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Western Amazonia's landscape and biota were shaped by an enormous wetland during the Miocene epoch. Among the most discussed topics of this ecosystem range the question on the transitory influx of marine waters. Inter alia the occurrence of typically brackish water associated ostracods is repeatedly consulted to infer elevated salinities or even marine ingressions. The taxonomical investigation of ostracod faunas derived from the upper part of the Solimões Formation (Eirunepé; W-Brazil) documents a moderately diverse assemblage (19 species). A wealth of freshwater ostracods (mainly Cytheridella, Penthesilenula) was found co-occurring with taxa (chiefly Cyprideis) usually related to marginal marine settings today. The observed faunal compositions as well as constantly very light δ18O- and δ13C-values obtained by measuring both, the freshwater and brackish water ostracod group, refer to entirely freshwater conditions. These results corroborate with previous sedimentological and palaeontological observations, which proposed a fluvial depositional system for this part of western Amazonia during the Late Miocene. We demonstrate that some endemic, “brackish” water ostracods (i.e., Cyprideis) have been effectively adapted to freshwater conditions. Thus, their occurrence is no univocal evidence for the influence of brackish or marine waters in western Amazonia during the Miocene.  相似文献   

A small, protected karstic feature exposed in a limestone quarry in Bermuda preserved abundant sedimentary and biogenic materials documenting a transgressive phase, still-stand, and regressive phase of a sea-level in excess of 21.3 m above present during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (400 ka) as determined by U/Th dating and amino acid racemization. Cobbles and marine sediments deposited during the high-energy transgressive phase exhibit rim cements indicating a subsequent phreatic environment. This was succeeded stratigraphically by a still-stand deposition of fine calcareous lagoonal sediments containing bioclasts of red algae and benthic and planktonic foraminifera that was intensely burrowed by marine invertebrates, probably upogebiid shrimp, that could not be produced under any condition other than sustained marine submergence. Overlying this were pure carbonate beach sands of a low-energy regressive phase containing abundant remains of terrestrial and marine vertebrates and invertebrates. The considerable diversity of this fauna along with taphonomic evidence from seabird remains indicates deposition by high run-up waves over a minimum duration of months, if not years. The maximum duration has yet to be determined but probably did not exceed one or two thousand years. The most abundant snails in this fauna are two species indicative of brackish water and high-tide line showing that a Ghyben-Herzberg lens must have existed at > + 20 m. The nature of these sediments and fossil accumulation is incompatible with tsunami deposition and, given the absence of evidence for tectonic uplift of the Bermuda pedestal or platform, provide proof that sea-level during MIS 11 exceeded +20 m, a fact that has widespread ramifications for geologists, biogeographers, and human demographics along the world's coastlines.  相似文献   

