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郑怡  杨晓霞  孙晶 《山东气象》2019,39(1):106-115
利用气象卫星、多普勒天气雷达、区域自动气象观测站及常规气象观测资料,结合NCEP/NCAR逐日6 h再分析资料(0.25°×0.25°),对2018年18号台风“温比亚”及其残骸长时间影响山东引发特大暴雨的成因进行分析发现:1)此次极端降水可分为三个阶段,分别受台风外围螺旋云系、倒槽和变性后温带气旋冷锋影响,其中弱冷空气与台风倒槽相互作用对强降水的产生和维持起到了重要作用。2)“温比亚”缓慢北上过程中,强降水落区从台风东侧逆时针转至其北部倒槽附近,并逐渐远离台风中心,台风强度逐渐减弱。3)冷空气在对流层中层与台风倒槽相互作用,中层冷暖平流增强形成锋区,斜压不稳定能量增强,暖湿空气在锋区附近上升,并与低层倒槽辐合上升运动相配合,引发了倒槽附近特大暴雨的发生。4)此次过程中,低空急流稳定维持,源源不断地将水汽自东海输送至台风倒槽附近,水汽输送集中在800 hPa以下,850 hPa水汽通量辐合强度大于8×10-6 g·cm-2·hPa-1·s-1区域与暴雨落区的形态和位置对应良好。5)对流层中层的弱冷空气和低层的强暖湿气流促进了对流不稳定层结的发展和维持,低层强风速带在鲁中山区迎风坡强迫抬升不断触发中尺度对流系统,在中高层气流引导和地形作用下产生“列车效应”,也是此次过程中局地特大暴雨产生的重要因素。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the chemical composition of wet atmospheric precipitation in India’s richest coal mining belt. Total 418 samples were collected on event basis at six sites from July to October in 2003 and May to October in 2004 and analysed for pH, EC, F, Cl, , , Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and . The average pH value (5.7) of the rainwater of the investigated area is alkaline in nature. However, the temporal pH variation showed the alkaline nature during the early phase of monsoonal rainfall but it trends towards acidic during the late and high rainfall periods. The rainwater chemistry of the region showed high contribution of Ca2+ (47%) and (21%) in cations and (55%) and Cl (23%) in anionic abundance. The high non seas salt fraction (nss) of Ca2+ (99%) and Mg2+ (96%) suggests crustal source of the ions, while the high nss (96%) and high ratio signifying the impact of anthropogenic sources and the source of the acidity. The ratio of varies from 0.03 to 3.23 with the average value of 0.84 suggesting that Ca2+ and play a major role in neutralization processes. The assessment of the wet ionic deposition rates shows no any specific trend, however Ca2+ deposition rate was highest followed by and .  相似文献   

Photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rainwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Significant photodegradation of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rainwater was observed after exposure to simulated sunlight. Fluorescence excitation emission spectra (EEMS) of precipitation revealed the presence of four major peaks all of which degraded upon photolysis with the greatest loss in the region characteristic of marine CDOM. Photobleaching of absorbance also occurred in the wavelength region between 250 and 375 nm with the greatest loss of absorbance in the upper end of the UV-A region near 275 nm. There was a strong positive correlation between absorbance loss and total integrated fluorescence loss suggesting these optical properties and the degree to which they are photobleached in rainwater are directly related. The quantum yield of CDOM photodegradation in rainwater decreased dramatically with increasing wavelength and decreasing energy of incoming radiation with the average quantum yield at 325 nm approximately an order of magnitude greater than at 460 nm. The similarity of photolytic response between rainwater and Cape Fear estuarine CDOM indicates that some fraction of the compounds that make up rainwater CDOM may be derived from surface sources and/or that the processes that produce or modify humic-like substances in the atmosphere result in similar types of compounds as non-atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

基于2005年4~10月盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤不同土层土壤碱解氮及溶解性有机碳的观测资料,分析了盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤碱解氮与溶解性有机碳(DOC)的季节动态。结果表明:不同土层碱解氮、溶解性有机碳的季节动态并不相同。0~10 cm土层碱解氮与DOC季节动态相似,6月土壤碱解氮与DOC含量均最高,分别为244.86 mg/kg和13.16 mg/L。8月碱解氮含量最低,为139.18 mg/kg;9月DOC含量最低。10~20 cm土层DOC的季节性动态变化与表土具有相似性,峰值均出现在6月,谷值出现在9月;10~20 cm土层碱解氮最低值出现在6月,与0~10 cm土层不同。20~30 cm土层内,4~7月DOC几乎无变化,8月DOC含量最低,9月增加;4~5月碱解氮波动较大,5月降到102 mg/kg,6月增加到151 mg/kg。研究表明,盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤微生物活性与凋落物分解对DOC及碱解氮的季节动态有很大的影响,同时温度、降水量及冻融也影响着DOC及碱解氮的季节动态。  相似文献   

