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Devonian and Carboniferous (Yarrol terrane) rocks, Early Permian strata, and Permian‐(?)Triassic plutons outcrop in the Stanage Bay region of the northern New England Fold Belt. The Early‐(?)Middle Devonian Mt Holly Formation consists mainly of coarse volcaniclastic rocks of intermediate‐silicic provenance, and mafic, intermediate and silicic volcanics. Limestone is abundant in the Duke Island, along with a significant component of quartz sandstone on Hunter Island. Most Carboniferous rocks can be placed in two units, the late Tournaisian‐Namurian Campwyn Volcanics, composed of coarse volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, silicic ash flow tuff and widespread oolitic limestone, and the conformably overlying Neerkol Formation dominated by volcaniclastic sandstone and siltstone with uncommon pebble conglomerate and scattered silicic ash fall tuff. Strata of uncertain stratigraphic affinity are mapped as ‘undifferentiated Carboniferous’. The Early Permian Youlambie Conglomerate unconformably overlies Carboniferous rocks. It consists of mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate, the last containing clasts of Carboniferous sedimentary rocks, diverse volcanics and rare granitic rocks. Intrusive bodies include the altered and variably strained Tynemouth Diorite of possible Devonian age, and a quartz monzonite mass of likely Late Permian or Triassic age.

The rocks of the Yarrol terrane accumulated in shallow (Mt Holly, Campwyn) and deeper (Neerkol) marine conditions proximal to an active magmatic arc which was probably of continental margin type. The Youlambie Conglomerate was deposited unconformably above the Yarrol terrane in a rift basin. Late Permian regional deformation, which involved east‐west horizontal shortening achieved by folding, cleavage formation and east‐over‐west thrusting, increases in intensity towards the east.  相似文献   


Eight sets of stratigraphic layers and igneous rocks are the basis for the recognition of eight tectonic periods, TP1‐TP8, in the history of the New England and Yarrol Orogens from the Devonian to the opening of the Tasman Sea in the Late Cretaceous. The opening of the Tasman Sea caused the removal of an eastern section of the New England Orogen to form parts of the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Ridge. The Gwydir‐Calliope and Kuttung volcanic arc systems of TP1 and TP2 in the Devonian and Carboniferous were possibly W‐facing, and probably formed far to the NE of their present positions relative to the Lachlan Orogen. They moved SW as they developed, and in the latest Carboniferous or earliest Permian were cut obliquely by the Mooki Fault on which there was a dextral strike‐slip of about 500 km before the Kuttung volcanic arc became extinct. In the Late Carboniferous a narrow region on the E side of the Peel Fault was elevated to form the Campbell High which was intruded by the Bundarra Plutonic Suite and has probably remained elevated since then. Plutons of similar ages were intruded into a high to the E of the Bowen Basin (and the northern part of the Mooki Fault). The two highs and the intrusives in them divided the Yarrol Belt of the Yarrol Orogen from the Tamworth Belt of the New England Orogen, and the two belts have developed in different ways since the Visean. In Latest Carboniferous to Early Permian there was a major tectonic change and the Gympie‐Brook Street volcanic arc developed. The New England Orogen was in a back arc setting and broke into a mosaic of microplates, the relative motions between them being accompanied by deposition of diamictites, by metamorphism, by folding on W to NW trending axes, and by the intrusion of the Hillgrove Plutonic Suite. Further W, sediments of the Sydney, Gunnedah and Bowen basins were deposited above the Mooki Fault System and above the two segments of the Kuttung arc system that had been displaced along the Mooki Fault System.  相似文献   

