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Complex study of the U–Pb and Lu–Hf systems of zircon from a lhertzolite lens of Archean gneiss enderbites of the Bug complex, Ukrainian Shield, showed that ultramafic magma was contaminated by the material of the country gneiss enderbites. The age of the zircons of 2.81 ± 0.05 Ga corresponds to the period of ultramafic magmatism within the Bug complex. Previously, this peak of endogenic activity was considered the stage of manifestation of metamorphism and magmatism of mafic composition.  相似文献   

Basaltic porphyries from the northeast North China craton (NCC) provide an excellent opportunity to examine the nature of their mantle source and the secular evolution of the underlying mantle lithosphere. In addition, the study helps to constrain the age and the mechanism of NCC lithospheric destruction. In this paper, we report geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses of a suite of mafic lavas. Detailed laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) zircon U–Pb dating yielded an age of 223.3 ± 1.1 million years, which we regard as representing the crystallization age of the basaltic porphyries. The bulk-rock analysed samples are enriched in both large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) (i.e. Ba, Sr, and Pb) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), but depleted in high field strong elements (HFSEs) (i.e. Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), without significant Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*?= 089–0.98). The basaltic porphyries have undergone low degrees (~5%) of partial melting of a garnet-bearing lherzolite mantle. The rocks display very uniform (87Sr/86Sr) i (0.70557–0.70583) and negative ?Nd (t) values (–11.9 to –10.1). These features indicate that the western Liaoning basaltic porphyries were derived from a common enriched lithosphere mantle that had previously been metasomatized by fluids related to subduction of Palaeo-Asian sedimentary units. However, the mafic melts were not affected to a significant degree by crustal contamination. Based on earlier studies, these findings provide new evidence that the northeast margin of the NCC had undergone a phase of post-orogenic extensional tectonics during the Middle Triassic. Furthermore, lithospheric thinning occurring across the northern NCC might have been initiated during Early Triassic times and was likely controlled by the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean, as well as the collision of Mongolian arc terrenes with the NCC.  相似文献   

The age of the Ashburton Province, comprising an older divergent‐margin megasequence and a younger convergent‐margin megasequence, is poorly constrained. The Boolaloo Granodiorite, which intruded the divergent‐margin megasequence on the western margin of the Ashburton Province, has given a SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 1786 ± 5 Ma, and therefore post‐dates convergent‐margin, backarc basin sequences, with established conventional zircon U7sbnd;Pb ages of ca 1843–1828 Ma. However, it pre‐dated deformation of convergent‐margin, remnant‐ocean sequences. Similarly aged (ca 1797–1791 Ma) granitoids are present in the adjacent Gascoyne Province, thereby identifying a magmatic fold‐thrust belt that abutted a remnant ocean in the Ashburton Province.  相似文献   

