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目前祁连山中段腹地有少量新石器时代遗址和较为丰富的青铜时代遗址,未发现更早的人类活动遗迹。近期对腹地内黄藏寺一处具有原生地层的细石器遗存剖面(HZS),系统采集其年代样品、环境指标(粒度、色度)样品及地层石器,开展实验测定和GIS模拟路线分析,结合青藏高原与周边区域已发表的史前人群研究资料,揭示祁连山中段腹地史前人群的活动时间、环境背景、与毗邻地区史前人群的联系及其交流路线。结果显示:史前人群约在7.98~6.10 ka期间于黄藏寺一带活动,这是祁连山中段腹地目前发现最早的史前人类活动证据。HZS剖面粒度、色度指示的全新世早中期温湿气候与祁连山中段腹地较好的生态环境,为细石器人群开展狩猎采集活动提供了适宜的自然条件。HZS剖面的细石器反映出该时段史前人群从事狩猎采集活动,其细石器体现的技术特征与青海湖盆地细石器技术较为相似,揭示了高原东北边缘山区与高原内部区域的史前人群具有密切联系。GIS模拟路线显示,黑河谷地可能为贯通河西走廊与青藏高原间史前人群迁移、交流的重要路线,而黄藏寺细石器遗存为该路线上一处狩猎地点。 相似文献
We have analyzed core MD01-2392, ∼ 360 km east of the Mekong River mouth in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past 500 ka, planktonic foraminiferal oxygen-isotopic values are consistently lighter than northern SCS and open-ocean records by up to 0.5‰, indicating the influence of run-off from the Mekong River during both glacial and interglacial periods. Carbonate content is higher during interglacials; sedimentation rates were higher during glacials. Increased sedimentation rates since 30 ka imply increased run-off during the last glacial maximum and Holocene Period. Contrary to general experience, in which it is classed as a warm species for temperature estimates, the thermocline-dwelling species Pulleniatina obliquiloculata increased its numbers during glacial periods. This implies an estuarine circulation and even brackish-water caps during glacial periods, reinforcing the sense of strong run-off. In an overall decline of warm water, the thermocline shoaled stepwise, with rapid rises across the glacial terminations. We infer that the southern SCS was opened to an influx of Indian Ocean waters through southern passages at those times of rising sea levels. 相似文献
长江水下三角洲层序地层学研究有助于全面了解长江三角洲地层特征和沉积环境演化模式。通过对长江水下三角洲下切河谷区YD0901和YD0903孔岩心的详细沉积物粒度、特征元素比值(Cl/Ti和Zr/Rb)、沉积相对比分析,恢复了冰后期以来长江水下三角洲层序地层格架。研究区冰后期以来自下而上依次出现河流相、潮汐河流相、河口湾相、浅海相和三角洲相的沉积相序。末次冰期海平面下降,古长江形成下切河谷,古河间地发育硬黏土层,构成五级Ⅰ型层序界面。之后海平面回升,分别于15 cal ka BP和8.0 cal ka BP形成最大海退和最大海侵界面,水下三角洲区域最大海侵发生时间略滞后于平原区,约为7.5 cal ka BP。据此3个层序界面将冰后期地层划分为低位体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域。钻孔岩心记录揭示了14.8 cal ka BP海侵到达研究区;14.8~13 cal ka BP期间,受MWP-1A冰融水事件影响海平面快速上升,海岸线向陆推进速率可达71.9,km/ka;海退期间各钻孔沉积速率较低,直至2 cal ka BP开始,沉积速率明显增加。 相似文献
长江三角洲是我国东部陆架-海岸沉积体系的重要组成部分, 是研究三角洲环境演化和人类活动的理想区域之一。前期大量的研究成果主要聚焦于冰后期和全新世长江三角洲响应海面上升的演进过程, 而冰期-间冰期尺度的长江三角洲地区沉积环境变化的研究因年代学工作薄弱而进展缓慢。本文在近年来对长江三角洲地区晚第四纪沉积物开展一系列石英OSL和钾长石(混合矿物)红外释光(pIRIR)测年研究, 且已取得一定的释光测年数据的基础上, 简要地梳理和总结长江三角洲末次间冰期以来区域沉积环境演化的研究进展, 着重分析晚更新世以来长江三角洲南北两翼沉积地层的年代框架异同、释光年代约束下末次冰期长江古下切河谷的演化历史及成因。释光测年及区域地层对比研究结果表明: 1)氧同位素(MIS)5e阶段(130~120ka)和全新世, 长江三角洲地区沉积环境受海洋作用影响比较明显。2)MIS 3阶段是否存在海侵环境, 不同测年技术得出了不同的年代学结论。且认为14C和常规的石英OSL测年得到的末次冰期早期地层(MIS 3~4)的年龄很可能都存在低估, 而钾长石或混合矿物红外释光测年可以发挥一定的测年优势。这也需要后期继续强化区域地层的年代学测试和对比研究。3)在MIS 4/2阶段, 长江三角洲南北两侧及主体平原均以陆相沉积环境为主。本研究结果可为全球或区域性大河三角洲及海岸系统响应末次间冰期以来海面变化的沉积历史对比研究提供参考。 相似文献
