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《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,65(12):2849-2856
In this study, the state of the five stations’ quality was assessed on the basis of determination of temporal and spatial variability of nutrients with physicochemical variables. Besides this, organic matter of sediment, secchi disc depth and suspended solids were also determined. The samples were collected seasonally from different areas such as harbor and important touristic marinas along the eastern Aegean during June 2008–2009. As a result, the nutrients ranged between NH4: 0.10–25.6, NO2: 0.01–1.5, NO3: 0.19–7.0, o.PO4: 0.17–6.8, TPO4: 0.32–9.6 and Si: 0.30–13.8 μM, respectively. Precipitation leads to large changes in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients. The highest nutrient values in this study were observed during the rainy season except o.PO4-P and TPO4-P. However, the physico-chemical variables have exhibited considerable temporal variations while nutrients showed spatial differences. The relatively high nutrient increase in the sampling stations coupled with surface runoff events during rainy period and pollution arising from both point and non-point sources.  相似文献   

The Changjiang has transported large quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to the East China Sea (ECS), but information of these pollutants in zooplankton is limited. To understand PAHs pollution in zooplankton in the ECS, total concentrations of PAHs in zooplankton from surface waters were measured. Values of PAHs ranged from 2 to 3500 ng m−3 in the ECS, with highest PAHs levels located at the salinity front between the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) and the mid-shelf waters. In contrast, concentrations of zooplankton PAHs in the mid-shelf and outer-shelf waters were significantly lower (2–23 ng m3) than those in the CDW. These results demonstrate that PAHs are conspicuously accumulated in zooplankton at the salinity front between the CDW and the mid-shelf waters. These higher levels of PAHs in zooplankton at the salinity front may be further biomagnified in marine organisms of higher trophic levels through their feeding activities.  相似文献   

Surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), temperature, salinity, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were measured in the East China Sea (ECS; 31°30′–34°00′N to 124°00′–127°30′E) in August 2003 (summer), May 2004 (spring), October 2004 (early fall), and November 2005 (fall). The warm and saline Tsushima Warm Current was observed in the eastern part of the survey area during four cruises, and relatively low salinity waters due to outflow from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) were observed over the western part of the survey area. Surface pCO2 ranged from 236 to 445 μatm in spring and summer, and from 326 to 517 μatm in fall. Large pCO2 (values >400 μatm) occurred in the western part of the study area in spring and fall, and in the eastern part in summer. A positive linear correlation existed between surface pCO2 and temperature in the eastern part of the study area, where the Tsushima Warm Current dominates; this correlation suggests that temperature is the major factor controlling surface pCO2 distribution in that area. In the western part of the study area, however, the main controlling factor is different and seasonally complex. There is large transport in this region of Changjiang Diluted Water in summer, causing low salinity and low pCO2 values. The relationship between surface pCO2 and water stability suggests that the amount of mixing and/or upwelling of CO2-rich water might be the important process controlling surface pCO2 levels during spring and fall in this shallow region. Sea–air CO2 flux, based on the application of a Wanninkhof [1992. Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 7373–7382] formula for gas transfer velocity and a set of monthly averaged satellite wind data, were −5.04±1.59, −2.52±1.81, 1.71±2.87, and 0.39±0.18 mmol m−2 d−1 in spring, summer, early fall, and fall, respectively, in the northern ECS. The ocean in this study area is therefore a carbon sink in spring and summer, but a weak source or in equilibrium with the atmosphere in fall. If the winter flux value is assumed to have been the mean of autumnal and vernal values, then the northern ECS absorbs about 0.013 Pg C annually. That result suggests that the northern ECS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2, a result consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

