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近年来,随着环境的恶化和人类对环境监测重视程度的提高,有关赤潮爆发的报道频繁出现。特别是关于有害藻赤潮(Harmful Algal Blooms)发生地域、频率、密度及其危害的报道日渐增多,人们的注意力开始集中在对有害赤潮藻的控制上。这就需要对控制有害赤潮藻的生态和环境方面的参数有更好的了解。相应的,在赤潮发生中对有潜在产毒能力的赤潮藻的监测也成为研究的热点。  相似文献   

A soil circulation occurs in the south of Cheju Island in the spring. Nutrients and its influence on chlorophyll a(Chl a) around the circulations were studied from April 9 to May 6, 2007. Spring bloom with elevated concentrations of Chl a was observed during the investigation. High concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and silicate at 0.6, 12, and 8 mmol/m3, respectively, were detected. A low water temperature prevented the growth of phytoplankton. Chl a concentrations in the study area might be strongly associated with the high silicate concentration.  相似文献   

Spring diatom blooms are important for sequestering atmospheric CO2 below the permanent thermocline in the form of particulate organic carbon (POC). We measured downward POC flux during a sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom at 100 m using thorium-234 (234Th) disequilibria, and below 100 m using neutrally buoyant drifting sediment traps. The cruise followed a Lagrangian float, and a pronounced diatom bloom occurred in a 600 km2 area around the float. Particle flux was low during the first three weeks of the bloom, between 10 and 30 mg POC m−2 d−1. Then, nearly 20 days after the bloom had started, export as diagnosed from 234Th rose to 360-620 mg POC m−2 d−1, co-incident with silicate depletion in the surface mixed layer. Sediment traps at 600 and 750 m depth collected 160 and 150 mg POC m−2 d−1, with a settled volume of particles of 1000-1500 mL m−2 d−1. This implies that 25-43% of the 100 m POC export sank below 750 m. The sinking particles were ungrazed diatom aggregates that contained transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). We conclude that diatom blooms can lead to substantial particle export that is transferred efficiently through the mesopelagic. We also present an improved method of calibrating the Alcian Blue solution against Gum Xanthan for TEP measurements.  相似文献   

Diatoms are major primary producers of microbial biomass in the Antarctica. They are found in the water and sea ice. The distribution, abundance of the ice diatoms and their relation to the environmental factors inside and outside the ice have been studied for its special role in the Antarctic Ocean ecology. In this paper we describe the abundance, distribution and composition of diatom assemblages in  相似文献   

We studied diatom assemblages and CaCO3 contents of methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan and assessed the formation time of these samples. Radioactive 14C date was determined in selected samples to obtain the maximum age of the time. The results of our study suggest mass formation of carbonate nodules in a glacial period within ∼40 ky, consistent with a published U/Th dating result of carbonate nodules in the study area. Diatom assemblages and contents in the carbonate nodules (abundance of ∼106/g, dominance of neritic-littoral species, warm/cold water species ratio lower than ∼25) differ from the near-seafloor sediments in the study area, which have characteristics of Holocene sediments in the Sea of Japan, and suggest cementation of glacial sediments. Laminated sediments in some nodule samples are glacial sediments because laminations are records of a low sea level period in the semi-enclosed ocean. Similarity of diatom assemblages and contents in all carbonate samples is another evidence of glacial sediments in nodules. Glacial sediments with oceanic cold water species as low as Holocene sediments restricts the sediment age to before 20 cal. ky BP. Carbonate contents higher than 78 wt% suggest the cementation of poorly compacted sediments near the seafloor, and the date of carbonate cementation is, therefore, close to that of the cemented sediments. Most carbonate nodule samples in this study were formed in a glacial period and detection of 14C restricts this period to within ∼40 ky.  相似文献   