The Picos II Paleontological Site (PIIPS), located in the city of Piranhas, in Alagoas State, is a fossil deposit with a pond-like geomorphological feature, a kind of peculiar deposit for the Quaternary of Northeast Brazil. A detailed taphonomic study is presented about the PIIPS assemblage, from material collection to the laboratory analysis. The conservation state of the collected fossils in PIIPS is different from that found in other tank deposits, showing a high degree of specimen preservation. Two taxa of pleistocenic mammals have been identified: Eremotherium laurillardi and Notiomastodon platensis, and fragments of an avian bone, whose taxonomic identification was not possible. The taphonomic analysis indicates that the deposited material experienced a short transportation in high-energy event, with a short period of subaerial exposure before the final burial, where at least the final disarticulation occurred in situ, which explains the high conservation level of the material. The sedimentological analysis made in each layer of the deposit corroborates the information related to the transport of the material, which were obtained in taphonomic analysis. Regarding these aspects, PIIPS reflects nearly non-biased biocenotic patterns. The well-preserved material found in PIIPS demonstrates the great potential of deposits with pond-like geomorphological features, with sidelines that are less steep than traditional tanks, providing smoother transport and accommodation for skeletal elements, which is a distinguishing factor in preserving fossils of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The morphology of the small stalkless Saccocoma tenella is unique among crinoids. It is characterized by an extremely light skeleton with dish-like lateral wings on the proximal brachials and peculiar paired vertical processes flanking the food grooves of more distal brachials. The arms are heavily branched. The lateral wings obviously were involved in vertical movement. For the vertical processes a “baffle rail” function for arm curling and “snap swimming” has been postulated, with muscles between the processes. However, there is no evidence that the processes were connected by muscles. For food collection a “pulsating funnel” model in the water column is advocated, with the processes serving to collect plankton during upward movement of the arms. The resulting mouth-up position is supported by the biostratinomy. Saccocoma tenella is considered to have been pelagic, a benthic lifestyle is rejected on ecologic and taphonomic grounds. Adorally-curled arms are considered a reaction to hostile environment before death, not a taphonomic artefact.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous vertebrate accumulations from the Adamantina Formation are known due to their high taxonomic diversity. On the other hand, taphonomic analyses still are rare, limiting the understanding of processes related to the biostratinomic and fossildiagenetic histories of this lithostratigraphic unit. In 2005, fossils were collected from an outcrop located at Jales municipality, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. From this outcrop, a well-preserved Baurusuchus was recovered, which displays a peculiar set of taphonomic signatures. This paper identifies and interprets taphonomic features of a specimen of Baurusuchus (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae; UFRJ DG 418-R) from the Adamantina Formation (Upper Cretaceous of the Bauru Basin), in Jales municipality, state of São Paulo. Brief taphonomic comparisons with other specimens previously studied (crocodiles and dinosaurs) and a lithofaciological analysis of the outcrop were undertaken in order to enhance the knowledge of the stratigraphy and paleoenvironment and improve the time resolution for the Adamantina Formation in the region of Jales. Furthermore, paleoecological data were interpreted based on the taphonomic analysis.The fossil is composed of an articulated segment of vertebral column, ribs, part of the pelvic girdle and gastralia. There is no hydraulic equivalence between both the specimen of Baurusuchus and the size of quartz grain predominant in the fossiliferous layer, suggesting death in situ or short transport as a “water carcass”. Teeth marks identified on the pubes were assigned to a small/juvenile baurusuchid crocodyliform or a theropod dinosaur. The repositioning of some elements (ribs and dorsal osteoderms) is suggestive of mummification. Desiccation marks were observed and attributed to the stage 1 of weathering. These features suggest subaerial exposure of the carcass prior to burial, however, probably after the mummification. On the other hand, the subaerial exposure was short, because the individual was not fully disarticulated. Furthermore, the degrees of articulation and preservation of the specimen nullify the hypothesis of reworking.Lithofaciological and taphonomic analyses suggest a well-drained floodplain as the burial environment and an arid or semi-arid climate in the region of Jales outcrop. In addition, the taphonomic signatures seem to indicate a time resolution about 100–104 years for the layer where the crocodyliforms were collected, but it seems to have, within this time limit, temporal-mixing among terrestrial crocodiles and dinosaurs collected from the same layer, suggesting time-averaging in this outcrop.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):1008-1018
Cloudina are important Ediacaran index fossils, as they have a consistent terminal Neoproterozoic age and a worldwide distribution. The morphology of Cloudina has been reconstructed primarily on the basis of three-dimensionally preserved Chinese and Spanish specimens, but questions remain surrounding their phylogenetic placement. Understanding Cloudina paleoecology is an important aspect for the interpretation of these enigmatic organisms. Although their paleoecological dynamics remain unresolved, a possible “mat sticker” life mode has found support from recent taphonomic investigation of Paraguayan Cloudina specimens. Here, from analysis of fossil material from the upper part of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation (Gaojiashan and Lijiagou sections, Ningqiang area, southern Shaanxi Province, South China), we document complex tube growth patterns of Cloudina in addition to a close association of these fossils with preserved microbially induced sedimentary structures (specifically matgrounds). Sedimentological and taphonomic data of Cloudina-bearing carbonate sequences at the Gaojiashan section show a relationship between Cloudina and microbial mats, and further document erectly preserved Cloudina tubes. In conjunction with observations from the Paraguay material, the Dengying fossils described here provide supportive evidence for the paleoecological interpretation of Cloudina as inhabitants of a microbially bound carbonate substrate. The apical-most part of the tube (or cone) may have served as an attachment apparatus, situated within or beneath a microbial mat. Three-dimensionally phosphatized tubes of Cloudina from the Lijiagou section reveal that single tubes often have multiple growth orientations, which is demonstrated to have resulted from the curved growth of the tube walls (both cones and funnels). As these organisms exhibited a sessile, epibenthic life mode, the observed plasticity in growth direction and orientation may have been a competition-driven adaptation to ensure wider access to available food sources and potentially greater feeding efficiency. Although Cloudina have been found to co-occur in some deposits with biostromes and bioherms (e.g., stromatolites and thrombolites), sedimentological and taphonomic features of the Ningqiang Cloudina suggest that they inhabited a stratified carbonate substrate exhibiting matground features, but where biostromes and bioherms were absent.  相似文献   

