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Palaeomagnetic measurements have been carried out on lava flows and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks of Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene age from sections on the Tjömes Peninsula and a core section from the island of Flatey off North Iceland. Earlier palaeomagnetic work in the area is reviewed, and new data on the stratigraphy of the Hoskuldsvik Group on Tjörnes are presented. A revised polarity column based on our resultsisset upfortheoutcropson Tjörnes, including twoadditionalnormalsubchronswithin the Matuyama. Our palaeomagnetic results indicate that the rocks penetrated by the Flatey drillhole accumulated during the Matuyama. Age estimates for the Upper Tjömes sequence are reviewed, and correlation alternatives indicate that the earliest glaciation of Tjörnes took place either at c.2 Ma or near the Gauss/Matuyama boundary at c. 2.5 Ma. Correlation of individual Matuyama subchrons remains uncertain. A comparison of the climatic evidence from the Tjörnes area with data on oxygen isotope and carbonate variations at DSDP site 552A is used to evaluate correlation alternatives.  相似文献   

Marine and continental deposits from the Tjörnes area in northern Iceland were studied to obtain their pollen/spore content. Six Pollen Zones (PZ) were defined in the Early Pliocene Tjörnes beds and the Early Pleistocene Breidavík Group. The pollen is most diverse during the deposition of the lowest Tapes Zone (PZ 1) and the lower part of the overlying Mactra Zone (PZ 2). Local pollen from marshland, levee and foothill forests was deposited on a large coastal plain. The pollen spectrum reflects transgression and deepening during the second part of the Mactra Zone (PZ 3) and the lower part of the Serripes Zone (PZ 4). Gymnosperm pollen derived from the higher inland plateau increases in PZ 3. This background pollen was of minor importance during periods with an extensive coastal plain (PZ 1, 2, 4, 6). PZ 5 did not yield sufficient pollen for analysis. The pollen analysis allowed refinement of the sea‐level variations based on sedimentology and molluscs. Pollen of warmth‐demanding plants is recorded throughout the Tjörnes beds and the Early Pleistocene interglacial deposits. Warmth‐loving species indicate summers 8°C warmer than today during deposition of the Tapes Zone, and at least 5°C warmer during the rest of the Tjörnes beds. The Pliocene vegetation of Iceland matches well that of the present‐day western European maritime temperate climate. The drastic cooling at the onset of the Quaternary led to a marked vegetation impoverishment, already noticeable in the Early Pleistocene Breidavík Group.  相似文献   

The Tjörnes Fracture Zone separates Iceland's North Volcanic Zone from Kolbeinsey-Ridge (Greenland-Sea). Seismicity mainly occurs in swarms, often 100 and more per day, with similar waveforms and frequently offshore.We analysed three earthquake swarms between June and September 2004, recorded by 35 stations, i.e. the permanent Icelandic SIL network and a temporary setup of land and ocean-bottom-seismometers, and 5 swarms of the years 1994-1997 only using the sparser SIL network. Events occurring in the same swarm often show similar waveforms at the same station. We cross-correlated these time series by using a new approach of three component cross-correlation in order to relocate the hypocenters relative within the swarms and to precisely determine the direction and velocity of migration. Our method delivered good relocations with small spatial and temporal errors. This allows the interpretation and characterisation of the observed earthquake swarms. We try to classify observed migration velocities by comparing them to typical fluid- and crack-propagation velocities and determine focal-mechanisms and orientation of the best fitting plane through the hypocenter distribution.We separate the investigated events into two types of earthquake swarms, supposedly dike-induced and hydrothermally- or gas-induced swarms, by pointing out typical characteristics of both types and by comparing them to similar events of other volcanic regions. Based on different migration velocities, we will discuss possible mechanisms and their triggers of all single clusters within a swarm. Hypothetic models will be established, trying to explain the processes during the swarm episodes and to derive possible pre-eruptive patterns from the character of seismicity.  相似文献   

