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西加拿大盆地油砂储层中的泥夹层特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西加拿大盆地含有丰富的油砂资源,主要产于阿尔伯达省东北部的下白垩统马克马里组(McMurray Formation).该组含有不等的砂泥斜互层.这些砂泥斜互层(IHS)在局部很发育.描述其中的泥夹层为建立客观的储层模型提供了的重要数据.试图从6个方面对泥夹层进行描述并简要讨论如何利用这些描述结果去建立客观有效的储层模型.  相似文献   

Precambrian aluminous paragneisses in the Hara Lake area of northeastern Saskatchewan are characterized by the stable association of cordierite and garnet with either sillimanite or biotite; alkali feldspar is an important mineral of this association. The aluminous gneisses are interlayered with pyroxene-plagioclase gneisses that contain orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, and biotite. The gneisses in the study area and in the adjacent Charcoal Lake area were metamorphosed under conditions of the granulite facies. The petrologic evidence is consistent with a first metamorphic event during which the association sillimanite-biotite was stable, followed by a second event during which cordierite-garnet was stable. Consideration of mineral assemblages and mineral chemistries of the aluminous gneisses in terms of experimentally established or thermodynamically derived reactions suggests that recrystallization from the sillimanite-biotite association to cordierite-garnet took place at 680 °–750 °C and 3.2–4.4 kb.  相似文献   

A complex of Precambrian polymetamorphic gneisses and granitoids of the Churchill structural province, northeastern Alberta, Canada has been examined structurally, petrographically, chemically and geochronologically. An Archean basement gneiss complex is indicated by Rb-Sr dating of pegmatites which cut both gneisses and granitoids (2470 ± 26 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7030 ± 0.0008). A high-pressure granulite facies (M1) mineral assemblage and older structures (D1) are assigned to the Archean. A moderate-pressure granulite facies (M2.1), a low-pressure amphibolite facies (M2.2), a greenschist facies (M2.3), and younger structures (D2) are of Aphebian age. Formation of granitoids by anatexis of the pre-existing Archean basement complex during M2.1 is indicated by their Aphebian ages (ca. 1900 Ma) and high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7100 ± 0.0018). The path of retrograde metamorphism is linked with relatively slow rates of uplift and cooling. Late Aphebian sediments attained low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism only and are younger than the other metamorphic rocks. The tectonic evolution of this Precambrian mobile belt during the Aphebian contrasts with the stable Archean cratonic block in the Slave province to the north.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - On May 3, 2016, a wildfire swept into the city of Fort McMurray, Alberta. This natural disaster was significant in both its scale and impact, as the fire prompted a sudden onset...  相似文献   

Counter point bar deposits in the meandering Peace River, North‐central Alberta, Wood Buffalo National Park, are distinct from point bar deposits in terms of morphology, lithofacies and reservoir potential for fluids. Previously referred to as the distal‐most parts of point bars, point bar tails and concave bank‐bench deposits, counter point bar deposits have concave morphological scroll patterns rather than convex as with point bars. The Peace is a large river (bankfull discharge 11 700 m3 sec?1, width 375 to 700 m, depth 15 m, gradient 0·00004 or 4 cm km?1) in which counter point bar deposits are dominated by silt (80% to 90%), which contrasts with sand‐dominant (90% to 100%) point bar deposits. Beginning at the meander inflection (transition from convex to concave), counter point bar deposit stratigraphy thickens as a wedge‐like architecture in the distal direction until the deposit is nearly as thick as the point bar deposits. The low permeability silt‐dominant lithofacies in counter point bar deposits will limit reservoir extent and movement of fluids in both modern and ancient subsurface fluvial deposits. In the exploration and extraction of bitumen and heavy oil in subsurface fluvial rocks, identification and mapping of reservoir potential of point bar deposits and counter point bar deposits is now possible in the fluvial‐dominated tidal estuarine Lower Cretaceous Middle McMurray Formation, North‐east Alberta. Recent geophysical advances have facilitated imaging of some ancient buried point bar deposits and counter point bar deposits which, on the basis of morphological shape of sedimentary bodies observed from seismic amplitude, can be interpreted and mapped as depositional elements or blocks that contain associated sandstone or siltstone dominant lithofacies, respectively. As counter point bar deposits exhibit poor permeability and thus limit reservoir potential for water, natural gas, light crude, heavy oil and bitumen, counter point bar deposits should be avoided in resource developments. Geophysical imaging, interpretation and mapping of point bar deposit and counter point bar deposit elements provide new opportunities to improve recovery of bitumen and heavy oil and reduce development costs in subsurface cyclic steam stimulation and steam‐assisted gravity drainage projects by not drilling into counter point bar deposits.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous age Fort à la Corne (FALC) kimberlite province comprises at least 70 bodies, which were emplaced near the edge of the Western Canadian Interior Seaway during cycles of marine transgression and regression. Many of the bodies were formed during a marine regression by a two-stage process, firstly the excavation of shallow, but wide, craters and then subsequent infilling by xenolith-poor, crater-facies, subaerial, primary pyroclastic kimberlite. The bodies range in size up to 2000 m in diameter but are mainly less than 200 m thick and thus comprise relatively thin, but high volume, pyroclastic kimberlite deposits. Each body is composed of contrasting types of kimberlite reflecting different volcanic histories and, therefore, are considered separately.