The Northern, Central, and Southern zones are distinguished by stratigraphic, lithologic, and structural features. The Northern Zone is characterized by Upper Silurian–Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks, which are not known in other zones. They have been deformed into near-meridional folds, which formed under settings of near-latitudinal shortening during the Ellesmere phase of deformation. In the Central Zone, mafic and felsic volcanic rocks that had been earlier referred to Carboniferous are actually Neoproterozoic and probably Early Cambrian in age. Together with folded Devonian–Lower Carboniferous rocks, they make up basement of the Central Zone, which is overlain with a angular unconformity by slightly deformed Lower (?) and Middle Carboniferous–Permian rocks. The Southern Zone comprises the Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement and the Devonian–Triassic sedimentary cover. North-vergent fold–thrust structures were formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous during the Chukchi (Late Kimmerian) deformation phase.  相似文献   

Fault blocks and inliers of uppermost Silurian to Middle Devonian strata in the Yarrol Province of central coastal Queensland have been interpreted either as island-arc deposits or as a continental-margin sequence. They can be grouped into four assemblages with different age ranges, stratigraphic successions, geophysical signatures, basalt geochemistry, and coral faunas. Basalt compositions from the Middle Devonian Capella Creek Group at Mt Morgan are remarkably similar to analyses from the modern Kermadec Arc, and are most consistent with an intra-oceanic arc associated with a backarc basin. They cannot be matched with basalts from any modern continental arc, including those with a thin crust (Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes) or those built on recently accreted juvenile oceanic terranes (Eastern Volcanic Front of Kamchatka). Analyses from the other assemblages also suggest island-arc settings, although some backarc basin basalt compositions could be present. Arguments for a continental-margin setting based on structure, provenance, and palaeogeography are not conclusive, and none excludes an oceanic setting for the uppermost Silurian to Middle Devonian rocks. The Mt Morgan gold–copper orebody is associated with a felsic volcanic centre like those of the modern Izu–Bonin Arc, and may have formed within a submarine caldera. The data are most consistent with formation of the Capella Creek Group as an intra-oceanic arc related to an east-dipping subduction zone, with outboard assemblages to the east representing remnant arc or backarc basin sequences. Collision of these exotic terranes with the continent probably coincided with the Middle–Upper Devonian unconformity at Mt Morgan. An Upper Devonian overlap sequence indicates that all four assemblages had reached essentially their present relative positions early in Late Devonian time. Apart from a small number of samples with compositions typical of spreading backarc basins, Upper Devonian basalts and basaltic andesites of the Lochenbar and Mt Hoopbound Formations and the Three Moon Conglomerate are most like tholeiitic or transitional suites from evolved oceanic arcs such as the Lesser Antilles, Marianas, Vanuatu, and the Aleutians. However, they also match some samples from the Eastern Volcanic Front of Kamchatka. Their rare-earth and high field strength element patterns are also remarkably similar to Upper Devonian island arc tholeiites in the ophiolitic Marlborough terrane, supporting a subduction-related origin and a lack of involvement of continental crust in their genesis. Modern basalts from rifted backarc basins do not match the Yarrol Province rocks as well as those from evolved oceanic arcs, and commonly have consistently higher MgO contents at equivalent levels of rare-earth and high field strength elements. One of the most significant points for any tectonic model is that the Upper Devonian basalts become more arc-like from east to west, with all samples that can be matched most readily with backarc basin basalts located along the eastern edge of the outcrop belt. It is difficult to account for all geochemical variations in the Upper Devonian basalts of the Yarrol Province by any simplistic tectonic model using either a west-dipping or an east-dipping subduction zone. On a regional scale, the Upper Devonian rocks represent a transitional phase in the change from an intra-oceanic setting, epitomised by the Middle Devonian Capella Creek Group, to a continental margin setting in the northern New England Orogen in the Carboniferous, but the tectonic evolution must have been more complex than any of the models published to date. Certainly there are many similarities to the southern New England Orogen, where basalt geochemistry indicates rifting of an intra-oceanic arc in Middle to Late Devonian time.  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of volcanic rocks in the Gamilaroi terrane and Calliope Volcanic Assemblage, New England Fold Belt, eastern Australia, indicate that the setting in which these rocks formed changed in both space and time. The Upper Silurian to Middle Devonian basalts of the Gamilaroi terrane show flat to slightly light rare‐earth element (LREE) depleted chondrite normalised patterns, depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE) relative to N‐MORB, low Ti/V and high Ti/Zr ratios, high Ni, Cr and large‐ion lithophile element (LILE) contents, features characteristic of intra‐oceanic island arc basaltic magmas. They are associated with low‐K, less mafic volcanics, showing moderate LREE enrichment, low Nb and Y contents and Rb/Zr ratios. The depletion of HFSE in the basalts indicates that the magmas were derived from a refractory source in a supra‐subduction zone setting. The presence of such a zone implies that the arc was associated with a backarc basin, the location of which was to the west where a wide backarc region existed from the Middle Silurian. This polarity of arc and backarc basin suggests that the subduction zone dipped to the west. In contrast to their older counterparts, Middle to Upper Devonian basalts of the Gamilaroi terrane have MORB‐like chondrite normalised patterns and higher Ti and lower LILE contents. Moreover, they have low Ti/Zr ratios and MORB‐like Ti/V ratios and HFSE contents, features typical of backarc basins. Dolerites of the Gamilaroi terrane also have predominantly backarc basin signatures. These features suggest that both the basalts and dolerites have been emplaced in an extensional environment produced during the rifting of the intra‐oceanic island arc lithosphere. A progressive increase in Ti/V ratios, and TiO2 and Fe2O3 contents at constant MgO, of stratigraphically equivalent basalts, towards the north‐northwest part of the belt, is consistent with either greater extension to the north or melting of a more fertile magma source. By contrast, basalts in the southeast part of the terrane have moderately high Ti/Zr and low Ti/V ratios and in some samples, exhibit depletion of HFSE, compositional features transitional between island arc and backarc basin basalts. The Lower to Middle Devonian mafic rocks in the Calliope Volcanic Assemblage show both LREE enriched and depleted chondrite normalised REE patterns. Further, the majority have high Ti/Zr ratios and low Zr contents as well as relatively high Th contents relative to MORB. These features are common to rocks of Middle Devonian age as well as those of Early Devonian age and are suggestive of eruption in an arc setting. Thus, the data from this study provide new evidence for the evolution of the New England Fold Belt from the Late Silurian to the Late Devonian and reveal a history more complicated than previously reported.  相似文献   


