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The Mount Boreas‐type granite and spatially associated syenitic granitoid of Western Australia yield Pb‐Pb ages of 2370 ± 100 Ma and 2760 ± 210 Ma, respectively. Th‐Pb ages, although less precise, are concordant with these ages, and therefore the apparent ages are interpreted to be the crystallisation ages for these two units. U‐Pb ages are variable and for the most part anomalously old, which suggests a Cainozoic uranium loss. However, this loss is generally small (< 3μg/g); therefore, neither granitoid in its fresh state provides a good source for nearby calcrete‐hosted uranium deposits. The possibility remains that the Mount Boreas‐type granite that has been completely weathered during the Tertiary could have been a source for the calcrete‐type uranium deposits in W.A. Although the Mount Boreas‐type granite is highly fractionated, it does not bear a strong geochemical imprint of a sedimentary precursor. This feature contrasts it with apparently fresh granitoids from other parts of the world that have lost large amounts of uranium (~ 20μg/g) and are associated with large roll‐type and other low temperature‐type uranium deposits.  相似文献   

TThe Roper Group is a cyclic, predominantly marine, siliciclastic succession of Calymmian (Early Mesoproterozoic) age. It has a distribution of at least 145 000 km2 and a maximum known thickness of ~5000 m. In the Roper River district the middle part of the Roper Group (~1300 m thick) is characterised by the cyclical alternation of mudstone and sandstone units, and can be divided into six third‐order depositional sequences. A typical sequence is broadly progradational in aspect, and comprises a lower, mudstone‐rich, storm‐dominated shelf succession (up to 330 m thick), and a sequence‐capping unit dominated by tidal‐platform cross‐bedded sandstone (up to 80 m thick); both are interpreted as highstand systems tracts. Transgressive strata are poorly represented but where present are characterised by paralic to fluvial redbed assemblages that include ooidal ironstone. Roper Group sequences lack a distinct condensed section and sequence boundaries are mostly conformable. Erosional contacts separate mud‐rich shelf facies from sequence‐capping sandstones. We infer that these erosion surfaces were generated by episodic flexural tectonism, which also generated the accommodation and sediment supply for Roper sequences.  相似文献   

The high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks along the Neogene Volcanic Province of SE Spain represent crustal anatectic melts mixed with mantle components during the opening of the Alborán Sea. Partially melted metapelitic enclaves, along with the geochemical signature, provide evidence of their crustal source. U–Pb SHRIMP geochronology on monazite and zircon from enclaves and their hosting lavas in the localities of El Hoyazo, Mazarrón and Mar Menor reveals variable delays between the melting at depth and the eruption of the volcanics. These data indicate that: (1) the most important event of anatexis in the Neogene spanned at least the 3 m.y. interval between 12 and 9 Ma; (2) there is no trend in age of crustal melting; and (3) the delay between magma generation and extrusion varies from more than 3 m.y. at El Hoyazo to ~0.5 m.y. and possibly 2.5 m.y. at Mar Menor, with no significant delay measurable at Mazarrón. The variable time delay between anatexis and lava extrusion indicates that radiometric ages of volcanics may provide misleading information on the timing of magma genesis occurring at depth. This highlights the pitfall of basing detailed geodynamic models on volcanic extrusion ages alone. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Alagoinhas pluton is a member of the widespread high‐K calc‐alkaline association of northeastern Brazil. Some authors suggest that this region represents an amalgamation of distinct tectonic terranes assembled during the Brasiliano (Pan‐African) orogeny. Our work compares geochemical data (major, trace and REE) of the Alagoinhas with other plutons of same petrotectonic association (Caruaru‐Arcoverde batholith). These plutons apparently intrude several distinct tectonic terranes, separated by a major E‐W dextral transcurrent system, the East Pernambuco shear zone (EPSZ). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and structural data for the Alagoinhas pluton are used to compare tectonic regimes across the EPSZ. The results indicate that the Caruaru‐Arcoverde batholith and the Alagoinhas pluton evolved from similar sources and were subjected to the same tectonic regime during emplacement, placing severe restrictions on use of the EPSZ as a suture zone between distinct tectonic terranes.  相似文献   

