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Although a great amount of information is available on bacteria inhabiting deep-sea sediments, the occurrence of fungi in this environment has been poorly studied and documented. We report here the occurrence of fungi in deep-sea sediments from ∼5000 m depth in the Central Indian Basin (9–16°S and 73–76°E). A total of 181 cultures of fungi, most of which belong to terrestrial sporulating species, were isolated by a variety of isolation techniques. Species of Aspergillus and non-sporulating fungi were the most common. Several yeasts were also isolated. Maximum species diversity was observed in 0–2 cm sections of the sediment cores. Direct staining of the sediments with Calcofluor, a fluorescent optical brightener, revealed the presence of fungal hyphae in the sediments. Immunofluorescence using polyclonal antibodies raised against a deep-sea isolate of Aspergillus terreus (# A 4634) confirmed its presence in the form of hyphae in the sub-section from which it was isolated. A total of 25 representative species of fungi produced substantial biomass at 200 bar pressure at 30° as well as at 5 °C. Many fungi showed abnormal morphology at 200 bar/5 °C. A comparison of terrestrial isolates with several deep-sea isolates indicated that the former could grow at 200 bar pressure when growth was initiated with mycelial inocula. However, spores of a deep-sea isolate A. terreus (# A 4634), but not the terrestrial ones, showed germination at 200 bar pressure and 30 °C. Our results suggest that terrestrial species of fungi transported to the deep sea are initially stressed but may gradually adapt themselves for growth under these conditions.  相似文献   

In order to study temporal variations of the genetic material in the continental shelf and deep-sea sediments of the extremely oligotrophic Cretan Sea, samples were collected on seasonal basis from August 1994 to September 1995, with a multiple corer, at seven stations (from 40 to 1540 m depth). Surface sediments (0–1 cm) were sub-sampled and analyzed for nucleic acid content (DNA, RNA) and bacterial density. DNA concentrations in the sediments were high (on annual average, 25.0 μg g-1) and declined with increasing water depth, ranging from 3.5 to 55.2 μg g-1. DNA concentrations displayed wide temporal changes also at bathyal depths confirming the recent view of the large variability of the deep-sea environments. Also RNA concentrations decreased with increasing water depth (range: 0.4–29.9 μg g-1). The ratio of RNA to DNA did not show a clear spatial pattern but was characterized by significant changes between sampling periods. DNA concentrations were significantly correlated with protein and phytopigment concentrations in the sediment, indicating a possible relationship with the inputs of primary organic matter from the photic layer. Bacterial densities were generally high (range: 0.9–4.6×108 cells g-1) compared to other deep-sea environments and decreased with increasing water depth. Estimates of the bacterial contribution to the sedimentary genetic material indicated that bacterial-DNA accounted, on annual average, for a small fraction of the total DNA pool (4.3%) but that bacterial-RNA represented a significant fraction of the total sedimentary RNA (26%). Bacterial contribution to nucleic acids increased, even though irregularly, with increasing depth. In deep-sea sediments, changes in RNA concentrations appear to be largely dependent upon bacterial dynamics. Estimates of the overall living contribution to the DNA pools (i.e. microbial plus meiofaunal DNA) indicated that the large majority (about 90%) of the DNA in continental and deep-sea sediments of the eastern Mediterranean was detrital. The non-living DNA pools reach extremely high concentrations up to 0.41 g DNA m-2 cm-1. Thus, especially in deep benthic habitats, characterized by low inputs of labile organic compounds, detrital DNA could represent a suitable and high quality food source or a significant reservoir of nucleic acid precursors for benthic metabolism.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates were collected from methane seeps at Hydrate Hole at 3113 m water depth and Diapir Field at 2417 m water depth on the northern Congo deep-sea fan during RV Meteor cruise M56. The carbonate samples analyzed here are nodules, mainly composed of aragonite and high-Mg calcite. Abundant putative microbial carbonate rods and associated pyrite framboids were recognized within the carbonate matrix. The δ13C values of the Hydrate Hole carbonates range from ?62.5‰ to ?46.3‰ PDB, while the δ13C values of the Diapir Field carbonate are somewhat higher, ranging from ?40.7‰ to ?30.7‰ PDB, indicating that methane is the predominant carbon source at both locations. Relative enrichment of 18O (δ18O values as high as 5.2‰ PDB) are probably related to localized destabilization of gas hydrate. The total content of rare earth elements (REE) of 5% HNO3-treated solutions derived from carbonate samples varies from 1.6 ppm to 42.5 ppm. The shale-normalized REE patterns all display positive Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* > 1.3), revealing that the carbonates precipitated under anoxic conditions. A sample from Hydrate Hole shows a concentric lamination, corresponding to fluctuations in δ13C values as well as trace elements contents. These fluctuations are presumed to reflect changes of seepage flux.  相似文献   