The area of coastal rivers with a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes is defined as the fluvial to marine transition zone and can extend up to several hundreds of kilometres upstream of the river mouth. The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of sediment distribution and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone using a comprehensive dataset of channel bed sediment samples collected from the Mekong River delta. Six sediment types were identified and were interpreted to reflect the combined action of fluvial and marine processes. Based on sediment‐type associations, the Mekong fluvial to marine transition zone could be subdivided into an upstream tract and a downstream tract; the boundary between these two tracts is identified 80 to 100 km upstream of the river mouth. The upstream tract is characterized by gravelly sand and sand and occasional heterolithic rhythmites, suggesting bed‐load supply and deposition mainly controlled by fluvial processes with subordinate tidal influence. The downstream tract is characterized by heterolithic rhythmites with subordinate sand and mud, suggesting suspended‐load supply and deposition mainly controlled by tidal processes with subordinate fluvial influence. Sediment distributions during wet and dry seasons suggest significant seasonal changes in sediment dynamic and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone. The upstream tract shows strong fluvial depositional processes with subordinate tidal influence during the wet season and no deposition with weak fluvial and tidal processes during the dry season. The downstream tract shows strong coexisting fluvial and tidal depositional processes during the wet season and strong tidal depositional processes with negligible fluvial influence during the dry season. Turbidity maxima are present along the downstream tract of the fluvial to marine transition zone during both wet and dry seasons and are driven by a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes. 相似文献
通过腾冲北海与香格里拉纳帕海有机碳含量、δ13C、粒度等沉积指标和若干孢粉指标的对比,参照60ka BP以来孟加拉湾的沉积韵律互层与δ18O记录,发现它们同与印度季风系统存在密切关联。然而由于经纬与海陆分布的差异,夏季风和冬季风对各处的影响亦有很大差别。大约发生于37~32ka BP的强大的暖湿型气候事件在北海与纳帕海盆地的沉积序列之中反映突出,成为过去60ka间最引人瞩目的现象,但是却缺乏海域记录的有力呼应。海陆记录对比结果表明,MIS3后期区域气候事件的控制因素来自陆地而非海洋,青藏高原在此期间的特别升温导致印度冬季风的衰退及其他大气环流型式的改变有可能是重大气候事件形成的主因。此外,陆地地貌对于季风的降水效应也有不可忽视的影响。 相似文献
近年来渤海地区晚更新世以来沉积环境演化和地层划分存在争议。本文对现代黄河三角洲东南海岸带YRD-1401孔岩芯(长81.00 m)沉积物进行综合研究,旨在建立该孔晚更新世以来地层的沉积相序列和时间标尺,为解决地层划分争议提供新的证据。根据AMS 14C和光释光测年结果,并考虑到YRD-1401孔底部地层光释光年代的不精确性,本文主要研究YRD-1401孔MIS 5以来的沉积演化史。综合分析YRD-1401孔沉积地层的岩性特征和底栖有孔虫组合变化,结合测年结果,该孔可划分为6个沉积单元(从下往上DU 6~DU 1):最底部的DU 6(51.35~81.00 m)为受潮流影响的河流沉积(其形成时间有待进一步研究),DU 5(37.64~51.35 m)为MIS 5潮坪-近岸浅海沉积,DU 4(30.71~37.64 m)为MIS 3早期的潮坪沉积,DU 3(23.50~30.71 m)为MIS 3晚期至全新世早期形成的河流沉积,DU 2(14.22~23.50 m)为全新世早期(约10 cal.ka B.P.)至1855年形成的滨岸沼泽-滨岸浅水-近岸浅海~前三角洲沉积-海洋改造层,DU 1(0~14.22 m)为1855年以来发育的现代黄河三角洲沉积。晚更新世以来该孔有3个海相层(自下而上分别是DU 5、DU 4和DU 2),分别形成于MIS 5、MIS 3早期和全新世,表明晚更新世以来全球海平面变化是其主要控制因素。研究区MIS 4的沉积地层出现缺失。渤海沿岸地区多个钻孔地层的对比表明,区域性的差异构造沉降、沉积物供给和地层完整性等因素也是影响研究区晚更新世以来沉积地层发育的重要因素。 相似文献
通过对毗邻中国南北地理分界线的第四系标准孔岩芯进行粒度和地球化学研究,探讨了淮北平原中更新世以来的古气候变化和沉积环境变迁。研究表明淮北平原中更新世气候在暖湿与干冷(温凉)频繁交替中总体经历了从暖湿趋于干冷,与中国东部季风区北部的温带季风气候变化趋势属同相位演变,而与受控于亚热带季风气候的长江中下游及淮河源区古气候演变模式总体呈反相位。晚更新世,气候总体经历了干冷(即温干—严寒—干冷)、温湿、转向干冷,却表现出与以长江中下游及淮河源区气候演化格局更相似,而与中国北方气候总体上由暖湿向干旱化转变步调不一致。进入全新世,淮北平原与中国南北方气候均回暖,降水相应增多。涡河流域GBK1标准孔区域沉积环境总体上经历了中更新世早中期从半深湖演化到浅湖、滨湖,到晚期湖泊快速收缩直至消失,演化为泛滥平原或河流;晚更新世以来主要为河流和泛滥平原。淮北平原区域气候变化总体上对全球变化有着积极的响应,或许因其地处中国南北地理分界线边缘,致使其气候又具区域独特性。 相似文献
