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华南伊迪卡拉纪宏体生物群的古地理分布及意义*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伊迪卡拉纪(635—542Ma)是前寒武纪全球大规模末次冰期(Marinoan)结束后至寒武纪“生命大爆发”之前一段重要的地质时期,由于受到新元古代气候和环境剧变的影响,真核生物乃至多细胞生物迅速演化、分异,出现显著的适应辐射。中国华南的伊迪卡拉系——震旦系陡山沱组和灯影组及其相当地层代表着这一特殊地史时段的沉积,地层记录完整,岩相环境多样,化石产出丰富,是深入研究伊迪卡拉(震旦)纪(Ediacaran/Sinian)地层划分及全球对比、探讨早期多细胞生物起源和辐射的理想地区之一。其中,扬子台地边缘相地层中出露丰富的宏体化石材料,分异显著,具有较为独特的组合面貌。近年取得的研究成果表明华南宏体化石群中也含有澳洲伊迪卡拉生物群和俄罗斯白海生物群的典型分子。作者总结了前人关于华南伊迪卡拉纪岩相古地理的研究成果;重点展示了近年来开始研究的贵州江口“翁会生物群”、云南“江川生物群”的宏体化石;简要记述了华南伊迪卡拉系中以“庙河生物群”为代表的若干宏体生物群的古地理位置及其宏体化石组合特征,据此提出了华南伊迪卡拉纪丰富多样的宏体生物群基本发育在扬子台地边缘碎屑岩至碳酸盐岩相的过渡带和斜坡带;各生物群宏体化石的组合面貌受沉积微相的制约,存在一定的变化规律。宏体化石记录表明在这一时期,伴随着显著的气候和环境变化,不仅发生了一系列重要的生物演化事件,比如:多细胞藻类和后生动物普遍开始出现多样化发展,为寒武纪生命的演化辐射奠定了生态基础;而且在华南地区已经形成了一个全新的浅海生态系统,以浮游和底栖真核藻类为主的海洋初级生产者大量繁盛,尤其是丰富的多细胞藻类可能成为前寒武纪末期至寒武纪早期主要的生烃植物类群。  相似文献   

A Holocene record of pollen, macrofossils, testate amoebae and peat humification is presented from a small montane bog. Sediment accumulation began before 9000 yr BP, but peat growth not until ca. 7000 BP. From 12 000 to 7000 yr BP, a shrub–grassland dominated under a dry climate, with increasing conifer forest and tall scrub from ca. 9600 yr BP. At 7000 yr BP a dense montane–subalpine low conifer forest established under a moist, cool climatic regime. Between 7000 and 700 yr BP the bog surface was shrubby, tending to be dry but with highly variable surface wetness. The catchment was affected by major fire at least four times between 4000 and 1000 yr BP. Both fire and bog surface wetness may have been linked to ENSO-caused variations in rainfall. Cooler, cloudier winters and disturbance by fire promoted the expansion of the broadleaf tree Nothofagus menziesii between 4000 yr BP and 1300 yr BP at the expense of the previous conifer forest–scrub vegetation. Polynesian fires (ca. 700 yr BP) reduced the vegetation to tussock grassland and bracken. Deforestation did not markedly affect the hydrology of the site. European pastoralism since ad 1860 has increased run-off and rising water tables in the bog have led to a Sphagnum-dominated cover. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in tree-line, mean July temperature (T jul ) and mean annual precipitation (P ann ) for the last 10 200 cal. yr BP are reconstructed on the basis of pollen and plant macrofossils preserved in lake sediments from two sites near the present-day tree-line in Troms, northern Norway. Quantitative climate reconstructions are performed using pollen-climate transfer functions based on WA-PLS regression. Early Holocene Betula pubescens forests were gradually replaced by Pinus sylvestris at Dalmutladdo (355 m a.s.l.) starting about 7000 cal. yr BP. The local presence of pine woodland at that time is supported by finds of stomata and plant macrofossils and by high pollen accumulation rates. Until about 4000 cal. yr BP the P. sylvestris tree-line was 250-300 m higher than today, suggesting T jul about 2.0°C higher than at present. The later part of the Holocene has a cooler and moister climate and an increasing development of mires and fern-rich vegetation, as shown by increases of Sphagnum and fern spores and the re-establishment of B. pubescens woodland. The reconstructed T jul from the two sites shows similar trends to previously published data, with T jul 1-2°C warmer between 9500 cal. yr BP and 2000 cal. yr BP T jul . Maximum T jul values occur between 8500 and 4500 cal. yr BP, after which there is a gradual decrease in T jul .  相似文献   

