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Ninety species of conodont are recorded from rocks of Frasnian age in the Bugle Gap area in the Canning Basin of Western Australia: 56 of these species are reported for the first time from the Canning Basin. One new subspecies is described. Two parallel but disparate conodont sequences are present, which are presumed to represent different environments: one, the Palmatolepis sequence of the standard zonation is present in the uppermost beds of the Sadler Limestone at Sadler Ridge, the Gogo Formation, and much but not all of the Virgin Hills Formation, and presumably represents an inter‐reef faunal succession; the other consists of a sequence of Icriodus assemblages which is present in the Sadler Limestone and a part of the Virgin Hills Formation at Lawford Range. An Icriodus zonation is proposed for this sequence. No conodonts were recovered from many samples of the Pillara Limestone (back‐reef facies) in the Bugle Gap area. Conodont data presented here suggest that the Gogo Formation in this area is restricted to the Lower and Middle asymmetricus Zones (to Iα); the upper part of the Sadler Limestone at Sadler Ridge may also be assigned to the Lower and Middle asymmetricus Zones ((to Iα); the Sadler Limestone of the Lawford Range extends through the Lower, Middle and Upper asymmetricus Zones (to Iato Iß); and the Virgin Hills Formation extends from the base of the Ancyrognathus triangularis Zone, or just below it (to Iß/γ) through to the velifer Zone (to III). No assumption is made about the applicability of these determinations to outcrops other than those sampled in this study.  相似文献   

A continuously cored section of more than 300 m through the Nambeet Formation and the basal part of the conformably overlying Willara Formation in the Olympic 1 petroleum well, drilled in the Canning Basin of northern Western Australia, yields valuable information that increases by more than 40% the number of precise isotopic ages available to constrain the Ordovician Period. New CA-IDTIMS U–Pb zircon ages for seven bentonite layers in the Olympic 1 core are integrated into a new conodont biostratigraphic framework for the Early Ordovician comprising four biozones recognised in this well. The weighted mean U–Pb dates range from 479.37 ± 0.16 Ma within the late Tremadocian Paroistodus proteus conodont Biozone, to 470.18 ± 0.13 Ma near the boundary between the Floian and Dapingian stages within the Jumudontus gananda conodont Biozone. The intervening Prioniodus oepikiSerratognathus bilobatus conodont Biozone (early Floian) and succeeding Oepikodus communis conodont Biozone (middle Floian) are similarly well constrained by isotopic dates centred on ca 477 Ma for the early Floian and by three ages of 473–471 Ma for the middle Floian. The seven new isotopic dates significantly increase the precision of dating for the Early Ordovician, where previously only two ages with limited or imprecise biostratigraphic control were known globally.  相似文献   

Zinc mineralization in Devonian carbonates of the Lennard Shelf, northern Canning Basin is similar in many respects to that of the Mississippi Valley‐type including estimated minimum temperatures of sulphide precipitation between 70 and 110°C. Apparent apatite fission track ages for Precambrian granitic basement and for detrital apatites in Devonian carbonates in and near Pb‐Zn mineralization generally range between 260 and 340 Ma, with Precambrian samples tending to have slightly older apatite fission track ages than the Devonian carbonates. These apparent ages are younger than the stratigraphic age of the material analysed, indicating that appreciable annealing of fission tracks in apatite has occurred in post‐Devonian times. Mean horizontal confined track lengths are 12–13 μm for most samples and preclude attaching any ‘event’ significance to the fission track ages. Studies of well sequences (Grevillea 1 and Kennedia 1) indicate a period of rapid uplift in the area during the Late Triassic/Early Jurassic. Assuming a constant geothermal gradient of 30°C/km, approximately 1.5 km of uplift and erosion is estimated. Immediate thermal effects related to Miocene lamproite intrusion into Precambrian basement appear to be restricted to within 200 m of the contact zone.

For outcropping Devonian carbonates, a thermal history is proposed involving burial in the Late Palaeozoic/Early Mesozoic, followed by uplift and cooling from peak temperatures around 70–80°C in mid‐Mesozoic times. With reference to this period of burial, Pb‐Zn occurrences represent thermal anomalies when reported fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures are compared with the estimated peak temperatures. However the possibility of a phase of higher temperatures during the Late Devonian/ Early Carboniferous is suggested by the apatite fission track results, in which case sulphide mineralization may reflect ambient regional temperatures if it formed at that time. The absence of enhanced annealing effects in detrital apatites proximal to Pb‐Zn deposits suggests that either sulphide mineralization preceded or accompanied peak regional temperatures suspected during the Late Devonian/Early Carboniferous, or that the mineralizing episodes were of too short a duration to significantly anneal fission tracks in apatite.  相似文献   