Structural correlation using fold overprinting and style, plus the timing and orientation of possible syntectonic veins, are used to interpret three minor folding events in part of the Irregully Formation. The formation lies near the base of the Middle Proterozoic Bangemall Group in the Bangemall Basin of Western Australia. It comprises interbedded well-laminated dolostones and orthoquartzites, metamorphosed under lower greenschist-facies conditions. Bedding in the formation is folded about a gently NW-plunging axis. Most mesofolds are consistent with the bedding distribution, exhibiting a fold-axis maximum plunging gently NW and vertical axial planes. Folds with NE-, E- and NNE-trending axial planes are common in the area, but most cannot be explained by reorientation of the dominant NW-trending folds.A deformation history accounting for different fold geometries is established using fold overprinting in conjunction with dilational offsets between fold-related quartz and dolomite veins. A number of approaches to determine the history of folding are possible. Fold overprinting is the most valuable criterion, but in weakly deformed terrains it may not be easily recognised, so that alternative methods should be examined. Fold directions in the Irregully Formation are parallel to trends in the underlying Ashburton Formation, suggesting a degree of basement reactivation. As a fold chronology in the cover has been established accounting for mesofolds and macrofolds, the interpreted reactivation is believed to have involved compression rather than passive drape over earlier structures. In the Irregully Formation differently oriented folds probably developed through a degree of cover shortening, associated with reactivation of basement faults or folds.  相似文献   

A large volcanic area (∼7600 km2), the Galatean Volcanic Province (GVP), developed in northwest Central Anatolia during the Miocene along the Neo-Tethys Ocean suture zone possibly by post-collisional processes. The GVP mainly comprises 20–14 My old acid to intermediate volcanites with a geochemical signature indicating a mantle source modified by earlier (Late Cretaceous) subduction-related events. 100 km south of the GVP, near Polatlı, Ankara, basaltic rocks that cover large areas are intercalated with the Miocene deposits of the Beypazarı basin, an intra-continental subsidence zone at the southwest of the GVP. Field observations, geochemistry and K–Ar age dating of the Polatlı volcanites show that they are Early (19.9 Ma) to mid (14.1 Ma) Miocene in age, covering an area as large as 215 km2. Variations in lava thickness and the thickness of the underlying silicified/baked zones suggest that the basaltic lavas erupted from a southern source, possibly from the Eskişehir fault zone, and flowed northwards. Most Polatlı samples have chemical compositions that indicate derivation from a mantle source with crustal contamination during ascent. They do not display any characteristic to suggest a subductional component. Although the GVP and Polatlı lavas formed close in time and space, they were derived from different mantle sources. Considering the positions of these two magmatic regions with regard to the Tethyan suture zone, we propose that the mantle beneath the GVP and near the suture zone memorised the earlier subduction while the mantle beneath Polatlı that is located about 100 km further from the suture zone remained apparently unchanged. After a significant volume of magma was consumed in the GVP, a later (∼10 My) and last activity (Güvem activity) has produced quantitatively much less basaltic rocks where this subductional signature seems to completely disappear. Considering that the western Anatolian crust is proposed to undergo extension since the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene times, the Early Miocene intra-plate Polatlı activity may have developed within this extensional tectonic regime. Combined with regional data, Polatlı data also provide broad estimations on how long a subductional event continues to modify the mantle after the subduction ceased (at least ∼20 My), how long the subductional signature is preserved during significant magmatism (between 6 and 10 My) and how far the subductional effect disappears laterally on the mantle with respect to the collision zone (<100 km).  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Soldiers Cap Group, a product of two major magmatic rift phases separated by clastic sediment deposition, hosts mineralised (e.g. Pegmont Broken Hill‐type deposit) and barren iron oxide‐rich units at three main stratigraphic levels. Evaluation of detailed geological and geochemical features was carried out for one lens of an apatite‐garnet‐rich, laterally extensive (1.9 km) example, the Weatherly Creek iron‐formation, and it was placed in the context of reconnaissance studies of other similar units in the area. Chemical similarities with iron‐formations associated with Broken Hill‐type Pb–Zn deposit iron‐formations are demonstrated here. Concordant contact relationships, mineralogy, geochemical patterns and pre‐deformational alteration all indicate that the Soldiers Cap Group iron‐formations are mainly hydrothermal chemical sediments. Chondrite normalised REE patterns display positive Eu and negative Ce anomalisms, are consistent with components of both high‐temperature, reduced, hydrothermal fluid (≥250°C) and cool oxidised seawater. Major element data suggest a largely mafic provenance for montmorillonitic clays and other detritus during chemical sedimentation, consistent with westward erosion of Cover Sequence 2 volcanic rocks, rather than local mafic sources. Ni enrichment is most consistent with hydrogenous uptake by Mn‐oxides or carbonates. Temperatures inferred from REE data indicate that although they are not strongly enriched, base metals such as Pb and Zn are likely to have been transported and deposited prior to or following iron‐formation deposition. Most chemical sedimentation pre‐dated emplacement of the major mafic igneous sill complexes present in the upper part of the basin. Heating of deep basinal brines in a regional‐scale aquifer by deep‐seated mafic magma chambers is inferred to have driven development of hydrothermal fluids. Three major episodes of extension exhausted this aquifer, but were succeeded by a final climactic extensional phase, which produced widespread voluminous mafic volcanism. The lateral extent of the iron‐formations requires a depositional setting such as a sea‐floor metalliferous sediment blanket or series of brine pools, with iron‐formation deposition likely confined to much smaller fault‐fed areas surrounded by Fe–Mn–P–anomalous sediments. These relationships indicate that in such settings, major sulfide deposits and their associated chemical sediment marker horizons need not overlie major igneous sequences. Rather, the timing of expulsion of hydrothermal fluid reflects the interplay between deep‐seated heating, extension and magmatism.  相似文献   

