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A limestone lens within the Comstock Formation, from low in the Tyndall Group near the Lyell Comstock Mine near Queenstown, western Tasmania, contains a small trilobite fauna. The trilobites include Ammagnostus cf. laiwuensis, Kootenia sp., Sudanomocarina? sp. and a possible member of the Monkaspidae. These suggest an age somewhere in the range from the upper Ptychagnostus atavus Zone to the Lejopyge laevigata Zone, with regional stratigraphic correlations suggesting the latter zone. This is only the second Tasmanian Cambrian fossil assemblage described from limestone; almost all previously described Tasmanian Cambrian faunas are found in siltstones and shales.  相似文献   

In Tasmania shelly fossils are known from Middle and Upper Cambrian sediments of the Dundas Trough, Fossey Mountain Trough, Dial Range Trough, Beaconsfield Trough, Smithton Basin, Adamsfield Trough and from within sediments associated with the Mount Read Volcanics of Western Tasmania. In the Dundas Trough fossils range in age from early Middle Cambrian (Ptychagnostus gibbus Zone) to the middle Late Cambrian (pre‐Payntonian A or B). Late Middle Cambrian fossils occur in sediments associated with the Mount Read Volcanics in two places in Western Tasmania. Late Middle Cambrian fossils only are known from the Smithton Basin and the Beaconsfield Trough. Late Middle to early Late Cambrian faunas are known from the Dial Range Trough; the Adamsfield Trough contains middle Middle to middle Late Cambrian fossils. Tasmanian Cambrian faunas show affinities with those of Queensland, China, the northwest Siberian Platform and northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.  相似文献   

At some time prior to the Ptychagnostus gibbus Zone of the Middle Cambrian the area of deposition of Upper Precambrian (or Lower Cambrian) well‐sorted sands, silts and dolomite was affected by tectonic movements producing uplift of the Tyennan Geanticline and change in the shape of the depositional basin (Spry, Chapter I). Continued tectonic activity and more rapid sinking of the sea floor resulted in a change in sedimentary association from well‐sorted sediments of the orthoquartzite‐limestone suite to poorly sorted sediments of the greywacke suite. Initially siltstone was the main deposit in the Dundas, Huskisson River, Ulverstone, Deloraine and Beaconsfield areas and this has been likened to the initial euxinic phase of geosynclinical development elsewhere (Campana, 1961b).

Silt seems to have been the predominant normal deposit during the Middle and early Upper Cambrian, but siliceous oozes and some limestone were also formed. Carbonaceous, pyritic and calcareous silts were deposited. Inter‐bedded with the silts are poorly‐sorted greywackes and greywacke conglomerates with a disrupted framework and graded bedding. Banks and Jennings interpret these as mostly turbidity current deposits. The proportion of greywacke and conglomerate varies through the successions in a cyclic manner (Carey and Banks, 1954; Banks, 1956) such that a conglomerate‐rich section is followed by a greywacke‐rich section and this by a predominantly lutaceous section. These cycles may be interpreted as due to tectonic instability and variation in height of the source area. Faulting of Upper Middle Cambrian and Lower Dresbachian age has been demonstrated near Ulverstone. Campana and King state: “The proportion of coarse material increases upwards in the Dundas and Huskisson successions at least.”

Turbidity currents brought fragments of grey, red, black and banded cherts, banded slate, quartzite, basalt and golden mica (this last presumably from breakdown of Precambrian mica schist) to the Dundas area. In view of the known distribution of chert in western Tasmania a westerly or north‐westerly source is likely. Turbidity currents deposited fragments of chert, claystone, quartzite, slate, greywacke, quartz mica schist, chloritised basic lava and spilite in the Deloraine area indicating a source area with Precambrian rocks and earlier Cambrian sediments and lavas. Near Rocky Boat Harbour the source area contained dolomite, ultrabasic rocks, granite, and Precambrian quartzites and schists.

A difference between the fauna in the silts and in the greywackes is evident in the Hodge Slate at Dundas and the Kateena Formation near Ulverstone at least. The “dendroids” in the Hodge Slate are in the siltstone and the fragmentary trilobites and cystoids in the greywacke. This suggests that the fossils in the greywackes are thanatocoenotic as might be expected and introduces the possibility of remanié fossils and of shallow water fauna intercalated with deeper water fauna. The bathymetric conditions suggested by Hills and Thomas (1954) for the Cambrian of Victoria may thus not be applicable to Tasmania.