Halogen ratios (Br/Cl and I/Cl) and concentrations provide important information about how sedimentary formation waters acquire their salinity, but the possible influence of organic Br derived from sedimentary wall-rocks is rarely quantified. Here, it is demonstrated that Br/Cl versus I/Cl mixing diagrams can be used to deconvolve organic Br contributions; that organic matter has a limited range of Br/I ratios; and that organic Br is a more significant component in Zn–Pb deposit ore fluids than previously recognised. The significance of these findings is illustrated for the Lennard Shelf Zn–Pb deposits of Western Australia.Fluid inclusions related to Lennard Shelf Zn–Pb mineralisation have variable salinity and hydrocarbon contents. The halogen data from these fluid inclusions require mixing of three fluid end-members: (1) an evaporated seawater bittern brine (30 wt.% NaCl equiv.) with greater than seawater Br/Cl ratio; (2) a lower salinity pore fluid (?5 wt.% NaCl equiv.) with moderately elevated Br/Cl and I/Cl; and (3) fluids with Br/Cl ratios of ~5 times seawater and extremely elevated I/Cl ratios of ~11,500 times seawater. The first two fluids have 40Ar/36Ar of 300–400 and greater than air saturated water 36Ar concentrations that are typical of fluid inclusions related to Zn–Pb mineralisation. The third ‘organic-rich’ fluid has the highest 40Ar/36Ar ratio of up to 1500 and a depleted 36Ar concentration.Mineralisation is interpreted to have resulted from mixing of Zn-rich evaporitic brines and H2S present in hydrocarbons. It is suggested that aqueous fluids acquired organic Br and I from hydrocarbons, and that hydrocarbons exsolving from the aqueous fluid removed noble gases from solution. Interaction of variably saline brines and hydrocarbons could account for the variable Br/Cl and I/Cl composition, and 36Ar concentrations, recorded by Lennard Shelf fluid inclusions. The distinct 40Ar/36Ar signature of the fluid with the highest I/Cl ratio suggests the hydrocarbons and brines were sourced independently from different parts of the sedimentary basin. These data indicate the complementary nature of halogen and noble gas analysis and provide new constraints on important mixing processes during sediment-hosted Zn–Pb mineralisation.  相似文献   


The Murray Basin in southeastern Australia is a large, shallow, intracratonic basin filled with laterally extensive, undeformed, Cenozoic carbonate and terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks that constitute regional and locally important groundwater aquifers. The marine Oligo‐Miocene strata distributed throughout the southwestern portion of the basin are here encompassed within the Murray Supergroup. The Murray Supergroup (formerly Murray Group) incorporates the marginal marine marl and clay of the Ettrick Formation, Winnambool Formation and Geera Clay in the western and northern portions of the Murray Basin in South Australia, in addition to the limestone that outcrops along the banks of the River Murray in nearly continuous section for 175 km. The stratigraphic nomenclature of these rocks is revised as follows. The boundary between the lower and upper members of the Mannum Formation is redefined and a new Swan Reach Dolomite Member is erected. The Finniss Clay is revised to Finniss Formation possessing three new members: the Cowirra Clay Member, Portee Carbonate Member and Woolpunda Marl Member. The ‘Morgan Limestone’ is raised to Morgan Group and contains three new formations: the Glenforslan Formation, Cadell Formation (with Murbko Marl Member and Overland Corner Clay Member) and Bryant Creek Formation. The Pata Formation is redefined and described. Type and reference sections are erected for each new and revised unit, and are lithostratigraphically correlated to illustrate their stratigraphic architecture.  相似文献   

Differential earth movements occurred during Eocene, Miocene, and late Caino‐zoic times. The faulting formed basins of sedimentation, led to dissection of land‐surfaces in some localities and burial in others, and faulted the Cainozoic sediments.

Laterite and silcrete cap remnants of relict landsurfaces of two different ages. Laterite formed before the Eocene; it was faulted and dissected during the Eocene in the north but continued to develop until the Miocene in the south. Silcrete formed from Eocene to Miocene times; its dissection was promoted by late Cainozoic tectonism.