The Polaris Zn–Pb Mine in Nunavut, Canada was one of the largest single Mississippi Valley-type ore deposits in the world. Over 20 Mt of sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS) was hosted in brecciated carbonate rocks of the Upper Ordovician Thumb Mountain Formation. Three paragenetic stages are recognized: 1) early dolomite and marcasite; 2) main stage sulphide and dolomite; and 3) late calcite, marcasite and barite. Ore mineral textures range from discrete crystals to massive crystal aggregates and formed as replacements of the dolomite host rock or as fracture- and open space-filling mineralization. Zinc concentration is highest in the core of the deposit where botryoidal aggregates predominate, whereas iron is concentrated in the upper part. Observations of temperature and in situ sulphur isotope fractionation support a genetic model for the Polaris deposit in which thermochemical sulphate reduction occurred within the deposit, with locally generated hydrocarbons acting as a reducing agent. Information from the Polaris Mine indicates that hydrothermal alteration including dolomite, marcasite and barite; complex paragenesis with numerous ore textures; Th values > 100 °C associated with organic-rich strata; and a geochemical signature that includes in situ sulphur fractionation are effective predictors for determining which showings are prospective in the vast central Arctic Pb–Zn district.  相似文献   

Karst topography is a landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually limestone and evaporites. Karstification in the Sivas basin (Turkey) has sculpted a beautiful landscape with a distinctive beauty and appeal for both local inhabitants and visitors. Dolines are very special geological landscape features found in karst regions, and the Sivas basin has several giant dolines amongst its thousands of smaller dolines. The basin constitutes a distinctive karst architecture with a system of collapse and/or dolines and caves. Anyone who walks along the shores of a lake resulting from the collapse, in this gypsum terrain, will be amazed with the lake and rocks that surround them. In this paper, dolines in the gypsum terrain are evaluated and discussed according to their value as a “Geological Heritage”. Three main characteristics of dolines, namely their scientific, aesthetic and ecosystem importance are considered and discussed. Dolines and karstified areas as representative examples of landform types possess the three attributes for them to be considered as a Geological Heritage in that they demonstrate the effect of erosion on the landform, geomorphic processes that are still active and a range of features characteristic of the rock unit involved.  相似文献   


