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The latest Carboniferous–Early Permian Dorud Group in the Chaman‐Saver area of eastern Alborz, Iran is more than 222 m thick and includes thick sequences of oncolitic limestone, sandy limestone, sandstones and shales. The Emarat and Ghosnavi formations of this Group are dated here as latest Gzhelian to early Sakmarian Stages. During the Asselian Stage, the sea level fell abruptly and epeirogenic episodes occurred. These events generated a broad, shallow carbonate platform suitable for the growth and diversity of smaller foraminifers in the Chaman‐Saver area which, consequently, displays faunal differences with the rest of the Alborz Mountains. Three foraminiferal biozones are proposed: Nodosinelloides potievskayae–Vervilleina bradyi Zone (latest Gzhelian), Calcitornella heathi–Nodosinelloides sp. Zone (latest Gzhelian–Asselian), and Rectogordius iranicus n. gen. n. sp.–Hemigordius schlumbergeri Zone (early Sakmarian). The new taxa described herein include: Pseudovidalina iranica n. sp., P. damghanica n. sp., Rectogordius iranicus n. gen. n. sp. and Tezaquina sp. 1. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Tasmania shelly fossils are known from Middle and Upper Cambrian sediments of the Dundas Trough, Fossey Mountain Trough, Dial Range Trough, Beaconsfield Trough, Smithton Basin, Adamsfield Trough and from within sediments associated with the Mount Read Volcanics of Western Tasmania. In the Dundas Trough fossils range in age from early Middle Cambrian (Ptychagnostus gibbus Zone) to the middle Late Cambrian (pre‐Payntonian A or B). Late Middle Cambrian fossils occur in sediments associated with the Mount Read Volcanics in two places in Western Tasmania. Late Middle Cambrian fossils only are known from the Smithton Basin and the Beaconsfield Trough. Late Middle to early Late Cambrian faunas are known from the Dial Range Trough; the Adamsfield Trough contains middle Middle to middle Late Cambrian fossils. Tasmanian Cambrian faunas show affinities with those of Queensland, China, the northwest Siberian Platform and northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.  相似文献   

In present study the newly recorded latest Middle Cambrian trilobite fauna from the Cambrian succession of the Zanskar region of Zanskar-Spiti-Kinnaur Basin (Tethyan Himalaya) is analyzed critically to assess relationships with other Cambrian faunal elements of equatorial peri-Gondwanaland. The identification of genus Neoanomocarella, Parablackwelderia, Kunmingaspis, Fuchouia, Damesella and Dorypyge from the Cambrian of the Zanskar region and their comparison with those of South China and Australia is significant. It constitutes the basis for assessing the paleobiogeographic affinities during the Cambrian. The latest Middle Cambrian trilobite fauna from Zanskar shows proximity of Indian margin with that of southwest China “outboard” micro-continent. The recovery of analogous Middle Cambrian species i.e., Dorypyge perconvexlis, Fuchouia bulba, Fuchouia cf. oratolimba, Parablackwelderia sp. and Damesella sp. from the Zanskar region (Tethyan Himalaya) suggests a contiguous close proximity with south China and Australia during the latest Middle Cambrian, which supports the model of Meert and Van der Voo (1997) for assembly of Gondwanaland. The presence of Kunmingaspis in Zanskar and similar reports from northwestern Yunnan-Tibetan region, northern Henan, central and southeastern Hubei, north China, western Xinjiang and Yangtze platform reveal a close affinity between the Indian margin and the Yangtze platform during the Middle Cambrian. The trilobite fauna indicates the deeper shelf-shallow slope environment of deposition under fluctuating conditions of relative sea-level. The faunal elements of the Lejopyge acantha and Proagnostus bulbus zones indicate that the sea inundated the northern margin of Zanskar region during the latest Middle Cambrian time (Teta transgression) which is synchronous with globally recognized eustatic events during Lejopyge laevigata Zone.  相似文献   