Deposition was also interrupted from time to time by lava flows, some of them, at least, submarine. The Mt. Read Volcanics may be Lower Cambrian but acid and basic lavas and pyroclastic rocks are interbedded with or overlie Middle and Upper Cambrian sediments at Zeehan, Dundas, Ulverstone, Smithton and Beaconsfield. Acid volcanic rocks are commoner near the Tyennan Geanticline and basic rocks further away. Possibly during the Dresbachian ultrabasic rocks were intruded as sheets and dykes into Precambrian and earlier Cambrian rocks and by Franconian time were exposed to erosion at Adamsfield.

Deposition may have commenced later at Smithton (Upper Middle Cambrian), Beaconsfield (Lower Dresbachian) and Adamsfield (Lower Franconian) than at Dundas (Lower Middle Cambrian).

Campana and King express the thoughts of Bradley (1957, pp. 114–115) and the author when they state: “The Dundas Group reflects a eugeosynclinical cyclic sedimentation under unstable tectonic conditions. The group is no doubt a synorogenic suite comparable with the Flysch as it was deposited in the narrow subsiding Dundas Trough which developed along the Mt. Read Volcanic Arc, and which is similar to the present deeps of archipelago areas. Such a comparison is enhanced by the succeeding Ordovician conglomerates and sandstones, comparable in some respects with the molassic deposits which displaced the Flysch sedimentation in the Pre‐Alpine troughs (Fig. 12).”

The Cambrian rocks were folded or tilted at least along the western and northern margin of the Tyennan Geanticline and near New River Lagoon, the Tyennan Geanticline was rejuvenated, the Asbestos Range Geanticline raised and the highland areas near Ulverstone and Zeehan uplifted late in the Cambrian or very early in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

台江阶——我国寒武系一个新的年代地层单位   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
台江阶是继湘西建立的 4个中 -上寒武统新阶之后在我国江南斜坡带黔东传统的中寒武统下部建立的又一个新阶 ,它的底界层型剖面位于贵州台江县革东镇八郎村 ,底界划在 Oryctocephalus indicus的首现位置 ,位于凯里组下部第 10层之底。  相似文献   

In the Mt Lyell area limestone conformably underlying unmineralized Mt Read Volcanics and unconformably overlying mineralized Mt Read Volcanics contains fossils of late Middle Cambrian or early Upper Cambrian age. This suggests an upper limit of late Middle Cambrian or early Upper Cambrian for the mineralization in the Mt Lyell area. The view of Gee et al. (1970) that the Mt Read Volcanics and the fossiliferous Cambrian sequences of western Tasmania are at least partly contemporaneous is confirmed.  相似文献   

The significance of trilobites described from six cores from the Kalladeina 1 drillhole from the Warburton Basin, northeastern South Australia is discussed. The oldest are from a dark grey shale of Core 16 from a depth of 3453.7–3455.8 m; they are of possible early Drumian (Cambrian Series 3, middle Cambrian) age. The youngest come from a dark grey shale of Core 4 at a depth of 2017.2–2022.04 m. This fauna contains the trilobites Asaphellus? sp., Yosimuraspis sp., Conophrys sp. and Protopliomerops? sp. thus indicating a Tremadoc (earliest Ordovician) age. These are the youngest known trilobites from the Warburton Basin and the youngest known in South Australia.  相似文献   

The age of the Mt Read Volcanics in the Que River area,western Tasmania   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sediments associated with the Mt Read Volcanics in the Que River area contain fossils that indicate that the Mt Read Volcanics (in part at least) are late Middle Cambrian (Ptychagnostus punctuosus or P. nathorsti Zone) in age, and that they are in part marine. The sediments are defined as the Que River Beds.  相似文献   

祁玉平 《地层学杂志》2002,26(4):297-301
湘西中、上寒武统剖面在寒武系全球层型的竞争中具有明显优势 ,其中三叶虫生物地层研究已取得重大进展 ,但一些重要层段的牙形刺详细研究尚未进行 ,而牙形刺在全球界线层型研究中发挥着愈益重要的作用。文内详细介绍了湘西中、晚寒武世牙形刺的研究现状及存在问题 ,并结合《国际地层指南》(第二版 )对全球层型的要求以及国际地层委员会寒武系分会的最新工作进展 ,提出了今后几年湘西中、晚寒武世牙形刺的研究方向及主要任务是建立该地区中、上寒武统候选层型剖面的标准牙形刺序列 ,为我国摘取寒武系内部的“金钉子”并力争用中国的阶填补《国际地层表》中寒武系的空白提供重要依据  相似文献   