Ophiolitic and metamorphic rocks of the eastern part of the New England Fold Belt in the Shoalwater Bay region and the Percy Isles are grouped in the Marlborough and Shoalwater terranes, respectively. Marlborough terrane units occur on South Island (Percy Isles) and comprise the Northumberland Serpentinite, antigorite serpentinite with rodingite and more silicic dykes and mafic inclusions, the Chase Point Metabasalt, some 800+ metres of pillow lava, and the intervening South Island Shear Zone containing fault‐bounded slices of mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks, schist, and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, and zones of mélange. The Shoalwater terrane, an ancient subduction complex, consists of the Shoalwater Formation greenschist facies metamorphosed quartz sandstone and mudstone on North East Island and on the mainland at Arthur Point, the Townshend Formation, amphibolite‐grade quartzite, schist and metabasalt on Townshend Island, and the Broome Head Metamorphics on the western side of Shoalwater Bay, upper amphibolite facies quartz‐rich gneiss. With the exception of a sliver emplaced onto the western Yarrol terrane, possibly by gravity sliding, Shoalwater terrane rocks show the effects of Late Permian polyphase deformation. The Shacks Mylonite Zone along the northwest edge of the Broome Head Metamorphics marks a zone of oblique thrusting and is part of the major Stanage Fault Zone. The latter is a northeast‐striking oblique‐slip dextral tear fault active during Late Permian west‐directed thrusting that emplaced large ultramafic sheets farther south. Marlborough terrane rocks were emplaced along the Stanage Fault Zone, probably from the arc basement on which rocks of the Yarrol terrane were deposited. Structural trends and the distribution of rock units in the Shoalwater Bay‐Percy Isles region are oblique to the overall structural trend of the northern New England Fold Belt, probably due to the presence of a promontory in the convergent margin active in this region in Devonian and Carboniferous time.  相似文献   