We present results of mineralogical and crystallochemical studies of the Holocene carbonate sediments of a small saline lake localized in the Borgoi dry-steppe region, western Transbaikalia. Mg-calcites with a varying Mg content are predominant in the assemblage of endogenic carbonate minerals from bottom sediments. Mathematical modeling of the XRD spectra of carbonates permitted us to identify excess-Ca dolomites, which are an indicator of a shallow (playa) lake. The studies showed that the lacustrine Mg-calcites do not form a continuous series from low- to high-Mg varieties. We discuss the cause of this phenomenon and also consider the existing viewpoints of the structure of low-temperature Mg-calcites and excess-Ca dolomites and their formation conditions in lacustrine sediments. Juxtaposing the carbonate record with the data of lithological analysis, determined stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C), and distribution of some geochemical indicators of climatic changes, we reconstructed the intricate evolution of Lake Verkhnee Beloe, which was controlled by the regional climate since the postglacial period till the present day.  相似文献   

A high-resolution record of Holocene deglacial and climate history was obtained from a 77 m sediment core from the Firth of Tay, Antarctic Peninsula, as part of the SHALDRIL initiative. This study provides a detailed sedimentological record of Holocene paleoclimate and glacial advance and retreat from the eastern side of the peninsula. A robust chronostratigraphy was derived from thirty-three radiocarbon dates on carbonate material. This chronostratigraphic framework was used to establish the timing of glacial and climate events derived from multiple proxies including: magnetic susceptibility, electric resistivity, porosity, ice-rafted debris content, organic carbon content, nitrogen content, biogenic silica content, and diatom and foraminiferal assemblages. The core bottomed-out in a stiff diamicton interpreted as till. Gravelly and sandy mud above the till is interpreted as proximal glaciomarine sediment that represents decoupling of the glacier from the seafloor circa 9400 cal. yr BP and its subsequent landward retreat. This was approximately 5000 yr later than in the Bransfield Basin and South Shetland Islands, on the western side of the peninsula. The Firth of Tay core site remained in a proximal glaciomarine setting until 8300 cal. yr BP, at which time significant glacial retreat took place. Deposition of diatomaceous glaciomarine sediments after 8300 cal. yr BP indicates that an ice shelf has not existed in the area since this time.The onset of seasonally open marine conditions between 7800 and 6000 cal. yr BP followed the deglacial period and is interpreted as the mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum. Open marine conditions lasted until present, with a minor cooling having occurred between 6000 and 4500 cal. yr BP and a period of minor glacial retreat and/or decreased sea ice coverage between 4500 and 3500 cal. yr BP. Finally, climatic cooling and variable sea ice cover occurred from 3500 cal. yr BP to near present and it is interpreted as being part of the Neoglacial. The onset of the Neoglacial appears to have occurred earlier in the Firth of Tay than on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula. The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age were not pronounced in the Firth of Tay. The breadth and synchroneity of the rapid regional warming and glacial retreat observed in the Antarctic Peninsula during the last century appear to be unprecedented during the Holocene epoch.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossil remains have been analysed from two raised peat bogs in northern Germany and Denmark. The quantified vegetation reconstructions of each profile were subjected to multivariate analyses to extract records of changing bog surface wetness (BSW), which are interpreted in these rain-fed bogs as being proxy climate signals. Age/depth models were constructed using radiocarbon dates and a number of drier and wetter phases were defined. The records both register cooler/wetter conditions around 2700, 1800 and 1400 cal. yr BP, and at the beginning of the Little Ice Age around AD 1250–1350. These rising bog water tables must have been reflected in poorer conditions for agriculture, and in particular near Dosenmoor where the profile records a catastrophic change to such conditions culminating at 2750–2600 cal. yr BP.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of past environmental changes are critical for understanding the natural variability of Earth's climate system and for providing a context for present and future global change. Radiocarbon-dated lake sediments from Lake CF3, northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, are used to reconstruct past environmental conditions over the last 11,200 years. Numerous proxies, including chironomid-inferred July air temperatures, diatom-inferred lakewater pH, and sediment organic matter, reveal a pronounced Holocene thermal maximum as much as 5°C warmer than historic summer temperatures from 10,000 to 8500 cal yr B.P. Following rapid cooling 8500 cal yr B.P., Lake CF3 proxies indicate cooling through the late Holocene. At many sites in northeastern Canada, the Holocene thermal maximum occurred later than at Lake CF3; this late onset of Holocene warmth is generally attributed to the impacts of the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet on early Holocene temperatures in northeastern Canada. However, the lacustrine proxies in Lake CF3 apparently responded to insolation-driven warmth, despite the proximity of Lake CF3 to the Laurentide Ice Sheet and its meltwater. The magnitude and timing of the Holocene thermal maximum at Lake CF3 indicate that temperatures and environmental conditions at this site are highly sensitive to changes in radiative forcing.  相似文献   

