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The effect of low levels of pollution on the growth, reproduction output, morphology and survival of adult sponges and settlers of the sponge Crambe crambe were examined. We transplanted sponges from a control area to a contaminated site and measured the main environmental variables (chemical and physical) of both sites during the study period. Except some punctual differences in particulate organic matter, silicates, nitrates, and water motion, most environmental variables in the water were similar at both sites during the study months. Mainly copper, lead and OM concentrations in the sediment, and water motion were significantly higher at the polluted site and may be implicated in the biological effects observed: decrease in the percentage of specimens with embryos, increase in shape irregularity and decrease in growth rate. Individuals naturally occurring at the polluted site and those transplanted there for four months accumulated ten times more copper than either untouched or transplant controls. Although lead concentration in sediment did not differ between sites, native specimens from the contaminated site accumulated this metal more than untouched controls. Vanadium concentration also tended to increase in the sponges living at or transplanted to the contaminated site but this difference was not significant. C. crambe is a reliable indicator of metal contamination since it accumulates copper, lead and vanadium in high amounts. At the contaminated site, sponge growth, fecundity and survival were inhibited, whereas sponge irregularity ending in sponge fission was promoted. All these effects may compromise the structure and dynamics of the sponge populations in sheltered, metal-contaminated habitats.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the natural and anthropogenic processes controlling sediment chemistry in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, emphasizing the area affected by the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz (Ferraz). Total and bioavailable concentrations of sixteen elements were determined in 32 sediment and 14 soils samples. Factor analysis allowed us to distinguish three groups of samples: (1) Ferraz sediments, with higher content of total trace metals and organic matter; (2) control sediments, with intermediate characteristics; (3) Ferraz soils, with higher bioavailability of most metals due to its oxidizing condition and low organic matter content. Major elements such as Fe, Al, Ca and Ti presented similar levels in all three groups. Enrichment factor calculations showed that paints, sewage and petroleum contamination enhanced metal concentrations in Ferraz surface sediments as follows: B, Mo, and Pb (>90%); V and Zn (70-80%); Ni, Cu, Mg, and Mn (30-40%). Despite evidence of contamination in these sediments, the low bioavailability, probably caused by iron-sulfide, indicates small environmental risks.  相似文献   

From May to June 2014, the geochemical characteristics of dissolved barium(Ba) in sea water and its influx from the Kuroshio into the East China Sea(ECS) were studied by investigation of the Kuroshio mainstream east of Taiwan Island and the adjacent ECS. This allowed for the scope and extent of the Kuroshio incursion to be quantitatively described for the first time by using Ba as a tracer. The concentration of Ba in the Kuroshio mainstream increased gradually downward from the surface in the range 4.91–19.2 μg L.1. In the surface layer of the ECS, the Ba concentration was highest in coastal water and gradually decreased seaward, while it was higher in coastal and offshore water but lowest in middle shelf for bottom layer. The influx of Ba from Kuroshio into the ECS during May to October was calculated to be 2.19×108 kg by a water exchange model, in which the subsurface layer had the largest portion. The distribution of Ba indicated that Kuroshio upwelled in the sea area northeast of Taiwan Island. The north-flowing water in the Taiwan Strait restrained the incursion of Kuroshio surface water onto the ECS shelf, while Kuroshio subsurface water gradually affected the bottom of the ECS from outside. The results of end member calculation, using Ba as a parameter, showed that the Kuroshio surface water had little impact on the ECS, while the Kuroshio subsurface water formed an intrusion current by climbing northwest along the bottom of the middle shelf from the sea area northeast of Taiwan Island into the Qiantang Estuary, of which the volume of Kuroshio water was nearly 65%. Kuroshio water was the predominant part of the water on the outer shelf bottom and its proportion in areas deeper than the 100 m isobath could reach more than 95%. In the DH9 section(north of Taiwan Island), Kuroshio subsurface water intruded westward along the bottom from the shelf edge and then rose upward(in lower proportion). Kuroshio water accounted for 95% of the ocean volume could reach as far as 122°E. Ba was able to provide detailed tracing of the Kuroshio incursion into the ECS owing to its geochemical characteristics and became an effective tracer for revealing quantitative interactions between the Kuroshio and the ECS.  相似文献   

