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Many marine species produce pelagic propagules which, because of their life-history characteristics and the local hydrodynamics, can disperse considerable distances from the point of release. Distances travelled are affected by factors such as: release time and location, egg and larval stage duration, local environmental conditions and active swimming and settlement behaviours. Understanding such dispersal patterns is important for the design of effective ecosystem-conservation strategies. We used a regional scale, coupled physical-biological model for the Irish Sea to simulate the possible dispersal of eggs and larvae of five species of fish with contrasting early life histories (cod Gadus morhua, plaice Pleuronectes platessa, witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, sprat Sprattus sprattus and pogge Agonus cataphractus). The hydrodynamic model was forced with meteorological data for 1995, a year when extensive plankton surveys were conducted in the Irish Sea. A particle tracking method featuring particle release (spawning) and species-dependent particle development and behaviour was then run based on flow and temperature fields from the hydrodynamical model. Modelled larval distributions and settlement areas corresponded favourably with observations from field sampling. The settlement destinations (or onset of shoaling for sprat) were affected both by their initial spawning location and by the species-specific development rates and behaviours coded into the model. Eggs and larvae typically remained within 160 km of their spawning origin, although a minority travelled up to 300 km. Even in a relatively enclosed sea such as the Irish Sea, fish eggs and larvae can be dispersed over 100s of km. This provides a major challenge for the design of effective spatial management strategies if it is necessary to protect a species across its life-history stages. Further progress in the design of effective conservation measures for species or communities will need an integrated approach taking account of key aspects of early life history and behaviour.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2004,51(3-4):191-197
As a preliminary investigation into the genetic structure of Irish Sea plaice we genotyped samples of juvenile plaice from six inshore areas within the Irish Sea across eight microsatellite loci and compared them with fish from two sites from the Dutch Wadden Sea (North Sea stocks). Genetic variability in all samples was generally low for that typically observed at microsatellite loci. The number of alleles per locus varied between two and nine (average 5.5) and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.080 up to a maximum of 0.909 (average 0.382). Few significant heterozygote deficits were observed, even when the data set was pooled. The majority (98%) of genetic variation present was within, rather than between, populations. None of the pairwise comparisons of population differentiation (FST) were significant (P>0.05) and a Bayesian analysis of population structure provided no evidence for a partitioning of the samples. Since juveniles arriving at nursery grounds in the Irish Sea are not distinct, it is likely that adult plaice form a single stock (perhaps with some weak differentiation). However, if plaice eggs and larvae do not disperse as predicted by a particle tracking model, then it is possible that the juveniles represent a mixture of several distinct stocks. Further work is therefore required to determine whether the phenotypic variation observed between female plaice from the eastern and western Irish Sea is the product of reproductive isolation or of the environment.  相似文献   

An essential prerequisite of sustainable fisheries is the match between biologically relevant processes and management action. Various populations may however co-occur on fishing grounds, although they might not belong to the same stock, leading to poor performance of stock assessment and management. Plaice in Kattegat and Skagerrak have traditionally been considered as one stock unit. Current understanding indicates that several plaice components may exist in the transition area between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. A comprehensive review of all available biological knowledge on plaice in this area is performed, including published and unpublished literature together with the analyses of commercial and survey data and historical tagging data. The results suggest that plaice in Skagerrak is closely associated with plaice in the North Sea, although local populations are present in the area. Plaice in Kattegat, the Belts Sea and the Sound can be considered a stock unit, as is plaice in the Baltic Sea. The analyses revealed great heterogeneity in the dynamics and productivity of the various local components, and suggested for specific action to maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) is an ecologically and economically important groundfish in the eastern Bering Sea. Its population size fluctuates widely, driving and being driven by changes in other components of the ecosystem. It is becoming apparent that dramatic shifts in climate occur on a decadal scale, and these “regime shifts” strongly affect the biota. This paper examines quantitative collections of planktonic eggs and larvae of pollock from the southeastern Bering Sea during 1976–1979. Mortality, advection, and growth rates were estimated, and compared among the years encompassing the 1970s’ regime shift. These data indicate that pollock spawning starts in late February over the basin north of Bogoslof Island. Over the shelf, most spawning occurs north of Unimak Island near the 100 m isobath in early or mid April. Pollock eggs are advected to the northwest from the main spawning area at 5–10 cm/sec. Larvae are found over the basin north of Bogoslof Island in April, and over the shelf between Unimak Island and the Priblof Islands in May. Compared to 1977, the spawning period appeared to be later in 1976 (a cold year) and earlier in 1978 (a warm year) in the study area. At the lower temperatures in 1976, egg duration would be longer and thus egg mortality would operate over a longer period than in the other years. Mean larval growth appeared to be lower in 1976 than in 1977 and 1979. Estimated egg mortality rate in 1977 was 0.6 in April and 0.3 in early May.  相似文献   

