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The results of potassium‐argon measurements are reported. Three samples from the southern end of the New England bathylith confirm its Permian age (240–245 m.y.). Two samples of the “pre‐Permian” granites are not younger than Lower Permian (Hillgrove, 270 m.y.; Barrington Tops, 260 m.y.). A sample of the analcite basalt from Spring Mountain gave an Oligocene age (34 m.y.) by measurements on two separate minerals.  相似文献   

The central, northwestern and western Anatolian magmatic provinces are defined by a large number of late Mesozoic to late Cenozoic collision‐related granitoids. Calc‐alkaline, subalkaline and alkaline intrusive rocks in central Anatolia are mainly metaluminous, shoshonitic, I‐ to A‐types. They cover a petrological range from monzodiorite through quartz monzonite to granite/syenite, and are all enriched in LILE. Their geochemical characteristics are consistent with formation from a subduction‐modified mantle source. Calc‐alkaline plutonic rocks in northwestern Anatolia are mainly metaluminous, medium‐ to high‐K and I‐types. They are monzonite to granite, and all are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE, showing features of arc‐related intrusive rocks. Geochemical data reveal that these plutons were derived from partial melting of mafic lower crustal sources. Calc‐alkaline intrusive rocks in western Anatolia are metaluminous, high‐K and I‐types. They have a compositional range from granodiorite to granite, and are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE. Geochemical characteristics of these intrusive rocks indicate that they could have originated by the partial melting of mafic lower crustal source rocks.  相似文献   

In the Shoalhaven River Gorge, in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, the Ordovician quartz‐turbidite succession (Adaminaby Group) is affected by one major phase of deformation with northerly trending, gently plunging, upright, close to tight folds (F1) characterised by a range in half wavelengths up to 3 km. Several anticlinoria and synclinoria are developed and folds occur in at least four orders; these characteristics are consistent with buckling occurring at several scales and are controlled by the thickness of competent units in the multilayered succession. F1 folding is thick‐skinned in style with the whole crust probably having been affected by deformation. D1 occurred during the Silurian to Middle Devonian interval and was associated with crustal thickening and the shallowing of depositional environments over time. Locally, F1 is overprinted by south‐southeast‐trending, steeply to moderately inclined F2 that reorients F1 to recumbent attitudes. D2 is of Early to Middle Carboniferous age. Both deformations are related to convergence in an intra‐arc to backarc region and occurred inboard of a subduction zone, remnants of which occur in the New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of volcanic rocks in the Gamilaroi terrane and Calliope Volcanic Assemblage, New England Fold Belt, eastern Australia, indicate that the setting in which these rocks formed changed in both space and time. The Upper Silurian to Middle Devonian basalts of the Gamilaroi terrane show flat to slightly light rare‐earth element (LREE) depleted chondrite normalised patterns, depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE) relative to N‐MORB, low Ti/V and high Ti/Zr ratios, high Ni, Cr and large‐ion lithophile element (LILE) contents, features characteristic of intra‐oceanic island arc basaltic magmas. They are associated with low‐K, less mafic volcanics, showing moderate LREE enrichment, low Nb and Y contents and Rb/Zr ratios. The depletion of HFSE in the basalts indicates that the magmas were derived from a refractory source in a supra‐subduction zone setting. The presence of such a zone implies that the arc was associated with a backarc basin, the location of which was to the west where a wide backarc region existed from the Middle Silurian. This polarity of arc and backarc basin suggests that the subduction zone dipped to the west. In contrast to their older counterparts, Middle to Upper Devonian basalts of the Gamilaroi terrane have MORB‐like chondrite normalised patterns and higher Ti and lower LILE contents. Moreover, they have low Ti/Zr ratios and MORB‐like Ti/V ratios and HFSE contents, features typical of backarc basins. Dolerites of the Gamilaroi terrane also have predominantly backarc basin signatures. These features suggest that both the basalts and dolerites have been emplaced in an extensional environment produced during the rifting of the intra‐oceanic island arc lithosphere. A progressive increase in Ti/V ratios, and TiO2 and Fe2O3 contents at constant MgO, of stratigraphically equivalent basalts, towards the north‐northwest part of the belt, is consistent with either greater extension to the north or melting of a more fertile magma source. By contrast, basalts in the southeast part of the terrane have moderately high Ti/Zr and low Ti/V ratios and in some samples, exhibit depletion of HFSE, compositional features transitional between island arc and backarc basin basalts. The Lower to Middle Devonian mafic rocks in the Calliope Volcanic Assemblage show both LREE enriched and depleted chondrite normalised REE patterns. Further, the majority have high Ti/Zr ratios and low Zr contents as well as relatively high Th contents relative to MORB. These features are common to rocks of Middle Devonian age as well as those of Early Devonian age and are suggestive of eruption in an arc setting. Thus, the data from this study provide new evidence for the evolution of the New England Fold Belt from the Late Silurian to the Late Devonian and reveal a history more complicated than previously reported.  相似文献   

