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Characteristics of near-surface electrokinetic coupling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Naturally occurring electric potentials at the Earth's surface are traditionally studied using self-potential geophysics. Recent theoretical and experimental work has reinvestigated the manner in which the measurement can be made dynamically using a pressure source. The methodology, often referred to as seismoelectric, relies on electrokinetic coupling at interfaces in the streaming potential coefficient. The ultimate aim of the developing methodologies lies in the detection of zones of high fluid mobility (permeability) and fluid geochemical contrasts within the subsurface. As yet there are no standard methods of recording and interpretation: the technique remains experimental. Field measurements are made using a seismic source and by recording electric voltage across arrays of surface dipoles. This study presents observational characteristics of electrokinetic coupling based on experiments carried out in a wide range of environments. Theory concerning the coupled elastic and electromagnetic wave equations in a saturated porous medium is discussed. It is predicted that coupling will produce electromagnetic radiation patterns from vertical electric dipoles generated at interfaces. Surface- and body-wave coupling mechanisms should provide different time–distance patterns. Vertical electric dipole radiation sources are modelled and their spatial characteristics presented. A variety of experimental configurations have been used, and geometries that exploit phase asymmetry to enhance the separation of signal and noise are emphasized. The main experimental results presented are detailed observations in the immediate vicinity of the source. Simultaneous arrivals across arrays of surface dipoles are not common. The majority of such experiments have indicated that shot-symmetric voltages which display low-velocity moveout are the dominant received waveforms.  相似文献   

Summary. Asymptotic expressions for components of the electromagnetic field of a grounded electric dipole are considered for the model consisting of a thin surface-layer overlapping a stratified medium with a highly resistive screen on the roof. It is shown that the method of spatial derivatives makes it possible to obtain proper estimates of the impedance at distances of r ≥|λ0| from the nearest edge of the surface anomaly (|λ0| being the effective depth of the field penetration in the underlying section). the magnetotelluric methods allow one to obtain the true values of impedance, provided r ≥ max {|λ0|, |/( S −1+ Z 0|1/2} where S is the integrated conductivity of the surface layer, is the transverse resistance of the screen, and Z 0 is the Tikhonov—Cagniard impedance for the medium underlying the surface layer.  相似文献   

We construct a catalogue of all the possible elementary point sources of seismic waves. There are three general classes of sources, two spheroidal and one toroidal. We consider excitation functions for these point-like sources as well as for sources of finite size in far-, intermediate- and near-field for an infinite homogeneous isotropic medium. The sources corresponding to seismic-moment tensors for the second-, third- and fourth-ranks are considered in more detail; we identify 10 different seismic sources in this range: one monopole, two or three dipoles, three quadrupoles, etc. For the step-function of the scalar seismic-moment release, the amplitude spectrum for the third-rank sources is proportional to the angular frequency ω in the region below the corner frequency ω cr. The fourth-rank sources have an ω 2 spectrum in the same range. The possibility of separate and simultaneous inversion of seismic body-wave data and static deformation data for sources of different order is discussed. Some equivalent-force moment higher-rank sources are 'shielded' by lower-rank sources of the same order; the former sources cannot be inverted from seismic data without additional assumptions. Because of their simple radiation pattern, the lower order multipoles, i.e. the monopole and dipoles, are the first sources other than the double-couple which should be considered for inversion.  相似文献   

Improved estimates of UK flood risk during a period of increased climatic variability place challenges on existing methods that rely on short instrumental records. This paper examines the value of using historical data (both documentary and epigraphic) to augment existing gauged records for the River Tay at Perth as part of a multi-method approach to assessing flood risk. Single station and pooled methods are compared with flood risk estimates based on an augmented historical series (1815–2000) using the Generalized Logistic and Generalized Pareto distributions. The value of using an even longer, but less reliable, extended historical series (1210–2000) is also examined. It is recommended that modelling flood risk for return periods >100 years should incorporate historical data, where available, and that a multi-method approach using a high threshold Generalized Pareto distribution can also add confidence in flood risk estimates for return periods <100 years based on standard methods.  相似文献   