The significance of trilobites described from six cores from the Kalladeina 1 drillhole from the Warburton Basin, northeastern South Australia is discussed. The oldest are from a dark grey shale of Core 16 from a depth of 3453.7–3455.8 m; they are of possible early Drumian (Cambrian Series 3, middle Cambrian) age. The youngest come from a dark grey shale of Core 4 at a depth of 2017.2–2022.04 m. This fauna contains the trilobites Asaphellus? sp., Yosimuraspis sp., Conophrys sp. and Protopliomerops? sp. thus indicating a Tremadoc (earliest Ordovician) age. These are the youngest known trilobites from the Warburton Basin and the youngest known in South Australia.  相似文献   

The Burren region in western Ireland contains an almost continuous record of Viséan (Middle Mississippian) carbonate deposition extending from Chadian to Brigantian times, represented by three formations: the Chadian to Holkerian Tubber Formation, the Asbian Burren Formation and the Brigantian Slievenaglasha Formation. The upper Viséan (Holkerian–Brigantian) platform carbonate succession of the Burren can be subdivided into six distinct depositional units outlined below. (1) An Holkerian to lower Asbian unit of skeletal peloidal and bryozoan bedded limestone. (2) Lower Asbian unit of massive light grey Koninckopora‐rich limestone, representing a shallower marine facies. (3) Upper Asbian terraced limestone unit with minor shallowing‐upward cycles of poorly bedded Kamaenella‐rich limestone with shell bands and palaeokarst features. This unit is very similar to other cyclic sequences of late Asbian age in southern Ireland and western Europe, suggesting a glacio‐eustatic origin for this fourth‐order cyclicity. (4) Lower Brigantian unit with cyclic alternations of crinoidal/bryozoan limestone and peloidal limestone with coral thickets. These cycles lack evidence of subaerial exposure. (5) Lower Brigantian bedded cherty dark grey limestone unit, deposited during the maximum transgressive phase of the Brigantian. (6) Lower to upper Brigantian unit mostly comprising cyclic bryozoan/crinoidal cherty limestone. In most areas this youngest unit is truncated and unconformably overlain by Serpukhovian siliciclastic rocks. Deepening enhanced by platform‐wide subsidence strongly influenced later Brigantian cycle development in Ireland, but localized rapid shallowing led to emergence at the end of the Brigantian. A Cf5 Zone (Holkerian) assemblage of microfossils is recorded from the Tubber Formation at Black Head, but in the Ballard Bridge section the top of the formation has Cf6 Zone (Asbian) foraminiferans. A typical upper Asbian Rugose Coral Assemblage G near the top of the Burren Formation is replaced by a lower Brigantian Rugose Coral Assemblage H in the Slievenaglasha Formation. A similar change in the foraminiferans and calcareous algae at this Asbian–Brigantian formation boundary is recognized by the presence of upper Asbian Cf6γ Subzone taxa in the Burren Formation including Cribrostomum lecomptei, Koskinobigenerina sp., Bradyina rotula and Howchinia bradyana, and in the Slievenaglasha Formation abundant Asteroarchaediscus spp., Neoarchaediscus spp. and Fasciella crustosa of the Brigantian Cf6δ Subzone. The uppermost beds of the Slievenaglasha Formation contain a rare and unusual foraminiferal assemblage containing evolved archaediscids close to tenuis stage indicating a late Brigantian age. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In western Tasmania, near Melba Flats, a basalt within the Serpentine Hill Complex is overlain unconformably by Dundas Group sediments (Hodge Slate). About 32 m above the unconformity, a siltstone contains agnostoid and polymerid trilobites that indicate correlation with the middle Cambrian Ptychagnostus punctuosus Zone (Drumian Stage of unnamed Epoch 3 of the Cambrian). This provides an upper limit of about 505.2–504.5 Ma to the emplacement of ultramafic allochthons in western Tasmania. Other fossils present include dendroids, inarticulate brachiopods, hyolithids, helcionellids and sponges. The widespread agnostoid trilobite Ptychagnostus affinis (Brøgger 1878) and the holocephalinid trilobites Meneviella and Holocephalina are recorded for the first time in Tasmania.  相似文献   

