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The problem of level regime regulation in Lake Baikal under the contradictory conditions of the legislation now in force in RF is considered. The concepts analyzed in the study include the normal and extreme water abundance, the frequency of the useful inflow, and the factors that influence the level regime. The results of simulation of the level regimes under normal, extremely low, and extremely high water content are given. The possible changes in the level variation range in Baikal are estimated at different water content with technical and socioeconomic limitations taken into account.  相似文献   

太湖水情特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁静秀 《湖泊科学》1992,4(4):15-22
根据太湖湖区及环湖河道主要测站的历年水文气象资料,分析探讨了太湖的径流、水位、增减水现象和河湖流向等水情特征,为合理利用和保护湖泊水资源提供依据。  相似文献   

The results of studying the hydrological regime of Lake Bol’shoi Tambukan and its catchement are discussed; the data reveal higher total evaporation from forest plantings in comparison with evaporation from other land areas of the catchment. A close relationship was shown to exist between the lake water level and humidity factor of the surrounding area; it was most contrasting during the four-year period when the water level rose by 2.5 m and caused critical environmental situation in the water body. Over the period of 33 years, water supply to the lake ruled out its natural sterilization. The need to regulate the lateral inflow into the lake with regard to the volume of man-made water supply was shown.  相似文献   

Lake Volume Monitoring from Space   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lakes are integrators of environmental change occurring at both the regional and global scale. They present a wide range of behavior on a variety of timescales (cyclic and secular) depending on their morphology and climate conditions. Lakes play a crucial role in retaining and stocking water, and because of the significant global environmental changes occurring at several anthropocentric levels, the necessity to monitor all morphodynamic characteristics [e.g., water level, surface (water contour) and volume] has increased substantially. Satellite altimetry and imagery are now widely used together to calculate lake and reservoir water storage changes worldwide. However, strategies and algorithms to calculate these characteristics are not straightforward, and specific approaches need to be developed. We present a review of some of these methodologies by using lakes over the Tibetan Plateau to illustrate some critical aspects and issues (technical and scientific) linked to the observation of climate change impact on surface waters from remote sensing data. Many authors have measured water variation using the limited remote sensing measurements available over short time periods, even though the time series are probably too short to directly link these results with climate change. Indeed, there are many processes and factors, like the influence of lake morphology, that are beyond observation and are still uncertain. The time response for lakes to reach a new state of equilibrium is a key aspect that is often neglected in current literature. Observations over a long period of time, including maintaining a constellation of comprehensive and complementary satellite missions with service continuity over decades, are therefore necessary especially when the ground gauge network is too limited. In addition, the design of future satellite missions with new instrumental concepts (e.g., SAR, SARin, Ka band altimetry, Ka interferometry) will also be suitable for complete monitoring of continental waters.  相似文献   

Subglacial lakes provide unique habitats, but the exact nature of physical and geochemical conditions are still a matter of debate and await direct sampling of water. Due to its isolation from external atmospheric forcing other environmental parameters influence the flow characteristics within the lake. In this study we use an improved treatment of the physical processes at the ice–water boundary interface to identify and quantify the impact of (1) the geothermal heat flux, (2) the heat flux from the lake into the ice, (3) the influence of the salinity of the lake water, and (4) the ice thickness on the size of the freezing area and the freeze/melt rates. We show that the modelled basal mass imbalance (that is the produced melt water minus the re-frozen water) depends on the geothermal heating as well as the heat flux into the ice. The circulation and the temperature distribution within subglacial Lake Vostok are rather stable against variations of geothermal heat flux, heat flux into the ice sheet, salinity of the lake, and small changes of the ice thickness above the lake. However, the flow regime for any subglacial lake with less than 2000 m ice thickness above, will be substantially different from those that experience higher pressures. This is because the buoyancy–temperature relationship reverses at this depth.  相似文献   

