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位于青藏高原东南缘的玉龙雪山分布有欧亚大陆纬度最低的海洋型冰川,其主峰及周边地区保存了大量清晰完整的第四纪冰川遗迹。研究该区第四纪冰川作用遗迹及其冰川作用史,具有重要的理论与实际价值。应用光释光(OSL)测年技术对玉龙雪山冰川沉积物进行了定年,结合前人研究资料,重建玉龙雪山冰川作用史。研究结果表明:玉龙雪山东麓的末次冰期冰碛物主要形成于晚更新世末次冰期最盛时期,其平均年代约在25ka,西麓末次冰期冰碛物形成年代约为50ka,对应于深海氧同位素3阶段中期(MIS3b)。而倒数第二次冰期的年代在240ka左右,处于中更新世晚期,对应于MIS8阶段,当时玉龙雪山存在多条复式山谷冰川。该研究可为玉龙雪山第四纪冰川作用历史的重新认识以及光释光测年技术在该区的应用提供基础资料。  相似文献   

On the southeast Australian continental margin, mixed siliciclastic and temperate carbonate sediments are presently forming along the narrow 20–35 km‐wide northern New South Wales shelf over an area of 4960 km2. Here, year‐round, highly energetic waves rework inner and mid‐shelf clastic sediments by northward longshore currents or waning storm flows. The strong East Australian Current flows south, sweeping clastic and outer shelf biogenic sands and gravels. Quaternary siliciclastic inner shelf cores consist of fine to medium, lower shoreface sand and graded storm beds of fine to coarse sand. Physically abraded, disarticulated molluscs such as Donacidae and Glycymeridae form isolated gravel lags. Highstand inner shelf clastics accumulate at 0.53 m/103 y in less than 50 m water depth. Clastic mid‐shelf cores contain well‐sorted, winnowed, medium shoreface sands, with a fine sand component. Fine sand and mud in this area is discharged mainly from New South Wales’ largest river, the Clarence. The seaward jutting of Byron Bay results in weakened East Australia Current flows through the mid‐shelf from Ballina to Yamba allowing the fine sediments to accumulate. Quaternary carbonate outer shelf cores have uniform and graded beds forming from the East Australian Current and are also influenced by less frequent storm energy. Modern clastic‐starved outer shelf hardgrounds are cemented by coralline algae and encrusting bryozoans. Clay‐sized particles are dominantly high‐Mg calcite with minor aragonite and smectite/kaolinite. Carbonate sands are rich in bryozoan fragments and sponge spicules. Distinctive (gravel‐sized) molluscs form isolated shells or shell lag deposits comprising Limopsidae and Pectinidae. The upper slope sediments are the only significant accumulation of surficial mud on the margin (18–36 wt%), filling the interstices of poorly sorted, biogenic gravels. Pectinid molluscs form a basal gravel lag. During highstand the outer shelf accumulates sediment at 0.40 m/103 y, with the upper slope accumulating a lower 0.23 m/103 y since transgression. Transgression produced a diachronous (14–10 ka) wave‐ravinement surface in all cores. Relict marine hardgrounds overlie the wave‐ravinement surface and are cemented by inorganic calcite from the shallow and warm East Australian Current. Transgressive estuarine deposits, oxygen isotope Stage 3–5 barriers or shallow bedrock underlie the wave‐ravinement surface on the inner and mid shelf. Northern New South Wales is an example of a low accommodation, wave‐ and oceanic current‐dominated margin that has produced mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate facies. Shelf ridge features that characterise many storm‐dominated margins are absent.  相似文献   

Four major climato-environmental phases have been identified in the Eastern Cape, Plettenberg Bay-Knysna region and Little Karoo between somewhat before ∼40 000 cal. a BP and the present: the Birnam Interstadial from before 40 000 cal. a BP until ∼24 000 cal. a BP; the Bottelnek Stadial (apparently equating with the Last Glacial Maximum) from ∼24 000 cal. a BP until before ∼18 350 cal. a BP; the Aliwal North (apparently equating with the Late Glacial) from before ∼18 350 cal. a BP until ∼11 000 cal. a BP; the Dinorben (apparently equating with the Holocene) from ∼11 000 cal. a BP until the present. The evidence for, and the characteristics of, these phases is briefly described.  相似文献   