A small, protected karstic feature exposed in a limestone quarry in Bermuda preserved abundant sedimentary and biogenic materials documenting a transgressive phase, still-stand, and regressive phase of a sea-level in excess of 21.3 m above present during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (400 ka) as determined by U/Th dating and amino acid racemization. Cobbles and marine sediments deposited during the high-energy transgressive phase exhibit rim cements indicating a subsequent phreatic environment. This was succeeded stratigraphically by a still-stand deposition of fine calcareous lagoonal sediments containing bioclasts of red algae and benthic and planktonic foraminifera that was intensely burrowed by marine invertebrates, probably upogebiid shrimp, that could not be produced under any condition other than sustained marine submergence. Overlying this were pure carbonate beach sands of a low-energy regressive phase containing abundant remains of terrestrial and marine vertebrates and invertebrates. The considerable diversity of this fauna along with taphonomic evidence from seabird remains indicates deposition by high run-up waves over a minimum duration of months, if not years. The maximum duration has yet to be determined but probably did not exceed one or two thousand years. The most abundant snails in this fauna are two species indicative of brackish water and high-tide line showing that a Ghyben-Herzberg lens must have existed at > + 20 m. The nature of these sediments and fossil accumulation is incompatible with tsunami deposition and, given the absence of evidence for tectonic uplift of the Bermuda pedestal or platform, provide proof that sea-level during MIS 11 exceeded +20 m, a fact that has widespread ramifications for geologists, biogeographers, and human demographics along the world's coastlines. 相似文献
The Galicia Interior Basin (GIB; NW Iberian Peninsula) is located near a critical transition between the subtropical (temperate) and subpolar (cold) gyres of the North Atlantic. It therefore witnesses oceanographic changes driven by global climatic events. This study reports on the recent (latest Pleistocene) sedimentary, palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic history of the basin. We integrated analysis of deep‐sea sediment cores retrieved from an E–W transect across the GIB. The analysis indicated three types of sedimentary processes recording glacial (Marine Isotope Stage 2–4) and deglacial events: along‐slope bottom currents (forming contourite deposits), pelagic and hemipelagic sedimentation, and gravitational dislocation. Variation in depositional patterns and sedimentation rates indicate distinctive transport (along‐slope and down‐slope) and depositional processes. These in turn reflect climatic and oceanographic drivers. We interpret changes in sea level from core evidence showing changes in sediment supply. The cores exhibited conspicuous sedimentary evidence of Heinrich events (HEs). The stratigraphic intervals associated with HEs showed significant lateral variation. We suggest that the lateral variation may result from the development of an oceanographic boundary between surface water masses with different temperature and salinity parameters or changes in surface currents which may have introduced relatively warmer water into the GIB during the last glacial period. 相似文献
