canyon system because minimum accumulation rates were used in many areas (due to limited core length) and slope failures are moving sediment out of the budget area.  相似文献   

Seventeen sporadic Na (Nas) layers were observed from ~150 h of the 8-s Na density profiles obtained by lidar measurements at Wuhan, China. Each of them consists of a sequence of small-timescale density enhancement bursts. The burst intensity ranges from 200 to 10,400 cm?3. The burst duration and interval vary between 16 and 112 s. The instantaneous growth and decay rates often have an order of 100 cm?3 s?1. This suggests that there exists a very rapid atom removal process corresponding to the dramatic burst density enhancement if the advection effect by large-scale wind could be ignored. These results provide a new clue for explaining the formation mechanism of sporadic metal layers.  相似文献   

Serpentinization of the mantle wedge is an important process that influences the seismic and mechanical properties in subduction zones. Seismic detection of serpentines relies on the knowledge of elastic properties of serpentinites, which thus far has not been possible in the absence of single-crystal elastic properties of antigorite. The elastic constants of antigorite, the dominant serpentine at high-pressure in subduction zones, were measured using Brillouin spectroscopy under ambient conditions. In addition, antigorite lattice preferred orientations (LPO) were determined using an electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) technique. Isotropic aggregate velocities are significantly lower than those of peridotites to allow seismic detection of serpentinites from tomography. The isotropic VP/VS ratio is 1.76 in the Voigt–Reuss–Hill average, not very different from that of 1.73 in peridotite, but may vary between 1.70 and 1.86 between the Voigt and Reuss bonds. Antigorite and deformed serpentinites have a very high seismic anisotropy and remarkably low velocities along particular directions. VP varies between 8.9 km s? 1 and 5.6 km s? 1 (46% anisotropy), and 8.3 km s? 1 and 5.8 km s? 1 (37%), and VS between 5.1 km s? 1 and 2.5 km s? 1 (66%), and 4.7 km s? 1 and 2.9 km s? 1 (50%) for the single-crystal and aggregate, respectively. The VP/VS ratio and shear wave splitting also vary with orientation between 1.2 and 3.4, and 1.3 and 2.8 for the single-crystal and aggregate, respectively. Thus deformed serpentinites can present seismic velocities similar to peridotites for wave propagation parallel to the foliation or lower than crustal rocks for wave propagation perpendicular to the foliation. These properties can be used to detect serpentinite, quantify the amount of serpentinization, and to discuss relationships between seismic anisotropy and deformation in the mantle wedge. Regions of high VP/VS ratios and extremely low velocities in the mantle wedge of subduction zones (down to about 6 and 3 km.s?1 for VP and VS, respectively) are difficult to explain without strong preferred orientation of serpentine. Local variations of anisotropy may result from kilometer-scale folding of serpentinites. Shear wave splittings up to 1–1.5 s can be explained with moderately thick (10–20 km) serpentinite bodies.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2050-2072
A 5-yr data set of near-bed current and suspended-sediment concentration measured within 2 m of the seabed in 60-m water depth has been analyzed to evaluate the interannual variability of physical processes and sediment transport events on the Eel River continental shelf, northern California. This data set encompasses a wide range of shelf conditions with winter events characterized as: Major Flood (1996/97), strong El Niño (1997/98), strong La Niña (1998/99), and Major Storm (1999/00). Data were collected at a site located 25 km north of the Eel River mouth, on the landward edge of the mid-shelf mud deposit. During the winter months sediment resuspension is forced primarily by near-bed oscillatory flows, and sediment transport occurs both as suspended load and as gravity-driven (fluid-mud) flows. Winter conditions that caused periods of increased sediment transport existed on average for 142 d yr−1 over the total record, ranging between 89 d in the Major Flood year (1996/97) and 171 d in the La Niña year (1998/99). Hourly averaged values of significant wave height varied between 0.5 and 10.7 m and hourly averaged values of near-bed orbital velocities ranged between 0 and 125 cm s−1. During the five winters, sediment threshold conditions were exceeded an average of 35% of the time, ranging from 19% in the Major Flood year (1996/97) to 52% in the La Niña year (1998/99). Mean concentration of suspended sediment, measured at 30 cmab, ranged from values close to 0–8 g l−1. Among winters, major sediment flux events exhibited different patterns due to varying combinations of physical processes including river floods, waves, and shelf circulation. Within winters, the major period of sediment flux varied from a 3-d fluid mud event (Major Flood winter) to a 50-d period of persistent southerlies (El Niño winter) and a winter of continuous storm cycles (La Niña winter). Winter-averaged suspended-sediment concentration appeared to vary in response to river discharge, while total sediment flux responded to storm intensity. The net sediment flux appeared to depend on timing of river discharge and shelf conditions. On the Eel River shelf, the mid-shelf mud deposit apparently is not emplaced by deposition from the river plume, but by secondary processes from the inner shelf including off-shelf transport of sediment suspensions and gravity-driven fluid-mud flows. Thus, these inner-shelf processes redistribute sediment supplied by the Eel River (a point source) making the inner shelf a line source of sediment that forms and nourishes the mid-shelf deposit. Large-scale shelf circulation patterns and interannual variability of the physical forcing are also important in determining the locus of the mid-shelf deposit, and both are influenced by climate variations. Post-depositional alteration of the deposit also depends on the subsequent shelf conditions following major floods.  相似文献   

