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We present hornblende, white mica, biotite and alkali feldspar 40Ar/39Ar data from Paleo-Mesoproterozoic rocks of the Mt. Isa Inlier, Australia, which reveal a previously unrecognised post-orogenic, non-linear cooling history of part of the Northern Australian Craton. Plateau and total fusion 40Ar/39Ar ages range between 1500 and 767 Ma and record increases in regional cooling rates of up to 4 °C/Ma during 1440–1390 and 1260–1000 Ma. Forward modelling of the alkali feldspar 40Ar/39Ar Arrhenius parameters reveals subsequent increases in cooling rates during 600–400 Ma. The cooling episodes were driven by both erosional exhumation at average rates of 0.25 km/Ma and thermal relaxation following crustal heating and magmatic events. Early Mesoproterozoic cooling is synchronous with exhumation and shearing in the Arunta Block and Gawler Craton. Late Mesoproterozoic cooling could have either been driven by increased rates of exhumation, or a result of thermal relaxation following a heat pulse that was synchronous with dyke emplacement in the Arunta, Musgrave and Mt. Isa province, as well as Grenville-aged orogenesis in the Albany–Fraser Belt. Latest Neoproterozoic–Cambrian cooling and exhumation was probably driven by the convergence of part of the East Antarctic Shield with the Musgrave Block and Western Australia (Petermann Ranges Orogeny), as well as collisional tectonics that produced the Delamerian–Ross Orogen. Major changes in the stress field and geothermal gradients of the Australian plate that are synchronous with the assembly and break-up of parts of Rodinia and Gondwana resulted in shearing and repeated brittle reactivation of the Mt. Isa Inlier, probably via the displacement of long-lived basement faults within the Northern Australian Craton.  相似文献   

The Mt Isa Rift Event is a Palaeoproterozoic intracontinental extension event that defines the beginning of sedimentation into the Isa Superbasin in the Western Fold Belt, Mt Isa terrane. In the mildly deformed Fiery Creek Dome region, on the northwest flanks of the Mt Isa Rift, elements of the Mt Isa Rift Event rift architecture are preserved without being intensely overprinted by later deformation. In this region two discrete generations of northwest‐dipping normal faults have been identified. Early generation normal faults were active during the deposition of fluvial and immature conglomerate and sandstone of the Bigie Formation. Renewed rifting and the development of late‐generation normal faults occurred during deposition of shallow‐marine sandstone and siltstone of the lower Gunpowder Creek Formation. Differential uplift between tilt blocks formed an array of spatially and temporally discontinuous synrift unconformities on the crests of uplifted tilt blocks. Applying the domino model yields ~28% crustal extension for the entire Mt Isa Rift Event. Northwest‐striking transverse faults facilitated differential displacement along normal faults and formed boundaries to normal fault segments, creating smaller depositional compartments along half‐graben axes. Three large domes were formed during laccolith emplacement. These domes produced palaeogeographical highs that divided the region into sub‐basins and were a source for the coarse fluvial synrift sequences deposited during the early Mt Isa Rift Event. The basin architecture in the Fiery Creek Dome region is consistent with northwest‐southeast‐directed extension.  相似文献   

The moderately metamorphosed and deformed rocks exposed in the Hampden Synform, Eastern Fold Belt, in the Mt Isa terrane, underwent complex multiple deformations during the early Mesoproterozoic Isan Orogeny (ca 1590–1500 Ma). The earliest deformation elements preserved in the Hampden Synform are first‐generation tight to isoclinal folds and an associated axial‐planar slaty cleavage. Preservation of recumbent first‐generation folds in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, and the approximately northeast‐southwest orientation of restored L1 0 intersection lineation suggest recumbent folding occurred during east‐west to northwest‐southeast shortening. First‐generation folds are refolded by north‐south‐oriented upright non‐cylindrical tight to isoclinal second‐generation folds. A differentiated axial‐planar cleavage to the second‐generation fold is the dominant fabric in the study area. This fabric crenulates an earlier fabric in the hinge zones of second‐generation folds, but forms a composite cleavage on the fold limbs. Two weakly developed steeply dipping crenulation cleavages overprint the dominant composite cleavage at a relatively high angle (>45°). These deformations appear to have had little regional effect. The composite cleavage is also overprinted by a subhorizontal crenulation cleavage inferred to have developed during vertical shortening associated with late‐orogenic pluton emplacement. We interpret the sequence of deformation events in the Hampden Synform to reflect the progression from thin‐skinned crustal shortening during the development of first‐generation structures to thick‐skinned crustal shortening during subsequent events. The Hampden Synform is interpreted to occur within a progressively deformed thrust slice located in the hangingwall of the Overhang Shear.  相似文献   


