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The effects of fortnightly, semidiurnal, and quaterdiurnal lunar tidal cycles on suspended particle concentrations in the tidal freshwater zone of the Seine macrotidal estuary were studied during periods of medium to low freshwater flow. Long-term records of turbidity show semidiurnal and spring-neap erosion-sedimentation cycles. During spring tide, the rise in low tide levels in the upper estuary leads to storage of water in the upper estuary. This increases residence time of water and suspended particulate matter (SPM). During spring tide periods, significant tidal pumping, measured by flux calculations, prevents SPM transit to the middle estuary which is characterized by the turbidity maximum zone. On a long-term basis, this tidal pumping allows marine particles to move upstream for several tens of kilometers into the upper estuary. At the end of the spring tide period, when the concentrations of suspended particulate matter are at their peak values and the low-tide level drops, the transport of suspended particulate matter to the middle estuary reaches its highest point. This period of maximum turbidity is of short duration because a significant amount of the SPM settles during neap tide. The particles, which settle under these conditions, are trapped in the upper estuary and cannot be moved to the zone of maximum turbidity until the next spring tide. From the upper estuary to the zone of maximum turbidity, particulate transport is generated by pulses at the start of the spring-neap tide transition period.  相似文献   

The waters of the Seine river estuary, located in a highly anthropogenicized area in the northern part of France, are of poor microbiological quality; the concentrations of faecal bacteria usually exceed the European Union bathing and recreational water directives. The aim of the present study was to identify the main sources of the faecal pollution of the Seine estuary in order to help define priorities for management and sanitation efforts. Budgets of faecal coliform (FC) inputs to the estuary were established for various hydrological conditions. Main sources of FC were the outfalls of the treated effluents of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located along the estuary, the faecal bacteria brought in through the tributaries of the Seine estuary, and the faecal bacteria transported by the Seine river flow at the estuary entrance at Poses dam. In order to quantify these inputs, FC were enumerated during sampling campaigns conducted for various hydrological conditions in the Seine at the entrance of the estuary, in the tributaries close to their confluence with the estuary, and in the effluents of some WWTPs located along the estuary. The importance of the flux of FC transported by the Seine river flow at the estuary entrance at Poses dam decreased from 92% of the total FC input when the flow rate was high (717 m3 s−1) to 5% when flow rate was low (143 m3 s−1). The release of the domestic wastewaters of the large city of Paris located 120 km upstream from the entrance of the estuary was mainly responsible for this microbiological pollution. At low flow rates, the tributaries represent the most important source of FC (64–76% for flow rates of the Seine at Poses at approximately 150 m3 s−1), mainly from the Robec and Eure rivers. The treated wastewater of the WWTPs located along the estuary was the second source of FC for low flow conditions (19–30%); it was less important for high to intermediate flow rate conditions.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(6):1195-1208
The upper intertidal zone, and salt marshes in particular, have been shown by numerous authors to be effective medium to long-term storage areas for a range of contaminants discharged or transported into the estuarine environment. A detailed understanding of the specific controls on the trapping and storage of contaminants, however, is absent for many estuarine systems. This paper examines heavy metal distribution and accumulation in two contrasting Spartina sp.-dominated macrotidal salt marsh systems – a rapidly prograding, relatively young marsh system at the Vasiere Nord, near the mouth of the Seine estuary, France, and a more mature, less extensive marsh system in the Medway estuary, UK. The spatial distribution of the heavy metals Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni and Co is assessed and compared in both systems via detailed surface sampling and analysis, while the longer-term accumulation of these metals and its temporal variability is compared via analysis of dated sediment cores. Of the two sites studied, the more extensive marsh system at the Vasiere Nord in the Seine estuary shows a clear differentiation of heavy metals across the marsh and fronting mudflat, with highest metal concentrations found in surface sediments from the more elevated, interior marsh areas. At Horrid Hill in the Medway estuary, the spatial distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments is more irregular, and there is no clear relationship between heavy metal concentration and site elevation, with average concentrations similar in the marsh and fronting mudflats. Sediment core data indicate that the more recent near-surface sediments at Horrid Hill are clearly more contaminated than those at greater depth, with most heavy metal contamination confined to the upper 20 cm of the sediment column (with peak metal input in the late 1960s/early 1970s). In contrast, due to extremely rapid sediment accretion at the mouth of the Seine, heavy metal distribution with depth at the Vasiere Nord site is relatively erratic, with metal concentrations showing a general increase with depth. These sediments provide little information on temporal trends in heavy metal loading to the Seine estuary. Overall, heavy metal concentrations at both sites are within typical ranges reported for other industrialised estuaries in NW Europe.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is among the major contaminants in the Seine estuary. In the biota, the RNO (Réseau National d’Observation, the French Mussel-Watch) has shown that Cd concentrations in mussels living at the mouth of the estuary are related to changes in inputs to this area of phosphogypsum, a calcium sulphate that is a by-product of the phosphoric acid naturally enriched with Cd. In the water column, Cd concentrations at several key estuary sites show a very marked trend toward decreased contamination in the particles as well as in the dissolved phase. The behavior of Cd in the estuary has been studied between 1991 and 1998 in the framework of the scientific program Seine-Aval. This program has highlighted punctual Cd inputs in the estuarine water column. The partition of Cd between the dissolved and the particulate phase, previously described in various estuaries, is characterized by an intense phenomenon of solubilization in the mixing zone freshwater-seawater, but the colloidal Cd fraction remains low along the whole salinity gradient, about 5% to 10% of the apparent dissolved fraction. Although the decrease of inputs induced a fall of Cd concentrations in the water column, laboratory experiments show that the estuarine particles are far from being exhausted in Cd. Despite continuous efforts to reduce the urban and industrial inputs into the estuarine and coastal waters, the Seine estuary still remains very contaminated by Cd.  相似文献   