Contamination with As, Cd and Hg, their spatial and temporal distribution are reported from the coastal wetland sediments of the northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. The content of As, Cd, Hg and TOC in surface sediments is 8.1 ± 5.8 μg g?1, 0.08 ± 0.14 μg g?1, 0.034 ± 0.028 μg g?1 and 0.45 ± 0.39%, respectively. The mean sedimentation rates are 0.93–1.37 cm year?1 during 1920s to 2008 determined by 210Pb and 137Cs dating in three cores. The vertical profiles of As, Cd and Hg content in the cores retrieved from Qin and Nanliu River estuaries show increasing trends during 1985–2008 due to anthropogenic impact caused by local economic development. Locally the surface sediments have potential ecological risk of As to benthos according to the NOAA sediment quality guidelines.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2007,43(1):170-186
Stratigraphic and sedimentological studies indicate that Iceland has experienced over 20 glaciations during the last 4–5 Myr, in reasonable agreement with the number of glaciations reconstructed from the ∂18O record in deep-sea sediment. The pattern of glacial erosion was to a large part controlled by constructive volcanic processes resulting in increased topographic relief after 2.5 Myr. Between 2.5 and 0.5 Ma valleys up to 400 m deep were excavated into the Tertiary basalts of eastern and south Iceland with an average erosion rate of 10–20 cm ka−1. During the last 0.5 million years rates of erosion increased to 50–175 cm ka−1, with an additional 200 to over 1000 m of valley excavation. Previous estimates of the rate of landscape erosion during the Holocene vary widely, from 5 to 70,000 cm ka−1. We present new studies that define the rates of landscape denudation during the major part of the Holocene (the last 10,200 years): one based on the Iceland shelf sediment record, the other from the sediment record in the glacier-fed lake, Hvítárvatn. Both studies indicate average Holocene erosion rates of about 5 cm ka−1 similar to our erosion rate estimate for 4–5 Ma old strata that has not been subjected to regional glaciation.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2260-2280
On October 3, 2002 Hurricane Lili made landfall on a previously studied region of the inner Louisiana shelf as a Category 2 storm with winds over 160 km/h. A week after the hurricane, major impacts of the storm were not evident in the water column except for the lower than expected inshore salinities (∼12 psu) for this time of year, which was characterized by low river discharge. Turbidity profiles were typical of those measured during previous investigations with suspended sediment concentrations >75 mg/L at inshore stations and <50 mg/L in surface waters and offshore. The implication is that the sediments resuspended during the hurricane settled soon after the storm passage. Water column particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations ranged from 0.1 to over 2.0 mg/L, with the highest concentrations measured near the seabed and in the inshore portions of the study area. Suspended particles were characterized by low organic matter content (%POC of 0.5–2 wt%), low chlorophyll:POC ratios (Chl:POC<4 mg/g) and moderately elevated POC:particulate nitrogen ratios (POC:PN of 10–14 mol/mol), all suggesting their source was locally resuspended seabed sediment rather than from algal biomass or land-derived vascular plant detritus.Post hurricane sediment deposition throughout the study area resulted in a storm layer that ranged from <0.5 to 20 cm in thickness. In most locations sediment accumulation ranged from 3 to 10 cm. The storm deposits were generally composed of silty clays with a coarser, somewhat sandy 1–2 cm basal layer. Surface sediments from the storm layer were characterized by relatively high mineral surface areas (SA of 30–50 m2/g) and elevated OC contents (%OC of 1.0–2.0%). The dispersal of fine sediments following the hurricane resulted in marked changes in the SA and %OC values of surface sediments from offshore locations, which prior to the storm contained coarser, organic-poor particles (SA of 5–15 m2/g and %OC of 0.2–0.6%). The OC:SA and OC:N ratios of storm layer sediments ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 mg OC/m2 and from 10 to 12 mol/mol, respectively, and were comparable to those measured in surface sediments prior to the hurricane. Such similarities in the composition of the organic matter reinforce the idea that the source of the storm deposits was the finer fraction of resuspended seabed sediments, with little evidence for inputs from local land-derived sources or autochthonous algal production. Overall, the magnitude of sediment and organic matter deposition on the seabed after the storm greatly exceeded the annual inputs from the Atchafalaya River and coastal primary production. The combined effects of hurricane-driven erosion and post-storm deposition represent a major perturbation to the benthic community of the region, which is already subject to these types of disturbances due to the combined effects of peaks in river discharge and the passage of storm fronts.  相似文献   