All known Cambrian and Ordovician dendroids and hydroids of Tasmania are reviewed. Protohalecium hallianum Chapman & Thomas is revised at both generic and specific levels. Archaeocryptolaria recta var. flexilis Chapman & Thomas is revised to Protohalecium flexilis. Archaeolafoea serialis (Chapman & Thomas) (Hydroidea) is transferred to Mastigograptus (Dendroidea). The following species are described as new: Acanthograptus antiquus (Cambrian), A. banksi, Desmograptus thomasi (Ordovician).  相似文献   

In western Tasmania Eocambrian and Cambrian rock sequences accumulated in narrow troughs between and within Precambrian regions which became geanticlines. The largest trough is meridional and is flanked by the Tyennan Geanticline to the east and the Rocky Cape Geanticline to the west. Within this trough ultramafic and mafic igneous masses, some of which are dismembered ophiolites, occur below a structurally conformable but erosional surface. This surface is at the base of an early-Middle Cambrian turbidite sequence, which grades upward into a probable correlate of the Owen Conglomerate that ranges into the Ordovician. Fault-bounded areas of Rocky Cape strata occur at the eastern boundary of the sedimentary trough deposits. A considerable pile of mineralized calcalkalic volcanic material, in which granite was emplaced, accumulated between the sedimentary trough deposits and the Tyennan Geanticline. Movements along Cambrian faults near and parallel to the margin of the Tyennan Geanticline caused angular unconformities. Above the unconformities occur volcaniclastic sequences that pass conformably upward into shallow marine and terrestrial Owen Conglomerate, derived from the Tyennan Geanticline.The transgressive Owen Conglomerate and its correlates are followed conformably by shallow marine limestone, of Early to Late Ordovician age. These limestone deposits covered much of western Tasmania and are succeeded conformably by Silurian to Early Devonian beds of shallow-marine quartz sandstone and mudstone.Pre-Middle Devonian rocks of western Tasmania extend to the Tamar Tertiary trough. In the northeast of Tasmania, immediately to the east of the Tamar trough, are sequences of interbedded mudstone and turbidite quartz-wacke of the Mathinna Beds, ranging in age from Early Ordovician to Early Devonian.The Cambrian to Early Devonian rocks of Tasmania are extensively deformed and show flattened parallel folds. In western Tasmania the folds are dated as late-Early to early-Middle Devonian because fragments of the deformed rocks occur in undisturbed Middle Devonian terrestrial cavern fillings. Folds of the northeastern Tasmania Mathinna Beds are probably of the same age. This widespread Devonian deformation is correlated with the Tabberabberan Orogeny of eastern Australia.In western Tasmania the geanticlines of Cambrian times behaved as relatively competent blocks during the Devonian folding, which is of two main phases. In the earlier phase the competent behaviour of the Tyennan Block determined the fold patterns. In the north the dominantly later folds resulted from movement from the northeast. During this later Devonian phase the Tyennan Block yielded in a northwesterly trending narrow zone of folding.In northeast Tasmania the Mathinna Beds exhibit folds which indicate a tectonic transportation opposite in direction to that which resulted in the folds of similar age in western Tasmania.Granitic rocks, dated 375-335 m.y., were emplaced within the folded rocks of Tasmania with usually sharp, discordant contacts. Foliations in the batholiths of northeast Tasmania suggest post-intrusion deformations involving east—west flattening. The late deformations may be related to lateral movements along a fracture zone which brought the Mathinna Beds of northeast Tasmania into juxtaposition with the rocks of contrasting stratigraphical and structural characteristics of western Tasmania.Flat-lying Late Carboniferous and younger deposits rest unconformably on the older rocks.  相似文献   