The early–middle Holocene lacustrine succession of Corvara in Badia (Italian Dolomites, 1521 m a.s.l.) records landslides and other watershed events before the onset of human pressure. The sensitivity of this archive to relate climate change, watershed processes and vegetation dynamics in the catchment has been explored through a stratigraphic study, including the analysis of sedimentological features, magnetic properties, palaeobotanical records and radiocarbon dating. A palaeolake existed between 10.1 k and 7 k cal. yr BP and was surrounded by a dense conifer forest. Long‐term forest dynamics driven by ecological processes and by climatic conditions favourable to upward forest expansion is recorded throughout the pollen record. Within the fine clastic sedimentation, distinct layers enriched in organic debris of terrestrial origin have been attributed to instant events produced by mass movements. Their age fits the chronology of large landslide events already known in the catchment, enabling correlation of the field evidence of landslides with the lacustrine record. Landslide frequency is controlled by geological and structural factors, but it is significantly modulated by the centennial–millennial climatic phases that characterise the Holocene in the Alps. The taphonomical properties of pollen and macroremains provided valuable insight on the mechanism of watershed processes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paucity of low- and middle-elevation paleoecologic records in the Northern Rocky Mountains limits our ability to assess current environmental change in light of past conditions. A 10,500-yr-long vegetation, fire and climate history from Lower Decker Lake in the Sawtooth Range provides information from a new region. Initial forests dominated by pine and Douglas-fir were replaced by open Douglas-fir forest at 8420 cal yr BP, marking the onset of warmer conditions than present. Presence of closed Douglas-fir forest between 6000 and 2650 cal yr BP suggests heightened summer drought in the middle Holocene. Closed lodgepole pine forest developed at 2650 cal yr BP and fires became more frequent after 1450 cal yr BP. This shift from Douglas-fir to lodgepole pine forest was probably facilitated by a combination of cooler summers, cold winters, and more severe fires than before. Five drought episodes, including those at 8200 cal yr BP and during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, were registered by brief intervals of lodgepole pine decline, an increase in fire activity, and mistletoe infestation. The importance of a Holocene perspective when assessing the historical range of variability is illustrated by the striking difference between the modern forest and that which existed 3000 yr ago.  相似文献   

A vibrocore from the sea floor of the southern North Sea provides a ~1,500-year record of early Holocene vegetation history and mire development in a landscape now 33 m below sea-level. Pollen, plant macrofossil and geochemical analyses of an AMS 14C dated sand–peat–marine mud sequence document the paludification on Pleistocene sands ~10,700 cal BP, the subsequent development of eutraphentic carr vegetation and the gradual inundation by the transgressing sea ~9,350 cal BP. PinusCorylus woodland prevailed on terrestrial grounds after hazel had immigrated ~10,700 cal BP. Salix dominated the carr vegetation throughout 1,300 years of peat formation, because Alnus did not spread in the Borkum Riffgrund area until 9,300 BP. Brackish reed vegetation with Phragmites established after inundation and siliciclastic marine sediments were being deposited. This article also examines the detection and suitability of key horizons indicative of marine influence. XRF-Scanning provides the most detailed results in the briefest possible time to pinpoint spectra best suitable for AMS 14C dating of classical key horizons such as start of peat formation and transgressive contact. The combined application of botanical and geochemical methods allows determining new key horizons indicative of marine influence, namely the earliest marine inundation and the onset of sea-level influence on coastal ground water level.  相似文献   