A complexation model (MOCO) was used to describe cadmium (Cd) speciation during estuarine transit in the Seine estuary. This model was developed from field data. Laboratory experiments based on the use of109Cd enabled checking of certain model simplifications and hypotheses and evaluation of parameters which could not be measured directly. MOCO was coupled with a 3D multivariable hydrosedimentary model (SAM3D) to simulate Cd dynamics in the estuary. These results were compared with measurements (dissolved and particulate Cd) obtained during cruises representative of various hydrodynamic conditions. The purpose of this article is to present the modeling approach used, and its expected applications and limits.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of fine sediment transport in the macrotidal Seine estuary has been conducted, including observations of suspended particulate matter (SPM), surficial sediment, and bathymetric data, as well as use of a three dimensional mathematical model. Tide, river regime, wind, and wave forcings are accounted. The simulated turbidity maximum (TM) is described in terms of concentration and location according to tidal amplitude and the discharge of the Seine River. The TM is mainly generated by tidal pumping, but can be concentrated or stretched by the salinity front. The computed deposition patterns depend on the TM location and are seasonally dependent. The agreement with observations is reasonable, although resuspension by waves may be overestimated. Although wave resuspension is likely to increase the TM mass, it generally occurs simultaneously with westerly winds that induce a transverse circulation at the mouth of the estuary and then disperse the suspended material. The resulting effect is an output of material related to wind and wave events, more than to high river discharge. The mass of the computed TM remains stable over 6 months and independent of the river regime, depending mainly on the spring tide amplitude. Computed fluxes at different cross-sections of the lower estuary show the shift to the TM according to the river flow and point out the rapidity of the TM adjustment to any change of river discharge. The time for renewing the TM by riverine particles has been estimated to be one year.  相似文献   

The distribution of nitrification has been measured with the H14CO3 incorporation method in the Seine River and its estuary during summer conditions. The Seine River below Paris receives large amounts of ammonium through wastewater discharge. In the river itself, this ammonium is only slowly nitrified, while in the estuary nitrification is rapid and complete. We show that this contrasting behavior is related to the different hydrosedimentary conditions of the two systems, as nitrifying bacteria are associated with suspended particles. In the river, particles and their attached bacteria either rapidly settle or have a sestonic behavior. Because of the short residence times of the water masses, the slow growing nitrifying population has no time to develop sufficiently to nitrify the available ammonium. The estuary is characterized by strong tidal dynamics. Particles settle and are resuspended continuously with the strong current inversions of ebb and flood. As a result of these dynamics, particles and their attached nitrifying bacteria experience longer residence times in a temporary suspended state than the water masses themselves, providing to slow growing nitrifying bacteria the opportunity to develop a large population capable of nitrifying all the available ammonium.  相似文献   

