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A three-dimensional model displaying development of local morphostructures during interaction between tectonic deformations and slope processes is offered. According to this model, the exogenic slope lowering rate depends on the decline and the vertical and horizontal curvatures of the surface. A few types of local morphostructures were considered as examples to demonstrate the fact that when the rate of exogenic processes is comparable with that of tectonic uplift, then their joint action results in development of forms drastically different not only in amplitude but also in morphology from those that appeared from fast uplift and the subsequent action of exomorphogenesis. These differences can remain unchanged for a long time after completion of tectonic movements. The relation between the rates of endogenic and exogenic processes is an important factor in the development of local structures.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the creation of the Bratsk water reservoir considerably changed the seismic conditions in this area of the Siberian Platform. Seismic records revealed a significant increase in the energy classes of earthquakes with epicenters in the north of the reservoir, in trap intrusion zone. The change in engineering-geologic conditions and frequent seismic events affected the rate of development of gravitational deformations on the shore slopes.  相似文献   

The Mauritanides-Rokelides chain, which extends along the western margin of the West-African craton, is characterized by roughly northward structural trends and, at least for the northern two thirds, eastward thrusting of large amplitude. The style and timing of deformation change from south to north along the chain. In Sierra Leone, Guinea and southeastern Senegal (the Rokelides), the main event is attributed to the Panafrican orogeny, apparently with only limited thrusting. The belt of gravity highs associated with that part of the orogen is interpreted as a west dipping suture zone. In northeastern Senegal and central Mauritania, this Panafrican event is masked by Caledonian and Hercynian events, which resulted in strong folding and far-travelled thrusting. The positive gravity anomaly, closely parallel to the belt, records the trace of the collision of two continental blocks (a Taconian event?). In northern Mauritania and south Morocco, the age of emplacement of large nappes is Hercynian and their geodynamic interpretation requires that a trench or ocean has closed farther west, presumably beneath the eastern U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea is a large, active graben within the Dead Sea rift, which is bounded by two major strike-slip faults, the Jericho and the Arava faults. We investigated the young tectonic activity along the Jericho fault by excavating trenches, up to 3.5 m deep, across its trace. The trenches penetrate through Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments. We found that a zone, up to 15 m wide, of disturbed sediments exists along the fault. These disturbed sediments provide evidence for two periods of intensive activity or more likely, for two major earthquakes, that occurred during the last 2000 years. The earthquakes are evident in small faults, vertical throw of a few layers, cracks, unconformities and wide fissures. We further documented evidence for recent sinistral shear along the Jericho fault in deformed sediments and damage to an 8th Century palace on a subsidiary fault. We suggest that the two earthquakes may be correlated with the 31 B.C. earthquake and the 748 A.D. earthquake, reported by the ancients.  相似文献   

印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞使喜马拉雅-青藏高原隆升,地壳增厚和生长扩展。探测青藏高原深部结构,揭露两个大陆如何碰撞,碰撞如何使大陆变形的过程,是全球关切的科学奥秘。深地震反射剖面探测是打开这个科学奥秘的最有效途径之一。20多年来,运用这项高技术探测到青藏高原巨厚地壳的精细结构,攻克了难以得到下地壳和Moho清晰结构的技术瓶颈,揭露了陆陆碰撞过程。本文在探测研究成果基础上,从青藏高原南北-东西对比,再到高原腹地,系统地综述了青藏高原之下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞-俯冲的深部行为。印度地壳在高原南缘俯冲在喜马拉雅造山带之下,亚洲板块的阿拉善地块岩石圈在北缘向祁连山下俯冲,祁连山地壳向外扩展,塔里木地块与高原西缘的西昆仑发生面对面的碰撞,在高原东缘发现龙日坝断裂而不是龙门山断裂是扬子板块的西缘边界,高原腹地Moho 薄而平坦,岩石圈伸展垮塌。多条深反射剖面揭露了在雅鲁藏布江缝合带下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞的行为,印度地壳不仅沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带存在由西向东的俯冲角度变化,而且其向北行进到拉萨地体内部的位置也不同。在缝合带中部,显示印度地壳上地壳与下地壳拆离,上地壳向北仰冲,下地壳向北俯冲,并在俯冲过程发生物质的回返与构造叠置,使印度地壳减薄,喜马拉雅地壳加厚。俯冲印度地壳前缘与亚洲地壳碰撞后沉入地幔,处于亚洲板块前缘的冈底斯岩基与特提斯喜马拉雅近于直立碰撞,冈底斯下地壳呈部分熔融状态,近乎透明的弱反射和局部出现的亮点反射,以及近于平的Moho都反映出亚洲板块南缘的伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