We describe and compare the two transform zones that connect the Icelandic rift segments and the mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Icelandic hot spot, in terms of geometry of faulting and stress fields. The E–W trending South Iceland Seismic Zone is a diffuse shear zone with a Riedel fault pattern including N0°–N20°E trending right-lateral and N60°–N70°E trending left-lateral faults. The dominant stress field in this zone is characterised by NW–SE extension, in general agreement with left-lateral transform motion. The Tjörnes Fracture Zone includes three major lineaments at different stages of development. The most developed, the Húsavík–Flatey Fault, presents a relatively simple geometry with a major fault that trends ESE–WNW. The stress pattern is however complex, with two dominant directions of extension, E–W and NE–SW on average. Both these extensions are compatible with the right-lateral transform motion and reveal different behaviours in terms of coupling. Transform motion has unambiguous fault expression along a mature zone, a situation close to that of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone. In contrast, transform motion along the immature South Iceland Seismic Zone is expressed through a more complicate structural pattern. At the early stage of the transform process, relatively simple stress patterns prevail, with a single dominant stress field, whereas, when the transform zone is mature, moderate and low coupling situations may alternate, as a function of volcanic–tectonic crises and induce changes in stress orientation.  相似文献   

The Tjörnes facture zone (TFZ) connects the EW extension of the Mid-Atlantic ridge north of Iceland to the extension of the North volcanic zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Earthquakes up to magnitude 7 (Ms) can occur in TFZ, volcanic eruptions have been observed and large crustal deformations are expected in similar way as have been observed in the NVZ. Most of the zone is below ocean, which limits the historical information and geological observations. For studying the dynamics of the zone we must rely on interpretation and modelling based on seismic observations, especially on microearthquake observations for the last 10 years. In this paper we demonstrate how microearthquakes can be applied to map the details of the plate boundary, and how this information can be applied to find epicenters and fault planes of large historical earthquakes, also how seismic information can be applied in dynamic modelling and to infer spatial and temporal interplay in activity, and to enhance hazard assessment.  相似文献   

A 137 cm sediment core from Fog Lake, a small upland basin that was not glaciated during the Late Wisconsinan, reveals the following stratigraphic succession: (I) basal diamicton, (II) laminated silts, (III) compacted dewatered gyttja, (IV) stratified minerogenic sediments, and (V) overlying gyttja. Units I–III, and most of unit IV, were deposited prior to the Holocene; unit V represents approximately the last 8000 14C years. Alternate luminescence dating techniques (TL and IRSL) place unit III in latter oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5, >74,000 years BP. A suite of 20 AMS 14C dates suggests that much of the post-OIS 5 paleoenvironmental record is characterized by either extremely low continuous sediment accumulation, or by one or more episodes of more rapid sedimentation. Diverse pollen and spore assemblages have concentrations that are unexpectedly high throughout the pre-Holocene sediments (>10,000 grains cm−3), by comparison to the Holocene (5000 grains cm−3). Exceedingly low sediment accumulation rates appear to have resulted in the concentration of atmospherically derived pollen and spores. Diatom assemblages record the evolution of the lake's chemistry and past algal production. Several abrupt changes occurred synchronously in both the terrestrial and aquatic components of the system, and these appear to represent ecological responses to pre-Holocene climatic variability. The sediments of Fog Lake provide the first integrated paleoecological record older than Holocene for a vast region of the Canadian Arctic, thereby refining our understanding of long-term arctic ecosystem ontogeny.  相似文献   

The general subject of this paper is subglacial deformation beneath Breiðamerkurjökull, a surging Icelandic glacier. More specifically it discusses the evolution and the role of fluid pressure on the behaviour of subglacial sediments during deformation. During Little Ice Age maximum, the two outcrops studied, North Jökulsarlon (N-Jk) and Brennhola-Alda (BA), were located at 2550 m and 550 m respectively from the front of the Breiðamerkurjökull. Sedimentological analysis at the forefield of the glacier shows thick, coarse glaciofluvial deposits interbedded with thin, fine-grained shallow lacustrine/swamp deposits, overlain by a deformed till unit at N-Jk. BA outcrop shows fine-grained shallow lacustrine/swamp deposits overlain by a deformed till unit. The sequence of deformation events from one outcrop to the other is similar. First, major thrust planes, which were rooted in shallow lacustrine/swamp deposits developed by glacially induced simple shear. Next, the thrusts were folded, indicating the deformation of hydroplastic sediment assisted by moderate fluid pressure. Then clastic dyke swarms crosscut the sedimentary succession, proving that fluid overpressure caused hydrofracturing associated with fluidisation. Finally, as water escaped from the glacier bed, fluid pressure dropped, and normal faulting occurred in brittle-state subglacial sediments. Fluid-pressure variations are related to glacier dynamics. They control the deformation sequence by modifying subglacial rheological behaviour and the nature of the subglacial tectonism.  相似文献   