Since laterite and silcrete formed on the same strata in warm, very moist environments, lithology and climate are not important genetic factors causing laterite to form at one time and silcrete at another. Only base levels of erosion differed. The silcrete surface was largely developed by streams flowing into mid‐Cainozoic lacustrine basins, whereas there is no evidence that these drainage conditions prevailed for laterite formation.  相似文献   

Two inliers with a total outcrop length of 3000 m and a maximum width of 200 m, consisting of a sedimentary klippe (olistolith) and an olistostrome (both composed of banded iron‐formation and shale belonging to the Hamersley Group) occur within the Mininer Turbidite Member of the Wyloo Group, south of Paraburdoo, W.A., 2500 m from the top of the Hamersley Group proper. The olistostrome is a typical debris slide produced by slumping of unconsolidated material. The klippe was rafted into position as a solid block by a turbidity current.

The pattern of mineralisation within the banded iron‐formation part of the klippe, which is identified as being from the Brockman Iron Formation, together with evidence from the basal conglomerate of the Wyloo Group, shows that the formation of the Hamersley iron ore deposits commenced prior to the deposition of the Wyloo Group sediments.  相似文献   

The oxide mineralogy and rock magnetic properties of unmineralised banded iron‐formations in selected portions of four drillholes in the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia are reviewed. In all four drillholes, petrographic studies indicate that primary euhedral to subhedral hematite is partially replaced by magnetite as a result of subsolidus reduction. All drillholes show partial recrystallisation of the secondary magnetite, suggesting that early subsolidus reduction was probably a regional event occurring during prograde metamorphism. Incomplete replacement of primary hematite by magnetite within and between sedimentary band structures indicates that equilibration in the magnetite stability field was not reached even at the mesoband scale. Subsequent subsolidus oxidation of magnetite and the formation of a second‐generation hematite are documented in only two of the drillholes. Goethite‐filled veins and thick selvages of goethite around some veins reflect movement of circulating oxidising fluids. The absence of goethite and second‐generation hematite in two of the drillholes indicates that subsolidus oxidation is not a regional event, but very much localised. Rapid changes in down‐hole susceptibility measurements correlate directly with detailed petrographic results as susceptibility readings change with the hematite/magnetite ratio on a mesoband scale. Acquisition of the main remanence correlates with the formation of hematite as the primary oxide phase followed by partial replacement by magnetite as a result of subsolidus reduction, supporting regional models requiring pre‐folding remanence. The strong orientation of the primary hematite parent parallel to band structures in the banded iron‐formations has influenced the direction of crystallisation remanent magnetisation during subsolidus reduction to the magnetite daughter. The strong planar alignment has also produced a planar magnetic fabric and marked anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. A natural remanent magnetisation overprint and reduction in anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility are only recorded in samples that have undergone subsolidus oxidation and the recognition of localised post‐metamorphic oxidation overprinting can also explain ore deposit models requiring post‐folding remanence. The relative timing of and between oxidising fluid events is not known, but both petrographic and rock magnetic evidence to date suggests that there was at least one and probably two post‐folding oxidising events in the area of study.  相似文献   

U–Pb dating of zircons from thin middle Permian tuffs in the Canning Basin of Western Australia by chemical abrasion-isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry reveals a conflict with the established spore-pollen zonation. Normally, the first appearance datum of Dulhuntyispora granulata across the continent lies stratigraphically above assemblages assigned to the Microbaculispora villosa Zone. However, the youngest tuffs within non-marine facies from the M. villosa Zone in Pittston SD-1, drilled in the southwest of the Canning Basin, yielded an age of 267.04 ± 0.14 Ma, which is 1.7 million years younger than tuffs associated with the D. granulata Zone in marginal-marine facies from core holes 350–400 km to the northeast. The apparent conflict in ages is possibly due to the non-marine depositional environment having wielded a strong local influence on the palynoflora along the edge of this basin. Although the present information indicates an age 2.5 million years younger than the 266.6 Ma age previously suggested for the top of the M. villosa Zone, revisions to the ages of Roadian–Wordian spore-pollen zones are not considered justifiable without further supporting evidence. Furthermore, considerable care is needed when comparing palynological assemblages from significantly differing facies. Two basaltic sills (43.5 m and 20 m thick) immediately below the tuffaceous beds in Pittston SD-1 are coincidental, as Ar–Ar dating indicates a Late Triassic age for the intrusions.  相似文献   

The granulite‐facies rocks in the Tomkinson Ranges of central Australia are dominated by layered felsic (quartzofeldspathic) gneisses with minor interbanded mafic, calcareous, ferruginous, and quartzitic granulites. They are regarded as representing a middle Proterozoic metasedimentary and/or metavolcanic sequence which has undergone anhydrous granulite‐facies metamorphism approximately 1200 m.y. ago. Conditions of metamorphism have been derived from a petrogenetic grid based on several experimentally determined reactions and give estimates of 10–11 kb pressure and 950–1000°C. Such metamorphism could take place close to the base of the crust with a moderate geothermal gradient of 25–30°C/km.  相似文献   