Tonle Sap Lake (TSL) is one of the world's most productive lacustrine ecosystems, driven by the Mekong River's seasonal flood pulse. This flood pulse and its long-term dynamics under the Mekong River basin's (MRB) fast socio-economic development and climate change need to be identified and understood. However, existing studies fall short of sufficient time coverage or concentrate only on changes in water level (WL) that is only one of the critical flood pulse parameters influencing the flood pulse ecosystem productivity. Considering the rapidly changing hydroclimatic conditions in the Mekong basin, it is crucial to systematically analyse the changes in multiple key flood pulse parameters. Here, we aim to do that by using observed WL data for 1960–2019 accompanied with several parameters derived from a Digital Bathymetry Model. Results show significant declines of WL and inundation area from the late 1990s in the dry season and for the whole year, on top of increased subdecadal variability. Decreasing (increasing) probabilities of high (low) inundation area for 2000–2019 have been found, in comparison to the return period of inundation area for 1986–2000 (1960–1986). The mean seasonal cycle of daily WL in dry (wet) season for 2000–2019, compared to that for 1986–2000, has shifted by 10 (5) days. Significant correlations and coherence changes between the WL and large-scale circulations (i.e., El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)), indicate that the atmospheric circulations could have influenced the flood pulse in different time scales. Also, the changes in discharge at the Mekong mainstream suggest that anthropogenic drivers may have impacted the high water levels in the lake. Overall, our results indicate a declining flood pulse since the late 1990s.  相似文献   

利用1990—2020年洪湖水环境监测数据和2011—2020年洪湖沉水植物调查数据,探讨洪湖湿地生态环境演化规律,识别稳态转换关键驱动因子并确定其阈值。研究结果表明:1990—2020年以来洪湖水质变化主要总结为5个阶段和3个时期,整体上呈现出不断恶化的趋势;2011—2020年以来洪湖沉水植物Margalef物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson和Pielou均匀度指数分别降低32%、59%、60%和46%,特别是2016年洪涝灾害后沉水植物出现严重衰退;洪湖生态系统发生稳态转换的关键时期是2002和2011年,总磷是洪湖湿地生态系统稳态转换的关键驱动因子;清水态向浊水态转换的总磷阈值为0.092 mg/L,浊水态向清水态转化的阈值为0.051 mg/L。本研究可为洪湖入湖污染负荷削减量估算提供参考,为洪湖湿地生态修复的营养盐优先控制策略提供指导。  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化响应与流域优化调控决策的模型研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖泊富营养化是全球水环境领域面临的长期挑战,富营养化响应与流域优化决策模型是制定经济和高效调控方案的关键.然而已有的模型研究综述主要集中于模型开发、案例应用、敏感性分析、不确定性分析等单一方面,而缺少针对非线性响应、生态系统长期演变等最新湖泊治理挑战的研究总结.本文对数据驱动的统计模型、因果驱动的机理模型和决策导向的优化模型进行了综述.其中,统计模型包含经典统计、贝叶斯统计和机器学习模型,常用于建立响应关系、时间序列特征分析以及预报预警;机理模型包含流域的水文与污染物输移模拟以及湖泊的水文、水动力、水质、水生态等过程的模拟,用于不同时空尺度的变化过程模拟,其中复杂机理模型的敏感性分析、参数校验、模型不确定性等需要较高的计算成本;优化模型结合机理模型形成“模拟优化”体系,在不确定性条件下衍生出随机、区间优化等多种方法,通过并行计算、简化与替代模型可一定程度上解决计算时间成本的瓶颈.本文识别了湖泊治理面临的挑战,包括:①如何定量表征外源输入的非线性叠加和湖泊氮、磷、藻变化的非均匀性?②如何提高优化调控决策和水质目标的关联与精准性?③如何揭示湖泊生态系统的长期变化轨迹与驱动因素?最后,本文针对这些挑战提出研究展望,主要包括:①基于多源数据融合与机器学习算法以提升湖泊的短期水质预测精度;②以生物量为基础的机理模型与行为驱动的个体模型的升尺度或降尺度耦合以表达多种尺度的物质交互过程;③机器学习算法与机理模型的直接耦合或数据同化以降低模拟误差;④时空尺度各异的多介质模拟模型融合以实现精准和动态的优化调控.  相似文献   