The Bogong High Plains of eastern Victoria occur as plateau remnants in a highly dissected region of the Australian Alps. Results from apatite fission track analyses indicate that the Bogong region experienced multiple episodes of rapid low‐temperature cooling, most of which can be tentatively linked to a tectonic cause. Early episodes of cooling occurred during the Middle to Late Devonian (ca 400–370 Ma) and Late Carboniferous to Early Permian (ca 310–290 Ma), presumably during different stages of deformation associated with the development of the Lachlan Fold Belt and glacial erosion. Rapid cooling occurred during the Late Permian to Early Triassic (ca 260–240 Ma), presumably in response to the Hunter‐Bowen orogenic event along the eastern Australian continental margin. Since the Triassic, two major episodes of fault reactivation have further displaced fission track ages between sample groups on different structural blocks. The first episode occurred during the middle Cretaceous at ca 110–90 Ma, probably in response to initial extension and denudation along the eastern Australian passive margin prior to breakup. Subsequently during the Early to mid‐Tertiary at ca 65–45 Ma, large‐scale fault reactivation occurred along the Kiewa Fault, possibly in response to changes in intraplate stresses which occurred during the middle Tertiary.  相似文献   

三江北段东莫扎抓矿区构造变形特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
已有关于青藏高原隆升的各种构造模型多重视新生代变形而忽略了早期构造变形的限制.本文以三江北段东莫扎抓矿区为研究对象,通过详细的构造-岩相填图,恢复了矿区二叠纪以来变形序列,结合区域资料讨论了变形事件的大地构造背景.研究表明矿区发育中-下二叠统九十道班组灰岩、上二叠统那益雄组碎屑岩、上三叠统结扎群甲丕拉组碎屑岩和上三叠统结扎群波里拉组灰岩4套地层系统,二叠系与三叠系之间为不整合接触,局部被近南北向逆断层代替.北西向逆断层横亘矿区,断层上盘三叠纪碎屑岩和灰岩整体北倾,断层下盘三叠纪岩石被左右两条走滑断层夹持向南挤出.在图面和露头尺度上矿区叠加褶皱明显,南北向剖面上多见紧闭的倾伏褶皱,近东西向剖面上则为开阔水平的斜歪褶皱,表明南北向剖面上观察到的是已被叠加的早期褶皱,为矿区第一期变形,其形成与三叠纪末古特提斯洋盆闭合有关.始新世晚期印-亚大陆碰撞地壳缩短形成矿区第二期构造,即北西向逆断层和褶皱叠加.第三期近南北向逆断层可能形成于始新世末,与印-亚大陆碰撞引起的侧向旋转有关.  相似文献   