中国东部(105o E以东)第四纪冰川及其演化可为中国东部乃至东亚地区古气候环境重建提供基础信息及关键证据,正确认知冰川发育条件及正确运用冰川遗迹判别标准又是重建中国东部第四纪冰川及其演化的关键。中国东部中低山地第四纪期间冰川发育与否,即泛冰川论与有限冰川论的争议由来已久。近年来,山东与周边地区中低山及沿海丘陵带的“第四纪冰川”研究波澜再起。在系统地回顾中国东部第四纪冰川研究历史及新近出现争议的基础上,结合冰川发育条件、山地冰川地貌组合、判别原则与识别依据、中国东部数座中高山地存在无争议且形态清晰的冰川地形及其测年资料以及东亚古气候环境演化记录等得出:中国东部仅有台湾山地、长白山、贺兰山与太白山等数座主峰海拔超过2 500 m的中高山地保存有晚更新世以来的冰川作用地形。其余山地及海拔更低的丘陵带在第四纪期间任何一次冰川作用中均未达到与当时冰期气候相耦合的高度,不存在泛冰川作用。已报道的“冰川遗迹”皆为各种形似地质地貌现象的系统误判,其确切成因及环境意义有待深入探讨。  相似文献   

The study is based mainly on 4700 km shallow seismic profiling, soil mechanical, and micropaleontological analyses from forty localities, and seven radiocarbon datings. Six foraminiferal assemblages are recognized. The thickness of Quaternary deposits ranges from sparse to more than 200 m. They consist of top sand, soft sensitive clay, and glacial drift divided into four seismic stratigraphic units. The oldest unit, which is the thickest and most extensive, is built up of various sediments and is partly eroded, especially in the southern part. The remaining units occur as three complex linear belts running broadly parallel to the present coast and were deposited during deglaciation. Dating of the outer unit, the Nordvestsnaget Drift, suggests a maximum age of 13,300 years B.P., and datings from the top of the middle unit, the Mulegga Drift, have given a minimum age of about 12,200 years B.P. Seismic stratigraphy shows that the inner unit, the Havbrobakken Drift, is younger than the Mulegga Drift, but no datings have been obtained so far.  相似文献   

以区域自然地理及地质历史分析为基础,以环境同位素及大陆盐化咸水后期变化为实证依据,重塑了末次盛冰期以来河北平原第四系地下水流模式演变。研究发现,末次盛冰期以来河北平原第四系地下水流系统经历3个演变阶段:(1)距今18~15ka的低海平面时期,接受持续补给,地下水得到充分交替,发育穿透达到或接近第四系底界的区域水流系统;(2)距今15~12ka的海平面急剧抬升期,地形势差减弱,发育穿透第三含水层组的早期中间水流系统,与此同时区域水流系统趋于停滞;(3)距今2.5ka以来,现代河流地貌成形,高位河床与低位河床及河间低地的势差成为主要驱动力,发育穿透第一及第二含水层组的晚期中间水流系统。随着海平面抬升,后期发育的水流系统切割前期水流系统的一部分并叠置其上。因此,现今河北平原第四系的地下水流系统乃是不同演变时期地下水流系统的时空四维集合体。其他濒海平原,乃至侵蚀强度随时间减弱的内陆盆地,都有可能出现类似图景。距今12ka前后形成的大陆盐化咸水,由上升水流带到浅部,导致浅层咸水以及土地盐渍化,乃是河北平原水资源利用及生态与环境保护的关键性不利因素。  相似文献   

Examination of two radiocarbon-dated vibrocores taken from south of St Kilda at a water depth of about 155 m, a short distance within the maximum position of the Late Devensian (Dimlington Stadial) ice sheet, suggests that the St Kilda Basin became free of glacier ice after 15250 yr BP. Sedimentation in a shallow, low energy, high arctic, muddy environment continued until after 13500 yr BP. There followed a higher energy temperate episode during which water depths were roughly about 40 m: this is correlated with the latter part of the Windermere Interstadial and with the warmer interval known in shallow Scottish seas about or a little before 11 000 yr BP. The Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial is marked in the vibrocores by the return of muddy sediments and a cold-water fauna. Relatively shallow water conditions seem to have persisted into the earliest Flandrian, when the water depth was still roughly 60 m, corresponding to a sea-level in the area 90–100 m below present. It is suggested that pack ice was widespread in the northeast Atlantic before the Windermere Interstadial and also during the Loch Lomond Stadial, when it transported shards of Icelandic volcanic ash into the St Kilda basin. Estimates of sea-surface temperature for the last part of the Windermere Interstadial are close to those derived from the deep-sea record for the same period.  相似文献   