Vrana Lake in Dalmatia is a karstic kryptodepression connected to the nearby sea through the karstic subsoil and a canal. Due to interactions with the sea, lake water salinity increases greatly during severe dry periods, seriously endangering the ecosystem. Trend analysis (1961–2010) reveals a decrease in precipitation and surface inflow, but an increase in air temperature, and in sea and lake water levels. Lake inflow and water losses are only partially monitored. Average annual inflow from the monitored part of the catchment is 1722 m3 s-1, but total inflow is significantly greater; the average difference between total inflow and cumulative water losses is 3072 m3 s-1. The paper uses modelling to evaluate total inflow into the lake system, taking into consideration projected climate changes/variations till 2100 from the RegCM3 and ALADIN climate models. The analysis indicates marked decrease in discharge values by the end of this century, by as much as 60%.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

抚仙湖集水域地表径流入湖水量模拟   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
徐金涛  张奇  徐力刚 《湖泊科学》2007,19(6):718-726
采用适用于无资料流域、参数较少的SCS模型计算抚仙湖集水域地表径流量.模型考虑了集水域下垫面条件的空间差异,利用Maplnfo/Arc view软件按照土地利用方式与土壤类型的不同,把集水域划分为若干个水文响应单元,分别计算产流量,较准确地模拟了入湖径流量.通过对梁王河流域和大鲫鱼沟流域实测降雨径流资料的分析与反演,提出了适合该区域的产流计算CN值.在对CN值作坡度修正后再应用到其它无观测数据区域.通过模型计算得到的抚仙湖集水域2005年3月1日-2006年2月28日地表径流量为1.74×108 m3,陆面径流系数为0.395.模型为指导抚仙湖集水域径流观测及入湖污染物负荷的计算提供依据.  相似文献   

东太湖湖泊面积及网围养殖动态变化的遥感监测   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
杨英宝  江南  殷立琼  胡斌 《湖泊科学》2005,17(2):133-137
东太湖高密度网围养殖已是东太湖水资源过度开发的重要问题,彻底查清东太湖网围养殖规模,是采取一切治理措施的前提,遥感技术可真实反映湖区网围养殖情况,能避免人为的虚报、错报现象.本文利用六景TM图像和三期高精度航片,分析了东太湖20世纪80年代以来湖泊面积、网围养殖的时空变化情况并提出控制网围养殖盲目发展的对策.1984年以来,东太湖湖泊面积持续减小,20年内共减少了249.23hm^2;其中1994—2000年是湖泊消失的快速时期,消失的湖泊主要用于围垦养殖.1990年以来,网围养殖规模逐渐增大,目前几乎布满整个东太湖;1995年以来的增长速度更为迅速,2003年的网围面积10647.02hm^2,比1995年增加了9401.29hm^2,该时期内网围规模增加的年速率是1990—1995年的4倍.  相似文献   

太湖波浪数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
在太湖实际波浪观测的基础上,采用率定验证后的第三代动谱平衡方程,考虑实际水底地形、波浪折射、浅化、反射、破碎、湖流等条件下,对太湖波浪进行数值模拟,研究太湖波浪的主要影响因素.结果表明:SWAN模型可以较好地模拟风作用下太湖风浪的生成和传播过程,模型在太湖应用是合适的;波高、波长、波周期等波浪参数在太湖的分布与风速、风向、水深等因素密切相关;在相同风向、不同风速情况下,太湖波浪发展至稳定状态的时间不一样;在不同风向,相同风速持续作用下,有效波高达到稳定的时间差不多,变化趋势也比较相同.说明波浪的发展不光取决于风速的大小,还同风的持续吹的时间和风区长度有关.  相似文献   