Error estimates from statistical regression analysis are often obviously too small, leading to doubts about the given equations, the statistical method itself and finally, with resignation, to the conclusion that mathematical equations and reality never agree. However, for magnetotelluric data we have found an almost perfect fit between observed scattering and predicted confidence limits of regression coefficients after accounting for a systematic error—the bias.
Different methods to compensate for bias in magnetotelluric impedance estimation have been described using additional data from a reference station. However, sufficiently accurate reference data are often not available. A new method has been developed that enables bias compensation without additional data. For the new method we derive a linear relationship between the effect of bias and an expression depending on the data fit. From this we extrapolate the solution for the unbiased impedance. The new method assumes a special model of uncorrelated noise as well as an approximation for the structure of the impedance tensor. From each pair of components of the unrotated impedance tensor corresponding to the same output channel, one of the pair can be compensated if its magnitude is large compared to that of the other.
The method has been successfully applied in many cases. We claim that the solution is closer to the true impedance than any solution based on the selection of events. It gives a measure of the partitioning of noise between the electric and magnetic channels.
We applied the method to measurements from the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) and from the Merapi volcano (Central Java) in the period range 10–2500 s. Different instrumentation was used for the two sets of measurements, but in both cases we used fluxgate magnetometers to measure the magnetic variations.  相似文献   

A time-varying spherical harmonic model of the palaeomagnetic field for 0–7 ka is used to investigate large-scale global geomagnetic secular variation on centennial to millennial scales. We study dipole moment evolution over the past 7 kyr, and estimate its rate of change using the Gauss coefficients of degree 1 (dipole coefficients) from the CALS7K.2 field model and by two alternative methods that confirm the robustness of the predicted variations. All methods show substantial dipole moment variation on timescales ranging from centennial to millennial. The dipole moment from CALS7K.2 has the best resolution and is able to resolve the general decrease in dipole moment seen in historical observations since about 1830. The currently observed rate of dipole decay is underestimated by CALS7K.2, but is still not extraordinarily strong in comparison to the rates of change shown by the model over the whole 7 kyr interval. Truly continuous phases of dipole decrease or increase are decadal to centennial in length rather than longer-term features. The general large-scale secular variation shows substantial changes in power in higher spherical harmonic degrees on similar timescales to the dipole. Comparisons are made between statistical variations calculated directly from CALS7K.2 and longer-term palaeosecular variation models: CALS7K.2 has lower overall variance in the dipole and quadrupole terms, but exhibits an imbalance between dispersion in   g 12  and   h 12  , suggestive of long-term non-zonal structure in the secular variations.  相似文献   

Summary. Using a very large body of post-1955 data, a spherical harmonic model of the geomagnetic field and its secular variation is derived for 1965.0. This model is compared with the original International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) and with individual models used, or proposed for use, in producing the IGRF. Positions of the dip-poles, the geomagnetic poles and the eccentric dipole are derived from the model, together with their rates of change, and comparisons are made with other estimates of these positions.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic results are presented from a volcanic sequence in Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, Southern China. The lavas and associated volcanic breccias comprising the sequence represent a southern extension of the Emeishan volcanic province. Biostratigraphic dating of interbedded limestone units and stratigraphic constraints indicate that the section formed during the late Permian (∼263–255  Ma), and is thus somewhat older than the Emei stratotype section in Sichuan Province, and close in age to reported estimates of the termination of the Permo-Carboniferous (Kiaman) reverse superchron. Rock magnetic analyses and reflected light microscopy indicate that the magnetic mineralogy of the lava units is dominated by fresh, primary magnetites containing a significant fraction of single-domain grains. Thermal demagnetization behaviour of the breccia units is poor, but most lava samples have one or two components of remanence above 250 °C. The normal polarity characteristic remanence held by the lavas implies a post-Kiaman age for this succession and suggests that the termination of the Kiaman occurred prior to 263  Ma, supporting recently published estimates. According to standard criteria, Thellier palaeointensity results from the lavas are of good quality and reveal that the dipole field strength was comparatively low shortly after the termination of the superchron. 80 per cent of samples record relative VDM values in the range 42–52 per cent of the present-day value, supporting recent studies of mid-Kiaman field intensity. This suggests that a low-energy dipole existed at least between 300 and 255  Ma and does not appear to have been confined to the stable reverse polarity interval.  相似文献   


