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Peperite is a non‐genetic term used to describe volcanic breccia in which a texture of dark blocks in a light matrix resembles a mixture of salt and pepper. In the Gold Creek Volcanics, peperite is a mixture of partly vesiculated basalt clasts in a mudstone‐sandstone matrix. It is formed by the buoyant intrusion of basaltic magma into wet unconsolidated sediment. The intruding bodies deform and quench, giving rise to discordant masses of hyaloclastic breccia, confined largely to the subsurface. These basalt masses may remain hot enough to locally superheat pore water and produce convective systems where the basalt clasts and fluidized sediment become mixed, forming the distinctive peperite.  相似文献   

The exposed Cretaceous shelf succession of the Cauvery Basin, southeastern India, has provided a world-class record of mid and Late Cretaceous invertebrates, documented in a substantial literature. However, the lithostratigraphy of the succession has been little studied and previously subject to a range of nomenclature. It is revised here, on the basis of intensive regional mapping, to stabilize the definition and nomenclature of lithostratigraphic units. The Uttattur Group is restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district and divided into the Arogypapurum Formation (new; Albian), Dalmiapuram Formation (late Albian), and Karai Formation (late Albian–early Turonian) for which the Odiyam and Kunnam Members are recognized. The Trichinopoly Group follows unconformably and is also restricted in outcrop to the Ariyalur district. It is divided into the Kulakkalnattam Formation (Turonian) and Anaipadi Formation (late Turonian–Coniacian). The Ariyalur Group is more widely distributed. In the Ariyalur district, the Sillikkudi Formation (Santonian–Campanian) and its Kilpaluvari Member, the Kallakurichchi Formation (early Maastrichtian), the Kallamedu Formation (mid and Late Maastrichtian) and the Niniyur Formation (Danian) are recognized. The sequence in the Vriddhachalam area consists of the Parur and Patti formations (Campanian), Mattur Formation (late Campanian–earliest Maastrichtian) and Aladi Formation (Maastrichtian). For the Pondicherry district, the Valudavur and Mettuveli formations (Maastrichtian) and Kasur and Manaveli formations (Paleocene) comprise the succession. The interpreted depositional environments for the succession in the Ariyalur district indicate four eustatic cycles in the mid and Late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary: late Albian–early Turonian, late Turonian–Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian, and Paleocene. Overall the Cauvery Basin sequence is arenaceous and relatively labile in terms of framework grain composition, and contrasts with the pelitic assemblage developed on the west Australian margin from which eastern India separated in the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian). The difference is ascribed to palaeoclimate as controlled by palaeolatitude. For the Late Cretaceous, the Cauvery Basin drifted north on the Indian plate from 40 to 30°S. This zone is inferred to constitute Southern Hemisphere horse latitudes for Late Cretaceous time, characterized by an arid climate, physical weathering and the production of labile sands. By contrast, the west Australian margin of matching tectonic history remained in a high palaeolatitude (>40°S) throughout the Late Cretaceous, experiencing a pluvial climate, the dominance of chemical weathering and the production of clays.  相似文献   

通过对研究区16口钻井15条剖面数百片岩石薄片的详细鉴定,结合沉积史和区域地质特征,综合分析了主要目的层马家沟组的成岩作用类型及其特征。马家沟组储层的岩石类型主要为石灰岩和白云岩。石灰岩类型多样,主要有泥晶—微晶灰岩、微晶—亮晶颗粒灰岩及云斑灰岩等;白云岩以泥晶—微晶白云岩为主。主要的建设性成岩作用为白云石化作用和溶蚀作用;不利的成岩作用主要有重结晶、压实压溶、去白云石化、膏化等作用。在此基础上,进一步分析了鄂尔多斯盆地南部的成岩作用演化序列。  相似文献   