Zircon textures and micro-chemical compositions precisely record the origin and petrogenesis of granitoids, which are crucial for evaluating crustal growth and reworking, thermal and geodynamic evolution. Zircons in peraluminous granitoids from the three largest 820 Ma complexes (Guibei, Yueyang and Jiuling) in the Jiangnan Fold Belt in South China are used to constrain their sources and petrogenetic processes. Zircons in the Guibei granitoids have complex internal structures. Nearly all magmatic and inherited zircons have similar εHf (?6.8 to +5.6) and δ18O values (8.8–11.6 ‰) and dominantly lie between εHf evolution vectors for a crust created between 1.7 and 2.1 Ga, suggesting that the Guibei granitoids were produced by partial melting of recycled heterogeneous supracrustal material. However, the Yueyang granitoids contain zircons with high εHf (?0.5 to +9.7) and relatively low δ18O values (5.9–8.4 ‰) and two-stage model ages of 1.1–1.8 Ga, and thus may have been formed by melting of mafic rocks from the lower crust. The Jiuling granitoids and their enclaves contain more complex zircons with more variable εHf (?7.2 to +9.7) and δ18O values (7.0–10.6 ‰), and lie along the mixing trend between the above-proposed infracrustal and supracrustal granitoids. Therefore, the Neoproterozoic peraluminous granitoids in the Jiangnan Fold Belt were produced by melting and mixing of continental crust. Compared with extremely low (≤4 ‰) and negative δ18O values of Neoproterozoic igneous zircons formed in its northern active continental margin, the high δ18O peraluminous granitoids in the southeastern Yangtze Block are considered to have been formed by melting of hydrothermally unaltered continental crust triggered by asthenosphere upwelling in the Nanhua back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Xigaze ophiolite is a key to understanding the tectonic evolution of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone. Although many studies have been reported, the formation age and petrogenesis of the Xigaze ophiolite remain controversial. In this paper, new geochronological and geochemical data for mafic dikes (diabase, dolerite), lavas, and gabbros of the Xigaze ophiolite are provided to constrain the origin of the Xigaze ophiolite. Combined with previous studies, three new zircon U–Pb ages of samples from two gabbro and one dolerite samples show that the Xigaze ophiolite was produced at two distinct stages of 174–149 Ma and 137–123 Ma. Whole-rock geochemical data indicate that these rocks exhibit N-MORB-like features, but the gabbros are more depleted in trace elements and belong to cumulates. Geochemical characters, combined with their positive εNd(t) values (+3.2 to +9.6), suggest that these samples originated from depleted mantle sources with minor influence of slab-derived fluids. Considering the previous studies on the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, the Xigaze ophiolite was likely generated in an active continental margin fore-arc basin with a multistage model associated with the northward subduction of the Yarlung Zangbo Neo-Tethys Ocean beneath the Lhasa terrane. The Middle–Late Jurassic ophiolitic massifs (174–149 Ma) were produced as the result of slab rollback and were followed by subsequent slab break-off at ~ 150 Ma. The fore-arc lithosphere may be frozen at ~150–137 Ma, consistent with the termination of the Gangdese arc magmatism during this period. The Early Cretaceous ophiolitic massifs (137–123 Ma) were developed in relation to the reinitiation of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere subduction, the retreat of the subduction zone, and the creation of a fore-arc basin with strong hyperextension in a new cycle.  相似文献   

The Charleston Granite from the Gawler Craton, South Australia, has been dated by the ion‐microprobe U‐Pb zircon method at 1585 ± 5 Ma (2σ). This confirms previous interpretations of population‐style U‐Pb zircon analyses which record a slightly older age due to the presence of inherited zircon. Inherited cores are present in many zircon crystals, and while the age of some cores can not be accurately determined due to extreme loss of radiogenic Pb, others have ages of ~ 1780, ~ 1970, and > 3150 Ma. These cores record a diverse crustal heritage for the Charleston Granite and indicate that ancient crustal material (> 3150 Ma) is present at depth in the Gawler Craton. This is also suggested by available Nd isotopic data for both the Charleston Granite and other Gawler Craton Archaean rocks. The Rb‐Sr and K‐Ar biotite ages from the Charleston Granite of 1560 to 1570 Ma are close to the U‐Pb zircon crystallization age and suggest that the granite has not experienced sustained thermal disturbance (> 250° C) since emplacement and cooling. However, a much younger Rb‐Sr total‐rock age of 1443 ± 26 Ma probably reflects low‐temperature disturbance to the Sr isotope system in feldspar.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircon inclusions in sapphire from the Nezametninskii placers in the north of Primorye. The obtained age of paragenesis of these minerals (12.2 ± 0.2 Ma) is almost consistent with the age of erupted alkali basalts in the region, thus evidencing their genetic relation. According to the geochemistry data on trace elements, the dated zircon was crystallized from an alkali basaltic magma or its later trachyte/phonolite derivatives.  相似文献   