利用常规地面、高空观测、雷达及ERA5再分析等资料,对山东初冬一次极端降水、大风天气成因分析,结果表明:低槽东移发展,冷空气南压,低空切变线配合东北、西北地区地面高压坝形成的“阻挡”形势利于极端降水的产生。本次水汽条件具有较强的极端性,水汽通量辐合远强于气候平均态,925 hPa和700 hPa水汽通量辐合大值区分别与雨、雪区域配合较好。降雨时垂直上升运动中心在边界层,升至600 hPa时转为降雪,降雨时低层辐合、高层辐散,降雪时由低到高呈辐散-辐合-辐散分布。冷锋过境条件对称不稳定触发产生对流,随后在冷锋后侧逆温层上由锋生过程的上升支环流强迫产生高架对流。强冷空气扰动从内蒙古高原下滑至华北平原,与近地面冷平流汇合增强,产生较强变压风,同时促进了势能向动能转换和动量下传。地形强迫造成下沉运动增强,华北地区低层形成锋面次级环流,环流前部锋区暖界面为地转偏差辐合,冷界面为地转偏差辐散。环流内有水平动能和地转偏差大值区,偏北气流和下沉运动使水平动能向南、向下输送,导致地面极端大风。  相似文献   

A dataset of air temperature and precipitation time series (1959?C2008) from 61 stations across Shanxi, China is used to analyze the climate change. The monotonic trends and step (abrupt) trends for annual and seasonal series data of mean air temperature and total precipitation are tested by using Mann?CKendall test and Mann?CWhitney test, respectively. The results show that annual mean air temperature has increased by 1.20°C during the past 50?years. Winter, spring, and autumn have experienced a significant increase in air temperature. The step trend for annual mean air temperature is different from, but closely related with, those for seasonal mean air temperature. Spatially, there is an enhanced warming trend from south to north in Shanxi, and the most remarkable warming occurs in northern Shanxi. Annual precipitation has decreased by 99.20?mm during the past half century. The decrease is mainly caused by precipitation decline in rainy season (June?CSeptember), though precipitation in post-rainy season (October?CNovember) also tended to decrease. An abrupt decrease in precipitation has occurred since late 1970s. Decrease in precipitation is highest in central Shanxi and in the area along the west fringe between Sanchuan River and Fenhe River in western Shanxi.  相似文献   

孙兴池 《山东气象》2001,21(2):49-50
利用500hPa月平均高度场及距平场等相关气象资料,分析山东今春风多雨少、气温偏高、干旱持续的天气特点及环流形势背景,介绍了春季影响山东的主要天气过程,并进行了天气影响评价。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the chemical compositions of wet precipitation was carried out from January 2004 to December 2004 in Jinhua, southeastern China's Zhejiang Province. All samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity and major ions (F, Cl, NO3, SO42−, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and NH4+). The rainwater was typically acidic with a volume-weighted mean pH of 4.54, which ranged from 3.64 to 6.76. SO42− and NO3 were the main anions, while NH4+ and Ca2+ were the main cations. The concentrations of these major ions were generally higher compared to those reported in other parts of the world, but much lower than those in northern China.Wet deposition fluxes of major ions showed pronounced seasonal variations with maximum in spring and minimum in autumn. Significant correlations were found in soil-derived species among Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and sea-salt species between Na+ and Cl. Other relatively good correlations were also observed between Ca2+ and SO42-, Mg2+ and SO42-, Mg2+ and NO3, Mg2+ and Cl. Principal component analysis was also performed on individual precipitation to find possible sources of the major ionic species. Varimax rotated four components accounting for 85.9% of the total variance, and were interpreted as acid and alkaline pollutants, sea spray and mixed source, soil and acid/neutralization. Calculation of enrichment factors for rainwater components relative to soil and seawater indicated that Ca2+ and K+ mainly originated from the terrestrial source, and SO42- and NO3 were mostly attributed for the anthropogenic activities in the study area. In general, the results suggested that precipitation chemistry is strongly influenced by anthropogenic sources rather than natural and marine sources. The pollutants in rainwater were mainly derived from long distance transport, local industry and traffic sources.  相似文献   