Egg production rates and/or hatching success in the copepods Acartia clausi, Calanus helgolandicus and Temora longicornis were negatively affected by a late spring (May–June 2003) phytoplankton bloom in the North Adriatic Sea, dominated mainly by the large diatom Cerataulina pelagica. Highest total concentrations of 3.3·104 cells·ml?1 were located in the vicinity of the Po River, which also corresponded to the area where the highest numbers of phaeophorbides were measured (0.779, 0.528 and 0.419 μg·l?1, respectively, compared to an average of the remaining stations of 0.183 ± 0.049 SD), suggesting some grazing on the bloom. Phytoplankton biomass in terms of carbon was dominated by diatoms, representing on average 42% of total phytoplankton carbon and more than 80% at several stations. Cerataulina pelagica, Cyclotella spp., Chaetoceros spp. and small unidentified centric diatoms dominated the diatom community numerically but C. pelagica was by far the dominant diatom in terms of carbon due to its large cell size. This species represented more than 60% of the diatom biomass at nine of the 14 stations sampled, and was absent only at one station, which was the most offshore station sampled during the cruise. Although polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) were not detected, other oxylipins which are hydroxy and keto derivatives of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids that affect copepod reproduction were found in these samples. Hence, we can attribute the negative impact of diatoms not only to PUAs, as previously believed, but also to these compounds. This is the first direct evidence of the presence of oxylipins other than PUAs in marine blooms dominated by diatoms.  相似文献   

The biomass and production rate of net zooplankton were studied at eight stations in Yatsushiro Bay, Japan, monthly from May 2002 to April 2003. Based on environmental conditions, the bay was divided into three regions, viz. northern (average depth, salinity and chlorophyll a concentration: 11 m, 31.8 and 6.5 μg l−1, respectively), central (30 m, 32.8 and 3.2 μg l−1, respectively) and southern (43 m, 33.4 and 1.9 μg l−1, respectively). Net zooplankton biomass was high in warm months and low in cold ones, with annual averages of 20.2, 38.8 and 16.4 mg C m−3 in the northern, central and southern regions, respectively. Copepods were the most important constituent (>ca. 70% of net zooplankton biomass) in all regions. The northern region was characterized by the dominance of Oithona spp. in summer and Acartia spp. in winter-spring. In the central region, Microsetella norvegica was most pronounced in summer-fall. In both central and southern regions, Calanus sinicus and Eucalanus spp. dominated in winter-spring and fall, respectively. The annual average net zooplankton secondary production rate was 4.4, 7.5 and 3.9 mg C m−3d−1 in the northern, central and southern region, respectively. Combining the results from the present study with those from other collaborative works on microzooplankton allowed us to determine the trophic interactions in Yatsushiro Bay. If the secondary producers depend entirely on phytoplankton for food, their daily carbon requirement is equivalent to 12.5, 21.6 and 19.1% of the phytoplankton biomass in the respective regions.  相似文献   

Measurements of the density of deep pelagic bioluminescent zooplankton (BL) were made with the Intensified Silicon Intensifier Target (ISIT) profiler in the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian Seas and the Strait of Sicily from ~300 m to near seafloor. Mean BL densities ranged from 2.61 m?3 at 500–1000 m depth in the Adriatic Sea to 0.01 m?3 at 4000–5000 m depth in the E Ionian Sea. We investigated drivers of spatial variation of deep pelagic BL density. Linear regression was applied between surface chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration and underlying BL density. Chl a values were determined from satellite derived 100 km radius composites (six 10-day means per ISIT deployment, over preceding 60 days). At 500–1000 m depth we found a significant positive relationship between mean BL density and mean Chl a in the period prior to 0–10 days (at 1% level) and prior to 10–40 days (at 5% level). Beyond 40 days no relationship between BL density and Chl a was found at this depth. At depths 1000–1500 m BL density values were low and no significant relationship with Chl a was detected. Generalised additive modelling (GAM) was used to assess the influence of benthic hotspots (seamount; cold water coral mound; mud volcano) on overlying BL density. A reduction in BL density was found downstream of the Palinuro seamount from 300 to 600 m. No effect on BL density in the overlying water column was detected from the presence of cold water corals. Higher BL densities were detected over the W Madonna dello Ionio mud volcano than at other sites sampled in the NW Ionian Sea. We find surface Chl a to be a good predictor of BL density in the mesopelagic zone; below this depth we hypothesise that processes affecting the efficiency of particle export to deep water may exert greater influence on BL density.  相似文献   