The intertidal invertebrate macrofauna of five creeks in the Fal estuarine system, Cornwall, UK, is compared with data from 40 locations in six other estuaries in south-west Britain. Multivariate analysis shows that the community composition in the Fal is distinct from all the other estuaries. The differences are principally due to the absence of two crustacean species, Corophium voluntator and Cyathura carinata, and the high abundance of small opportunistic annelid species. The Fal Estuary is heavily contaminated with heavy metals as a result of mining in the catchment, and the faunistic features are commensurate with what is known of the relative sensitivities of marine invertebrate taxa to pollution.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the interactive effects of cadmium contamination and pathogenic organisms (trematodes Himasthla elongata and bacteria Vibrio tapetis) singularly and in combination during 7 days on the bivalve Cerastoderma edule. Some defense-related activities were analyzed such as genetic expression, metallothionein and immune responses. Trematode metacercarial infection, similar whatever the treatment, induced the strongest responses of immune parameters. Particularly, the interaction between cadmium and parasite exposures induced unusual responses on gene expression and immune responses. No effect of bacterial challenge appeared on bivalve responses, nevertheless a strong mortality of V. tapetis infected cockles occured between 7 and 14 days. Cadmium bioaccumulation was significantly modulated by both pathogenic organisms. Furthermore, an antagonistic effect of trematodes and bacteria was shown on metal bioaccumulation of co-infected cockles. These results highlighted the importance of considering the multiplicity of perturbation sources in coastal ecosystems to assess the health status of organisms.  相似文献   

The 184 m cargo ship Bunga Teratai Satu collided with Sudbury Reef, part of the Great Barrier Reef and remained grounded for 12 days. The ship was re-floated only 3 days prior to the November 2000 mass coral spawning. No cargo or fuel was lost but the impact resulted in significant contamination of the reef with anti-foulant paint containing tributyltin (TBT), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Larvae of the reef-building scleractinian coral Acropora microphthalma were exposed to various concentrations of sediment collected from the grounding site in replicated laboratory experiments. Two experiments were performed, both of which used varying ratios of contaminated and control site sediment in seawater as treatments. In the first experiment, the influence of contaminated sediment on larval competency was examined using metamorphosis bioassays. In the second, the effect of contaminated sediment upon larval recruitment on pre-conditioned terracotta tiles was assessed. In both experiments, sediment containing 8.0 mg kg(-1) TBT, 72 mg kg(-1) Cu and 92 mg kg(-1) Zn significantly inhibited larval settlement and metamorphosis. At this level of contamination larvae survived but contracted to a spherical shape and swimming and searching behaviour ceased. At higher contamination levels, 100% mortality was recorded. These results indicate that the contamination of sediment by anti-fouling paint at Sudbury Reef has the potential to significantly reduce coral recruitment in the immediate vicinity of the site and that this contamination may threaten the recovery of the resident coral community unless the paint is removed.  相似文献   

An investigation on the levels of mercury contamination in one species of the Cyanophyta, 14 species of the Rhodophyta, five species of the Phaeophyta and six species of the Chlorophyta from Penang waters indicated fairly low levels of bioaccumulated total mercury content. The bioaccumulated values ranged from below the detectable level to 0.35 μg g?1 except for Padina sp. 1 which demonstrated an amount equivalent to 1.025 μg g?1.These results indicate that the level of mercury contamination in the marine environment of Penang island falls within an acceptable range from the viewpoint of algal biodeposition.  相似文献   

In the yachting sector of the UK antifouling market, organic biocides are commonly added to antifouling preparations to boost performance. Few data presently exist for concentrations of these compounds in UK waters. In this study the concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) and eight booster biocides were measured before and during the 1998 yachting season. The Crouch Estuary, Essex, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth and Southampton Water were chosen as representative study sites for comparison with previous surveys of TBT concentrations. Diuron and Irgarol 1051 were the only organic booster biocides found at concentrations above the limits of detection. Diuron was measured at the highest concentrations, whilst detectable concentrations of both Irgarol 1051 and diuron were determined in areas of high yachting activity (e.g. mooring areas and marinas). Maximum measured values were 1,421 and 6,740 ng/l, respectively. Lower concentrations of both compounds were found in open estuarine areas, although non-antifouling contributions of diuron may contribute to the overall inputs to estuarine systems. TBT was found to be below or near the environmental quality standard (EQS) of 2 ng/l for all samples collected from estuarine areas frequented by pleasure craft alone, but with much higher concentrations measured in some marinas, harbours and in areas frequented by large commercial vessels. Using the limited published environmental fate and toxicity data available for antifouling booster biocides, a comparative assessment to evaluate the risk posed by these compounds to the aquatic environment is described. TBT still exceeds risk quotients by the greatest margins, but widespread effects due to Irgarol 1051 and less so diuron cannot be ruled out (particularly if use patterns change) and more information is required to provide a robust risk assessment.  相似文献   