The 140/141 kimberlite is the largest delineated body in the province, estimated to have an areal extent below glacial Quaternary sediments in excess of 200 ha. The infilling of the 140/141 crater is complex, resulting from multiple phases of kimberlite. The central part of the infill is dominated by several contrasting phases of kimberlite. One of these phases is a primary pyroclastic airfall mega-graded bed up to 130 m in thickness. The constituents grade in size from very fine to coarse macrocrystic kimberlite, through to a basal breccia. The mega-graded bed is a widespread feature within parts of the body examined to date and at this current stage of evaluation appears to explain a variable diamond distribution within a tested portion of the pipe. A second different phase of kimberlite is interpreted as representing a younger nested crater within the mega-graded bed. Centrally located thicker intersections (>450 m) of this younger kimberlite may indicate a vent for the kimberlite crater. The thickness of the mega-graded bed increases with proximity to the younger kimberlite in the study area.

Macrodiamond minibulk sample grades from the mega-graded bed have been obtained from nine large diameter drill holes, located within the northwest part of the body from an area of 20 ha, which represents approximately 10% of the currently modeled kimberlite outline. Diamond grade increases with depth within the mega-graded bed and also increases, within the same unit, towards the centrally positioned younger kimberlite. Macrodiamond sample grades vary from low at the top of the mega-graded bed, to considerably higher grades near the base. Total sample grade per drill hole varies from moderate near the vent feature to lower grades 200–300 m from the vent feature. Macrodiamond stone frequency measured in stones per tonne shows a pronounced relationship with depth and proximity to the vent feature within the mega-graded bed. There is a strong correlation between depth and increased stones per tonne, and a similar correlation between stones per tonne and proximity to the vent feature. The data supports the emplacement model of the mega-graded bed and, in turn, this information is useful in understanding the macrodiamond distribution within this bed.  相似文献   