It is essential to maximize the information that can be gathered in deep-sea studies by thoroughly assessing sample processing methods. Nematodes are commonly used for the study and monitoring of deep-sea floor habitats, but the potential effects of different methods on the quantification of community attributes remain to be quantified. Here, we consider key methodological elements by comparing the effect of sediment depth and mesh size (63, 45, and 32 μm) on: (1) estimates of nematode community attributes, and (2) the sampling effort required to detect changes in these attributes at a bathyal site on the Chatham Rise, south-west Pacific Ocean. The 63 μm mesh retained most (95%) of the nematode biomass but a lower proportion (53–71%) of the nematode abundance. Retention efficiency of common species on this mesh ranged from 12 (Hapalomus sp.) to >88% (Comesomatidae spp.). The 63 μm mesh yielded significantly lower diversity estimates than the finer meshes, and failed to detect differences in community structure observed using the 45 and 32 μm mesh sizes. Sediment depth had a substantial effect on all measured community attributes, highlighting the importance of sufficient core penetration into the sediment (≥5 cm) for adequately characterizing nematode distribution. Power analysis showed that using a 32 μm mesh and deepest core penetration led to relatively few (3–8) samples being required to detect significant changes in nematode diversity indices relative to coarser mesh sizes. Characterization of nematode diversity and community structure using appropriate and robust methods of sampling is suggested as a sensitive and efficient tool for the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on deep-sea ecosystems.  相似文献   

Surface effect ship (SES) air cushion and seal models are implemented in an URANS hydrodynamics solver. The air cushion is modeled either as a prescribed pressure patch, or as a compressible isothermal/adiabatic ideal stagnant air with fan and leakage flows. The seals are either discretized as hinged bodies or modeled as 2D planing surfaces with hydrodynamic interaction. Verification and validation studies are performed using T-Craft experimental data for calm water resistance, sinkage and trim at Froude number (Fr) = 0.1–0.6; impulsive heave and pitch decay at Fr = 0; and wave-induced resistance and motion predictions in head waves at Fr = 0 and 0.6. The compressible air cushion model with fan and leakage flows perform better than those without the fan and leakage flows and the prescribed pressure patch model. The hinged seal model performs better than the 2D planing surface model, but is computationally expensive for time accurate simulations. Therefore, the 2D planing surface model is used for the validation studies. SES simulations on grids with 5.3 M cells show grid verification intervals of 6%, which are comparable to those reported for displacement and semi-planing hull studies on similar grid sizes. On an average calm water and impulsive motion predictions compare within 8.5% of the experimental data, and wave-induced motion predictions show somewhat larger error of 13.5%. The errors levels are mostly comparable to those for displacement and semi-planing and planing hulls. The study identifies that most critical advancement needed for SES simulations is the seal modeling including fluid structure interaction.  相似文献   