From the early Late Permian onwards, the northeastern part of the Sydney Basin, New South Wales, (encompassing the Hunter Coalfield) developed as a foreland basin to the rising New England Orogen lying to the east and northeast. Structurally, Permian rocks in the Hunter Coalfield lie in the frontal part of a foreland fold‐thrust belt that propagated westwards from the adjacent New England Orogen. Thrust faults and folds are common in the inner part of the Sydney Basin. Small‐scale thrusts are restricted to individual stratigraphic units (with a major ‘upper decollement horizon’ occurring in the mechanically weak Mulbring Siltstone), but major thrusts are inferred to sole into a floor thrust at a poorly constrained depth of approximately 3 km. Folds appear to have formed mainly as hangingwall anticlines above these splaying thrust faults. Other folds formed as flat‐topped anticlines developed above ramps in that floor thrust, as intervening synclines ahead of such ramp anticlines, or as decollement folds. These contractional structures were overprinted by extensional faults developed during compressional deformation or afterwards during post‐thrusting relaxation and/or subsequent extension. The southern part of the Hunter Coalfield (and the Newcastle Coalfield to the east) occupies a structural recess in the western margin of the New England Orogen and its offshore continuation, the Currarong Orogen. Rocks in this recess underwent a two‐stage deformation history. West‐northwest‐trending stage one structures such as the southern part of the Hunter Thrust and the Hunter River Transverse Zone (a reactivated syndepositional transfer fault) developed in response to maximum regional compression from the east‐northeast. These were followed by stage two folds and thrusts oriented north‐south and developed from maximum compression oriented east‐west. The Hunter Thrust itself was folded by these later folds, and the Hunter River Transverse Zone underwent strike‐slip reactivation.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Lachlan Orogen, the mineralised Molong and Junee‐Narromine Volcanic Belts are two structural belts that once formed part of the Ordovician Macquarie Arc, but are now separated by younger Silurian‐Devonian strata as well as by Ordovician quartz‐rich turbidites. Interpretation of deep seismic reflection and refraction data across and along these belts provides answers to some of the key questions in understanding the evolution of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen—the relationship between coeval Ordovician volcanics and quartz‐rich turbidites, and the relationship between separate belts of Ordovician volcanics and the intervening strata. In particular, the data provide evidence for major thrust juxtaposition of the arc rocks and Ordovician quartz‐rich turbidites, with Wagga Belt rocks thrust eastward over the arc rocks of the Junee‐Narromine Volcanic Belt, and the Adaminaby Group thrust north over arc rocks in the southern part of the Molong Volcanic Belt. The seismic data also provide evidence for regional contraction, especially for crustal‐scale deformation in the western part of the Junee‐Narromine Volcanic Belt. The data further suggest that this belt and the Ordovician quartz‐rich turbidites to the east (Kirribilli Formation) were together thrust over ?Cambrian‐Ordovician rocks of the Jindalee Group and associated rocks along west‐dipping inferred faults that belong to a set that characterises the middle crust of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen. The Macquarie Arc was subsequently rifted apart in the Silurian‐Devonian, with Ordovician volcanics preserved under the younger troughs and shelves (e.g. Hill End Trough). The Molong Volcanic Belt, in particular, was reworked by major down‐to‐the‐east normal faults that were thrust‐reactivated with younger‐on‐older geometries in the late Early ‐ Middle Devonian and again in the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Brittle failure is common in the Devonian to Permian rocks in the Northern Hastings Block (NHB) and is manifested by faults of different orientation and kinematic histories, but the timing of fault movement is not well defined. In this study, faults in the NHB were analysed with the map pattern of cross-cutting faults used to estimate the relative time of movement and relationship to other faults. We defined five episodes of faulting or fault reactivation that affected the NHB. The Yarras Fault System on the southwestern side of the NHB and the Parrabel Fault and related faults on the eastern side of the NHB are the two major fault systems responsible for transporting and rotating the NHB in the late Carboniferous. Faults on the eastern, northeastern and northern part of Parrabel Dome started and stopped moving after emplacement of the Hastings Block and before the intrusion of the Werrikimbe Triassic granitoids. We suggested that the movement on the major bounding faults is related to the accommodation of the NHB to the folding and cleavage development in the adjoining Nambucca Block, and is associated with the earliest part of the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny. Limited dextral movement on the extensions of the Taylors Arm Fault System caused minor displacements in the northeastern part of the NHB during the Late Triassic. Some small faults cut the Triassic granitoids or Triassic Lorne Basin sediments indicating tectonic activity continued post-Triassic.  相似文献   