In 1963, E. Saurin and J.‐P. Carbonnel discovered the Sre Sbov site on an alluvial terrace of the Mekong River in central Cambodia. Saurin described a lithic typology dating to the Lower/Middle Pleistocene from this site. Although the original lithic assemblage has been lost, this typology has been used continuously as a reference by Southeast Asian prehistorians. In 2007, a Khmer–French team conducted excavations at Sre Sbov that yielded numerous pebbles and cobbles showing apparently convincing handmade removals, as Saurin had previously described. However, an in‐depth study of this assemblage, combined with a geological survey of the area, led to the conclusion that the stones were, in fact, of natural origin, and that for this reason their typology should be disregarded. Using satellite imagery and geological surveys, we explain how such a misinterpretation may have occurred and define a “buffer zone,” corresponding to the maximal extent of the proto‐Mekong River, where fluvially reworked pebbles and cobbles resembling artifacts may be recovered. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Five sediment cores were collected on the shelf of the inner Mississippi Bight in June 2003 for a suite of radionuclides to
establish geochronologies and trace elements to examine patterns of contaminant deposition and accumulation. Core sites were
chosen to reflect a matrix of variable water depths, proximity to the Mississippi River mouth as the primary source for terrigenous
particles, and extent and duration of summertime water column hypoxia. The vertical distribution of 239,240Pu and 210Pb xs(= 210Pb total− 226Ra) provided reliable geochronological age constraints to develop models for mass accumulation rates and historic trace element
inputs and variations. Mass accumulation rates ranged from 0.27 to 0.87 g cm −2yr −1 and were internally consistent using either 210Pb xs or 239,240Pu. Measured inventories of 137Cs, 239,240Pu, and 210Pb xs were compared to atmospheric deposition rates to quantify potential sediment focusing or winnowing. Observed variability
in calculated mass accumulation rates may be attributed foremost to site-specific proximity to the river mouth (i.e., sediment
source), variability in water depth, and enhanced sediment focusing at the Mississippi River canyon site. Trace element concentrations
were first normalized to Al, and then Al-normalized enrichment factors (ANEF) were calculated based on preanthropogenic and
crustal trace element abundances. These ANEFs were typically >1 for V and Ba, while for most other elements studied, either
no enrichment or depletion was observed. The enrichment of Ba may be related, in part, to the seasonal occurrence of oxygen-depleted
subsurface waters off the Mississippi River delta, as well as being an ubiquitous byproduct of the petroleum industry. 相似文献
本文选取黄河三角洲5个钻孔岩心的ZK1钻孔,对其剖面沉积物进行了详细的岩性描述、粒度测试和有孔虫鉴定,分析了ZK1孔粒度参数的垂向分布序列。通过计算粒级—标准偏差的变化获得了ZK1孔沉积物中对沉积环境变化较为敏感的粒度组分的范围为3.75~4Ф和10Ф。敏感粒度组分含量随深度变化的初步分析、各种粒度参数垂向分布特征及有孔虫资料表明,黄河三角洲ZK1孔的沉积环境大致可分为4段:Ⅰ(0~5.14 m)为1904—1976年上三角洲平原沉积;Ⅱ(5.14~17.41m)为1855年以来的下三角洲平原沉积;Ⅲ(17.41~22.6 m)为1855年以前的陆架沉积;Ⅳ(22.6~24.6 m)为潮坪沉积。 相似文献
