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The South Australian seismograph network has been extended since 1968 so that most earthquakes of Richter magnitude ML ≥ 1.9 within the state are located accurately. Recurrence relations have been derived which define the seismicity of the known active areas. The seismic energy release has also been used to indicate the spatial variation in earthquake activity. Epicentre trends have been noted, and may be related to hypothesized movements on intracontinental plate boundaries.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the role of farmers’ markets in Australian agriculture. A case study is undertaken in South Australia, where all stallholders at three farmers’ markets situated in Adelaide, Willunga and Berri were surveyed regarding their production and marketing techniques. Overall responses supported literature highlighting the importance of farmers’ markets to the producers who chose to exploit this marketing niche. A strong co-reliance on ‘wholesale sales’ was also recognised, suggesting an important integration of productivist and post-productivist approaches to agricultural development. Of most promise for long-term agricultural sustainability was evidence that certain groups of farmers were found to be realising the potential of these and other alternative markets, in terms of their risk reducing capacity, and diversifying to include various conservation values into their agricultural enterprises. These groups were less concerned about market fluctuations and more concerned with issues of social equity, environmental health and having fun, which meant they unwittingly epitomised the goals of political ecology, by challenging the dominant agricultural methods of production and marketing. It seems these groups also recognised that the direct nature of their transactions would sow beneficial social, environmental and economic ‘seeds’ for change. Finally, it is argued that policies to improve access to farmers’ markets and reduce the cost of participation would assist small scale Australian agricultural producers to evolve smoothly into a multifunctional era.  相似文献   

The Mikhnevo Seismic Group of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IGD RAS), and the Malin mini-group in the region of the Dnieper–Donets aulacogen, within which prospecting and mountain-explosion works were carried out from 2007 to 2015 on industrial scales, recorded a series of seismic events. Special attention has been focused on analysis of the nature of three earthquakes in 2015. Application of the spectral discrimination method log(Pg/Lg) and cross-correlation tools allowed us to identify the seismic events in 2015 as a special technogenic-tectonic type.  相似文献   

South Percy Island is located approximately 50 km off the central Queensland coast and comprises a disrupted ophiolite mass alongside a diverse array of metamorphosed felsic and mafic rocks that record several episodes of magmatism, volcanism and deformation from the Permian to Early Cretaceous. This paper aims to constrain the age, affinity and deformation history of these units, as well as to establish the tectonic significance of the terrane. The trace-element compositions of mafic and felsic meta-igneous rocks record a change from MORB-like prior to ca 277 Ma to subduction-related by ca 258 Ma. Overprinting relationships between intrusive phases and deformation features reveal a relative chronology for the tectonothermal evolution of the area, while U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology provides absolute age constraints. Deformation is localised around a NNE-striking tectonic contact that separates serpentinised ultramafic rocks from metamorphosed pillow lavas. Early formed ductile fabrics associated with the main episode of deformation (D1) preserve bulk flattening strains at greenschist-facies conditions. Emplacement and post-kinematic cooling ages of a pre-D1 quartz-monzonite dyke constrain the age of D1/M1 deformation and metamorphism to the period between ca 258 and ca 248 Ma. Minor brittle deformation (D2) occurred at ca 230 Ma, based on U–Pb dating of a syn-D2 diorite dyke (ca 231 ± 10 Ma) and several ca 230 Ma 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages. The deformation, metamorphism, and supra-subduction zone magmatism preserved on South Percy Island is correlated with the nearby Marlborough Terrane and more broadly with the second pulse of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny, which affected much of the central and northern parts of eastern Australia in the late Permian and Early Triassic. Our results support previous suggestions that the second pulse of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny involved coeval thrust systems in both the inboard and outboard parts of the orogen.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical studies of peridotites from the South Sandwich forearc region provide new evidence for the evolution of the South Sandwich arc–basin system and for the nature of interactions between arc magma and oceanic lithosphere. Peridotites from the inner trench wall in the north-east corner of the forearc vary from clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, through samples transitional between harzburgites and dunites or wehrlites, to dunites. The harzburgites are LREE depleted with low incompatible element abundances and have chromites with intermediate Cr# (ca. 0.40). Modelling shows that they represent the residues from 15–20% melting at oxygen fugacities close to the QFM buffer. The dunites have U-shaped REE patterns, low incompatible element abundances and high Cr# (0.66–0.77). Petrography and geochemistry indicate that the latter are the product of intense interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine under conditions of high oxygen fugacity (QFM + 2). The transitional samples are the product of lesser interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine ± clinopyroxene. The data demonstrate that the harzburgites originated as the residue from melting at a ridge (probably the early East Scotia Sea spreading centre), and were subsequently modified to transitional peridotites and dunites by interaction with South Sandwich arc magmas. The second dredge locality, near the South Sandwich Trench–Fracture Zone intersection, yielded rocks ranging from lherzolite to harzburgite that could similarly have resulted from a two-stage melting and enrichment process, but involving a more fertile mantle residue and a reacting melt that is transitional between MORB and island arc tholeiite. The South Sandwich peridotites have a similar petrogenetic history to those from Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc in the sense that both involved interaction between arc magma and pre-existing mantle lithosphere of different provenance. However, the precise compositions of the magma and mantle components vary from location to location according to the precise tectonic setting and tectonic history. Overall, therefore, data from the South Sandwich and Izu–Bonin–Mariana systems emphasise the potential significance of peridotite geochemistry in unravelling the complex tectonic histories of forearcs past and present. Received: 31 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

