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贾国东  黄国伦 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):29-35
沿海地区海底地下水排放在北美和欧洲等发达地区受到了越来越多的重视,被认为是一个重要的海岸带陆海相互作用过程。但这一过程在我国尚未引起足够认识,有关研究极少见。海底地下水排放的研究历史不长,只是近十多年才有了快速的发展,有了越来越多的定量研究成果。其研究方法主要有水文计算法、现场实测法和地球化学示踪法,各种方法之间的对比实验是目前的热点问题。沿海地下水排放具有重要的环境意义,它可以是陆地营养物质和污染物质的一个重要排放通道,可以对海岸带环境产生一定影响。我国沿海地区应该加强有关的研究工作,为海岸带环境管理作出贡献。  相似文献   

海底泉在滨海地下水排泄过程中起着重要的作用。本文给出了含有一个海底泉的在海底延伸的越流承压含水层系统中地下水水头在海潮作用下波动的近似解析解。该含水层顶底板隔水且向海底延伸有限距离。假设含水层的海底露头被一层隔水层覆盖,海底泉由一个渗透性很好的完全穿透海底含水层硕板的圆柱体渗漏天窗(海底泉孔)来表示。近似解析解中包含了6个参数:承压含水层的海潮传播参数,海底泉孔中心到海岸线的距离,表示泉的圆柱体的等效半径,海底泉孔中心到含水层海底露头处的距离,承压含水层的海潮载荷效率和弱透水层的越流。分析表明,如果海底泉孔中心到海岸线的距离远大于泉孔的等效半径,且海底泉孔中心到含水层海底露头处的距离远大于泉孔的等效半径时,解析解的近似误差可以忽略。然后本文讨论了解析解的两个基本性质,分析了海底泉对海底地下水水头波动的影响。  相似文献   

A detail investigation was carried out to improve the current knowledge of groundwater salinisation processes in coastal aquifers using hydrochemical and isotopic parameters. Data of major ions for 40 wells located in the Salalah plain aquifer, Sultanate of Oman, were collected during pre-monsoon 2004 and analysed. The groundwater changes along the general flow path towards the coast from fresh (EC < 1500 μS/cm), brackish (EC: 1500–3000 μS/cm) and saline (EC > 3000 μS/cm). Results of inverse modeling simulations using PHREEQC show that dissolution of halite may be the main source of Cl and Na in the study area. Ionic delta calculation indicates that the depletion of Na and K and enrichment of Ca and Mg in groundwater were probably attributed to reverse ion exchange reactions. During a sampling campaign conducted in October 2015, 11 groundwater samples were collected for Cl, Br and isotopic analysis (2H/18O). Molar Cl/Br ratios in fresh groundwater were higher than those of seawater, indicating the impact of halite dissolution on the groundwater quality. For saline groundwater, these ratios were less than those of seawater, showing the influence of anthropogenic input from agriculture on the same. Relatively depleted isotopic signature of all groundwater samples show that the monsoon precipitation is the main source of groundwater recharge in the study area.  相似文献   

陈瑞阁  周训  赵敬波  宋超 《地质通报》2013,32(7):1099-1104
海潮波动可以引起海岸带地下水位发生波动。建立了基于有限差分法的滨海地区一维承压含水层地下水运动数值模型。将潮汐波动概化为正弦波,模拟了滨海地区地下水位随潮汐波动的变化。通过与初始水位水平的承压含水层水位变化的比较表明,受海潮影响的滨海承压含水层地下水位与海潮有相似的波动特征,但变幅减小,受海潮的影响程度与离海岸的距离有关,随着离海岸距离的增加,地下水位的变幅及潮汐效率呈负指数函数衰减,但比前者变化程度稍缓,地下水位对海潮的滞后时间随距离呈线性增加。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of near-shore fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was characterised from the coastal aquifers of the Willunga Basin, South Australia, an extensive aquifer system that supports an important viticultural region. Measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) and 222Rn (radon) activity were collected at 19 sites along the coastline during the Southern Hemisphere spring (2011) and summer (2013). At each site, samples were collected from the surf zone as well asporewater from beach sediment in the intertidal zone. Surf-zone radon activity ranged from <5 to 70mBq L–1, and intertidal porewater radon ranged over two orders of magnitude (220–36 940 mBq L–1) along the Willunga Basin coastline during both surveys. Overall, surf-zone and porewater EC was lower in the spring 2011 survey than in the summer 2013 survey. Porewater EC was similar to that of coastal water at most sites along the coastline, except at three sites where porewater EC was found to be lower than coastal water during both surveys, and three sites where evaporated seawater was observed in the summer survey. Based on the patterns in radon and EC along the coastline, two sites of localised fresh SGD were identified, in addition to a groundwater spring that is known to discharge to the coast. The results indicate that near-shore fresh SGD occurs as localised seeps rather than diffuse seepage along the entire coastline. The apparent absence of groundwater discharge at most locations is also consistent with current evidence suggesting that extensive groundwater pumping within the basin has resulted in seawater intrusion across much of the coastline. These observations also suggest that previous studies are likely to have over-estimated SGD rates from the Willunga Basin because they assumed that SGD occurred along the entire coastline.  相似文献   