Post‐glacial climate changes and sea‐level fluctuations have strongly influenced N‐W European environments and sedimentation. To these natural events, increasing anthropogenic pressure has to be added. Forest clearance and agricultural development are the main factors responsible for the erosional processes in Northwest Europe. This article analyses Holocene sequences of the Lower Seine Valley (LSV) (Paris Basin) to understand better the origin of detrital and terrigenous input and how much humans have contributed to it. Three main sectors of the LSV are analysed: estuarine, fluvial and tributaries. Since Neolithic times, there are seven erosional phases that can be identified and essentially linked to human pressure. Terra Nova, 00, 000–000, 2010  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from the Yalujiang estuary in both flood periods (August 1992 and August 1994) and dry season (May 1996) and were analyzed for aluminum (Al). Al behaves non-conservatively in the Yalujiang estuary, and a significant loss (70–80%) in dissolved concentration is observed in the upper estuary, in spite of seasonal variation in water discharge and sediment load. About 0.4×106, tons of Al is annually transported from Yalujiang to the estuary, of which the particulate pool clearly dominates. The particulate Al flux through the Yalujiang contributes 35% of the total Al input from Chinese rivers to the Yellow Sea. The data sets from size fractionation and C-18 SPE separation demonstrate that a large fraction of dissolved Al is in colloidal (≈50%) and organically complex (≈60%) forms in the Yalujiang. The observed scavenging from solution to particulate pools in the estuary is most likely through the flocculation of colloidal and organic-complexed Al, which results in a considerable change in dissolved-particulate partitioning, shown by laboratory mixing experiments. Exchange between dissolved and particulate phases is examined by analysis of Kd, the distribution coefficient. The empirical relationship of Kd with chlorinity and suspended matter concentrations was investigated with field observations and model simulations. The model indicated that Kd values of Al are inversely related to the amount of total suspended matter, but Kd-chlorinity plots show different features between dry and flood seasons.  相似文献   

Fecal contamination in the Seine River and its estuary was studied for the first time by rapid enzymatic methods in parallel with traditional enumerations on selective culture media. The study consisted of four sampling campaigns focused on a 450-km stretch including the Parisian area and presenting highly variable levels of fecal pollution. Enzymatic assays (based on the activity of the β-D-galactosidase and β-D-glucuronidase enzymes in total [TC] and fecal [FC] coliforms, respectively) were in good agreement with classical plate counts of TC and FC. Both methods reflected the strong impact of the wastewater discharge from the Parisian area and of the presence of a maximum turbidity zone (at the mouth of the estuary) on the abundance of fecal bacteria in the river. Downstream from the Parisian outfalls, enzymatic measurements probably detected enzymatically active but nonculturable bacteria disregarded by plate counts. Enzymatic measurements in the Seine River downstream from the Parisian area were used to estimate net disappearance rates of coliforms in the river, which were close to total mortality rates measured with a method based on bacterial DNA labeling with tritiated thymidine. The part of total mortality due to grazing by protozoa was also investigated by the thymidine method. Grazing activity was responsible for 47% to 99% of the mortality of coliforms in the river. Attachment of coliforms to suspended matter (SM) was another factor which could be important in controlling the dynamics of coliforms in the Seine River and particularly in its estuary. Results of filtration and decantation experiments suggested that a significant part of the coliforms can be linked to SM depending on the nature and concentration of the SM.  相似文献   

Four cores of anoxic sediments were collected from the Seine estuary to assess the early diagenesis pathways leading to the formation of previously reactive phase. Pore waters were analyzed for dissolved iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) and different ligands (e.g., sulfate, chloride, total inorganic carbon). The anoxic zone is present up to the first centimeter depth, in these conditions the reduction of Mn and Fe oxides and SO4 2− was verified. The sulfate reduction was well established with a subsequent carbon mineralization in the NORMAI94 core. The chemical speciation of Mn and Fe in the dissolved and solid phases was determined. For the dissolved phase, thermodynamic calculations were used to characterize and illustrate the importance of carbonate and phosphate phases as sinks for Fe and Mn. The ion activity product (IAP) of Fe and Mn species was compared to the solubility products (Ks) of these species. In the solid phase, the presence of higher concentration of calcium carbonate in the Seine sediments is an important factor controlling Mn cycle. The carbonate-bound Mn can reach more than 75% of the total concentration. This result is confirmed by the use of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The reduction of Fe is closely coupled to the sulfate reduction by the formation of new solid phases such as FeS and FeS2, which can be regarded as temporal sinks for sulfides. These forms were quantified in all cores as acid volatile sulfide (AVS: FeS+ free sulfide) and chromium reducible sulfide (CRS: FeS2+elemental sulfur S0).  相似文献   

Pollen analyses of three sediment cores performed on the archaeological lake dwellings of Chindrieux and Tresserve (Savoie, France), on the eastern shore of Lake Bourget, enable the reconstruction of vegetation history and human impact during the Bronze Age. Results show a good correlation between lake-level fluctuations and the evolution of anthropogenic indicators. The end of the Neolithic period and the early Bronze Age are characterised by a discreet occupation of the Lake Bourget surroundings, in spite of a warmer climatic condition. The middle Bronze Age, contemporaneous with wetter and cooler conditions, is related to a decrease in pollen of cultivated plants and weed. Farming activities reappear in the late Bronze Age and human impact increases suddenly at the very end of the late Bronze Age. Three anthropogenic phases are clearly visible: a short decrease in anthropogenic indicators and a high lake-level phase occur in the middle of this period of intense farming development. A new decrease in human impact appears at the beginning of the Iron Age.  相似文献   