The Cambrian succession in the Zanskar Basin of Tethys Himalaya contains an abundant ichnofossils like in the other Tethyan Himalayan successions. The ichnofossils are stratigraphically important as they occur below the trilobite body fossils and are useful to define the basal part of the Cambrian. The ichnofossil assemblage reported from the Zanskar Basin of Ladakh Himalaya is significant to demarcate the Early Cambrian age due to lack of other faunal elements so far. The body fossils of trilobites recorded from the overlying beds indicates the earliest part of the Middle Cambrian age. Sixteen ichnogenera identified include: Bifungites, Cruziana, Diplichnites, Dimorphichnus, Isopodichnus, Lockeia, Merostomichnites; Monomorphichnus, Psammichnites, Palaeophycus, Planolites, Rhizocorallium, Skolithos, Taphrhelminthopsis, Teichichnus, Trepitichnus and trilobite scratch marks etc. The ichnogenera reported so far from this part of the Tethyan Himalayan region belongs mostly to the traces of arthropod origin. The ichnofauna ranges in age from Lower Cambrian to late part of the Middle Cambrian. The ichnofaunal assemblage can be assigned to repichnial, cubichinial, pascichnial, to fodinichnial behaviour. The distribution of ichnofossils in the studied sections shows that the ichnofossils are predominately less in occurrence in the sections were trilobites dominates and higher in the successions the abundance of ichnofossils decreases.  相似文献   

大巴山西段寒武纪的三叶虫分带   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
<正> 本文的大巴山西段,包括宁强、勉县、南郑、城固及西乡等地区,寒武纪地层发育良好,从上到下包括中寒武统陡坡寺组(小关子组),下寒武统孔明洞组、阎王碥组、仙女洞组、郭家坝组及相当于梅树村阶的地层。化石非常丰富,包括三叶虫、腕足类、古杯、高肌虫,海绵及小亮化石等,其中以三叶虫属种和数量最多,除相当梅树村阶的地层和筇竹寺组下部  相似文献   

In western Tasmania, Precambrian sedimentary sequences form the basement for narrow trough accumulations of Eocambrian and younger sequences. The main trough, the meridional Dundas Trough, is flanked to the west by the Rocky Cape region of Precambrian rocks within which major, apparently stratiform, exhalative magnetite-pyrite deposits are intercalated with metabasaltic volcanics and ultramafic bodies.The Eocambrian-Cambrian troughs apparently developed during extension of Precambrian continental crust. Early shallow-water deposition includes thick dolomite units in some troughs. Deepening of the troughs was accompanied by turbidite sedimentation, with minor limestone, and submarine basaltic volcanism with associated minor disseminated native copper. Ultramafic and related igneous rocks were tectonically emplaced in some troughs during a mild compressional phase. They contain only minor platinoids, copper-nickel sulphides and asbestos, but are source rocks for Tertiary secondary deposits of platinoids, chromite and lateritic nickel.In the Dundas Trough, Eocambrian-Early Cambrian rocks are separated by an inferred erosional surface from structurally conformable overlying Middle to Late Cambrian fossiliferous turbidite sequences. The structural conformity continues through overlying Ordovician to Early Devonian terrestrial and shallow-marine stable shelf deposits.A considerable pile of probable Middle Cambrian felsic volcanics accumulated between the sedimentary deposits of the Dundas Trough and the Tyennan region of Precambrian rocks to the east. A lava-dominated belt within the volcanics hosts major volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, including those of the exhalative type, which in the south are enriched in copper, gold and silver, whereas in the north they are rich in zine, lead, copper, gold and silver. Cambrian movements along faults near the margin of the Tyennan region resulted in erosion of the mineralized volcanics, locally exposing sub-volcanic granitoids. Above the local unconformities occur unmineralized volcaniclastic sequences that pass conformably into Ordovician to Early Devonian shelf deposits. Ordovician limestone locally hosts stratabound disseminated and veined base metal sulphide deposits.Pre-Middle Devonian rocks of western Tasmania differ, for most part, from those in the northeast where deeper marine turbidite quartz-wacke sequences were deposited during the Ordovician and Early Devonian.The Eocambrian to Early Devonian rocks of Tasmania were extensively deformed in the mid-Devonian. The Precambrian regions of western Tasmania behaved as relatively competent blocks controlling early fold patterns. In northeastern Tasmania, folding is of similar age but resulted from movements inconsistent with those affecting rocks of equivalent age in western Tasmania.The final metallogenic event is associated with high-level granitoid masses emplaced throughout Tasmania during the Middle to Late Devonian. In northeastern Tasmania, extensive I-type granodiorite and S-type granite, with alkali-feldspar granites, are associated with mainly endogranitic stanniferous grelsens and wolframite ± cassiterite vein deposits. In contrast, scheelite-bearing skarns and cassiterite stannite pyrrhotite carbonate replacement deposits are dominant in western Tasmania, associated mainly with S-type granites. Several argentiferous lead-zinc vein deposits occur in haloes around tin-tungsten deposits. A number of gold deposits are apparently associated with I-type granodiorite, but some have uncertain genesis.The contrasting regions of western and northeastern Tasmania have probably been brought together by lateral movement along an inferred fracture. Flat-lying, Late Carboniferous and younger deposits rest on the older rocks, and the only known post-Devonian primary mineralization is gold associated with Creta ceous syenite.  相似文献   