用氡-222评价五缘湾的地下水输入   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底地下水排泄(SGD)近年来成为陆-海相互作用的研究热点,地球化学示踪方法是其主要研究手段,尝试用天然示踪剂氡-222评价厦门五缘湾的SGD。为了评价五缘湾SGD的入海通量及其变化,对五缘湾海水中222Rn和226Ra活度、大气中222Rn活度、风速、水温和水深进行了连续2 d的测量,对沉积物进行了培养实验用以获得其222Rn扩散通量和孔隙水中222Rn活度。基于海水中222Rn通量的质量平衡,对实测的海水中222Rn活度实施了母体支持、涨落潮影响、大气逃逸损失、沉积物扩散输入、混合损失的校正,保守估计SGD输入的222Rn通量在0~126.7 Bq/(m2·h)范围内变化,对海水中222Rn的平均贡献达54%。以井水和孔隙水中222Rn的加权平均值作为SGD端元的代表,获得SGD的输入速率为0~29.3 cm/d,平均输入速率9.3 cm/d。SGD输入速率的动态变化基本围绕12 h的周期波动,是对本海域正规半日潮的具体响应。假设SGD以平均速率在五缘湾海底输入,则五缘湾海底的SGD输入量为1.86×105 m3/d。以陆源地下淡水占SGD输入量的10%考虑,五缘湾的陆源地下淡水输入量约为1.86×104 m3/d。  相似文献   

Groundwater mounds and hinge lines are important features related to the interaction of groundwater and lakes. In contrast to the transient formation of groundwater mounds, numerical simulations indicate that permanent groundwater mounds form between closely spaced lakes as the natural consequence of adding two net sinks to a groundwater flow system. The location of the groundwater mound and the position of the hinge lines between the two lakes are intimately related. As the position of the mound changes there is a corresponding shift in the position of the hinge line. This results in a change in the ratio of groundwater inflow to outflow (Qi/Qo) for the lake. The response of the lake is an increase or decrease in the lake level. Our simulations indicate that the movement of the hinge line in a natural system is a consequence of the dynamic interrelationships between recharge, the slope of the water table upgradient and downgradient of the lake, and the loss of water from the lake by evaporation. The extent of the seasonal movement of the hinge line will vary from one year to the next depending on local changes in the magnitude of the hydrologic variables. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

在分析国内外已有研究的基础上,综述滨海地下水交互过程中的胶体运移规律,重点阐述咸淡水驱替作用下胶体的宏观运移规律和微观作用机理。胶体在滨海地下水交互中可成为联系海-陆相的物质传输纽带,其运移行为主要受地下水水化学参数波动影响,受控于胶体类型与数量、表面电位及地下水pH、离子强度等因素,具有水动力、水环境多因子联合作用的特征,并在含水层中具有空间堵塞和团聚体结构改变的不确定性。未来关于滨海地下水交互带中的胶体行为研究应重视基础勘察,考虑胶体群体效应,结合滨海含水层对水动力、水化学条件的敏感性,研究胶体在多相体系中胶体运移的不确定性及其对污染物的协同运移作用,为滨海资源化研究构建统一分析体系和预测机制。  相似文献   

