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黄、东海二类水体水色要素的统计反演模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据高质量的现场实测数据,借鉴Tassan模式,得到了中国黄、东海近岸二类水体水色要素统计反演模式,填补了中国近岸二类水体水色遥感三要素反演模式的空白.现场测量数据的反演与实测的平均相对误差分别为 Chl-a 36 %~45 %,总悬浮物浓度20 %~30 %,黄色物质约为20 %.对该三要素统计模式对遥感反射率误差的敏感性进行了分析.模式比较表明,中国黄、东海长江口近岸水体的模型,特别是高浑浊度水体区域,与国际其他水体的模型参数有较大的差异.  相似文献   

双通道高光谱地物波谱仪测量水体的遥感反射率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
遥感反射率是描述水体光谱特征的重要参数之一,是海洋水色遥感的基础物理量。高光谱地物波谱仪具有通道多、覆盖波长广、通道带宽窄等优点,在水体水色特性研究方面具有独特的优势,文章在简要介绍水体遥感反射率测量原理基础上,对几个关键技术问题进行讨论,最后给出一些应用效果。  相似文献   

SeaWiFS航空模拟器(SAS)是专门为在水面之上测量水体表观光学参数的现场设备。文章在介绍SAS现场测量以及数据处理基本方法的基础上,分析了2002年黄海试验SAS的应用效果,并与剖面法测量数据进行了比对。  相似文献   

渤海和北黄海水色光谱的特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国的主要海域包括渤海、黄海、东海的大部分和南海的近岸部分都属于二类水体,这些海域的光学特征极为复杂。针对不同海域的海洋光学特征进行研究,对于反演二类水体叶绿素、悬浮泥沙和黄色物质的浓度具有非常重要的意义。本文利用渤海和北黄海海域2002年11月至2003年8月的水色调查数据,对调查海区的水色光谱的特征进行了研究和分析。结果显示调查海区的水色光谱类型主要分为4个类型:类型的主要特点是光谱峰值位于570nm,谱峰比较窄,随波长远离谱峰波段,遥感反射率迅速减小,主要分布海域为渤海湾、莱州湾及辽东湾。类型2的光谱峰值位于550nm左右,谱峰比较宽,随波长增大,遥感反射率迅速减小,主要分布在渤海中部海区。类型3光谱峰值位于500—550nm范围内,440nm存在极小值,主要分布在渤海海峡和渤海中北部的一块海域。类型4类似于大洋一类水体的水色光谱,其特点是在可见光波段内,随波长增大,遥感反射率逐渐减小,主要分布在渤海海峡以外、远离海岸的北黄海海域。  相似文献   

海洋水色卫星遥感二类水体反演算法的国际研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
巩彩兰  樊伟 《海洋通报》2002,21(2):77-83
根据国际海洋水色卫星的研究发展与应用现状,回顾了国际海洋水色卫星遥感二类水体现有反演算法的基本原理和存在的优缺点,以及提高反演精度需要的技巧。指出二类水体反演算法相对一类水体算法的复杂性,要建立全球通用的反演算法还要继续研究更好的光学模型,使得各种反演算法具有实验室之外的实验应用价值。  相似文献   

利用2006—2007年4次908计划ST06区块海洋光学调查的数据和MODIS水色遥感数据,对台湾海峡及周边海域的水色光谱特性进行了研究和分析。结果显示该海域的水色光谱主要有4个类型:类型1光谱峰值出现在580 nm附近,谱峰两侧遥感反射率随波长变化迅速减小,主要分布在紧靠中国大陆的海域;类型2光谱峰值出现在540~560 nm之间,具有谱峰宽的特点,主要分布在台湾海峡靠近大陆的一侧;类型3光谱与大洋水体光谱类似,主要分布在台湾西南的南海区域和吕宋海峡区域;类型4光谱在.450 nm附近出现极小值,在500~600 nm之间出现峰值,主要出现在台湾海峡中部和靠近台湾岛的一侧。其中类型2和4水体分布具有明显的季节特征。类型3、4、2、1对应的叶绿素a浓度和悬浮泥沙浓度呈上升趋势,对应的透明度依次降低,该海域以二类水体为主。  相似文献   