In the Lycian Basin (SW Turkey), the Miocene Karabay?r and Karaku?tepe formations consist of algal limestone, conglomerate, sandstone, shale and limestone. Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis of the Miocene units show that these formations are poor in organic matter. TOC values are generally between 0.02 and 0.51%, but reach 3.47% in the Karabay?r Formation. Hydrogen indices (HI) are mostly below 600 mgHC/gTOC, increasing to 1200 mgHC/gTOC in the Karabay?r Formation. S2 vs. TOC diagrams are used to evaluate the sedimentary environments and hydrocarbon potential of the Lower–Middle Miocene sediments (the Isparta, Bucak and Korkuteli‐Elmal? areas). The organic material contains about 63 (type I), 35 (type II) and 29 (type II/III) pyrolysable hydrocarbons, respectively. The dominant organic matter is type II kerogens, and hydrocarbon generating potential is quite low. A positive x‐intercept has been calculated in analysed samples according to S2 vs. TOC diagrams; this value shows a rock‐matrix effect. Clay is the main agent of adsorption. Biomarker characteristics also verify these results. Isoprenoid rates are Pr/Ph: 2, Pr/n‐C17: 1.9, and Pr/n‐C18: 0.5, and a high Pr/Ph ratio (pristane/phytane) indicates an oxic environment; the terpane C29 NH/C30 H ratio is >1 for the Karabay?r Formation, and this value indicates a carbonate lithology. On the other hand, the C25 NH/C30 H ratio is <1 for the Karaku?tepe Formation; this indicates that the hydrocarbons were derived from terrestrial organic matter. According to m/z 191 mass fragmentograms, the Miocene units contain oleanane, indicating a Tertiary age. The abundance of sterane C29>C28>C27 shows that the kerogens formed from algal organic matter.  相似文献   

Ground‐penetrating radar surveys across the southern end of the Boco Plain, western Tasmania, revealed a complex sequence of Quaternary glacial and non‐glacial sediments. The subsurface imaging supported previous suggestions of a complex Boco Plain palaeotopography that incorporates a range of depositional environments and multiple constructional events. The ground‐penetrating radar technique enabled imaging of the sediments to 20 m depth, and permitted identification of different sedimentary facies and constructional events due to the significant contrast in dielectric constant within and between the sediments and bedrock. The bedrock and sediment stratigraphy are in broad agreement with drillcore records from the southern end of the Boco Plain and indicate the utility of the method in the initial stages in the investigation of Pleistocene sedimentary sequences of this type.  相似文献   

Chemical compositions and geochronological data utilising the laser ablation ICP-MS technique are presented for zircon megacrysts found in alluvial gem corundum deposits associated with Upper Cretaceous–Cenozoic alkali basalts in the Inverell district-New England field, New South Wales, eastern Australia. Three localities, Kings Plains, Swan Brook and Mary Anne Gully, produce gem-quality transparent dark brown and yellow zircon megacrysts, mostly under 10 mm in size. Although brown zircon shows relative enrichment in Hf and REE, there are no differences in relative transition metal concentrations between the colours. Chemical homogeneity within a single crystal indicates stable crystallisation conditions. The 206Pb/238U age of zircon megacrysts from these three localities define older and younger groups of 216–174 Ma and 45–37.7 Ma, respectively. The ?Hf values of zircon megacrysts from Kings Plains show +7.51±0.34 in the older group and +10.72±0.31 in the younger group. Swan Brook zircons give +11.54±0.47 and +8.32±0.58, and Mary Anne Gully zircons are +13.67±0.63 and +8.50±0.48, respectively. These zircons from New England alluvial gem deposits have two main formational events around Upper TriassicLower Jurassic and Eocene episodes. Most originated from lithospheric mantle and all were brought-up by later host basaltic magmas.  相似文献   

