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The different hypotheses proposed for the creation of the Bay of Biscay are reviewed. New geological and geophysical data collected in the last two years in the Bay and in the Pyrenean domain give new insight into the tectogenesis of the Pyrenees. Geological data of the Pyrenean area provide tight constraints on the hypothesis of formation of the Bay. The most probable hypothesis is an opening by rotation of the Iberian Peninsula around a pole of rotation situated near Paris, which resulted in strike-slip motion along the North Pyrenean fault during the Upper Mesozoic. A progressive westward migration of the pole initiated in the late Cretaceous blocked the motion along the fault and led to the main Eocene tectogenetic Pyrenean phase.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of two ship refraction experiments carried out in the Bay of Biscay in May 1970 to determine the crustal structure to the southeast of Gascony sea mount. The results show that the seismic structure is similar to that found on Line B further to the northwest, but that the mantle is deeper. The structure is oceanic showing that it is unlikely that this area of the Bay of Biscay has been formed by downfaulting of continental crust.  相似文献   

The knowledge of offshore and coastal wave climate evolution towards the end of the twenty-first century is particularly important for human activities in a region such as the Bay of Biscay and the French Atlantic coast. Using dynamical downscaling, a high spatial resolution dataset of wave conditions in the Bay of Biscay is built for three future greenhouse gases emission scenarios. Projected wave heights, periods and directions are analysed at regional scale and more thoroughly at two buoys positions, offshore and along the coast. A general decrease of wave heights is identified (up to ?20?cm during summer within the Bay off Biscay), as well as a clockwise shift of summer waves and winter swell coming from direction. The relation between those changes and wind changes is investigated and highlights a complex association of processes at several spatial scales. For instance, the intensification and the northeastward shift of strong wind core in the North Atlantic Ocean explain the clockwise shift of winter swell directions. During summer, the decrease of the westerly winds in the Bay of Biscay explains the clockwise shift and the wave height decrease of wind sea and intermediate waves. Finally, the analysis reveals that the offshore changes in the wave height and the wave period as well as the clockwise shift in the wave direction continue toward the coast. This wave height decrease result is consistent with other regional projections and would impact the coastal dynamics by reducing the longshore sediment flux.  相似文献   

The Basque coastal area, in the southeastern Bay of Biscay, can be characterised as being more influenced by land climate and inputs, than other typically ‘open sea’ areas. The influence of coastal processes, together with the presence of irregular and steep topography, complicate greatly the water circulation patterns. Water movement along the Basque coastal area is not well understood; observations are scarce and long-term current records are lacking. The knowledge available is confined to the surface currents: the surface water circulation is controlled mainly by wind forcing, with tidal and density currents being weak. However, there is a lack of knowledge available on currents within the lower levels of the water column; likewise, on the main time-scales involved in the water circulation. This study quantifies the contribution of the tidal and wind-induced currents, to the overall water circulation; it identifies the main time-scales involved within the tidal and wind-induced flows, investigating difference in such currents, throughout the water column, within Pasaia Bay (Basque coast). Within this context, extensive oceanographic and meteorological data have been obtained, in order to describe the circulation. The present investigation reveals that the circulation, within the surface and the sub-surface waters, is controlled mainly by wind forcing fluctuations, over a wide range of meteorological frequencies: third-diurnal, semidiurnal and diurnal land–sea breezes; synoptic variability; frequencies, near fortnightly periods; and seasonal. At the lower levels of the water column, the main contribution to the water circulation arises from residual currents, followed by wind-induced currents on synoptic time-scales. In contrast, tidal currents contribute minimally to the overall circulation throughout the water column.  相似文献   

The flux of sediments over a line perpendicular to the main flow direction was measured during experiments of weak one-dimensional bed load. The standard definition of solid discharge through a boundary is a straightforward issue, yet the dependence of resulting values on the spatial and temporal scales used as a support for measurement is not. In this work, first- and second-order statistics of sediment transport rates were analyzed as scale-dependent quantities. The spatial scales used were significantly larger than the particle size, while the temporal scales covered a two-orders-of-magnitude range enabling the physical time scales of the single particles to be appreciated. In addition, the relationship between sediment fluxes, process intermittency and particle interarrival times was investigated. Proper knowledge of the scale-dependence of statistical properties of sediment transport fluxes may allow for adequate design of measuring campaigns (both in the laboratory and field) and for sound interpretation of data from multiple sources.  相似文献   