在前人研究基础上,通过钻井岩心描述和测井曲线对比,根据岩石学特征、沉积相标志、测井相标志等对加拿大Athabasca地区下白垩统McMurray组进行了沉积特征分析。McMurray组主要发育了河流相、三角洲相和滨海沉积,总体呈海平面相对上升变化。纵向上,中下部层序以河流相为主,沉积物多为来自盆地周边的近物源,以西部物源为主。短河流汇入盆地后可沿盆地长轴南北发育,成为北部区块的长物源。上部层序受西北方向海侵的影响,自北向南发育滨海-河口湾-三角洲相沉积。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the region of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Alberta, the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation comprises 50-80 m of uncemented quartz sand and associated shale, saturated throughout by bitumen. The sediments are dominantly of continental origin, except in the uppermost parts of the formation where sedimentation was influenced by the encroaching boreal sea.
In most outcrop and mine face exposures of the McMurray Formation, a sequence of three facies is recognized. In ascending order these are: (1) an erosionally based thick-bedded sand facies, 2-20 m thick, dominated by large-scale trough cross-beds; (2) an epsilon cross-stratified facies with solitary sets up to 25 m in thickness, consisting of decimetre to metre thick couplets of sand/mud, with depositional slopes of 8-12° and palaeocurrent indications parallel to the strike of the epsilon cross-set; and (3) a horizontally bedded argillaceous sand facies up to a few metres thick. The three-fold sequence is interpreted as a single upward-fining cycle of channel sedimentation, the trough cross-bedded sands resulting from channel bottom deposition, the epsilon cross-strata accumulating by lateral accretion of channel point bars, and the upper argillaceous sand representing floodplain sedimentation. Where the McMurray Formation is relatively thin (less than 50 m), virtually the entire formation is commonly composed of a single upward-fining channel deposit.
Details of the size and physiographic setting of the channels are somewhat uncertain, but the present evidence suggests that the epsilon-dominated McMurray Formation sequence in the Athabasca Deposit region represents the coastal plain culmination of a very large fluvial drainage system.  相似文献   

This study explores the siliciclastic Granite Wash Unit in northwestern Alberta as a potential geothermal reservoir. The approach covers regional 3D structural geological modelling of a 90 km × 70 km area based on well log and legacy 2D seismic data. The fault strike was interpreted from lineaments, which were identified with the refined trend surface analysis method. The stress state of the Granite Wash reservoirs was determined by an integrated approach of 3D fault modelling, stress ratio definition based on frictional constraints, and slip tendency analysis. The results show that the best site for a geothermal application is located in the southwestern study area, where the highest temperatures (above 70 °C) coincide with the largest thickness (above 20 m) and zones of elevated porosity and permeability. The integrated stress analysis indicates an in situ stress regime from normal to strike-slip faulting maintaining a non-critically stressed reservoir or faults therein, assuming a friction coefficient of 0.7. The granite wash reservoirs could be used for heating of greenhouses, domestic warm water provision and district heating.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic S emissions in the Athabasca oil sands region (AOSR) in Alberta, Canada, affect SO4 deposition in close vicinity of industrial emitters. Between May 2008 and May 2009, SO4-S deposition was monitored using open field bulk collectors at 15 sites and throughfall collectors at 14 sites at distances between 3 and 113 km from one of the major emission stacks in the AOSR. At forested plots >90 km from the operations, SO4 deposition was ∼1.4 kg SO4-S ha−1 yr−1 for bulk deposition and ∼3.3 kg SO4-S ha−1 yr−1 for throughfall deposition. Throughfall SO4 deposition rates in the AOSR exceeded bulk deposition rates at all sites by a factor of 2–3, indicating significant inputs of dry deposition especially under forest canopies. Both bulk and throughfall SO4 deposition rates were elevated within 29 km distance of the industrial operations with deposition rates as high as 11.7 kg SO4-S ha−1 yr−1 for bulk deposition and 39.2 kg SO4-S ha−1 yr−1 for throughfall at industrial sites. Sulfur isotope ratio measurements of atmospheric SO4 deposited in the AOSR revealed that at a few selected locations 34S-depleted SO4, likely derived from H2S emissions from tailing ponds contributes to local atmospheric SO4 deposition. In general, however, δ34S values of SO4 deposition at distant forested plots (>74 km) with low deposition rates were not isotopically different from δ34S values at sites with high deposition rates in the AOSR and are, therefore, not suitable to determine industrial S contributions. However, O isotope ratios of atmospheric SO4 in bulk and throughfall deposition in the AOSR showed a distinct trend of decreasing δ18O-SO4 values with increasing SO4 deposition rates allowing quantification of industrial contributions to atmospheric SO4 deposition. Two-end-member mixing calculations revealed that open field bulk SO4 deposition especially at industrial sites in close proximity (<29 km) to the operations is significantly (17–59%) affected by industrial S emissions and that throughfall generally contained 49–100% SO4 of industrial origin. Hence, it is suggested that δ18O values of SO4 may constitute a suitable tracer for quantifying industrial contributions to atmospheric SO4 deposition in the AOSR.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(3):357-367
Fluorine is a common minor constituent of formation waters throughout the Alberta Basin, and it was detected in each of the 469 samples analyzed for it. Contents range up to 22 mg/l, with an arithmetic mean of 1.83 mg/l and a median value of 1.20 mg/I. There is a trend toward increased mean and median contents of F from the shallower, cooler, less saline formation waters to the deeper, hotter, more saline formation waters. This trend parallels a trend of increasing saturation with respect to fluorite, with most of the less saline formation waters being undersaturated with respect to fluorite. At the same time, the major portion of F occurs as F in the less saline formation waters, with increasing amounts held as MgF+ as the Ca content, ionic strength and temperature increase. Complexes between Al and F, and VO and F account for only a relatively minor portion of the complexed F. A significant portion of the F in high-salinity formation waters from marine strata could well have originated from the initial seawater. However, it is speculated that water-rock reactions with bentonite or bentonitic shales may have to be invoked to account for the very high contents of F in the less saline formation waters from some of the shallow, cooler, non-marine aquifers of the Upper Cretaceous post-Colorado aquifer-aquitard system. Finally, it is possible to use knowledge of the distribution of F in formation waters from individual aquifers to check on the “correctness” of F determinations (primarily when formation waters of similar composition show saturation with respect to fluorite), and in the same case to predict the F content of formation waters in the Alberta Basin for which only the appropriate major ions have been determined.  相似文献   

