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The spawning habitat of Emmelichthys nitidus (Emmelichthyidae) in south-eastern Australia is described from vertical ichthyoplankton samples collected along the shelf region off eastern through to south-western Tasmania during peak spawning in October 2005–06. Surveys covered eastern waters in 2005 (38.8–43.5°S), and both eastern and southern waters in 2006 (40.5°S around to 43.5°S off the south-west). Eggs (n = 10,393) and larvae (n = 378) occurred along eastern Tasmania in both years but were rare along southern waters south and westwards of 43.5°S in 2006. Peak egg abundances (1950–2640 per m−2) were obtained off north-eastern Tasmania (40.5–41.5°S) between the shelf break and 2.5 nm inshore from the break. Eggs were up to 5-days old, while nearly 95% of larvae were at the early preflexion stage, i.e. close to newly emerged. Average abundances of aged eggs pooled across each survey declined steadily from day-1 to day-5 eggs both in 2005 (97-18) and 2006 (175-34). Moreover, day-1 egg abundances were significantly greater 2.5 nm at either side of the break, including at the break, than in waters ≥5 nm both inshore and offshore from the break. These results, complemented with egg and larval data obtained in shelf waters off New South Wales (NSW; 35.0–37.7°S) in October 2002–03, indicate that the main spawning area of E. nitidus in south-eastern Australia lies between 35.5°S off southern NSW and 43.5°S off south-eastern Tasmania, and that spawning activity declines abruptly south and westwards of 43.5°S around to the south-west coast. In addition, quotient analyses of day-1 egg abundances point to a preferred spawning habitat contained predominantly within a 5 nm corridor along the shelf break, where waters are 125–325 m deep and median temperatures 13.5–14.0 °C. Spawning off eastern Tasmania is timed with the productivity outburst typical of the region during the austral spring, and the temperature increase from the mixing between the southwards advancing, warm East Australian Current and cooler subantarctic water over the shelf. Overall, ichthyoplankton data, coupled with reproductive information from adults trawled off Tasmania, indicate that E. nitidus constitutes a suitable species for the application of the daily egg production method (DEPM) to estimate spawning biomass. This finding, together with evidence in support of a discrete eastern spawning stock extending from southern NSW to southern Tasmania, strengthens the need for DEPM-based biomass estimates of E. nitidus prior to further fishery expansion.  相似文献   

High-resolution acoustic and ichtyoplankton sampling with a ‘continuous under-way fish egg sampler (CUFES)’ was performed in two regions of approximately 100 square nautical miles off southern Iberian Peninsula, with the aim of studying the small scale distribution of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) adults and eggs during a spawning event. Very dense patches (246 eggs m− 3) of recently spawned eggs with dimensions (up to 3 nautical miles wide) significantly larger than daytime sardine schools were present in both regions. Egg staging and ageing showed very little intra-sample variation, indicating a synchronous spawning period at dusk. The internal structure of the patches evaluated by variography showed very low internal variability, as if they consisted of a single unit. This hypothesis is confirmed by the acoustic finding of large sardine shoals with similar dimensions to those of the patches after sunset and throughout the night. During that period, adults were found near or in contact with the bottom, suggesting that spawning occurred at depth. A distinct patch of older eggs was found in both areas, but with a few nautical miles of horizontal separation. Their characteristics (a larger area, lower egg densities and a more irregular shape) indicate that these patches were exposed to dispersion and ‘stirring’ by physical forces, reshaping their initial appearance, while mesoscale water circulation could have displaced the core of the patches away by several kilometres within a day.  相似文献   

