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The southern part of the Sydney Basin of New South Wales is comprised mainly of Permian and Triassic marine to freshwater clastic sedimentary rocks. Within this sequence there are six latite extrusive units, several medium‐sized monzonite intrusions and a large number of small to medium‐sized basic to intermediate intrusions. Thin basaltic flows were extruded onto the Tertiary topographic surface. All of these rocks are relatively undeformed.

Radiometric (K‐Ar) dating has previously been carried out on Mesozoic and Tertiary intrusions and flows of the southwestern portion of the Sydney Basin. However, relatively few Permian, and no post‐Permian, K‐Ar dates have been published for the southeastern portion of the basin. The present investigation provides nine K‐Ar dates from the latter area.

Four extrusive and intrusive units have been confirmed as Permian in age (238 ± 6; 241 ± 4; 245 ± 6; and 251 ± 5 m.y.). Five post‐Permian (on stratigraphic criteria) intrusions yielded Tertiary ages (26.2 ± 3.0; 47.9 ± 2.5; 49.0 ± 4.0; 49.4 ± 2.0; and 58.8 ± 3.5 m.y.). The Permian ages agree with previously published K‐Ar data from the southeastern Sydney Basin, and the Tertiary ages complement and extend the data from the southwestern portion of the basin. However, no Mesozoic K‐Ar dates were obtained from the southeastern Sydney Basin. The Tertiary intrusions may have been emplaced as a result of rifting between Australia and New Zealand, or between Australia and Antarctica, or both.  相似文献   

An early Ludlovian (early eβ1) to early Gedinnian (early eγ) age is assigned to the Cliftonwood Limestone—Elmside Formation strata of the Yass Basin, New South Wales. Several Australian sequences are correlated with the Yass Basin succession.  相似文献   

The results of potassium‐argon measurements are reported. Three samples from the southern end of the New England bathylith confirm its Permian age (240–245 m.y.). Two samples of the “pre‐Permian” granites are not younger than Lower Permian (Hillgrove, 270 m.y.; Barrington Tops, 260 m.y.). A sample of the analcite basalt from Spring Mountain gave an Oligocene age (34 m.y.) by measurements on two separate minerals.  相似文献   

Seismic sections and the analysis of lithostratigraphic units from well-log data were used to develop a new stratigraphic correlation of the Winduck, Snake Cave and Ravendale Intervals for the Blantyre Sub-basin. The stratigraphic boundaries of the intervals were defined at marked changes in well-log characteristics, and depth estimates of the boundaries were derived from the well-log data in Mt Emu 1, Blantyre 1 and Kewell East 1. Six seismic-stratigraphic boundaries have been identified in the seismic sections to show the continuity of the latest Silurian to Holocene sediments throughout the Blantyre Sub-basin; from bottom to top they are: H-1, base of the Winduck Interval; H-2, base of the Snake Cave Interval; H-3, base of the Ravendale Interval; H-4/5 base of the undifferentiated Upper Carboniferous/Permian sediments; and H-6 base of the undifferentiated Cenozoic sediments. All stratigraphic boundaries are based on good continuous markers, with strong amplitudes throughout the whole sub-basin. A three-dimensional geological model was developed from the seismic data to map out the geometry of the key reflectors, and hence the structure and stratigraphy of the Winduck, Snake Cave and Ravendale Intervals in the areas where these intervals have been preserved. This model has better defined the Wilcannia High and two smaller highs around the Mt Emu 1 and Snake Flat 1 wells, and further defines the relationships between the stratigraphy, sub-basin geometry and development of complex structures in the Blantyre Sub-basin.  相似文献   