This paper presents data for the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients in Liverpool Bay between 2003 and 2009 and an analysis of inputs of nutrients from the major rivers. The spatial distribution of winter nutrient concentrations are controlled by the region of freshwater influence (ROFI) in Liverpool Bay through the mixing of riverine freshwater and Irish Sea water, with strong linear relationships between nutrient concentration and salinity between December and February. The location of highest spring and summer phytoplankton biomass reflects the nutrient distributions as controlled by the ROFI. Analysis of 7 years of data showed that the seasonal cycle of winter maximum nutrient concentrations in February and drawdown in April/May is a recurrent feature of this location, with the timing of the drawdown varying by several weeks between years. A comparison of observed nutrient concentrations in Liverpool Bay with those predicted from inputs from rivers has been presented. Nutrient concentrations in the rivers flowing into Liverpool Bay were highly variable and there was reasonable agreement between predicted freshwater nutrient concentrations using data from this study and riverine nutrient concentrations weighted on the basis of river flow, although the exact nature of mixing between the rivers could not be determined. Predicted Irish Sea nutrient concentrations in the winter were lower than those reported for the input waters of the North Atlantic, supporting findings from previous work that nitrogen is lost through denitrification in the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

For the evaluation of policy action programs to improve groundwater quality, research institutes and governments intensively monitor nitrate concentrations in shallow or near surface groundwater. However, trend detection is often hampered by the large seasonal and multi-annual temporal variability in nitrate concentrations, especially in shallow groundwater within 0–5 m below the surface in relatively humid regions. This variability is mainly caused by variations in precipitation excess (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) that results in strong variability in groundwater recharge. The objective of this study was to understand and quantify this weather-induced variability in shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations.We present an example of measured weather related variations in shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations from De Marke, an intensively monitored experimental farm in The Netherlands. For the quantification of the weather-induced variability, concentration-indices were calculated using a 1D model for water and solute transport. The results indicate that nitrate concentrations in the upper meter of groundwater at De Marke vary between 55% and 153% of the average concentration due to meteorological variability. The concentration-index quantification method was successfully used to distinguish weather related variability from human-induced trends in the nitrate concentration monitoring data from De Marke. Our model simulations also shows that sampling from fixed monitoring wells produces less short term variability than measuring from open boreholes. In addition, using larger screen depths and longer screens filters out short term temporal variability at the cost of a more delayed detection of trends in groundwater quality.  相似文献   

2005-2017年北部太湖水体叶绿素a和营养盐变化及影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用国家生态观测网络太湖湖泊生态系统研究站对北部太湖14个监测点2005-2017年的营养盐和叶绿素a浓度逐月监测数据,分析了北部太湖2005年以来水体营养盐和叶绿素a变化特征,探讨了叶绿素变化的影响因素.结果表明,2015年以来,北部太湖水体叶绿素a浓度呈现显著增高特征,特别是5-7月的蓝藻水华灾害关键期,水体叶绿素a浓度增幅更加明显;营养盐方面,氮、磷对治理的响应完全不同:水体总氮、溶解性总氮、氨氮的降幅很明显,甚至在春末夏初的蓝藻生长旺盛期出现了供给不足的征兆;但水体总磷降幅却不明显,加之蓝藻水华的磷"泵吸作用",近3 a来水体总磷浓度反而有升高趋势,溶解性总磷浓度也无明显下降趋势.不同湖区的营养盐变化也不相同:西北湖区溶解性总氮、溶解性总磷浓度显著高于梅梁湾、贡湖湾和湖心区,而且后3个湖区的水质呈现均一化趋势.统计分析表明,北部太湖水体叶绿素a浓度与颗粒氮、颗粒磷、总磷、高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与溶解态氮呈负相关;5-7月水华关键期北部太湖水体叶绿素a浓度与上半年(1-6月)逐日水温积温、总降雨量、年平均水位均呈显著正相关关系.从研究结果可以看出,近年来北部太湖水体叶绿素a浓度的波动很大程度上受水文气象因子的影响;2007年以来太湖流域一系列生态修复工程的实施,虽然明显降低了湖泊氮浓度,但由于流域和湖体的氮磷本底较高,磷的缓冲能力大,致使水体营养盐水平仍未降到能显著抑制蓝藻生长的水平,年际之间的水文气象条件差异成为蓝藻水华暴发强度差异的主控因素.为此,仍需加大对太湖流域氮、磷负荷的削减,使湖体氮、磷浓度降低到能显著影响蓝藻生长的水平,才能摆脱水文气象条件对蓝藻水华情势的决定作用.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal variations in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in groundwater were analysed and related to the variations in hydrological conditions, vegetation type and substrate in an alluvial ecosystem. This study was conducted in the Illwald forest in the Rhine Plain (eastern France) to assess the removal of nutrients from groundwater in a regularly flooded area. We compared both forest and meadow ecosystems on clayey‐silty soils with an anoxic horizon (pseudogley) at 1·5–2 m depth (eutric gley soil) and a forest ecosystem on a clayey‐silty fluviosoil rich in organic matter with a gley at 0·5 m depth (calcaric gley soil). Piezometers were used to measure the nutrient concentrations in the groundwater at 2 m depth in the root layer and at 4·5 m depth, below the root layer. Lower concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in groundwater were observed under forest than under meadow, which could be explained by more efficient plant uptake by woody species than herbaceous plants. Thus NO3‐N inputs by river floods were reduced by 73% in the shallow groundwater of the forested ecosystem, and only by 37% in the meadow. Compared with the