The Princhester Serpentinite of the Marlborough terrane of the northern New England Orogen is a remnant of upper mantle peridotite that was partially melted at an oceanic spreading centre at 562 Ma, and subsequently interacted with Late Devonian island arc basalts in an intra-oceanic supra-subduction zone (SSZ) setting. The full range of rare-earth element (REE) contents, including U-shaped patterns, can be explained by a single process of reaction of partially melted, depleted peridotite with Late Devonian calc-alkaline and island arc tholeiite magmas by equilibrium porous flow, fractionating the REE by a chromatographic column effect. The Northumberland Serpentinite on South Island of the Percy Group has similar REE and high field strength element (HFSE) contents to the most depleted samples of the Princhester Serpentinite, supporting a common origin. However, spinel compositions suggest that the Northumberland Serpentinite interacted with boninitic magmas. The REE and mineral geochemistry indicates that the Princhester and Northumberland Serpentinites both represent part of the mantle component of a disrupted SSZ ophiolite. The ophiolite is considered to have formed above an east-dipping subduction zone, based on the geochemistry of Devonian island arc basalts between Mt Morgan and Monto, which include compositions identical to dykes and gabbroic blocks within the Princhester Serpentinite. Blockage of the subduction zone by collision with the Australian continent during the Late Devonian led to slab breakoff and the reversal of subduction direction, trapping the Late Devonian ophiolite in a forearc position. Its location, in a forearc setting above a growing accretionary wedge, conforms to the definition of a Cordilleran-type ophiolite. This interpretation is consistent with current views that most ophiolites are formed from young, hot and thin oceanic lithosphere at forearc, intra-arc and backarc spreading centres in a SSZ setting, and that emplacement follows genesis by 10 million years or less. Late Devonian crustal growth may have been widespread in the New England Orogen, because the disrupted ophiolite assemblage of the Yarras complex in the southern New England Orogen is probably of this age. Extensional tectonism at the end of the Carboniferous dismembered the Princhester – Northumberland ophiolite, removed the crustal section, and produced windows of accretionary wedge rocks within the fragmented ophiolite. The Princhester Serpentinite, together with fault slices of metasedimentary rocks, was thrust westward as a flat sheet over folded strata of the Yarrol Forearc Basin by a Late Permian out-of-sequence thrust during the Hunter – Bowen Orogeny, completing the emplacement of the Marlborough terrane. The Princhester and Northumberland Serpentinites could have been displaced by strike-slip movement along the Stanage Fault Zone or an equivalent structure. There is no record in the northern New England Orogen of SSZ ophiolites and volcanic arc deposits of Cambrian age, as exposed along the Peel Fault. Partial melting of the Princhester Serpentinite at an oceanic spreading centre at 562 Ma, recorded by mafic intrusives displaying N-MORB chemistry, was an earlier event that was outboard of any Early Paleozoic subduction zone along the margin of the Australian continent, and cannot be regarded as representing the early history of the New England Orogen. It is possible that the formation of intra-oceanic arcs in latest Silurian and Devonian time was the first tectonic event common to both the southern and northern New England Orogen.  相似文献   

甘蒙北山地区下石炭统绿条山组 时代修正及其构造意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
甘肃—内蒙古北山地区位于中亚造山带中段,其晚古生代洋盆最终闭合时间倍受关注且久有争议。早石炭世是该区洋陆转换的关键时期之一,下石炭统下部绿条山组与下伏的下、中泥盆统之间的角度不整合被认为是该区构造隆升的主要证据之一。但由于研究程度限制,绿条山组的时代尚有争议,一定程度上制约了该区构造演化的深入分析。北山北部甜水井北与碎石山剖面绿条山组火山岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄分别为296.8±3.5Ma与311.1±3.2Ma,产出晚石炭世巴什基尔期(Bashkirian)菊石Gastrioceras和Branneroceras,时代应修订为晚石炭世—早二叠世早期。研究区下泥盆统—上石炭统沉积充填及生物群落特征表明该区可能在晚石炭世由大陆边缘浅海演化至裂谷盆地,上石炭统与下、中泥盆统之间的角度不整合代表洋陆转化造成的长时间隆升剥蚀。  相似文献   