The Schurwedraai alkali granite is one of a number of prominent ultramafic-mafic and felsic intrusions in the Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic sub-vertical supracrustal collar rocks of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa. The alkali granite intruded the Neoarchaean Witwatersrand Supergroup and has a peralkaline to peraluminous composition. A new zircon SHRIMP crystallization age of 2052 ± 14 Ma for the Schurwedraai alkali granite places it statistically before the Vredefort impact event at 2023 ± 4 Ma and within the accepted emplacement interval of 2050–2060 Ma of the Bushveld magmatic event. The presence of the alkali granite and associated small ultramafic-mafic intrusions in the Vredefort collar rocks extends the southern extremity of Bushveld-related intrusions to some 120 km south of Johannesburg and about 150 km south of the current outcrop area of the Bushveld Complex. The combined effect of these ultramafic-mafic and felsic bodies may have contributed to a pronouncedly steep pre-impact geothermal gradient in the Vredefort area, and to the amphibolite-grade metamorphism observed in the supracrustal collar rocks of the Vredefort Dome.  相似文献   

Rocks in the northern Leeuwin Complex of southwestern Australia preserve evidence of having formed during the breakup of Rodinia and the subsequent amalgamation of Gondwana. Detailed field mapping, structural investigation and U–Pb isotopic zircon analysis, using the Sensitive High‐mass Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP), have revealed that: (i) protoliths of pink granite gneiss and grey granodiorite gneiss crystallised at ca 750 Ma, coeval with breakup of western Rodinia; (ii) granulite/upper amphibolite facies metamorphism occurred at 522 ± 5 Ma, in the Early Cambrian, ~100 million years later than previous estimates and of identical age to estimates of the final amalgamation of Gondwana; and (iii) three major phases of ductile deformation occurred during or after this metamorphism and represent a progressive strain evolution from subvertical shortening (D1) to subhorizontal east‐west (D2) then north‐northwest‐south‐southeast (D3) contraction.  相似文献   

The late Carboniferous to Triassic tectonic history of eastern Australia includes important periods of regional-scale crustal extension and contraction. Evidence for these periods of tectonism is recorded by the extensive Pennsylvanian (late Carboniferous) to Triassic basin system of eastern Australia. In this study, we investigate the use of U–Pb dating of detrital zircons in reconstructing the tectonic development of one of these basins, the eastern Galilee Basin of Queensland. U–Pb detrital zircon ages were obtained from samples of stratigraphically well-constrained Cisuralian and Lopingian (early and late Permian, respectively) sandstone in the Galilee Basin. Detrital zircons in these sandstones are dominated by a population with ages in the range of 300–250 Ma, and ages from the youngest detrital zircons closely approximate depositional ages. We attribute these two fundamental findings to (1) appreciable derivation of detrital zircons in the Galilee Basin from the New England Orogen of easternmost Australia and (2) syndepositional magmatism. Furthermore, Cisuralian sandstone of the Galilee Basin contains significantly more >300 Ma detrital zircons than Lopingian sandstone. The transition in detrital zircon population, which is bracketed between 296 and 252 Ma based on previous high-precision U–Pb zircon ages from Permian ash beds in the Galilee Basin, corresponds with the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny and reflects a change in the Galilee Basin from an earlier extensional setting to a later foreland basin environment. During the Lopingian foreland basin phase, the individual depocentres of the Galilee and Bowen basins were linked to form a single and enormous foreland basin that covered >300 000 km2 in central and eastern Queensland.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1296-1308
Geochronological, geochemical, and whole-rock Sr–Nd isotopic analyses were performed on a suite of Palaeozoic nepheline syenites from Zijinshan to characterize their ages and petrogenesis. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry U–Pb zircon analyses yield consistent ages of 525.7 ± 2.8 million years for a sample (HYK01). These intrusive rocks belong to the foid syenite magma series in terms of K2O?+?Na2O contents (14.3–15.2 wt.%) and to the shoshonitic series based on their high K2O contents (5.42–5.61 wt.%). The nepheline syenites are further characterized by high light rare earth element contents [(La/Yb) N ?=?29.1–36.1]; show modest negative Eu anomalies (δEu?=?0.5–0.6) and positive anomalies in Rb, Th, U, Pb, Zr, and Hf; are depleted in Ba and high field strength elements (P and Ti). In addition, all the nepheline syenites in this study display relatively low radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86Sr) i (0.7042–0.7043) and positive ?Nd (t) (0.7–0.8). These results suggest that the nepheline syenites were derived from depleted continental crust. The parent magmas likely experienced fractional crystallization of plagioclase, Ti-bearing oxides (e.g. rutile, ilmenite, and titanite), apatite, and zircon during ascent, with negligible crustal contamination before final emplacement at a high crustal level.  相似文献   