An extensive complex zoned skarn is developed at the contact of a leucoadamellite intrusive at Doradilla, NW New South Wales. The skarn is a disequilibrium assemblage resulting from a progressive sequence of replacement of a carbonate precursor. Early grossular‐clinopyroxene rocks are replaced by andradite with 0.5–3.5 wt.% SnO2 clinopyroxene and quartz. Later alteration along fractures and bedding planes of the garnet‐clinopyroxene quartz assemblage has produced calcite‐malayaite (CaSn0.95Ti0.05SiO5) veins. The final replacement stage was the overprinting of the silicate phases by assemblages containing sulphides, cassiterite, magnetite, titanite, fluorite, biotite and chlorite. The tin content of garent increases with increasing andradite component suggesting replacement of Fe3+ by Sn4+. Associated clinopyroxenes contain 0.1% SnO2. The coexistence of titanite and its tin isomorph malayaite with extremely limited solid solution indicates late stage skarn temperatures of less than 400°C.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic succession of formations in the Myall district comprises in ascending order the Bunyah Beds, Wallanbah Formation, Kataway Mudstone, Boolambayte Formation (new names), Nerong Volcanics (E'ngel, 1962), Booti Booti Sandstone, Yagon Siltstone, Koolanock Sandstone, Muirs Creek Conglomerate (new names) and Alum Mountain Volcanics (Engel, 1962). The units range in age from possibly Devonian to possibly Permian, most being Carboniferous. The Mograni (new name), Tugrabakh (Voisey, 1940) and Mayers Flat Limestones (new name) are members of the Wallanbah Formation. The Violet Hill Volcanics (new name) is a member of the Yagon Siltstone. The Burdekins Gap Basalt Member and Lakes Road Rhyolite are members of the Alum Mountain Volcanics.

Environments of deposition range from nonmarine (Nerong Volcanics, Alum Mountain Volcanics, Muirs Creek Conglomerate, upper part of Koolanock Sandstone) through shallow marine (Booti Booti Sandstone, lower part of Koolanock Sandstone, calcareous parts of Wallanbah Formation) to deep marine (most other units). Facies relationships indicate a progressive deepening of the sedimentary environment to the east throughout most of the Carboniferous sequence. The Tournaisian sequence is readily correlated with a similar sequence in the Rocky Creek and Belvue Synclines. Higher units are correlated with sequences at Gloucester (Campbell & McKelvey, 1972) and Booral (Campbell, 1962).  相似文献   


Basalt at Sassafras was erupted in the Middle Eocene. The K‐Ar ages average 45.3 ± 4.9 Ma on whole rock and 48.4 ± 1.9 Ma on plagioclase. The basalt is not limited to a plateau capping, but extends 150 m down into adjacent valleys. Comparison with nearby Eocene basalts shows that there was in excess of 250 m of local relief in the central Shoalhaven valley by the Early Tertiary. The basalts were extruded at high elevation, and denudation of the coastal margin of the upland was already well advanced. Post‐basaltic denudation has been very slow, and the Early Tertiary landscape is well preserved.  相似文献   

The Bunga beds are bounded by faults adjacent to which are fanglomerates that form part of an early Late Devonian volcanic rift basin. Some cross‐faults acted as precursors for later regional deformation that kinked the Ordovician basement and gently folded the basin sediments in a northwest‐southeast direction. Details of the faulted junction at Picnic Point and orientation of cleavage microstructures in the fanglomerates support the dating of the north‐south regional F2 deformation as Middle Devonian or older and the northwest‐southeast F3 kinking as post‐early Late Devonian.  相似文献   

The presence of granitoid clasts in Devonian sequences of the Mt Morgan area has been considered indicative of a Late Devonian age, with the clasts derived from the Middle Devonian (377 Ma) Mt Morgan Trondhjemite. However, a sequence of limestone and volcanolithic arenites and breccias containing Middle Devonian corals and conodonts, overlies a granitoid‐bearing conglomerate in Station Creek. This sequence, previously mapped as Dee Volcanics, is now assigned to the Raspberry Creek Formation of the Capella Creek Group. Petrographic and geochemical similarities between the granitoid clasts and phases of the Mt Morgan Trondhjemite indicate formation in similar tectonic environments by similar magmatic processes. These clasts were derived from either an earlier phase of Mt Morgan Trondhjemite magmatism, or from a discrete earlier magmatic episode of similar type and inferred tectonic setting to the Mt Morgan intrusion.  相似文献   

