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A new approach on numerical modeling of wave propagation is introduced and is used to analyze the effect of earthquake magnitudes (ground motion amplitudes) on wave propagation. In this method, the sum of the maximum amplitudes of the first output model at time 0 s and rest of the output models at different times are normalized to unity. Considering this as a constraint, the sum of the weighted‐squared Fourier amplitudes is minimized by using the Lagrange multiplier method. The proposed method can reveal the relationship of actual time histories by showing simple clear peaks. This method is used to analyze the time histories of various earthquake events at different vertical array sites of the Kashiwazaki–Kariwa nuclear power plant of Tokyo electric power company (TEPCO). The wave arrival times obtained from this method and down‐hole measurements are compared. The results show increase in the arrival times at surface layer when the magnitude of earthquake is large. The results reveal that the amplitudes of small magnitude earthquakes at depths are small and are largely amplified at surface, whereas in case of large magnitude earthquakes, the amplitudes are large at depths and are deamplified at surface reflecting the effects of the strain‐dependent soil properties that result in non‐linear site response to strong shaking. The results also show that the reflected peak amplitudes are higher for small magnitude earthquakes than for large magnitude earthquakes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈学良  金星  陶夏新 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1021-1026
国内外规范中推荐或强制规定竖向地震动取为剪切反应谱的1/2~2/3,但该规定如何改进使其更合理已成为一重要课题。首先,对其研究现状简单总结,给出了可处理辐射阻尼、地震动相位特性、计算高效的二维波动显式有限元等效线性化程序ELPSV编制的必要性,然后进行了分析。初步研究表明,竖向地震动强度对周期在0.3 s以下的地表剪切反应谱有一定的影响,而高于0.3 s部分影响轻微。竖向地震动强度对斜坡场地的竖向地震反应及地表竖向反应谱影响显著,按规范的取值将偏于不安全。受地形条件影响,坡顶剪切地震反应会比坡脚反应要大,而竖向地震反应并不明显。土层边界面的地震反应要比周围反应要低,交界面效应明显。软斜坡场地地震反应特性除场地竖向地震反应自下而上先增加后减小的规律外,其他情形与硬斜坡场地的规律基本一致。该结果定量反映了竖向地震动的影响程度,为斜坡场地上考虑竖向地震动的建(构)筑结构的抗震设计提供了有益的基础。  相似文献   

体波地脉动单点谱比法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用弹性成层介质模型,应用概率分析方法,推导地下体波斜入射成层介质,在自由表面形成体波地脉动的水平分量与竖向分量谱比表达式。然后,通过大量模型计算,论证体波斜入射单层覆盖半空间形成地脉动水平分量与竖向分量谱比特性与场地传递函数间的关系。结果表明,利用地脉动单点谱比法分析体波为主要成分地脉动时,与场地水平向传递函数相比,可以得到较准确阻抗比大于3的场地卓越频率和偏小的场地放大因子。  相似文献   

考虑场地效应的高陡岩质斜坡地震失稳机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文沛  李滨  冯振  张博文  高杨 《岩土力学》2019,40(1):297-304
以金沙江乌东德水电站右岸的鸡冠山梁子高陡斜坡为典型实例,在斜坡表层地震动监测基础上,通过在斜坡弹性模型底部分别输入水平、竖向Ricker子波,发现:斜坡顶部低模量岩体材料在水平Rick子波激励下,易产生放大效应;而当输入竖向Rick子波时,易在模型表层地形凸起部位产生共振放大,其顶面表层卓越频率也与现场实测值基本一致。其次,对比分析了在分别输入汶川八角什邡加速度记录、典型鲁甸地震加速度记录时的斜坡弹塑性模型的稳定性和动力响应特征,发现:(1)斜坡在静力条件下可能存在3种不同位置潜在滑面,但输入两种地震波后,变形破坏区仅发生在顶部滑面位置;(2)输入汶川地震波时,斜坡顶部滑面剪应变增量明显大于输入鲁甸地震波时对应值,且前者的滑面出现明显整体拉破坏区,滑面上部水平、竖向残余变形也不收敛,处于震后斜坡失稳状态。后者滑面底部无明显的拉破坏区,滑面上部残余变形收敛,处于震后斜坡稳定状态;(3)斜坡水平、竖向加速度都在斜坡顶部低模量材料表层出现明显的放大现象,场地效应明显。此外,表层加速度普遍大于斜坡内部相应值,尤其是地形凸起位置。输入汶川地震波时斜坡顶部水平向加速度放大系数大于鲁甸地震波相应值,但竖向加速度放大系数两者基本一致。  相似文献   