The influence of mesoscale physical and trophic variables on deep-sea megafauna, a scale of variation often neglected in deep-sea studies, is crucial for understanding their role in the ecosystem. Drivers of megafaunal assemblage composition and biomass distribution have been investigated in two contrasting areas of the Balearic basin in the NW Mediterranean: on the mainland slope (Catalonian coasts) and on the insular slope (North of Mallorca, Balearic Islands). An experimental bottom trawl survey was carried out during summer 2010, at stations in both sub-areas located between 450 and 2200 m water depth. Environmental data were collected simultaneously: near-bottom physical parameters, and the elemental and isotopic composition of sediments. Initially, data were analysed along the whole depth gradient, and then assemblages from the two areas were compared. Analysis of the trawls showed the existence of one group associated with the upper slope (US=450–690 m), another with the middle slope (MS=1000–1300 m) and a third with the lower slope (LS=1400–2200 m). Also, significant differences in the assemblage composition were found between mainland and insular slopes at MS. Dominance by different species was evident when the two areas were compared by SIMPER analysis. The greatest fish biomass was recorded in both areas at 1000–1300 m, a zone linked to minimum temperature and maximum O2 concentration on the bottom. Near the mainland, fish assemblages were best explained (43% of total variance, DISTLM analysis) by prey availability (gelatinous zooplankton biomass). On the insular slope, trophic webs seemed less complex and were based on vertical input of surface primary production. Decapods, which reached their highest biomass values on the upper slope, were correlated with salinity and temperature in both the areas. However, while hydrographic conditions (temperature and salinity) seemed to be the most important variables over the insular slope, resource availability (gelatinous zooplankton and Calocaris macandreae) predominated and explained 59% of decapod assemblage variation over the mainland slope. Both fish and decapods were linked to net primary production recorded over the mainland 3 months before sampling, while the delay between the input of food from the surface and fish abundance was only 1 month on the insular slope. Our results suggest that trophic relationships over insular slopes probably involve a shorter food chain than over mainland slopes and one that is likely more efficient in terms of energy transfer.  相似文献   

Sunken parcels of macroalgae and wood provide important oases of organic enrichment at the deep-sea floor, yet sediment community structure and succession around these habitat islands are poorly evaluated. We experimentally implanted 100-kg kelp falls and 200 kg wood falls at 1670 m depth in the Santa Cruz Basin to investigate (1) macrofaunal succession and (2) species overlap with nearby whale-fall and cold-seep communities over time scales of 0.25–5.5 yr. The abundance of infaunal macrobenthos was highly elevated after 0.25 and 0.5 yr near kelp parcels with decreased macrofaunal diversity and evenness within 0.5 m of the falls. Apparently opportunistic species (e.g., two new species of cumaceans) and sulfide tolerant microbial grazers (dorvilleid polychaetes) abounded after 0.25–0.5 yr. At wood falls, opportunistic cumaceans become abundant after 0.5 yr, but sulfide tolerant species only became abundant after 1.8–5.5 yr, in accordance with the much slower buildup of porewater sulfides at wood parcels compared with kelp falls. Species diversity decreased significantly over time in sediments adjacent to the wood parcels, most likely due to stress resulting from intense organic loading of nearby sediments (up to 20–30% organic carbon). Dorvilleid and ampharetid polychaetes were among the top-ranked fauna at wood parcels after 3.0–5.5 yr. Sediments around kelp and wood parcels provided low-intensity reducing conditions that sustain a limited chemoautrotrophically-based fauna. As a result, macrobenthic species overlap among kelp, wood, and other chemosynthetic habitats in the deep NE Pacific are primarily restricted to apparently sulfide tolerant species such as dorvilleid polychaetes, opportunistic cumaceans, and juvenile stages of chemosymbiont containing vesicomyid bivalves. We conclude that organically enriched sediments around wood falls may provide important habitat islands for the persistence and evolution of species dependent on organic- and sulfide-rich conditions at the deep-sea floor and contribute to β and γ diversity in deep-sea ecosystems.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the deep-sea octopus Pteroctopus tetracirrhus was studied from monthly samples obtained throughout the year in different areas of the western Mediterranean (mainly around the Balearic Islands and along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula). A total of 373 individuals (205 females, 168 males) were analyzed; females ranged from 4.5 to 14.0 cm mantle length (ML) and males from 4.5 to 11.5 cm ML. There were few small-sized octopuses (<7 cm ML) in the samples, which might indicate that these individuals inhabit rocky grounds that are not accessible to trawlers or waters deeper than the maximum depth sampled (800 m). The species occurred more frequently around the Balearic Islands than along the Iberian Peninsula as they appeared in 20% and 7%, respectively, of the hauls in these areas. The octopus inhabits the lower continental shelf and upper slope in both areas, primarily between 200 and 500 m depth. Modal lengths were followed from autumn, when recruits were caught by trawlers, to summer, when reproduction took place. Females grew from 8 to 10 cm ML from winter to spring, but this modal size did not increase further in summer; males grew from 7 to 9 cm ML from winter to spring. The total disappearance of large individuals after summer suggests a life cycle lasting a single year. The evolution of the monthly mean sizes showed that the growth was best described by log-linear functions in both sexes. The length at first maturity was clearly higher in females (12 cm ML) than in males (8 cm ML). A total of 30 different prey items, belonging to four major taxonomic groups (crustaceans, osteichthyes, cephalopods and gastropods), were identified in the stomach contents. The diet of the octopus was based on crustaceans and teleosts, which accounted for 75% and 23% of the prey items, respectively. Cephalopods and gastropods were accessory prey as they only represented 1.6% and 0.7%, respectively, of the total. The octopus showed a marked preference for the benthic fish Symphurus nigrescens and the endobenthic crustacean Alpheus glaber. The bathymetric distribution of P. tetracirrhus coincides with those of these two main prey, which suggests that the distribution of the octopus might be strongly linked to its trophic resources.  相似文献   