日本海、鄂霍次克海和白令海的古海洋学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
边缘海的存在使大陆和大洋之间的物质和能量交换变得相当复杂。在构造运动和海平面升降的控制下,边缘海和大洋之间时而连通时而隔绝,各种古气候变化信号都在一定程度上被放大。基于近期有关西北太平洋边缘海的古海洋学研究成果,简要概述了日本海、鄂霍次克海、白令海以及北太平洋地区自中新世以来的古气候和古海洋环境演化特征,并认为它们与全球其它地区一样也受控于因地球轨道参数变化引起的太阳辐射率的变化,大尺度的气候变化具有与地球轨道偏心率周期相对应的100ka周期,而41ka的小尺度周期则受地球自转轴斜率变化的控制。一些突发性的气候变化则是由气候不稳定性、海峡的关闭与开启和其它一些地球气候系统的非线性活动所驱动。但同时作为中高纬度边缘海,它们的古海平面、古海水温度、古洋流等古海洋环境因子的变化特征还受到冰盖扩张和退缩、构造运动、冰川性地壳均衡补偿、东亚季风等因素的影响,具有一定的区域特点。  相似文献   

Spring blooms of phytoplankton composed of centric diatoms developed in late February, March, and April in Otsuchi Bay on Sanriku ria coast, Japan. During this period, associated with prolonged seasonal west wind (>1 day), intense exchange of waters occurred between inside and outside the bay: outflow of nearsurface brackish water over inflow of oceanic water at depth. This circulation interrupted formation of the blooms, and transported phytoplankton populations seaward. By such water movements, a significant amount of nutrients in the bay was carried out, otherwise replenished into the bay, depending on water masses located outside the bay. Owing to irregular features of wind events, a bloom lasted from several days to a week. From February to April, supply of nutrients seemed to be replete except for the latter half of the bloom period, and estimates of the critical depth exceeded the depth of the bottom consistently. Thus, net growth of phytoplankton was expected throughout the observation period, and potentially blooms could be formed. However, the blooms were only formed under calm weather. We hypothesize that the exchange of waters dilutes populations in the bay, and that formation of the bloom, that is, accumulation of biomass depends on a balance between the growth of phytoplankton and the dilution of bay water.  相似文献   

In spring and fall 2005, cross- and along-shelf transects were sampled to evaluate the influence of physical forcing, including sea ice, tides, and winds, on the lower trophic levels of the Bering Sea ecosystem. The hydrography, nutrients, chlorophyll, and zooplankton abundance and species composition were all affected by the presence or absence of sea ice on a north–south transect along the 70-m isobath. In May, shelf waters between ~59°N and 62°N were cold and relatively fresh, and benthic invertebrate larvae and chaetognaths were a significant fraction of the zooplankton community, while to the south the water was warmer, saltier, and the zooplankton community was dominated by copepods. The position of the transition between ice-affected and ice-free portions of the shelf was consistent among temperature, salinity, nutrients, and oxygen. This transition in the hydrographic variables persisted through the summer, but it shifted ~150 km northward as the season progressed. While a transition also occurred in zooplankton species composition, it was farther north than the physical/chemical transition and did not persist through the summer. Mooring data demonstrated that the change in the position of the transition in physical and chemical properties was due to northward or eastward advection of water onto and across the shelf. From south to north along the 70-m isobath, tidal energy decreased, resulting in a less sharply stratified water column on the northern portion of the middle shelf, as opposed to a well-defined, two-layered system in the southern portion. This more gradual stratification in the north permitted a greater response to mixing from winds, which were homogeneous from north to south. Thus the physical and biological structure at any one location over the middle shelf is dynamic over the course of a year, and results from a combination of in situ processes and climate-mediated regional forcing which is dominated in most years by sea ice.  相似文献   