Three distinctive stratabound phyllosilicate zones are present at the margins of the syntectonic Mt Isa Cu orebodies and their host rock, the ‘silica‐dolomite’, in northwestern Queensland. The zones show close spatial relationships with adjacent stratiform Pb‐Zn ores within the overall host, the dolomitic Urquhart Shale. The Pb‐Zn orebodies may be either sedimentary‐exhalative or, as suggested recently, late diagenetic in origin, whereas the Cu ores were formed during the third regional deformation event. Talc‐stilpnomelane layers within the footwall of the silica‐dolomite, and biotite‐rich layers at the margins and adjacent to the silica‐dolomite are present in sideritic intervals within the dolomitic sequence. These Fe‐carbonate‐rich layers correlate with the Pb‐Zn orebodies, but have a much greater lateral extent. Chloritic layers occur along the hanging wall contacts of several Pb‐Zn orebodies with overlying silica‐dolomite lobes. Microstructural and petrographic studies suggest that the phyllosilicates grew at the silicification stage during early syn‐D3 alteration that also formed the silica‐dolomite and its Cu orebodies. The stratabound distribution of talc, stilpnomelane and biotite is explained by the chemical control of the sideritic beds on silicification. The origin of the Fe‐carbonates is not known and may be either sedimentary or diagenetic. The chlorite zones may have developed because of more extensive fluid‐rock interactions controlled by higher permeabilities along the brittle shale and ductile galena layering within the Pb‐Zn orebodies.  相似文献   

作为重要的非常规油气资源,油页岩的勘探开发日益受到重视。利用地震环境噪声(微动)对地下介质的横波速度成像是一种无源、高效、低成本的地震勘探方法,是更符合“环保要求的潜在油页岩勘探新方法。本文首次利用共中心面元空间自相关微动勘探方法,在松辽盆地开展了含油页岩地层识别研究。研究结果表明,共中心面元空间自相关微动勘探方法的观测系统可根据实际情况灵活多变,横波速度剖面与测线位置钻孔编录结果对应较好,能很好地划分主要地层,主要含油页岩的嫩江组二段呈现低横波速度特征。  相似文献   