The characterization of river–aquifer connectivity in karst environments is difficult due to the presence of conduits and caves. This work demonstrates how geophysical imaging combined with hydrogeological data can improve the conceptualization of surface-water and groundwater interactions in karst terrains. The objective of this study is to understand the association between the Bell River and karst-alluvial aquifer at Wellington, Australia. River and groundwater levels were continuously monitored, and electrical resistivity imaging and water quality surveys conducted. Two-dimensional resistivity imaging mapped the transition between the alluvium and karst. This is important for highlighting the proximity of the saturated alluvial sediments to the water-filled caves and conduits. In the unsaturated zone the resistivity imaging differentiated between air- and sediment-filled karst features, and in the saturated zone it mapped the location of possible water- and sediment-filled caves. Groundwater levels are dynamic and respond quickly to changes in the river stage, implying that there is a strong hydraulic connection, and that the river is losing and recharging the adjacent aquifer. Groundwater extractions (1,370 ML, megalitres, annually) from the alluvial aquifer can cause the groundwater level to fall by as much as 1.5 m in a year. However, when the Bell River flows after significant rainfall in the upper catchment, river-leakage rapidly recharges the alluvial and karst aquifers. This work demonstrates that in complex hydrogeological settings, the combined use of geophysical imaging, hydrograph analysis and geochemical measurements provide insights on the local karst hydrology and groundwater processes, which will enable better water-resource and karst management.  相似文献   

Evacuations represent an integral aspect of protecting public safety in locations where intense, fast-spreading forest fires co-occur with human populations. Most Canadian fire management agencies have as their primary objective the protection of people and property, and all fire management agencies in Canada recommend evacuations when public safety is in question. This study provides the first national assessment of wildfire-related evacuations in Canada and documents the loss of homes that coincided with evacuation events. The most striking finding is that despite the intensity and abundance of wildfire in Canada, wildfires have displaced a relatively small number of people. Between 1980 and 2007, the median number of evacuees and home losses per year in Canada were 3,590 and 2, respectively. Evacuees’ homes survived in 99.3% of cases. Patterns of evacuations and home losses reflected the distributions of forests, wildfire, and people across the Canadian landscape. Most evacuations occurred in boreal areas, which have relatively low population densities but among the highest percent annual area burned in Canada. Evacuations were less common in southern parts of the country, where most Canadians reside, but individual wildfires in these areas had significant impacts. Interactions between wildfire and people in Canada exhibited a unique regional pattern, and within the most densely populated regions of the country they can be considered ‘low-probability, high-consequence’ events. This Canadian context is fundamentally different from places such as California, where concentrations of fires and people overlap across large areas and therefore calls for a fundamentally different fire management response.  相似文献   