This paper reviews much of the existing data on trace metal distributions in the Arctic. Numerous papers giving sediment data are reviewed, including some not yet published, fewer papers were found giving data on organisms and still fewer were found containing dissolved trace metal data. None of the data examined suggests that trace metals might be affecting the health of Arctic organisms. Rather, the trace metal concentrations found in Arctic waters, sediments and organisms, with few exceptions, are similar to those found in temperate areas thought to be largely free of pollutant levels of metals. Nevertheless, the existing data base for the Arctic is much smaller and more geographically restricted than that for temperate and tropical regions and the sensitivity of Arctic organisms to pollutant metals is not well known. Monitoring programs carefully designed to detect any influence of human activity on trace metal distributions in the Arctic should be initiated now.  相似文献   

To assess the potential ecological and health risks of trace elements(Hg,Cd,As,Mn,Sb,Pb,Cu,Ni,Cr,and Zn),a total of 138 soil samples from rice paddies were collected during the rice harvest season in the Wanshan mining area,Guizhou Province,Southwest China.Factors of the pollution load index(PLI),geo-accumulation index(I-Geo),enrichment factor(EF),and risk index(RI)were determined.High concentrations of Hg,Sb,As,Zn,Cd,Cu,and Mn were observed in the soils.The PLI,I-Geo,and EF results all showed high levels of contamination by Hg and Sb and moderate levels of contamination by As,Pb,Zn,Cu,Cd,and Mn.There was no significant contamination from Ni and Cr.The RI was very high,with Hg as the dominant pollutant,as expected,indicating that the historical large-scale Hg mining,as well as artisanal mining,has had a significant impact on the Wanshan area.Moreover,coal combustion,manganese factories,and the use of agrochemicals by the local population could also have an impact on the soil through the introduction of heavy metal loads.To address the current state of contamination,pollutant remediation and the regulation control of the anthropogenic activities in Wanshan are urgently needed.  相似文献   

It is important to determine trace metal concentrations in marine sediments because these could be important sources of contamination of marine organisms that reside there. In this study we measured the concentrations of thirteen metals in sediments obtained from Long Island Sound. We found great variations in metal levels for various geographic areas in the Sound; but, generally the highest concentrations found were in the extreme western end of the Sound. Comparison is made between metal levels in sediments from the Sound to seven other areas located in the U.S. and U.K.  相似文献   

An assessment of metal contamination in coastal sediments of the Caspian Sea   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
An assessment of marine pollution due to metals was made in the Caspian Sea based on coastal sediment collected in Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan. Despite the high carbonate content, the distribution of most metals was largely controlled by terrigenous inputs. Several metals (As, Cr, Ni) exhibited concentrations that exceed sediment quality guidelines. Such metals have a high natural background but anthropogenic activities, notably mining, may further enhance concentrations. This would explain hot spots for Cu and Zn in Azerbaijan and Iran, and Cr at the mouth of the Ural River in Kazakhstan. Contamination by Hg was observed to the south of Baku Bay, Azerbaijan. Some anomalously high concentrations of Ba in the central Caspian are probably from offshore drilling operations, but the elevated U concentrations (up to 11.1 microg g(-1)) may be natural in origin. Several metals (Ag, Cd, Pb) have relatively low levels that pose no environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from the deep Balearic basin and the Cretan Sea provide evidence for the accumulation of Cd, Pd and Zn in the top few centimeters of the abyssal Mediterranean sea-bottom. In both cores, 206Pb/207Pb profiles confirm this anthropogenic impact with less radiogenic imprints toward surface sediments. The similarity between excess 210Pb accumulated in the top core and the 210Pb flux suggests that top core metal inventories reasonably reflect long-term atmospheric deposition to the open Mediterranean. Pb inventory in the western core for the past 100 years represents 20-30% of sediment coastal inventories, suggesting that long-term atmospheric deposition determined from coastal areas has to be used cautiously for mass balance calculations in the open Mediterranean. In the deeper section of both cores, Al normalized trace metal profiles suggest diagenetic remobilization of Fe, Mn, Cu and, to a lesser extent, Pb that likely corresponds to sapropel event S1.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination levels are generally higher in estuaries than in the open sea. Some estuaries, the Seine estuary for example, have particularly high pollution levels of metals, yet continue to support a very high benthic biomass and remain quite productive. Measurements of sediment contamination are highly variable due to diverse chemical analysis methods, sediments origin and sources of contaminants found in the estuaries. Salinity appears to be the principal factor controlling contaminant distribution in the sediment and the overlying and/or interstitial waters; it also affects the bioavailability of contaminants in estuarine sediments. Of course, the response to contaminants varies greatly among species and assemblages. Trace metals explain only a small part of the variation in benthic community structure. Some species, such as the shrimp Crangon crangon, appears vulnerable to metal pollution, while other species, such as Scrobicularia plana, are able to tolerate quite high levels of cadmium in their tissue. This paper demonstrates the wide variability of benthic responses to contamination, which is probably due to the high spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the estuary. To reduce the problems due the heterogeneity and variability observed to date in the available results, it will be necessary to encourage integrated estuarine studies, in which sedimentologists, chemists, and biologists work together on the same campaigns at the same sites.  相似文献   