Extreme weather events include unusual, severe or unseasonal weather, and weather at the extremes of the historical distribution. They have become more frequent and intense under global warming, especially in mid-latitude areas. They bring about great agricultural and economic losses. It is important to define the threshold of extreme weather event because it is the starting point of extreme weather event research, though it has been of seldom concern. Taking extreme precipitation events in Anhui, China as an example, the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method is introduced to define the threshold of extreme weather events. Based on it, the spatial and temporal distributions of extreme precipitation events are analyzed. Compared to the traditional percentile method, DFA is based on the long-term correlation of time series. Thresholds calculated by DFA are much higher than the 99th percentile and the values are higher in the south and lower in the north. This spatial pattern is similar to the annual precipitation spatial pattern. There is an obvious increasing trend in the number of days with extreme precipitation, especially after the 1980s. This observation supports the point that more extreme events happen under global warming.  相似文献   

中国森林乔木林碳储量及其固碳潜力预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加强对我国森林碳储量和固碳潜力的研究,是制定中国增汇减排政策的重要依据,对我国国际气候谈判和全面了解森林碳汇潜力具有重要作用。利用我国第七次和第八次森林资源清查中各优势树种的面积和蓄积量数据,采用IPCC材积源生物量法(volume-biomass method),估算了我国森林(乔木林)碳储量和碳密度及其分布,分析我国不同省份天然乔木林和人工乔木林碳储量龄组结构特征;建立分区域、分起源主要优势树种的单位面积蓄积-林龄Logistic生长方程,结合我国森林2020年和2030年面积蓄积增长目标,预测我国乔木林2010—2050年间碳汇潜力。结果表明:第八次清查期间中国乔木林总碳储量为6135.68 Tg,碳密度为37.28 Mg/hm 2;天然乔木林和人工乔木林的碳储量分别为5246.07 Tg和889.61 Tg,分别占总碳储量的85.50%和14.50%。到2050年,中国乔木林和新造林的总碳储量和平均碳密度将分别达到11125.76 Tg和52.52 Mg/hm 2,与2010年相比分别增加81%和41%。分析结果表明中国乔木林有很大的碳汇潜力,将在应对和减缓全球气候变化中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

张琴  孟伟  朱敏  张秀青  刘岩  韩国泳 《山东气象》2017,37(4):101-112
利用NCEP再分析资料、常规观测资料、区域气象观测站资料和多普勒天气雷达资料等,对2016年6月13—14日山东强对流天气过程的中尺度特征、触发条件及雷达回波等进行了分析。结果表明,冷涡前部高空槽和地面气旋造成13日强对流天气,高空冷涡和地面气旋造成14日强对流天气。高空干冷、低层暖湿气流有利于大气对流不稳定度加大。13日对流系统由2个独立的MαCS组成,14日则是由MβCS演变而成的MαCS系统。辐合线和干线是强对流天气的触发条件,两者重合处能诱发对流单体强烈发展。移动路径右偏中层引导风向、高空西北风的切入和地形因素是导致强降雹超级单体发展及持续存在的原因。6 h前的400~1 200 J·kg-1对流有效位能区域与降水落区对应较好。两日强对流天气过程的水汽均以西南向输入、南北向辐合为主;14日过程中渤海湾的水汽输送也很重要。高层更宽阔的MPV异常及显著下传、高低层正负位涡差的增大会造成更强的上升运动和对流不稳定。  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a modified Water Accounting Model (WAM) to track the moisture sources of an extreme precipitation event in Shandong during 18-20 July 2007. It is found that different methods in dealing with the residual of the water budget always produce different results in moisture recycling calculations. In addition, results from the backward tracking without the residual are in complete agreement with those from the forward tracking with the residual, and vice versa, implying a mathematical consistency. We thus analyze and derive the conditions under which the two tracking approaches equate with each other. We applied the backward tracking to the Shandong extreme rainfall case and obtained quantitative estimates of moisture contributions of three selected regions away from the rainfall area. The results indicate that the spatial pattern rather than numerical value of the recycling moisture is more reliable in tracking the moisture sources. The moisture of this Shandong rainfall event comes mostly from the nearby upwind area in Southwest China, which is of the terrestrial origin; while the moisture originating from the neighboring West Pacific contributes little to this event.  相似文献   

孙兴池 《山东气象》2003,23(2):41-43
利用2003年3~5月常规天气资料、500hPa月平均高度场及距平图资料,分析了今春山东省的气候特征和主要天气过程,并评述对农业生产的影响。  相似文献   

