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Hydrothermal experiments with primary detrital components of feldspathic sands (orthoclase, albite, quartz, and calcite) were conducted to simulate possible diagenetic changes in geosynclinal sedimentary accumulations and the geothermal reservoir of the Imperial Valley area, California. Phyllosilicate and zeolite mineralization was produced at 200°C and 1 Kb Ph2o and at 300°C and 1 and 3 Kb Ph2o. Scanning electron microscope examination of the detrital grains shows the development of authigenic minerals and solution features. Phyllosilicate development occurred as dense surface coatings on orthoclase crystals in concentrated brines and as scattered grain clusters in dilute brines. Cation concentration is considered to be a controlling factor in phyllosilicate formation and growth. During formation the phyllosilicate crystals appear to utilize the surficial feldspar lattice structure as a preferred growth site. Electron diffraction studies indicate the crystals are a 1 Md mica similar to illite. Initial phyllosilicate formation occurs principally on orthoclase in systems containing this mineral, but is disseminated on other mineral surfaces in systems without orthoclase. This experimental development of authigenetic illite via the destruction of potassium feldspar may offer a potential mechanism to help explain the resulting mineralogy of diagenetic processes occurring in natural sediments such as in feldspathic sands and argillaceous sediments.  相似文献   

Two types of Cu-slags (CS: crystalline massive slag and GS: granulated amorphous slag) exhibiting a different chemical and mineral phase composition were compared with respect to their susceptibility to bacterial weathering using Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n° CIP 105094). Abiotic conditions e.g. sterile growth medium and ultrapure water were used for comparison. The experiments were extended up to 112 days with a systematic liquid phase renewal every 14 days. The results revealed significant release of elements in the bacterially mediated weathering experiments. Concentrations of elements (Si, Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb) in the biotic solutions were increased at least by 20% up to 99% compared to abiotic ones. From 3 to 77% of the leached elements were associated to the fraction >0.22 μm. Scanning electron microscope observations demonstrated greater weathering of mineral phases in biotic experiments than in abiotic ones which is in accordance with the solution chemistry exhibiting higher concentrations of elements leached in biotic set-ups. In the case of CS, glass and sulfides weathering was yet observed in abiotic experiment, whereas partial dissolution of fayalite (Fe2SiO4) was solely affected by the presence of bacteria. GS having a higher bulk content of metallic elements was found to be more stable than sulfide-bearing CS, while its (GS) glass matrix was found to weather easier under biotic conditions.  相似文献   

It was found as a result of detailed study of ferromanganese stromatolites that columnar formations, i.e., fossilized stratified bacterial tufts with rhythmically alternating layers of glycocalyx, accumulations of filamentous bacteria, and lens-shaped two-layered (alternation of homogeneous microlayers with porous ones containing filamentous bacteria trichomes) packages, serve as the basis for stromatolite buildup.  相似文献   

ROBERT PARK 《Sedimentology》1976,23(3):379-393
The lamination found in recent stromatolites, an intrinsic feature of many of them, comprises a number of sediment-rich and organic-rich couplets. The significance of this lamination has figured in at least two avenues of research. In one is its possible influential role upon geochemical and diagenetic trends, in the other its possible calendar role. Algal growth follows a diurnal pattern but sedimentation, which is largely marine, is far less regular or predictable. The monitoring of modern algal mat surfaces has yielded much useful and accurate information concerning rates of mat accretion. Millimetre-scale lamination may be produced on a number of interacting processes but as yet no one has been able to determine with any great assurance whether it represents a daily, monthly, annual or some other regular periodic growth. The evidence from the Trucial Coast tends to show, rather, that burial, subsequent compaction, distortion and, in the case of sabkha-type sections, destruction owing to evaporite mineral growth, all tend to obliterate or at best mask any regular patterns of growth. In conclusion, one is forced to acknowledge that any computations concerning the calendar role of stromatolites are to be regarded with the utmost suspicion.  相似文献   

The preservation potential of some recent stromatolites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stromatolites are laminated organo-sedimentary structures, generally compared to present day blue-green algal mats. Their morphology, species composition and overall extent are largely governed by the amount of wetting, although other factors such as competition, predation and desiccation, also contribute. The Trucial Coast mats are essentially intertidal. Stromatolite accretion rates in this area are of the order of 0·2 mm p.a. but lamina growth is far from regular. The area is also characterized by the development of evaporites, especially gypsum which proves to be an important agent of mat destruction. The growth of crystals causes disruption within the upper portions of the stromatolite section with the result that none of the upper intertidal mat forms are preserved. Other agencies of destruction include bacterial decay, desiccation and dehydration, and compaction under burial which may depress and deform the original mat relief. Decay results in the almost total loss of cellular contents, only a few empty sheaths and the pigment surviving into the fossil record. Preservation may be effected via (a) burial or (b) lithification. However, few modern algal mat structures bear any resemblance to fossil stromatolite heads with the exception of those from Shark Bay. From this, one might infer that pene-contemporaneous lithification is a prerequisite for their preservation.  相似文献   