Late Palaeozoic deformation in the southern Appalachians is believed to be related to the collisional events that formed Pangaea. The Appalachian foreland fold and thrust belt in Alabama is a region of thin-skinned deformed Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Early Cambrian to Late Carboniferous, bounded to the northwest by relatively undeformed rocks of the Appalachian Plateau and to the southeast by crystalline thrust sheets containing metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks ranging in age from late Precambrian to Early Devonian. A late Palaeozoic kinematic sequence derived for a part of this region indicates complex spatial and temporal relationships between folding, thrusting, and tectonic level of décollement. Earliest recognized (Carboniferous(?) or younger) compressional deformation in the foreland, observable within the southernmost thrust sheets in the foreland, is a set of large-scale, tight to isoclinal upright folds which preceded thrafing, and may represent the initial wave of compression in the foreland. Stage 2 involved emplacement of low-angle far-traveled thrust sheets which cut Lower Carboniferous rocks and cut progressively to lower tectonic levels to the southwest, terminating with arrival onto the foreland rocks of a low-grade crystalline nappe. Stage 3 involved redeformation of the stage 2 nappe pile by large-scale upright folds oriented approximately parallel to the former thrusts and believed to be related to ramping or imbrication from a deeper décollement in the foreland rocks below. Stage 4 involved renewed low-angle thrusting within the Piedmont rocks, emplacement of a high-grade metamorphic thrust sheet, and decapitation of stage 3 folds. Stage 5 is represented by large-scale cross-folding at a high angle to previous thrust boundaries and fold phases, and may be related to ramping or imbrication on deep décollements within the now mostly buried Ouachita orogen thrust belt to the southwest. Superposed upon these folds are stage 6 high-angle thrust faults with Appalachian trends representing the youngest (Late Carboniferous or younger, structures in the kinematic sequence.  相似文献   

造山带地区构造运动复杂、沉积体系多变,其层序地层划分往往被视为禁区.准噶尔盆地西北缘乌夏前陆冲断带早二叠世发育了一套由火山-火山碎屑岩和正常碎屑岩互层的沉积组合,中晚二叠世主要发育了冲积扇相、扇三角洲相和湖泊相沉积,给层序地层学的研究带来很大难题.对前陆冲断带层序地层划分不能套用稳定地区的模式.本文通过地震、钻测井资料识别各类不整合面,并依据火山喷发方式、火山旋回、沉积旋回分析技术,在经典层序地层学基础上按照不同对比原则,进行层序界面的识别和划分,建立了研究区前陆冲断带地区的层序时空演化模式.结果表明:研究区二叠系层序发育经历了强烈俯冲碰撞造山期-饥饿深水阶段、弱冲断夹短暂伸展火山期-复理石阶段、强烈冲断复活期-磨拉石阶段和冲断活动鼎盛期-水下粗粒沉积阶段(PSS4发育期).  相似文献   

Permian sediments are continuous between the Sydney and Bowen Basins west of the Hunter‐Mooki fault system and its probable northern continuation, the Goondiwindi Fault. Both fault systems appear to have influenced sedimentation in Early Permian time. A disconformity between Lower Permian coal measures (dated by plant microfossils) and Upper Permian sandstones and shales (dated by marine macrofossils) is present in the northern extension of the Sydney Basin. This hiatus may be correlated with a similar break in sedimentation in the southeastern part of the Bowen Basin. It is probably related to a Mid‐Permian diastrophism which folded Lower Permian and older sediments east of the Mooki and Peel Faults. Marine connection between the Sydney and Bowen Basins appears to have been interrupted during the event so that the two basins may have been temporarily isolated. The difference in the fossil faunas of the Sydney and Bowen Basins may well reflect this isolation.  相似文献   

The structures across the Lambian Unconformity near Taralga show evidence of two, and possibly three, significant episodes of folding. The first, Early to Middle Silurian folding is poorly defined, but may be responsible for initial dips that are reflected in the more complex deformation patterns in the Late Ordovician than in the overlying younger rocks. The second, mid‐Devonian folding produced upright folds trending 10° west of north, and the last, latest Devonian to Early Carboniferous folding produced the meridional Cookbundoon Synclinorium and the regional cleavage. No cleavage was associated with the first two episodes of folding in the area studied. The angular discordance across the Lambian Unconformity caused by mid‐Devonian folding is much greater than in the northeastern Lachlan Fold Belt, and reflects the increasing intensity of mid‐Devonian folding southward. The tight, slightly overturned profile of the Cookbundoon Synclinorium reflects an intensity of latest Devonian to Early Carboniferous folding similar to that found in the northeastern Lachlan Fold Belt, but the intensity of this folding decreases further south.  相似文献   