IRSL single-aliquot dating of three feldspar fractions from a Howieson's Poort (SA) industry site has been investigated. In the case of the plagioclase fraction (ρ > 2.62 g cm?3) equivalent dose is similar to that of the other fractions (i.e. ρ < 2.58 g cm?3, high-K-feldspar; and 2.58 < ρ < 2.62 g cm?3; low-K-feldspar). However, the g values measured for this fraction is such that the fading-corrected age is overestimated. The K content of each fraction was estimated by SEM. The DRC-corrected ages for the two lighter feldspar fractions are consistent with the archaeological interpretation. This study shows that reliable single-aliquot luminescence ages can be obtained using K-feldspar and Na-plagioclase.  相似文献   

Using long-term sea surface temperature (SST) and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data, we examined variations in the current axis of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) off the San’in coast of Japan, near the entrance to the Japan Sea. There were large horizontal temperature gradients along the shelf edge in the southwestern Japan Sea from October to May, suggesting that the second branch of the TWC appears not only in spring and autumn but also in winter. From the ADCP data analysis, we found that currents with speeds of approximately 20 cm s?1 and greater appeared around the shelf edge off San’in coast in all seasons. The SST and ADCP data analyses suggested that the second branch of the TWC exists around the shelf edge off the San’in coast throughout the year. This finding differed from those of previous studies. A relatively strong current (speed greater than 15 cm s?1) appeared on the shore side in all seasons, except at line W in winter. This current might be the first branch of the TWC. The first branch seemed to occur around in 100 m isobaths, but shifted northward and southward because the bottom topography around lines W and M was relatively flat and the shelf was broad. The first branch was very obscure, and it was difficult to define the two branches of the TWC off the San’in coast from the seasonally averaged vectors. However, snapshots of current distribution derived from the ADCP data clearly showed these branches. Hence, both the first and second branches might occur throughout the year off the San’in coast.  相似文献   