Porcellanite is a siliceous duricrust which has developed within altered Cretaceous mudrocks in the Darwin city area and is well exposed in coastal cliffs to the north. Its distinctive geotechnical properties include low bulk density, variable strength that is highly dependent on moisture content, and relatively high (but inconsistent) durability. The porcellanite rock mass is inhomogeneous and anisotropic; it is unrippable at the surface, but becomes weaker with depth. It is also highly permeable in places, even karst‐like, due to solution cavities. These characteristics are common to all duricrusts and result from processes of solution, replacement and redeposition by silica‐laden groundwater. Such processes may have been intermittently active through most of the Cenozoic and there is evidence that they continue to the present. The upper 2–4 m of the porcellanite profile is made up of a brittle, high‐strength rock with a silica content approaching that of silcrete. The underlying altered and porous siltstone is much weaker and deforms plastically under loading, due to a cellular microfabric composed largely of opaline silica replacing clay minerals. Porcellanite has long been used as the main building stone in Darwin and is now quarried for shoreline filling. Although some of it is of select fill or road sub‐base quality, crushed porcellanite contains an excess of plastic fines making it unsuitable for basecourse. Porcellanite has been a failure as breakwater stone, despite producing blocks of adequate size.  相似文献   

对四川盆地北部孤立台地边缘下三叠统飞仙关组鲕滩储层的认识尚存诸多分歧,尤其是在储层白云石化、孔隙类型和成因方面。认为构成储层的主要岩性是残余鲕粒泥晶白云岩、残余鲕粒粉晶白云岩和细晶白云岩,储集空间以粒间孔和鲕模孔为主。沉积微相、鲕粒矿物成分和早期淡水溶蚀作用是储层形成的主控因素,其中相控是基础,是粒间孔发育的关键,鲕粒矿物成分和早期大气淡水溶蚀是鲕模孔形成的决定因素。回流渗透白云石化作用是白云岩形成的关键,其主要贡献在于增加了岩石强度,抑制压溶和胶结作用,使早期孔隙得以保存。埋藏溶蚀作用有两期,分别与有机酸和TSR产物有关,但埋藏溶蚀只是对原有储集空间的有益改造。  相似文献   

通过对鄂尔多斯盆地马家沟组五段5亚段白云岩的岩石学和地球化学研究表明,主要岩性有泥晶白云岩、泥粉晶白云岩和粉晶白云岩等三类。泥晶白云岩类为泥晶结构,阴极发光为暗红光,白云石有序度低;Na、K和Sr值较高;δ~(13)C平均-1.23‰,δ~(18)O平均-7.59‰,锶同位素平均值0.709 81,形成于闭塞局限、盐度相对较高的环境,由准同生白云石化作用所形成,并发育少量晶间微孔。泥粉晶白云岩类为泥晶—细粉晶结构,不发光或发极暗的红光,白云石有序度0.75;常量元素、微量元素大幅降低;δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O的平均值分别是-0.43‰和-7.29‰,锶同位素平均值0.709 36,由准同生后回流渗透白云石化作用所形成,并发育晶间孔。粉晶白云岩不发光或发极暗红光,白云石有序度0.81;常量元素、微量元素有明显的突变;δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O平均值分别为-0.65‰和-6.46‰,锶同位素平均值0.709 67,由埋藏白云石化作用所形成,并发育晶间扩溶孔或溶蚀孔。  相似文献   

柴北缘石炭系克鲁克组发育了一套厚层富有机质细粒沉积岩,是研究区页岩气勘探的主力层系。克鲁克组泥页岩形成于陆表海沉积环境,与深海富硅质泥页岩和湖相富碳酸盐泥页岩具有显著差异,目前研究程度相对较低,因此对其开展岩相与沉积环境研究具有十分重要的沉积学与油气地质学意义。通过野外露头和岩心观察,薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析等技术,以区分标志明显、易于识别为主要原则,综合矿物组成、沉积构造、化石组合及其他混入物等因素,将柴北缘石炭系克鲁克组泥页岩划分出10种主要岩相类型,分别指示不同的沉积微环境。其中,煤岩、水平层理碳质黏土岩、透镜状层理粉砂质黏土岩、波状层理黏土质粉砂岩、脉状层理粉砂岩均属于潮坪沉积;富含菱铁矿结核的块状黏土岩为潟湖沉积;块状泥灰岩和块状生屑灰岩属碳酸盐台地沉积;而含介壳粉砂型泥岩和介壳型泥岩则属于潟湖与局限台地之间的过渡沉积,具有原地混积的特点。由于陆表海平缓的古坡脚,致使区内沉积体系受短期海平面升降变化影响显著,随滨线快速迁移,不同沉积环境的泥页岩在垂向上频繁叠置,交互出现,可总结出3种主要的岩相组合类型,分别形成于局限台地相潟湖相潮坪相组合,局限台地相潟湖相组合和局限台地相生物碎屑浅滩相组合。在泥页岩的岩相类型、特征、沉积环境及垂向演化序列研究的基础上,最终建立了陆表海泥页岩沉积模式。  相似文献   

