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Five satellites of Neptune orbit under the synchronous zone. In this sense the Neptune's system is similar to that of Uranus (nine satellites) and differs from Jupiter (two) and Saturn (zero). The basic parameters describing the angular momentum within the Neptune's system and of its tidal evolution are estimated. The main character of the tidal dynamics is due to the retrograde Triton. The total tidal decrease in the spin angular momentum of Neptune is compared with those of Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of fine dust particles ejected from Enceladus and subsequently electrically charged within the Saturnian magnetosphere is studied. It is shown that the gyro-phase drift, which is radially outwards due to the strong radial temperature and density gradients in the magnetospheric plasma, is, by far, the fastest transport mechanism of these grains. Maintenance of the E-ring in a steady state throughout the age of the solar system would need a mass loss from Enceladus of about 2 parts in 1000.  相似文献   

The need is pointed out of a re-discussion of the past tidal evolution of the Earth-Moon system as a boundary-value problem on the time-scale indicated by radiometric dating of lunar soils returned by successive space missions from different localities on the Moon's surface.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

The present paper contains a systematic study of the generalization of the angular momentum formula in higher multipole moments from aN-body isolated system in the linear approximation of general relativity.  相似文献   

In the three years following the discovery of PSR J2051−0827, we have observed a large number of eclipse traverses over a wide frequency range. These data show that the pulsar usually undergoes complete eclipse at frequencies below 1 GHz. At higher frequencies the pulsar is often detected throughout this low-frequency eclipse region with pulse times of arrival being significantly delayed relative to the best-fitting timing model. Variability in the magnitude of the delay is clearly seen and occurs on time-scales shorter than the orbital period. Simultaneous dual frequency observations highlight the difference in the eclipse behaviour for two widely separated frequencies. The low-frequency eclipses are accompanied by a significant decrease in pulsed flux density, while the flux density variations during higher frequency eclipses are not well defined. We consider a number of eclipse mechanisms and find that scattering and cyclotron absorption in the magnetosphere of the companion are consistent with the phenomena presented here.  相似文献   

The general equations of angular momentum and kinetic energy of a rotating deformable (or not rigid) body are discussed for a fixed and a rotating coordinate system. A new system of equations is developed for a deformable body of arbitrary form using the Lagrangian (vector) cisplacement up to the first order terms. The equations are, then, illustrated for a self-gravitating ceformable body perturbed by tides.  相似文献   

Saturn's F ring has been the subject of study due to its peculiar structure and the proximity to two satellites, named Prometheus (interior) and Pandora (exterior to the ring), which cause perturbations to the ring particles. Early results from Voyager data have proposed that the ring is populated with centimetre- and micrometre-sized particles. The Cassini spacecraft also detected a less dense part in the ring with width of 700 km. Small particles suffer the effects of solar radiation. Burns et al. showed that due to effects of one component of the solar radiation, the Poynting–Robertson drag, a ring particle will decay in the direction of the planet in a time much shorter than the age of the Solar system. In this work, we have analysed a sample of dust particles (1, 3, 5 and 10 μm) under the effects of solar radiation, the Poynting–Robertson drag and the radiation pressure components and the gravitational effects of the satellites Prometheus and Pandora. In this case, the high increase of the eccentricity of the particles leads almost all of them to collide with the outer edge of the A ring. The inclusion of the oblateness of Saturn in this system significantly changes the outcome, since the large variation of the eccentricity is reduced by the oblateness effect. As a result, there is an increase in the lifetime of the particle in the envelope region. Our results show that even the small dust particles, which are very sensitive to the effects of solar radiation, have an orbital evolution similar to larger particles located in the F ring. The fate of all particles is a collision with Prometheus or Pandora in less than 30 years. On the other hand, collisions of these particles with moonlets/clumps present in the F ring could change this scenario.  相似文献   

We reexamine arguments advanced by Hayashi & Matsuda (2001), who claim that several simple, physically motivated derivations based on mean free path theory for calculating the viscous torque in a quasi-Keplerian accretion disk yield results that are inconsistent with the generally accepted model. If correct, the ideas proposed by Hayashi & Matsuda would radically alter our understanding of the nature of the angular momentum transport in the disk, which is a central feature of accretion disk theory. However, in this paper we point out several fallacies in their arguments and show that there indeed exists a simple derivation based on mean free path theory that yields an expression for the viscous torque that is proportional to the radial derivative of the angular velocity in the accretion disk, as expected. The derivation is based on the analysis of the epicyclic motion of gas parcels in adjacent eddies in the disk.  相似文献   

We give an analytic expression of the braking torque on a Jacobian ellipsoid rotating steadily in an environmental gas, based on the assumption that the ellipsoid rotates around its shortest principal axis with an angular momentum slightly larger than that at the bifurcation point of the Maclaurin spheroid. This braking torque is effected by the gravitational interaction between the ellipsoid matter and a spiral density configuration in the environmental gas. This spiral configuration, which we call a tidal acoustic wave, is caused by the zone of silence effect in a supersonic flow. With respect to a coordinates system rotating with the ellipsoid, a supersonic region appears outside a certain radius. In this supersonic region, the effect of the non-axisymmetric fluctuation in the ellipsoid potential propagates only along the downstream branches of the Mach waves. This one-sided response of the supersonic part causes the tidal acoustic wave. We restrict ourselves to the equatorial plane, and use an acoustic approximation of the basic equations under the assumption that the self-gravity effect of the environmental gas is negligible in comparison to the main gravity of the ellipsoid. The results are applied to the pre- and post-Main Sequence phases of a rotating star, and relating astrophysical problems are discussed.  相似文献   