An analysis of the magnetic anomaly profiles in the Bay of Biscay provides evidence for the former existence of an E-W trending sea-floor spreading axis in Biscay. Identification of the magnetic anomalies indicates that the opening of the Bay of Biscay took place during the Cretaceous, between Barremian and Maestrichtian times, and involved the formation of a triple-ridge junction with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 80 and 73 m.y. ago. The asymmetric distribution of magnetic anomalies in the Bay of Biscay is confirmed. This evidence, together with a proposed Lower Cretaceous development of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge suggests that Biscay evolved as a result of a three-phase rotation of Iberia.  相似文献   

The relative position of continents prior to the opening of the Bay of Biscay can be correctly deduced from reconstruction of the Ibero-Armorican belt only if the extent of the Late-Hercynian horizontal displacement along the south Armorican shear zone and perhaps also along the north Pyrenean fault can be determined.  相似文献   

The hydrology of the Bay of Biscay was investigated using the regional ocean model MARS3D (Model for Application at Regional Scale). The simulated hydrology is compared to a set of various data encompassing monthly climatology, remote sensing SST, CTD casts, and coastal salinity measurements. Special focus was put on the validation over the continental shelf. This paper reports that despite some misfits, the climatological hydrology and its seasonal variability are correctly simulated. Various statistics computed over the period from 1999–2004 highlight different aspects of the hydrology. The biases and root mean square errors (RMSE) remain very weak at all depths when comparing salinity (<0.1 and <0.6 psu respectively). The predicted temperature shows a global overestimation of temperature (bias of around 0.8 °C) and the maximum errors are located near the thermocline (rmse of 1 °C at 20–40 m). The model is shown to properly reproduce the annual dynamics of sea surface temperature, as well as the dynamics of large river plumes observed by high frequency time series from coastal salinity gauges. The misfits highlighted by these various comparisons between model and observations are attributed to heat fluxes and mixing parameterisation.  相似文献   

We examined spatial variations in benthic remineralisation (measured as sediment oxygen consumption (SOC)) and sediment properties on the northeastern New Zealand continental shelf and slope to assess the importance of benthic mineralisation in this ecosystem and to provide data for more complete global carbon budgets. SOC measured in dark incubations conducted in early summer ranged from 128 μmol m−2 h−1 at the deepest (360 m) to 1222 μmol m−2 h−1 at the shallowest (4.2 m) site and decreased significantly with water depth (p<0.001, r2=0.78, SOC=1222.8−456.3×log10[water depth], n=14 sites). These rates were in the range found on continental shelves elsewhere (64–1750 μmol m−2 h−1, n=30 studies) and had a very similar distribution with water depth. SOC was also measured in light incubations at seven sites (4.2–35 m water depth) to examine the effects of microphytobenthos and accounted for 42–106% of rates measured in the dark. Measurements of near-bed light intensities suggested that microphytobenthos production was not solely regulated by light intensity but evidently influenced by other factors. A two-dimensional PCA ordination of surface sediment properties accounted for 83.3% of the total variance in the data and divided the study area into three clusters that corresponded well to its spatial division into the shallow (<30 m) Firth of Thames, the Hauraki Gulf (30–50 m) and the northern shelf-slope region. In the Firth of Thames sediments were very fine-grained with low CaCO3 and high total organic matter and pigment content, and low C:N ratios. The northern shelf-slope sediments showed the opposite trends to the Firth of Thames and those in the Hauraki Gulf had mostly intermediate values. Dark SOC was significantly correlated with sediment organic matter, carbon, nitrogen, pigments and silt/clay content (p<0.05, r=0.55–0.85) but a multiple linear regression revealed that water depth was the only significant predictor. Calculations suggest that approximately 13%, 10% and 34% of primary production is remineralised in the sediments of the northern shelf-slope region, Hauraki Gulf and Firth of Thames, respectively, indicating a strong benthic–pelagic coupling on the northeastern New Zealand continental shelf that was particularly pronounced in the Firth of Thames due to its shallow depth and significant terrestrial and riverine inputs.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamical, fluid and particle parameters which control flushing rates, flow cells, and accumulation rates of particulate matter in cylindrical (MultiPIT) sediment traps were quantified in a flume simulation using a seeding technique for 25–45 µm particles. Particle collection was found to be a trap- and particle-specific filtering process encompassing advective and gravitational entry of particles over a reduced trap aperture area, and gravitational-turbulent removal of particles at the bottom of the internal flow cell. Trapping efficiency increased up to 10-fold with increasing horizontal flow velocity (1–30 cm · s–1). For given flow velocity, the trap over-and undercollected particles relative to their weight, i.e. (theoretical) Stokes settling velocity. The trapping efficiency increased with increasing trap Reynolds number ReT, changed by the approaching velocity in our experiments. Opposite findings from earlier experiments using the flume seeding technique and changing ReT by altering the trap diameter (Butman, 1986) are discussed. Semi-empirical equations are derived for the accumulation process of light, heavy and intermediate particles. From these, measured trap fluxes can be converted into in-situ verticle particle flux except for light particles.  相似文献   