Modeling of multimode surface wave group velocity dispersion data sampling the eastern and the western Ganga basins, reveals a three layer crust with an average Vs of 3.7 km s?1, draped by ~2.5 km foreland sediments. The Moho is at a depth of 43 ± 2 km and 41 ± 2 km beneath the eastern and the western Ganga basins respectively. Crustal Vp/Vs shows a felsic upper and middle crust beneath the eastern Ganga basin (1.70) compared to a more mafic western Ganga basin crust (1.77). Due to higher radiogenic heat production in felsic than mafic rocks, a lateral thermal heterogeneity will be present in the foreland basin crust. This heterogeneity had been previously observed in the north Indian Shield immediately south of the foreland basin and must also continue northward below the Himalaya. The high heat producing felsic crust, underthrust below the Himalayas could be an important cause for melting of midcrustal rocks and emplacement of leucogranites. This is a plausible explanation for abundance of leucogranites in the east-central Himalaya compared to the west. The uppermost mantle Vs is also significantly lower beneath the eastern Ganga basin (4.30 km s?1) compared to the west (4.44 km s?1).  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(3-4):489-505
Sediment accumulation over the past century on the continental shelf near the Po delta varies with distance from the most active distributary channels. Near the Pila and Goro distributaries, sediment accumulation is rapid (1–4 cm yr−1) and occurs in pulses. In these areas, the seabed is dominated by physical sedimentary structures that can be related to flood sedimentation. Between the two distributaries and in the southern portion of the dispersal system, sediment accumulation is slower (rates reach a minimum of 0.23 cm yr−1 at ∼50 km from the Pila mouth) and steady-state, reflecting more continuous dispersal of sediment during non-flood periods. Sedimentary strata in these locations are composed of finer (clayey silt), mottled sediment. The similarity in the spatial distribution of long-term (100-yr) sediment accumulation to deposition resulting from the 2000 flood event suggests that the Po shelf is flood-dominated.About half of the sediment delivered by the Po River on a 100-yr time scale can be accounted for in the seabed deposit within ∼50 km of the Pila mouth. The remaining sediment is likely transported southward by the prevailing circulation, and this sediment coalesces with inputs from the Apennine Rivers.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2178-2204
Continental-shelf lithofacies are described from a series of cores collected in the northern Gulf of Alaska, a high-energy paraglacial shelf experiencing rapid rates of sediment accumulation. Short-lived tracers (234Th and chlorophyll-a) indicate that during the annual peak in fluvial sediment input (summer), biologic sediment mixing coefficients in the surficial seabed are generally lower than other coastal environments (<20 cm2 yr−1) and mixing extends downward <10 cm.210Pb geochronology indicates that sediment accumulation rates (time scales of 10–100 yr) are 0.1–3 cm yr−1. The measured bioturbation and accumulation rates lead to predictions of moderate to bioturbated lithofacies, as observed. Primary depositional fabric is preferentially preserved where sediment accumulation rates >2 cm yr−1 and non-steady sediment deposition occurs. Depositional fabric is also observed in strata at 50–100 m water depths and is similar in appearance to beds that may form through deposition of wave-induced fluid-mud flows, which have been observed forming on other shelves with moderate to high wave energy. Five general lithofacies can be identified for the study area: inner-shelf sand facies, interbedded sandy mud facies, moderate-to-well-bioturbated mud facies, gravelly mud facies, and Tertiary bedrock facies. The moderate-to-well-bioturbated mud facies is areally dominant, representing over 50% of the shelf area, although roughly equal volumes (∼0.4 km3) of strata with some preservation of primary fabric are annually accumulating. Lithofacies on this paraglacial shelf generally resemble mid- and low-latitude allochthonous shelf strata to a much greater degree than Holocene glacimarine strata formed on shelves dominated by icebergs and floating ice shelves. Paraglacial strata may be differentiated from non-glacial shelf strata by lower organic carbon concentrations, a relatively lower degree of bioturbation, and increased preservation of primary depositional fabric.  相似文献   