Brood sizes of 1259 adult female Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera were measured during 48 h incubations (10 °C, ±0.5 °C) on 27 oceanographic cruises between July 1999 and September 2004. The data set includes measurements from several stations off Newport, Oregon (Newport Hydrographic line, 44°39′N) made over a 5-year period and measurements from 14 more extensive cruises at stations representative of continental shelf, slope, and oceanic waters off Oregon and California, USA. E. pacifica had similar brood sizes at inshore (<200 m) and offshore (>200 m) stations with an average of 151 and 139 eggs brood−1 fem−1, respectively. T. spinifera brood sizes were considerably higher at inshore stations—particularly at Heceta Bank (44°N) and south of Cape Blanco (42°50′N)—than at offshore stations, 155 and 107 eggs brood−1 fem−1, respectively. Average brood sizes of E. pacifica increased during the study period, from 125 (in 2000) to 171 eggs brood−1 fem−1 (in 2003). Average percentage of carbon weight invested in spawning (reproductive effort) was higher in E. pacifica (14%) than in T. spinifera (6%), because both species have similar brood size but T. spinifera females are larger than E. pacifica females and produce smaller eggs. Reproductive effort for both species was higher during summer 2002, probably associated with anomalous cool subarctic waters and high chl-a concentration observed during that summer. Brood sizes and chl-a values remained relatively high in 2003–2004 compared to the 1999–2001 period. Geographical and temporal variability in brood sizes for both species were significantly correlated with in situ measurements of chl-a concentration but not with sea surface temperature. No gravid females were collected during late autumn and winter cruises, thus the spawning season along the Oregon coast appears to extend from March through September for both species. However, T. spinifera usually starts reproductive activity earlier in the spring (March) than E. pacifica. Both species had their highest brood sizes in summer during the period of most intense upwelling, which is associated with an increase in regional phytoplankton standing stock.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of viable and non-viable (so-called resting eggs) embryos of the calanoid copepod Tortanus forcipatus were determined in the laboratory by the enumeration of nauplii that emerge from sediments collected in Victoria Harbor (Hong Kong). Sediment cores sliced down to a depth of 37 cm showed the highest number of viable resting eggs near the surface layer (0–5 cm). The number of viable eggs sharply decreased with sediment depth, particularly at the inner harbor stations, although diapause eggs remained viable as deep as 25 cm. 210Pb analyses of the sediments indicated that the mean egg age was 4.9 years. The egg mortality of T. forcipatus in the sediments was 0.135 year−1, or 78.22% annual egg survival, calculated by regressing ln (egg density) from sediment age. The range of horizontal distribution of viable resting eggs was 24.25 × 103–58.90 × 103 m−2, with a mean value of 36.8 × 103 m−2 over all stations. The accumulation of viable resting eggs that can persist for an extended period of time provided evidence for the existence of an egg bank of T. forcipatus in the sediments of Victoria Harbor.  相似文献   

Trawl surveys were conducted in 2000 and 2001 to examine patterns of distribution and abundance of postsettlement red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) on a shell bank, Freeport Rocks Bathymetric High (FRBH), in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. In addition, otolith-based methods were used to determine age, hatch-date, growth and mortality of new recruits associated with FRBH. Date and region were significant factors affecting density of red snapper in 2000. Peak densities of red snapper were observed in July and August, and mean density among habitat types (shell bank, inshore mud, offshore mud) was similar (range: 50–52 ind hectare−1) in 2000. Alternatively, a habitat effect was detected during a limited survey conducted in 2001, with density higher on the shell bank than inshore or offshore mud habitat. Postsettlement red snapper were first detected at approximately 16 mm standard length, and individuals less than 20 mm were present in all habitats. Estimated ages of red snapper ranged from 26 to 121 d, with new settlers (≤20 mm) typically less than 28 d. Predicted hatch dates ranged from early April to mid August with a single peak occurring from late May to early June. Growth rate for the April–May cohort (0.817 mm d−1) was similar to the June–July cohort (0.830 mm d−1). Habitat-specific differences in growth were observed, and rates were highest for individuals from the inshore habitat (0.881 mm d−1). Mortality rates (Z) during the early post-settlement period were approximated using catch curves, and early life mortality of red snapper was 12.1% d−1 (Z=0.129). While the difference in mortality between cohorts was negligible, a habitat-specific difference in mortality was observed. Mortality rate of red snapper inhabiting the inshore mud habitat (Z=0.045, 4.4% d−1) was lower than rates observed for individuals on the shell bank (Z=0.120, 11.9% d−1) or offshore (Z=0.099, 9.3% d−1) habitat. Individuals residing in the inshore habitat had significantly higher growth rates and significantly lower mortality rates, suggesting that recruitment potential was higher for these individuals.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the composition, abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton in the inner shelf area off Bahía Blanca Estuary on the SW Atlantic Ocean during late spring. Eggs and larvae of Brevoortia aurea, Engraulis anchoita, Parona signata, Sciaenidae spp. – such as Cynoscion guatucupa and Micropogonias furnieri –, and Odontesthes argentinensis were found. Species richness was low probably as a result of season and shallow depths. Ichthyoplankton abundance reached values close to 10 000 per 10 m−3 (eggs) and 4000 per 10 m−3 (larvae) and displayed a spatial distribution pattern with maximum abundance values restricted to a band parallel to the coast. Differences between egg and larval patterns, probably derived from a different displacement and hydrodynamic behavior, were observed. Egg and larvae distribution patterns were found related with spawning areas and to directly depend on salinity and mesozooplankton. The larvae distribution pattern, in particular, was found to inversely depend on particulate organic carbon. In addition, the geographic location of egg and larvae maxima strongly coincided with a saline front reported for this area in springtime, thus suggesting a direct relationship with it.  相似文献   