This study examines a sediment core (SR-63) from a mangrove ecosystem along the Sibun River in Belize, which is subject to both changes in sea-level and in the characteristics of the river's drainage basin. Radiocarbon dates from the core show a decreased sedimentation rate from ~ 6 ka to 1 cal ka BP and a marked change in lithology from primarily mangrove peat to fluvial-derived material at ~ 2.5 cal ka BP. Changes in the sedimentation rates observed in mangrove ecosystems offshore have previously been attributed to changes in relative sea-level and the rate of sea-level rise. Pollen analyses show a decreased abundance of Rhizophora (red mangrove) pollen and an increased abundance of Avicennia (black mangrove) pollen and non-mangrove pollen coeval with the decreased sedimentation rates. Elemental ratios ([N:C]a) and stable isotope analyses (δ15N and δ13C) show that changes in the composition of the organic material are also coeval with the change in lithology. The decrease in sedimentation rate at the site of core SR-63 and at offshore sites supports the idea that regional changes in hydrology occurred during the Holocene in Belize, influencing both mainland and offshore mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

Four major ash zones recorded in piston cores raised from the Iceland Plateau north of Iceland are shown to be coincident with the last four interglacial isotopic stages. Their geochemical composition links the ashes to volcanic events on Iceland. The occurrence of these ash layers, which record events orders of magnitude larger than the ‘normal’ Holocene volcanic eruptions, can not be explained by changes in sea ice cover and atmospheric circulation alone. It is suggested that these events are related to pressure releases in the magma chambers resulting from major deglaciations of the Icelandic Ice Cap.  相似文献   

Rodent middens from ice-rich loess deposits are important new paleoenvironmental archives for Eastern Beringia. Plant macrofossils recovered from three middens associated with Dawson tephra (ca. 24,000 14C yr B.P.) at two sites in Yukon Territory include diverse graminoids, forbs, and mosses. These data suggest substantial local scale floristic and habitat diversity in valley settings, including steppe-tundra on well-drained soils, moist streamside meadows, and hydric habitats. Fossil arctic ground squirrel burrows and nesting sites indicate that permafrost active layers were thicker during Pleistocene glacial periods than at present on north-facing slopes.  相似文献   

The preservation of the organic-walled microbiota of the Lakhanda Lagerstätte in the Kumakha mudstone succession of the late Mesoproterozoic Lakhanda Group (Uchur-Maya region, southeast Siberia) is a result of unusually favorable paleoecologic, taphonomic, and diagenetic conditions. Well known for its marked taxonomic diversity and exquisite preservation, the biota inhabited a warm, shallow, epicontinental basin rich in nutrients into which were dispersed clay minerals, from weathering of continental crust, and minor amounts of volcanic detritus. The fossils were preserved by compression in fine-grained smectite–illite–kaolinite mudstones deposited in a sulfur-deficient disoxic and anoxic environment. Subsequently, the long-term (1 Ga) tectonic stability of the southeast margin of the Siberian platform has provided an exceptional environment for the preservation of the microfossil assemblage without significant diagenetic alteration. Conclusions drawn here from studies of the paleoecology, taphonomy, and diagenesis of the Lakhanda Lagerstätte may provide a globally useful model in the search for additional evidence of the Precambrian rise to dominance of eukaryotes in the Earth's biosphere.  相似文献   

The foreland of Breidamerkurjökull, Iceland, is the only locality where tills known to have undergone subglacial deformation are exposed. Till on the foreland has a two-tiered structure, consisting of a dilatant upper horizon c 0.5 m thick and a compact lower till; these horizons correspond to the ductile deforming A horizon and the brittle-ductile B horizon observed below the glacier by G. S. Boulton and co-workers. The relationship between known strain history and a variety of macrofabric elements is examined for these two genetic facies of deformation till. The upper horizon exhibits variable a-axis fabrics and abundant evidence for clast re-alignment, reflecting ductile flow and rapid clast response to transient strains. In contrast, the lower horizon has consistently well organized a-axis fabrics with a narrow range of dip values, recording clast rotation into parallel with strain axes during brittle or brittle-ductile shear. The data indicate that till strain history imparts identifiable macrofabric signatures, providing important analogues to guide the interpretation of Pleistocene tills.  相似文献   

A study of proglacial deformation associated with a Late Weichselian glaciomarine sequence was carried out at Melabakkar-Ásbakkar, west Iceland. At this site, coarse-grained sediments have been deformed into compressive structures with no associated push moraine morphology. Two large structures were examined, Structure A which consists of large-scale reverse (and normal) faulting and overturned bedding; and Structure B, which is more complex, with open folding, high-angle reverse faulting, nappe structures and normal faulting. The structures were interpreted as the result of increasing compressive proglacial deformation, followed by subglacial deformation, which destroyed the surface morphology of the push moraine and incorporated some of the sediments into a subglacial diamicton. The results from this study were compared with other examples of proglacial deformation, and it is suggested that at sites where deformation was restricted to the margin, longitudinal strain was lower than at sites where deformation extended out into the foreland. It is also suggested that if deformation increases downglacier, this is indicative of an overall glacial advance, whilst if the deformation decreases downglacier, this is indicative of a glacial retreat.  相似文献   