1Introduction StudyonheavyoilintheErlianBasin,NorthChi na,hasbeenreportedbysomescholars(DouLironget al.,1995;TangJietingetal.,1992),butthegene sisandformingmechanismofheavyoilneedtobefur therstudied.Thepapersyntheticallydiscussedthege ochemistry,genesisandinspissationseriesofheavyoil intheErlianBasinbaseduponalargenumberofsta tisticsdataonthephysicalpropertiesofdifferenttypes ofheavyoil,theGCanalysesofsaturatedandaromatic hydrocarbons,andtheGC MSanalysesofsteranesand terpanes. T…  相似文献   

The Madjarovo ore district is centred on the exposed section of a Lower Oligocene volcano and consists of radially disposed Pb–Zn-precious metal veins and attendant intermediate sulfidation wallrock alteration. Earlier high sulfidation and potassic porphyry style alterations are found in the centre of the district spatially associated with monzonitic intrusions. The total duration of all mineralization and alteration was ca. 300 ka. Stable isotope analyses (S, O, H) have been carried out on a suite of sulfides, sulfates and silicates from the mineralization, high and intermediate sulfidation alterations and a suite of basement rocks. These data range between the following limits: . We also analysed δD of fluid inclusions in quartz and barite for which we obtained, respectively, the ranges of −43.6 to −78.6 and −58.4 to −67.1‰. The data show that high sulfidation alteration was dominated by magmatic fluids with minor meteoric water, whereas the fluids responsible for the intermediate sulfidation alteration were essentially magmatic. The fluids responsible for the intermediate sulfidation Pb–Zn mineralization were mixed magmatic–meteoric and certainly contained a significant meteoric component. Sulphur is likely derived from basement and/or igneous sources. The evolution of alteration and mineralization styles from potassic, porphyry copper style to high sulfidation to intermediate sulfidation can be understood in terms of changing ore fluid composition resulting from an increasing permeability of the system and an increasingly remote source of magmatic fluid with time. These changes link directly to the geological evolution of this volcanic centre.  相似文献   


In the latest Early to Middle Miocene section of the Kingfish 8 well, offshore Gippsland Basin, the characteristically deep‐marine ostracod genus Zabythocypris is a conspicuous component of ostracod assemblages dominated by species of the genera Argilloecia, Krithe and Parakrithe. The taphonomy and taxonomic composition of the assemblages suggests that they accumulated in an upper bathyal environment (500–1000 m water depth) occurring in a lower continental slope setting. Supporting evidence for these deep‐marine ostracod assemblages occurring near the upper limit of their palaeobathymetrical range is the broadly coincident occurrence of the deep‐marine taxa Legitimocythere sp. and Neonesidea whatleyi Warne, in what would otherwise be considered an outer‐shelf (120–160 m) ostracod fauna at Fossil Beach, Mornington. Ostracod occurrences indicative of dysaerobic sea‐floor conditions in the Kingfish 8 well and Fossil Beach sections, when considered together, appear to record a shallowing of the oceanic oxygen‐minimum zone during the latest Early Miocene to earliest Middle Miocene transgressive phase of southeast Australia.  相似文献   

Geochemical and Sm‐Nd isotopic data, and 19 ion‐microprobe U‐Pb zircon dates are reported for gneiss and granite from the eastern part of the Albany‐Fraser Orogen. The orogen is dominated by granitic rocks derived from sources containing both Late Archaean and mantle‐derived components. Four major plutonic episodes have been identified at ca 2630 Ma, 1700–1600 Ma, ca 1300 Ma and ca 1160 Ma. Orthogneiss, largely derived from ca 2630 Ma and 1700–1600 Ma granitic precursors, forms a belt along the southeastern margin of the Yilgarn Craton. These rocks, together with gabbro of the Fraser Complex, were intruded by granitic magmas and metamorphosed in the granulite facies at ca 1300 Ma. They were then rapidly uplifted and transported westward along low‐angle thrust faults over the southeastern margin of the Yilgarn Craton. Between ca 1190 and 1130 Ma, granitic magmas were intruded throughout the eastern part of the orogen. These new data are integrated into a review of the geological evolution of the Albany‐Fraser Orogen and adjacent margin of eastern Antarctica, and possibly related rocks in the Musgrave Complex and Gawler Craton.  相似文献   