Production of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia steueri was measured from 2 October 1991 to 8 October 1992 at a station in Ilkwang Bay, on the southeastern coast of Korea. Phytoplankton standing stock ranged over 1.0 to 9.3 mg chl.a m−3, and annual primary productivity (by the C-14 method) at three stations was estimated at 200 gC m−2 yr−1. Acartia steueri (nauplii + copepodids + adults) were present in the plankton throughout the year, with seasonal variation in abundance. Biomass of A. steueri, excluding the NI stage, was 0.01–4.55 mgC m−3 (mean: 0.68 mgC m−3) with peaks in November, February, May and July-early August, and relatively low biomass in September– January. Instantaneous growth rates of the nauplius stages were higher than the copepodid stages. Annual production of A. steueri was 25.1 mgC m−3 yr−1 (or 166 mgC m−2 yr−1), showing peaks in November, May and July–August with a small peak in February, and low production in December–April and September–October. There were no significant relationships between the daily production rate of A. steueri and temperature or chlorophyll a concentration, indicating that unknown other factors might be related to the variation of the production rate.  相似文献   

Egg production of Calanus finmarchicus was studied during joint basin-scale surveys in April–June 2003 in the Norwegian Sea. Surveys covered the whole Norwegian Sea and were conducted from Norwegian, Icelandic and Faroese research vessels. Stations were classified as being in pre-bloom, bloom or post-bloom phase according to levels of chlorophyll a and nitrate. Individual egg production rates and population egg production rates were calculated and compared between areas. Both individual egg production rates (eggs female−1 day−1) and population egg production rates (eggs m−2 day−1) were significantly higher in bloom areas compared with pre-bloom and post-bloom areas. However, when integrated over an estimated duration of the three phases, the time-integrated egg production (eggs m−2) in most years was highest in the pre-bloom phase, and this was explained by the longer duration of this phase compared with the two other phases.  相似文献   

Monthly seawater pH and alkalinity measurements were collected between January 1996 and December 2000 at 10°30′N, 64°40′W as part of the CARIACO (CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) oceanographic time series. One key objective of CARIACO is to study temporal variability in Total CO2 (TCO2) concentrations and CO2 fugacity (fCO2) at this tropical coastal wind-driven upwelling site. Between 1996 and 2000, the difference between atmospheric and surface ocean CO2 concentrations ranged from about − 64.3 to + 62.3 μatm. Physical and biochemical factors, specifically upwelling, temperature, primary production, and TCO2 concentrations interacted to control temporal variations in fCO2. Air–sea CO2 fluxes were typically depressed (0 to + 10 mmol C m 2 day 1) in the first few months of the year during upwelling. Fluxes were higher during June–November (+ 10 to 20 mmol C m 2 day 1). Fluxes were generally independent of the slight changes in salinity normally seen at the station, but low positive flux values were seen in the second half of 1999 during a period of anomalously heavy rains and land-derived runoff. During the 5 years of monthly data examined, only two episodes of negative air–sea CO2 flux were observed. These occurred during short but intense upwelling events in March 1997 (−10 mmol C m 2 day 1) and March 1998 (− 50 mmol C m 2 day 1). Therefore, the Cariaco Basin generally acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere in spite of primary productivity in excess of between 300 and 600 g C m 2 year 1.  相似文献   

Zooplankton dynamics (community composition, juvenile somatic growth rate, adult egg production, secondary production) were studied in coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef. Two sectors were compared, one adjacent to a catchment of near-pristine land use patterns, the other to a more intensively farmed catchment. Sampling was conducted in the austral winter (August) and summer (January–March) of two succeeding years. Gradients in zooplankton community composition were weak, with only moderate effects of season and sector. Overall, 37% of zooplankton biomass was in the 73–150 μm size fraction, 26% in the 150–350 μm fraction, and 38% was >350 μm. There was no biomass difference and only small differences in community composition between samples taken during the day and at night; ostracods and large calanoid copepods were occasionally more common at night. Carbon-specific growth rates averaged 0.29 d−1 for cyclopoid copepods and 0.35 d−1 for calanoid copepods, with no difference between sectors. Calanoid copepod growth showed a significant relationship to chlorophyll concentration, but cyclopoid copepods did not. Copepod egg production was low (7.9 ± 5.9 eggs female−1 d−1) and apparently food-limited. Copepod secondary production was lower in August (mean = 2.6, range 1.4–4.0 mg C m−2 d−1) than in January–March (mean = 8.5, range 2.4–15.5 mg C m−2 d−1). Secondary production by mesozooplankton in the 73–100 μm size range averaged 0.9% of total phytoplankton production.  相似文献   