Shanghai is the largest industrial and commercial city in China, and its air quality has been deteriorating for several decades. However, there are scarce researches on the level and seasonal variation of fine particle (PM2.5) as well as the carbonaceous fractions when compared with other cities in China and around the world. In the present paper, abundance and seasonal characteristics of PM2.5, organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were studied at urban and suburban sites in Shanghai during four season-representative months in 2005–2006 year. PM2.5 samples were collected with high-vol samplers and analyzed for OC and EC using thermal-optical transmittance (TOT) protocol. Results showed that the annual average PM2.5 concentrations were 90.3–95.5 μg/m3 at both sites, while OC and EC were 14.7–17.4 μg/m3 and 2.8–3.0 μg/m3, respectively, with the OC/EC ratios of 5.0–5.6. The carbonaceous levels ranked by the order of Beijing > Guangzhou > Shanghai > Hong Kong. The carbonaceous aerosol accounted for  30% of the PM2.5 mass. On seasonal average, the highest OC and EC levels occurred during fall, and they were higher than the values in summer by a factor of 2. Strong correlations (r = 0.79–0.93) between OC and EC were found in the four seasons. Average level of secondary organic carbon (SOC) was 5.7–7.2 μg/m3, accounting for  30% of the total OC. Strong seasonal variation was observed for SOC with the highest value during fall, which was about two times the annual average.  相似文献   

利用2016年6月—2017年5月ECMWF降水极端天气指数(EFI)预报资料,分析了降水EFI与不同量级强降水、降水气候百分位在浙江的关系。结果表明:总体而言,浙江省降水EFI与实况降水存在明显的正相关关系。随着EFI阈值的增加,暴雨发生频次先增加后减少,而且暴雨发生的概率随着EFI阈值的增加而增大。综合考虑TS、BS评分,EFI阈值随着预报时效的延长而减小;随着降水量级的增加而增大。降水EFI值与降水气候百分位存在明显的正相关关系,当EFI值较高时,预示着较大的几率出现极端降水,此时可参考当地相对应的气候百分位的降水量来估计降水。  相似文献   

1中尺度天气动力学与灾害性天气预测的若干进展《四川气象》2002年第2期陈忠明四川省气象科学研究所610071摘要通过对近20年来中尺度天气动力学与灾害性天气预测方法研究的总结与回顾,为进一步开展这一方面的研究工作提供基础少走弯路2江淮梅雨锋暴雨过程中—α、中—β尺度和中γ尺度系统的演变特征分析研究《安徽气象》2002年增刊刘志澄安徽省气象局230061摘要利用HUBEX试验期间的IOP资料以及合肥多普勒天气雷达的信息以及中尺度数值模式MM5,对1999年6月20日至30日和2000年6月1日至…  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the location results for the parent lightning strokes of more than 30 red sprites observed over an asymmetric mesoscale convective system(MCS) on 30 July 2015 in Shandong Province, China, with a long-baseline lightning location network of very-low-frequency/low-frequency magnetic field sensors. The results show that almost all of these cloud-to-ground(CG) strokes are produced during the mature stage of the MCS, and are predominantly located in the trailing stratiform region, which is similar to analyses of sprite-productive MCSs in North America and Europe. Comparison between the location results for the sprite-producing CG strokes and those provided by the World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN) indicates that the location accuracy of WWLLN for intense CG strokes in Shandong Province is typically within 10 km, which is consistent with the result based on analysis of 2838 sprite-producing CG strokes in the continental United States. Also, we analyze two cases where some minor lightning discharges in the parent flash of sprites can also be located, providing an approach to confine the thundercloud region tapped by the sprite-producing CG strokes.  相似文献   

黎跃勇  周威  李好  梁可 《暴雨灾害》2022,30(2):232-239

首先,利用张家界2016—2020年降水资料和暴雨灾情资料,以中国人民财产保险股份有限公司湖南省分公司财货险(以下简称“财货险”)理赔案件为研究样本,运用优势分析法确定致灾因子的影响权重,构建暴雨综合致灾指数(I)模型。然后,采用指数函数拟合财货险出险乡镇(街道)数与I的关系,获得不同出险等级对应的I阈值。最后,选用2021年张家界汛期暴雨致灾理赔案例对I及其阈值进行验证。结果表明: 张家界市暴雨造成的财货险出险次数总体呈东西少、中间多的特点。暴雨致灾因子中96 h累积降雨量对出险范围影响权重最大,达28.6%。模拟财货险出险范围、理赔金额、出险次数的等级与实际灾情等级均通过0.01显著性水平检验。阈值检验显示,用其对暴雨致灾案例的预测等级与实际等级的一致率(即准确率)为71.4%,其中,轻度、中度、重度灾情等级的预测准确率分别为70%、70%、100%,因而建立的I阈值可用于张家界市财货险专业气象服务。


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