The Ordovician Northern Shaanxi Salt Basin(ONSSB), located in the east–central Ordos Basin, western North China Craton(NCC), is one of the largest marine salt basins yet discovered in China. A huge amount of halite deposited in the Mid-Ordovician Majiagou Formation, and potashcontaining indication and local thin layer of potash seam were discovered in O2 m65(6 th submember, 5 th member of the Majiagou Formation). This makes ONSSB a rare Ordovician potash-containing basin in the world, and brings new hope for prospecting marine solid potash in this basin. However, several primary scientific problems, such as the coupling relationship between ONSSB and the continent nucleus, how the high-precision basement fold controls the ONSSB, and how the basement faults and relief control ONSSB, are still unclear due to the limitations of the knowledge about the basement of the Ordos Basin. This has become a barrier for understanding the potash-forming regularity in the continental nucleus(CN) area in marine salt basin in China. Up to now, the material accumulation has provided ripe conditions for the answers to these questions. Latest zircon U-Pb ages for the basement samples beneath the Ordos Basin reveal that there exists a continental nucleus(Yi-Meng CN) beneath the northern Ordos Basin. And this brings light into the fact that the ONSSB lies not overlying on the YiMeng CN but to south Yi-Meng CN. Both do not have superimposed relationship in space. And borehole penetrating into the basement reached Palaeoproterozoic meta-sedimentary rocks, which suggests the ONSSB is situated in the accretion belt of Yi-Meng CN during geological history. Basement relief beneath the ONSSB area revealed by seismic tomography and aeromagnetic anomaly confirms the existence of basement uplift and faults, which provides tectonic setting for sedimentary center migration of the ONSSB. Comparative research with various data sources indicates that the expanding strata in the ONSSB adopted the shape of the basement folds. We found that the orientations of the potash sags showed high correlation with those of several basement and sedimentary cover faults in the ONSSB. The secondary depressions are also controlled by the faults. Comparative research between all the global salt basins and continental nuclei distribution suggests that distribution of the former is controlled by the latter, and almost all the salt basins developed in or at the margin of the continental nucleus area. The nature of the tectonic basement exerts a key controlling effect on potash basin formation. And on this basis we analyzed in detail the geological conditions of salt-forming and potash-forming in the ONSSB.  相似文献   

本文主要依据陕北盐盆地的镇钾1井等8口基干井,通过岩心观察、测井解释、镜下薄片鉴定,同时结合区域构造资料并参考前人研究成果,对陕北盐盆奥陶系马家沟组岩石类型、沉积相、沉积演化进行了研究。结果表明岩石类型以碳酸盐岩和蒸发岩为主,碎屑岩等其他沉积岩发育较少。主要发育碳酸盐岩台地相,可进一步划分出开阔台地和局限蒸发台地两种亚相,开阔台地可识别出灰泥丘微相;局限蒸发台地可识别出云坪、盐湖、膏湖、淡化泻湖等微相。沉积演化表明,马一期-马六期,陕北盐盆经历了三次海进-海退旋回,沉积演化为陕北盐盆及钾岩的形成创造了良好的成盐古地理环境,海进期,海水提供充足的成钾物质补给,海退期形成的继承性盐盆,四周隆起,又处在有利的低纬度干旱蒸发气候环境,十分有利于钾岩的形成。陕北盐盆奥陶系马家沟组五段六亚段沉积期,盆底总体表现为"两坳夹一隆"的构造样式,即自西向东依次为呈NNE向展布的西部盐坳、中部隆起和东部盐坳,"西部盐坳"可进一步分为3个次级盐凹,自北向南依次为"西一盐凹"、"西二盐凹"和"西三盐凹";"东部盐坳"可进一步分为2个次级盐凹,即北部的"东一盐凹"和南部的"东二盐凹",这5个盐凹的盐系地层厚度大于150m,是陕北盐盆最佳成钾盐凹,也是优先进行钾盐探井部署的有利目标区。  相似文献   