The Zelenodol porphyry Cu-(Au, Mo) deposit located about 65 km SSW of the city of Chelyabinsk is confined to the western part of the West Uralian Volcanogenic Megazone. The concordant U-Pb age of zircons from ore-bearing island-arc diorite porphyryis 418.3 Â ± 2.9 Ma.  相似文献   


The origin of elevated geothermal gradients in the subsurface Thomson Orogen and the nature of the crustal basement beneath it, whether oceanic or continental, remain enigmatic. Previous studies have demonstrated that a higher crustal radiogenic input is required to explain these anomalous thermal gradients. In this study, we have investigated the nature and age of this crustal input by undertaking geochemical, geochronological and Hf and O isotope analyses of buried granitic rocks as well as evaluating the heat-producing potential of metasedimentary rocks. The mineralogy, composition and Neoproterozoic/Cambrian to Devonian age of the low to moderate heat-producing I- and S-type granitic rocks strongly contrast with the Carboniferous A-type high-heat-producing granites of the Big Lake Suite, which have been suggested to be an important contributor to the elevated geothermal gradients, near the southwest corner of the Thomson Orogen. These differences suggest the Big Lake Suite rocks do not extend into the Queensland part of the temperature anomaly. Heat production of the metasedimentary rocks is also low to moderate. Based on Hf isotope compositions of zircons characterised by mantle-like oxygen signature (?Hf(t) = –12 to +2), we propose the temperature anomaly results from the occurrence of Mesoproterozoic and/or Paleoproterozoic high-heat-producing rocks beneath the Thomson Orogen. Precambrian crust, therefore, lies well east of the Tasman line. The results do not support a Neoproterozoic to Cambrian oceanic crust, as previously suggested, but instead point to a continental substrate for the Thomson Orogen. Hf isotopes indicate an overall trend towards more isotopically juvenile compositions with a progressive reduction in the contribution of older crustal sources to granitic magmas towards the present time. Different Hf isotopic signatures for the Lachlan (?Hf(t) = –13 to +15), Thomson (?Hf(t) = –14 to +5) and Delamerian (?Hf(t) = –7 to +4) orogens highlight lateral variations in the age structures of crustal basement beneath these orogens.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages are reported from a paragneiss, a pegmatite, a metasomatised metasediment and an amphibolite taken from the upper amphibolite facies host sequence of the Cannington Ag–Pb–Zn deposit at the southeastern margin of the Proterozoic Mt Isa Block. Also reported are ages from a middle amphibolite‐facies metasediment from the Soldiers Cap Group approximately 90 km north of Cannington. The predominantly metasedimentary host rocks of the Cannington deposit were eroded from a terrane containing latest Archaean to earliest Palaeoproterozoic (ca 2600–2300 Ma) and Palaeoproterozoic (ca 1750–1700 Ma) zircon. The ca 1750–1700 Ma group of zircons are consistent with sedimentary provenance from rocks of Cover Sequence 2 age that are now exposed to the north and west of the Cannington deposit. The metasedimentary samples also include a group of zircon grains at ca 1675 Ma, which we interpret as the maximum depositional age of the sedimentary protolith. This is comparable to the maximum depositional age of the metasediment from the Maronan area (ca 1665 Ma) and to previously published data from the Soldiers Cap Group. Metamorphic zircon rims and new zircon grains grew at 1600–1580 Ma during upper amphibolite‐facies metamorphism in metasedimentary and mafic magmatic rocks. Zircon inheritance patterns suggest that sheet‐like pegmatitic intrusions were most likely derived from partial melting of the surrounding metasediments during this period of metamorphism. Some zircon grains from the amphibolite have a morphology consistent with partially recrystallised igneous grains and have apparent ages close to the metamorphic age, although it is not clear whether these represent metamorphic resetting or crystallisation of the magmatic protolith. Pb‐loss during syn‐ to post‐metamorphic metasomatism resulted in partial resetting of zircons from the metasomatised metasediment.  相似文献   