The Zapug–Duobuza magmatic arc (ZDMA), located along the southern edge of the south Qiangtang terrane in western Tibet, extends east–west for ~ 400 km. Small scattered granite and porphyry intrusions crop out in the ZDMA, but a large amount of granite may be buried by Late Cretaceous to Paleogene thrusting. Two stages of magmatism have been identified, at 170–150 Ma and 130–110 Ma. The widely distributed Middle–Late Jurassic granite intrusions in the ZDMA exhibit SrNd isotopic characteristics similar to those of ore-bearing porphyries in the Duolong giant CuAu deposit, and their εHf(t) values mostly overlap those of other porphyry CuMo deposits in the ZDMA and the Gangdese zone. The SrNdHf isotopic geochemistry suggests variable contributions of mantle and Qiangtang crustal sources, and indicates the presence of two new ore districts with potentials for CuAu, Fe, and PbZn ores, located in the Jiacuo–Liqunshan and Larelaxin–Caima areas. Except for the Duolong ore-forming porphyries, which show significant contributions of mantle components intruded into an accretionary mélange setting, the Early Cretaceous granites in other areas of the belt are of mostly crustal origin, from sources in Qiangtang felsic basement and Permo-Carboniferous strata, indicating the weak ore-forming potential of skarn-type Fe and PbZn deposits. The ephemeral but deep Bangong Co–Nujiang ocean in the Early Jurassic evolved into a shallow compressional marine basin in the Middle–Late Jurassic, possibly transitioning to northward flat subduction of oceanic crust at this time. The subducted slab broke off in the Early Cretaceous, initiating a peak in arc magmatism and metallogenesis at 125–110 Ma.  相似文献   


Strontianite (SrCO3), witherite (BaCO3) and alstonite (CaBa[CO3]2) were among the range of epigenetic coal cleat/fracture carbonates identified within the Wittingham Coal Measures, Jerrys Plains Subgroup in the Hunter Valley. Three stages of diagenetic cement development, all related to basin evolution, are postulated. Material for the development of the various carbonates was derived from: basinal pore fluids, surrounding rock and organic matrix as a result of diagenetic exchange, active mass transport or devolatilization of basement rocks during metamorphism, including plutonic intrusion.  相似文献   


Devonian and Carboniferous (Yarrol terrane) rocks, Early Permian strata, and Permian‐(?)Triassic plutons outcrop in the Stanage Bay region of the northern New England Fold Belt. The Early‐(?)Middle Devonian Mt Holly Formation consists mainly of coarse volcaniclastic rocks of intermediate‐silicic provenance, and mafic, intermediate and silicic volcanics. Limestone is abundant in the Duke Island, along with a significant component of quartz sandstone on Hunter Island. Most Carboniferous rocks can be placed in two units, the late Tournaisian‐Namurian Campwyn Volcanics, composed of coarse volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, silicic ash flow tuff and widespread oolitic limestone, and the conformably overlying Neerkol Formation dominated by volcaniclastic sandstone and siltstone with uncommon pebble conglomerate and scattered silicic ash fall tuff. Strata of uncertain stratigraphic affinity are mapped as ‘undifferentiated Carboniferous’. The Early Permian Youlambie Conglomerate unconformably overlies Carboniferous rocks. It consists of mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate, the last containing clasts of Carboniferous sedimentary rocks, diverse volcanics and rare granitic rocks. Intrusive bodies include the altered and variably strained Tynemouth Diorite of possible Devonian age, and a quartz monzonite mass of likely Late Permian or Triassic age.