江苏宁镇山脉仑山灰岩的新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
许汉奎 《地质科学》1976,11(3):235-245
“仑山灰岩”标准地点在江苏南部句容县的仑山。1933年,俞建章在研究“仑山灰岩”中的头足类动物群时,曾指出:“仑山灰岩”的时代应属于早、中奥陶世。1935年,李捷等在系统研究宁镇山脉地质时,对“仑山灰岩”重新进行划分,把上部含鞘角石(Vaginoceras)动物群的灰岩归入中奥陶统,称汤山灰岩。  相似文献   

This paper presents a conodont biostratigraphic study on the Upper Cambrian Sesong and Hwajeol Formations in the Sabuk area, Korea. Two samples near the base of the Sesong Slate at the Pukil section contain lower Upper Cambrian conodonts, comprising Furnishina furnishi, F. kranzae, F. pernical, F. triangulate, Hertzina elongata, Laiwugnathus doidyxus?, Phakelodus elongatus, Muellerodus? obliquus, Westergaardodina matsushitai and W. moessebergensis. This is the first conodont record of the Upper Cambrian formations recovered yet in the northern limb of the Paekunsan syncline. The faunal assemblage is correctable with the lower Upper Cambrian W. matsushitai Zone of North China. Four local biozones are recognized in the Hwajeol Formation, i.e. the Proconodontus, Eoconodontus notchpeakensis, Cambrooistodus minutus and Cordylodus proavus Zones in ascending order. This zonal scheme is essentially equivalent to that of the southern limb of the Paekunsan syncline and they are correlatable with zones in other pa  相似文献   

The belemnite species Praeactinocamax primus (Arkhangelsky, 1912) and Belemnocamax boweri Crick, 1910 are described from the Cenomanian of the abandoned limestone quarry section of Hoppenstedt (Sachsen-Anhalt, northern Germany). They co-occur in the upper part of a prominent tripartite bioclastic limestone bed associated with the ammonite Acanthoceras rhotomagense, indicating the primus Event of the lower middle Cenomanian A. rhotomagense ammonite Zone. An integrated stratigraphical calibration including carbon stable isotope correlation to southern England suggests that the belemnite event horizon at Hoppenstedt occupies exactly the same chronostratigraphical position as elsewhere, highlighting the strictly isochronous character of the primus Event across northwestern Europe. Furthermore, stratigraphical gaps in the Hoppenstedt succession are evaluated.  相似文献   

At some time prior to the Ptychagnostus gibbus Zone of the Middle Cambrian the area of deposition of Upper Precambrian (or Lower Cambrian) well‐sorted sands, silts and dolomite was affected by tectonic movements producing uplift of the Tyennan Geanticline and change in the shape of the depositional basin (Spry, Chapter I). Continued tectonic activity and more rapid sinking of the sea floor resulted in a change in sedimentary association from well‐sorted sediments of the orthoquartzite‐limestone suite to poorly sorted sediments of the greywacke suite. Initially siltstone was the main deposit in the Dundas, Huskisson River, Ulverstone, Deloraine and Beaconsfield areas and this has been likened to the initial euxinic phase of geosynclinical development elsewhere (Campana, 1961b).

Silt seems to have been the predominant normal deposit during the Middle and early Upper Cambrian, but siliceous oozes and some limestone were also formed. Carbonaceous, pyritic and calcareous silts were deposited. Inter‐bedded with the silts are poorly‐sorted greywackes and greywacke conglomerates with a disrupted framework and graded bedding. Banks and Jennings interpret these as mostly turbidity current deposits. The proportion of greywacke and conglomerate varies through the successions in a cyclic manner (Carey and Banks, 1954; Banks, 1956) such that a conglomerate‐rich section is followed by a greywacke‐rich section and this by a predominantly lutaceous section. These cycles may be interpreted as due to tectonic instability and variation in height of the source area. Faulting of Upper Middle Cambrian and Lower Dresbachian age has been demonstrated near Ulverstone. Campana and King state: “The proportion of coarse material increases upwards in the Dundas and Huskisson successions at least.”