The thermal maturity and source-rock potential of the Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments in the Hecla field, Melville Island, Arctic Canada, have been studied using reflected-light microscopy and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Approximately 250 polished whole-rock samples were examined and their reflectance (% R0, random) measured. In addition, approximately 100 samples were subjected to Rock-Eval/ TOC analyses.Hydrogen-rich organic matter in the Schei Point Group sediments is dominated by alginite ( Tasmanales), dinoflagellate cysts with minor amounts of sporinite, cutinite, resinite and liptodetrinite in an amorphous fluorescing matrix. Vitrinite reflectance in Cretaceous sediments ranges from 0.41 to 0.54%; in Jurassic sediments it ranges from 0.43 to 0.64% and in Triassic sediments from 0.50 to 0.65%. The Triassic Schei Point Group calcareous shales and marlstones contain organic matter mainly of marine origin, whereas the predominantly terrestially-derived organic matter present in the Jameson Bay (Lower Jurassic) and in the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Deer Bay formations have ower TOC. Only the Ringnes Formation has a TOC content of equivalent to or greater than Schei Point source rocks. Within the Schei Point Group, the Cape Richards and Eden Bay members of the Hoyle Bay Formation are slightly richer in TOC than the Murray Harbour Formation (Cape Caledonia Member). Higher average TOC contents (>3.0%) have been reported in the Cape Richards and Eden Bay members in almost all Hecla drillholes.Variations in the level of thermal maturity of Mesozoic sediments in the Hecla field are a function of burial depth. The stratigraphic succession thickens towards the main Sverdrup Basin depocentre located in a N-NE direction. The pattern of the isoreflectance contours at the top of the Triassic (Barrow Formation) is similar to that of formation boundary lines of the same formations, an indication that present-day maturation levels are largely controlled by basin subsidence. 相似文献
经过在若尔盖盆地进行全面野外考察,在黄河第一弯岸边发现了沉积序列清晰的、具有代表性的完整沉积地层剖面。通过沉积学和地层学特征和沉积相的观测分析,结合实验室粒度分析、数据处理和测年断代,其结果表明:该剖面底部蓝灰色古湖相沉积层反映出盆地内部在OSL年龄35 ka之前为较深的湖泊。其上覆盖的风沙与泥炭互层,反映出在该区域湖水消失之后,在30 ka之前古湖底出现泥炭沼泽,同时风沙作用盛行。而浊黄橙色古洪水沉积层(OFD1)则反映出在30~27 ka之间,曾经有来自于黄河源区流域的规模巨大的洪水进入若尔盖盆地,在古湖底泛滥并且将其携带的分选良好的细沙与粉沙质泥沙堆积下来。该剖面中部厚度达5~7 m的河漫滩-风沙层,沿着河岸追索,则可见其表现为高低起伏的古沙丘。这表明在末次冰期盛期和冰消期,气候干旱寒冷,黄河已经下切形成其河槽,其河漫滩沉积物被强劲的风力吹扬,形成连绵起伏的沙丘。该层之上所覆盖的浊黄橙色古洪水沉积层(OFD2),则反映出在全新世初期9.86~8.28 ka之间,来自于黄河源区流域的大洪水再次进入盆地,在黄河第一湾两岸的古湖底沉积了分选良好的细沙质与粉沙质的泥沙。到了全新世中期后,若尔盖盆地风沙作用依然盛行,黄河河槽深切,第一湾两岸接受沙尘暴沉积。在全新世中期的相对温暖湿润气候条件之下,沙尘暴沉积物被改造为亚高山草甸黑土类土壤,成熟度极高。到了全新世晚期以来,风沙作用与沙尘暴沉积过程持续,沙尘暴沉积物也被改造为亚高山草甸黑土层。本文研究对于深入理解黄河源区末次冰期以来环境变化与地表过程演变,以及晚更新世以来的气候水文变化规律具有重要的科学意义。 相似文献