In March and September 1995, bacterial production was measured by the 3H-leucine method in the oligotrophic Cretan Sea (Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean) in the framework of the CINCS/MTP program. Samples were obtained from four stations (a coastal, a continental shelf and 2 open-sea stations) for the construction of vertical profiles of bacterial abundance and production. Bacterial production ranged from 0.1 μg C m−3 h−1 at 1500 m depth, to 82 μg C m−3 h−1 in March at 50 m at the coastal station. Higher bacterial integrated production was observed in March at the coastal station (131 mg C m−2 d−1 for the 0–100 m layer). Bacterial production, integrated through the water-column, was similar in March and September for the open-sea stations (60–70 mg C m−2 d−1). Relative to production, bacterial concentrations varied little between stations and seasons ranging from 9×105 ml−1 to 3×105 ml−1. Relationships between bacterial biomass and bacterial production indicated seasonal differences, likely reflecting resource limitation of bacterial biomass in March (bloom situation), and predator limitation of bacterial biomass in September (post-bloom situation).  相似文献   

Acoustic data and net samples were collected during late spring and early fall 1997–1999 to assess zooplankton and micronekton abundance and distribution relative to the Inner Front at three sampling grids (Port Moller, Cape Newenham and Nunivak Island) on the inner shelf of the southeast Bering Sea. Epibenthic scattering layers were observed during May–June and August–September in all three years. Acoustic data were scaled to euphausiid biomass using target strength models. Mean euphausiid biomass determined acoustically for each transect line was 0.7–21 g m−2, with most values below 5 g m−2. There was no consistent relationship between the distribution and biomass of euphausiids and the location of the Inner Front. Zero age pollock were observed on the inner shelf in August–September during all years, but were confined primarily to the stratified side of the Inner Front and to the frontal regime. The acoustic data for pollock were scaled to biomass using laboratory measurements of gas bladder dimensions and target strength models. Acoustic determinations of mean transect biomass for euphausiids did not differ from literature values for the inner shelf of the southeast Bering Sea, and pollock biomass on the inner shelf did not differ from that around the Pribilof Islands. Despite recent anomalies in climate and oceanographic conditions on the inner shelf, and high mortality of shorttail shearwaters during 1997, we found no evidence of significant interannual differences in the biomass of euphausiids or zero-age pollock on the inner shelf of the southeast Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Bathymetric distribution, abundance, substrate choice and gametogenesis have been investigated in two species of deep-sea actiniarians found in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Phelliactis hertwigi occurs at 719–1448m in the Porcupine Seabight, usually encloses a bolus of sediment within its highly concave pedal disc (79.7%), and has abundances of up to 14.5 individuals 1000m−2. Phelliactis robusta occurs at 1600–2173m in the Porcupine Seabight, but extends deeper in the Bay of Biscay. In areas of soft sediment it is associated strongly with clinker (92.7%) and attains densities of 2.9 individuals 1000m−2.Both species are dioecious. Their sperm appear similar to those of the related intertidal Calliactis spp. Previtellogenesis and vitellogenesis of the oocytes have been defined by ultrastructural and histochemical studies. In P. hertwigi mature oocytes measure up to 180μm, and to 210μm in P. robusta. In P. hertwigi oogenesis takes 8–9 months, with spawning in October/November, whereas in the deeper-living P. robusta oogenesis occupies 15 to 19 months and spawning occurs in April/ May. Evidence is produced to suggest that these two contrasting cycles are related to the rate and seasonality of deposition of organic matter to the deep-sea floor.  相似文献   