太湖磷转化细菌与水体磷形态关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
冯胜  秦伯强  高光 《湖泊科学》2008,20(4):428-436
太湖水体中不同形态磷含量与磷转化细菌的关系研究结果显示:太湖水体中总磷和活性磷的含量分别为0.113mg,L和O.O11mg/L;无机磷和有机磷分解菌在底泥中达6.73x103cells/g,而在水体中仅为71cells/m1,且存在明显的时间和空间差异;根据菌落形态特征,分离筛选了3株有代表性的无机磷转化菌和7株占优势的有机磷分解菌.3tt无机磷转化菌经鉴定分别与巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)、假单孢菌(Pseudomonas sp.)和类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus sp.)比较接近.而7株有机磷分解菌则分别与为苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thurigiensts)、短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)、芽孢杆菌(Bacillus SP.)、无芽孢杆菌(Bacterium sp.)、氧化微杆菌(Microbacterium oxydans)腊状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)、简单芽孢杆菌(Bacillus simples)接近;太湖水体中磷分解细菌主要归属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和假单孢菌属(Pseudomonas),对细菌降解性能进行研究的结果显示:无机磷分解细菌对太湖水体活性磷的贡献显著大于有机磷分解细菌的贡献率.  相似文献   

The phosphorus fractions, the alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and other water chemical parameters were concomitantly monitored from April 2003 to October 2004 in different eco-type sites of Lake Taihu. During the stages of algae growth, the phosphorus fractions and their relationships with APA in different ecotype sites were discussed and the phosphorus mineralization rate was calculated. In the water of Lake Taihu, most of the phosphorus (70.2%) could be attributed to the suspended particulate phosphorus, while the dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) seems to contribute less than 7%. About 58% of the total phosphorus, however, can be hydrolyzed as inorganic phosphate to compensate for phosphorus deficiency of algae and bacteria growth. During the different algae growth stages, the APA and its Kinetic parameters were varied significantly between different ecotype sites of Lake Taihu. This trend is also visible by comparing the phosphorus mineralization rate, and the most rapidly phosphorus turnover time is only several minutes. The fast recycle of phosphorus can, to some extent, be explained that the phosphorus source of algal blooms. The phytoplankton seems to compensate for phosphorus deficiency by using the alkaline phosphatase to hydrolyze phosphomonoesters.  相似文献   

The phosphorus fractions, the alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and other water chemical parameters were concomitantly monitored from April 2003 to October 2004 in different ecotype sites of Lake Taihu. During the stages of algae growth, the phosphorus fractions and their relationships with APA in different ecotype sites were discussed and the phosphorus mineralization rate was calculated. In the water of Lake Taihu, most of the phosphorus (70.2%) could be attributed to the suspended particulate phosphorus, while the dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) seems to contribute less than 7%. About 58% of the total phosphorus, however, can be hydrolyzed as inorganic phosphate to compensate for phosphorus deficiency of algae and bacteria growth. During the different algae growth stages, the APA and its Kinetic parameters were varied significantly between different ecotype sites of Lake Taihu. This trend is also visible by comparing the phosphorus mineralization rate, and the most rapidly phosphorus turnover time is only several minutes. The fast recycle of phosphorus can, to some extent, be explained that the phosphorus source of algal blooms. The phytoplankton seems to compensate for phosphorus deficiency by using the alkaline phosphatase to hydrolyze phosphomonoesters.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区水体氮、磷污染状况分析   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
通过系统测定鄱阳湖湖水、主要入湖口河水及部分农田水、地下水及城市污水氮磷含量,对其氮、磷污染状况进行了分析,同时对湖水及河水的氮、磷来源进行了初步讨论.结果表明,鄱阳湖区水体已达到一定程度的氮、磷污染,特别是饶河段氮含量较高(0.89-3.15mg/L),信江磷含量较高(0.098-0.22mg/L),而湖体的总氮、总磷含量也分别达到1.06±0.28mg/L和0.067±0.042mg/L,已具备富营养化的条件.  相似文献   