The Zhazixi Sb–W deposit in the Xuefeng uplift, South China, exhibits a unique metal association of W and Sb, where the W orebodies are hosted by interlayer fractures and the Sb orebodies are contained within NW-trending faults. This study proposes that the W and Sb mineralization took place in two separate periods. The mineral paragenesis of the W mineralization reveals a mass of quartz, scheelite and minor calcite. The mineral assemblage of the Sb mineralization developed after W mineralization and consists of predominantly quartz and stibnite, and small amounts of native Sb, berthierite, chalcostibnite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Fluid inclusions in quartz and coexisting scheelite are dominated by two-phase, liquid-rich, aqueous inclusions at room temperature. Microthermometric studies suggest that ore-forming fluids for W mineralization are characterized by moderate temperatures (170–270 °C), low salinity (3–7 wt% NaCl equiv.), low density (0.75–0.95 g/cm3), and moderate to high pressure (57.2–99.7 MPa) and these fluids experienced a cooling and dilution evolution during W mineralization. Ore-forming fluids for Sb mineralization are epithermal types with low temperatures (150–230 °C), low salinity (4–6 wt% NaCl equiv.), moderate density (0.82–0.94 g/cm3), and high pressure (42.2–122.5 MPa) and these fluids display an evident decline in homogenization temperature during Sb mineralization. Laser Raman analyses of the vapor phase indicate that the ore-forming fluids for both W and Sb mineralization contain a small amount of CO2.The ore-forming fluids for Sb mineralization are identified as predominantly originating from the continental crust, as suggested by the low 3He values (0.009 × 10−12 cc.STP/g) and 3He/4He ratios (0.002–0.056 Ra) as well as high 36Ar values (1.93 × 10−9 cc.STP/g) and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (909.5–2279.7). The source of S is identified to be the Neoproterozoic Wuqiangxi Formation, as traced by the δ34SV-CDT values of stibnite (3.1–9.4‰). The 208Pb/204Pb (37.643–40.222), 207Pb/204Pb (15.456–15.681), and 206Pb/204Pb (17.093–20.042) ratios suggest a mixture of lower crustal and supracrustal Pb sources.It is thus concluded that the ore genesis of the Zhazixi Sb–W deposit is related to the intracontinental orogeny during the early Mesozoic. Fluid mixing is considered to be the critical mechanism involved in W mineralization, whereas a fluid cooling process is responsible for Sb mineralization. Furthermore, the absence of Au is attributed to the low Σas content in Sb-mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   