On the Isle of Man, the Early Devonian Peel Sandstones and Early Carboniferous limestones have been deformed in places by folds, cleavage and other structures. The structures in the Peel Sandstones have been attributed to pre‐lithification deformation associated with slumping of the red beds. Here, they are re‐interpreted to be products of post‐lithification deformation, inferred from small‐scale structures and fabrics, which took place in a localized thrust zone. Compression was approximately NW–SE and translation towards the SE. That deformation may have also produced some of the late structures in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the island. The minimum age of these post‐Early Devonian structures is unknown but is probably pre‐Carboniferous: they may represent the mid‐Devonian Acadian deformation. The Carboniferous succession is folded in places and contains stylolites and stylolitic cleavage. A stress regime with E–W to WNW–ESE compression is inferred. These structures have orientations and morphologies shown to resemble those in neighbouring parts of southern Britain, where they are attributed mainly to mid‐ to late‐Carboniferous Variscan events. Alternatively, some or all of them might be products of late Mesozoic and Tertiary tectonics recognized elsewhere in the region. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the timing of final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean based on the field investigations of the Carboniferous–Permian stratigraphic sequences and sedimentary environments in southeastern Inner Mongolia combined with the geology of its neighboring areas. Studies show that during the Carboniferous–Permian in the eastern segment of the Tianshan-Hinggan Orogenic System, there was a giant ENE–NE-trending littoral-neritic to continental sedimentary basin, starting in the west from Ejinqi eastwards through southeastern Inner Mongolia into Jilin and Heilongjiang. The distribution of the Lower Carboniferous in the vast area is sparse. The Late Carboniferous or Permian volcanic-sedimentary rocks always unconformably overlie the Devonian or older units. The Upper Carboniferous–Middle Permian is dominated by littoral-neritic deposits and the Upper Permian, by continental deposits. The Late Carboniferous–Permian has no trace of subduction-collision orogeny, implying the basin gradually disappeared by shrinking and shallowing. In addition, it is of interest to note that the Ondor Sum and Hegenshan ophiolitic mélanges were formed in the pre-Late Silurian and pre-Late Devonian respectively, and the Solonker ophiolitic mélange formed in the pre-Late Carboniferous. All the evidence indicates that the eastern segment of the Paleo-Asian Ocean had closed before the Late Carboniferous, and most likely before the latest Devonian (Famennian).  相似文献   

东昆仑地区物质组成复杂、构造演化历史悠久,现保存的建造物质记录了从古元古代以来该区发生的地质事件,在多次洋陆转化中中泥盆世—中三叠世造山阶段尤为重要,同时也是该区岩浆活动和成矿作用的主要时期之一,长期以来缺失二叠纪火山岩记录。最近开展的1∶25万大灶火幅区调工作新发现一套中酸性高钾钙碱性系列火山岩组合,用LA-ICP-MS技术测得次流纹英安岩锆石U-Pb年龄为254.7±0.6Ma。根据剖面研究和区域对比,将这套陆缘弧环境下喷发的火山岩命名为晚二叠世大灶火沟组,主要分布在大灶火沟—万保沟一带,地层严格受昆南断裂控制,出露面积大于74km~2。这一发现不仅为东昆仑岩浆弧长期争论的是否存在二叠纪火山岩提供了明确的证据,而且填补了东昆仑地区晚二叠世火山岩地层的空白。东昆仑地区从二叠纪开始昆南洋向北俯冲,形成了规模巨大的碰撞型花岗岩,大灶火沟组火山岩的形成标志着晚二叠世东昆仑处于区域性挤压阶段。  相似文献   

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