The variability in dissolved and particulate organic matter, plankton biomass, community structure and metabolism, and vertical carbon fluxes were studied at four stations (D1–D4), placed along a coastal-offshore gradient of an upwelling filament developed near Cape Juby (NW Africa). The filament was revealed as a complex and variable system in terms of its hydrological structure and distribution of biological properties. An offshore shift from large to small phytoplankton cells, as well as from higher to lower autotrophic biomass, was not paralleled by a similar gradient in particulate (POC) or dissolved (DOC) organic carbon. Rather, stations in the central part of the filament (D2 and D3) presented the highest organic matter concentrations. Autotrophic carbon (POCChl) accounted for 53% (onshore station, D1) to 27% (offshore station, D4) of total POC (assuming a carbon to chlorophyll ratio of 50), from which nano- and pico-phytoplankton biomasses (POCA < 10 μm) represented 14% (D1) to 79% (D4) of POCChl. The biomass of small hetrotrophs (POCH < 10 μm) was equivalent to POCA < 10 μm, except at D1, where small autotrophs were less abundant. Dark community respiration (Rd) in the euphotic zone was in general high, almost equivalent to gross production (Pg), but decreasing offshore (D1–D4, from 108 to 41 mmol C m−2 d−1). POC sedimentation rates (POCsed) below the euphotic zone ranged from 17 to 6 mmol C m−2 d−1. Only at D4 was a positive carbon balance observed: Pg−(Rd + POCsed) = 42 mmol C m−2 d−1. Compared to other filament studies from the NE Atlantic coast, the Cape Juby filament presented lower sedimentation rates and higher respiration rates with respect to gross production. We suggest that this is caused by the recirculation of the filament water, induced by the presence of an associated cyclonic eddy, acting as a trapping mechanism for organic matter. The export capacity of the Cape Juby filament therefore would be constrained to the frequency of the interactions of the filament with island-induced eddies.  相似文献   

Primary production was measured during two Lagrangian experiments in the Iberian upwelling. The first experiment, in a body of upwelled water, measured day-to-day changes in phytoplankton activity as the water mass moved south along the shelf break. Nutrient concentrations decreased over a five day period, with concomitant increases in phytoplankton biomass. Initially the maximum phytoplankton biomass was in the upper 10m but after four days, a sub-surface chlorophyll maximum was present at 30m. Depth-integrated primary production at the beginning of the experiment was 70mmolC.m−2.d−1 (838mgC.m−2.d−1) and reached a maximum of 88mmolC.m−2.d−1 (1053mgC.m−2.d−1) on day 3. On day 1, the picoplankton fraction (<2μm) was slightly more productive than larger (>5μm) phytoplankton, but the increase in overall production during the drift experiment was by these larger cells. Nitrate was the dominant nitrogen source. As nutrient concentrations declined, ammonium became increasingly more important as a nitrogen source and the f-ratio decreased from 0.7 to 0.5. Picoplankton cells (<2μm) were responsible for most (65–80%) of the ammonium uptake. The C:N:P uptake ratios were very close to the Redfield ratio for the first four days but as nutrients became depleted high C:N uptake ratios (11 to 43) were measured. Over the period of the experiment, nitrate concentration within the upper 40m decreased by 47.91mmolN.m−2. In vitro estimates, based on 15N nitrate uptake, accounted for 56% of the decrease in nitrate concentration observed in the drifting water mass. Ammonium uptake over the same four day period was 16.28mmolN.m−2, giving a total nitrogen uptake of 43.18mmolN.m−2.In the second experiment, an offshore filament was the focus and a water mass was sampled as it moved offshore. Nutrient concentrations were very low (nitrate was <10nmol l−1 and ammonium was 20–40nmol l−1). Primary production rate varied between 36mmolC.m−2.d−1 (436mgC.m−2.d−1) and 21mmolC.m−2.d−1 (249mgC.m−2.d−1). Picophytoplankton was the most productive fraction and was responsible for a constant proportion (ca 0.65) of the total carbon fixation. Uptake rates of both nitrate and ammonium were between 10 and 20% of those measured in the upwelling region. Urea could be a very significant nitrogen source in these waters with much higher uptake rates than nitrate or ammonium; urea turnover times were ca. one day but the source of the urea remains unknown. Urea uptake had a profound effect on calculated f ratios. If only nitrate and ammonium uptake was considered, f ratios were calculated to be 0.42–0.46 but inclusion of urea uptake reduced the f ratio to <0.1. The primary production of this oligotrophic off-shore filament was driven by regenerated nitrogen.  相似文献   