雪峰造山带位于江南造山带西南段,呈自南往北由NNE→NE→EW向的弧形展布.笔者近几年来在区域地质调查和有关基础地质研究项目实施过程中,针对雪峰造山带及邻区构造变形和构造演化方面存在的若干地质问题进行了调查研究,取得以下主要新的认识或进展.(1)于雪峰造山带中段东部地区发现新的变形类型即大型膝褶带;造山带南段-中段在加里东期和早中生代均在NW-NWW向挤压下发生过显著的构造变形和隆升;溆浦-靖州断裂东、西两侧分别为区域雪峰推覆构造的根带和中带,变形强度以该断裂为界东强西弱;南段-中段东部在加里东运动和早中生代构造运动中均具有背冲构造样式,但早中生代背冲构造的中轴相对加里东期向西迁移20~25km以上.雪峰造山带北段西部也具背冲构造样式,加里东期逆冲推覆强度和隆升幅度明显大于南段-中段,暗示加里东运动区域挤压应力方向为SN向.(2)前人于沅麻盆地东部及东侧外围地区厘定的多个“飞来峰”实为与逆冲断裂和正断裂有关的断夹块.(3)沅麻盆地中新生代经历了中三叠世晚期印支运动中区域NW-NWW向挤压、晚三叠世-早侏罗世区域SN向挤压、中侏罗世晚期早燕山运动中NWW-近EW向挤压、早白垩世区域NW-SE向伸展、晚白垩世SN向伸展、古近纪中晚期NE向挤压以及古近纪末-新近纪初NW向挤压等7期构造事件,其中多数事件在靖州盆地断裂与节理变形中同样得到反映.(4)详细的构造解析确证湘东南印支运动挤压应力方向为NWW向、构造线走向为NNE向,否定了近年来部分研究者提出的该地区SN向挤压观点.(5)湘中盆地西部构造变形的运动学特征为自北西向南东逆冲,而不是前人所认为的自南东向北西逆冲;盆地西部向SE逆冲主要与雪峰造山带东缘向SE逆冲以及城步-新化岩石圈断裂向西俯冲有关.(6)雪峰造山带以西、齐岳山断裂以东褶皱带内的桑植-石门复向斜具“复杂褶皱”样式,沿河地区褶皱为典型隔槽式褶皱;提出褶皱变形主要受区域水平挤压作用下原地基底和盖层的收缩及其导生的滑脱和逆冲控制,这一新的模型可以较好地解释前人雪峰西推模型难以解释的几个重要地质事实.(7)新元古代中期雪峰造山带经历了880~820Ma的岛弧岩浆作用、820~810Ma的弧-陆碰撞、810~800Ma的后碰撞以及800~630Ma的裂谷盆地等4阶段演化过程,其中裂谷盆地早期板溪期和晚期南华冰期的界线年龄为720Ma,而不是一般认为的780Ma或760Ma.(8)钦杭结合带对应于武陵期古华南洋,湖南境内该带与扬子陆块的分界可能沿浏阳南桥-新化-隆回-城步一线(浏阳-城步汇聚带),与华夏陆块分界可能沿川口-常宁-双牌一线(川口-双牌汇聚带).(9)雪峰造山带及其东侧加里东期花岗岩为后碰撞S型花岗岩,可分为早志留世(约430~445Ma)和志留纪末-泥盆纪初(410Ma左右)两期,分别与奥陶纪末-志留纪初的北流运动和志留纪后期的广西运动有关;城步-新化断裂以东经历了北流运动和广西运动两期变形及早、晚两期花岗质岩浆活动,断裂以西仅经历广西运动变形及晚期花岗质岩浆活动;城步-新化断裂以东志留系的缺失为沉积缺失.(10)印支期花岗岩主体为晚三叠世后碰撞S型花岗岩,与中三叠世后期印支运动陆内强挤压变形有关,表明印支运动强度不大的观点难以成立.(11)湘东南晚三叠-早侏罗世盆地不是前人所认为的挤压类前陆盆地,而是区域SN向挤压下先期(印支运动)NNE向断裂产生EW方向伸展形成的拉张盆地;晚三叠世-中侏罗世靖州盆地是挤压类前陆盆地,而不是前人所认为的走滑拉分盆地.  相似文献   