Coastal deposits are very dynamic systems that may not have constant sediment accumulation rates over time. High-resolution reconstruction and dating of coastal environments, e.g. timing of vertical accretion of dune and/or beach ridges, can be achieved when collection of samples is closely-spaced, although this method is not always economically viable or time-effective. The low terrestrial dose rate environment leads to an unusual situation in which sample ages depend on the rate of accumulation of the overburden. By mathematically coupling successive sample ages obtained from vertical sediment cores, we are able to provide constraints on the model accumulation profiles. The dependence of sample age on the accumulation model is presented, and sample ages are compared with leading accumulation models of dune and beach ridge formation.  相似文献   

To describe the exchange of water and sediment through the Venice Lagoon inlets a 3-D hydrodynamic and sediment transport model has been developed and applied to a domain comprising Venice Lagoon and a part of the Adriatic Sea. The model has been validated for both current velocities and suspended particle concentration against direct observations and from observations empirically derived fluxes from upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler probes installed inside each inlet. The model provides estimates of the suspended sediment transport in the lower 3 m of the water column that is not detected by acoustic Doppler current profiler sensors. The bedload model prediction has been validated against measured sand transport rates collected by sand traps deployed in the Lido and Chioggia inlets. Results indicate that, in the Lido inlet, 87% of the total load is in suspension, while the rest moves as bedload.  相似文献   

Quantifying the removal of co‐seismic landslide material after a large‐magnitude earthquake is central to our understanding of geomorphic recovery from seismic events and the topographic evolution of tectonically active mountain ranges. In order to gain more insight into the fluvial erosion response to co‐seismic landslides, we focus on the sediment fluxes of rivers flowing through the rupture zone of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in the Longmen Shan of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Over the post‐seismic period of 2008–2013, we annually collected river sediment samples (0.25–1 mm) at 19 locations and measured the concentration of cosmogenic 10Be in quartz. When compared with published pre‐earthquake data, the 10Be concentrations declined dramatically after the earthquake at all sampling sites, but with significant spatial differences in the amplitude of this decrease, and were starting to increase toward pre‐earthquake level in several basins over the 5‐year survey. Our analysis shows that the amplitude of 10Be decrease is controlled by the amount of landslides directly connected to the river network. Calculations based on 10Be mixing budgets indicate that the sediment flux of the 0.25–1 mm size fraction increased up to sixfold following the Wenchuan earthquake. Our results also suggest that fluvial erosion became supply limited shortly after the earthquake, and predict that it could take a few years to several decades for fluvial sediment fluxes to go back to pre‐earthquake characteristics, depending on catchment properties. We also estimate that it will take at least decades and possibly up to thousands of years to remove the co‐seismic landslide materials from the catchments in the Longmen Shan. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A main conclusion following the oil spill from the Prestige tanker was that improvements in ocean circulation models were necessary; this was in order to predict, more accurately, the trajectories followed by the oil slicks and hence assist in fight against oil pollution operations. In this contribution, the results of the validation of a semi-empirical ocean circulation model, parameterised for the Bay of Biscay and forced with operational oceano-meteorological remote sensing observations, are shown. The model results have been validated with observations from drifting buoys, deployed in the Bay of Biscay during the crisis. The results show that the model explains a relatively large percentage of the current variability. The comparisons between the real and the estimated drifter trajectories indicate that for 3, 5 and 7 day-long trajectories, the drifter position is estimated with errors of approximately 23, 35 and 46km, respectively. The model reproduces relatively well the trajectory followed by the drifter with the shortest period (23 days).  相似文献   

The GEF/UNDP/IMO/PEMSEA project identifies Manila Bay as among the marine pollution hot spots in the Seas of East Asia. 210Pb dating of its sediment can provide a historical perspective of its pollution loading. However, the validity of 210Pb dating in a complex dynamic coastal system of Manila Bay may come into question. Land-based sediment input can be high and physical and biological processes can possibly disturb the sediment layers. In this report, the 210Pb profiles of sediment cores from different parts of the bay are presented. The linear sedimentation rates are shown to be higher in the recent past and are also variable across the bay. The largest change in sedimentation rate, coincided with the occurrence of a volcanic eruption in 1991 and is shown by applying a variant of the CIC model in sedimentation rate calculations. The data suggest that 210Pb dating can be useful in estimating relative magnitudes of sedimentation rates, even in a complex dynamic coastal system like Manila Bay.  相似文献   