自从Kalkowsky在1908年构筑了叠层石的术语之后,叠层石一直是地质学家采用不同方法研究和思考的主题,而且一直被当作证明地球早期生命历史的代表物而得到深入调查。叠层石确实为地球早期生命历史提供了间接而且复杂的证据,所以,现代叠层石确实代表着明显的生物信号而成为研究的焦点。最为引人注目的是,现代叠层石的多样化构成,确实表明了蓝细菌生物席建造了叠层石,而且进一步表明了微生物席转化成叠层石不是一个直接的作用过程。那些反映现代叠层石多样化构成的典型实例包括:(1)南极Untersee地区的湖泊相锥状泥质叠层石;(2)新西兰North群岛被称为煎锅湖的热水湖泊中以及美国黄石国家公园热泉中的硅质叠层石;(3)巴哈马台地、澳大利亚鲨鱼湾以及巴西东南部海湾碳酸盐沉积物构成的叠层石。由于蓝细菌微生物席是否代表了古代叠层石的形态学前体总是存在争议,而且在生命的图像中叠层石一直是一个迷惑的关键片段,因此,现代叠层石的多样化构成,将成为认识古代叠层石形成的关键和窗口。立足于前人的研究成果,追踪和总结现代叠层石的多样化构成,以及它们所代表的沉积作用和微生物新陈代谢活动丰富而复杂的信息,将不但丰富微生物沉积学的研究内容,还将拓宽沉积相分析的基本内容,对深入了解叠层石复杂的沉积学特征和生物学属性具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

The results of the study of submicroscopic structures of oceanic oxide ores are described. The objects of study were Co-bearing Fe-Mn crusts from the Magellan Seamounts and Fe-Mn nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton province. The evolution of structural elements is traced in the crust section from the Lower Campanian-Maastrichtian to Pliocene-Quaternary layers. It was found that growing nodules actively entrap hosting sediments into the layered cover. The entrapment mechanism of sediments by nodules was revealed.  相似文献   

New occurrences of typical Riphean stromatolite and microphytolite groups are reported and illustrated from typical Aphebian sequences in Canada. These include Minjaria, Colonnella, and Kussiella from the Mistassini Group of central Quebec, Gymnosolen, Jacutophyton garganicum, Minjaria, Colleniella, Kussiella, Tungussia, Lenia, Osagia, and Vesicularites from the Belcher Supergroup in Hudson Bay, and Asterosphaeroides (Nelcanella) and Radiosus from the Manitounuk Supergroup of the southeastern coast of Hudson Bay. These occurrences are at variance with prevailing views of Riphean “biostratigraphy”. They call into question the validity of age assignments based only on stromatolite groups, as well as the premise that prokaryotic evolution is mainly responsible for observed trends in gross morphology.The systematics of stromatolites is re-examined in the second part of the paper, and a more objective, morphometric (stereometric) approach is discussed. Example illustrate how differences and similarites whitin and between stromatolite groups can be expressed quantitatively. The morphologic attributes chosen comprise the shapes of lamina profiles, cross sections (plan views), and longitudinal sections (silhouettes). Microstructures are illustrated photographically; they were not analysed morphometrically and await further study.  相似文献   

The morphology of fossilized biogenic particles and the elemental composition of biogenic formations, discovered for the first time in Lower Silurian deposits within the Timan–Northern Urals region, are considered. The diversity of biogenic formations identified in stromatolites indicates a high level of activity of microorganisms forming the cyanobacterial mat and confirms the microbial origin of the Wenlockian stromatolite buildups.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1982,18(4):367-396
This paper outlines studies of Chinese Precambrian stromatolites, which may be subdivided preliminarily into two ‘stromatolite successions’ and seven assemblages.Secondly, based on Chinese data, stromatolites have undoubted stratigraphic significance for intrabasinal correlation, but it is necessary to depend on some of the ‘bridging elements’ and the ‘related assemblages’, as well as on other methods for interbasinal correlation.Finally, the paper discusses some problems of fossil stromatolites, i.e. the principal classification and the stromatolite cycles.  相似文献   

 The interaction of γ-rays with smectites induces paramagnetic defects in the structure of these clay minerals. The EPR spectra of three different smectites detect the creation of structural defects and trapping of organic free radicals in the clay structure upon irradiation. The defects are assigned to positive holes or trapped electrons stabilised by existing local charge imbalances in the mineral lattice. The organic radicals are derived from organic compounds present as impurities in the crystal lattice of the clay minerals. In addition, γ-rays cause migration of small interlayer cations (such as Li+) into the layers, as clearly evidenced by EPR and FT-IR reflectance spectroscopies. Received: 20 April 2000 / Accepted: 2 December 2000  相似文献   