Mangrove Lake, Bermuda, is a small coastal, brackish-water lake that has accumulated 14 m of banded, gelatinous, sapropelic sediments in less than 104 yr. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that Mangrove Lake's sedimentary environment has undergone three major depositional changes (peat, freshwater gel, brackish-water gel) as a result of sea level changes. The deposits were examined geochemically in an effort to delineate sedimentological and diagenetic changes. Gas and pore water studies include measurements of sulfides, ammonia, methane, nitrogen gas, calcium, magnesium, chloride, alkalinity, and pH. Results indicate that sulfate reduction is complete, and some evidence is presented for bacterial denitrification and metal sulfide precipitation. The organic-rich sapropel is predominantly algal in origin, composed mostly of carbohydrates and insoluble macromolecular organic matter called humin with minor amounts of proteins, lipids, and humic acids. Carbohydrates and proteins undergo hydrolysis with depth in the marine sapropel but tend to be preserved in the freshwater sapropel. The humin, which has a predominantly aliphatic structure, increases linearly with depth and composes the greatest fraction of the organic matter. Humic acids are minor components and are more like polysaccharides than typical marine humic acids. Fatty acid distributions reveal that the lipids are of an algal and/or terrestrial plant source. Normal alkanes with a total concentration of 75 ppm exhibit two distribution maxima. One is centered about n-C22 with no odd/even predominance, suggestive of a degraded algal source. The other is centered at n-C31 with a distinct odd/even predominance indicative of a vascular plant origin. Stratigraphic changes in the sediment correlate to observed changes in the gas and pore water chemistry and the organic geochemistry.  相似文献   

A new soft-shelled turtle (“Trionyxjixiensis sp. nov.) from the Lower Cretaceous Chengzihe Formation, Jixi city, Heilongjiang Province, China is described on the basis of a nearly complete carapace. The new species is diagnosed by the absence of suprascapular fontanelles and absence of a preneural; eight neurals, tetragonal fifth neural; and eight pairs of costals, with the large eighth costals meeting after the eighth neural. Due to the incompleteness of the specimen and confused classification of the genera of trionychids, the new species cannot be included in any genus of Trionychinae and is temporarily assigned to “Trionyx” (sensu lato). “Trionyxjixiensis is one of the earliest trionychids, its discovery indicates that the family was already diversified during the Early Cretaceous in Asia.  相似文献   

The formation of short-lived backswamps along the Carmel coast of Israel coincides with the rapid global sea-level rise during the late Pleistocene-early Holocene transition. The current study shows that the wetland phenomena originated around 10,000 yr ago and dried up shortly before the local Pre-Pottery Neolithic humans settled on the wetland dark clay sediments 9430 cal yr BP. Palaeontological and stable-isotope data were used in this study to elucidate previously published sedimentological reconstruction obtained from a core drilled into the western trough of the Carmel coastal plain. The water body contained typical brackish calcareous fauna, with variable numerical abundance and low species richness of ostracods and foraminifera. The δ18O and δ13C of the ostracod Cyprideis torosa show close similarity to the present Pleistocene coastal aquifer isotopic values. This study therefore concludes that the wetlands were shallow-water bodies fed by groundwater, with no evidence of sea-water mixing. It seems that they developed as the result of high groundwater levels, transportation of sediments landward, and deposition of sand bars at the paleo-river mouths. It is still not fully understood why these wetlands deteriorated abruptly and disappeared within less than 1000 yr.  相似文献   

The Family Afrograptidae is a ‘conchostracan’ group with multiple radial costae reaching to the umbo on their carapaces. It comprises four described genera: Afrograpta, Camerunograpta, Congestheriella and Graptoestheriella with a total of thirteen described species which are occasionally reported from the Jurassic and the Cretaceous in Africa, Europe and South America (i.e. Afrograpta from the Upper Cretaceous of Cameroon; Camerunograpta from the Jurassic to Cretaceous of Cameroon; Congestheriella from the Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of the Congo Basin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Venezuela and Argentina; and Graptoestheriella from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of Brazil). A new genus and a new species, Surreyestheria ockleyensis gen. et sp. nov., belonging to the Family Afrograptidae from the Lower Cretaceous (lower Barremian) Upper Weald Clay Formation of Ockley Village, Surrey County, southern England is described in this paper. The new genus mainly differs from the other four genera by the special reticulate ornamentation on its carapace. It indicates that the Family Afrograptidae was more diverse and more widely distributed in the late Mesozoic than previously supposed. Afrograptidae is a special branch of Estheriellina the latter originating in the late Palaeozoic and the former in the early Mesozoic. Afrograptids, as a whole had been widespread across Pangea in the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