基于大型振动台试验,研究小角度成层倾斜场地在倾向、走向、垂向、坡面方向、坡面垂直方向上的地震动响应特征,以及地层倾角对场地反应谱的影响规律。试验结果表明:在倾向方向,随着地层倾角的增大,倾斜场地的放大效应增大;在走向方向,当地层倾角小于12.5°时,放大效应强于水平成层场地;在倾向、走向方向,当地层倾角达到12.5°时,场地对反应谱短周期T≤0.1 s部分具有放大作用,对T>0.1 s的部分具有削弱作用;在垂向方向,随着地层倾角的增加,倾斜场地的放大效应强于水平成层场地;在坡面方向,倾斜场地的放大效应弱于水平成层场地;在坡面垂向方向,倾斜场地的放大效应强于水平成层场地。该研究成果对小角度成层倾斜场地上的建筑物抗震设计具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

吴志坚  王兰民  陈拓  王平 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3736-3740
通过汶川地震震后科学考察发现,汶川地震局部场地的震害和地震动放大效应明显,地震对甘肃省境内远离震中的黄土地区造成了较为严重的破坏。在此基础上,结合钻孔波速测试,运用二维等价线性时程响应动分析法对甘肃省平凉市典型黄土塬进行了地震动力响应计算,分析了该地区局部场地条件对地震动放大效应的影响。研究发现,黄土塬具有地震动放大效应,随着塬高的增加,加速度、速度、位移均出现放大效应;随着地震动在黄土覆盖层中的传递,卓越频率向低频移动,高频成分被吸收,加速度反应谱中长周期分量逐渐增大。数值计算结果与实际震害基本吻合,其结果对黄土地区进行合理的抗震设防具有一定的科学意义。  相似文献   

黄土地基浸水后的湿陷变形对黄土地区的工程建设具有重大影响,但以往研究对深厚黄土地基土浸水过程的湿陷特性及其土压力变化规律研究不够充分。以中兰铁路兰州新区南站某场地为例,开展现场浸水试验,对深厚湿陷性黄土场地的地表位移及地基深层湿陷变形进行监测,同时埋设土压力盒,对浸水湿陷过程中地基土的竖向土压力的变化规律进行分析。研究结果表明:(1)该深厚黄土场地最大湿陷下沉量在150 cm左右,浸水范围10 m以外的地表基本不发生湿陷下沉;(2)根据深层沉降测试结果可知,0~15 m深度范围内该黄土地基为强湿陷土层,湿陷量达到120 cm左右,占整个场地湿陷量的80%以上,24 m深度以下地基土不发生湿陷,为非自重湿陷土层;(3)根据土压力监测分析,15 m深度以上的地基土浸水后土体结构完全溃散,测试得到的土压力即为上覆土体的自重压力,15 m深度以下的土体浸水后虽产生一定的湿陷下沉,但土体结构未发生完全破坏,对上覆自重荷载仍具有一定的支撑作用。研究结论可为中兰铁路后期工程及兰州新区的建设提供一定的技术参考。  相似文献   

基于共轭梯度法的垂直有限线源三维电阻率反演   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用垂直有限线源研究油田注水分布和剩余油分布成为一种新型电测方法。本文对该方法实际应用的有效性进行了分析和说明,并利用共轭梯度迭代技术实现了垂直有限线源三维电阻率反演。结果表明,反演稳定可靠,计算速度快。  相似文献   