This study reviews the origin of two approximately east‐west‐trending synclines in the Lake Julius area at the eastern edge of the Leichhardt Rift. The genesis of one of these structures can be found in a north‐south shortening event (D1) that occurred at the beginning of the compressional Isan Orogeny (at ca 1600 Ma). Metasediments in a cross‐rift were rammed against a competent buttress defined by the pre‐existing rift architecture, producing the approximately east‐west‐trending Somaia Syncline and its associated axial‐plane slaty cleavage. In contrast, the Lake Julius Syncline was produced by reorientation of an originally approximately north‐south‐trending (D2) fold, in a transpressional zone adjacent to a strike‐slip fault, at the end of the Isan orogeny. The effects of late fault movement can be partially reconstructed, based on correlations assuming that regionally developed trains of upright folds formed during the peak of the Isan Orogeny (D2). These folds have been offset, as well as having been tightened and disrupted at the same time as fault movements took place. The overall pattern of movement in the Lake Julius region can be explained as the result of an ‘indentor’ ramming into the ancient edge of the Leichhardt Rift, which acted as a buttress.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic basalts of the Eastern Creek Volcanics are a series of continental flood basalts that form a significant part of the Western Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier, Queensland. New trace-element geochemical data, including the platinum-group elements (PGE), have allowed the delineation of the magmatic history of these volcanic rocks. The two members of the Eastern Creek Volcanics, the Cromwell and Pickwick Metabasalt Members, are formed from the same parental magma. The initial magma was contaminated by continental crust and erupted to form the lower Cromwell Metabasalt Member. The staging chamber was continuously replenished by parental material resulting in the gradual return of the magma composition to more primitive trends in the upper Cromwell Metabasalt Member, and finally the Pickwick Metabasalt Member formed from magma dominated by the parental melt. The Pickwick Metabasalt Member of the Eastern Creek Volcanics has elevated PGE concentrations (including up to 18 ppb Pd and 12 ppb Pt) with palladium behaving incompatibly during magmatic fractionation. This trend is the result of fractionation under sulfide-undersaturated conditions. Conversely, in the basal Cromwell Metabasalt Member the PGE display compatible behaviour during magmatic fractionation, which is interpreted to be the result of fractionation of a sulfide-saturated magma. However, Cu remains incompatible during fractionation, building up to high concentrations in the magma, which is found to be the result of the very small volume of magmatic sulfide formation (0.025%). Geochemical trends in the upper Cromwell Metabasalt Member represent mixing between the contaminated Cromwell Metabasalt magmas and the PGE-undepleted parental melt. Trace-element geochemical trends in both members of the Eastern Creek Volcanics can be explained by the partial melting of a subduction-modified mantle source. The generation of PGE- and copper-rich magmas is attributed to melting of a source in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle below the Mt Isa Inlier which had undergone previous melt extraction during an older subduction event. The previous melt extraction resulted in a sulfur-poor, metal-rich metasomatised mantle source which was subsequently remelted in the Eastern Creek Volcanic continental rift event. The proposed model accounts for the extreme copper enrichment in the Eastern Creek Volcanics, from which the copper has been mobilised by hydrothermal fluids to form the Mt Isa copper deposit. There is also the potential for a small volume of PGE-enriched magmatic sulfide in the plumbing system to the volcanic sequence.  相似文献   

Plutons of the Naraku Batholith were emplaced into Proterozoic metasediments of the northern portion of the Eastern Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier during two intrusive episodes approximately 200 million years apart. Structural relationships and geochronological data suggest that the older plutons (ca 1750 Ma) are contemporaneous with granites of the Wonga Batholith to the west. The Dipvale Granodiorite and the Levian Granite represent these older intrusive phases of the Naraku Batholith, and both contain an intense tectonic foliation, S1, which is interpreted to have formed during the north‐south shortening associated with D1 of the Isan Orogeny. The geometry of S1 form surfaces at the southern end of the Dipvale Granodiorite, and of the previously unrecognised sheeted contact, defines a macroscopic, steeply south‐southwest‐plunging antiform, which was produced by the regional D2 of the Isan Orogeny. S1 form surfaces in the Levian Granite define open F2 folds with wavelengths of several hundred metres. The structural age of emplacement of the Dipvale Granodiorite and the Levian Granite is interpreted to be pre‐ or syn‐ the regional D1. An intense foliation present in some of the younger (ca 1505 Ma) granites that comprise the bulk of the Naraku Batholith is interpreted to represent S3 of the Isan Orogeny. Foliations commonly have similar styles and orientations in both the pre‐D1 and younger plutons. This emphasises the simplicity with which regional fabrics can be, and probably have been, miscorrelated in the Eastern Fold Belt, and that the classification of granites in general on the basis of structural and geometric criteria alone is fraught with danger.  相似文献   