Three shallow basins in Huizhou West Lake, China, were compared with respect to phosphorus (P) cycling between sediment and water, binding forms of P in sediment, and macrophyte biomass. The basins had similar sediments and similar depths, but two of the basins were restored by carp fish removal and macrophyte transplantation. These two basins have had clear water, low Chl.a and high macrophyte coverage for seven and ten years, whilst the unrestored control basin had turbid water and higher Chl.a. Judged by diffusive ammonium efflux, sediments in restored basins had higher mineralization rates than the unrestored basin, but the release of total dissolved P were more similar. However, sediments of restored basins released primarily dissolved organic P, while the sediment from the unrestored basin only released dissolved inorganic P. One third of the P release in the unrestored basin occurred from resuspended sediment, while this pathway contributed less than 3% in restored basins where resuspension rates were 10 times lower and the surface sediments affinity for phosphate higher. Besides from the presence of carps in the unrestored basin, the main differences were a large pool of P (700–850 mg P m−2) in macrophyte biomass and a smaller pool (∼150 mg m−2) as loosely adsorbed P in the sediment of restored basins than in the unrestored (0 in macrophytes and 350 mg P m−2 as loosely adsorbed). Also, a tendency of higher concentrations of oxidized iron was observed in the surface sediment from restored basins. The study underlines the potential of trophic structure changes to alter internal nutrient cycling in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1998,18(9):1039-1056
The detailed three-dimensional structure of the Kuroshio frontal eddy along the shelf edge of the East China Sea is revealed by the CTD, ADCP, and satellite-tracked drifter observations. The length and width of the cold core of the Kuroshio frontal eddy are about 60 and 40 km, respectively, and its phase speed is about 30 cm s-1. The calculated buoy tracks with the use of the observed ADCP data well reproduce the observed tracks of satellite-tracked drifters around the frontal eddy. The observed maximum horizontal velocity around this frontal eddy are 40 cm s-1 and the center of this eddy shifts offshore in the deep layer. Nutrient is advected onshore across the shelf edge by passing of this frontal eddy while it is advected offshore without the frontal eddy at the shelf edge.  相似文献   

The subsidence rates of the Aegean margins during the Middle-Upper Pleistocene were evaluated based on new and historical seismic profiling data. High-resolution seismic profiling (AirGun, Sparker and 3.5 kHz) have shown that (at least) four major oblique prograding sequences can be traced below the Aegean marginal slopes at increasing subbottom depths. These palaeo-shelf break glacial delta sediments have been developed during successive low sea-level stands (LST prograding sequences), suggesting continuous and gradual subsidence of the Aegean margins during the last 400 ka. Subsidence rates of the Aegean margins were calculated from the vertical displacement of successive topset-to-foreset transitions (palaeo-shelf break) of the LST prograding sediment sequences.The estimated subsidence rates that were calculated in the active boundaries of the Aegean microplate (North Aegean margins, Gulfs of Patras and Corinth) are high and range from 0.7 to 1.88 m ka?1, while the lowest values (0.34–0.60 m ka?1) are related to the low tectonic and seismic activity margins like the margin of Cyclades plateau. Lower subsidence rates (0.34–0.90 m ka?1) were estimated for the period 146–18 ka BP (oxygen isotopic stages 6–2) and higher (1.46–1.88 m ka?1) for the period from 425 to 250 ka BP (oxygen isotopic stages 12/10–8). A decrease of about 50% of the subduction rates in the Aegean margins was observed during the last 400 ka.During the isotopic stages 8, 10, 11 and 12, almost the 50–60% of the present Aegean Sea was land with extensive drainage systems and delta plains and large lakes in the central and North Aegean. Marine transgression in the North Aegean was rather occurred during the isotopic 9 interglacial period. The estimated palaeomorphology should imply fan delta development and sediment failures in the steep escarpments of the North Aegean margins and high sedimentation rates and turbidite sediment accumulation in the basins. It is deduced that the Black Sea was isolated from the Mediterranean during the Pleistocene prior oxygen isotopic stage 5.  相似文献   