天山是印度与欧亚板块碰撞过程中,欧亚大陆内重新复活的一条重要的造山带,其拓展过程一直备受关注.南天山西部山前新生代晚期巨厚的砾岩层为构造变形和磁性地层研究带来了困难,限制了该地区新生代晚期造山带拓展过程的研究.本文选取南天山西部山前乌鲁克恰提剖面,对新生代晚期的阿图什组和西域组地层进行详细的描述、测量,并对砾石出露点进行砾石统计.结果显示南天山西部山前乌鲁克恰提地区新生代晚期阿图什组存在3期沉积旋回,第一旋回由冲积扇远端、河流相变为该旋回上部的冲积扇扇中沉积环境.砾石统计结果显示由该旋回中部至上部砾石磨圆度变差、大粒径砾石增多.第二旋回沉积环境以较为平静的湖相及少许河流相开始,变为该旋回上部的冲积扇环境.砾石统计结果也显示出与第一旋回相似的变化特征,即由该旋回中部至上部砾石磨圆度变差、大粒径砾石增多.第三旋回下部为冲积扇远端、冲积扇扇中环境,上部变为扇根环境.砾石统计显示该旋回下部至上部,火成岩和变质岩等不稳定成分增多,磨圆度则呈现棱角状砾石显著增多的趋势,砾石粒径也明显增大.西域组则延续第三旋回的趋势,表现为山前快速堆积砾石沉积,砾石磨圆、分选呈显著变差趋势,粒径持续变大.从阿图什组第一旋回至西域组,砾石的磨圆度呈现变差的趋势,而粒径则表现为明显的增大趋势,这表明晚新生代(5.6Ma以来),褶皱冲断带不断向盆地拓展,物源区距离沉积区越来越近.这些结果表明南天山西部山前新生代晚期(5.6Ma以来)存在3期构造活动,为南天山山前晚新生代的多期拓展提供了证据. 相似文献
晚更新世晚期以来全球气候由末次冰期冰盛期向冰后期转化,受海平面升降和黄河河道迁移的影响,地处海陆交互地带的黄河三角洲义和庄地区沉积特征复杂。利用14个浅层钻孔、沉积物粒度、微体古生物、孢粉、重矿物、14C测年等资料,从地层划分与对比、沉积物特征、沉积演化等方面对该区晚更新世晚期以来的沉积特征进行了综合分析。研究表明,受古地理条件影响,研究区形成海陆交替的地层格局,地层自下而上划分5个单元,即上更新统+垦利组、五号桩组一段、二段、三段及钓口组;沉积演化相应经历5个阶段,包括晚更新世晚期至早全新世早期、早全新世晚期、中全新世、晚全新世早期和晚全新世后期,依次发育河湖相-潮坪相-浅海相-潮坪相-三角洲相。在沉积特征研究的基础上,综合分析地层岩性、深度、虚反射面和低速带等因素,提出了该区油气勘探中地震激发层的选取原则,并据此确定五号桩组一段的潮坪沉积(16~18 m深度)是最佳激发层位,有效指导油田勘探工作。 相似文献
Within the lower part (Upper Eocene-Oligocene) of the epi-Ligurian succession, outcropping in the Emilian side of the northern Apennines (Enza Valley), duplications by thrust tectonics were recognized through the systematic integration of field geology with calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. This thrust system, derived from the overthrusting of two thrust-sheets over a footwall, is unconformably overlain by a Rupelian succession. The thrust structure of the Enza Valley, affected by a subsequent wide overturned syncline together vith the unconformable succession, shows a remarkable Lower Oligocene contractional tectonics, previously not recognized in the northern Apennines.The comparison of this thrust system with other outcropping areas of the epi-Ligurian succession makes probable the wide-spread occurrence of the Lower Oligocene tectonics in the uppermost structural levels of the chain (epi-Ligurian domain).In a regional tectonic framework, the Rupelian thrust tectonics affecting the epi-Ligurian succession can be related to the Lower Oligocene closure of the innermost portion of the Subligurian basin (Aveto-Petrignacola Formation) due to the NE-verging overthrusting of the External Ligurian Units. In this context the unconformable succession of the Enza Valley seems correlable with the basal portion of the Subligurian Eratica Sandstone (Rupelian-Chattian) which unconformably overlies a deformed substratum (Mesoalpine Phase). 相似文献
This paper addresses some specific features of the formation of atmospheric precipitation and soil and ground waters in the Ust’-Selenga depression on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal, where the delta of the Selenga River supplying about 50% of water into the lake has been formed. It was shown that a reducing environment was formed within this region under near-surface conditions in the zone of active water exchange, where waters with high concentrations of organic matter, ammonium, iron, manganese, nitrate, zinc, and cadmium were observed. The high contents of these components in the ground waters of the depression are related to the occurrence of both natural and anthropogenic processes. It was found that the natural hydrogeologic systems of the Ust’-Selenga depression are affected by a negative impact related to the transboundary atmospheric transport of industrial wastes discharged tens to hundreds of kilometers from its boundaries. 相似文献