An investigation is made to present analytical solutions provided by a Winkler model approach for analysis of piled rafts with nodular pile subjected to vertical loads in nonhomogeneous soils. The vertical stiffness coefficient along a piled raft with the nodular pile in nonhomogeneous soils is derived from the displacement given by the Mindlin solution for elastic continuum analysis. The vertical stiffness coefficients for the bases of the raft and the nodular part in the nodular pile in a soil are expressed by the Muki solution for the 3‐D elastic analysis. The relationship between settlement and vertical load on the pile base is presented considering the Mindlin solution and the equivalent thickness in the equivalent elastic method. The interaction factor between the shaft of the nodular pile and the soil is expressed taking into account the Mindlin solution and the equivalent elastic modulus. The relationship between settlement and vertical load for a piled raft with the nodular pile in nonhomogeneous soils is obtained by using the recurrence equation of influence factors of the pile for each layer. The percentage of each load carried by both nodular pile and raft subjected to vertical load is represented through the vertical influence factors proposed here. Comparison of the results calculated by the present method for piled rafts with nodular piles in nonhomogeneous soils has shown good agreement with those obtained from the finite element method and a field test. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

双层竖井地基半透水边界固结分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现有双层竖井地基固结理论基础上,对双面半透水边界下的固结问题进行了研究,给出了相应的固结解答。将该解答编制成应用程序,对一算例进行了参数分析,以了解双层竖井地基半透水边界的固结特性。算例分析表明,半透水边界对竖井地基的固结影响较大:半透水参数(Rt,Rb)越大,则整个系统的孔压消散越快;半透水参数对与其相邻的土层的固结影响要比远离其边界的土层的固结影响大得多;按变形定义和按孔压定义的平均固结度两者的差别受半透水边界参数的影响。  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic surveys, including P- and S-wave studies, have been conducted in an area of the Ottawa River valley located 80 km east of Ottawa (Canada). Based on dating of paleolandslides, the existence of paleoearthquake activity has been postulated in this area. The target zone for the seismic survey is characterized by surface disturbance and sediment deformation. P-wave seismic imaging was used to map the overburden–bedrock interface as well as to indicate reflecting boundaries within the overburden. The area of surface disturbance was found to overlie a buried bedrock basin, 8 km in diameter, infilled with a maximum thickness of 180 m of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Preliminary results of core logging show the presence of sand overlain by deformed fine sediments within the disturbed area. Shear-refraction studies reveal differences in the velocity–depth profiles between the disturbed area and the surrounding undisturbed areas. The shear-wave reflection method was used to produce a fundamental resonant period map for the area. Surface sediment disturbance was probably due to a combination of ground-motion amplification due to the basin (thick soft sediments) and the presence of water-saturated sand at depth.  相似文献   

以剑桥大学工程系完成的含圆形隧道的动力离心模型试验结果为基础数据,在80g重力加速度条件下,从模型基底处由弱至强输入4 种地震波 EQ1~EQ4,利用在叠环式模型箱内不同位置布设加速度传感器,获取了不同层位深度处隧道列的加速度时程记录,运用考虑相消干涉的传统谱比法,分析研究了地震作用下含隧道的场地放大效应随深度变化规律。研究结果表明:在EQ1~EQ4下各振型的地震动放大系数随深度变化曲线从基底到地表大部分呈现一个先减小后增大的现象;并统计到高阶振型地震动放大系数数值大于一阶振型的概率为 18.3%,振型越高,概率越大;近地表处地震动放大系数的最大值主要分布在 4.20~8.63 Hz的中部频段上,而不是出现在低频段上。  相似文献   

王哲  丁洲祥  杨育人 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):865-868
筒桩土芯性状复杂,而筒桩承载力计算还不成熟。分别对黏性土层和砂性土层中筒桩土芯承载机理进行了比较分析,认为土芯与筒桩存在相对位移趋势,相对位移的发生是筒桩内侧摩阻力产生的原因,得到了土芯内摩阻力及土芯端部承担荷载计算公式。黏性土层中土芯承载作用较小,而砂性土层中由于土芯闭塞效应承载作用大大加强,得到了单桩竖向极限承载力的简化计算公式。最后通过工程实例验证了该公式的实用性。  相似文献   

杨磊  徐洪钟 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):822-825
人工神经网络已应用在岩土工程的各个方面。针对常用的BP网络的不足之处,建立了基于自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)的单桩竖向极限承载力预测模型。利用文献中桩的载荷试验数据来训练ANFIS网络,确定了网络参数。研究结果表明,同常用的BP网络相比,ANFIS预测模型具有学习速度快,拟合能力较好,训练结果唯一等优点,该方法是一种有效地预测单桩极限承载力的方法。  相似文献   