孙志亮  孔令伟  郭爱国  田海 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3465-3472
地震作用下堆积体边坡的动力响应特性十分复杂,单一抗震安全系数不足以评价其动力稳定性。通过大型振动台试验,研究了连续多级地震荷载作用下,地震波的类型、卓越频率及峰值加速度对堆积体边坡坡面永久位移的影响,并初步分析其失稳机制。试验结果表明,相同峰值加速度下振动型地震波比冲击型地震波更容易产生坡面永久位移,地震波卓越频率对坡面永久位移也有重要影响;堆积体边坡在峰值加速度apeak=0.2g时开始有大颗粒石砾滚落,对应的坡面永久位移在apeak=0.2g~0.3g之间开始产生并显著增大,另外利用考虑坡面几何形态变化的改进Newmark法对坡顶的永久位移进行了估算。通过坡面永久位移评价堆积体边坡的动力稳定性有一定合理性。  相似文献   

The Neogene stratigraphic series is characterized by predominant clayey facies alternated by other sand layers. The outcrop and subsurface studies show varied and complex styles of deformations and lead to relate the structures to paleoseismic events. The seismicity of eastern onshore and offshore Tunisian margin follows the master fault corridors oriented globally N–S, E–W, and NW–SE that correspond to the bordering faults of grabens and syncline corridors and associated faulted drag fold structures oriented NE–SW. Epicenters of magnitudes between 3 and 5 are located along these border fault corridors. The Neogene strata record brittle structures, including numerous and deep faults and fractures with straight and high-angle dipping planes. The structuring of NE–SW en echelon folds and synclines inside and outside NW–SE and E–W right lateral and N–S and NE–SW left lateral tectonic corridors indicates the strike-slip type of bordering faults and their seismogenic nature. Wrench fault movements that induce mud and salt diapirs, mud volcanoes, and intrusive ascensions are related to seismic shocks. Seismic waves caused by activity along one, or most likely, several tectonic structures would have propagated throughout the Quaternary cover producing seismites. The similarity of deposits, structuring, and seismites between the Tunis-Bizerte to the North and Hammamet-Mahdia to the South accredits the hypothesis that the seismic episodes might have affected sedimentation patterns along the Sahalian large geographic area. The paleoseismic events in northeastern Tunisia might be related to tectonic fault reactivations through time. This hypothesis is consistent with the geomorphologic context of the study area, characterized by several morphostructural lineaments with strong control on the sediment distribution, as well as uplifted and subsiding terrains. The estimated magnitude of the seismic events and the great regional tectonically affected areas demonstrate that the northeastern Tunisia experienced stress through the last geological episodes of its evolution. This Neogene kinematic reconstruction highlights the neotectonic system inducing the actual seismicity on this margin. Therefore, there is a straight relationship between deepseated faults and seismicity.  相似文献   

The Uralian Fold Belt originated due to the East European-Kazakhstan continental collision in the Late Paleozoic-Early Triassic. The Uralian paleo-ocean existed from the Ordovician to Early Carboniferous. It evolved along the Western Pacific pattern with island arcs and subduction zones moving oceanwards from the East European margin and leaving newly opened back-arc basins behind from the Silurian to the Middle Devonian. A fossil spreading pattern similar to present one can be reconstructed for the Mugodjarian back-arc basin with the spreading rate of 5 cm/yr and depth of basaltic eruption of 3000 m. Since the Devonian, the closure of the Uralian paleo-ocean has begun. A subduction zone flipped over under the Kazakhstan continent, and remnants of an oceanic floor were completely consumed before the Late Carboniferous. After that the continental collision began which lasted nearly 90 Ma. As a result, the distinct linear shape and nappe structure of the Urals were formed.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the two tectonic-geodynamic factors that made the most appreciable contribution to the transformation of the lithospheric and hydrocarbon potential distribution at the Barents Sea continental margin: Jurassic-Cretaceous basaltic magmatism and the Cenozoic tectonic deformations. The manifestations of Jurassic-Cretaceous basaltic magmatism in the sedimentary cover of the Barents Sea continental margin have been recorded using geological and geophysical techniques. Anomalous seismic units related to basaltic sills hosted in terrigenous sequences are traced in plan view as a tongue from Franz Josef Land Archipelago far to the south along the East Barents Trough System close to its depocentral zone with the transformed thinned Earth’s crust. The Barents Sea igneous province has been contoured. The results of seismic stratigraphy analysis and timing of basaltic rock occurrences indicate with a high probability that the local structures of the hydrocarbon (HC) fields and the Stockman-Lunin Saddle proper were formed and grew almost synchronously with intrusive magmatic activity. The second, no less significant multitectonic stress factor is largely related to the Cenozoic stage of evolution, when the development of oceanic basins was inseparably linked with the Barents Sea margin. The petrophysical properties of rocks from the insular and continental peripheries of the Barents Sea shelf are substantially distinct as evidence for intensification of tectonic processes in the northwestern margin segment. These distinctions are directly reflected in HC potential distribution.  相似文献   