曾祥波  黄邦钦 《海洋学报》2008,30(6):140-146
为了研究小型浮游动物对近岸浮游植物藻华的摄食调控作用,于2005年7月,应用"稀释法"并结合高效液相色谱(HPLC)光合色素分析技术,研究了台湾海峡船基围隔实验条件下浮游植物生长率及小型浮游动物摄食率的日变动。结果表明:由于营养盐添加的影响,迅速形成了以尖刺伪菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia pungens)为优势种的藻华,生物量(叶绿素a)从实验初始7月6日的1.45μg/dm3迅速增加到7月8日的29.80μg/dm3,随后消退。镜检和光合色素分析的结果显示,实验期间一直以此硅藻占绝对优势。浮游植物的生长率在藻华峰值(7月8日)前保持了较高的生长速率(>1.0/d)且大于小型浮游动物的摄食率;小型浮游动物的摄食率也逐渐增加,7月7日时达到0.86/d,显示有57%以上的浮游植物现存量被摄食。7月8日后,水华迅速消退,摄食率除13日外,均大于浮游植物的生长率。小型浮游动物主要由急游虫(Strombidium spp.)、侠盗虫(Strobilidium spp.)等无壳纤毛虫、异养甲藻-螺旋环沟藻(Gyrodinium spirale)及砂壳纤毛虫等组成,其对浮游植物的生长迅速作出了反应,各类群的丰度在水华峰值后的7月9日均几达最大值,水华后期(11日)大型的无壳纤毛虫达最大值。小型浮游动物的这种组成及变动特点是其保持较高摄食率及一定程度上控制和促进藻华消退的原因之一。  相似文献   

Mercury evasional fluxes from the sea surface into the atmosphere play an important role in the Hg biogeochemical cycle, especially in the Mediterranean basin, which is characterized by the presence of large cinnabar deposits, intense solar radiation and high temperatures for many months of the year. Since the available experimental methodologies to measure mercury flux can be used only in good weather conditions, at present it is necessary to make use of exchange models that require the knowledge of the dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) concentration in seawater. In this paper, the main factors affecting DGM levels are discussed considering the determination of the DGM daily behaviour in different meteo-marine and weather conditions at coastal and offshore locations of the Mediterranean basin. A fully automatic device for continuous analyses of DGM concentration with a high time resolution was used. Results show that the daily trend of DGM concentration tracks that of the solar radiation intensity, often mapping the movement of the clouds. DGM levels can be decreased by the presence of high winds that increase mercury evasion from the water surface, as well as by the mixing of the surface water layer. The presence of high levels of dissolved organic matter favours the photo-induced reduction of mercury as observed by the measurements performed in a lagoon water.  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of a thin phytoplankton layer was observed by field measurements using a research vessel and mooring instruments in the Yatsushiro Sea, a semi-enclosed narrow embayment in Japan, in early August 2013. The subsurface chlorophyll maximum developed into a thin layer within 2 days just below the pycnocline at around 10-m depth, where turbulent mixing (the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy) was weak (low). The layer persisted for 1.5 to 2 days and declined after irradiance drastically decreased at the sea surface. At the peak period, the layer thickness, which is defined as the full-width at half-maximum of the peak in chlorophyll a concentration, ranged from 0.6 to 1.4 m, and the maximum concentration reached 42.3 mg m?3. The horizontal extent of the layer was approximately 10 km along the longitudinal axis of the bay. The phytoplankton population characterized by the layer was dominated by a chain-forming centric diatom, Chaetoceros spp. The formation mechanisms of the thin diatom layer were investigated using the observed data and a vertical one-dimensional model that includes physical and biological processes. The results suggest that the development of the thin layer was caused by in situ growth and aggregation due to nutrient-dependent sinking of the species under weak turbulence. The study highlights that continuous multidisciplinary observations and understanding species-specific physiological responses to environmental variations are necessary to elucidate drastically fluctuating phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal water.  相似文献   

Our objective was to track microbial processes associated with serial degradation of organic matter derived from algal blooms. To do this, we analyzed population fluctuations and growth responses of major phylogenetic groups of free-living marine bacteria. We used bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry–fluorescence in situ hybridization methodology to examine marine bacterial community development during and after a diatom bloom in a mesocosm. We revealed that the Roseobacter/Rhodobacter, SAR11, Alteromonas, and Bacteroidetes groups were clearly major phylotypes responsible for most free-living bacterial biomass and production throughout the experiment. The clearest bacterial response was a proliferation of the Alteromonas group (cells with large volumes) during development of the bloom (up to 30?% of actively growing cells). Populations of these bacteria declined sharply thereafter, likely due to grazing. Alteromonas group responses suggest that these bacteria strongly influenced the flux of organic matter at an early bloom stage. The growth potential of Bacteroidetes was relatively large as the bloom peaked; this early development probably contributed to the initial stage of bloom decomposition. In contrast, the contribution of Roseobacter/Rhodobacter to total bacterial production increased at a late stage of decomposing of the bloom. The contributions of Betaproteobacteria, SAR11, and SAR86 groups to total bacterial abundance and production were relatively minor throughout the experiment. These results imply that the ability to utilize organic matter derived from diatoms varies among bacterial phylotypes, and, frequently, less abundant but ecological specialist taxa such as Alteromonas may play major roles in the flux of organic matter during diatom blooms.  相似文献   