Core SG120 recovered 3.65 m of Quaternary sediment from a northern, shallow-water environment of Spencer Gulf, a marine embayment into the southern continental margin of Australia. Previous investigations had revealed that the upper interval 0 – 148 cm is Holocene marine bioclastic sediment, and that the lower Late Pleistocene interval 250 – 365 cm, with its carbonate palaeosol, had a similar marine origin. However, the age and origin of the interval 148 – 250 cm remained subject to ambiguous interpretation. Re-examination of core SG120, employing detailed foraminiferal analysis, has revealed that this middle unit records the earliest sedimentation associated with the postglacial marine transgression into the northern gulf. These basal Holocene sediments, which incorporated broken, corroded and carbonate-encrusted tests from the underlying palaeosol, together with tests of more pristine appearance, were deposited in a shallow-water, seagrass sandflat environment similar to those in coastal settings of the modern gulf. The lithological change at 148 cm has therefore been reinterpreted as a facies change related to increasing water depth. Radiocarbon analyses of fossil molluscs support this interpretation and reveal that marine transgression, at the site of SG120, was initiated prior to 8600 y cal BP. Selected species of foraminifers (Nubecularia lucifuga, Massilina milletti, Peneroplis planatus, Discorbis dimidiatus, Elphidium crispum and E. macelliforme) together reveal a consistent record of the final stages of the transgression with maximum water depth indicated at a core depth of 90 cm. Subsequent regression, which has been attributed to the combined effects of hydroisostatic uplift and sediment aggradation, is equally recorded by the foraminiferal assemblages.  相似文献   

A lacustrine record from a small lake, Lille Sneha Sø, in the Skallingen area indicates that the region was deglaciated in the early Holocene, prior to 8000 cal. a BP. Deglaciation was probably triggered by high temperatures, but it took more than 1000 years for the lake and the catchment to stabilize. Chironomids were amongst the first invertebrates to colonize the lake. The fossil chironomid assemblage is fairly rich and comparable to other records from further south in Greenland. The pioneer vegetation in the area consisted of mosses and herbaceous plants. The oldest remains of woody plants (Salix arctica) are dated to c. 7700 cal. a BP, and remains of Dryas integrifolia appear at around 6700 cal. a BP; these are the only woody plants recorded. Maximum concentrations of chironomids, maximum occurrence of ephippia of the water flea Daphnia pulex, highest organic matter contents and lowest minerogenic input from c. 7700 to 4400 cal. a BP probably reflect the Holocene thermal maximum (HTM). The highest temperatures during the HTM are indicated around 7000 cal. a BP, when Salix arctica, which is considered a warmth‐loving plant, had a maximum. Comparisons with Holocene records from East and North Greenland show similar immigration histories and similar trends, with the Little Ice Age as the coldest period during the Holocene, culminating about 150 years ago. Subsequent warming does not indicate environmental conditions comparable to the HTM yet at this stage. The occurrence of several warmth‐demanding species particularly in the early Holocene sediments indicates redeposition and implies that temperatures in the past, most likely during an interglacial period, were significantly higher than during the HTM.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis from a peat-bog sequence located at 50° 24′ S, 72° 42′ W in the Subantarctic forest – Patagonian steppe ecotone gives information about vegetation and climate changes in Southwestern Patagonia since the glacier retreat. After 11 000 cal yr BP a change from grass steppe to open Nothofagus forest indicates that climatic conditions became rapidly warmer. Development of a closed Nothofagus forest between 5800 and 3200 cal yr BP is interpreted as precipitation increase. During the late Holocene colder climate conditions prevail in response to Neoglacial events. After ca 3000 cal yr BP Nothofagus forest became opener, and after 800 cal yr BP grass steppe expanded. Changes in the forest-steppe ecotone composition as well as the ecotone longitudinal shifts suggest changes in temperature and precipitation. Present-day mean annual precipitation between 300 and 400 mm is associated with grass steppe, and 500–600 mm with a greater forest representation. During the last century, low presence of forest in the area may be related to European settlement and repeated flooding caused by periodic advances of Perito Moreno glacier.  相似文献   