The Chia-Nan (Chiayi-Tainan) area is in the southwestern Taiwan, and is located at the active deformation front of the collision of the Eurasian continental plate and the Philippine Sea plate, which causes complex folds as well as thrust fault systems in the area. The Chukuo fault zone is a boundary between the Western Foothill and the Western Coastal Plain in the Chia-Nan area. The nature of the crustal structure beneath the fault zone, especially the eastern part of the fault zone with mountain topography, has not been well known in detailed due to lack of drilling data as well as its limitation in using other geophysical methods, such as active source survey. In this study, we deployed an array with 11 broadband seismic stations to monitor the seismicity of the Chukuo fault zone. The array has recorded more than 1000 microearthquakes around this area. It provides an opportunity to use P- and S-wave travel time data to investigate the both the crustal P- and S-velocity in the fault zone, however due to the nature of the earthquake distribution, the ray density is relatively low at depth between 0 and 7 km. In addition, the uncertainty of S-wave reading for small earthquake also a limit in building precise S-velocity profile, Thus, we take the advantages of using cross-correlation of seismic ambient noise to investigate crustal S-velocity profile in the Chukuo fault area, especially in the mountain area where crustal faulting is a dominated phenomenon. The results indicate that S-wave velocity in the uppermost crust in the Chukuo fault zone is shown to be slower than previous studies. A low velocity layer exists at depth between 1 and 2 km in the east of the Chukuo Fault. The low S-velocity is related to a highly fractured upper crust due to intensive deformation caused by the orogenic process.  相似文献   

Primary carbonate‐bearing lamprophyric rocks have been recognised in the Walloway Diapir, South Australia. Their petrography and trace‐element geochemistry indicates that they have carbonatitic affinities. The rocks are magnetic and can be detected by ground magnetometer surveys.  相似文献   

Based on passive seismic interferometry applied to ambient seismic noise recordings between station pairs belonging to a small-scale array, we have obtained shear wave velocity images of the uppermost materials that make up the Dead Sea Basin. We extracted empirical Green’s functions from cross-correlations of long-term recordings of continuous data, and measured inter-station Rayleigh wave group velocities from the daily correlation functions for positive and negative correlation time lags in the 0.1–0.5 Hz bandwidth. A tomographic inversion of the travel times estimated for each frequency is performed, allowing the laterally varying 3-D surface wave velocity structure below the array to be retrieved. Subsequently, the velocity-frequency curves are inverted to obtain S-wave velocity images of the study area as horizontal depth sections and longitude- and latitude-depth sections. The results, which are consistent with other previous ones, provide clear images of the local seismic velocity structure of the basin. Low shear velocities are dominant at shallow depths above 3.5 km, but even so a spit of land with a depth that does not exceed 4 km is identified as a salt diapir separating the low velocities associated with sedimentary infill on both sides of the Lisan Peninsula. The lack of low speeds at the sampling depth of 11.5 km implies that there are no sediments and therefore that the basement is near 10–11 km depth, but gradually decreasing from south to north. The results also highlight the bowl-shaped basin with poorly consolidated sedimentary materials accumulated in the central part of the basin. The structure of the western margin of the basin evidences a certain asymmetry both whether it is compared to the eastern margin and it is observed in north–south direction. Infill materials down to ∼8 km depth are observed in the hollow of the basin, unlike what happens in the north and south where they are spread beyond the western Dead Sea shore.  相似文献   

薛爱民  李达  宋红星  张安家 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1047-67z1048
正常规的反射地震勘探方法技术已经经过百年时间的发展,但仍然存在许多勘探技术问题难以很好地解决,造成对诸多勘探目标难以精确成像。这些技术性问题包括:浅层勘探盲区、无明显界面地质体、高角度地层以及火成岩与变质岩地区地质体成像等。最近,我们发明了一项新的地震勘探技术—地震频率谐振勘探方法技术(薛爱民,2019),  相似文献   

城市地球物理探测面临众多人文挑战,像城市交通、密布电网、参差楼群等,对应用不同方法进行数据处理分析提出了技术挑战,需要用创新的方式和技术进行城市探测。为探索和发展适用于城市地下空间资源开发利用的地球物理探测新技术,中国地质科学院地球深部探测中心第一次启动了城市地下空间勘查评价试点工程,并选择济南市作为试点城市,试验短周期密集台阵噪声层析技术,并取得了较好成效。获得的主要认识如下:(1)在非弥散场或非均匀噪声场源的人文干扰较为严重的城市区域,通过长时间的噪声信号的采集,可获得高信噪比的面波信号,因此密集台阵噪声成像技术适应于城市地下空间的背景岩层结构探测工作。(2)本次研究提取出了周期范围为0.2~1.5 s的高信噪比面波信号,并取得与实际地质特征相一致的横波速度结构信息。(3)从横波速度结构特征来看,研究区300 m以浅,主要岩性为灰岩且主要分布于研究区西侧,而侵入岩体主要分布于东侧,中间存在一个明显的分界面,指示存在一个近南北向的隐伏断裂。随着深度的增加,大面积的侵入岩体展布于深层,灰岩只在北侧局部有显现。总体来说,本项研究证明了密集台阵噪声层析方法能够适用于人文干扰严重的城市地下空间背景岩层结构探测,这一成果对认识研究区地下结构、地震防灾、工程应用具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