Daily zenith scattered light intensity observations were carried out in the morning twilight hours using home-made UV-visible spectrometer over the tropical station Pune (18‡31′, 73‡51′) for the years 2000–2003. These observations are obtained in the spectral range 462–498 nm for the solar zenith angles (SZAs) varying from 87‡ to 91.5‡. An algorithm has been developed to retrieve vertical profiles of ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from ground-based measurements using the Chahine iteration method. This retrieval method has been checked using measured and recalculated slant column densities (SCDs) and they are found to be well matching. O3 and NO2 vertical profiles have been retrieved using a set of their air mass factors (AMFs) and SCDs measured over a range of 87–91.5‡ SZA during the morning. The vertical profiles obtained by this method are compared with Umkehr profiles and ozonesondes and they are found to be in good agreement. The bulk of the column density is found near layer 20–25 km. Daily total column densities (TCDs) of O3 and NO2 along with their stratospheric and tropospheric counterparts are derived using their vertical profiles for the period 2000–2003. The total column, stratospheric column and tropospheric column amounts of both trace gases are found to be maximum in summer and minimum in the winter season. Increasing trend is found in column density of NO2 in stratospheric, tropospheric and surface layers, but no trend is observed in O3 columns for above layers during the period 2000–2003  相似文献   

为解决塔山煤矿高强度开采条件下瓦斯低含量、高涌出的问题,同时为了弥补大型物理实验和现场试验成本高、操作难的缺点,根据该矿8101工作面所属区域煤层的地质和瓦斯赋存条件,确定了数值试验方案,对地面垂直钻孔预抽特厚煤层瓦斯的效果进行优化分析。基于煤岩(体)的孔隙特征,构建了含瓦斯煤岩(体)破裂过程气-固耦合和渗透率-损伤耦合数学本构模型。采用RFPA2D瓦斯分析版软件建立地面钻孔抽放瓦斯的数值计算模型,设置有关简化条件、边界条件和物性参数,通过数值试验得出:地面垂直钻孔的终孔位置布置在煤层底部比较合理;在综合考虑地面垂直钻孔投入成本和瓦斯抽采效果的基础上,确定地面垂直钻孔间距为50~60 m比较合理。同时,由8101工作面地面垂直钻孔抽采煤层瓦斯的实际应用效果分析可知,当地面垂直钻孔的终孔位置布置在煤层底部,且钻孔间距布置为50 m时,能够实现良好的瓦斯抽放效果,这也从一定程度上进一步验证了数值试验的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

对核测井曲线进行付氏变换,其纵向分辨率可以从分析振幅谱斜率变化中获得。核测井仪器的纵向响应函数不仅与仪器的结构有关,而且还含有与探测介质有关的参数。在地层界面处的曲线变化中提取出测井曲线的综合纵向响应函数。结果证实核测井曲线的纵向响应函数与仪器的固有纵向响应函数不一致。核测井曲线的综合响应函数不仅取决于仪器的响应函数,而且受测量速度、采样率,地面仪器记录方式等因素的影响。  相似文献   

本文对 1 998年至 2 0 0 2年福建数字台网中心测定的台湾南投地震、台湾花莲地震、福建本省部分地震的观测结果永春台震级与台网平均震级进行分析。并计算出永春台的台基校正值  相似文献   

探地雷达(GPR)是管线渗漏探测的有效方法,但是当地下介质分布较为复杂时,难以直接从GPR数据剖面图中准确识别出渗漏异常区。为此,针对渗漏异常区含水量高的特点,根据反射波系数与介电常数的关系,提出了GPR数据的电场分量成像技术。利用时间域有限差分法(FDTD)模拟了不同介电参数的地质模型在GPR中的电磁波响应,由正演模拟结果可知分界面两侧介质的介电常数差异性越大反射波能量越强。最后将GPR数据的电场分量成像技术应用于某工业区管道渗漏探测中。试验结果表明,管道渗漏异常区在电场分量图谱中表现为高幅值区。  相似文献   

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