Turbidity currents brought fragments of grey, red, black and banded cherts, banded slate, quartzite, basalt and golden mica (this last presumably from breakdown of Precambrian mica schist) to the Dundas area. In view of the known distribution of chert in western Tasmania a westerly or north‐westerly source is likely. Turbidity currents deposited fragments of chert, claystone, quartzite, slate, greywacke, quartz mica schist, chloritised basic lava and spilite in the Deloraine area indicating a source area with Precambrian rocks and earlier Cambrian sediments and lavas. Near Rocky Boat Harbour the source area contained dolomite, ultrabasic rocks, granite, and Precambrian quartzites and schists.

A difference between the fauna in the silts and in the greywackes is evident in the Hodge Slate at Dundas and the Kateena Formation near Ulverstone at least. The “dendroids” in the Hodge Slate are in the siltstone and the fragmentary trilobites and cystoids in the greywacke. This suggests that the fossils in the greywackes are thanatocoenotic as might be expected and introduces the possibility of remanié fossils and of shallow water fauna intercalated with deeper water fauna. The bathymetric conditions suggested by Hills and Thomas (1954) for the Cambrian of Victoria may thus not be applicable to Tasmania.

Deposition was also interrupted from time to time by lava flows, some of them, at least, submarine. The Mt. Read Volcanics may be Lower Cambrian but acid and basic lavas and pyroclastic rocks are interbedded with or overlie Middle and Upper Cambrian sediments at Zeehan, Dundas, Ulverstone, Smithton and Beaconsfield. Acid volcanic rocks are commoner near the Tyennan Geanticline and basic rocks further away. Possibly during the Dresbachian ultrabasic rocks were intruded as sheets and dykes into Precambrian and earlier Cambrian rocks and by Franconian time were exposed to erosion at Adamsfield.

Deposition may have commenced later at Smithton (Upper Middle Cambrian), Beaconsfield (Lower Dresbachian) and Adamsfield (Lower Franconian) than at Dundas (Lower Middle Cambrian).

Campana and King express the thoughts of Bradley (1957, pp. 114–115) and the author when they state: “The Dundas Group reflects a eugeosynclinical cyclic sedimentation under unstable tectonic conditions. The group is no doubt a synorogenic suite comparable with the Flysch as it was deposited in the narrow subsiding Dundas Trough which developed along the Mt. Read Volcanic Arc, and which is similar to the present deeps of archipelago areas. Such a comparison is enhanced by the succeeding Ordovician conglomerates and sandstones, comparable in some respects with the molassic deposits which displaced the Flysch sedimentation in the Pre‐Alpine troughs (Fig. 12).”

The Cambrian rocks were folded or tilted at least along the western and northern margin of the Tyennan Geanticline and near New River Lagoon, the Tyennan Geanticline was rejuvenated, the Asbestos Range Geanticline raised and the highland areas near Ulverstone and Zeehan uplifted late in the Cambrian or very early in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

Late Barremian ammonite fauna from the epipelagic marlstone and marly limestone interbeds of Boljetin Hill (Boljetinsko Brdo) of Danubic Unit (eastern Serbia) is described. The ammonite fauna includes representatives of three suborders (Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina and Ancyloceratina), specifically Hypophylloceras danubiense n. sp., Lepeniceras lepense Rabrenović, Holcophylloceras avrami n. sp., Phyllopachyceras baborense (Coquand), Phyllopachyceras petkovici n. sp., Phyllopachyceras eichwaldi eichwaldi (Karakash), Phyllopachyceras ectocostatum Drushchits, Protetragonites crebrisulcatus (Uhlig), Macroscaphites perforatus Avram, Acantholytoceras cf. subcirculare (Avram), Dissimilites cf. trinodosus (d'Orbigny) and Argvethites? sp. The taxonomic composition and percent abundance of the identified ammonites indicate that their taxa are predominantly confined to the Tethyan realm. Ammonites with smooth and slightly sculptured shells predominate among the studied fauna. The ammonite-bearing succession from Boljetin represents the lower part of the Upper Barremian, ranging in ammonite zonation from the Toxancyloceras vandenheckei Zone to the lower part of the Imerites giraudi Zone. The associated organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts confirm the Late Barremian age of the ammonite-bearing levels.  相似文献   

