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We present a flux variability study of simultaneous RXTE and EUVE observations of the highly variable Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051. We find a strong correlation between variability in the EUV and medium-energy X-ray bands, indicating that both are sampling the same power-law continuum. The lag between the two bands is less than 20 ks and, depending on model assumptions, may be <1 ks. We examine the consequences of such a small lag in the context of simple Comptonization models for the production of the power-law continuum. A lag of <1 ks implies that the size of the Comptonizing region is less than 20 Schwarzschild radii for a black hole of mass >106 M.  相似文献   

The formerly X-ray reflection-dominated Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 6300   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a BeppoSAX observation of the bright Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 6300 is presented. The rapidly variable emission from the active nucleus is seen through a Compton-thin     absorber. A Compton-reflection component with an unusually high reflection fraction     , and the comparison with a reflection-dominated spectrum measured by RXTE two and half years earlier suggest that NGC 6300 belongs to the class of 'transient' active galactic nucleus, undergoing long and repeated periods of low activity. The spectral transition provides support to the idea that Compton-thick and Compton-thin X-ray absorbers in Seyfert 2 galaxies are decoupled, the former being most likely associated with the 'torus', whereas the latter is probably located at much larger distances.  相似文献   

Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations have revealed complex variability in AGNs. To explain the variability we considered a theoretical model consisting of an inner hot comptonizing corona and an outer thin accretion disk, with interactions between the two components in the form of comptonization and reprocessing. We found that the variability of AGNs is strongly affected by the parameters of the model, namely, the truncated disk radius rmin, the corona radius rs, the temperature KTe and the optical depth τ0 of the corona. We applied this model to the two best observed Seyfert 1 galaxies, NGC 5548 and NGC 4051. Our model can reproduce satisfactory the observed SEDs. Our fits indicate that NGC 5548 may have experienced dramatic changes in physical parameters between 1989-1990 and 1998, and that NGC 4051 has a much larger truncated disk radius (700 Schwarzschild radii) than NGC 5548 (several tens of Schwarzschild radii). Since we adopted a more refined treatment of the comptonization process rather than simply assuming a cut-off power law, our results should be more reasonable than the previous ones.  相似文献   

We present results from spectral analysis of ASCA data on the strong Fe  ii narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 507. This galaxy was found to have an exceptionally flat ROSAT spectrum among the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) studied by Boller, Brandt & Fink. The ASCA spectrum, however, shows a clear absorption feature in the energy band below 2 keV, which partly accounts for the flat spectrum observed with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC). Such absorption is rarely observed in other NLS1s. The absorption is mainly the result of cold (neutral or slightly ionized) gas with a column density of (2–3) × 1021 cm−2. A reanalysis of the PSPC data shows that an extrapolation of the best-fitting model for the ASCA spectrum underpredicts the X-ray emission observed with the PSPC below 0.4 keV if the absorber is neutral (which indicates that the absorber is slightly ionized), covers only part of the central source, or there is extra soft thermal emission from an extended region. There is also evidence that the X-ray absorption is complex; an additional edge feature marginally detected at 0.84 keV suggests the presence of an additional high-ionization absorber, which imposes a strong O  viii edge on the spectrum. After correction for the absorption, the photon index of the intrinsic continuum, Γ ≃ 1.8, obtained from the ASCA data is quite similar to that of ordinary Seyfert 1 galaxies. Mrk 507 still has one of the flattest continuum slopes among the NLS1s, but is no longer exceptional. The strong optical Fe  ii emission remains unusual in the light of the correlation between Fe  ii strengths and steepness of soft X-ray slope.  相似文献   

We present results of the ASCA observation of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4507. The 0.5–10 keV spectrum is rather complex and consists of several components: (i) a hard X-ray power law heavily absorbed by a column density of about 3-1023 cm−2, (ii) a narrow Fe Kα line at 6.4 keV, (iii) soft continuum emission well above the extrapolation of the absorbed hard power law and (iv) a narrow emission line at ∼0.9 keV. The line energy, consistent with highly ionized neon (Ne IX ), may indicate that the soft X-ray emission is derived from a combination of resonant scattering and fluorescence in a photoionized gas. Some contribution to the soft X-ray spectrum from thermal emission, as a blend of Fe L lines, by a starburst component in the host galaxy cannot be ruled out with the present data.  相似文献   

We present evidence of flux variability, on both short (hours) and long (months) time-scales, of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7172. These results are based on the ASCA observation of NGC 7172 performed in 1996 May. The source was detected at a rather low flux level, about 3 times fainter than its usual state (including 1 yr before, when it was also observed by ASCA ).   The source also varied by about 30 per cent during the observation, confirming the presence of a type 1 nucleus in its centre. However, its spectrum appears to be flatter than the typical Seyfert 1 spectrum (in agreement with findings on other Seyfert 2s), posing problems for the unification model unless complex absorption is invoked.  相似文献   

We report on simultaneous optical and X-ray observations of the Seyfert galaxy, NGC 3147. The XMM–Newton spectrum shows that the source is unabsorbed in the X-rays  ( N H < 5 × 1020 cm−2)  . On the other hand, no broad lines are present in the optical spectrum. The origin of this optical/X-rays misclassification (with respect to the Unification Model) cannot be attributed to variability, since the observations in the two bands are simultaneous. Moreover, a Compton-thick nature of the object can be rejected on the basis of the low-equivalent width of the iron Kα line (≃130 eV) and the large ratio between the 2–10 keV and the [O  iii ] fluxes. It seems therefore inescapable to conclude that NGC 3147 intrinsically lacks the Broad-Line Region, making it the first 'true' type 2 Seyfert galaxy.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous ASCA and RXTE observations of Ark 564, the brightest known 'narrow-line' Seyfert 1 in the 2–10 keV band. The measured X-ray spectrum is dominated by a steep (Γ≈2.7) power-law continuum extending to at least 20 keV, with imprinted Fe K-line and edge features and an additional 'soft excess' below ∼1.5 keV. The energy of the iron K-edge indicates the presence of highly ionized material, which we identify in terms of reflection from a strongly irradiated accretion disc. The high reflectivity of this putative disc, together with its strong intrinsic O  viii Ly α and O  viii recombination emission, can also explain much of the observed soft excess flux. Furthermore, the same spectral model also provides a reasonable match to the very steep 0.1–2 keV spectrum deduced from ROSAT data. The source is much more rapidly variable than 'normal' Seyfert 1s of comparable luminosity, increasing by a factor of ∼50 per cent in 1.6 h, with no measurable lag between the 0.5–2 keV and 3–12 keV bands, consistent with much of the soft excess flux arising from reprocessing of the primary power-law component in the inner region of the accretion disc. We note, finally, that if the unusually steep power-law component is a result of Compton cooling of a disc corona by an intense soft photon flux, then the implication is that the bulk of these soft photons lie in the unobserved extreme ultraviolet.  相似文献   

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