The NW–SE trending Longshoushan is in the southwestern margin of the Alxa Block, which was traditionally considered the westernmost part of the North China Craton (NCC). Precambrian crystalline basement exposed in the Longshoushan area was termed the “Longshoushan Complex”. This complex's formation and metamorphism are significant to understand the geotectonics and early Precambrian crustal evolution of the western NCC. In this study, field geology, petrology, and zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes of representative orthogneisses and paragneisses in the Longshoushan Complex were investigated. U–Pb datings reveal three Paleoproterozoic magmatic episodes (ca. 2.33, ca. 2.17 and ca. 2.04 Ga) and two subsequent regional metamorphic events (ca. 1.95–1.90 Ga and ca. 1.85 Ga) for metamorphic granitic rocks in the Longshoushan Complex. U–Pb dating of the detrital magmatic zircons from two paragneisses yields concordant 207Pb/206Pb ages between 2.2 Ga and 2.0 Ga, and a small number of metamorphic zircon rims provide a ca. 1.95 Ga metamorphic age, suggesting that the depositional time of the protolith was between 2.0 and 1.95 Ga and that the sedimentary detritus was most likely derived from the granitic rocks in the Longshoushan Complex itself. Zircon Lu–Hf isotopic analyses indicate that nearly all magmatic zircons from ca. 2.0 Ga to ca. 2.17 Ga orthogneisses have positive εHf(t) values with two-stage Hf model ages (TDMC) ranging from 2.45 to 2.65 Ga (peak at ca. 2.5 Ga), indicating that these Paleoproterozoic granitic rocks were derived from the reworking of the latest Neoarchean–early Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust. Detrital magmatic zircons from two paragneisses yield scattered 176Hf/177Hf ratios, εHf(t) and TDMC values, further indicating that the sedimentary detritus was not only derived from these plutonic rocks but also from other unreported or denuded Paleoproterozoic igneous rocks. The ca. 2.15 Ga detrital magmatic zircons from one paragneiss have negative εHf(t) values with TDMC ranging from 2.76 to 3.04 Ga, indicating another important crustal growth period in the Longshoushan region. These data indicate that the Longshoushan Complex experienced Neoarchean–Early Paleoproterozoic crustal growth, approximately ca. 2.3–2.0 Ga experienced multiphase magmatic events, and approximately ca. 1.95–1.90 Ga and ca. 1.85 Ga experienced high-grade metamorphic events. The sequence of tectonothermal events is notably similar to that of the main NCC. Together with the datasets from an adjacent area, we suggest that the western Alxa Block was most likely an integrated component of the NCC from the Neoarchean to the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

U–Pb ages for volcanic zircons from the Lower Devonian Turondale and Merrions Formations initially dated by Jagodzinski and Black (1999) have been recalculated by Compston (2000, 2001). The Turondale, Waterbeach and Merrions Formations are, in ascending stratigraphic order, three of the Lower Devonian deep‐water formations of the Hill End Trough. The recent discovery of a Lochkovian conodont fauna of the delta zone in derived limestone blocks from the uppermost beds of the Turondale Formation has established a maximum age for that horizon. The principal lithological assemblages of the formations are volcanic (megaturbidite and lavas), epiclastic turbidites and essentially hemipelagic lithologies. The mean zircon ages suggest a long duration for the Merrions Formation, 615 m thick and 91% volcanic, and a very much shorter interval for the upper two‐thirds of the Turondale Formation, 360 m thick and 34% volcanic, plus the intervening non‐volcanic Waterbeach Formation, 512 m thick. A sedimentological model based on scaled depositional rates for the facies has been used to estimate the relative accumulation rates and durations of the succession from the base of the Turondale Formation to the top of the Merrions Formation. The model indicates that the Merrions Formation accumulated in a much shorter time than the interval from the top of the lower Turondale Formation to the base of the Merrions Formation. The analytical uncertainties of the Jagodzinski and Black (1999) zircon ages are large enough to be compatible with the sedimentological model, but the smaller analytical uncertainties calculated by Compston (2000, 2001) fall far from the scaled sedimentological model. Grouping together of the lower Merrions Formation and lower Turondale Formation zircon dates in Compston (2000) for a single mid‐Lochkovian age is in conflict with the biostratigraphic and sedimentological evidence available and the derived time‐scale for the Early Devonian is highly questionable. Given the incompatibility of the recalculated zircon ages with the depositional history and the uncertainty of biostratigraphic dating of the formations, neither of the quite different sets of ages quoted in Compston (2000, 2001) are useful for the definition of a numerical time‐scale.  相似文献   