Additional latest Middle Cambrian polymerid trilobites are recorded from the Teta Member (Karsha Formation) along the Tangze-Yogma-Kuru section, Kurgiakh Valley, southeastern Zanskar, Northwest Himalaya. It includes record of a new genus Pianspis Saito & Sakakuru, 1936 of family Lisianiidae and others associated fauna comprises of Neoanomocarella asiatica (Lisianiidae), Parablackwelderia sp., (Damesellidae) and two undetermined pygidium and one unidentified cranidia. All these specimens are collected from the level representing the Lejopyge acantha Zone of Guzhangian Stage (Cambrian Series 3) of the Middle Cambrian. The fauna is mainly correlated with the South China, North Korea, Kazakhastan, Uzbekistan, Siberia and Australia.  相似文献   

The fossil echinoderms of the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) of Derbyshire remain understudied, principally due to the nature of the preservation rather than any lack of biodiversity. Echinoids and crinoids are described in float blocks of limestone from near Hurdlow, Derbyshire, which have been etched naturally after many years of being washed by weakly acidic rain. Surface detail is variable, commonly poor, but rare specimens retain enough features for tentative identification. Two species of echinoids are identified from rare disarticulated plates, namely Melonechinus? sp. (ambulacral plates) and archaeocidarid sp. (interambulacral plate); more and superior material will be necessary to confirm this division. Crinoids include a cladid brachial ossicle sp. with a distinctive sculpture; a columnal of a monobathrid camerate platycrinitid sp.; Annulocolumnus (col.) sp. cf. A. annulus Donovan, a columnal morphotaxon with an unusually broad axial canal; and Cyclocyclicus (col.) spp. This is the tenth echinoid site to be recognized from the Mississippian of the White Peak. Examination of etched float blocks provides a further method of investigation of the echinoderm fauna of this and other limestone areas.  相似文献   

In the Mt Lyell area limestone conformably underlying unmineralized Mt Read Volcanics and unconformably overlying mineralized Mt Read Volcanics contains fossils of late Middle Cambrian or early Upper Cambrian age. This suggests an upper limit of late Middle Cambrian or early Upper Cambrian for the mineralization in the Mt Lyell area. The view of Gee et al. (1970) that the Mt Read Volcanics and the fossiliferous Cambrian sequences of western Tasmania are at least partly contemporaneous is confirmed.  相似文献   

Yanjiahella gen. nov., a distinctive fossil taxon from the Early Cambrian Yanjiahe Biota in Yichang, Hubei Province, is characterized by: 1) an overall body plan composed of a stalk and a calyx (also arms in some species); 2) a stalk with closely spaced, transverse wrinkles and a medial, longitudinal ridge; and 3) a calyx preserved with three-dimensional radiating striations, as well as a probable madreporite in some specimens. Three species that can be assigned to this genus, which are Y. ancarpa sp. nov., Y. monocarpa sp. nov., and Y. biscarpa sp. nov. Yanjiahella is comparable to certain echinoderm taxa in terms of morphology and some biological structures, which might indicate the early evolution and diversification of ancestral echinoderm lineages from the early Early Cambrian Yangtze Platform. The discovery of putative echinoderms in the Yanjiahe Biota provides significant clues about the origination and evolution of the deuterostome phylum Echinodermata.  相似文献   