影响海洋光学遥感的海面白泡云研究回顾及进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
回顾了国内外影响海洋光学遥感的白泡云的反射率和覆盖率的研究进展情况。根据海洋水色高光谱遥感发展的需要,指出应当开展海洋白泡云中信号白浪和白沫光学反射特征的测量和研究,以便评价和排除白泡云的反射分量在光学遥感中的干扰。  相似文献   

我国近岸Ⅱ类海水光谱特性的测量与研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我国近岸的广阔海域均为Ⅱ类水体,这也是我国海洋水色遥感的重点和难点,结合多年海上现场测量数据,对我国近岸Ⅱ类海水光谱特性进行一定的分析,并对Ⅱ类水体的光谱测量技术中的关键问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

黄海、东海二类水体漫衰减系数与透明度反演模式研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
黄海、东海是典型的二类水体区域,总悬浮物含量高,水体光学特性复杂.利用2003年春秋季黄海、东海水色联合试验中获取的高质量现场实测数据,建立了由遥感反射比反演水体在490nm波段的漫衰减系数和海水透明度的统计反演模式.这两种模式皆采用490,555,670nm三个波段的组合,漫衰减系数的反演值和实测值的相关系数为0.96,平均相对误差为17.2%;透明度的反演值与实测值的相关系数为0.95,平均相对误差为16.8%.对两种反演模式对遥感反射比输入误差的敏感性进行了分析,结果表明反演模式对±5%的遥感反射比输入误差导致490nm波段的漫衰减系数反演误差最大为27.3%,透明度最大误差为22.7%,并利用2003年春秋季同一海区的实测数据对模型进行了检验,漫衰减系数的平均相对误差为25.0%,透明度的为16.5%.给出了412,443,510,520,555,565nm各波段的漫衰减系数同波段490nm的漫衰减系数之间的关系,结果表明,在400~600nm波段中的每一个波段的漫衰减系数与490nm波段的漫衰减系数的相关性较高,相关系数都超过了0.98.这样利用建立的各波段漫衰减系数关系模型可以从一个已知波段的漫衰减系数反演出其他任何波段的漫衰减系数,这就在水色反演和应用中大大减少了未知因子的个数.  相似文献   

基于EOF分析对南海西北海域水体光谱特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of remote sensing reflectance(R_(rs)) in northwestern South China Sea based on the in situ optical and water quality data for August 2018.R_(rs)was initially divided into four classes,classes A to D,using the max-classification algorithm,and the spectral properties of whole R_(rs) were characterized using the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis.Subsequently,the dominant factors in each EOF mode were determined.The results indicated that more than 95% of the variances of R_(rs) are partly driven by the back-scattering characteristics of the suspended matter.The initial two EOF modes were well correlated with the total suspended matter and back-scattering coefficient.Furthermore,the first EOF modes of the four classes of R_(rs)(A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1) significantly contributed to the total variances of each R_(rs) class.In addition,the correlation coefficients between the amplitude factors of class A-D R_(rs)-EOF_1 and the variances of the relevant water quality and optical parameters were better than those of the unclassified ones.The spectral shape of class AR_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of chlorophyll a and colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM).The spectral shape of class B R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the absorption characteristic of CDOM since it exhibited a high correlation with the absorption coefficient of CDOM(a_g(λ)),whereas the spectral shape of class C R_(rs)-EOF_1 was governed by the back-scattering characteristics but not affected by the suspended matter.The spectral shape of class D R_(rs)-EOF_1 exhibited a relatively good correlation with all the water quality parameters,which played a significant role in deciding its spectral shape.  相似文献   