During March–April 2014 a series of earthquakes occurred around the Iquique city located in the northern Chile region. The two largest events of this sequence are the Mw8.2, April 1, 2014 and Mw7.7, April 4, 2014 quakes. Here we computed the nodal planes of eight of the large and well teleseismically recorded events of this series based on grid search, teleseismic moment tensors inversion, empirical Green's function deconvolution and its stack to average the deconvolutions for the Mw = 8.2, April 1, 2014, synthetic Green's function deconvolution and its stack to average the deconvolutions for the same event and 3D static deformation analysis of the above mentioned events based on the AK135 model. Grid search nodal planes and moment tensors suggest the dominance of reverse faulting. Almost all of the calculated teleseismic moment tensors represent a considerable amount of DC (usually more than 90%) and lower amount of CLVD for this sequence of events. Empirical and synthetic Green's function deconvolution showing down dip rupture propagation and 3D static deformation representing higher amount of vertical deformation in comparison with horizontal deformation components plus the existence of uplift and subsidence. According to the aftershocks distribution there is a bilateral distribution of the aftershocks around the first large event of this sequence that occurred March 16, 2014 (Mw6.7) so that they are approximately limited between the Mw8.2 (at north) and Mw7.7 (at south) quakes. Moreover there exist two bands of regional seismicity during early-mid 2014: a shallow off-shore band between the trench and coast and a deeper inland band under the active volcanic chain (both nearly parallel to the trench).  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotopic compositions of upper Permian to lowermost Triassic rocks were analyzed at Chaotian in northern Sichuan, South China, in order to clarify changes in the oceanic nitrogen cycle around the Permian–Triassic boundary (P–TB) including the entire Changhsingian (Late Late Permian) prior to the extinction. The analyzed ca. 40 m thick interval across the P–TB at Chaotian consists of three stratigraphic units: the upper Wujiaping Formation, the Dalong Formation, and the lowermost Feixianguan Formation, in ascending order. The upper Wujiaping Formation, ca. 10 m thick, is mainly composed of dark gray limestone with diverse shallow-marine fossils such as calcareous algae and brachiopods, deposited on the shallow shelf. In contrast, the overlying Dalong Formation, ca. 25 m thick, is mainly composed of thinly bedded black mudstone and siliceous mudstone containing abundant radiolarians, deposited on the relatively deep slope/basin. Absence of bioturbation, substantially high total organic carbon contents (up to 15%), and abundant occurrence of pyrite framboids in the main part of the Dalong Formation indicate deposition under anoxic condition. The lowermost Feixianguan Formation, ca. 5 m thick, is composed of thinly bedded gray marl and micritic limestone with minor fossils such as ammonoids and conodonts, deposited on the relatively shallow slope. δ15NTN values are in positive values around +1 to +2‰ in the upper Wujiaping Formation implying denitrification and/or anammox in the ocean. δ15NTN values gradually decrease to −1‰ in the lower Dalong Formation and are consistently low (around 0‰) in the middle Dalong to lowermost Feixianguan Formation. No clear δ15NTN shift is recognized across the extinction horizon. The consistently low δ15NTN values suggest the enhanced nitrogen fixation in the ocean during the Changhsingian at Chaotian. Composite profiles based on previous and the present studies demonstrate the substantial δ15N variation on a global scale in the late Permian to earliest Triassic; a systematic δ15N difference by low and high latitudes is particularly clarified. Although the enhanced nitrogen fixation throughout the Changhsingian at Chaotian was likely a regional event in northwestern South China, the composite δ15N profiles imply that the sea area in which fixed nitrogen is depleted has gradually developed worldwide in the Changhsingian, possibly acting as a prolonged stress to shallow-marine biota.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1223-1236
Repeating volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes, taking place at Mt. Etna during 1999–2009, were detected and analyzed to investigate their behavior. We found 735 families amounting to 2479 VT earthquakes, representing ~ 38% of all the analyzed VT earthquakes. The number of VT earthquakes making up the families ranges from 2 to 23. Over 70% of the families comprise 2 or 3 VT earthquakes and only 20 families by more than 10 events. The occurrence lifetime is also highly variable ranging from some minutes to ten years. In particular, more than half of the families have a lifetime shorter than 0.5 day and only ~ 10% longer than 1 year. On the basis of these results, most of the detected families were considered “burst-type”, i.e., show swarm-like occurrence, and hence their origin cannot be explained by a temporally constant tectonic loading. Indeed, since the analyzed earthquakes take place in a volcanic area, the rocks are affected not only by tectonic stresses related to the fairly steady regional stress field but also by local stresses, caused by the volcano, such as magma batch intrusions/movements and gravitational loading. We focused on the five groups of families characterized by the longest repeatability over time, namely high number of events and long lifetime, located in the north-eastern, eastern and southern flanks of the volcano. Unlike the first four groups, which similarly to most of the detected families show swarm-like VT occurrences, group “v”, located in the north-eastern sector, exhibits a more “tectonic” behavior with the events making up such a group spread over almost the entire analyzed period. It is clear how both occurrence and slip rates do not remain constant but vary over time, and such changes are time-related to the occurrence of the 2002–2003 eruption. Finally, by FPFIT algorithm a good agreement between directions identified by nodal planes and the earthquake epicentral distribution was generally found.  相似文献   