During decline of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) down‐wasting of ice meant that local sources played a larger role in regulating ice flow dynamics and driving the sediment and landform record. At the Last Glacial Maximum, glaciers in north‐western England interacted with an Irish Sea Ice Stream (ISIS) occupying the eastern Irish Sea basin (ISB) and advanced as a unified ice‐mass. During a retreat constrained to 21–17.3 ka, the sediment landform assemblages lain down reflect the progressive unzipping of the ice masses, oscillations of the ice margin during retreat, and then rapid wastage and disintegration. Evacuation of ice from the Ribble valley and Lancashire occurred first while the ISIS occupied the ISB to the west, creating ice‐dammed lakes. Deglaciation, complete after 18.6–17.3 ka, was rapid (50–25 m a?1), but slower than rates identified for the western ISIS (550–100 m a?1). The slower pace is interpreted as reflecting the lack of a calving margin and the decline of a terrestrial, grounded glacier. Ice marginal oscillations during retreat were probably forced by ice‐sheet dynamics rather than climatic variation. These data demonstrate that large grounded glaciers can display complex uncoupling and realignment during deglaciation, with asynchronous behaviour between adjacent ice lobes generating complex landform records.

By comparison with the Northern Hemisphere, there is a paucity of high-resolution, continuous records extending into the Last Glacial Maximum from the Southern Hemisphere. With specific reference to coastal eastern Australia, there are long records of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental variability available from the tropical north and temperate south. However, there are significant spatial gaps between such records: in particular, until relatively recently, little attention had been paid to the subtropics. This review paper summarises understanding of regional paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variability in coastal eastern Australia during the termination of the Last Glacial Stage, with the aim of highlighting gaps in the current state of knowledge. Recommendations for future research are prioritised to answer knowledge gaps in understanding climate variability in eastern Australia between ca 33–18 kyr BP.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(2):133-141
Source rocks are the material basis of oil and gas generation and determine the potential resources of exploration blocks and have important research value. This paper studies the lithology, thickness, and geochemistry of Mesozoic source rocks in the southeastern East China Sea continental shelf. The results show that the Mesozoic source rocks are mainly dark mudstone and coal-bearing strata. The total thickness of Lower–Middle Jurassic source rocks ranges from 100 m to 700 m, and that of Lower Cretaceous source rocks ranges from 50 m to 350 m. The overall thickness of Mesozoic source rocks is distributed in the NE direction and their thickness center is located in the Jilong Depression. The Lower–Middle Jurassic source rocks are mainly developed shallow marine dark mudstone and transitional coal measure strata. Those of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly mudstone of a fan delta front. Lower–Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon source rocks are dominated by type III kerogen, with Lower–Middle Jurassic hydrocarbon source rocks having high organic matter abundance and being medium–good hydrocarbon source rocks, while Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon source rocks have relatively poor quality. From northwest to southeast, the vitrinite reflectance Ro of Mesozoic source rocks increases gradually. Source rocks in the study area are divided into three types. The first hydrocarbon-generating area is mainly located in the southeastern region of the study area, and the Jilong Depression is the hydrocarbon-generating center. The results of this study can provide a basis for exploration of Mesozoic oil and gas resources in the southeastern East China Sea continental shelf.© 2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

根据乌鲁木齐河源区末次冰盛期形成的保存完好的古冰川遗迹和现代气候条件下冰川物质平衡与气候的关系,用冰川动力学方法估算出冰川达到末次冰盛期规模时的气候条件。依据末次冰盛期冰川面积,结合冰川平衡线高度和冰川体积综合分析,乌鲁木齐河源区末次冰盛期的夏季气温应比现代低4.8℃左右,降水约只有现代的30%。但目前其它古气候方法的研究结果表明,末次冰盛期的夏季气温比现代低5.6℃左右,两者相差0.8℃,其原因可能主要是冰川动力学方法未考虑构造抬升对气温的影响,据此推测,乌鲁木齐河源区末次冰盛期至今的构造上升量约为130m。  相似文献   