Little is known about the types and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) existing in the deep-sea subsurface environment, which is believed to be cold, oligothrophic and of high static pressure. PAHs in the upper layers of the water column are unavoidably subjected to degradation while they are deposited to the sea floor and become embedded in the deep-sea sediment. In this report, a high concentration of PAHs was discovered in the sediment 2.7 m beneath the bottom surface at a water depth of 3962 m on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The total concentration of PAHs was 445 ng (g dry wt sediment)-1. Among the seven detected PAHs, the concentrations of phenanthrene (222 ng g-1) and fluorene (79 ng g-1) were relatively high. In addition, PAH-degrading bacteria were found within the sediments. As in a previously detected site on the MAR, in the PAH-enriched region of this site, a bacterium of the genus Cycloclasticus was found to be the predominant isolate detected by PCR-DGGE analysis. In addition, bacteria of the Halomonas, Marinobacter, Alcanivorax, Thalassospira and Maricaulis genera, were also included in the PAH-degrading community. In summary, a high concentration of PAHs was detected in the subsurface of the deep-sea sediment, and once again, the Cycloclasticus bacterium was confirmed to be a ubiquitous marine PAH degrader even in the subsurface marine environment. Considering the abundance of PAHs therein, biodegradation is thus thought to be inactive, probably because of the low temperature, limited oxygen and/or limited nutrients.  相似文献   

Recent constructions of the global nitrogen budget estimate that at least half of the ocean's fixed nitrogen is lost by sedimentary denitrification, the majority of which occurs in continental shelves. The Arctic contains approximately 20% of the world's continental shelf, suggesting it is a substantial contributor to the global sedimentary denitrification rate. During two cruises in the summer and spring of 2002 and 2004, respectively, denitrification rates were calculated from the downward diffusive flux of nitrate in the shelf and slope sediments of the Chukchi Sea in the western Arctic. Additionally, in the spring of 2004, denitrification rates were determined by whole-core incubations in which the flux of nitrogen gas out of the sediments was measured. Measurements were made along three transects crossing the shelf and slope (50–3000 m), each transect having different overlying water characteristics. Denitrification rates generally decreased with increasing water depth: rates varied from about 1.6 mmol N m−2 d−1 for the shallow-water sediments to undetectable in deep-water sediments. Rates showed little variation between the two seasons. However, rates were found to correspond with differences in annual overlying primary productivities and particulate organic carbon export fluxes. An extrapolation to the whole Arctic yielded an average Arctic sedimentary denitrification rate of 13 Tg N yr−1. Taken in the context of the global nitrogen budget, it is about 4–13% of the total sink of fixed nitrogen in the ocean.  相似文献   