The Arthur Lineament of northwestern Tasmania is a Cambrian (510 ± 10 Ma) high‐strain metamorphic belt. In the south it is composed of metasedimentary and mafic meta‐igneous lithologies of the ‘eastern’ Ahrberg Group, Bowry Formation and a high‐strain part of the Oonah Formation. Regionally, the lineament separates the Rocky Cape Group correlates and ‘western’ Ahrberg Group to its west from the relatively low‐strain parts of the Oonah Formation, and the correlated Burnie Formation, to its east. Early folding and thrusting caused emplacement of the allochthonous Bowry Formation, which is interpreted to occur as a fault‐bound slice, towards the eastern margin of the parautochthonous ‘eastern’ Ahrberg Group metasediments. The early stages of formation of the Arthur Lineament involved two folding events. The first deformation (CaD1) produced a schistose axial‐planar fabric and isoclinal folds synchronous with thrusting. The second deformation (CaD2) produced a coarser schistosity and tight to isoclinal folds. South‐plunging, north‐south stretching lineations, top to the south shear sense indicators, and south‐verging, downward‐facing folds in the Arthur Lineament suggest south‐directed transport. CaF1 and CaF2 were rotated to a north‐south trend in zones of high strain during the CaD2 event. CaD3, later in the Cambrian, folded the earlier foliations in the Arthur Lineament and produced west‐dipping steep thrusts, creating the linear expression of the structure.  相似文献   

Additional latest Middle Cambrian polymerid trilobites are recorded from the Teta Member (Karsha Formation) along the Tangze-Yogma-Kuru section, Kurgiakh Valley, southeastern Zanskar, Northwest Himalaya. It includes record of a new genus Pianspis Saito & Sakakuru, 1936 of family Lisianiidae and others associated fauna comprises of Neoanomocarella asiatica (Lisianiidae), Parablackwelderia sp., (Damesellidae) and two undetermined pygidium and one unidentified cranidia. All these specimens are collected from the level representing the Lejopyge acantha Zone of Guzhangian Stage (Cambrian Series 3) of the Middle Cambrian. The fauna is mainly correlated with the South China, North Korea, Kazakhastan, Uzbekistan, Siberia and Australia.  相似文献   

Trace fossils are recorded from eight localities within Upper Cambrian (Ffestiniog Stage) strata in North Wales. Trilobite furrows (Cruziana), resting impressions (Rusophycus), walking and striding tracks (Diplichnites), sideways grazing tracks (Dimorphichnus) and swimming grazing marks (Monomorphichnus, gen. nov.) are described, largely on the basis of over 500 collected specimens, and are figured together with examples of other trace fossil genera including Rouaultia, Phycodes and Monocraterion. The trilobite traces are used to investigate the varied methods of locomotion of the animais. They also indicate the morphology of some of the trilobite hard and soft parts from which it is inferred that most of these traces were probably made by a population consisting of a small number of closely allied species of trilobites belonging to the Olenid family.  相似文献   