The Skagafjörður fjord in northern Iceland is located between the Tröllaskagi Peninsula in the east and the Skagi Peninsula in the west. The tributary valleys of the fjord originate in the highland area about 15 km north of the Hofsjökull icecap. The results of this work improve the knowledge of the deglaciation pattern in Skagafjörður and explore the adequacy of the 36Cl cosmic ray exposure dating method in an Icelandic environment, where this method has rarely been applied to deglaciated surfaces. The 36Cl dating method was applied to 13 rock samples taken on a transect from the coastal areas towards the highlands. All samples were obtained from rock outcrops with glacier‐polished surfaces from the Last Glaciation and from one of the few well‐preserved erratic boulders. The cosmogenic results, combined with previous radiocarbon results, indicate that the ice margin was situated in the outermost sector of Skagafjörður at approximately 17–15 ka BP. Subsequently, it retreated and occupied the central part of the fjord between 15 and 12 ka BP and then the innermost sector of the fjord about 11 ka BP. The samples collected between this position and the highlands show an average age of approximately 11 ka, indicating rapid deglaciation after the early Preboreal. These results agree with earlier studies of the deglaciation history of northern Iceland, reinforce previous deglaciation models in the area and enable a better understanding of glacial evolution in the North Atlantic from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene transition.  相似文献   

To enable the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of the Gurpi Formation,within the ‘Dezak’ or Globigerina Marl,a stratigraphic section at Booraki,located to the NNW of Shiraz,SW Iran,through the late Cretaceous was examined.The formation consists of shale and greenish-gray marls interbedded with cream limestone,brown sandstones and siltstones with an exposed thickness of 160 m in the studied section.Samples were taken at regular intervals in all yielding 14 genera and 16 different species of benthic and planktic foraminifera that allowed determination of the age of the beds as Maastrichtian.To examine the paleoecology of the formation,some important ecological factors including water level,salinity,and oxygen regime change during the depositional courses of the formation were analyzed.The density of foraminiferans decreases from the base to top of the Gurpi Formation whereas the ratio of planktic to benthic Foraminifera(i.e.,P/B) and proportion of shallow-water fauna increase.These foraminiferal changes indicate an increase and decrease in depth,temperature,salinity and oxygen,respectively,at the base and top of the Formation.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between late Holocene fluctuations of Lambatungnajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap in Iceland, and variations in climate. Geomorphological evidence is used to reconstruct the pattern of glacier fluctuations, while lichenometry and tephrostratigraphy are used to date glacial landforms deposited over the past ˜400 years. Moraines dated using two different lichenometric techniques indicate that the most extensive period of glacier expansion occurred shortly before c . AD 1795, probably during the 1780s. Recession over the last 200 years was punctuated by re-advances in the 1810s, 1850s, 1870s, 1890s and c . 1920, 1930 and 1965. Lambatungnajökull receded more rapidly in the 1930s and 1940s than at any other time during the last 200 years. The rate and style of glacier retreat since 1930 compare well with other similar-sized, non-surging, glaciers in southeast Iceland, suggesting that the terminus fluctuations are climatically driven. Furthermore, the pattern of glacier fluctuations over the 20th century broadly reflects the temperature oscillations recorded at nearby meteorological stations. Much of the climatic variation experienced in southern Iceland, and the glacier fluctuations that result, can be explained by secular changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Advances of Lambatungnajökull generally occur during prolonged periods of negative NAO index. The main implication of this work relates to the exact timing of the Little Ice Age in the Northeast Atlantic. Mounting evidence now suggests that the period between AD 1750 and 1800, rather than the late 19th century, represented the culmination of the Little Ice Age in Iceland.  相似文献   