Organic carbon fluxes through the sediment/water interface in the high-latitude North Atlantic were calculated from oxygen microprofiles. A wire-operated in situ oxygen bottom profiler was deployed, and oxygen profiles were also measured onboard (ex situ). Diffusive oxygen fluxes, obtained by fitting exponential functions to the oxygen profiles, were translated into organic carbon fluxes and organic carbon degradation rates. The mean Corg input to the abyssal plain sediments of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas was found to be 1.9 mg C m−2 d−1. Typical values at the seasonally ice-covered East Greenland continental margin are between 1.3 and 10.9 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 3.7 mg C m−2 d−1), whereas fluxes on the East Greenland shelf are considerably higher, 9.1–22.5 mg C m−2 d−1. On the Norwegian continental slope Corg fluxes of 3.3–13.9 mg C m−2 d−1 (mean 6.5 mg C m−2 d−1) were found. Fluxes are considerably higher here compared to stations on the East Greenland slope at similar water depths. By repeated occupation of three sites off southern Norway in 1997 the temporal variability of diffusive O2 fluxes was found to be quite low. The seasonal signal of primary and export production from the upper water column appears to be strongly damped at the seafloor. Degradation rates of 0.004–1.1 mg C cm−3 a−1 at the sediment surface were calculated from the oxygen profiles. First-order degradation constants, obtained from Corg degradation rates and sediment organic carbon content, are in the range 0.03–0.6 a−1. Thus, the corresponding mean lifetime of organic carbon lies between 1.7 and 33.2 years, which also suggests that seasonal variations in Corg flux are small. The data presented here characterize the Norwegian and Greenland Seas as oligotrophic and relatively low organic carbon deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

Investigation of the bottom slope effects on the nonlinear transformation of irregular waves, which are generated based on JONSWAP spectra, is carried out in a physical wave flume with three slopes (β = 1/15, 1/30, 1/45). The slope effects on the estimation of representative wave height are examined first. To obtain a better estimation of wave height, the slope effect should be considered when slope is larger than 1/30. The nonlinear parameters (bicoherence, skewness and asymmetry) are estimated by using the wavelet-based bispectrum, and the empirical formulae regarding these nonlinear parameters as a function of the local Ursell number are derived based on the present data measured on each slope. The results indicate that the slopes have a negligible effect on the variations of the skewness. The fitted coefficients of the formulae for the other parameters on slope β = 1/15 are clearly different from the results on the slopes β = 1/30 and 1/45, indicating that slope influence on the parameterization cannot be ignored when β > 1/30. Hence, new formulae considering the slope effect are presented. Furthermore, the empirical formulae for the data in surf zone are recommended.  相似文献   

As part of the multidisciplinary programme BIOZAIRE devoted to studying deep-sea benthic ecosystems in the Gulf of Guinea, particulate input and its relationship with near-bottom hydrodynamics were monitored using long-term moorings from 2000 to early 2005. Particular attention was given to material input through the Congo (ex-Zaïre) submarine channel that extends 760 km from the Congo River mouth to the abyssal plain (>5100 m) near 6°S. Due to its direct connection to the Congo River, the Congo canyon and channel system are characterised by particularly active recent sediment transport. During this first in situ long-term monitoring along the channel, an energetic turbidity event was observed in January 2004 at three locations along the channel from 3420 to 4790 m in depth. This event tilted and displaced the moorings installed at 3420 m (site ZR′) and 4070 m (site ZD′), and resulted in high sediment deposition at all three mooring sites. The event moved at an average velocity of 3.5 m s−1 along the numerous channel meanders between 3420 and 4070 m, then at 0.7 m s−1 between 4070 m and the end of the channel at 4790 m. The particle cloud rose above the top of the valley at 4070 m (site ZD′), but not at 3420 m (site ZR′) where the channel was too deep. Lastly, the mooring line broke at site ZD′ in October 2004 probably due to a strong event like that of 2001 previously described by Khripounoff et al. [Khripounoff, A., Vangriesheim, A., Babonneau, N., Crassous, P., Denniellou, B., Savoye, B., 2003. Direct observation of intense turbidity activity in the Zaire submarine valley at 4000 m water depth. Marine Geology (194), 151–158]. Between these strong events, several peaks of high turbidity and particle flux occurred, but without noticeable current increases. These events were probably due to local sliding of sediment accumulated on the walls or terraces on the side of the channel. The area near 4000 m depth and the lobe appear to be the main depocentres of particulate input rich in organic matter derived from the Congo River.  相似文献   