The Petroi Metabasalt comprises approximately 2000 m of massive and pillowed metabasalt flows, breccias, and metadolerite sills that overlie and are intercalated with Early Permian epiclastic rocks of the Nambucca Slate Belt. Both the basaltic rocks and associated sedimentary material were multiply deformed and metamorphosed to pumpellyite‐actinolite facies grade at about 255 Ma. Metamorphism and earlier sea‐floor alteration of these mafic rocks have led to hydration, carbonation and oxidation and considerable redistribution of the major elements and the more labile traces, notably Rb, Ba and Sr. However, abundances of TiO2, the high field strength trace elements, Ni, Cr and V, the light rare earths and yttrium are interpretable as being the largely unmodified magmatic abundances of mildly alkaline within‐plate basalts. This interpretation is supported by the composition of relic Ca‐rich pyroxenes in the metadolerites which fall in the fields of mildly alkaline basalts. The field relationships, age and composition of these rocks suggest either eruption on oceanic crust covered by a thick sequence of epiclastic rocks and subsequent incorporation into an accretionary subduction complex, or generation during rifting of the eastern part of the New England Fold Belt and accumulation, together with the associated sedimentary rocks, in a graben. The chemical and mineral characteristics of the igneous rocks indicate that the volcanism was not related to magmatic arc activity, and their presence demonstrates the rocks of the Nambucca Slate Belt are neither fore‐arc basin nor slope‐basin deposits.  相似文献   

The Portneuf–Mauricie Domain (PMD), located in the south-central part of the Grenville province, contains Mesoproterozoic Ni–Cu ± platinum-group element (PGE) prospects hosted in a variety of plutonic intrusions (layered, with simple structures, or zoned) and emplaced in a mature island arc setting. A two-stage model is envisaged to explain the formation of magmatic sulfides. An early loss of a small amount of sulfides in the conduits of primitive, hydrous mantle-derived melts under high fO2, resulted in depletion of the magmas in chalcophile and precious metals (Cu/Pd ratios vary from initial mantle values up to 1.6 × 106). Then, nearer the mineralized zones, the magmas interacted with sulfide-bearing country rocks, resulting in felsification of the magmas, assimilation of crustal sulfur (δ 34S values up to +5.5‰), and the formation of an immiscible sulfide liquid. Liquid-sulfide formation was followed by variable interactions between the silicate and sulfide magmas, which were responsible for the enrichment of sulfides in Ni, Cu, and, locally, PGE. Indeed, low R factors are found for prospects hosted in intrusions with a simple internal structure and in layered intrusions whereas high R factors are found for prospects hosted in zoned intrusions. Finally, sulfide melt may have been partly incorporated into later pulses of magma and injected into shallow magma chambers to form the PMD prospects. The PMD prospects share common characteristics with other well-known deposits (Aguablanca, Vammala, Stormyrplunen, and deposits in Alaskan/Ural-type intrusions), attesting to the Ni, Cu, and PGE potential of deposits associated with subduction-zone settings.  相似文献   


The Renard 2 pipe is currently the deepest-drilled and most extensively studied kimberlite body in the Renard cluster, central Québec, Canada, forming the major component of the Mineral Resource of Stornoway Diamond Corporation’s Renard Mine. Renard 2 is infilled with two distinct kimberlite units that exhibit Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite and related textures. Hypabyssal kimberlite also occurs as smaller cross-cutting sheets and irregular intrusions. The units are distinguished by their rock textures, groundmass mineral assemblages, olivine macrocryst size distributions and replacement products, mantle and country rock xenolith contents, whole rock geochemical signatures, bulk densities and diamond grades. These differences are interpreted to reflect different mantle ascent and near-surface emplacement processes and are here demonstrated to be vertically continuous from present surface to over 1000 m depth. The distinctive petrological features together with sharp, steep and cross-cutting internal contact relationships, show that each unit was formed from a separate batch of mantle-derived kimberlite magma, and was completely solidified before subsequent emplacement of the later unit. The mineralogy and textures of the ultra-fine-grained interclast matrix are consistent with those described at numerous Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite localities around the world and are interpreted to reflect rapid primary crystallization during emplacement of separate kimberlite magmatic systems. The units of fractured and brecciated country rock surrounding the main kimberlite pipe contain kimberlite-derived material including carbonate providing evidence of subsurface brecciation. Together these data show that Renard 2 represents the deeper parts of a Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlite pipe system and demonstrates that their diagnostic features result from magmatic crystallisation during subsurface volcanic emplacement processes.