Online mapping providers offer unprecedented access to spatial data and analytical tools; however, the number of analytical queries that can be requested is usually limited. As such, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) services offer a viable alternative, provided that the quality of the underlying spatialtheir data is adequate. In this paper, we evaluate the agreement in travel impedance between estimates from MapQuest Open, which embraces OpenStreetMap (OSM) data–a is based on VGI datasetfrom OpenStreetMap (OSM), and estimates from two other popular commercial providers, namely Google Maps? and ArcGIS? Online. Our framework is articulated around three components, which simulates potentialcalculates shortest routes, estimates their travel impedance using a routing service Application Program Interface (API), and extracts the average number of contributors for each route. We develop an experimental setup with a simulated dataset for the state of North Carolina. Our results suggest a strong correlation of travel impedance among all three road network providers. and that travel impedanceThe agreement is the greatest in areas with a denser road network and the smallest for routes of shorter distances. Most importantly, tTravel estimates from MapQuest Open are nearly identical to both commercial providers when the average number of OSM contributors along the route is larger. The latter finding contributes to a growing body of literature on Linus’s law, recognizing that a larger group of contributors holds the potential to validate and correct inherent errors to the source dataset.  相似文献   

Summary. From 1883 to 1901 magnetic elements were continuously recorded at the French Saint-Maur observatory. From 1893 to 1895, Earth potentials along two 15 km long orthogonal lines were also recorded. Moreover, from 1884 to 1885, Blavier,'Ingénieur des Télégraphes', used several some hundred kilométre long telegraphic lines to measure and record Earth potentials. Using this set of data we will study the daily variations of the telluric and magnetic fields and the way according to which these two fields are correlated.
The observed magnetotelluric tensor is antisymmétric when the long telluric lines are considered. It is not the case for the short lines. But, making use of a correction derived from the formalism developed by Le Mouel & Menvielle in the static distortion approximation, one can derive an impedance whose phase is equal to the phase of the impedance derived from the long line data.  相似文献   

An energy balance based HBV model was calibrated to the run-off from Bayelva catchment in western Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The model simulated the glacier mass balance, and the results were compared to observations at Austre Brøggerbreen for the period 1971-1997. Even though the model was optimized to observed run-off from a catchment in which the glaciers constitute 50% of the area, and not to the observation of glacier mass balance, the model was able to reconstruct the trends and values of the mass balance found through observations. On average the simulation gave a negative net balance of 696 mm. The observed average is 442 mm. The simulated winter accumulation was in average for the same period 9% lower and the summer ablation 17% higher than the observed. The years 1994-96 show deviations between simulated and observed winter accumulation up to 160%. This can probably be accounted for by extreme rainfall during the winter, leading to thick ice layers which make accurate observations difficult. The higher simulated summer ablation might indicate that the glaciers in the catchment as a whole have a larger negative mass balance than Austre Brøggerbreen. The simulations showed that the glacier mass-balance would be in equilibrium with a summer temperature 1.2°C lower than the average over the last decades or with a 100% increase in the winter (snow) precipitation. These are higher values than former estimates. A combined change of temperature and precipitation showed a synergic effect and thereby less extreme values.  相似文献   

Although the galvanic distortion due to local, near-surface inhomogeneities is frequency-independent, its effect on the magnetotelluric data becomes, in a 3-D structure, frequency-dependent. Therefore, both the apparent resistivity and the phase responses are disturbed, and a correction should be carried out prior to the 3-D interpretation in order to retrieve the 3-D regional impedance tensor. In many cases, the structure is 2-D for depths corresponding to a first range of periods and 3-D for longer periods (called 2-D/3-D). For these cases, a simple method which allows us to retrieve the 3-D regional impedance tensor (except the static shift) is presented. The method proposed uses the Groom & Bailey decomposition of the distortion matrix for the short periods. Three examples are presented: two using synthetic data and one employing real data. These examples show the effect of the galvanic distortion over a regional 2-D/3-D model and the retrieval of the regional transfer functions from the distorted ones.  相似文献   

Two years of offshore wave data and daily time exposure images from Trafalgar beach, a 2-km-long sandy beach located on the southwest coast of Spain that frequently exhibits rhythmic features, were used to (1) explore the variability of the beachface morphology and (2) determine environmental conditions associated with the different morphological states. The beachface morphology at three distinct alongshore sectors was analyzed and classified and five different morphological states were found that are related with the presence or absence of beach cusps and a berm: (1) large beach cusps, (2) small beach cusps, (3) low-tide terrace; (4) plane beach berm and (5) plane beach. The predominant beachface morphology is characterized by the presence of large beach cusps, and the main wave climate consisted of offshore significant wave heights ranging from 0.5–1 m and wave periods between 4 and 12 s. An alongshore variation of the morphology is found which might be related to the nearshore wave variability (SWAN wave model results). The morphologies are, in some cases, well-correlated with the daily offshore incident wave climate (described by the daily maximum significant wave height and the corresponding period), particularly for the moderate to high energy wave conditions. Small beach cusps appear under short period waves, whereas when the wave periods are longer the morphology tends to change to large beach cusps. This transition only occurs if the forcing is maintained as constant for a certain duration, which depends itself on the wave energy. It is concluded that correlations over 90% are only found for the highest wave energy conditions or under long wave periods. For the remainder, it is not possible to generally correlate the beachface morphology based only on the wave forcing because the previous morphological state cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