The Bay of Biscay, located in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, is exposed to energetic waves coming from the open ocean that have crucial effects on the coast. Knowledge of the wave climate and trends in this region are critical to better understand the last decade’s evolution of coastal hazards and morphology and to anticipate their potential future changes. This study aims to characterize the long-term trends of the present wave climate over the second half of the twentieth century in the Bay of Biscay through a robust and homogeneous intercomparison of five-wave datasets (Corrected ERA-40 (C-ERA-40), ECMWF Reanalysis Interim (ERA-Interim), Bay Of Biscay Wave Atlas (BOBWA-10kH), ANEMOC, and Bertin and Dodet 2010)). The comparison of the quality of the datasets against offshore and nearshore measurements reveals that at offshore locations, global reanalyses slightly underestimate wave heights, while regional hindcasts overestimate wave heights, especially for the highest quantiles. At coastal locations, BOBWA-10kH is the dataset that compares the best with observations. Concerning long time-scale features, the comparison highlights that the main significant trends are similarly present in the five datasets, especially during summer for which there is an increase of significant wave heights and mean wave periods (up to +15 cm and +0.6 s over the period 1970–2001) as well as a southerly shift of wave directions (around ?0.4° year?1). Over the same period, an increase of high quantiles of wave heights during the autumn season (around 3 cm year?1 for 90th quantile of significant wave heights (SWH90)) is also apparent. During winter, significant trends are much lower than during summer and autumn despite a slight increase of wave heights and periods during 1958–2001. These trends can be related to modifications in the wave-type occurrence. Finally, the trends common to the five datasets are discussed by analyzing the similarities with centennial trends issued from longer time-scale studies and exploring the various factors that could explain them.  相似文献   

杜先  荀凡  王亚蕊  陈新芳  沈悦  李勇  冯慕华 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1671-1682
蓝藻水华暴发形成的大量有机碎屑,沉降到沉积物表面,影响沉积物有机质矿化,进而影响碳氮磷循环.本实验选择于桥水库湖心区作为沉积物采样点,通过设置不同密度藻屑添加组(×1倍组和×20倍组)及空白对照组,研究藻屑堆积对沉积物矿化特征的影响及其环境效应,为蓝藻水华影响下的饮用水环境修复和科学管理提供一定的理论依据.结果表明:(1)藻屑添加降低了上覆水pH值,改变了沉积物生物酶活性.藻屑添加密度越大,上覆水pH值越低、波动越大,反映了培养过程异养微生物活性的变化.×1倍组的转化酶活性较高;×20倍组蛋白酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性较高.(2)藻屑添加对沉积物的矿化途径和沉积物产物的释放速率产生了显著影响.藻屑添加密度越大,有机质矿化速率越大.其中,×1倍组主要增强好氧矿化,释放CO2;×20倍组主要增强厌氧产甲烷矿化,释放CH4.(3)不同密度的藻屑添加组,其氮磷扩散、释放通量存在明显差别.×1倍组以沉积物吸附为主,其上覆水NH4+和PO43-平均释放速率与对照组差异较小...  相似文献   

The distribution of planktic foraminifera from the continental slope onto the shelf of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay is discussed in relation to environmental factors. Samples were obtained between March and November, 2006–2008, along a bathymetric transect from 2000 to 145 m water depth, from 50 km off the shelf-break onto the outer shelf. Live specimens and empty tests (>100 μm) were collected with vertical plankton tows from the sea surface to a maximum water depth of 700 m, and temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration, and fluorescence/chlorophyll-a concentration were recorded. Additional data on chlorophyll-a concentration and sea surface temperature were derived from satellite imagery (Aqua MODIS and SeaWIFS). Planktic foraminifera were most abundant in the upper 80 m of the water column at all locations, with decreasing numbers towards the coast in March, April, and June. In November, maximum numbers of live specimens occurred at the outer shelf location. In July, planktic foraminiferal standing stocks were low throughout the sampling area.Chlorophyll-a concentration (i.e., food) and fresh water input were found to affect the abundance of planktic foraminifera along the transect; however we found no influence of water depth or proximity to the shelf.  相似文献   

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