Zircons from two igneous and two sedimentary units in the Bombala area of southeastern New South Wales have been examined by the sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) to establish a timeframe in which to interpret these rocks. Previous studies have correlated these rocks with Late Devonian units of the south coast, solely upon the basis of stratigraphy and lithology as palaeontological evidence was absent. The two igneous units are the Hospital Porphyry and Paradise Porphyry occurring beneath the sedimentary units. Both give a Frasnian age that can be correlated with the Boyd Volcanic Complex. The sedimentary samples are from the basal and upper sections of the Rosemeath Formation, a fluvial ‘redbed’ consisting of conglomerate, coarse sandstone, and associated red siltstone and mudstone. Detrital zircons from the basal conglomeratic section at Kilbrechin indicate a dominant provenance from local Silurian granites and volcanics and a maximum depositional age that can be correlated with the Frasnian‐Famennian Merrimbula Group. However, detrital zircons from the upper coarse sandstone section of the Rosemeath Formation at Endeavour Lookout challenge the positive correlation trend with a lack of Silurian‐age grains and a presence of grains ranging from Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous in age. These results imply either that the south coast correlation is not valid for the upper sequences, or that the Merrimbula Group sequences also extend upward into the Carboniferous. The general coarseness of the Rosemeath Formation also suggests a relatively local provenance. No Early Carboniferous source is known in the immediate vicinity suggesting that Early Carboniferous igneous activity in this region of the Lachlan Orogen may have been more extensive than is currently realised.  相似文献   

34S/32S ratios have been measured in a suite of samples from the stratabound, volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit at Woodlawn, N.S.W. 34S values for the sulphides vary as follows: in the ore horizon, pyrite +6.7 to +9.2%. (mean +8.1‰), sphalerite +5.2 to +8.6‰. (mean +6.9‰), chalcopyrite +6.4 to +7.0‰ (mean +6.7‰) and galena +2.8 to +5.5‰ (mean +4.4‰); in the vein mineralization, the host volcanics—pyrite +8.7 to +11.4%. (mean +9.8‰), sphalerite +7.8 to + 10.3‰ (mean +9.2‰), chalcopyrite; +8.8 to +10.1‰ (mean +9.2‰) and galena +6.9 to +7.2‰ (mean +7.1‰). Barite from the upper ore horizon levels has an isotopic composition of +30.0‰, consistent with its having originated from Silurian ocean sulphate. The general order of 34S enrichment in the sulphides is pyrite > chalcopyrite sphalerite > galena. Isotopic fractionations in the systems galena/sphalerite/pyrite and chalcopyrite/pyrite indicate an equilibration temperature of 275–300°C. This temperature is considered to represent that of sulphide deposition.  相似文献   

In the Buckambool area, Cobar, New South Wales, the boundary between dominantly shallow‐water, shelf sediments of the Winduck Group and fluviatile sediments of the Mulga Downs Group has been established as a small hiatus not resolvable by available fossil age data. Although dips are parallel over much of the area, disconformable and locally angular unconformable relations are present. This hiatus, late‐Early to Middle Devonian in age, marks a period of uplift, localised folding and erosion. These reflect movement of basement blocks along major fractures that are now revealed as lineaments.

Terminal deformation in the area, reflected by folding and re‐activation of lineaments, postdated deposition of the Mulga Downs Group, and is probably Carboniferous in age.  相似文献   

During the Cainozoic there was widespread volcanism, mainly basaltic, in eastern New South Wales. Numerous new K‐Ar ages, together with previously published results, provide information on the age of virtually all the main volcanic provinces, and indicate that the volcanism started about 70 m.y. ago in the Late Cretaceous, and was continuous from about 60 m.y. ago (Palaeocene) until about 10 m.y. ago (middle Miocene). There has been no volcanic activity since 10 m.y. ago.