The Judith River Formation forms an important regional aquifer in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada. This aquifer is used for domestic and agricultural purposes in some areas and supports oil and gas production in other areas. As a result, the available data come from a range of sources and integration is required to provide an overview of aquifer characteristics. Here, data from oil and gas databases are combined with data from groundwater resource assessments. Analysis of cores, drill-stem tests and pumping tests provide a good overview of the physical hydrogeology of the Judith River Aquifer. Water chemistry data from oil and gas databases were less helpful in understanding the chemical hydrogeology due contamination of samples and unreliable laboratory analyses. Analytical modeling of past pumping in the aquifer indicates that decreases in hydraulic head exceeding 2 m are possible over distances of 10s of kilometers. Similar decreases in head should be expected for additional large withdrawals of groundwater from the Judith River Aquifer. Long-term groundwater abstraction should be limited by low pumping rates. Higher pumping rates appear to be possible for short-term uses, such as those required by the oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

Thousands of linear elements (joint traces, river trends and photolinears) have been identified and statistically analysed in the Province of Alberta, Canada, from the U.S. border to the Fort McMurray area. A statistical evaluation was performed on the data by fitting Dimroth-Watson distributions to groups of them. It is suggested that the joints represent shear surfaces formed in a neotectonic stress field whose maximum compression is oriented normal to the front of the Rocky Mountains, at least in the vicinity of that range. Further to the northeast, the stress trajectories swing to E-W and N-S directions. The river courses in Alberta do not align themselves with the joints and are presumably controlled by the general slope of the land towards Hudson's Bay. The photolineaments are features of uncertain origin and age.  相似文献   