The rocks of the Yarrol terrane accumulated in shallow (Mt Holly, Campwyn) and deeper (Neerkol) marine conditions proximal to an active magmatic arc which was probably of continental margin type. The Youlambie Conglomerate was deposited unconformably above the Yarrol terrane in a rift basin. Late Permian regional deformation, which involved east‐west horizontal shortening achieved by folding, cleavage formation and east‐over‐west thrusting, increases in intensity towards the east.  相似文献   

The Mustafakemalpa?a Fault (MF), located among Manyas, Ulubat and Orhaneli faults, is a right lateral strike-slip and 47 km in length. The MF begins with a pressure ridge at the west and exhibits complex jog terminations at east ends in restraining left stepovers. The western section of the fault bounds Miocene and Quaternary units and continues towards ?lyasç?lar. The central segment of the fault, starts with approximately 750-m leftward stepover, exhibits a sinusoidal geometry between Kapakl?oluk and Kabulbaba. In this section, MF traverses mountainous terrain and cuts Ophiolite, Jurassic limestones and Miocene detritals, forming dextral faulting features and gaining reverse component. The eastern section exhibits left stepping en-echelon pattern and consists 2.5-km offset on the Orhaneli River. In this study, palaeoseismological findings related to the Holocene activity and active tectonic properties of the MF are presented. The trenches exposed mismatched stratigraphy, demonstrating evidence of events across the fault. We identified three events (before BC 2190, later AD 1425 and 1850) that have occurred during the past 4000 years. We suggest a long non-characteristic recurrence interval and ~0.7 mm/y slip-rate for MF, based on trench data and offset of the Late Pliocene drainage of Orhaneli River.  相似文献   

Fission‐track ages have been determined on sphene and apatite from 28 granitic intrusions across the western half of Victoria. The sphene ages compare closely with independent K‐Ar biotite ages for the same intrusions, where these are available, and are invariably older than apatite ages by 35 to 135 m.y. This is in accord with the effective geological track annealing temperatures for these two minerals which are estimated to be 260 ± 20°C and 80 ± 10°C respectively. Both sphene and apatite ages decrease from west to east across western Victoria, the sphenes ranging from 470 ± 28 to 355 ± 19 m.y. The Wando Vale granodiorite and Dergholm granite from the Dundas Tableland of far‐western Victoria have sphene ages of 470 ± 28 m.y. and 452 ±16 m.y. respectively, clearly suggesting a relationship to the Ordo‐vician granitic rocks of southeastern South Australia. Fission‐track ages from the numerous post‐tectonic granites in the Ballarat Trough fall into two distinct groups. Rocks from the western area have sphene ages in the relatively narrow range 393 ± 14 m.y. suggesting emplacement in the Early Devonian time whereas those in the east have sphene ages of 362 ± 7 m.y. (near the Devonian‐Carboniferous boundary). Over the temperature interval recorded by sphene‐apatite pairs, cooling of the granitic rocks was very slow ranging from 0.8 to 5.3°C/m.y. Cooling in this range was probably controlled by uplift and erosion of overburden during a long period of post‐tectonic relaxation. Corresponding uplift rates are estimated to be 0.03 to 0.18 km/ m.y. assuming a normal continental geothermal gradient of 30°C/km. Below 80°C average cooling and uplift rates were probably about l°C/m.y. and 0.03 km/m.y. respectively so that cooling was essentially complete within about 80 m.y. of the apatite ages.  相似文献   

Woodlark Island, the largest above‐sea portion of the Woodlark Rise, has an exposed basement of pre‐Miocene (?Cretaceous‐Eocene) low‐K tholeiitic basalt and dolerite, and minor sediments. The basement is unconformably overlain by Early Miocene limestone and volcaniclastic sediments and later Miocene high‐K volcanics and comagmatic intrusives. Pleistocene to Recent sediments partly blanket the Tertiary sequence. Basement low‐K tholeiites vary only slightly in composition and are interpreted as ocean floor or possible marginal basin material. The high‐K suite appears to be chemically similar to late Tertiary to Recent high‐K igneous rocks of mainland Papua New Guinea. It includes porphyritic hornblende‐, clinopyroxene‐, biotite‐ and magnetite‐bearing shoshonite, latite and toscanite, and intrusive equivalents that range from olivine normative to strongly quartz normative compositions (S1Q2 46% to 75%). Computer mixing models indicate that separation of the pheno‐crysts in the shoshonites, particularly pargasitic hornblende, is a feasible mechanism for producing the more silica‐rich monzonites and latites.