Geological map data are often underused in mineral‐exploration programs, which rely increasingly on regolith geochemistry and geophysical and other remotely sensed data to generate exploration targets. However, solid geology maps, which are progressively being upgraded due to improved interpretations of superior, remotely sensed images and airborne geophysical data, can be useful in targeting specific types of mineral deposits, which formed late in the evolutionary history of the host terrane. In such terranes, the present map geometry is essentially the same as that at the time of deposit formation. This is the case for orogenic lode‐gold deposits, which commonly show predictable structural controls and/or structural geometry. Thus, the shape of a rock body, or combinations of structures and rock bodies, may provide an important guide to the exploration potential for orogenic lode‐gold deposits. However, until recently, there has been a dearth of techniques to quantify the various properties of shape, and hence test the potential of the two‐dimensional shape of geological bodies in map view as an exploration tool. Integrating techniques from the field of pattern recognition with a modern Geographical Information System (GIS) can provide the shape‐analysis tools required to investigate the geometries of geological shapes. Two‐dimensional shape analysis is now possible through the calculation of several shape metrics including, but not restricted to, aspect ratio, blockiness, elongation, compactness, complexity, roundness, spreadness and squareness. Methods are developed for describing the geometries of rock units about mineral deposits, or any geological features, at any scale, which for the first time makes it possible to compare shapes. These shape‐analysis techniques are tested using orogenic lode‐gold deposits, particularly those in the Kalgoorlie Terrane of the highly auriferous Late Archaean Norseman‐Wiluna Belt of Western Australia. On a global scale, shape analysis indicates that those greenstone belts whose volcanic rock sequences have high elongation and relative low roundness, complexity and aspect ratio (e.g. Kalgoorlie Terrane) are likely to be the most richly endowed in gold. On a more local scale, characteristics of the shape of geological features around the Golden Mile deposit are calculated and used to test the likelihood of occurrence of gold deposits with similar geometry elsewhere in the Kalgoorlie Terrane. The area with the most closely matching shape, on the basis of a 2 km clipping‐circle radius, chosen on the basis of available proximity‐analysis data, corresponds to the recently discovered Ghost Crab deposit, illustrating the potential of the shape analysis methodology in mineral exploration. Shape analysis is, at least in part, scale dependent, due to the inherent problem of being able to define rock boundaries more precisely in units that have strong geophysical signatures than those with weak signatures in poorly exposed terranes. Overcoming this problem is a challenge to the application of this methodology.  相似文献   

We report new occurrences of “two-phase” granitic textures from the Western Krušné hory/Erzgebirge pluton (central Europe) and use crystal-size distribution data and thermodynamic modeling to interpret their crystallization conditions. The two-phase texture consists of (1) early phenocrysts of quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite, (2) medium-grained matrix of the same phases and (3) interstitial channels and patches of a late-stage, very fine-grained matrix. The porphyritic two-mica microgranites, which host two-phase textures, occur as minor intrusions in early low-F biotite granites or as marginal parts of evolved high-F Li-mica granites. Measurements of the crystal-size distribution of quartz revealed three grain populations: (1) early phenocrysts (0.5–3.0 mm) showing partial resorption by residual melt, (2) a medium-grained population of the equigranular rock matrix (0.05–0.50 mm) that experienced minor coarsening by subsolidus annealing and (3) a fine-grained population (<0.03 mm) in the interstitial channels and patches formed during rapid devolatilization; this quartz group shows no or poor grain coarsening. All samples exhibit similar fraction of the fine-grained population (44–52%) but proportions of phenocrysts to medium-grained matrix vary significantly. Thermodynamic modeling of liquidus equilibria and experimental data in the hydrous haplogranite system require: (1) ascent of a granitic suspension (15–25% phenocrysts) under H2O-undersaturated conditions at 25–45 bar/°C and a cooling rate of 40 J/(g kbar) in order to produce partial resorption of quartz phenocrysts and continued growth of feldspar phenocrysts, followed by (2) emplacement as discrete intrusions or bodies along pluton roof accompanied by sudden devolatilization. At the onset of matrix nucleation, disequilibrium undercooling of 70–85°C was inferred from the presence of micrographic intergrowths of quartz and K-feldspar. The two-phase granites in the Western Krušné hory/Erzgebirge pluton and in the Southeast Asian batholith form compositionally narrow groups with high-silica and moderate volatile enrichments but they differ in peraluminosity and phosphorus concentrations. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