We present a synopsis of detrital zircon U–Pb ages of sandstones from North Africa and neighboring Israel and Jordan, which allows us to identify zones with characteristic sediment provenance along the northern Gondwana margin (in present-day coordinates) in Cambrian–Ordovician times, and helps us to unravel the peri-Gondwana jigsaw puzzle. A special feature of the early Paleozoic cover sequence of North Africa is the eastward increase of 1.1–0.95 Ga detrital zircons, which become ubiquitous in the early Paleozoic sandstones of the Saharan Metacraton. Detrital zircons aged about 2.7–2.5, 2.15–1.75 and 0.75–0.53 Ga are also present. Early Paleozoic sandstones with similar provenance are known from peri-Gondwana terranes in the Eastern and Western Mediterranean and from NW Iberia. These terranes need not be transported from western Gondwana (Amazonia) as suggested previously. They were likely located to the north of the Saharan Metacraton during the early Paleozoic before they rifted off from Gondwana. Furthermore, we recognize an increase, as stratigraphic ages get younger, of ca. 1.0 Ga detrital zircons at some point between the Late Cambrian and late Middle Ordovician. We speculate that this might be linked to far-field tectonics and regional uplift in central Gondwana related to plate-tectonic reorganization along the Gondwana margin, leading to erosion of ca. 1.0 Ga basement and country rocks of the Transgondwanan supermountain and fluvial dispersal of detritus toward the Gondwana margin.  相似文献   

The Jinchuan ultramafic intrusion in western China hosts the third-largest magmatic Ni–Cu deposit in the world. The crystallization age of the intrusion has long been debated. Here, we present a U–Pb ID-TIMS zircon age of 831.8 ± 0.6 Ma obtained on thermally annealed and chemically etched zircons from a lherzolite sample. The coexisting baddeleyite in the sample is indistinguishable from the age of zircon. Our new results confirm that the emplacement of the Jinchuan ultramafic intrusion was temporally related to the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

TPost-orogenic intrusive complexes from the Sulu belt of eastern China consist of pyroxene monzonites and dioritic porphyrites. We report new U–Pb zircon ages, geochemical data, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for these rocks. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry U–Pb zircon analyses yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 127.4 ± 1.2 Ma for dioritic porphyrites, consistent with crystallization ages (126 Ma) of the associated pyroxene monzonites. The intrusive complexes are characterized by enrichment in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements (i.e. Rb, Ba, Pb, and Th) and depletion in heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements (i.e. Nb, Ta, P, and Ti), high (87Sr/86Sr)i ranging from 0.7083 to 0.7093, low ?Nd(t) values from ?14.6 to ? 19.2, 206Pb/204Pb = 16.65–17.18, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.33–15.54, and 208Pb/204Pb = 36.83–38.29. Results suggest that these intermediate plutons were derived from different sources. The primary magma-derived pyroxene monzonites resulted from partial melting of enriched mantle hybridized by melts of foundered lower crustal eclogitic materials before magma generation. In contrast, the parental magma of the dioritic porphyrites was derived from partial melting of mafic lower crust beneath the Wulian region induced by the underplating of basaltic magmas. The intrusive complexes may have been generated by subsequent fractionation of clinopyroxene, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, ilmenite, and rutile. Neither was affected by crustal contamination. Combined with previous studies, these findings provide evidence that a Neoproterozoic batholith lies beneath the Wulian region.  相似文献   

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