We describe the performance of an inexpensive but highly sensitive light backscattering sensor (LBSS) suitable for use in deep-sea waters, where particle concentrations are typically <∼0.1 mg/l. Laboratory calibrations using aluminosilicate particles and latex spheres show that the concentration-normalized backscattering of the LBSS, Kbs, is greatest for particles with a diameter close to the wavelength of light emitted by the LBSS (0.88 μm), declining by more than a factor of five for particles <0.1 μm or >10 μm. Field studies indicate that in hydrothermal plumes dominated by fine-grained metal precipitates the 95% confidence interval for predicting mass concentration with an LBSS ranges from ±0.004 mg/l for 0.03 mg/l suspensions to ±0.008 mg/l at 0.12 mg/l. Comparisons among a group of 19 LBSSs found between-instrument variability to reach 70%, but normalizing the raw data using a laboratory calibration procedure reduced the maximum variability to ∼8%.  相似文献   

Beyond the shelf break at ca. 150 m water depth, sulfate reduction is the only important process of organic matter oxidation in Black Sea sediments from the surface down to the sulfate–methane transition at 2–4 m depth. Sulfate reduction rates were measured experimentally with 35SO42−, and the rates were compared with results of two diffusion-reaction models. The results showed that, even in these non-bioirrigated sediments without sulfide reoxidation, modeling strongly underestimated the high reduction rates near the sediment surface. A hybrid modeling approach, in which experimentally measured rates in the upper sediment layers force a model that includes also the deeper layers, probably provides the most realistic estimate of sulfate reduction rates. Areal rates of sulfate reduction were 0.65–1.43 mmol SO42− m−2 d−1, highest in sediments just below the chemocline. Anaerobic methane oxidation accounted for 7–11% of the total sulfate reduction in slope and deep-sea sediments. Although this methane-driven sulfate reduction shaped the entire sulfate gradient, it was only equivalent to the sulfate reduction in the uppermost 1.5 cm of surface sediment. Methane oxidation was complete, yet the process was very sluggish with turnover times of methane within the sulfate–methane transition zone of 20 yr or more.  相似文献   

Estimates of macrofaunal secondary production and normalized biomass size-spectra (NBSS) were constructed for macrobenthic communities associated with the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in four areas of the continental margin off Chile. The presence of low oxygen conditions in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile was shown to have important effects on the size structure and secondary production of the benthic communities living in this ecosystem. The distribution of normalized biomass by size was linear (log2–log2 scale) at all stations. The slope of the NBSS ranged from −0.481 to −0.908. There were significant differences between the slopes of the NBS-spectra from the stations located in the OMZ (slope = −0.837) and those located outside the OMZ (slope = −0.463) (p < 0.05). The results of this study suggest that low oxygen conditions (<0.5 ml L−1) appear to influence biomass size-spectra, because small organisms are better able to satisfy their metabolic demands. The annual secondary production was higher off central Chile (6.8 g C m−2 y−1) than off northern Chile (2.02 g C m−2 y−1) and off southern Chile (0.83 g C m−2 y−1). A comparison with other studies suggests that secondary production in terms of carbon equivalents was higher than in other upwelling regions.  相似文献   