The Great Barrier Reef represents the largest modern example of a mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate system. The Burdekin River is the largest source of terrigenous sediment to the lagoon and is therefore an ideal location to investigate regional patterns of mixed sedimentation. Sediments become coarser grained and more poorly sorted away from the protection of eastern headlands, with mud accumulation focused in localised ‘hot spots‘ in the eastern portion of embayments protected from southeast trade winds. The middle shelf has a variable facies distribution but is dominated by coarse carbonate sand. North of Bowling Green Bay, modern coarse carbonate sand and relict quartzose sand occur. Shore‐normal compositional changes show Ca‐enrichment and Al‐dilution seawards towards the reef, and shore‐parallel trends show Al‐dilution westwards (across bays) along a Ca‐depleted mixing line. Intermediate siliciclastic‐carbonate sediment compositions occur on the middle shelf due to the abundance of relict terrigenous sand, a pattern that is less developed on the narrow northern Great Barrier Reef shelf. Rates of sediment deposition from seismic evidence and radiochemical tracers suggest that despite the magnitude of riverine input, 80–90% of the Burdekin‐derived sediment is effectively captured in Bowling Green Bay. Over millennial time‐scales, stratigraphic controls suggest that sediment is being preferentially accreted back to the coast.  相似文献   

An exceptionally well-exposed part of the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt (Manitoba/Saskatchewan) is used to characterize the mineral assemblage evolution associated with prehnite–pumpellyite through amphibolite facies metamorphism of basalts. Data from these rocks are combined with a large literature data set to assess the ability of current thermodynamic models to reproduce natural patterns, evaluate the use of metabasic rocks at these grades to estimate pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of metamorphism, and to comment on the metamorphic devolatilization that occurs. At Flin Flon, five major isograds (actinolite-in, prehnite- and pumpellyite-out, hornblende-in, oligoclase-in, and actinolite-out) collectively represent passage from prehnite–pumpellyite to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The evolution in mineral assemblages occurs in two narrow (~1,000 m) zones: the prehnite–pumpellyite to greenschist facies (PP-GS) transition and greenschist to amphibolite facies (GS-AM) transition. Across the GS-AM transition, significant increases in the hornblende and oligoclase proportions occur at the expense of actinolite, albite, chlorite, and titanite, whereas there is little change in the proportions of epidote. The majority of this mineral transformation occurs above the oligoclase-in isograd within the hornblende–actinolite–oligoclase zone. Comparison with thermodynamic modelling results suggests data set 5 (DS5) of Holland and Powell (1998, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16 (3):309–343) and associated activity–composition (a–x) models is generally successful in reproducing natural observations, whereas data set 6 (DS6) (Holland & Powell, 2011, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29 (3):333–383) and associated a–x models fail to reproduce the observed mineral isograds and compositions. When the data from Flin Flon are combined with data from the literature, two main pressure-sensitive facies series for metabasites are revealed, based on prograde passage below or above a hornblende–albite bathograd at ~3.3 kbar: a low-pressure ‘actinolite–oligoclase type’ facies series, characterized by the appearance of oligoclase before hornblende, and a moderate- to high-pressure ‘hornblende–albite type’ facies series, characterized by the appearance of hornblende before oligoclase. Concerning the PP-GS transition, the mineral assemblage evolution in Flin Flon suggests it occurs over a small zone (<1,000 m), in which assemblages containing true transitional assemblages (prehnite and/or pumpellyite coexisting with actinolite) are rare. This contrasts with thermodynamic modelling, using either DS5 or DS6, which predicts a wide PP-GS transition involving the progressive appearance of epidote and actinolite and disappearance of pumpellyite and prehnite. Patterns of mineral assemblages and thermodynamic modelling suggest a useful bathograd (‘CHEPPAQ bathograd’), separating prehnite–pumpellyite-bearing assemblages at low pressures and pumpellyite–actinolite-bearing assemblages at higher pressures, occurs at ~2.3 to 2.6 kbar. Observations from the Flin Flon sequence suggests devolatilization across the GS-AM transition (average: ~1.8 wt% H2O) occurs over a very narrow interval within the actinolite–hornblende–oligoclase zone, associated with the loss of >75% of the total chlorite. By contrast, modelling of the GS-AM transition zone predicts more progressive dehydration of ~2 wt% H2O over a >50°C interval. Observations from the field suggest devolatilization across the PP-GS transition occurs over a very narrow interval given the rarity of transitional assemblages. Modelling suggests fluid release of 1.0–1.4 wt% resulting from prehnite breakdown over a ~10°C interval. This fluid may not be entirely lost from the rock package due to involvement in the hydration of igneous mineralogy across the PP-GS transition as observed in the Flin Flon sequence.  相似文献   