The spectral attenuation of solar irradiation was measured during summer in two types of coastal waters in southern Chile, a north Patagonian fjord (Seno Reloncaví) and open coast (Valdivia). In order to relate the light availability with the light requirements of upper subtidal seaweeds, the saturating irradiance for photosynthesis (Ek) from PI curves was measured. In addition the UV risk was assessed. Based on the z1% of PAR, the lower limit of the euphotic zone in the studied systems averaged 21 m (Kd 0.24 m?1) in Seno Reloncaví and 18 m (Kd 0.27 m?1) in the coast of Valdivia. Photosynthesis of the studied seaweeds was saturated at markedly lower irradiances than found in their natural depths at the time of the study. Solar radiation penetrating into these depths at both locations largely supports the light requirements for the photosynthesis of subtidal species: 50–160 μmol m?2 s?1 for seaweeds from Seno Reloncaví (7 m tidal range) and 20–115 μmol m?2 s?1 for Valdivia assemblages (2 m tidal range). Optimal light conditions to saturate photosynthesis (Ek) were present at 10–16 m water depth. The attenuation of solar irradiation did not vary significantly between the fjord and coastal sites of this study. However, the underwater light climates to which seaweeds are exposed in these sites vary significantly because of the stronger influence of tidal range affecting the fjord system as compared with the open coastal site. The patterns of UV-B penetration in these water bodies suggest that seaweeds living in upper littoral zones such as the intertidal and shallow subtidal (<3 m) may be at risk.  相似文献   

Inversion of local earthquake travel times and joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity measurements were used to derive a simple model for the velocity crustal structure beneath the southern edge of the Central Alborz (Iran), including the seismically active area around the megacity of Tehran. The P and S travel times from 115 well-located earthquakes recorded by a dense local seismic network, operated from June to November 2006, were inverted to determine a 1D velocity model of the upper crust. The limited range of earthquake depths (between 2 km and 26 km) prevents us determining any velocity interfaces deeper than 25 km. The velocity of the lower crust and the depth of the Moho were found by joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocity data. The resulting P-wave velocity model comprises an upper crust with 3 km and 4 km thick sedimentary layers with P wave velocities (Vp) of ~5.4 and ~5.8 km s?1, respectively, above 9 km and 8 km thick layers of upper crystalline crust (Vp ~6.1 and ~6.25 km s?1 respectively). The lower crystalline crust is ~34 km thick (Vp  6.40 km s?1). The total crustal thickness beneath this part of the Central Alborz is 58 ± 2 km.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2008,56(10-12):415-424
The sulphur cycle in the sediment of the Venice canal network was investigated by considering the sulphate reduction rate (SRR) and the distribution of sulphur compounds, in both pore water and sediment. Sulphate reduction (SR) is the main process in the metabolism of the organic matter supplied to the network by untreated urban effluents. Although it might account for the decomposition of only a limited percentage of the total organic-C inputs, the estimated rates are among the highest observed in coastal sediments. Measured rates range from 0.26 to 0.99 μmol cm−3 d−1, while mean annual values, estimated by a diagenetic model, vary from 0.16 to 0.43 μmol cm−3 d−1. The speciation of S in the sediment reveals that pyrite-S is the most abundant component of the total reduced S pool, whereas acid volatile sulphides and elemental sulphur together account for less than 45%. A preliminary budget indicates that the rate of burial of solid-phase S is small compared to the S produced by SR (from 10 to 25%). A large amount of reduced S is then lost from the canal deposits to be re-oxidised at the sediment-water interface or in the overlying water column.  相似文献   

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