The variability of primary productivity in surface waters was continuously recorded during spatial and sectional surveys of the Irish Sea in the summer of 1977. Localized patches of intense productivity were found, not in the frontal region of the western Irish Sea, but farther east. Subsurface distributions of physical, chemical and biological characteristics through a latitudinal section of the Irish Sea are reported. These data showed that the productivity peaks occurred at the boundaries of a water type exhibiting properties uncharacteristic of Irish Sea waters.  相似文献   

The metal complexing ability of surface water of the Irish Sea has been measured by the MnO2 adsorption method. In all samples strong copper-chelating compounds are present at concentrations of 60–150 nM, with conditional stability constants (log values) of 10.0–10.4. The concentrations of Cu, Pb and Cd in the samples are 16–39 nM, 1–7 nM and 0.1–2 nM, respectively; much less than the ligand concentrations. The organic compounds form complexes with 94–98% of dissolved copper, and therefore constitute the major form of copper in surface water of the Irish Sea. Recalculation of speciation of the inorganic fraction of copper in seawater reveals that the major complex ion is that of CuCO30 (60%), followed by CuOH+ (16%) and Cu(OH)20 (16%). Complexes with borate ions form a small and rather insignificant fraction of 1%.  相似文献   

Extensive areas of methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) have been mapped in the Irish Sea. In the Irish Sector, 23 seabed mounds associated with the Codling Fault Zone were identified by multi-beam echo sounder mapping. Inspection by ROV-mounted video showed that these mounds are rocky features rising 5–10 m above the normal seabed; sampling showed that they are comprised of quartz grains bound together by carbonate cement, probably MDAC. Two separate locations have been mapped in the UK Sector. At Texel 11, seabed mounds and a 6–8 m high cliff were mapped geophysically (MBES, SSS and seismic profiler surveys). Video surveys showed that both the mounds and the cliff are rocky reefs colonised by a prolific fauna. Samples proved to be carbonate-cemented sediments, and carbon isotope analysis (δ13C −41 to −46% PDB) showed that the cement was MDAC. Similar surveys of the Holden’s Reefs area proved the presence of similar rocky reefs which are also cemented by MDAC. The total area covered by these two MDAC occurrences is estimated to be >500,000 m2. These MDAC occurrences are comparable in nature and formation to the ‘bubbling reefs’ of the Kattegat. As the bubbling reefs are “seabed features formed by leaking gas”, one of the marine habitats identified by the European Commission’s Habitats Directive as being sensitive and worthy of protection, it is suggested that the Irish Sea carbonate reefs should also be considered as special habitats.  相似文献   

In recent years, sardine Sardinops sagax spawning has been recorded inshore off central Namibia. Field observations on eggs and laboratory measurements show that spawning, demonstrated by the distribution of newly spawned eggs, takes place just below the upper mixed layer. The high positive buoyancy of the eggs causes them to ascend rapidly to the surface layer, where they are moved offshore by upwelling-induced offshore transport. However, increased wind-induced mixing also influences the vertical distribution of eggs, causing them to be partly mixed down below the layer moving offshore and into the layer moving inshore. This mechanism acts to retard the transport and offshore loss of eggs from the spawning areas. The vertical distribution of sardine larvae, with highest concentrations deeper than 20 m, indicates active movement out of the layer moving offshore, and this tendency seems to be more pronounced for older larvae. Hence, vertical migration of larvae is an additional factor mitigating their loss from nearshore. Taken together, these features seem to minimize the offshore loss of offspring, particularly in periods of low stock biomass when spawning close to the shore seems to be common.  相似文献   

-Based on a two-dimensional numerical M2 tidal model of the Huanghai and Bohai Seas, sediment transport of particles with different sizes in the computational area is given. It is concluded that tidal currents play an important role in sediment transport and deposition in the Huanghai and Bohai Seas.  相似文献   

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