Two censuses made of the population of Svalbard reindeer on Edgeøya in 1983 and 1996 resulted in 1586 and 2434 individuals respectively. Together with data from earlier population surveys (1969-77), this indicates, numerically, a population growth during the period 1969-96. Because of the weaknesses in the different census methods used, we cannot conclude that in reality a population growth has taken place even though the numerical data is correct. Therefore an average population size of 1730 (± 451 SD) individuals for the period 1969-96 is suggested. Earlier estimates of vegetated area indicate that the present data corresponds to reindeer densities averaging 1.05 and ranging from 0.79 to 1.47 individuals/km2.  相似文献   

The technique of bootstrapped discrete scale invariance allows multiple time-series of different observables to be normalized in terms of observed and predicted characteristic timescales. A case study is presented using the SINT2000 time-series of virtual axial dipole moment, which spans the past 2 Myr. It is shown that this sequence not only bears a clear signature of a preferred timescale of about 55.6 Ka, but additionally predicts similar features (of shorter and longer duration) that are actually observed on the timescales of historical secular variation and dipole reversals, respectively. In turn, the latter two empirical sources both predict the characteristic timescale found in the dipole intensity sequence. These communal scaling characteristics suggest that a single underlying process could be driving dynamo fluctuations across all three observed timescales, from years to millions of years.  相似文献   

Summary. Measurements of the declination, inclination and intensity of the archaeomagnetic field have been made on samples collected from 175 sites in south-eastern Europe. The results reveal both long and short term fluctuations in the ancient virtual dipole moment as well as providing a record of the virtual pole position over an 8000 yr period.  相似文献   

"This paper provides estimates of ethnic minority populations in 1981 in Greater London so that spatial population change can be measured. The estimation method involves the application of conditional probabilities of ethnicity given the country of birth. Several different data sources from the census of population have been used to compute the conditional probabilities. Each of these sources has deficiencies; the new method proposed here employs data on 1981-91 survivors in the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS). The estimated ethnic minority populations for 1981 are smaller than those generated using 1991 Census data, and hence the estimate of change is larger. Careful pairwise comparisons are made between alternative estimates. A set of very different maps of change, based on the LS method, are presented and interpreted for the ethnic groups of London at the borough scale."  相似文献   

Landsat multispectral scanner images and 1:50, 000 scale aerial photographs are used to measure marginal fluctuations in 22 outlet glaciers of the Nordaustlandet ice caps, Svalbard, for all or parts of the period 1969 to 1981. Little was previously known about the behaviour of these glacier termini. Digital analysis of Landsat computer compatible tapes yielded measurement errors of less than ±150m, whereas data extracted from aerial photographs had an accuracy of ±25 m. Of the 22 glacier termini examined using aerial photographs, 15 were retreating, four were static and three were advancing. Retreat was usually in the order of hundreds of metres during the period of observation. For any outlet glacier, retreat was probably a result of either (1) glacier response to climatic wanning since the early part of the 20th century, or (2) stagnation and thinning during the quiescent period between surges. Short term iceberg calving events may also be responsible for retreat in a few cases. All observed outlet glaciers of Austfonna were static or retreating between 1969 and 1981, but analysis of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs showed that five outlet glaciers from Vestfonna and one from Vegafonna were advancing for all or part of that period. Bodleybreen advanced by a mean of 440 and a maximum of 580m a−1 between 1976 and 1981. Bodleybreen, Søre Rijpbreen, and Palanderbreen are identified as surging, based on increases or changes in the pattern of surface crevassing. The ice streams Aldousbreen, Frazerbreen, and Idunbreen also advanced between 1976 and 1981, but surface crevasse patterns remained largely unaltered and surging is not inferred.  相似文献   

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