The fossil clam shrimp genus Xibeiestheria Wang in Shen et al., 1982, a component of the well-known Early Cretaceous Yanjiestheria fauna, was originally described from the lower Aptian Jingchuan Formation of Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of northwestern China. The morphological re-examination under an SEM of the holotype of the type species Xibeiestheria pora Wang in Shen et al., 1982 has revealed new taxonomic features not previously recognized. These include: (1) growth lines with serrated lower margins, having a row of small pores; (2) widely spaced radial lirae intercalated cross bars on growth bands in the dorsal part of the carapace; (3) fine reticulum occurring within coarse reticulation on growth bands in the middle part of the carapace; (4) puncta radially aligned along the widely spaced radial lirae on growth bands in the lower part of the carapace.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous new species and genus Albocryptophagus cantabricus gen. et sp. n. is described based on a fossil specimen from the El Soplao amber deposit (Spain). The new genus is similar to the extant genera Cryptophagus and Micrambe, but differs from them in the transverse pedicel, anterior angles of pronotum, pronotal margin unmodified, pronotal pits absent. Albocryptophagus gen. n. is undoubtedly the most ancient representative for the subfamily Cryptophaginae described up today. Because the saproxylic habits in recent species of the family, a similar behavior is inferred for this new fossil. It is a new example that agrees with the idea that fossil beetles from Mesozoic ambers are characterized by a saproxylic lifestyle.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of tetrablemmid spider, Electroblemma bifida n. gen. et sp., is described, from two adult males found in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber of Myanmar. The genus is distinguished by its enormous dorsal carapace projection and highly modified chelicerae. The new genus is referred to the tribe Tetrablemmini within the subfamily Tetrablemminae. The presence of a relatively derived tetrablemmid on the south-east Eurasian continent during the Late Cretaceous suggests that the family was already well diversified in tropical rainforests at this time.  相似文献   

Marine hypersaline ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands contain stratigraphic evidence (Shell and Sand Sheet) of a A.D. 1650?C1800 overwash event that could have formed through a hurricane or tsunami. Candidates for the deposit include far-field (e.g. 1755 Lisbon tsunami) and local Puerto Rico Trench events (e.g. 1690), but hurricanes cannot be ignored. The goal of this study is to provide additional information to assess the origin of the deposit by examining the taphonomic characters of Homotrema rubrum, a common encrusting foraminifer in Caribbean reef settings. Surface samples (n?=?12) from major sub-environments (reef-flat, beach, storm wrack, and dune) and pond sections (n?=?6; 20?C80?cm thick) are analyzed for their Homotrema concentration (specimens/cm3) and taphonomic character. Particle-size analysis was conducted on the same sections and samples. Highly Preserved (red colored, angular, intact chambers) Homotrema dominate the beach, storm wrack, and reef-flat deposits relative to the dune sand, but the beach and storm wrack contain the largest specimens. The Shell and Sand Sheet in the pond has Highly Preserved and abundant Homotrema (specimens/cm3) versus other sedimentary units in the ponds (e.g. Mud Cap and Shelly Mud). Its taphonomic character is most similar (test size and condition) to the storm wrack deposit on the beach indicating an outside provenance for the sand. Concentration of Homotrema in the Shell and Sand Sheet declined southward indicating a northerly reef-flat provenance for the overwash, although it does not preclude a southern inundation as well. It is unclear whether Homotrema individuals originated from the reef itself or were eroded from older beach ridge deposits during the overwash event. Conclusions from Homotrema taphonomic analysis were limited by the lack of comparative data from known hurricane and tsunami deposits in other Caribbean regions.  相似文献   