在沿海地区,以223Ra和224Ra为示踪剂建立的镭质量平衡模型已广泛应用于海底地下水排泄量(SGD)的研究中,然而目前国内外关于在人类活动复杂影响较大情况下的SGD研究却极为少见。本文对比研究了在有防渗墙(A区)和填海造陆(B区)两种不同人为因素影响下的龙口海岸带水体表现年龄、海底地下水排泄量及其携带的氮磷营养盐通量。结果表明,A区平均水体表现年龄为14.26 d,B区平均水体表现年龄为10.64 d。此外,B区沿岸地下水以及近岸海水中的Ra活度均普遍高于A区,而盐度低于A区。在SGD方面,A区的SGD速率为1.26~1.60 cm·d-1,B区为1.43~1.82 cm·d-1,考虑SGD在评估方法上存在一定的误差,因此两个区域的SGD速率相差不大。但与我国其他自然海域相比,这两个区域的SGD速率均处于较低水平。此外,B区的氮磷营养盐浓度普遍高于A区,而且由SGD驱动的氮磷营养盐通量不同,地下水输入的不平衡的营养盐极易改变龙口海域的营养盐结构,对海洋生态环境产生不利影响,这也进一步证实SGD在沿海生态环境以及水体污染治理中的重要地位。  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion is a problem in the coastal areas of Korea. Most productive agricultural fields are in the western and southern coastal areas of the country where irrigation predominantly relies on groundwater. Seawater intrusion has affected agricultural productivity. To evaluate progressive encroachment of saline water, the Korean government established a seawater intrusion monitoring well network, especially in the western and southern part of the peninsula. Automatic water levels and EC monitoring and periodic chemical analysis of groundwater help track salinization. Salinization of fresh groundwater is highly associated with groundwater withdrawal. A large proportion of the groundwaters are classified as Na–Cl and Ca–Cl types. The Na–Cl types represent effects of seawater intrusion. The highest EC level was over 1.6 km inland and high Cl values were observed up to 1.2 km inland. Lower ratios of Na/Cl and SO4/Cl than seawater values indicate the seawater encroachment. A linear relation between Na and Cl represents simple mixing of the fresh groundwater with the seawater. The saline Na–Cl typed groundwaters showed Br/Cl ratios similar to or less than seawater values. The Ca–HCO3 type groundwaters had the highest Br/Cl ratios. Substantial proportions of the groundwaters showed potential for salinity and should be better managed for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

夏玉强  李海龙 《地学前缘》2009,16(6):276-281
通过分析滨海含水层中观测孔的水位动态资料,确定含水层的水力性质和某些参数,或推测含水层在海底的延伸长度和露头处是否存在覆盖层,是水文地质学家一直很感兴趣的问题之一。文中充分分析了广西北海半岛滨海地区水文地质条件,将研究区第一个承压含水层系统概化为具有上覆弱透水层越流和含水层海底露头覆盖层的垂向三层结构的不稳定流模型。应用该模型的解析解对广西北海半岛滨海含水层系统的观测数据进行了分析,拟合效果很好,并利用最小平方罚函数法估算了研究区含水层的参数。  相似文献   

王一清  吴自军 《地质论评》2022,68(3):1079-1088
海底地下水排泄( submarine groundwater discharge, SGD)不仅是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是各种溶解化学物质由陆向海输送的重要而隐蔽通道。笔者等在分析全球海洋锶来源的基础上,综述了多种岩性含水层条件下SGD锶的地球化学行为及其控制因素,并利用已有的SGD通量和高分辨率全球岩性数据,计算出更为保守和精确的SGD锶通量及同位素组成,确认了SGD是海洋贫放射成因锶的重要来源之一,起到平衡河流输入的富放射成因锶的作用。  相似文献   

王一清  吴自军 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020008-2022020008
海底地下水排泄(submarine groundwater discharge,SGD)不仅是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是各种溶解化学物质由陆向海输送的重要而隐蔽通道。本文在分析全球海洋锶来源的基础上,综述了多种岩性含水层条件下SGD锶的地球化学行为及其控制因素,并利用已有的SGD通量和高分辨率全球岩性数据,计算出更为保守和精确的SGD锶通量及同位素组成,确认了SGD是海洋贫放射成因锶的重要来源之一,起到平衡河流输入的富放射成因锶的作用。  相似文献   

沿海地区地下水环境问题日益突出,进行地下水水化学特征及演化规律的研究,能够更有效地开展地下水环境的监测和保护。以青岛市崂山区地下水为研究对象,综合运用统计分析、主成分分析、Piper图解法、HFE-D图解法、Chadha’s矩形图法等方法,对研究区海水入侵特征与地下水化学特征演化进行分析,探究地下水水化学特征及演化规律,并进一步评价了海水入侵现状。结果表明,研究区地下水以Na+、Ca2+、Cl−、${\rm{SO}}_4^{2-}$为主要优势离子,地下水化学类型多为Cl·SO4-Na型和SO4·Cl-Ca·Mg型。地下水中Cl−浓度变化幅度较大,且其均值超出了有无海水入侵的分界值(250 mg·L−1),地下水可能发生一定程度的海水入侵;青岛市崂山区地下水呈中性至弱碱性(pH均值=7.0~8.0),是沿海地区长期的水文地球化学过程的影响;地下水化学变化主要受自然因素(岩石与水的相互作用)或人为因素(农业和家庭活动)的控制;采用反距离加权(IDW)方法,结合地理信息系统(GIS),进行海水入侵位置的空间映射,研究结果表明崂山区海水入侵主要分布于江家土寨东−浦里社区北入侵段,王哥庄−港西−港东入侵段、仰口湾入侵段、登瀛村−栲栳岛入侵段。  相似文献   