Detailed hydrothermal alteration investigations, including petrography, infrared reflectance spectroscopy (IRS) and XRD of the low sulfidation epithermal Co–O mine, located in Eastern Mindanao (Philippines) revealed that both distal and intermediate hydrothermal alteration zones contain dominantly illite and chlorite, whereas the proximal alteration zone comprises mainly illite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. The gold-bearing veins and the proximal hydrothermal alteration zone display a distinct absence of K-rich hydrothermal alteration minerals such as K-feldspar (adularia).Gold mineralization in the Co–O mine is controlled by an extensive quartz-breccia vein system, which is characterized by three distinct stages of vein (incl. breccias) formation. Gold is mainly observed in stages 2 and 3 veins. Stage 1 veins appear as fragments in stage 2 veins and display boiling textures such as quartz pseudomophs after bladed calcite. These veins further display colloform to crustiform banding and contain pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor gold located in the colloform bands and between bladed quartz pseudomorphs. Stage 2 veins comprise mostly banded to massive quartz and contains sulfides parallel to bands or disseminated. These veins are fine-grained with mosaic/jigsaw quartz and contain calcite blebs and/or fragments of stage 1 veins. Gold is in textural equilibrium with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and locally pyrite. Stage 3 veins consist of quartz and carbonate (locally Mn-rich), and display irregular banded and comb textures. In auriferous veins of this stage gold is in textural equilibrium with chalcopyrite and pyrite (with local abundance of sphalerite). Other sulfide minerals observed with gold in stages 2 and 3 are galena, acanthite and locally jalpaite.The XRD and IRS provide inconsistent results regarding the abundance of K-rich clays (e.g., illite) associated with auriferous veins. Illite, with possibly interlayered swelling clays, such as Al-smectite, was identified in auriferous vein stages 2 and 3 using IRS, but could not be confirmed by XRD. Comparative analysis of the results of these techniques with respect to the ordering of micaceous minerals, suggest less ordered white mica proximal to the veins.Vein textures such as banded quartz, the absence of K-feldspar and the abundance of illite (interlayered Al-smectite) suggest relatively low temperatures of formation of the hydrothermal alteration system and point to a potential boiling horizon located deeper or marginal to the currently exploited levels of the Co–O mine. The absence of K-feldspar may also be related to relatively low temperatures of the hydrothermal fluid, the medium potassium-rich magma series of the host rocks, and/or a relatively low oxidation state of the hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