Some 3400 drill core samples of the Athabasca Group and underlying regolith have been obtained by sampling 8-m sections from 55 diamond drill holes in the McClean Lake Area, Saskatchewan. Forty eight holes are from sections over six areas known to contain uranium mineralization and 7 are from unmineralized areas. The uranium zones are covered by 30 to 180 m of Athabasca sandstones and conglomerates.The uranium mineralization of the McClean deposits can be described as belonging to two different facies; a more reduced sulphide-arsenide facies and a more oxidized hematite-“bleached” facies, superimposed on any one of three host rocks.The sulphide-arsenide facies is probably older and, except in one deposit, it forms a patchy distribution of relicts. The principal pattern is an upwards increase in sulphur/arsenic ratio. The hematite-“bleached” facies appears to be younger and may represent a reworking of the earlier sulphide-arsenide facies mineralization under more oxidizing conditions.The trace metals can be grouped according to their redox behaviour. Vanadium, Mo and U, occurring as oxides, form one group while Ni, Co, Zn, Cu and As, occurring as sulphides and/or arsenides, form intermediate and most reduced groups, respectively. Iron is concentrated in the most oxidized facies as hematite or goethite and in the most reduced facies as pyritebravoite, siderite and chlorite. Manganese follows the distribution of siderite.The ratio of oxidized to reduced minerals can be represented by the ratio of U/Ni. This ratio can be used to estimate the variation of redox potential in the deposit at the time of deposition or alteration. The principal pattern is one of systematic increase in U/Ni ratio or oxidation potential both upward and to the northeast in each of the hematite and bleached facies.A generalized Eh-pH diagram is used to qualitatively describe the significance of each mineral facies.The U/Ni ratio of the transition between the hematite and “bleached” facies increases upwards. The phase diagram suggests that a possible cause is an upward decrease in pH and increase in Eh.The overall distribution is compatible with the origin of the deposits due to reduction at the interface between a plume of reductant emanating from fractures in the sub-Athabasca basement and an oxidizing aquifer moving southwestward in the sandstone. This model does not accurately predict the distribution of elements among the seven McClean Lake pods. However, it explains the overall pattern. Local variations in metal ratios in solution either in time or reflecting local provenance could be adduced to explain local deviations from the overall pattern.Clay alteration, apparently largely contemporaneous with the earliest mineralization, is largely illitic but with sporadic occurrences of xenotime and goyazite. Thus K and to some extent P, Y and light REE's are also enriched to some degree in the deposits.Uranium analysis of the drill core shows that there is little movement of U into the overlying sandstones from basement rocks and regolith that contain no uranium deposits. Uranium in the Athabasca sandstone from these areas averages less than 1 ppm. However, where uranium zones have been found in the basement rocks, regolith and lower Athabasca sandstone, U values greater than 2–3 ppm consistently occur in the overlying sandstones at or near surface.There appear to be two types of U anomalies, those that flank the deposits and those that directly overlie them. Both types exhibit vertical and lateral continuity. They are associated with vertical to steeply dipping fracture systems that traverse the Athabasca sandstone from basement to surface. The fractures are thought to be related to diagenetic processes from compaction of the sedimentary rocks over basement irregularities as well as tectonic processes (i.e. re-adjustment along old basement structures).These results suggest that target areas containing deeply buried uranium deposits could be defined by U analyses of the Athabasca sandstone from quite widely spaced holes of limited depth. This conclusion can be compared to XRD and chemical studies of clay mineral distribution within the Athabasca sandstone about the deposits.  相似文献   

加拿大萨斯喀彻温省索西(Southey)钾盐矿床,主要赋存于中泥盆统的Elk Point(埃尔克波因特)群上部Prairie Evaporite(草原蒸发岩)组。钾盐矿层稳定,似水平状展布,埋深约1250~1550 m;钾盐矿物主要有钾石盐(KCl)和光卤石(KCl·Mg Cl2·6H2O),矿石品位高,w(K2O)可达11.17%~21.85%,是世界少有的高品质钾盐矿床。文章分别从构造位置、古地理条件、物源补给、沉积韵律和成矿过程等多个方面综合分析了索西钾盐矿床的成因。  相似文献   