在滨海地区,地下水水位受潮汐波动影响较大,使得传统的抽水试验、水位回复试验等方法确定含水层参数存在困难且花费较大。通过对广西北海市滨海含水层地下水位动态资料进行分析,发现其上升段和下降段是不对称的。基于海岸带承压含水层正弦潮汐波的传播理论,提出了确定含水层参数的分段法,并与振幅衰减法和滞后时间法进行对比,各种方法求出的储水系数与导水系数之比(S/T)很接近,说明分段法是有效的。对于北海市滨海含水层,上升段求出的S/T值比下降段要大,其成因机理还有待进一步分析。  相似文献   

陈鑫  郑克勋  韩啸  田茂 《中国岩溶》2023,42(6):1193-1201
研究旨在通过地下水温度场的特征来推导岩溶泉域的地下水活动,并验证岩溶地下水系统划分的合理性,文章以黑龙潭岩溶泉域为例,采用对比分析等手段,对泉域地下水温度的时空变化特征进行研究,并探讨各变化特征的指示意义。结果表明:在空间分布上,泉域内地下水温与高程呈反比关系;在时间分布上,降雨作为引起地下水温度变化的主导因子,汛期补给区入渗增加后引起地下水温升高,同时大量的补给加快了地下水径流速度,致使排泄区地下水温降低。此外,还根据不同岩溶系统地下水温度场的差异性特征及其指示意义,验证了黑龙潭泉域系统划分具有合理性。  相似文献   

 This paper describes the origins and distribution of saline groundwaters in the coastal area of Rhodope, Greece. The aquifer system includes two aquifers within coarse-grained alluvial sediments in the coastal part of the study area. Two major water-quality groups occur in the study area, namely Ca2+-rich saline groundwater and Ca2+-poor, almost fresh groundwater. The main process controlling the groundwater chemistry is the exchange of calcium and sodium between the aquifer matrix and intruding seawater. The natural salt water in the study area is probably residual water that infiltrated the aquifer system during repeated marine transgressions in late Pleistocene time. Seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer system occurs as a result of overpumping in two seawater wedges separated vertically by a low-permeability layer. The rate of intrusion averages 0.8 m/d and is less than expected due to a decline of the aquifer's permeability at the interface with the seawater. The application of several hydrochemical techniques (Piper and Durov diagrams; Na+/Cl, Ca2+/Cl, Mg2+/Cl, and Br/Cl molar ratios; Ca2+/Mg2+ weight ratio; and chloride concentrations), combined with field observations, may lead to a better explanation of the origin of the saline groundwater. Received, May 1997 / Revised, May 1998, December 1998 / Accepted, February 1999  相似文献   

地下水地源热泵系统应用对地温场的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过建立地下水地源热泵系统试验场,运行热泵系统,并进行地下水温度连续监测,分析应用地下水地源热泵系统对地温场的影响。抽水井与回灌井之间以及回灌井附近的地下水温度随系统运行明显变化。系统运行后,回灌水体将以不规则边缘的透镜体贮存于含水层中,以回灌井为中心向外围扩展,水温最低或最高点位于含水层中部。粘性土相对隔水层的温度变化幅度、影响范围均小于含水层。由于热量的累积效应,即使是冷热负荷均衡的热泵系统,运行一个采暖、制冷周期后也将在热源井附近的抽、灌水含水层以及相邻的隔水层中形成冷量或热量的小范围聚积。  相似文献   

在沿海地区,尤其是围海造陆工程形成的陆域地区地下水水位受潮汐影响较大,使传统水文地质试验求取含水层参数存在较大误差。因此通过合理概化地下水在潮汐作用下运动规律,建立数学模型,推导解析公式求取沿海含水层参数具有重要意义。分析天津滨海新区两处观测孔地下水位及潮汐波动特征,在滞后时间不明显的情况下,利用观测孔水位变幅数据计算了含水层水头扩散系数,并根据承压含水层储水系数经验值进一步获得含水层渗透系数。通过两个观测孔分别计算,对比计算结果互相验证发现,该方法取得了令人满意的结果。利用地下水潮汐效应计算含水层参数可以广泛应用于沿海地区水文地质工作中。  相似文献   

This paper refers to the development of a conceptual model for the management of a coastal aquifer in northern Greece. The research presents the interpretation and analysis of the quantitative (groundwater level recordings and design of piezometric maps) regime and the formation of the upcone within the area of investigation. Additionally it provides the elaboration of the results of chemical analyses of groundwater samples (physicochemical parameters, major chemical constituents and heavy metals and trace elements) of the area which were taken in three successive irrigation periods (July–August 2003, July–August 2004 and July 2005), in order to identify areas of aquifer vulnerability. The study identifies the areas where ion exchange phenomena occur, as well as the parts of the aquifer where the qualitative degradation of the aquifer system is enhanced. The paper, finally, assesses the lack of any scientific groundwater resources management of the area by the local water authorities, as well as the current practices of the existing pumping conditions scheme as applied by groundwater users.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

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