Tourmalines from the Habachtal emerald deposit in the Eastern Alps formed together with emerald in a ductile shear zone during blackwall metasomatism between pelitic country rocks and a serpentinite body. Electron microprobe and secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analyses provide a record of chemical and B-isotope variations in tourmalines which represent an idealized profile from metapelites into the blackwall sequence of biotite and chlorite schists. Tourmaline is intermediate schorl-dravite in the country rock and become increasingly dravitic in the blackwall zones, while F and Cr contents increase and Al drops. Metasomatic tourmaline from blackwall zones is typically zoned optically and chemically, with rim compositions rich in Mg, Ti, Ca and F compared with the cores. The total range in δ11B values is −13.8 to −5.1‰ and the within-sample variations are typically 3–5‰. Both of these ranges are beyond the reach of closed-system fractionation at the estimated 500–550°C conditions of formation, and at least two boron components with contrasting isotopic composition are indicated. A key observation from tourmaline core analyses is a systematic shift in δ11B from the country rock (−14 to −10‰) to the inner blackwall zones (−9 to −5‰). We suggest that two separate fluids were channeled and partially mixed in the Habachtal shear zone during blackwall alteration and tourmaline-emerald mineralization. A regional metamorphic fluid carried isotopically light boron as observed in the metapelite country rocks. The other fluid is derived from the serpentinite association and has isotopically heavier boron typical for MORB or altered oceanic crust. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The ∼340 Ma Knížecí Stolec durbachitic pluton was emplaced as a deep-seated cone-sheet-bearing ring complex into the Křišt’anov granulite body (Moldanubian Unit, Bohemian Massif). Prior to the emplacement of the durbachitic magma, the steep sub-concentric metamorphic foliation in the granulite formed due to intense ductile folding during high-grade retrograde metamorphism. Subsequently, the durbachitic pluton intruded discordantly into the granulite at around ∼340 Ma. The steep margin-parallel magmatic fabric in the durbachitic rocks may have recorded intrusive strain during emplacement. After the emplacement, but prior to the final solidification, the pluton was overprinted by the regional flat-lying fabric under lower pressure–temperature conditions (T = 765 ± 53°C; P = 0.76 ± 0.15 GPa). Based on this study and comparison with other ultrapotassic plutons, we suggest that the flat-lying fabrics, widespread throughout the exhumed lower to middle crust (Moldanubian Unit), exhibit major variations in character, intensity, kinematics, and shape of the fabric ellipsoid. These fabrics may have formed at different structural levels and in different parts of the root prior to ~337 Ma. Therefore, we suggest that this apparently “single” orogenic fabric recorded multiple deformation events and heterogenous finite deformation rather than reflecting a single displacement field within the orogenic root.  相似文献   

The River Supersequence represents a 2nd‐order accommodation cycle of approximately 15 million years duration in the Isa Superbasin. The River Supersequence comprises eight 3rd‐order sequences that are well exposed on the central Lawn Hill Platform. They are intersected in drillholes and imaged by reflection seismic on the northern Lawn Hill Platform and crop out in the McArthur Basin of the Northern Territory. South of the Murphy Inlier the supersequence forms two south‐thickening depositional wedges on the Lawn Hill Platform. The northern wedge extends from the Murphy Inlier to the Elizabeth Creek Fault Zone and the southern wedge extends from Mt Caroline to the area south of Riversleigh Station. On the central Lawn Hill Platform the River Supersequence attains a maximum thickness of 3300 m. Facies are dominantly fine‐grained siliciclastics, but the lower part comprises a mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic succession. Interspersed within fine‐grained facies are sharp‐based sandstone and conglomeratic intervals interpreted as lowstand deposits. Such lowstand deposits represent a wide range of depositional systems and palaeoenvironments including fluvial channels, shallow‐marine shoreface settings, and deeper marine turbidites and sand‐rich submarine fans. Associated transgressive and highstand deposits comprise siltstone and shale deposited below storm wave‐base in relatively quiet, deep‐water settings similar to those found in a mid‐ to outer‐shelf setting. Seismic analysis shows significant fault offsets and thickness changes within the overall wedge geometry. Abrupt thickness changes across faults over small horizontal distances are documented at both the seismic‐ and outcrop‐scales. Synsedimentary fault movement, particularly along steeply north‐dipping, largely northeast‐trending normal faults, partitioned the depositional system into local sub‐basins. On the central Lawn Hill Platform, the nature of facies and their thickness change markedly within small fault blocks. Tilting and uplift of fault blocks affected accommodation cycles in these areas. Erosion and growth of fine‐grained parts of the section is localised within fault‐bounded depocentres. There are at least three stratigraphic levels within the River Supersequence associated with base‐metal mineralisation. Of the seven supersequences in the Isa Superbasin, the River Supersequence encompasses arguably the most dynamic period of basin partitioning, syndepositional faulting, facies change and associated Zn–Pb–Ag mineralisation.  相似文献   

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