雒昆利 《地层学杂志》2002,26(2):119-120,155
陕西韩城寒武系出露良好 ,化石丰富 ,假整合覆盖于厚约 2 0 m的霍山组石英砂岩之上 ,从下寒武统上部至奥陶系为沉积连续。本区寒武系主要以紫色和黄色泥页岩、泥灰岩、灰岩和白云质灰岩为主 ,从下到上可划分为馒头组、毛庄组、徐庄组、张夏组和三山子组。根据在本区寒武系发现的三叶虫化石 ,韩城地区寒武系可划分为 14个生物带 ,自上而下为 :Blackwelderia带 ,Damesella带 ,L iopeishania带 ,Dorpyge richthofeni带 ,Crepicephalina带 ,Manchuriella带 ,Poriagraulos带 ,Inouyops带 ,Sunaspis带 ,H suchuagia带 ,Shantungaspis带 ,Probowmaniella带 ,Weijiaspis带和 Redlichia murakamii带。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1581-1598
This review synthesizes the Proterozoic and early Paleozoic geology of Tasmania, Bass Strait and western and central Victoria. We examine the many different conflicting hypotheses that have been proposed to solve the paradoxical relationships between Tasmanian geology and that of mainland Australia, most notably the prevalence of Proterozoic basement of western and central Tasmania, while immediately across Bass Strait evidence of Proterozoic rocks is much more cryptic. We conclude that the Selwyn block model is the most satisfactory hypothesis to date, since it fits best with the obvious patterns in the magnetic and gravity data. This model proposes that the central Victorian Melbourne Zone is underlain by the northern extension of thin Tasmanian Proterozoic and Cambrian crust under Bass Strait, and that the Silurian to Middle Devonian Melbourne Zone was shortened along a décollement during the Tabberabberan Orogeny. The Ordovician rocks of eastern Tasmania correlate more closely with the Tabberabbera Zone than the Melbourne Zone in Victoria; however the Silurian and Devonian correlations are less certain. Major unresolved issues are the origins of the Proterozoic and Early Cambrian lithostratigraphic packages, tectonic models for their assembly during the Tyennan Orogeny, and how these models fit with those for mainland Australia.  相似文献   

The present paper records eight Rhodophycean taxa from the Kallakudi limestone of the Uttatur Group (Lower Cretaceous) exposed in the quarries at Kallakudi and Olaipadi near Govindarajapatnam of the Cauvery Basin, south India. Of these, four species (Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 1, Melobesioideae gen. et sp. indet 2, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) belong to corallinaceae family, one species (Polystrata alba) is assigned to Peyssonneliaceae family, two species (Solenopora urgoniana and Parachaetetes asvapatii) are placed under Solenoporaceae; and one species (Sporolithon sp.) is referable to Sporolithaceae family. Among these, three taxa (Solenopora urgoniana, Lithophyllum alternicellum and Pseudoamphiroa propria) are recorded for the first time from India. The study also includes observations on ultrastructural morphological features of Parachaetetes asvapatii. The observations reveal absence of cell fusions, which confirms its affinities with Solenoporaceae. Palaeoecological data indicate that the assemblage from the sequence at the Kallakudi quarry is characteristic of lagoonal to reefal environment, whereas the Olaipadi quarry sequence near Govindarajapatnam points to 20 m to 30 m deep environment characterized by high- to moderate energy conditions.  相似文献   

河北完县中、晚寒武世牙形石和三叶虫生物地层   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
梅仕龙 《地层学杂志》1993,17(1):11-24,T002
<正> 华北寒武系三叶虫生物地层学的研究历史悠久,目前已趋完善。但凤山期前的牙形石研究是牙形石学研究中的薄弱环节。国外学者对长山阶及以下地层中的牙形石研究甚少,仅Mller(1956)对波罗的海沿岸地区和美国以及Mller et Hintz(1991)对瑞典中南部的寒武系牙形石的研究成果。Miller(1980,1984)在美国西部相当于凤山阶的地层中建立了详细的牙形石带,迄今为止,尚无人在长山阶及之下的地层中建立牙形石带。在国内,安太庠(1982)研究了山东莱芜、河北涞水、辽宁复县和本溪等地的牙形石,并综合  相似文献   

A total of 165 samples were collected from the Qom Formation investigated in a stratigraphic section north of Deh Namak, in Central Iran. From these, 35 genera and 47 species of benthic foraminifera were identified. The age of the studied section is Early Miocene (Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian) based on the occurrence of Borelis melo curdica, Meandropsina anahensis, Meandropsina iranica, Elphidium sp. 14, Peneroplis farsensis, and Triloculina tricarinata. The thickness of the Qom Formation is 401 m of which 161.2 m is early Burdigalian in age. Foraminiferal assemblages in the Deh Namak section are referable to the Borelis melo group-Meandropsina iranica Assemblage Zone and Miogypsinoides-Archaias-Valvulinid Assemblage Zone of [Adams, T.D., Bourgeois, F., 1967. Asmari biostratigraphy. Iranian Oil Operating Companies, Geological and Exploration Division, Report1074 (unpublished) 1–37.] described originally from the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

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