A computational model is developed for the origin of protogalactic eddies at the fronts of large-scale pancake shocks. Possible effects of orientation of spiral galaxies in their pairs, groups, clusters and superclusters are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the angular momentum properties of simulated dark matter haloes at high redshifts that likely host the first stars in the Universe. Calculating the spin distributions of these  106– 107 M  haloes in redshift slices from   z = 15  to 6, we find that they are well fit by a lognormal distribution as is found for lower redshift and more massive haloes in earlier work. We find that both the mean value of the spin and dispersion are largely unchanged with redshift for all haloes. Our key result is that subsamples of low- and high-spin, 106 and  107 M  , haloes show difference in clustering strength. In both mass bins, higher spin haloes are more strongly clustered in concordance with a tidal torquing picture for the growth of angular momentum in dark matter haloes in the cold dark matter paradigm.  相似文献   

The study of a previously proposed theory of gravitation in flat space-time (Petry, 1981a) is continued. A conservation law for the angular momentum is derived. Additional to the usual form, there must be added a term coming from the spin of the gravitational field. The equations of motion and of spin angular momentum for a spinning test particle in a gravitational field are given. An approximation of the equations of the spin angular momentum in the rest frame of the test particle is studied. For a gyroscope in an orbit of a rotating massive body (e.g., the Earth) the precession of the spin axis agrees with the result of Einstein's general theory of relativity.  相似文献   

We present the results of numerical simulations of relaxing protogalaxies under the tidal action of other similar systems and also clusters of galaxies. It is found that the bimodal behaviour of the observed angular momentum of galaxies can be explained under the assumption of different initial dynamical conditions induced by the evolving structure of the Universe expected in the adiabatic picture.Observatorio Astronómico, Córdoba, Argentina.CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  相似文献   

The equations of motion are derived for a differentially rotating system, and the paper demonstrates the existence of a force term due to coupling of the angular momentum with the gradient of the angular frequency. Translation of the system of reference to the Local Standard of Rest (LSR) shows that the LSR executes a radial oscillatory motion as a necessary consequence of the coupling mentioned above. This mechanism could well provide the theoretical background for expanding galaxies without resorting to a violent explosion in their centre — a mechanism for which the evidence is rather scanty.  相似文献   

Pre-Main-Sequence stars with masses between 2 and 5 M (Herbig Ae/Be stars) have radiative subphotospheric envelopes. However, they possess strong stellar winds and show definite signs of activity which could be linked to surface magnetic field. Therefore, they must lose angular momentum at a significant rate.We investigate the effect of such angular momentum losses on the internal structure of these stars, and on the distribution of angular velocity inside them. This paper presents a preliminary analysis guided by an analogy with laboratory and geophysical fluids. We propose that the friction exerted at the stellar surface by the angular momentum losses produces a mixed layer below the surface, separated from the unperturbed interior by an interface. Using scaling laws established by experimental studies of sheared stratified fluids, we discuss a simplified model for the evolution of the mixed layer.Although this model is still too preliminary to allow quantitative predictions, we show that for a reasonable choice of parameters, the mixed layer penetrates into the stellar interior on a time-scale of 106 years, comparable to the Kelvin time-scale for the Herbig Ae/Be stars.  相似文献   

We investigate the secular dynamics of two-planet coplanar systems evolving under mutual gravitational interactions and dissipative forces. We consider two mechanisms responsible for the planetary migration: star-planet (or planet-satellite) tidal interactions and interactions of a planet with a gaseous disc. We show that each migration mechanism is characterized by a specific law of orbital angular momentum exchange. Calculating stationary solutions of the conservative secular problem and taking into account the orbital angular momentum leakage, we trace the evolutionary routes followed by the planet pairs during the migration process. This procedure allows us to recover the dynamical history of two-planet systems and constrain parameters of the involved physical processes.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a new mechanism—angular momentum drain—helps account for the relatively slow rotation rates of intermediate-sized asteroids. Impact ejecta on a spinning body preferentially escape in the direction of rotation. This material systematically drains away spin angular momentum, leading to the counterintuitive result that collisions can reduce the spin of midsized objects. For an asteroid of mass M spinning at frequency ω, a mass loss δM correspond to an average decrease in rotation rate δω ≈ ωδMM. A. W. Harris' (1979), Icarus40, 145–153) theory for the collisional evolution of asteroidal spins is significantly altered by inlusion of this effect. While the modified theory is still somewhat artificial, comparison of its predictions with the data of S. F. Dermott, A. W. Harris, and C. D. Murray (1984, Icarus57, 14–34) suggests that angular momentum drain is essential for understanding the statistics of asteroidal rotations.  相似文献   

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