The geometry and thermal history of fractures have been determined at 59 stations from Reykjavik to Hvalfjördur in southwestern Iceland. The data provide information on crustal stress regimes in the vicinity of mid-ocean ridges.Two major, generalized fracture orientations are present
1. (1) a northeast system, trend 010°–030°, except on Akranes where the orientation is 040°–060°
2. (2) a broad east—west system containing one or more sets with strike between 070°–130°.
Thermal history of the host rock and fractures was determined from secondary minerals in vugs and fractures. The thermal history indicates that the northeast fracture set opened while the area was within the relatively hot axial zone of active volcanism and rifting. Some of the east—west trending fractures also opened at this time but many formed later, after the area had begun to cool and drift from the active zone.The northeast fracture set is essentially parallel to the trend of dikes and normal faults in southwestern Iceland. They have been interpreted as extension fractures (resulting in about 0.4% maximum extension) forming generally from the same stress field associated with normal faulting and dike injection in the active zone. Fracturing in an east-west direction (estimated 0.1% maximum extension), mainly near the edge and outside the active zone, indicates a reorientation of this stress field. The dominant mechanism related to the origin of the east—west fractures may be thermoelastic stresses arising from axial and basal accretion and cooling of lithospheric plates.Both fracture systems are inferred to have formed, in the Griffiths idealization, under nearly biaxial effective compressive loading on the order of 200 bar. The discrepancy between this value and the kilobar-order strengths of short-time laboratory tests reflects such factors as high temperature stress corrosion and fatigue. Fracture propagation is assumed to have been stable, but governed primarily by lateral load-diminishing mechanisms rather than by progressive loading. These relaxation mechanisms may have been episodic (northeast-system fissure swarm activity) or steady-state (thermoelastic contraction) in time.  相似文献   

Two species of marine Foraminifera have been identified in the Quaternary pluvial sequence of the Estancia Valley, central New Mexico. Besides being an unusual occurrence of marine organisms in an inland body of water remote from the marine environment, the Foraminifera yield useful paleolimnological and paleoclimatological information about two major late Wisconsin pluvial lakes. In addition, the geographic location of the Estancia Valley relative to the closest marine environment requires foraminiferal introduction by avian means. Paleontologic evidence verifies the freshwater nature of the pluvial maxima of Late Lake Estancia (18,000-10,500 BP) and Lake Willard (8500-6000 BP) but early lake conditions were considerably different. The occurrence of foraminifers Cribroelphidium selseyense and Protelphidium orbiculare, both extant species, in the sediments from the early part of each pluvial stand indicates that initial lake development was characterized by a salinity range of 25 to 35%.. At these times lake depth approximated 6 m. By comparison, the freshwater maximum of Late Lake Estancia attained a minimum depth of 90 m. The modern holarctic distribution of the Foraminifera could suggest a mean August lake temperature of 10°C during the developmental stages of Late Lake Estancia and Lake Willard. Because of the shallow-water nature of the lake basins it is likely that this temperature was reflective of mean August air temperature. Therefore, a lowering of mean August air temperature of 9.7°C from that of the present is possible.  相似文献   

Petrology of the Western Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
The active tholeiitic volcanic zone of the Reykjanes Peninsulaconsists of five volcanic fissure swarms, the two westernmostof which are the subject of this petrological study. The recent(less than 12,000 years) extrusives of the swarms group morphologicallyand petrographically into small picrite basalt lava shields,large olivine tholeiite lava shields and tholeiite fissure lavas;formed in that chronological succession. The picrite basalts exhibit a primitive mineralogy with chromite,olivine (Fo 89) and plagioclase (An 90) as phenocrysts and mayrepresent a primary liquid from the mantle. Simultaneous crystallizationof olivine, plagioclase and augite to form glomerocrysts inthe fissure lavas indicate low pressure cotectic crystallizationconditions. Twenty-eight new major element chemical analyses of the lavasare presented. They are generally characterized by a low contentof alkalies and high CaO. The lavas constitute two main suites,a lava shield suite and a fissure lava suite. There is a positivecorrelation between the volume of individual lavas and the contentof incompatible elements of the lavas within each group. Likewisethere is an overall chemical trend through time demonstrated,for example, by a rise in K2O from about 0.02 per cent to 0.24per cent during the last, approximately, 12,000 years. There is an apparent chemical zoning within each volcanic swarmsuch that the most evolved and youngest lavas are found in thecentral axial area of the swarm. This central area is also characterizedby graben subsidence, high magnetic anomalies and high temperaturethermal areas, all indicative of shallow magma reservoir(s).In spite of indications of fractional crystallization in theevolution of the olivine tholeiites and tholeiites, some otherprocesses must be sought to explain the volume chemistry relations.Cyclic volcanic activity is tentatively suggested to explainthe observed regular temporal variations within the swarm, eachcycle starting with the formation of picrite basalts.  相似文献   

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