Traces of ice-dammed lakes are found along the southern part of the Saariselkä mountain range. Various shore marks, outlet channels and fine-grained sediments are indications of open water. The shallow basins were more or less filled by dead ice. At the beginning of deglaciation the meltwaters discharged over the mountain ridge to the north. As the ice margin receded toward the southwest new outlets were opened and the meltwaters discharged to the east and southeast. The ice-dammed lakes existed and the deglaciation took place during the period 9,500-9,300 B.P. The annual rate of retreat of the ice margin averaged 130–170 m per year.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1991,6(4):447-464
Analytical data are presented for Cl, Br and I on a regional scale for the Milk River aquifer. The three halides show strikingly similar spatial distributions and are highly correlated. Concentrations are low in the freshwater portions of the aquifer but increase by as much as two orders of magnitude along the margins. However, halide ratios reach nearly constant values moving down-gradient, suggesting the dominance of a common subsurface source for these ions. Ratios of Cl/I and Cl/Br are less than those of seawater and fit an origin derived from the diagenesis of organic matter in the sediments. Halide ratios rule out leakage and/or diffusion from the underlying Colorado Group as a major influence on the chemistry; the favored hypothesis is altered connate seawater diffusing from low-permeability units within the Milk River Formation as the primary source of salts. This hypothesis of an internal source has important implications for solute sources in other aquifers affected by saline waters because it does not require the importation of a distant fluid.The129I/I ratio has a meteoric value in groundwater collected near the recharge area, but ratios for downflow waters are only 8–70% of this value. Due to the 16 Ma half-life of129I, these data indicate that most of the increase in dissolved I cannot derive from concentration of a meteoric source by ion filtration, but must have a subsurface origin. Concentrations of129I producedin situ by spontaneous fission of238U attain measurable levels only in the oldest waters sampled (ages≥ 105a), in which it may account for nearly 90% of the total dissolved129I concentration.Water ages based upon36Cl/Cl data range up to 2 Ma if uncorrected for any dilution by subsurface sources of dead Cl. If one assumes that the subsurface contributions of Cl contribute at least 90% of total Cl in the distal portion, then the36Cl-based ages are reduced to ∼ 1Ma, somewhat greater than those estimated by hydrodynamic modeling.  相似文献   

The Middle Devonian Winnipegosis carbonate unit in south‐central Saskatchewan is partially to completely dolomitized. Two major types of replacive dolomite are distinguished. Microcrystalline to finely crystalline dolomite (type 1) displays nonplanar‐a to planar‐s textures, mimetically replaces the precursor limestone, accounts for about four‐fifths of dolomite phases volumetrically, and mainly occurs in the Winnipegosis mounds and the Lower Winnipegosis Member directly underlying the mounds. Medium crystalline dolomite (type 2) shows planar‐s to planar‐e textures, commonly occurs in the Lower Winnipegosis and Brightholme members, and decreases upward in abundance. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of type 1 dolomite (0·70795 to 0·70807) fall within the estimated Sr‐isotopic range for Middle Devonian marine carbonates. Stratigraphic, petrographic and geochemical data constrain the formation of type 1 dolomite to hypersaline sea water in a near‐surface environment, after marine cementation and sub‐aerial diagenesis and prior to precipitation of the Middle Devonian Leofnard salts. Movement of dolomitizing fluids could be driven by density differences and elevation head. The shift to lower δ18O values of type 1 dolomite [?7·4 to ?5·1‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB)] is interpreted as the result of recrystallization at elevated temperatures during burial. Type 2 dolomite has higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0·70809–0·70928), suggesting that the dolomite probably formed from basinal fluids with an increased richness in the radiogenic Sr isotope. In type 2 dolomite, Sr2+ concentrations are lower, and Fe2+ and Mn2+ concentrations are higher, compared with the associated limestone and type 1 dolomite. Type 2 dolomite is interpreted as having been formed from upward‐migrating basinal fluids during latest Devonian and Carboniferous period.  相似文献   

The geothermal potential of the basal clastics of Saskatchewan,Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Winnipeg and Deadwood formations form deep clastic reservoirs in Saskatchewan, Canada, with temperatures exceeding 40 °C over most of southern Saskatchewan and reaching 100 °C in southwestern Saskatchewan. At these temperatures, the formations have geothermal potential for development of direct use and electricity generation systems. Numerous disposal wells operating at rates of 30 L/s or more are currently installed in these formations, suggesting that electricity could be generated at rates exceeding 2 megawatts of electrical output (MWe) from individual wells. These basal clastic units, thus, could provide significant energy supply over a broad region of Saskatchewan.  相似文献   

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