The low‐K tholeiitic basement rocks of Woodlark Island are inferred to be part of an ophiolitic slab en echelon with the Papuan Ultramafic Belt, thrust over equivalents of the Cretaceous Owen Stanley Metamorphics or, in part, onto existing oceanic crust. High‐K igneous rocks on Woodlark Island appear to form an eastward extension of a province of calcalkaline to shoshonitic volcanic and intrusive rocks, which stretches from Mount Lamington to the Louisiade Archipelago. Late‐middle Miocene high‐K magmatism at Woodlark Island is consistent with the observation that activity commenced earlier in the E and became progressively younger westwards towards mainland Papua New Guinea. Periodicity in the magmatism was apparently synchronous with major rifting episodes that formed the Woodlark Basin. The data on the Woodlark Island high‐K suite support the currently accepted. concept of delayed partial melting of a mantle source previously modified by the introduction of water and LILE from an earlier subduction zone (Johnson et al., 1978b).  相似文献   

The Lanping basin is a significant Pb–Zn–Cu–Ag mineralization belt in the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic province. A series of sediment-hosted Himalayan Cu–Ag–Pb–Zn polymetallic deposits have been discovered in the western part of the basin, controlled by a thrust–nappe system. In the thrust–nappe system, the Cu orebodies mainly occur in the western and relatively deep part of the mineralization system (the root zone), whereas the Pb–Zn–Ag (± Cu) orebodies occur in the eastern and relatively shallow part of the system (the front zone), both as vein-type mineralization.In this paper we present new data, combined with existing data on fluid inclusions, isotopes and geologic characteristics of representative deposits, to provide the first study that contrasts mineralizing fluids in the Cu–Ag (Mo) and Pb–Zn–Ag (Cu) polymetallic deposits.Fluid inclusion and isotope studies show that the Cu–Ag (Mo) mineralization in the root zone formed predominantly from deep crustal fluids, with the participation of basinal brines. The deep crustal fluids are marked by high CO2 content, relatively high temperatures (280 to 340 °C) and low salinities (1 to 4 wt.% NaCl equivalent), whereas the basinal brine shows relatively low temperatures (160 °C to 220 °C) and high salinities (12 to 22 wt.% NaCl equivalent), containing almost no CO2. In comparison, hydrothermal activity associated with the Pb–Zn–Ag (± Cu) deposits in the front zone is characterized by basinal brine, with relatively low temperatures (130 °C to 180 °C), high salinities (9 to 24 wt.% NaCl equivalent), and low CO2 concentrations. Although evolved meteoric waters have predominantly been proposed as the source for deep crustal fluids, magmatic and metamorphic components cannot be completely excluded. The basinal brine was predominantly derived from meteoric water.The δ34S values of sulfides from the Cu–Ag (Mo) deposits and Pb–Zn–Ag (± Cu) deposits range from − 17.9 to 16.3‰ and from 2.5 to 11.2‰, respectively. These ranges may relate to variations in physicochemical conditions or compositional variation of the sources. Lead isotope compositions indicate that the ore-forming metals were predominantly derived from sedimentary rocks of the Lanping basin.  相似文献   

During the late Cretaceous to early Paleogene, the present-day area of Britain and Ireland emerged from nearly total submergence by the chalk sea. What mechanism was responsible for this major marine regression? Combined studies of Paleogene depositional sequences offshore and coeval igneous rocks onshore, show that significant episodic uplift of northern Britain was at that time largely controlled by the early development of the Iceland mantle plume. How far south did this influence of the Iceland plume extend across England, and even beyond? We present new maps of the structure and denudation of the chalk surface in southern England. Some 500 m thickness of chalk was removed from the crest of a Chilterns–East Anglia dome before deposition of the earliest Paleogene sediments. Allowing for isostatic amplification by erosion, minimum uplift of the chalk surface above sea level was c.125 m. Early Paleogene crustal shortening of that chalk surface was by a factor of at most 1.01, contributing a maximum uplift of 25 m of the floor of the chalk sea. Compressional forces were not the main cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene unconformity in southern England, as in the interpretation of this event as a distant reflection of the development of the Alps to the south. Postulated contemporary changes in global sea-level are also inadequate to account for the development of the unconformity in southern England. Here we suggest with some confidence that the main vertical surface movements involved in creating the unconformity were controlled by the Iceland mantle plume, as in northern Britain. We speculate that another hotspot, in Central France, may have influenced Paleogene sedimentation in the Paris Basin in a comparable fashion. We consider how to distinguish between our proposed mantle control of regional relative sea-level and global controls of Paleogene sea level.  相似文献   