superficial groundwater layer, the lowest level of nitrate nitrogen (NO3‐N) and the highest level of ammonium nitrogen (NH4‐N) were measured in the deep layer (under the gley horizon at 2·5 m depth), which suggests that the reducing potential of the anoxic horizon in the gley soils contributes to the reduction of nitrate. Nitrate concentrations were higher in the groundwater of the parcel rich in organic matter than in the one poorer in organic matter. Phosphate (PO4‐P) concentrations in both shallow and deep groundwater are less than 62 to 76% of those found in surface water which can be related to the retention capacity of the clay colloids of these soils. Moreover, the temporal variations in nutrient concentrations in groundwater are directly related to variations in groundwater level during an annual hydrological cycle. Our results suggest that variations in groundwater level regulate spatio‐temporal variations in nutrient concentrations in groundwater as a result of the oxidation–reduction status of soil, which creates favourable or unfavourable conditions for nutrient bioavailability. The hydrological variations are much more important than those concerning substrate and type of vegetation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to provide a detailed characterization of spatial patterns and temporal trends in the regional and local dust source areas within the desert of the Alashan Prefecture (Inner Mongolia, China). This problem was approached through multi‐scale remote sensing analysis of vegetation changes. The primary requirements for this regional analysis are high spatial and spectral resolution data, accurate spectral calibration and good temporal resolution with a suitable temporal baseline. Landsat analysis and field validation along with the low spatial resolution classifications from MODIS and AVHRR are combined to provide a reliable characterization of the different potential dust‐producing sources. The representation of intra‐annual and inter‐annual Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) trend to assess land cover discrimination for mapping potential dust source using MODIS and AVHRR at larger scale is enhanced by Landsat Spectral Mixing Analysis (SMA). The combined methodology is to determine the extent to which Landsat can distinguish important soils types in order to better understand how soil reflectance behaves at seasonal and inter‐annual timescales. As a final result mapping soil surface properties using SMA is representative of responses of different land and soil cover previously identified by NDVI trend. The results could be used in dust emission models even if they are not reflecting aggregate formation, soil stability or particle coatings showing to be critical for accurately represent dust source over different regional and local emitting areas. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bank erosion rates and processes across a range of spatial scales are poorly understood in most environments, especially in the seasonally wet tropics of northern Australia where sediment yields are among global minima. A total of 177 erosion pins was installed at 45 sites on four sand‐bed streams (Tributaries North and Central, East Tributary and Ngarradj) in the Ngarradj catchment in the Alligator Rivers Region. Bank erosion was measured for up to 3·5 years (start of 1998/99 wet season to end of 2001/02 wet season) at three spatial scales, namely a discontinuous gully (0·6 km2) that was initiated by erosion of a grass swale between 1975 and 1981, a small continuous channel (2·5 km2) on an alluvial fan that was formed by incision of a formerly discontinuous channel between 1964 and 1978, and three medium‐sized, continuous channels (8·5–43·6 km2) with riparian vegetation. The bank erosion measurements during a period of average to above‐average rainfall established that substantial bank erosion occurred during the wet season on the two smaller channels by rapid lateral migration (Tributary Central) and by erosion of gully sidewalls due to a combination of within‐gully flows and overland flow plunging over the sidewalls (Tributary North). Minor bank erosion also occurred during the dry season by faunal activity, by desiccation and loss of cohesion of the sandy bank sediments and by dry flow processes. The larger channels with riparian vegetation (East Tributary and Ngarradj) did not generate significant amounts of sediment by bank erosion. Deposition (i.e. negative pin values) was locally significant at all scales. Bank profile form and channel planform exert a strong control on erosion rates during the wet season but not during the dry season. Copyright © 2006 Commonwealth Government of Australia.  相似文献   

千岛湖叶绿素a的时空分布及其与影响因子的相关分析   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