The ages of uplift of the Eastern Highlands are estimated from the relationship of the dated basaltic flows to the topography. A major uplift is deduced some time between the mid‐Cretaceous and late Oligocene, followed by a quiescent period. A further uplift started some time after the middle Miocene, and it continues to the present day. The highland was uplifted differentially both along and transverse to the axis.  相似文献   


Strontianite (SrCO3), witherite (BaCO3) and alstonite (CaBa[CO3]2) were among the range of epigenetic coal cleat/fracture carbonates identified within the Wittingham Coal Measures, Jerrys Plains Subgroup in the Hunter Valley. Three stages of diagenetic cement development, all related to basin evolution, are postulated. Material for the development of the various carbonates was derived from: basinal pore fluids, surrounding rock and organic matrix as a result of diagenetic exchange, active mass transport or devolatilization of basement rocks during metamorphism, including plutonic intrusion.  相似文献   

The volcanogenic Woodlawn Cu‐Pb‐Zn sulphide mineralization occurs within a low‐grade metamorphosed sequence of Middle to Upper Silurian felsic volcanics and fine‐grained sedimentary rocks. Studies on a total of 234 rock samples from diamond drill holes have delineated zones of hydrothermally altered rocks extending more than ~500 m laterally from the main ore lens, at least ~100 m into the foot wall and up to ~200 m into the hanging wall. These altered rocks contain virtually no remnants of primary feldspars and ferromagnesian minerals, and they are variably chloritized, sericitized and silicified. Chlorite and disseminated sulphide minerals are most abundant in zone I, a restricted zone of intense alteration immediately around the main ore lens, whereas sericitic muscovite is most abundant in the relatively extensive zone II, further from the ore. Silicification is also a feature of volcanics well beyond the limits of observed phyllosilicate‐rich alteration zones. Chemical changes within the hydrothermally altered rocks include major enrichment of Fe, Mg, S, Si and H2O, more sporadic enrichment of Ag, Ba, Bi, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sn and Zn, and major depletion of Ca, Na and Sr. K is depleted in zone I and shows considerable variation, but no overall depletion or enrichment, in zone II.

Lithological, mineralogical and geochemical features around the Woodlawn orebody are basically similar to those associated with the younger, unmetamorphosed Kuroko deposits.  相似文献   

In the Shoalhaven River Gorge, in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, the Ordovician quartz‐turbidite succession (Adaminaby Group) is affected by one major phase of deformation with northerly trending, gently plunging, upright, close to tight folds (F1) characterised by a range in half wavelengths up to 3 km. Several anticlinoria and synclinoria are developed and folds occur in at least four orders; these characteristics are consistent with buckling occurring at several scales and are controlled by the thickness of competent units in the multilayered succession. F1 folding is thick‐skinned in style with the whole crust probably having been affected by deformation. D1 occurred during the Silurian to Middle Devonian interval and was associated with crustal thickening and the shallowing of depositional environments over time. Locally, F1 is overprinted by south‐southeast‐trending, steeply to moderately inclined F2 that reorients F1 to recumbent attitudes. D2 is of Early to Middle Carboniferous age. Both deformations are related to convergence in an intra‐arc to backarc region and occurred inboard of a subduction zone, remnants of which occur in the New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   

The presence of base‐metal mineralization at Woodlawn was first recognised early in 1968 when a roadside reconnaissance geochemical sampling survey, conducted over felsic volcanic rocks in the Goulburn‐Tarago area, encountered anomalous B horizon soils containing up to 200 ppm Cu, 800 ppm Pb and 300 ppm Zn. Regional soil thresholds have been determined at 50 ppm Cu, 90 ppm Pb and 50 ppm Zn. Chip samples from the subsequently located gossan revealed up to 2000 ppm Cu, 8000 ppm Pb and 2000 ppm Zn, 500 ppm Sn, 25 ppm Ag and 3000 ppm As.