礁滩型白云岩是世界范围内油气勘探开发效果最好的领域之一。塔里木盆地震旦-寒武系具备规模礁滩型白云岩发育基础,但其特征与分布研究基础十分薄弱。本文采用野外剖面观察、单井资料分析、地震资料刻画等手段,落实了柯坪-塔北西部存在下寒武统台缘带,命名为北部台缘带,该台缘带呈北东走向,长约330 km,宽约7 km。野外露头资料显示,下寒武统北部台缘带发育两期微生物礁,岩性以针孔状白云岩为主,溶蚀孔洞发育;地震剖面上,可见丘状前积反射特征。北部台缘带具有得天独厚的生储盖配置优势,位于长期继承性发育的古隆起之上,具备形成大油气田的有利条件。北部台缘带的展布特征为该区下古生界白云岩的区带评价及目标优选指明了方向。  相似文献   

塔北南缘中奥陶统地层序列完整,其上无长期暴露的不整合面,但是钻井揭示其中岩溶储层发育。以上奥陶统桑塔木组剥蚀线为界,塔北隆起可划分为潜山区和内幕区两部分,潜山区以洞穴型、裂缝+孔洞型储层为主;内幕区以裂缝+孔隙+孔洞型储层为主,孔隙+孔洞型储层和洞穴型储层也有发育。岩溶储层总体上呈层状分布,集中发育于中奥陶统顶面以下100 m范围内;平面上自潜山区向内幕区储层发育程度逐渐减弱,局部沿断裂集中分布。通过岩心、薄片、成像测井、水化学等资料和地质背景的分析认为,内幕区上奥陶统富泥质地层隔挡了潜流带地下水外泄地表,致使潜水面处于非完全稳定状态,其下"缓流带"具较高水势,为内幕区地下水运移提供了动力,从而在中奥陶统发生顺层岩溶作用。古隆起及斜坡背景为顺层岩溶储层的发育提供了地质背景,渗透性好的颗粒灰岩和裂缝系统为顺层岩溶作用提供了有效的流体通道,顺层岩溶作用则是各类储集空间形成的关键。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地天环北段白云岩体成因及储集性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地西缘天环北段白云岩体总面积约1×104km2,最大厚度431m。马家沟组中每个地层段均不同程度地发育有白云岩。富晶间孔的粉细晶白云岩及其充填物中Fe、Mn含量显著高于其它碳酸盐岩,而Sr含量平均值低于其它碳酸盐矿物。δ18O的值出现较大负值,并且跨度较大,说明白云岩体的成因并非单一模式。据碳氧同位素值计算的古盐度指数均小于120,说明在白云岩形成期间有淡水的加入。该白云岩体的成因应具有双重因素,即早期的混合水成因和晚期的热水成因。据推测:热水成因白云岩约占60%,混合水成因白云岩约占40%。  相似文献   