为了解千岛湖在大量放养鲢鳙鱼后叶绿素a的时空分布格局及其与主要环境因子的相关性,本文于2007年1月至2009年12月对千岛湖叶绿素a及其他10个水质理化指标进行了每月定期采样及监测.结果表明:上游河流区和过渡区叶绿素a含量存在明显的季节变化,其共同特点是每年会形成春季和夏末秋初的双高峰.叶绿素a含量在空间分布上具有一...  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) were determined in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea during June-July, 2006 and January-February, 2007. The concentrations of DMS and total DMSP in surface water in the study area were 5.64 (1.79-12.24) and 28.25 (13.98-44.93) nmol L−1 in summer, and were 1.79 (1.02-3.51) and 11.01 (6.90-17.98) nmol L−1 in winter, respectively. The distributions of DMS and DMSP in the study area were obviously influenced by the Yangtze River effluent and the Kuroshio water. Even under highly variable hydrographic conditions, a significant relationship was observed between DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations in summer as well as in winter, suggesting that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling DMS distribution in the study area. The summer ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSP/chlorophyll a were approximately twofold higher than winter values, corresponding with the temporal variation in phytoplankton community structure between summer and winter. The sea-to-air fluxes of DMS were estimated to be 5.32 and 11.92 μmol m−2 d−1 using the equations of Liss and Merlivat (1986) and Wanninkhof (1992), respectively.  相似文献   

Water quality and groundwater dynamics in wetlands are strongly influenced by the spatiotemporal distribution of contaminant application, and variations and changes in climate, vegetation, and anthropogenic interventions in its neighborhood. For groundwater-fed wetlands, this relevant neighborhood at least extends to the groundwater contributing area (GCA) boundary. In spite of its importance, understanding of the nature of GCA dynamics vis-à-vis meteorological variations remains largely understudied. This work attempts to map GCA of inland forested wetlands. Following that, two specific questions are answered: (a) Is GCA extent and its variation different than that of the topographic contributing area (TCA)? and (b) Is the temporal dynamics of GCA for different wetlands, all of which are experiencing very similar climatological forcing, similar? Our results show that GCAs for wetlands vary temporally, are much different in extent and shape than the TCA, and on an average are larger than the TCA. Although wetlands in the studied watershed experienced similar meteorological forcings, their covariation with forcings varied markedly. Majority of the wetlands registered an increase in GCA during dry period, but for a few the GCA decreased. This highlights the role of additional physical controls, other than meteorological forcings, on temporal dynamics of GCA. Notably, wetlands with larger TCA are found to generally have larger average GCA as well, thus indicating the dominant role of topography in determining the relative size of average GCA over the landscape. Our results provide a refined picture of the spatiotemporal patterns of GCA dynamics and the controls on it. The information will help improve the prediction of wet period dynamics, recharge, and contamination risk of groundwater-fed wetlands.  相似文献   

We examined spatial and temporal variations in precipitation measured during summer season between 1976 and 2007 for 28 stations located in mountain areas across Japan using the amount of precipitation (Pr), the mean depth of precipitation events (η), and the inverse of the mean interval times (λ). We obtained positive correlations between the period mean Pr (Pr ) and the period mean η ( ) and between Pr and the period mean λ ( ) for the 28 stations. Pr was more strongly related to than to , indicating the spatial variations in Pr that are primarily related to the variations in . In addition, Pr was more strongly related to η than to λ for most stations on the basis of data for 1976–2007, indicating that the year‐to‐year variations in Pr are primarily related to η. We also examined temporal trends in Pr, η and λ for 1976–2007 and found no systematic trends for 23 of the 28 stations, suggesting long‐term trends that are not common in mountain areas of Japan. The relationships between Pr and and between Pr and η presented in this study enable us to generate a temporal precipitation distribution pattern based on only Pr and Pr data, respectively. Furthermore, probabilistic stochastic hydrological models require precipitation characteristics as input; thus, this study contributes to the determination of hydrological cycles and their possible future changes in Japanese mountain areas and therefore to water resource management. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research demonstrates the spatiotemporal variations of albedo on nine glaciers in western China during 2000–2011, by the albedo derived from two types of datasets: Landsat TM/ETM + images and MOD10A1 product. Then, the influence factors of glacier albedo and its relationship with glacier mass balance are also analyzed by the correlation approach, which is frequently used in geostatistics. The paper finds that there are different spatiotemporal variations over the glaciers in western China: (1) For a single glacier, the albedo varies gently with altitude on its tongue and increases fast in the middle part, while in the accumulation zones, the albedo value appears in the form of fluctuation. This could provide a quantitative method to retrieve the snowline by determining the threshold albedo value of snowpack and bare ice. (2) For the glaciers in western China, the albedo decreases with distance to the center of Tibetan Plateau (TP). This may relate to the elevation of glacier, for the speed of glacier retreat highly depends on air temperature. (3) In the summer period, albedo on most glaciers declines over the last 12 years, and it decreases much faster in southeastern TP than other regions, for which air temperature overwhelms the black carbon concentration. In addition, the trend of glacier albedo in summer is greatly correlated with that of measured glacier mass balance, which implies that the long‐term albedo datasets by remote sensing technology could be used to monitor and predict the change of glacier mass balance in the future. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Y Van Herpe  P. A Troch 《水文研究》2000,14(14):2439-2455
Streamwater nitrate (NO3) concentrations along the main stream and at the outlet of several subcatchments within the 114\3 km2 Zwalm watershed in Flanders, Belgium, have been monitored regularly since 1991. Land use within the Zwalm catchment is predominantly agricultural, with forested regions in the south and urban concentrations in the north‐east of the catchment. Streamwater NO3 concentrations increased with increases in stream discharge rates, but in general, discharge rate explained only about 30% of the variation in NO3 concentrations. The low R2 values were attributed to the observed anticlockwise hysteresis in the NO3 concentration – discharge relationship and to differences in NO3 concentrations between both seasonal flow and various flow regimes, with winter flow explaining 51% of the variation in NO3 concentrations, whereas summer flow explained only 28% of the variation. A hypothesis was formulated in which flow regime accounts for the seasonal variation in NO3 export, postulating that the catchment seasonally alternates between two hydrological stages. The first stage occurs during wet winter periods, when the catchment drains as a single source area, whereas the second stage occurs during dry summer periods, when the groundwater store disconnects into separate subcatchments. This causes NO3 concentration peaks to be more delayed during summer storm events compared with winter storm events. Regarding flow regimes, differences between high and low flow conditions and between increasing and stable/decreasing flow were not as pronounced a differences between seasons. In contrast to the estimation of NO3 concentrations, discharge was a strong predictor (R2= 0\71) of the NO3 flux within the tributaries of the Zwalm catchment. The NO3 concentrations in the main stream increased with decreasing elevation, whereas the seasonal concentration patterns along the main channel were similar to those observed at the outlet. NO3 concentrations varied considerably among catchments and showed a high variability over time, although in general, the variation in NO3 concentration was higher between catchments than within catchments. The impact of land use is clearly reflected in the streamwater NO3 concentrations, although NO3 concentration patterns were also affected by topography and, to a lesser extent, by soil type. A gradual increase in NO3 concentrations at the outlet of the Zwalm catchment could be observed throughout the 1991 – 1998 study period, providing evidence for the general trends of increase in Flanders, which are attributed to the intensification of agricultural activities. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment components and their fluxes of Cores MD12-3428(water depth: 903 m), MD12-3433(water depth: 2125 m),and MD12-3434(water depth: 2995 m), obtained along a transect on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea, have been conducted to reveal the spatiotemporal variations and the controlling factors of the sediment components and of their fluxes.Results show that deep-sea sediments in the northern South China Sea are composed mainly of terrigenous(59–89%) and carbonate(6–38%) particles, with minor components of opal(1.6–9.4%) and organic matter(0.7–1.9%). Fluxes of terrigenous and carbonate particles reach up to 2.4–21.8 and 0.4–6.5 g cm–2 kyr–1, respectively, values that are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the fluxes of opal and organic matter. Temporal variations of the percentages and fluxes of deep-sea sediment components have displayed clear glacial-interglacial cyclicity since the last glaciation. Terrigenous, opal, and organic matter percentages and their fluxes increas clearly during marine isotope stage 2, while carbonate percentages and fluxes show an opposite variation pattern or are characterized by an unremarkable increase. This implies that deep-sea carbonate in the South China Sea is affected by the dilution of