The Pillara Zn–Pb deposit is the largest of several known Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits in the Lennard Shelf of the Canning Basin. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic measurements are reported for 294 specimens from 23 sites in mineralization and its carbonate host rocks from the deposit as well as on 15 artificial specimens of zinc and lead concentrate and of tailings. Pyrrhotite carries the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) in nearly all specimens. The ChRM postdates most faulting as shown by breccia tests and most minor regional tilting as shown by the degraded fit on tilt correction. The mean ChRM direction for all sites is D=20.6°, I=–27.5° (N=23, 95=5.3°, k=34.1), yielding an age of 358±5 Ma (2) that is similar to the comparable age of 354±8 Ma (2) for the Kapok MVT deposit. Host rock diagenesis with attendant secondary remagnetization yields an age of 361±5 Ma (1) and the MVT mineralization with a primary chemical remanent magnetization gives an age of 356±3 Ma (1), co-eval with a published Rb–Sr sphalerite age of 357±3 Ma. Interpretation of this temporal data suggests that the MVT deposits of the southeastern Lennard Shelf originated during extension, probably in response to rift-related topography-driven fluid flow.Editorial handling: C. Brauhart  相似文献   

The Huangshaping Pb–Zn–W–Mo polymetallic deposit, located in southern Hunan Province, China, is one of the largest deposits in the region and is unique for its metals combination of Pb–Zn–W–Mo and the occurrence of significant reserves of all these metals. The deposit contains disseminated scheelite and molybdenite within a skarn zone located between Jurassic granitoids and Carboniferous sedimentary carbonate, and sulfide ores located within distal carbonate-hosted stratiform orebodies. The metals and fluids that formed the W–Mo mineralization were derived from granitoids, as indicated by their close spatial and temporal relationships. However, the source of the Pb–Zn mineralization in this deposit remains controversial.Here, we present new sulfur, lead, and strontium isotope data of sulfide minerals (pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, and pyrite) from the Pb–Zn mineralization within the deposit, and these data are compared with those of granitoids and sedimentary carbonate in the Huangshaping deposit, thereby providing insights into the genesis of the Pb–Zn mineralization. These data indicate that the sulfide ores from deep levels in the Huangshaping deposit have lower and more consistent δ34S values (− 96 m level: + 4.4‰ to + 6.6‰, n = 13) than sulfides within the shallow part of the deposit (20 m level: + 8.3‰ to + 16.3‰, n = 19). The δ34S values of deep sulfides are compositionally similar to those of magmatic sulfur within southern Hunan Province, whereas the shallower sulfides most likely contain reduced sulfur derived from evaporite sediments. The sulfide ores in the Huangshaping deposit have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707662–0.709846) that lie between the values of granitoids (0.709654–0.718271) and sedimentary carbonate (0.707484–0.708034) in the Huangshaping deposit, but the ratios decreased with time, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were a combination of magmatic and formation-derived fluids, with the influence of the latter increasing over time. The lead isotopic compositions of sulfide ores do not correlate with sulfide type and define a linear trend in a 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram that is distinct from the composition of the disseminated pyrite within sedimentary carbonates and granitoids in the Huangshaping deposit, but is similar to the lead isotopic composition of sulfides within coeval skarn Pb–Zn deposits in southern Hunan Province. In addition, the sulfide ores have old signatures with relative high 207Pb/206Pb ratios, suggesting that the underlying Paleoproterozoic basement within southern Hunan Province may be the source of metals within the Huangshaping deposit.The isotope geochemistry of sulfide ores in the Huangshaping deposit shows a remarkable mixed source of sulfur and ore-forming fluids, and the metals were derived from the basement. These features are not found in representative skarn-type Pb–Zn mineralization located elsewhere. The ore-forming elements (S, Pb, and Zn) from the granitoids made an insignificant contribution to sulfide precipitation in this deposit. However, the emplacement of granitoids did provide large amounts of heat and fluids to the hydrothermal system in this area and extracted metals from the basement rocks, indicating that the Jurassic magmatism associated with the Huangshaping deposit was crucial to the Pb–Zn mineralization.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of the Yutangba Se Deposit in Western Hubei, China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1IntroductionThecontentsofSeinthecrustareextremelylow ,onlyabout0 .0 5mg/kg .Innatureitishardtoformindependentminerals,insteaditisdispersedinothermineralsandmedia.Althoughitscon tentsarefarhigherthanthoseofTeinthecrust,seleniumisusuallydispersedinsulfidesinitsas cendingandformingprocesses (D’yachkovaandKhodakovskiy ,1 968) .Thisisthereasonwhyse leniummineralsarefarlessthantelluriummineralsandsulfidesinnature (Simonetal.,1 997) .Forthisreason ,thegeochemicalstudyofseleniumdidnotattractanyat…  相似文献   

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