郑荣才  文华国  郑超  罗平  李国军  陈守春 《岩石学报》2009,25(10):2459-2468
研究了川东北普光气田下三叠统飞仙关组白云岩储层的岩石结构Sr的含量和Sr同位素组成,讨论了它的成因,飞仙关组优质储层为成岩期埋藏交代白云化作用的产物,来自岩石结构和Sr同位素和Sr含量的证据包括如下几个方面:(1)与准同生白云岩比较,埋藏白云岩的岩石结构和Sr同位素和Sr含量地球化学特征与前者有显著差别;(2)飞仙关组所有各类碳酸盐岩(或矿物)具有早三叠世海水Sr同位素组成特征,~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值变化范围为0.706588~0.708187,覆盖了全球早三叠世海水Sr同位素的变化范围(0.7076~0.7078),平均值0.707656与全球早三叠世平均值(0.707743)基本一致;(3)埋藏白云岩~(87)Sr/86Sr比值变化范围为0.707122~0.707419,平均值0.707421,都略低于全球早三叠世海水Sr同位素变化范围和平均值,但与已报道的川东北早三叠世飞仙关期海水Sr同位素变化范围(0.707330~0.707383)和平均值(0.707350)都非常接近,说明白云石化流体具有强烈的川东北地区早三叠世飞仙关期海水Sr同位素组成特征;(4)综合岩石结构、Sr同位素和Sr含量地球化学特征,证明飞仙关组白云岩储层为成岩期埋藏交代作用产物,白云石化流体来自地层中高Sr和高盐度的海源地层水.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地中深部含盐系地层是中国陆相盐资源勘探开发的重点。在前人研究的基础上,文章采用Vail经典层序地层学理论,结合构造运动与海平面变化,通过对地震、测井资料的综合分析,应用井震结合技术,对古生界中奥陶统马家沟组地层开展层序地层研究,并进一步探究不同级别层序对含盐系地层发育形成的地质意义。研究结果表明,马家沟组地层划分为1个二级层序,3个三级层序,8个四级层序。二级层序(构造层序)和三级层序(沉积层序)共同影响含盐系地层平面及剖面发育特征。沉积作用(三级层序)控制原始盐体的形成;构造作用(二级层序)控制原始盐盆的形成,并对含盐系地层形态产生破坏、改造及调整。研究含盐系地层层序发育特征及其地质意义,能够为海相盆地中深层盐矿的进一步勘探开发提供方向和依据。  相似文献   

藏北尼玛盆地自白垩纪以来沉积了巨厚的陆相碎屑岩夹灰岩地层,由于缺乏生物化石证据,其地层时代一直存在较大的争议。最近,在尼玛盆地东部赛布错一带的细碎屑岩夹灰岩地层中发现大量的昆虫、鱼类和植物化石。昆虫化石主要为伦坡拉大黾蝽Aquarius lunpolaensis,与伦坡拉盆地达玉地区和尼玛盆地西部江弄淌噶地区报道的种属形态特征基本一致,显示该套地层为晚渐新世丁青湖组沉积,而不是竟柱山组或牛堡组。另外,伦坡拉大黾蝽主要生活在温暖湿润的低海拔地区,结合近年在青藏高原中部伦坡拉盆地和尼玛盆地晚渐新世地层中发现的热带-亚热带鱼类和大植物化石组合,指示青藏高原腹地在晚渐新世为温暖湿润的低地环境,而不是过去认为的高寒气候。  相似文献   

早三叠世飞仙关期,川北地区为台地与海槽相间的沉积格局,在两者的转换地带,发育了大套台地边缘碳酸盐鲕粒滩。该套储层经历的破坏性成岩作用类型主要有压实、压溶作用和胶结作用,建设性成岩作用主要有泥晶化作用、新生变形及重结晶作用、白云石化作用和溶蚀作用。讨论了各种成岩作用的主要特征及对储层的影响。结合成岩阶段划分,建立了该储层的成岩序列。胶结作用可分为三期,对储层的破坏作用非常强,尤其是第二期胶结作用以后,残存下来的孔隙降至5%左右。白云石化作用主要有混合水白云石化和埋藏白云石化,它不仅将岩石孔隙度提高了5%左右,更重要的是在白云岩中形成了较多的晶间孔,为后期埋藏溶蚀作用创造了施展空间。埋藏溶蚀作用使白云岩中的晶间孔溶蚀扩大,形成晶间溶孔,这是优质白云岩储层形成的必要条件,它可将孔隙度再提高5%~20%左右。  相似文献   