The authors studied surface sediments from 102 stations in four areas of the three port entrances to the Lagoon of Venice, examining the relationships between textural character, mineralogical composition, and Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, Co and Fe content. Heavy metal distribution allowed boundaries to be fixed between polluted and nonpolluted zones. While the Cavallino area is not polluted, very high concentrations of Zn, Pb and Hg in the two central areas, facing the Lido and Malamocco port entrances, respectively, suggest that wastes mainly from industrial production of zinc are present. High concentrations of Cr in the southern part of the Chioggia area are probably due to tannery wastes reaching the sea from the Brenta river.  相似文献   

Remediation of the Thala Valley waste disposal site near Casey Station, East Antarctica was conducted in the austral summer of 2003/2004. Biomonitoring of the adjacent marine environment was undertaken using the gammaridean amphipod Paramoera walkeri as a sentinel species [Stark, J.S., Johnstone, G.J., Palmer, A.S., Snape, I., Larner, B.L., Riddle, M.J., in press, . Monitoring the remediation of a near shore waste disposal site in Antarctica using the amphipod Paramoera walkeri and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGTs). Marine Pollution Bulletin and references therein]. Determination of uptake of metals and hypothesis testing for differences that could be attributed to contamination required the establishment of baseline metal concentrations in P. walkeri. Baseline metal concentrations from two reference locations in the Windmill Islands are presented here. P. walkeri was a found to be a sensitive bioaccumulating organism that recorded spatial and temporal variability at the reference sites. Measurement of metals in P. walkeri required the development of a simple digestion procedure that used concentrated nitric acid. For the first time, rare earth metals were determined with additional clean procedures required to measure ultra low concentrations using magnetic sector ICP-MS. Certified and in-house reference materials were employed to ensure method reliability.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Mn and Zn) were determined for summer and winter, under low-flow conditions in Port Jackson, a microtidal, well-mixed estuary in south-east Australia. Mean concentrations of Cd (0.04+/-0.02 microg/l), Ni (0.86+/-0.40 microg/l), Mn (20.0+/-25 microg/l) and Zn (6.47+/-2.0 microg/l) were below water quality guidelines. Concentrations of Cu (1.68+/-0.37 microg/l), however, slightly exceeded recommended values. Dissolved Ni and Mn behaved mostly conservatively, whereas Cd, Cu and Zn showed mid-estuarine maxima. Peaks in Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations were located in the upper estuary, independent of the salinity and suspended particulate matter loading, and were consistent with anthropogenic inputs of metals in the estuary. Concentrations of dissolved Cu were highest in summer, whereas concentrations of Cd, Ni and Mn were significantly lower in summer than winter (P< or =0.05). The increase in temperature and biological activity during summer explained the seasonal variation. The sequence of log K(d) values (20-30 salinity) was Mn>Zn>Cu>Ni. These results give unique information concerning the contemporaneous distribution of dissolved trace metals in the Port Jackson estuary and they provide a data set against which the long-term contamination may be assessed.  相似文献   

Topsoil (0–20 cm) samples were collected from the edge of roads to the locations about 200 m off the roads along the four roads with different transportation periods in October 2005. Total concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined using the inductively coupled plasma atomic absorption spectrometry in order to assess and compare road transportation pollution. Results showed that with the exception of As, Cu and Pb, the average concentrations of heavy metals were generally, higher than the regional elemental background values. Most soil samples were moderately or highly polluted by Cd or Ni, but the contamination index (P i ) values for As, Pb and Zn were lower than other heavy metals in all sites. Among the four roads, heavy metal pollution was heavier for Dali Road due to longer transportation periods, while low or no contamination could be observed for the other roads. However, the integrated contamination index (P c ) values showed a generally low contamination or no contamination level for all soil samples in this region, followed by the order of Dali Road > Dabao Highway > Road 320 > Sixiao Highway. The same pollution source of these heavy metals was found using factor analysis.  相似文献   

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