华北盆地地震剖面地质解释及其构造演化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
从地震剖面显示华北盆地发育为手风琴式演化史,大体上形成有三层“断-坳”结构:(l)中新元古界的“断”古生界—三叠系的“坳”;(2)侏罗系的“断”上白垩统的“坳”;(3)古近系的“断”新近系的“坳”。断陷与坳陷分别由拉张与挤压应力场所致,这种应力场的变化是由相邻洋壳板块俯冲倾角由小到大的变化所引起的。由于地壳的多旋回运动,多次发生构造沉积演变,构成了多套生储盖组合,多领域、多种圈闭类型的油气藏,从中新元古界—古生界—中生界—新生界,各断陷-坳陷结构的盆地都有可能形成油气藏的地质条件。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) attenuation structures were determined for Taiwan region by inversion of earthquake intensity data set. The seismic intensity which is assumed to be a measure of the maximum acceleration of the S-wave at the seismic station is used to estimate the attenuation structure. The intensity data set consists of about 5500 intensity readings for 1410 earthquakes reported by the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan from 1987 to 2010. The 3-D attenuation maps consisting of five layers were constructed to a depth of 74 km.The obtained model reveals the following features: first, a high absorption zone exists in the westernmost Okinawa trough. These high-attenuation anomalies seem to extend from upper crust to mantle beneath the Yilan Plain and Kueishantao Island. We interpret the high absorption zone as the presence of the relatively hot lower crust and uppermost mantle in response to the local opening of the Okinawa trough. Second, strong lateral variation of seismic attenuation is observed from the source region of the Chi–Chi earthquake in the central Taiwan. Most aftershocks were occurred beneath the Western Foothills which is characterized by a transition from high attenuation to low attenuation between the Chelungpu fault and Chuchih fault. However, the region east to the Chuchih fault is relatively quiescent. This study suggests that the high Vp/Vs and lateral variation of attenuation features existing beneath the Western Foothills could be associated with porous materials containing fluid which might affect the generation of the Chi–Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

可靠地划分地震区可奠定地震预测与地震危险性评价的地质基础,具有十分重要的意义。笔者等通过研究分析指出板内孕震构造块体侧向边界可由区域性大断层或由区域性大断层与板块边界界定,底边界为康拉德面或低速高导层;板间孕震构造块体为俯冲板块,可由区域性大断层和(或)板块边界约束;在同一个孕震构造块体和同一轮地震周期的地震具有内在联系。因此,地震区可定义为代表相应孕震构造块体地震活动的区域,其可表征该块体内源自锁固段破裂的地震活动。基于笔者等提出的孕震构造块体和相应地震区边界确定原则,把全球两大地震带(环太平洋地震带和欧亚地震带)划分为62个地震区;每个地震区的分区方案均通过了多锁固段脆性破裂理论的检验,这说明方案可靠。进而,笔者等归纳总结了地震区划分方法。  相似文献   

孕震构造块体与相应地震区划分方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴晓娲  秦四清  薛雷  张珂  陈竑然  翟梦阳 《地质论评》2021,67(1):67020013-67020013
可靠地划分地震区可奠定地震预测与地震危险性评价的地质基础,具有十分重要的意义。笔者等通过研究分析指出板内孕震构造块体侧向边界可由区域性大断层或由区域性大断层与板块边界界定,底边界为康拉德面或低速高导层;板间孕震构造块体为俯冲板块,可由区域性大断层和(或)板块边界约束;在同一个孕震构造块体和同一轮地震周期的地震具有内在联系。因此,地震区可定义为代表相应孕震构造块体地震活动的区域,其可表征该块体内源自锁固段破裂的地震活动。基于笔者等提出的孕震构造块体和相应地震区边界确定原则,把全球两大地震带(环太平洋地震带和欧亚地震带)划分为62个地震区;每个地震区的分区方案均通过了多锁固段脆性破裂理论的检验,这说明方案可靠。进而,笔者等归纳总结了地震区划分方法。  相似文献   