Bohncke, Sjoerd, Vandenberghe, Jef, Coope, Russell & Reiling, Rudo 1987 03 01: Geomorphology and palaeoecology of the Mark valley (southern Netherlands): palaeoecology, palaeohydrology and climate during the Weichselian Late Glacial. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 69–85. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
A backswamp peat, located on an Upper Pleniglacial terrace, has been analysed in detail with respect to its pollen content, its macroscopic plant remains and its fossil insect fauna. The analyses permitted a detailed reconstruction of the Late Glacial palaeoenvironment besides an estimation of fluctuations in the local humidity and fluctuations in the palaeotemperatures. The main boundaries in the sequence have been radiocarbon dated, indicating a peat accumulation from c .12,600 B.P. to 10,970 B.P. The Bölling s.l . shows a clear migration of vegetation belts, starting with a shrub vegetation and passing into a birch wood. This progressive vegetation development culminates in a short lasting Pinus maximum early in the Alleröd, without being hampered by events during the Older Dryas. Up to and including the Alleröd no serious climate deterioration is registered. The humidity curve reveals a semiterrestrial phase in the local hydrosere that correlates with the Older Dryas and that is explained by the geomorphological evolution of the adjacent river system. The transition to the Younger Dryas coincides with a return to fluvial conditions and a marked change in the pollen record and insect fauna, indicating a decline in the average July temperature from between 18 and 15°C to 11 and 10°C.  相似文献   

The Qarun Lake in the Faiyum Oasis (Egypt) provides a unique record of Holocene environmental and climate change in an arid area largely devoid of fossil proxy records. Multiple lithological, palaeontological and geochemical proxies and 32 radiocarbon dates from the 26‐m‐long core FA‐1 provide a time series of the lake's transformation. Our results confirm that a permanent lake appeared in the Holocene at c. 10 cal. ka BP. The finely laminated lake sediments consist of diatomite, in which diatoms and ostracods together with lower concentrations of ions indicate a freshwater environment at the end of the early and middle Holocene. This freshwater supply was closely associated with regular inflows of the Nile water during flood seasons, when the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrated northwards in Africa, although it has probably never reached the Faiyum Oasis. Local rainfall, possibly connected with a northern atmospheric circulation, may have been important during winter. Several phases in the lake's evolution are recognized, represented by oscillations between deep open freshwater conditions during more humid climate and shallow fresh to brackish water during drier episodes. After a long freshwater phase, the lake setting has become more brackish since c. 6.2 cal. ka BP as indicated by diatoms and increasing contents of evaporite ions in the sediment. This clearly shows that since that time the lake has occasionally become partly desiccated. This is a result of reduced discharge of the Nile. In the late Holocene the lake was mostly brackish and then gradually turned into a saline lake. This natural process was interrupted about 2.3 cal. ka BP when a man‐made canal facilitated water inflow from the Nile. The examined FA‐1 core can be used as a reference age model of climate change in the Holocene and its impact on the development and decline of ancient civilizations in northeastern Africa.  相似文献   

Palynological analysis of sub surface samples at 1.20 m deep sediment profile from Srinagar, southwest Tripura, provides information on vegetation and climate during 7000–3000 years B.P. During this time span, the area is occupied by moist deciduous forest under warm humid climate with intermittent changes in precipitation regime i.e., comparatively less humid around 6.8 Kyr B.P. and 3.7–3.8 Kyr B.P.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):479-493
Evidence from glacier forefields and lakes is used to reconstruct Holocene glacier fluctuations in the Spearhead and Fitzsimmons ranges in southwest British Columbia. Radiocarbon ages on detrital wood and trees killed by advancing ice and changes in sediment delivery to downstream proglacial lakes indicate that glaciers expanded from minimum extents in the early Holocene to their maximum extents about two to three centuries ago during the Little Ice Age. The data indicate that glaciers advanced 8630–8020, 6950–6750, 3580–2990, and probably 4530–4090 cal yr BP, and repeatedly during the past millennium. Little Ice Age moraines dated using dendrochronology and lichenometry date to early in the 18th century and in the 1830s and 1890s. Limitations inherent in lacustrine and terrestrial-based methods of documenting Holocene glacier fluctuations are minimized by using the two records together.  相似文献   

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