The depth-distribution profiles of meiofauna in four transects in the Mngazana River, Transkei were studied during summer 1980. Highest densities [±1000(100 cm3)−1] were encountered within the top 10 cm of the sediment. Nematodes dominated (80%) and the remainder was made up of ciliates, oligochaetes, gastrotrichs, and low numbers of polychaetes, copepods, kinorhynchs and various crustacean larvae. Among chemical parameters Eh correlated most consistantly with distribution, particularly at the lower tidal levels. Temperature and pH appeared to be of lesser importance. The maximum estimated depth of penetration was on average 72 cm at the HW levels; 32 at MW and 23 at LW. The mean dry biomass was estimated at 1073 mg m−2; 941 mg m−2 and 196 mg m−2 at these tidal levels respectively. The importance of preliminary studies designed to estimate the depth distribution of meiofauna is discussed.  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthic biomass in the Bay of Seine (eastern English Channel)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The benthic biomass values of various trophic groups were studied for the first time at the scale of the entire Bay of Seine (50 × 100 km) in the eastern English Channel. Sampling was carried out before and after the winter of 1999. In both cruises the suspension feeders dominated (66% of the 12 gAFDW m 2 in 1998 and 56% of the 10 gAFDW m 2 in 1999).The common European ophiuroid Ophiothrix fragilis was the most important contributor to total biomass. The repartition of its patches (sometimes > 20 gAFDW m 2) cannot be explained by the environmental parameters recorded (viz., granulometry, organic matter and pigment content).  相似文献   

Multiple tracers of groundwater input (salinity, Si, 223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra) were used together to determine the magnitude, character (meteoric versus seawater), and nutrient contribution associated with submarine groundwater discharge across the leeward shores of the Hawai'ian Islands Maui, Moloka'i, and Hawai'i. Tracer abundances were elevated in the unconfined coastal aquifer and the nearshore zone, decreasing to low levels offshore, indicative of groundwater discharge (near-fresh, brackish, or saline) at all locations. At several sites, we detected evidence of fresh and saline SGD occurring simultaneously. Conservative estimates of SGD fluxes ranged widely, from 0.02–0.65 m3 m− 2 d− 1at the various sites. Groundwater nutrient fluxes of 0.04–40 mmol N m− 2 d− 1 and 0.01–1.6 mmol P m− 2 d− 1 represent a major source of new nutrients to coastal ecosystems along these coasts. Nutrient additions were typically greatest at locations with a substantial meteoric component in groundwater, but the recirculation of seawater through the aquifer may provide a means of transferring terrestrially-derived nutrients to the coastal zone at several sites.  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of leaf litter removal by crabs was observed from May 2006 to April 2007 in a Kandelia candel mangrove forest in Jiulongjiang Estuary, China. Daily average quantities of leaf fall ranged 0.85–3.86 gDW m−2 d−1, with high values in May, August, October and November. The whole-year's leaf fall was 6.48 t ha−1 yr−1 (1.81 gDW m−2 d−1). The standing stock of leaf litter on the forest floor was 7.78 gDW m−2 averaged from the whole year's data, with the lowest value in December (1.23 gDW m−2) and the highest in April (16.18 gDW m−2). Annually averaged removal (consumption on mangrove floor + burial in burrows) rate of leaf litter by crabs was 0.59 gDW m−2 d−1. High seasonal variability was observed in the removal rates of leaf litter by crabs. Removal rates in the winter months (December, January and February) were 0.07–0.09 gDW m−2 d−1, much lower than those in other months with values of 0.59–1.18 gDW m−2 d−1. Annually averaged percentage of leaf fall removed by crabs was 33%, with the highest values in September (reached 76%) and the lowest values in winter months. Of leaf litter removed by crabs, a large proportion was buried by crabs, and only 12% was consumed by crabs on the forest floor. Leaf litter removal rate, consumption rate on the forest floor, percentages of leaf fall and standing stock removed on the forest floor were significantly positively correlated with air temperature, indicating that leaf removal ability by crabs was higher in warm months than in cold months.  相似文献   

During the EPOS leg 2 cruise (European Polarstern Study, November 1988–January 1989), the production rate of biogenic silica in the euphotic zone was measured by the 30Si method at stations in the Scotia and Weddell Seas.The highest integrated production rates were observed in the Scotia Sea (range: 11.2–20.6 mmol Si m−2 day−1), the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea exhibiting somewhat lower values (range: 6.0–20.0 mmol Si m−2day−1).Our results demonstrate that as far as biogenic silica production is concerned the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea is considerably less productive than that of the Ross Sea. Our results also indicate that the water of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) could be more productive in late spring and early summer than at the beginning of spring. Possible reasons for the differences among the three subsystems (Ross Sea, Weddell Sea and ACC) are discussed.  相似文献   

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