Detrital zircons from 13 Late Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic sandstones and two Palaeozoic sandstones from Tasmania were dated in order to improve constraints on depositional ages, to test correlation between Proterozoic inliers, and to characterise source regions. These include successions considered to be the oldest presently exposed in Tasmania. Typical features of the age distributions of the Proterozoic rocks are prominent data concentrations at 1800–1650 Ma and 1450–1400 Ma, and a minor spread of Archaean ages. Statistical testing of the similarity of the age profiles shows that widespread quartzarenaceous samples from the Detention Subgroup, Needles Quartzite and from the Tyennan region are strongly similar, consistent with broad correlation. Relatively large differences are seen between the Detention Subgroup and the conformable, stratigraphically higher Jacob Quartzite, which contains an additional spread of 1300–1000 Ma zircons suggestive of a Grenvillian source. Age profiles of the quartzarenites and quartzwacke turbidites (Oonah Formation and correlatives) cannot be readily differentiated. The Oonah Formation likewise includes samples with and without Grenvillian ages, and there is no 750 Ma zircon population that would be expected if the turbidites were genetically related to the Wickham Orogeny. The simplest interpretation is that the quartzarenites (Rocky Cape Group and correlatives) and the turbidites (Oonah Formation and correlates) are lateral equivalents, although a younger (post-Wickham Orogeny) age for the Oonah Formation cannot be discounted. A maximum age of ca 1000 Ma is inferred for the Oonah Formation, Rocky Cape Group and correlatives. A minimum age of ca 750 Ma is provided by the basal age of the overlying Togari Group and correlatives. In a metasediment from western King Island, the youngest detrital zircons are ca 1350 Ma, allowing a pre-Grenvillian depositional age as suggested by previous dating of metamorphic monazite. However, the age profile of this sample is not dissimilar to the other Tasmanian successions that are inferred to be 1000–750 Ma. The Wings Sandstone, of southern Tasmania, contains an unusual profile dominated by Grenvillian ages, consistent with an allochthonous origin. Basement ages that broadly match the age spectra of the Tasmanian Proterozoic sediments are found in southwestern Laurentia, consistent with mutual proximity in Rodinia reconstructions. The Palaeozoic sandstones, from the turbiditic Mathinna Supergroup of northeastern Tasmania, have zircon age profiles typical of the Lachlan Fold Belt, with a predominant latest Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian component and a lesser, broad Proterozoic data concentration at ca 1000 Ma. Western Tasmania was not a significant part of the source area for these rocks.  相似文献   

Bioherms are common in the St George Group, a sequence of shallow-water carbonate rocks deposited on the western continental shelf of Iapetus Ocean. They range from small heads and metre-sized mounds to extensive banks and complexes many metres thick and hundreds of metres in lateral extent. The cores of these bioherms are principally composed of thrombolites (unlaminated, branching, columnar stromatolites), structures quite distinct from laminated stromatolites which are common in intertidal beds. Associated with thrombolites is a diverse fauna of burrowing invertebrates, trilobites, nautiloids, pelmatozoans, brachiopods, gastropods, rostroconchs and archaeoscyphiid sponges. On the basis of framework-building components, three main bioherm types are distinguished: (1) thrombolite mounds, (2) thrombolite-Lichenaria or -sponge mounds and (3) thrombolite-Lichenaria-Renalcis reef complexes. The framework of the last is the most complex, with abundant cavities and a demonstrably uneven growth surface of thrombolites, corals and free-standing Renalcis heads, walls and roofs. Some cavities were active sediment conduits while others were protected, their roofs draped with Renalcis and their walls coated by cryptalgal laminites. These bioherms possess the attributes of shallow-water ecologic reefs. They span a critical time gap in the development of reefs, the transition period from algal-dominated bioherms of the Precambrian and Cambrian to the metazoan-dominated bioherms of the Middle Ordovician and remaining Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

The Ordovician Turquoise Bluff Slate in northeastern Tasmania is a 2?km-thick sequence of deep-marine siliceous black slates. It is dominated by meta-siltstones with bimodal grainsize distributions typical of turbidite TE-1 and TE-2 facies. The slates have high SiO2 indicating they are hemipelagites. The high Ba and V indicate they were deposited in an anoxic environment associated with high oceanic productivity. All these features are common in muddy turbidites. U–Th–Pb dating of detrital monazite and authigenic xenotime in the slates supports previous evidence that the dominant cleavage, in this unit, formed during the Benambran Orogeny. The whole-rock composition of the slates is similar to black slates in the Adaminaby Group, NSW. A review of Paleozoic whole-rock compositions from the Lachlan Orogen confirms they all have trace element contents similar to average Australian shale. However, there are subtle differences in composition. The Turquoise Bluff Slate and other Mathinna Supergroup rocks from the Eastern Tasmania Terrane have higher average Cr content than similar age turbidites from Victoria and NSW. This probably reflects a small contribution from Tasmania Cambrian ultramafic rocks in the provenance. If this were correct, northeastern Tasmania was closer to western Tasmania in the Paleozoic than other provinces of the Lachlan Orogen, southeastern Australia. Other subtle features of the whole-rock composition of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from the Lachlan Orogen indicate it may be possible to recognise provincial variations in composition that will provide new constraints on tectonic models of southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

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