The first grid B horizon soil geochemical survey was conducted in 1968 over the gossan and surrounding area, and repeated with closer spaced sampling in the first half of 1970. The first survey delineated strong Cu (to 1000 ppm) and Pb (to 2500 ppm) anomalies coincident with the gossan zone, and intense hydromorphic zinc anomalies (to 3000 ppm) located down slope from the gossan in residual clay‐soils derived from dolerite bedrock. Threshold values have been determined at 140 ppm Cu, 700 ppm Pb and 580 ppm Zn. Ag and Sn in B horizon soils show pronounced anomalies coincident with the gossan and are suitable metals for geochemical target definition. Of fourteen trace elements determined in 1974 from B and C horizon soils on two lines across the ore zone Cu, Pb, Zn, Se, Ba, Sn and Ag show direct correlation with the mineralization, whereas Cd and Mn show moderate hydromorphic dispersion, having accumulated principally in clay soils derived from dolerite weathering. As, Sb and Bi, whilst responding over the ore zone, show elevated values in soils over hanging‐wall units; Ni and Co show maximum levels in soils over dolerite bedrock.

Bark and leaves of Acacia mearnsii, collected from a line across the gossan, contain anomalous levels of Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn and Ti near the ore zone, and weaker, but clearly anomalous Mn and Ni levels over dolerite bedrock. Both bark and leaves of Acacia mearnsii reflect the presence of concealed mineralization. The shrub Solanum linearifolium grows preferentially over and close to the Woodlawn ore zone, where it contains up to 840 ppm Cu, 250 ppm Pb, 7300 ppm Zn, 6 ppm Sn and 250 ppm Ti in leaf ash compared with levels of 200 ppm Cu, 2 ppm Pb, 400 ppm Zn, 0.8 ppm Sn and 60 ppm Ti in plants growing 1.5 km from the ore zone. This shrub has potential as an indicator of base‐metal mineralization.  相似文献   

Ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) has been used on an array of floodplain types on the lower Tuross River, in southeastern New South Wales, as part of an investigation into controls on channel‐floodplain relationships. Ground‐penetrating radar transects from two floodplains are presented, along with sedimentological detail from trenches dug along the profiles at key locations. Sedimentological investigations showed that 100 MHz antenna gave an approximation of overall bedding trends in the upper 3 m when automatic gain control processing was used. Spreading and exponential compensation processing provided insight into textural changes associated with increased silt content distal of the levee crest. One trench showed that thinning beds were responsible for onlapping reflectors. Signal attenuation at ~4 m depth below the raised floodplain surface resulted from a >50 cm‐thick bed of sandy clay. The close integration of GPR and sedimentological data produced an excellent dataset, that enabled form‐process associations and floodplain evolution to be established for these sandy floodplains. However, accurate subsurface assessment and interpretation must stem from carefully combined GPR and sedimentological datasets.  相似文献   

Zircon, concentrated from basaltic terrains in northeastern New South Wales and southeastern Queensland, reveals some unexpectedly young fission track peaks. Between 2 to 13 Ma in age, these peaks are younger than known Tertiary basaltic ages from these regions which match older fission track peaks. Analysis of the fission track data suggests that the young dates are probably not reset ages due to recent heating events such as bush fires, but more likely mark thermal resetting by later volcanic eruptions.

The young ages decrease southwards from Queensland through northern New South Wales and trend toward seismic zones within the Sydney Basin in the Newcastle, Blue Mountains and Illawarra regions. A model based on northward motion of the Australian plate over a hot asthenospheric source (0.75° latitude/Ma over 12 Ma)) predicts the positions of most young zircon ages to within ± 70 km in latitude when projected from seismic sites at Newcastle and Bowral‐Robertson.

A minor hot spot source is proposed, some 250 km across, which triggered isolated basaltic and zircon‐bearing eruptions every few million years and now underlies the southern Sydney Basin. This would bring Sydney Basin seismicity into line with other seismic zones known at present hot spot positions across southeastern Australia and the Tasman Sea. It raises questions concerning activation of local seismicity, potential for volcanic risk and distribution of young uplift in the Sydney region. Similar studies are needed to test other puzzling seismic zones (e.g. the Dalton‐Gunning Zone).  相似文献   

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