The integrity of estuarine wetlands is maintained by physical connections between river and sea to floodplain. Their ecological importance can be assessed through plant biodiversity and such ecosystem functions as primary productivity and nitrate removal capacity. Multivariate analysis were used to establish a hierarchy of environmental factors related to the vegetation structure and diversity. Four different measures of plant diversity (both structural and functional) were made on a Seine River wetland. Key functions of estuarine floodplain (productivity and denitrification capacity) were either measured directly or assessed using remotely sensed data. The richest plant communities correspond to mesophilous grasslands which have an intermediate position between natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes. These species assemblages occur in ecosystems presenting both a regular productivity in time and space and the highest denitrification potentiality.  相似文献   

Porosity and permeability may be preserved in deep sandstone reservoirs by clay coating (mainly chlorite) which limits quartz overgrowths. Chloritization around quartz grains results mainly from mineralogical transformations of pre‐existing clays. It is fundamental to study those clay precursors to better understand and predict the location and distribution of clay coatings in subsurface sandstones for petroleum or geothermal prospecting. This paper reports a high‐resolution analysis of the composition, distribution and fabric of clays along a modern estuary, the Gironde (south‐west France). The scale of the study ranges from thin sections, through sand bar bodies, up to the entire estuary. Results show that clays are detrital and deposited at the same time as sand grains despite strong hydrodynamic conditions. Clays bind to medium‐grained sands forming detrital clay grain coats. On average, 26% of detrital sand grains are coated along the entire length of the estuary. Coat thickness varies from 1 μm to more than 200 μm, and coat coverage exceeds 30% in some samples. The turbidity maximum zone position (surface water turbidity from 1 to 10 g l?1) in the estuary, which is controlled by seasonal variations in hydrodynamic processes, significantly impacts the location of the maximum clay content and the abundance of coated grains in sandy facies along the estuary. Flocculation in the water column results in the accumulation of suspended matter and contributes to the high turbidity in the estuary. Exopolymeric substances produced by diatoms are observed both in the field and by cryo‐scanning electron microscopy, suggesting that they may play a major role in binding detrital clay around sand grains. Finally, tidal bars and heterolithic point bars in the estuary funnel and estuarine channels are prime sedimentological targets for finding clay coatings and potentially good reservoir quality in deeply buried sandstones.  相似文献   

A local, one-dimensional, depth-dependent model is used in conjunction with a one-dimensional, longitudinal, hydrodynamical model to examine the mechanisms affecting yertical profiles of longitudinal residual current in the macrotidal (tidal range typically exceeds 4 m during spring tides), partly-mixed Tamar Estuary. Residual currents are simulated at a deep (15m) station in the lower reaches, which possesses a small tidal amplitude to depth ratio and a nonzero salinity throughout the tidal cycle, as well as at a shallow station in the upper reaches, which varies in depth from 1 m at low water, when salinity is zero, to 5 m at high water. A slow, up-estuary current dominates the residual circulation just beneath the high-water level at the deeper station. Further down the water column a down-estuary residual current develops which is the near-surface component of a two-layer gravitational circulation. The up-estuary component of this gravitational circulation occurs deeper in the column and extends to the bed at the deep station, whereas at the shallow station it is eventually dominated by a down-estuary current in the bottom 1 m. Simulated residual currents are fairly insensitive to estuary-bed slope and to observed depth variations in longitudinal density gradient. Residual current profiles of the observed form can only be generated by a longitudinal density gradient. The reduction in vertical eddy viscosity by water column stability due to stratification is an essential requirement for producing a strong gravitational circulation of the observed magnitude. Stratification at the shallow station is much higher during the ebb than during the flood and this asymmetry enhances the gravitational circulation in the upper reaches. The formation of residual flows at both stations is illustrated by showing time-series data over a tidal cycle for the simulated current profiles.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous series, in the Western Saharan Atlas, shows important detritic deposits, particularly continental to nearshore red sandstones. Lithologically, it is an alternation of red clay and sandstone intercalated with some carbonate levels at the lower part of the series. These series can be subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units corresponding to Valanginian-Hauterivian, Barremian, and Aptian-Lower Albian. The lithostratigraphic analysis used to reconstitute the important subsidence in the Lower Cretaceous period, particularly in the Lower Albian. The Lower Cretaceous series could be considered as a geodynamic model characterized by individualization of independent depocenter filled with different detritic material and separated by Jurassic structures. This new situation appeared in the beginning of Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian), following the Neocimmeriean tectonic phase, and it is increasing in the Early Albian, where differences of thicknesses are more important and allow the distinction of the depocenter. The biostratigraphic analysis of the clay samples yielded some foraminifera and palynomorphs. Benthic and planktonic foraminifera confirmed the Hauterivian age of the basal formation, also, two dominant forms of palynomorphs were recognized; according to the large stratigraphic distribution of the identified forms, it can be attributed to the Lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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