The data of the color satellite ocean scanners SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua provide evidence that a sharp increase in the backscattering coefficient of the suspended particles occurred within a considerable part of the Barents Sea during the last decade in July–September. Judging from all the indications, this increase can be attributed to the coccolithophorid bloom. In 2004, we were able to directly substantiate this attribution. Water samples for determining the phytoplankton concentration were collected in the course of observations from onboard the R/V Professor Stokman in the western Barents Sea during the fast growth of the backscattering coefficient of the suspended particles according to the satellite data. They revealed the high concentration of the coccolithophorids and coccoliths. The satellite data indicate the strong variability of the areas of the bloom in time and space. We were able to show the interrelation of the backscattering coefficient of the suspended particles and the sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

Fatty acids and hydrocarbons of sedimenting particles were investigated in the northeastern Adriatic Sea from November 1988 to December 1989. Particles were collected at approximately monthly intervals, using sediment traps deployed at 30 m depth (2 m above bottom). Seasonal changes in sedimentation of particulate matter were very pronounced. Hydrocarbon fluxes and concentrations were found to vary significantly depending on the season. They averaged 2.69 ± 1.44 mg m−2 day−1 and 232.4 ± 90.93 μg g−1 in winter, respectively. In late spring-early summer the corresponding values amounted to 0.045 ± 0.015 mg m−2 day−1 and 13.72 ± 5.56 μg g−1, and they increased towards autumn, when mean values of 0.517 ± 0.228 mg m−2 day−1 and 98.86 ± 48.72 μg g−1 were obtained. In contrast, fatty acid fluxes and concentrations were low during winter (0.26 ± 0.08 mg m−2 day−1 and 21.95 ± 3.35 μg g−1), increased slightly towards the summer (0.48 ± 0.12 mg m−2 day−1 and 139.9 ± 44.6 μ g−1) and reached maximum rate and concentration in autumn, when average values were 1.98 ± 1.30 mg m2 day−1 and 489.1 ± 186.7 μg g−1, respectively. The differences in composition, concentrations and fluxes of the fatty acids and hydrocarbons were related to the sources of sedimenting material, reflecting the influence of resuspension of bottom sediments during winter and the appearance of mucus aggregates during summer and their subsequent deposition in autumn.  相似文献   

The raphidophyte Chattonella and the bacillariophyte Skeletonema are representative bloom-causing organisms in the Ariake Sea, Japan. Changes in their abundance were monitored to clarify the role of river discharge in the red tides caused by these organisms in the innermost area of the sea. In late June 2010, heavy rain occurred and subsequently river discharge increased. A Chattonella bloom occurred after heavy rain on July 5, although Chattonella abundance was very low (<1?cell?ml?1) before the heavy rain (June 29). Maximum cell density reached 4.2?×?103?cells?ml?1 at the surface. Thus, the bloom developed as the river plume extended in the estuary. During the course of extension of the river plume, the Chattonella population rapidly developed using the nutrients supplied by the river. Just after the Chattonella bloom, heavy rain occurred again and a very large quantity of river water flowed into the estuary. Consequently, the salinity of the surface decreased to 5 in the study area on July 16. Chattonella did not migrate to the surface probably because of the overlying low-salinity water; Chattonella formed a thin layer (20–50?cm in thickness) at the depth where salinity was 10. However, a Skeletonema population developed at the surface. On July 20, Skeletonema density at the surface exceeded 105?cells?ml?1. With the decline of the Skeletonema abundance due to the nutrient limitation, Chattonella again formed bloom probably using deep-nutrient pool by their vertical migration behavior. The present study clearly demonstrates that the Chattonella can form dense bloom after the heavy rain. The seed population awaiting the river discharge is probably essential to the rapid development of Chattonella in the estuary.  相似文献   

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