Seismic sections and the analysis of lithostratigraphic units from well-log data were used to develop a new stratigraphic correlation of the Winduck, Snake Cave and Ravendale Intervals for the Blantyre Sub-basin. The stratigraphic boundaries of the intervals were defined at marked changes in well-log characteristics, and depth estimates of the boundaries were derived from the well-log data in Mt Emu 1, Blantyre 1 and Kewell East 1. Six seismic-stratigraphic boundaries have been identified in the seismic sections to show the continuity of the latest Silurian to Holocene sediments throughout the Blantyre Sub-basin; from bottom to top they are: H-1, base of the Winduck Interval; H-2, base of the Snake Cave Interval; H-3, base of the Ravendale Interval; H-4/5 base of the undifferentiated Upper Carboniferous/Permian sediments; and H-6 base of the undifferentiated Cenozoic sediments. All stratigraphic boundaries are based on good continuous markers, with strong amplitudes throughout the whole sub-basin. A three-dimensional geological model was developed from the seismic data to map out the geometry of the key reflectors, and hence the structure and stratigraphy of the Winduck, Snake Cave and Ravendale Intervals in the areas where these intervals have been preserved. This model has better defined the Wilcannia High and two smaller highs around the Mt Emu 1 and Snake Flat 1 wells, and further defines the relationships between the stratigraphy, sub-basin geometry and development of complex structures in the Blantyre Sub-basin.  相似文献   

Our research focuses on Holocene tectonics in a broad area surrounding the junction between the active NW–SE trending Husavik-Flatey transform fault (HFF) and the N–S Gudfinnugja normal fault (GF), an exceptional example of onshore transform-ridge intersection. We mapped 637 minor and major faults, and measured the dip-slip and strike-slip offset components on the major faults. We also mapped 1016 individual tension fractures, as well as opening directions on the most reliable ones. The results indicate that this portion of the HFF comprises major right-stepping segments, with both normal and right-lateral strike-slip components, linked by local normal faults. The entire GF always shows pure dip-slip normal displacements, with a strong decrease in offset at the junction with the HFF. Fissure opening directions are in the range N45°-65°E along the HFF, N90°E along the GF, and N110°E within the area south of the HFF and west of the GF. Fault kinematics and fissure openings suggest a displacement field in good agreement with most of present-day GPS measurements, although our data indicate the possible long-term Holocene effects of the superimposition of magma-related stresses on the regional tectonic stresses. The HFF and the GF work together as a structural system able to accommodate differential crustal block motion, and possibly past dyke intrusions.  相似文献   

The Altun Fault: Its Geometry, Nature and Mode of Growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Altun (or Altyn Tagh) fault displays a geometry of overlapping of linear and arcuate segments and shows strong inhomogeneity in time and space. It is a gigantic fault system with complex mechanical behaviours including thrusting, sinistral strike slip and normal slip. The strike slip and normal slip mainly occurred in the Cretaceous-Cenozoic and Plio-Quaternary respectively, whereas the thrusting was a deformation event that has played a dominant role since the late Palaeozoic (for a duration of about 305 Ma). The formation of the Altun fault was related to strong inhomogeneous deformation of the massifs on its two sides (in the hinterland of the Altun Mountains contractional deformation predominated and in the Qilian massif thrust propagation was dominant). The fault experienced a dynamic process of successive break-up and connection of its segments and gradual propagation, which was synchronous with the development of an overstep thrust sequence in the Qilian massif and the uplift of the Qinghai-T  相似文献   

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