基于GIS组件和Surfer软件的海洋调查数据等值线绘制方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论文讨论了利用海洋调查数据自动绘制等值线图的方法。该方法采用组件化GIS实现研究站位的交互选取,根据交互选取的站位信息访问后台数据库取得站位数据,使用Surfer软件作为后台服务器接收站位数据并绘制等值线图。该方法集成了GIS组件的交互选取功能和Surfer软件的空间插值和绘图功能,实现了海洋空间要素分布图的自动绘制,而且操作简单、直观,等值线图效果好。文章给出了该方法的主要步骤和调用Surfer实现插值和绘图的关键VB语句,并给出了该方法的一个具体应用实例。  相似文献   

1995年春,美国国家宇航局(NASA)将发射一颗携带宽视场海洋观测传感器(SeaWiFS)的海洋卫星(Seastar).宽视场海洋观测传感器是继工作了七年多,于1985年停止发送资料的Nimbus-7海岸带水色扫描仪(CZZ)之后的第一个星载海洋水色传感器,不像作为概念验证性实验的海岸带水色扫描仪那样,宽视场海洋观测传感器被设计用来提供充分精确的光合色素浓度资料以进行海洋初级生产力和生物地球化学定量研究[4]。宽视场海洋观测传感器将常规地每二日一次提供全球复盖资料。美国国家宇航局空间科学应用署(ASSA)和哥达德空间飞行中心(GSFC)为了发展、管理海洋水色研究资料系统而制定了宽视场海洋观测传感器计划,这个系统能有效地收集、处理、校正、检验、存档以及发布由宽视场海洋观测传感器接收到的资料。本文主要介绍了宽视场海洋观测传感器计划的目的意义,研究内容以及其他概况[2,3]。  相似文献   

黄东海秋季色素经验算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对海洋色素浓度的监测是海洋水色遥感的主要目的之一。文章基于HD200309航次同步获取的表观光学数据和叶绿素a数据,开发了黄东海秋季色素反演经验算法。从反演的效果可见,有85%的样品控制在±40%之内。  相似文献   

In September 1993 (M26) and June/July 1996 (M36), a total of 239 surface samples (7 m depth) were collected on two transects across the open Atlantic Ocean (224 samples) and northwest European shelf edge area. We present an overview of the horizontal variability of dissolved Cd, Co, Zn, and Pb in between the northwest and northeast Atlantic Ocean in relation to salinity and the nutrients. Our data show a preferential incorporation of Cd relative to P in the particulate material of the surface ocean when related to previously published parallel measurements on suspended particulate matter from the same cruise. There is a good agreement with results recently estimated from a model by Elderfield and Rickaby (Nature 405 (2000) 305), who predict for the North Atlantic Ocean a best fit for αCd/P=[Cd/P]POM/[Cd/P]SW of 2.5, whereas the approach of our transect shows a αCd/P value of 2.6. The Co concentrations of our transects varied from <5 to 131 pmol kg−1, with the lowest values in the subtropical gyre. There were pronounced elevations in the low-salinity ranges of the northwest Atlantic and towards the European shelf. The Co data are decoupled from the Mn distribution and support the hypothesis of marginal inputs as the dominant source. Zinc varied from a minimum of <0.07 nmol kg−1 to a maximum of 1.2 and 4.8 nmol kg−1 in regions influenced by Labrador shelf or European coastal waters, respectively. In subtropical and northeast Atlantic waters, the average Zn concentration was 0.16 nmol kg−1. Zinc concentrations at nearly three quarters of the stations between 40°N and 60°N were <0.1 nmol kg−1. This suggests that biological factors control Zn concentrations in large areas of the North Atlantic surface waters. The Pb data indicated that significant differences in concentration between the northwest and northeast Atlantic surface waters presently (1996) do not exist for this metal. The transects in 1993 and 1996 exhibited Pb concentrations in the northeast Atlantic surface waters of 30 to 40 pmol kg−1, about a fifth to a quarter of the concentrations observed in 1981. This decline is supported by our particle flux measurements in deep waters of the same region.  相似文献   