Video analysis of a whale-fall discovered in the northeast Pacific Ocean, off Vancouver Island at a depth of 1288 m during ROV diving operations has identified 26 taxa of deep-sea benthic organisms inhabiting the seafloor immediately surrounding remnants of the whale skeleton. A photo-mosaic derived from high-definition video provides a quantitative visual record of the present condition of the site, the species richness, and substrate preference. Only the skull and caudal vertebrae remains of this large whale skeleton are estimated to have been approximately 16.5 m in length. Most organisms identified near the whale-fall are common benthic deep-sea fauna, typical of this water depth and seafloor composition. Much of this species richness comes from sessile suspension feeding cnidarians attached to the numerous glacial dropstones found throughout the area rather than the presence of the whale skeleton. Seep and bone specialists are rare (4 taxa) and may be, in part, a remnant population from a sulphophilic stage of whale-fall decomposition. Evidence of past colonization by Osedax sp. is visible on the remaining bones and we conclude that rapid degradation of the missing bones has occurred at this site as has been observed at whale-falls off central California in Monterey Canyon.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the two species of the deep-sea family Histioteuthidae inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea (Histioteuthis reversa and Histioteuthis bonnellii) was studied from monthly samples taken throughout the year during daytime hours by bottom trawl gears. A small sample of individuals found floating dead on the sea surface was also analyzed. Both species were caught exclusively on the upper slope at depths greater than 300 m. Their frequency of occurrence increased with depth and showed two different peaks, at 500–600 m and 600–700 m depth in H. bonnellii and H. reversa, respectively, which might indicate spatial segregation. Maturity stages were assigned using macroscopic determination and confirmed with histological analyses. Although mature males were caught all year round, no mature females were found, which suggests that their sexual maturation in the western Mediterranean takes place deeper than the maximum depth sampled (800 m). In fact, the increase in mean squid size with increasing depth in H. reversa indicates an ontogenetic migration to deeper waters. The individuals of both species found floating dead on the sea surface were spent females which had a relatively large cluster of small atresic eggs and a small number of remaining mature eggs scattered in the ovary and mantle cavity. The sizes of these females were clearly larger than the largest individuals caught with bottom trawls. A total of 12 and 7 different types of prey, belonging to three major taxonomic groups (crustaceans, osteichthyes and cephalopods), were identified in the stomach contents of H. reversa and H. bonnellii, respectively. In both species fishes were by far the main prey followed by crustaceans, whereas cephalopods were found only occasionally. The preys identified, mainly myctophids and natantian crustaceans, indicate that both histioteuthids base their diet on pelagic nictemeral migrators.  相似文献   

The mesoscale dynamics of the Scottish side of the Faroe–Shetland Channel have been investigated using synoptic in situ and remote sensing observations. A cold core cyclonic eddy, identified from an AVHRR image, had a diameter of about 50 km and surface current speeds of up to 50 cm s-1; it appeared to be attached to the 800 m isobath as it moved north-eastward along the edge of the channel at about 8 cm s-1. Speeds in the slope current were about 50 cm s-1 but increased to 70 cm s-1 where the current was compressed by the eddy. Offshore, over the 1000 m isobath in the cooler water, speeds in the current were slower (ca. 20 cm s-1). North-west of the Shetlands the offshore edge of the slope current was deflected across the channel for a distance of about 70 km from the shelf edge. The speed of drifters in the slope current increased to over 60 cm s-1 as they moved anti-cyclonically around this deflection. CTD profiles suggest that the movement of the surface waters was mirrored in the deep water of the channel. The deflection carried a very large quantity of North Atlantic Water into the central part of the channel; its cause and ultimate fate are not known, although it is likely to have had a significant impact on the dynamics of the channel.  相似文献   

Quantitative collections of tubeworm- and mussel-associated communities were obtained from 3 cold seep sites in the deep Gulf of Mexico: in Atwater Valley at 1890 m depth, in Alaminos Canyon at 2200 m depth, and from the Florida Escarpment at 3300 m depth. A total of 50 taxa of macro- and megafauna were collected including 2 species of siboglinid tubeworms and 3 species of bathymodiolin mussels. In general, the highest degree of similarity was between communities collected from the same site. Most of the dominant families at the well-characterized upper Louisiana slope seep sites of the Gulf of Mexico were present at the deep sites as well; however, there was little overlap at the species level between the upper and lower slope communities. One major difference in community structure between the upper and lower slope seeps was the dominance of the ophiuroid Ophioctenella acies in the deeper communities. The transition between upper and lower slope communities appears to occur between 1300 and 1700 m based on the number of shared species with the Barbados seeps at either end of this depth range. Seep communities of the deep Gulf of Mexico were more similar to the Barbados Accretionary Prism seep communities than they were to either the upper slope Gulf of Mexico or Blake Ridge communities based on numbers of shared species and Bray–Curtis similarity values among sites. The presence of shared species among these sites suggests that there is ongoing or recent exchange among these areas. An analysis of bathymodioline mussel phylogeography that includes new collections from the west coast of Africa is presented. This analysis also suggests recent exchange across the Atlantic equatorial belt from the Gulf of Mexico to the seeps of the West Nigerian margin.  相似文献   

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