terrigenous inputs during the sea-level lowstand. With increasing water depth along the transect, the terrigenous percentage increases but with largely decreased fluxes. Both the percentage and flux of carbonate decrease, while the percentages and fluxes of opal and organic matter display much more complicated variational features. The spatiotemporal variations of deep-sea sediment components and of their fluxes since the last glaciation in the northern South China Sea are strongly controlled by sea-level fluctuations. Simultaneously, terrigenous supply associated with monsoonal rainfall, marine primary productivity,and the dilution effect between terrigenous and biogenic particles, also play interconnected roles in the sediment accumulation processes.  相似文献   

Spatial (10 different locations) and temporal (2 years) changes in characteristics of the Marmara Sea Sediments were monitored to determine interactions between the chemical and microbial diversity. The sediments were rich in terms of hydrocarbon, nitrate, Ni and microbial cell content. Denitrifying, sulfate reducing, fermentative and methanogenic organisms were co-abundant in 15 cm below the sea floor. The local variations in the sediments’ characteristics were more distinctive than the temporal ones. The sulfate and nitrate contents were the main drivers of the changes in the microbial community compositions. N and P were limited for microbial growth in the sediments, and their levels determined the total cell abundance and activity. Seasonal shifts in temperatures of the shallow sediments were also reflected in the active cell abundances. It was concluded that the Marmara Sea is a promising ecosystem for the further investigation of the ecologically important microbial processes.  相似文献   

Oysters from the north-west coast of Canada contain high levels of cadmium, a toxic metal, in amounts that exceed food safety guidelines for international markets. A first required step to determine the sources of cadmium is to identify possible spatial and temporal trends in the accumulation of cadmium by the oyster. To meet this objective, rather than sample wild and cultured oysters of unknown age and origin, an oyster “grow-out” experiment was initiated. Cultured oyster seed was suspended in the water column up to a depth of 7 m and the oyster seed allowed to mature a period of 3 years until market size. Oysters were sampled bimonthly and at time of sampling, temperature, chlorophyll-a, turbidity and salinity were measured. Oyster total shell length, dry tissue weights, cadmium concentrations (μg g−1) and burdens (μg of cadmium oyster−1) were determined. Oyster cadmium concentrations and burdens were then interpreted with respect to the spatial and temporal sampling design as well as to the measured physio-chemical and biotic variables. When expressed as a concentration, there was a marked seasonality with concentrations being greater in winter as compared in summer; however no spatial trend was evident. When expressed as a burden which corrects for differences in tissue mass, there was no seasonality, however cadmium oyster burdens increased from south to north. Comparison of cadmium accumulation rates oyster−1 among sites indicated three locations, Webster Island, on the west side of Vancouver Island, and two within Desolation Sound, Teakerne Arm and Redonda Bay, where point sources of cadmium which are not present at all other sampling locations may be contributing to overall oyster cadmium burdens. Of the four physio-chemical factors measured only temperature and turbidity weakly correlated with tissue cadmium concentrations (r2 = −0.13; p < 0.05). By expressing oyster cadmium both as concentration and burden, regional and temporal patterns were demonstrated, which may have been missed if just concentration was determined.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine temporal trends and spatial distribution of the annual and monthly precipitation in the Haihe River Basin, China, during 1951–2008. A significant decreasing trend was observed for the annual precipitation, mainly attributed to the abrupt decrease in the flood‐season precipitation (June–September) around the year of 1979. No significant trend was revealed for precipitation within Period I of 1951–1979 and Period II of 1980–2008. Results of this study indicated that the relative contributions of the flood‐season precipitation decreased temporally with time and spatially with elevation. This study also identified a potential movement of storm centers from east to west portions of the basin. In addition, analysis on the precipitation anomalies also suggested a redistribution of the non‐flood season precipitation over the study area. Compared with the west portion of the basin, generally, the east received relatively more precipitation during the non‐flood season, while similar trend of precipitation redistribution was not observed in the flood season. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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