曹晶  田泽斌  储昭升  牛远  郑丙辉 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1075-1089
藻类生长与营养盐浓度存在藻类几何级数增长的营养盐浓度变化的下限阈值和藻类生长不受氮磷浓度增加影响的上限阈值,但由于蓝藻水华的形成受多种因素的综合影响,不同湖泊、不同区域及不同时段的氮磷浓度对蓝藻水华的影响差别较大,使得蓝藻生长的氮磷控制阈值难以确定.针对控制蓝藻水华暴发的氮磷阈值的研究虽然有所开展,但多集中在实验室研究阶段或对经验值的判断,虽然也有基于野外实测数据的研究,但也限制于某一特定区域,而基于野外长序列实测数据并且覆盖整个湖泊的氮磷阈值研究则是空白.太湖作为具有较高营养背景的富营养化浅水湖泊,蓝藻水华的发生受氮磷影响较大.对太湖总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度的时空变化分析发现,太湖西北湖区的TP、TN与Chl.a浓度明显较高,并且TP、TN与Chl.a均呈显著性正相关.为探究太湖蓝藻水华暴发的TP和TN控制阈值,以轻富营养化等级下的Chl.a分级标准(10,26]作为表征水华暴发的条件,采用郑丙辉等的频率分布法,确定了太湖蓝藻水华暴发的TP和TN控制阈值分别为0.05~0.06和1.71~1.72 mg/L;通过空间验证,太湖藻型区TP和TN浓度远高于同级营养水平下全湖区TP和TN控制阈值,表明藻型区高氮磷水平为蓝藻水华发生提供充足营养盐条件,即使氮磷全湖平均浓度控制在蓝藻水华暴发的氮磷阈值水平之下,但在气象水文等因素适宜条件下,藻型区水华发生风险仍然较高;并且在高氮磷背景下,即便在水华发生风险低的季节,水华发生风险仍然较大.近十几年来,虽然太湖经历了大规模的高强度治理,但由于环太湖流域的湖西区入湖负荷占比大,导致太湖藻型区氮磷浓度仍处于高位运行状态,为蓝藻水华的暴发提供了充足的营养盐基础,因此,湖西区的控源减排仍然是太湖富营养化及蓝藻水华防控的重点.  相似文献   

为揭示大型浅水湖泊水体磷浓度对湖泊外源负荷削减和生态系统变化的响应规律,指导富营养化湖泊水生态修复和管理实践,利用太湖湖泊生态系统研究站2005-2018年连续14年的太湖水体各形态磷浓度的月、季度调查数据,估算了太湖湖体各形态磷赋存量的季度变化,分析了太湖水体磷浓度受湖泊水位、水量、蓝藻水华态势(蓝藻总生物量及水华出现面积)等环境条件变化的影响特征.结果表明,在连续10年的全流域高投入污染治理背景下,太湖水体总磷浓度仍未发生显著下降,水体各形态磷浓度在年际、月际及空间上的变幅大,不同季节和不同湖区总磷浓度的时空差异性大于14年来总磷浓度年均值的差异性;全湖32个监测点上、中、下3层混合样水体总磷平均值为0.113mg/L(n=1788),其中颗粒态磷浓度平均值为0.077mg/L,是水体总磷的主要赋存形式,溶解性总磷浓度平均值为0.036mg/L,其中反应性活性磷浓度平均值为0.015mg/L,占总磷浓度的13%;太湖水体总磷的赋存量介于410~1098t之间,56个季度的平均值为688t,其中冬季(12-2月)、春季(3-5月)、夏季(6-8月)、秋季(9-11月)平均值分别为68...  相似文献   

王琦  姜霞  金相灿  徐玉慧 《湖泊科学》2006,18(2):120-126
采用EDTA螯合剂法和不同的化学提取法,研究了太湖3个不同营养水平湖区中8个位点表层沉积物总磷、各组分磷及生物可利用磷的含量分布,探讨了太湖不同营养水平湖区表层沉积物的释磷潜力和生物可利用磷的来源.结果表明,太湖不同营养水平湖区表层沉积物总磷、无机磷和生物可利用磷含量分布差异较大,且与各湖的营养水平相一致.有机磷含量与有机质和含水率显著相关;沉积物中Fe-P和Ca-P对生物可利用磷的贡献较大,这部分磷具有较大的潜在释放风险.  相似文献   

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