韩晨  梁锋  李海龙  王涛  张敏  唐灵 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062031-2022062031
随着我国城市化进程快速推进,大中小城市呈现地下空间全面开发的态势。然而城市地下空间开发利用存在地下情况不明、结构不清的问题,这在很大程度上影响了地下空间的开发利用和城市战略布局规划。广东惠州是典型的东部中型城市,为了避免老城区建成后地下水土质量不清楚、地下空间资源量不明确、城市地下空间资源开发无科学数据支持等问题,特在研究区开展绿色无损的背景噪声成像研究,以查明惠州地区的第四系及断层的发育情况,为新区成功建成提供数据支持。笔者等以台间距10 m、测线总长度1 km的密集地震台阵为基础,利用两条测线共200台的背景噪声数据,使用噪声自相关与噪声HVSR两种方法分别对研究区两条线性测线分别进行计算,通过数据预处理,单台数据处理,多台数据整合,最后得到了两条测线的自相关剖面和HVSR剖面。研究显示,研究区第四系基岩顶面时间域范围为20~100 ms,深度域范围为5~20 m,浅层P波速度范围为400~500 m/s,这与收集到的钻孔等资料相一致。研究表明基于密集台阵的噪声自相关与HVSR联合成像方法是一种高效、绿色、低成本的方法,可用于调查第四系分界面(强波阻抗分界面)及浅层沉积物中的活动断层。  相似文献   

韩晨  梁锋  李海龙  王涛  张敏  唐灵 《地质论评》2022,68(4):1413-1422
随着我国城市化进程快速推进,大中小城市呈现地下空间全面开发的态势。然而城市地下空间开发利用存在地下情况不明、结构不清的问题,这在很大程度上影响了地下空间的开发利用和城市战略布局规划。广东惠州是典型的东部中型城市,为了避免老城区建成后地下水土质量不清楚、地下空间资源量不明确、城市地下空间资源开发无科学数据支持等问题,特在研究区开展绿色无损的背景噪声成像研究,以查明惠州地区的第四系及断层的发育情况,为新区成功建成提供数据支持。笔者等以台间距10 m、测线总长度1 km的密集地震台阵为基础,利用两条测线共200台的背景噪声数据,使用噪声自相关与噪声HVSR两种方法分别对研究区两条线性测线分别进行计算,通过数据预处理,单台数据处理,多台数据整合,最后得到了两条测线的自相关剖面和HVSR剖面。研究显示,研究区第四系基岩顶面时间域范围为20~100 ms,深度域范围为5~20 m,浅层P波速度范围为400~500 m/s,这与收集到的钻孔等资料相一致。研究表明基于密集台阵的噪声自相关与HVSR联合成像方法是一种高效、绿色、低成本的方法,可用于调查第四系分界面(强波阻抗分界面)及浅层沉积物中的活动断层。  相似文献   