We determined biomarker concentrations and distributions for surface sediments from 54 sites in the Pearl River Estuary, China. We focus on a suite of four biomarker-based indicators for relative terrestrial to marine organic matter (OM) source: the branched-isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index, the ratio of high/low molecular weight n-alcohols [(ΣC26–34/(ΣC16+18 + ΣC26–34)], an analogous ratio for n-fatty acids and the ΣC29-steroids/(ΣC29-steroids + brassicasterol) ratio. All four exhibit the same terrestrial to marine transition seen in previous bulk δ13C studies, but with an abrupt decrease in the relative terrestrial contribution across the delta front to pro-delta transition. Concentrations of terrestrially-derived biomarkers show no systematic decrease across the transition. Instead, the decrease in the proportion of terrestrial OM is due to a decrease in the sedimentation rate and associated terrestrial OM burial across the delta toe. This suggests that diagenetic controls on the fate of terrestrial OM, such as increased biodegradation where sedimentation rate is low, are subordinate to sedimentological processes. Biomarker-derived temperature values are cooler than expected for the lower Pearl River catchment, suggesting that the dominant component of the terrestrial OM is derived from the cooler upland regions of the catchment. The dominance of input from more distal terrain with greater topographic relief is evidence for the importance of geomorphological control on terrigenous OM transport. Collectively, the results demonstrate the importance of sedimentological processes in the supply, deposition and transport of terrestrial OM.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(3):455-464
In order to characterize the H isotopic compositions of individual lipid compounds from different terrestrial depositional environments, the δD values of C-bound H in individual n-alkanes from typical terrestrial source rocks of the Liaohe Basin and the Turpan Basin, China, were measured using gas chromatography–thermal conversion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–TC–IRMS). The analytical results indicate that the δD values of individual n-alkanes in the extracts of terrestrial source rocks have a large variation, ranging from −140‰ to −250‰, and are obviously lighter than the δD of marine-sourced n-alkanes. Moreover, a trend of depletion in 2H(D) was observed for individual n-alkanes from different terrestrial depositional environments, from saline lacustrine to freshwater paralic lacustrine, and to swamp. For example, the δD values of n-alkanes from a stratified saline lacustrine environment vary from −140‰ to −200‰, δD for n-alkanes from swamp facies range from −200‰ to −250‰, while those from freshwater paralic lacustrine–lacustrine environments fall between the δD values of the end members. The shift toward lighter δD from saltwater to freshwater environments indicates that the source water δD is the major controlling factor for the H isotopic composition of individual compounds. In addition, H exchange between formation water and sedimentary organic matter may possibly be important in regard to the δD of individual n-alkanes. Therefore, other lines of geochemical evidence must be considered when depositional paleoenvironments of source rocks are reconstructed based on the H isotopic composition of individual n-alkanes.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of redfieldiiform fish, Hiascoactinus boryeongensis gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a nearly complete specimen from the Upper Triassic Amisan Formation of South Korea. Hiascoactinus is distinguished from other redfieldiiforms by having a barely ornamented dermal skull surface except for the snout region, two heteromorphic suborbitals arranged vertically behind the postorbital, a pistol-shaped suprascapular, and dorsal and anal fins with divided fin membranes between rays. The morphological features of the snout region and dorsal and anal fins of Hiascoactinus provide important clues to understand its feeding and swimming behavior. All previously proposed Asian redfieldiiform fossils are inaccurately classified, and consequently, Hiascoactinus is regarded as the only valid redfieldiiform taxon in Asia. Hiascoactinus is assigned to the basal group of redfieldiiforms primarily based on the presence of an antopercle. The basal phylogenetic position of Hiascoactinus indicates that basal redfieldiiforms dispersed from the southern Gondwanaland to the easternmost Laurasia through the terrestrial water system, and these two landmasses were connected during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

Perissocytheridea Stephenson is characteristic of brackish water facies. In 57 samples from the Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene, from five localities, Pirabas Formation, Pará State, Brazil eleven species have been identified. Among these species, four are new reports: Perissocytheridea punctoreticulata n. sp., Perissocytheridea largulateralis n. sp., Perissocytheridea colini n. sp. and Perissocytheridea pirabensis n. sp.; five species in open nomenclature: Perissocytheridea sp. 1, P. sp. 2, P. sp. 3, P. sp. 4, and P. sp. 5 and two species left in “aff.” abbreviation: Perissocytheridea aff. Perissocytheridea pumila and Perissocytheridea aff. Perissocytheridea brachyforma subsp. excavata. The distributional pattern of the Perissocytheridea combined with the occurrence of foraminifera Elphidium and Ammonia in the studied sections supports the presence of the brackish water facies to the respective layers. Their quantitative variation through the studied sections indicate more than one phase of salinity reduction (about >5 and <30 ppm) and/or the decrease of the sea level, forming lagoon along the Pirabas Formation. This genus has a wide paleobiogeographical occurrence and stratigraphic distribution ranging from the Cretaceous to Recent, and already been recorded in the northern of South America, especially in the Neogene of Solimões Basin, but this is the first report of a neotropical genus to the Oligo-Miocene deposits of Pirabas Formation, northern Brazilian Coast, Pará State.  相似文献   

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