Lithologic, paleontologic, and chronostratigraphic investigation of 13 gravity cores indicates the following environmental evolution: a high- (mid-) arctic period with a slight influx of ice-rafted debris occurred during the early middle Weichselian followed by a mid- (high-) arctic environment with a high influx of iceberg-rafted debris during the remainder of the middle Weichselian. The continental ice sheet probably did not extend beyond the inner shelf during middle Weichselian and a minimum relative sea level was ca. −120 m. A low-arctic environment occurred during (parts of) the late Weichselian with an initial winnowing of the sediments. The Norwegian Current entered the area during this substage. A high- (mid-) boreal environment occurred during the Holocene with high winnowing activity in the early Holocene. Winnowing is still very active on the shallower banks in contrast to the deeper banks where it has ceased. Relatively high percentages of carbonate in the form of biogenic skeletal remains occur in the Holocene sediments.  相似文献   


Surficial deposits of the tidally influenced Australian shelf seas exhibit a variation in fades related to energy gradient. These deposits comprise a high energy gravelly facies, a mobile sand sheet facies and a low energy muddy sand facies. Such a facies distribution conforms generally with the existing model of continental shelf tidal sedimentation, derived for the west European tidal seas. However, the carbonate rich and mainly warm water deposits of the Australian shelf differ from the mainly quartzose and temperate cold‐water deposits of the European type case in terms of: (i) the role of seagrasses in trapping fine‐grained sediment; and (ii) the relative importance of the production of carbonate mud by mechanical erosion of carbonate grains. Seagrasses in Spencer Gulf, Gulf of St Vincent and Torres Strait are located in regions of strong tidal currents, associated with bedforms and gravel lag deposits. Thus, in the case of tropical carbonate shelves, seagrass deposits containing fine‐grained and poorly sorted sediments are located in close proximity to high energy gravel and mobile sand facies. In contrast, the European model (for temperate, siliciclastic shelves) places facies in a regional gradient with a wide separation (in the order of 50–100 km).

Of the locations reviewed, the Gulf of St Vincent, Bass Strait, southern Great Barrier Reef, Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria exhibit zones of carbonate mud accumulation. The production and winnowing of carbonate mud from the mobile sand facies is a factor that must be taken into account in the assessment of a sediment budget for this facies, and which is of relatively greater importance for carbonate shelves. Insufficient data are presently available from the macrotidal North West Shelf to test the applicability of the model to this region.  相似文献   

In support of their ‘glaciomarine’ model for the deglaciation of the Irish Sea basin, Eyles and McCabe cited the occurrence of distal glaciomarine mud drapes onshore in the Isles of Scilly and North Devon, and of arctic beach‐face gravels and sands around the shores of the Celtic Sea. Glacial and sea‐level data from the southern part of the Irish Sea in the terminal zone of the ice stream and the adjacent continental slope are reviewed here to test this aspect of the model. The suggestion that the glacial sequences of both the Isles of Scilly and Fremington in North Devon are glaciomarine mud drapes is rejected. An actively calving tidewater margin only occurred early in the deglacial sequence close to the terminal zone in the south‐central Celtic Sea. Relative sea‐levels were lower, and therefore glacio‐isostatic depression less, than envisaged in the glaciomarine model. Geochronological, sedimentological and biostratigraphical data indicate that the raised beach sequences around the shores of the Celtic Sea and English Channel were deposited at, or during regression soon after, interglacial eustatic highstands. Evidence for ice‐rafting at a time of high relative sea‐levels is restricted to a phase(s) earlier than the Late Devensian. These data indicate that the raised beach sequences have no bearing on the style of Irish Sea deglaciation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of investigation, critical issues regarding the last glacial cycle in northwest Europe remain unresolved. One of these refers to the extent, timing and dynamics of Late Devensian/Weichselian glaciation of the North Sea Basin, and whether the British and Scandinavian ice sheets were confluent at any time during this period. This has been the result of the lack of the detailed sedimentological data required to reconstruct processes and environment of sediments recovered through coring. This study presents the results of seismic, sedimentological and micromorphological evidence used to reconstruct the depositional processes of regionally extensive seismic units across the North Sea Basin. Thin section micromorphology is used here to provide an effective means of discriminating between subglacial and glacimarine sediments from cored samples and deriving process‐based interpretations from sediment cores. On the basis of micromorphology, critical formations from the basin have been reinterpreted, with consequent stratigraphic implications. Within the current stratigraphic understanding of the North Sea Basin, a complex reconstruction is suggested, with a minimum of three major glacial episodes inferred. On at least two occasions during the Weichselian/Devensian, the British and Scandinavian ice sheets were confluent in the central North Sea. Whilst micromorphology can provide much greater confidence in the interpretation of Late Quaternary offshore stratigraphic sequences, it is noted that a much better geochronology is required to resolve key stratigraphic issues between the onshore and offshore stratigraphic records. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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