王丽艳  陈香香  刘汉龙 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3361-3367
以变形作为地震工程安全设计的控制标准是近年来逐渐发展的趋势,海港公路工程中大型重力式沉箱码头在液化地基中的地震残余变形的分析是较复杂的。采用定义在应变空间中考虑土体动主应力轴方向偏转影响的多重剪切机构塑性模型的动力有效应力分析方法,分别从地震加速度幅值、码头底部置换砂与码头身后回填砂土的标贯击数、处理范围以及码头宽高比等详细分析了码头地震残余变形随各影响因素的变化规律,结果表明,地震动水平、置换砂处理厚度、标贯击数和码头的宽高比是较敏感的影响因素,对残余变形具有显著的影响,且回填砂的加固存在一个合理有效范围。计算绘出的一系列分布图有助于工程设计者初步预测码头的地震残余变形  相似文献   

柴达木盆地被昆仑山、阿尔金山和祁连山围限,新生代盆地发育受周边山体隆升的控制。柴西地区是整个盆地内构造最复杂的地区,形成了NWW 和NEE 走向的两套断裂体系,地震剖面上明显发育生长地层。为研究柴西地区构造运动模式及期次与周边山体及断裂活动之间的关系,基于该区主干地震剖面的最新解译成果,对剖面中的断裂及生长层序进行分析。确定柴西地区新生代活动断裂集中在3 个时期,分别控制不同生长层序的发育: 早期活动的断层控制生长层序1 的发育( TR ~ T3 , 53. 5 ~ 31. 5 Ma) ,晚期活动断层控制生长层序2 的发育( T'2 ~ 现今,14. 9 ~ 0 Ma) ,新生代以来一直活动的断层也控制着一套生长层序。区内构造演化主体方向由昆仑山和阿尔金山前不断向盆内扩展并共同调节构造展布方向。  相似文献   

位于郯庐断裂带中南部的肥东地区是郯庐断裂带内韧性剪切带出露的主体区域之一。本文从肥东北部文集地区的构造岩组成及其变形入手,通过详细的野外观测、室内显微构造变形分析来确定该地区构造变形的几何学形态及其涡度、有限应变、分维度、差异应力、应变速率等参数。研究区主要出露角闪岩相肥东变质杂岩,构造岩以糜棱岩和糜棱岩化片麻岩为主,岩石变形强烈。根据极摩尔圆法得到的运动学涡度值为0.729~0.870,指示区域内的韧性剪切活动以简单剪切为主。几何学形态上,肥东北部文集地区构造整体呈一背形展出,其枢纽走向NE-SW,轴面倾向SE,物质及变形强度等方面均表现出一定的规律和对称性。研究区内动态重结晶石英颗粒边界具有统计学上的自相似性,其分维值D在1.143~1.208之间,且自背形核部向两翼,颗粒粒径增大,分维值减小。差异应力Δσ介于17.86~55.18MPa之间,应变速率ε值在1.960×10^-13~7.330×10^-12s^-1之间,且背形核部差异应力和应变速率较两翼大,呈近似对称性分布。通过对比以上构造参数可以发现,区内差异应力和应变速率表现出一定的正相关性,自核部向两翼二者均呈减小趋势;动态重结晶石英颗粒则与应变速率呈负相关性,即核部颗粒细小、两翼增大。本文从几何学、运动学以及显微构造变形分析等方面对该区构造变形展开精细化研究,借此来分析肥东北部地区郯庐断裂带的构造形态和运动学特征,这对进一步认识郯庐断裂带的演化过程及构造模型的建立有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

笔者在详细的野外地质调查、地面高精度磁测和室内测试的基础上,综合地质、地球物理、地应力场和地震资料,系统地探讨了工作区的总体构造环境,认为燕山水库区域构造正趋稳定。 对地震基本烈度的评定,是采用了从大到小的三级判定法,即地震小区—潜在震源区—地震危险区方法来确定未来100年内可能发生M_L≥3级地震的地震危险区,然后在考察测区地震烈度随震中距衰减规律的基础上,同时虑及各地震危险区及邻区强震对坝区的迭加影响,得出了燕山水库坝区地震基本强度为Ⅵ度的结论。  相似文献   

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