Wavelet-based analyses were used in this study to interpret the near-source ground-motion characteristics of records obtained during the 2012 Varzaghan–Ahar double earthquakes in the East-Azerbaijan province of Iran. For this purpose, the large pulse of ground motions was extracted by applying continuous wavelet transforms, and then, the residual motions were achieved by subtraction of extracted pulse from the original motions. Analysis of ground motions illustrated that the records obtained at Varzaghan station could be classified as pulse-like motions with pulse index around 0.9. As well, the acceleration response spectra for horizontal directions were compared with the design response spectrum of Iranian seismic design code (Standard No. 2800). The comparisons showed a relatively large amplification in spectral values due to near-source pulse effects.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1449-1465
We report here in-situ U–Pb and Hf isotopic results of detrital zircons from sixteen Cambrian–Silurian siliciclastic samples across the Nanhua foreland basin, South China. Together with published data from Ediacaran–Silurian sandstones in the region, we establish the temporal and spatial provenance evolution across the basin. Except for samples from northeast Yangtze, all other Ediacaran–Silurian samples exhibit a prominent population of 1100–900 Ma, moderate populations of 850–700 Ma and 650–490 Ma, and minor populations of 2500 Ma and 2000–1300 Ma, grossly matching that of crystalline and sedimentary rocks in northern India. Zircon Hf isotopes further reveal four episodes of juvenile crustal growth at 2.5 Ga, 1.8 Ga, 1.4 Ga and 1.0 Ga in the source regions. Utilizing the basin history and late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic paleogeography of South China, we conclude that the Ediacaran–Cambrian sediments in the Nanhua foreland basin were mainly sourced from northern India and adjacent orogens, and the Ordovician–Silurian sediments were derived from both locally recycled Ediacaran–Cambrian rocks and eroded Cathaysian basement. The Wuyi–Yunkai late-orogenic magmatic rocks also contributed to the Silurian sediments in the basin. The upper-Ordovician to Silurian samples in northeast Yangtze received higher proportions of local Cryogenian (850–700 Ma) magmatic rocks which were uplifted during late-Ordovician to Silurian time. We speculate that there was an Ediacaran–Cambrian collisional orogen between South China and northern India, shedding sediments to the early Nanhua foreland basin. Far-field stress during the late stage of this collisional orogeny triggered the Ordovician–Silurian intraplate Wuyi–Yunkai orogeny in South China, and erosion of the local Wuyi–Yunkai orogen further provided detritus to the late Nanhua foreland basin.  相似文献   

Bastami  M.  Soghrat  M. R. 《Natural Hazards》2017,86(1):125-149
Natural Hazards - The dual Ahar–Varzaghan earthquakes occurred on August 11, 2012, at 16:53 (Iran standard time) in East Azerbaijan province of Iran. The two quakes measured 6.3 and 6.4 on...  相似文献   

Wang  Minfang  Zhang  Xubo  Guo  Xiaonan  Pi  Daohui  Yang  Meijun 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2018,112(1):85-103
Mineralogy and Petrology - Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) results are reported for newly identified silver–bearing minerals from the Xinhua deposit, Yunkaidashan area, South China. The...  相似文献   

The Cryogenian succession of the Northern Flinders Ranges reveals a complex sedimentary record between the Sturtian and Marinoan glacial deposits. A major unconformity separates the Sturtian and Marinoan-aged sedimentary successions in the area. This forms a subaerial erosion surface with terrestrial and marginal marine infill directly above the Angepena and Balcanoona Formations in their respective localities. This exposure surface is here correlated with the previously documented submarine unconformity between the Yankaninna Formation and the underlying deep marine Tapley Hill Formation. This erosional event provides a chronostratigraphic marker horizon that coincides approximately with thepreviously defined Sturtian–Marinoan Time Series boundary in the Northern Flinders Ranges. These stratigraphic relationships also constrain lateral facies relationships between the Oodnaminta ReefComplex (Balcanoona Formation) and the Angepena Formation. Similarly, the shallow-water Weetootla Dolomite is correlated with the deeper water carbonates of the Yankaninna Formation.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The isotope geochemistry (εNd(t) 4.8–5.4, 206Pb/204Pb in 18.05–18.36, 207Pb/204Pbin 15.53–15.57, 208Pb/204Pb in 37.59–37.83, 87Sr/86Sr(t)...  相似文献   

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