Although orogeny tapers off in western Taiwan large and small earthquakes do occur in the Taiwan Strait, a region largely untouched in previous studies owing mostly to logistical reasons. But the overall crustal structure of this region is of particular interest as it may provide a hint of the proto-Taiwan before the orogeny.By combining time domain empirical Green’s function (TDEGF) from ambient seismic noise using station-pairs and traditional surface wave two-station method (TS) we are able to construct Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves between 5 and 120 s. Using Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology (BATS) stations in Taiwan and in and across the Strait we are able to derive average 1-D Vs structures in different parts of this region. The results show significant shear velocity differences in the upper 15 km crust as expected. In general, the highest Vs in the upper crust observed in the coastal area of Mainland China and the lowest Vs appears along the southwest offshore of the Taiwan Island; they differ by about 0.6–1.1 km/s. For different parts of the Strait, the upper crust Vs structures are lower in the middle by about 0.1–0.2 km/s relative to those in the northern and southern parts. The upper mantle Vs structure (Moho – 150 km) beneath the Taiwan Strait is about 0.1–0.3 km/s lower than the AK135 model. The overall crustal thickness is approximately 30 km, much thinner and less variable than under the Taiwan Island. The inversion of seismic velocity structures using shorter period band dispersion data in the sea areas with water depth deeper than 1000 m should take water layer into consideration except for the continental shelves.  相似文献   

齐诚  刘璐惜 《地学前缘》2008,15(1):232-241
与地震初动震相相比,后续震相包含有更为丰富的地球内部信息,因此逐渐地在地震层析成像研究中得到重视。文中以赵大鹏等最近的层析成像研究为例,介绍了通过增加后续震相到时信息得到的新的层析成像研究成果,包括通过使用反射波,仅用两个地震台站就可以进行地壳成像研究;深度震相到时的增加,拓宽了区域成像范围,成功实现了台网外部层析成像;随着国际地震中心(ISC)提供的更丰富的各种后续震相到时,对后续震相的认识和使用促进了全球体波走时成像的发展和对地球深部结构及动力学过程的认识。另一方面,地震学相关领域的进步,使得更多的后续震相能够被拾取并被应用到成像研究中,这将大大提高对地震波形信息的挖掘,提高对研究地区下三维结构的认识,极大地促进地震层析成像学的发展。  相似文献   

刘强 《煤田地质与勘探》2019,47(3):25-28,34
鉴于煤矿井下环境的封闭性及对安全生产的高要求特点,炸药震源在煤矿井下地震勘探施工中存在众多局限性,而以采煤机作为震源可以规避炸药震源的许多固有缺陷,具有可以在不影响回采工作面正常作业的情况下对工作面内部构造及应力开展实时探测的优势。但由于采煤机产生的能量远小于炸药震源,因此采集到信号的质量通常受到环境噪声影响,通过分析大量实际数据发现噪声中能量占比较多的为单频噪声和随机噪声,严重影响探测精度。为提高随采地震数据信噪比,提出了同时衰减单频噪声和随机噪声的方法,首先基于互相关技术在构建常规炮集记录的同时衰减单频噪声,然后通过小波变换衰减随机和残余单频噪声,通过模拟数据和实际数据证实,该方法可以在很大程度上提高信号的信噪比。  相似文献   

井间地震层析成像技术在岩溶勘察中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了井间地震层析成像技术测试的工作原理及工作方法,然后利用层析成像反演算法对现场获取的原始测试数据进行了解译,得到溶洞沿不同测线的剖面分布图和不同高程处的平面分布图,并将其与场地现有钻孔地质资料进行对比验证,结果表明井间地震层析成像技术有较高的精度和可信度,可得到场地中溶洞的空间分布,从而为工程设计提供可靠的地质资料。  相似文献   

利用2011年1—6月云南地区的连续波形资料,采用背景噪声和波形互相关方法分别反演该地区的速度结构以及2011年3月24日缅甸7.2级地震前后60d的速度变化图像。同时,根据云南地区中小地震计算缅甸地震前后应变能释放响应比空间分布,并利用缅甸地震的震源参数,计算了缅甸地震对云南地区主要断裂产生的库仑破裂应力影响。结果显示:(1)禄劝至华坪一带、永定至泸水区域和通海至建水地区震后波速增加,同时该地区地震活动增强,相应断裂上库仑破裂应力增加,说明缅甸地震对这些区域具有加速构造活动的正影响;(2)小江断裂带以东马龙至宣威地区和南汀河断裂带以南临沧至景洪地区震后波速降低,地震活动减弱,断裂上库仑破裂应力降低,说明缅甸地震对该区域具有减缓构造活动的负影响。  相似文献   

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