We report measurements of dissolved iron (dFe, <0.4 μm) in seawater collected from the upper 300 m of the water column along the CLIVAR SR3 section south of Tasmania in March 1998 (between 42°S and 54°S) and November–December 2001 (between 47°S and 66°S). Results from both cruises indicate a general north-to-south decrease in mixed-layer dFe concentrations, from values as high as 0.76 nM in the Subtropical Front to uniformly low concentrations (<0.1 nM) between the Polar Front and the Antarctic continental shelf. Samples collected from the seasonal sea-ice zone in November–December 2001 provide no evidence of significant dFe inputs from the melting pack ice, which may explain the absence of pronounced ice-edge algal blooms in this sector of the Southern Ocean, as implied by satellite ocean-color images. Our data also allow us to infer changes in the dFe concentration of surface waters during the growing season. South of the Polar Front, a comparison of near-surface with subsurface (150 m depth) dFe concentrations in November–December 2001 suggests a net seasonal biological uptake of at least 0.14–0.18 nM dFe, of which 0.05–0.12 nM is depleted early in the growing season (before mid December). A comparison of our spring 2001 and fall 1998 data indicates a barely discernible seasonal depletion of dFe (0.03 nM) within the Polar Frontal Zone. Further north, most of our iron profiles do not exhibit near-surface depletions, and mixed-layer dFe concentrations are sometimes higher in samples from fall 1998 compared to spring 2001; here, the near-surface dFe distributions appear to be dominated by time-varying inputs of aerosol iron or advection of iron-rich subtropical waters from the north.  相似文献   

Argo drifters provide information of the vertical structure in the water column and have a potential for the improvement of understanding phytoplankton primary production and biogeochemical cycles in combination with ocean color satellite data, which can obtain the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the surface layer. Our examples show that using Argo drifters with satellite-measured horizontal distribution of phytoplankton biomass at the sea surface allow an improved understanding of the development of the spring bloom. The other possible uses of Argo drifter are discussed.  相似文献   

提高全民海洋意识对于建设海洋强国具有重要意义,在全民海洋意识教育中,大学生作为海洋强国梦的重要建设力量,提高大学生群体的海洋意识非常重要。文章在分析大学生群体海洋意识教育现状的基础上,提出了加强海洋通识教育课程建设、利用快速发展的计算机技术创新海洋通识教育形式、培育师资力量、加大网络教育资源建设、利用重大活动及纪念日和社团提高参与度等相关对策。  相似文献   

The oceans are in trouble. Poorly understood and unprecedented environmental and economic changes are underway in our world's oceans that will significantly affect life in the sea as well as on land. Only in the last thirty years has the contribution of the ocean sector to the economy been measured. An examination of these studies has exposed definitional, conceptual and methodological differences in measuring marine-related economic activity in the economy, making comparisons difficult. Both the ocean and the coastal economies face a world of volatile changes. In the ocean economy marine transport faces unpredictable fuel costs. Coastal tourism also faces losses from climate change impacts and sea level rise. Finally, a warming ocean and increasing acidification of the oceans from greenhouse gases is already affecting coral reefs and a range of fish stocks. Economic measures are important to predict these impacts, as are economic measures of the resilience of different areas of the ocean and coastal economies. This article demonstrates how knowledge of both the ocean, coastal and national economies can help governments address the future impacts and demands posed by nature and human populations on our coasts and oceans.  相似文献   

以成因矿物学的理论和方法,运用电子探针、中子活化、常规化学分析和稳定同位素分析等多种地球化学实验测试技术,较系统地研究了太平洋三区四地热液烟囱物的地球化学组成和变化,揭示了研究区不同热液喷发类型中的地球化学标型特征。高温热液类型的硫化物,由高温热液矿物组成,除本身富合Fe,Zn,Cu,Pb等金属元素外,氧同位素换算温度也表现最高或中高;中低温热液类型的烟囱物,金属元素合量较低,氧同位素换算温度也表现较低。由此论证了不同标型特征的热液矿物地球化学特征与热液喷发环境之间相互依存的紧密关系。  相似文献   

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