在新疆若羌县祁曼塔格地区的水泉子沟附近原蓟县系狼牙山组中首次发现了瘤状通古斯叠层石相似形Tungussia cf.nodosa Semikhatov和有疑问的撕裂贝加尔叠层石Baicalia lacera Semikhatov。它们多呈瘤状、柱状,其总体形态特征可与安徽淮山、辽东地区新元古代地层中分布的Tungussia cf.和Baicalia叠层石以及东昆仑加嗡门地区某些叠层石的特征相类比,相当于华北地区叠层石组合Ⅳ。测得叠层石的寄主岩石全岩Sm-Nd同位素等时线年龄为815±26 Ma。根据该Sm-Nd等时线年龄和叠层石的主要特征以及其它地区相关叠层石的特征综合判断,狼牙山组的地质时代应当归属于新元古代青白口纪,是被动大陆边缘的产物;这个前寒武纪微陆块应由塔里木克拉通(?)解体而来,是Rodinia超大陆的组成部分。本区叠层石的发现及其寄主岩的定年结果,为探讨东昆仑西段的大地构造演化和成岩环境提供了新证据。  相似文献   

A model of chemo-osmotic consolidation of clays in multi-dimensional domains is presented, with volumetric strains induced by both changes in the chemistry and osmotically driven pore water flow considered. Three fully coupled governing equations considering force equilibrium, pore water transport and chemical transport are presented and solved using the transient finite element method. The proposed approach is verified via consideration of chemo-osmotic consolidation of a compacted clay landfill liner and then applied to investigation of a hypothetical case with a local leachate leak in the compacted clay liner. An assessment of the impact of the two-dimensional nature of the system is made. The consolidation process is found to be dominated by osmotic consolidation in the early stages and subsequently by chemical consolidation. It is found that the surface settlement and the leachate concentration in the compacted clay liner may be highly overestimated by a one-dimensional analysis. Moreover, the peak negative excess pore pressure predicted by the two-dimensional solution remains in a shallow region under the leak while in the one-dimensional solution it moves progressively downwards.  相似文献   

Time-dependent behaviour of deep clays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The time-dependent behaviour of deep saturated clays is related both to the effects of hydraulic diffusion and of viscosity. In this paper, we present first, by means of an experimental approach, the main features of the mechanical properties of deep clays. Then, we study the effects of these specific behaviours on the time-dependent behaviour of underground structures. We present theoretical and numerical investigations of the effects of pore pressure diffusion resulting from a tunnel excavation in a poroplastic or poroviscoplastic medium. Finite-element calculations show that the time-dependent convergence of the tunnel wall is non negligible. Then, we focus on the behaviour of a cylindrical thermal source buried in a deep clay.

Coupling effects between thermal, hydraulic and mechanical behaviours are very important in soft and low permeable deep clays (saturated compressible clays with high porosity). We show in particular that the displacements and the stresses are very sensitive to the constitutive model. Irreversible behaviour may be traduced by appearance of residual stresses within the rockmass.  相似文献   

In the Borrego Desert (California) and in the Sinai Desert (Israel) laminated, microbially mediated carbonate crusts have been found and analysed biologically and mineralogically, and further studied with scanning electron microscope methods combined with energy dispersive X-ray analyses. All morphological and biological features of the extant crusts justify the term ‘desert stromatolite’, a term applied to stromatolites from desert regions which form under permanent exposure to the atmosphere. These stromatolites are never covered by standing water, and running water (heavy rainfall) covers them for only a few hours during the year. Carbonate deposition is achieved principally by the cyanobacterium Pleurocapsa sp. which exhibits characteristic yet different stages of calcification. Calcification occurs in the sheaths of single cells (including baeocytes) as well as in mature colonies. The specificity for calcification in Pleurocapsa sp. is discussed.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地中新世叠层石成因与古环境研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
柴达木盆地西部干柴沟一带发育了大量湖相叠层石,主要存在于新近纪中新世地层中。柴西地区的叠层石形态各异,成因各具特点,而且部分叠层石与现代叠层石完全不同而是更类似于前寒武时期的对应物,根据国内外叠层石研究的最新成果和成因分类标准,柴西地区主要发育了骨架、凝集和细粒叠层石。对应于不同的分类标准其成因也各不相同,细粒叠层石的形成主要是通过微生物自身的钙化作用和生物膜上过饱和碳酸盐等物质以及微生物的引发的沉淀作用;凝集型叠层石的形成主要与原核生物和真核藻类共同发挥粘附作用有关;骨架型叠层石的形成主要是真核藻类等的钙化与原地碳酸盐的沉淀综合作用的结果。柴达木盆地频繁变化的湖相水体条件和周围的构造运动是叠层石形态多样,成因各异的主要外部和环境因素。对各类叠层石的深入细致研究将对沉积学和环境学的研究提供宝贵的现代对应物。  相似文献   

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