The Broadmere Structure is a concealed complex inversion structure that developed in a well preserved part of the Batten Trough in the southern McArthur Basin of northern Australia. The structure formed in response to a number of major tectonic events over a period of at least 600 million years. Evaluation of more than 300 km of seismic data gathered across the structure has provided significant insight into the evolution of the basin architecture which, in turn, has provided a framework for understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of mineralisation. The Palaeoproterozoic McArthur Basin, a polyphase basin with a long and complex evolutionary history, was initiated some time after 1.8 Ga as a sag basin following mantle activity associated with supercontinent assembly. This shallow sag then began to accumulate a relatively mature clastic sedimentary succession with interspersed basic volcanics. Subsequent extension of the weakened crust, beginning at approximately 1730 Ma, led to the development of a series of normal faults and half grabens within zones (e.g. Batten Trough) defined laterally by major strike slip fault complexes. The half grabens were filled initially by volcaniclastic sediments with associated bimodal volcanics that were later followed by mixed carbonate and clastic sediments exceeding 8 km in thickness. A major change in basinal and regional dynamics between 1575 and 1500 Ma (Isan Orogeny) led to the inversion of the thickened succession overlying the half grabens and extensive erosion of earlier depositional units, followed by deposition of a further 3 km of shallow marine clastic sediments. The analysis of the Broadmere Structure has provided a simple framework in which to evaluate prospectivity. The primary northwest striking half grabens formed localised anoxic, sediment starved depocentres in which organic rich sediments that potentially host mineralisation accumulated. The distribution of subsequent ore bodies is a function of the timing of fluid movement and the nature of fluid pathways, as determined by the evolving basin architecture. Fluids moved laterally through the permeable channels into the Batten Trough in two stages. Spatial data show that Pb and Zn occurrences lie close to the bounding faults, while Cu occurrences are distributed across the width of the Batten Trough, supporting a more or less syngenetic origin for the former and a much later, post inversion, epigenetic origin, for the latter. Mineralisation thus occurred in association with inversion structures formed above the primary half grabens that were generally concealed by later sedimentation. Because the half grabens occur at regularly spaced intervals along the Batten Trough there may well be more mineral occurrences similar to the McArthur River deposit. Clearly, these conclusions must be integrated into any exploration strategy.  相似文献   

王忠伟  占王忠  高远  余飞  肖杨 《地质论评》2020,66(5):1199-1215
碎屑岩元素地球化学特征对沉积环境、物源属性和构造背景具有十分重要的指示意义。藏夏河组是分布于羌塘盆地北缘的一套砂泥不等厚互层的地层,其时代为晚三叠世卡尼期—诺利期,是古特提斯洋消亡阶段的沉积产物,其物源及构造背景分析对晚三叠世羌塘盆地演化过程探讨具有重要意义。本文选取岗盖日地区藏夏河组碎屑岩开展元素地球化学分析,通过碎屑岩物源属性及其构造背景研究,探讨晚三叠世羌塘盆地的演化过程及性质。研究区藏夏河组砂岩样品具有低—中等的化学蚀变指数CIA=55. 0~65. 9、化学风化指数CIW=60. 6~74. 3 和斜长石蚀变指数PIA=56. 1~70. 6,反映物源区总体发生了弱的化学风化作用。Al2O3/TiO2、TiO2/Zr、Cr/Th、Sc/Th、Co/Th、La/Sc 值和显著的Eu负异常,表明藏夏河组物源主要来自长英质岩石,同时可能含有少量安山质物源。多重构造判别图解表明物源区主要来自于活动大陆边缘和大陆岛弧,少量来自于被动大陆边缘物源区。结合前人研究资料,笔者等认为晚三叠世早期羌塘盆地具有弧后前陆盆地的特征,而藏夏河组形成于同造山期或者造山后。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组长1段发育一套深湖相浊积岩及数层暗色泥岩。根据实测的有机碳含量、可溶有机质及族组分含量、有机元素和同位素等数据可知,该泥岩为一套较好—好的烃源岩。镜质体反射率及生物标志化合物成熟度指标显示,该段烃源岩有机质处于低成熟到成熟阶段。该套烃源岩的发现为陕北地区寻找新的油气勘探目标提供了依据。  相似文献   

张勇 《地球学报》2001,22(1):43-48
惠民凹陷是渤海湾地区新生代断陷盆地之一,其西部地区下第三系发育完整。沙三组中、上段发育大量的浊积扇及典型的浊积岩,后者具深湖相、半深湖相泥岩、油页岩韵律,成因上与三角洲沉积体系的形成、演化关系密切。浊积岩砂体是油气聚集的有利地带,构成了研究区重要的油气储集体。本文阐述了区内沙三组中—上段浊积岩分布、发育样式、形成及演化规律。  相似文献   

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